Acl Rehab Protocol
Acl Rehab Protocol
Acl Rehab Protocol
Phase 1
Acute Management, Early Motion and Basic
Movement Retraining
Phase 2
Basic Strength and Proprioception
Phase 3
Dynamic Neuromotor Strength,
Endurance and Coordination
Phase 4
Athletic Enhancement and Return to Activity
Phase 5
Sports Performance and Injury Prevention
Physical Therapy
Evaluation Sheets
Rehabilitation Guide
Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction
UW Health Sports Medicine Staff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Special Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Understanding the
Anterior Cruciate Ligament . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
UW Health Sports Rehabilitation:
Progressive ACL Testing for Return to Sport . . . . . . . . . . 11
Phase 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Acute Management/Early Motion and
Basic Movement Retraining
Phase 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Basic Strength and Proprioception
Phase 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Dynamic Neuromotor Strength, Endurance
and Coordination
Phase 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Athletic Enhancement and Return to Activity
Phase 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Sports Performance and Injury Prevention
(608) 263-8850
Geoff Baer, MD, PhD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263-1356
David Bernhardt, MD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263-6477
Sports Rehabilitation at
Princeton Club East, Suite 100
(608) 265-1221
Physicians Assistants
Brian Bruno, PA, LAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263-8850
Sports Rehabilitation at
Princeton Club West
8042 Watts Rd.
(608) 265-7500
General Information
Before Your Surgery
Swelling Control
During the first 24-48 hours after surgery, you may run
your cooling unit continually. For days 2-7, you should
use the cooling unit 4-6 times per day for about 45
minutes each time. The frequency of icing after the first 7
days will depend on how well your swelling is controlled.
More swelling will require more icing. When you are
not using the cooling unit, you should remove the pad
over the knee. The pad should be removed for at least
eight hours per day. This will prevent condensation from
forming underneath the pad. If you have a reconstruction
using a hamstring graft, you may find it helpful for pain
relief to alternate the position of the polar pad between
the front of your knee and the posterior medial (back
inside) aspect of your knee where the incision is located.
Be sure to have ample ice at home.
Your surgeon will determine if it is necessary for you to
wear a brace after surgery. This will depend on the time
of year, other injuries in addition to the ACL tear and type
of procedure you have done. If your meniscus is repaired
you will have a brace that keeps your knee locked while
weight bearing for the first few weeks, but you will be
able to unlock the brace or remove it for range of motion
exercises that are non-weight bearing. Your surgeon and
physical therapist or athletic trainer will determine when
you can begin to remove the brace.
Return to Work
Returning to work will vary for each person. Even if you
have a desk job, you will want to be off work for 7-10
days. If you do not have a desk job, your return to work
will be related to how well you are able to control the
swelling and protect the knee from potentially dangerous
You will be working with a physical therapist or an
athletic trainer who will determine the frequency of
appointments needed, based primarily on your progress.
The recovery of strength, balance and movement control
will occur over 4-8 months. Your compliance with your
rehab program will be the main determinant in the
return of your strength, balance and movement control.
Return to certain activities and sports will depend on how
stressful the activity is on your knee as well as strength,
balance, and movement control. Return to high demand
You may return to driving when you feel comfortable and
when you have adequate reaction time. It is in your best
interest not to drive (unless it is the left knee and you
are driving an automatic transmission) until your brace
is unlocked. Also remember, it is unsafe to drive while
taking narcotic pain medication (for example, Percocet
or Codeine).
Special Precautions
Certain procedures may require slight modifications to
the normal ACL post-operative restrictions. Please see the
list of procedures and associated precautions:
Meniscal repair
Patients of Drs. Graf, Dunn, Baer and Keene should not
perform any weight bearing with knee flexion (bending)
for four weeks. This requires the patient to wear the brace
locked while walking for four weeks. This protects the
meniscal repair sutures and anchors. You are allowed to
work on flexion range of motion in non-weight bearing
positions. While performing these exercises, be cautious
to avoid a pinching type discomfort or pain in the back of
the knee.
Patients need to modify the normal weight bearing
progression to protect the healing fibrocartilage matrix.
During the first two weeks, patients should be non-weight
bearing (no weight placed on the involved leg), and
during weeks three and four they should be touchdown
weight bearing (20-30 lbs.). At the start of week five, they
can slowly begin to put more weight on the involved
leg with the goal of achieving full weight bearing by six
weeks, post-operatively. During this time, the brace may
be unlocked if the patient has good leg control.
OATS procedure (allograft or autograft)
Patients need to modify the normal weight bearing
progression to protect the healing cartilage plug(s).
During the first three weeks patients should be nonweight bearing (no weight placed on the involved leg),
and during weeks four through six they should be
touchdown weight bearing (20-30 lbs.). At the start of
week seven, they can slowly begin to put more weight on
the involved leg with the goal of achieving full weight
bearing by seven to eight weeks, post-operatively. During
the first six weeks the brace should be locked in extension
Medial Collateral Ligament (MCL) Injury
If a patient has a concominant MCL injury they may be
braced longer after ACL surgery. If the MCL is not operated
on but still healing this may protect it more, if the MCL is
repaired it will protect the repair until healed.
Understanding the
Anterior Cruciate Ligament
The knee joint is composed of the femur (thigh bone),
tibia (shinbone), and the patella (knee cap). The knee
joint is primarily a hinge joint, but it does allow a slight
amount of rotation during bending and straightening
movements. Sitting between the tibia and femur are two
pads of cartilage called the medial meniscus and lateral
meniscus (collectively termed menisci). The menisci
act as shock absorbers between the femur and the tibia
that protect the joint surfaces. The shape of the menisci
increases the concavity of the tibial surface, which
enhances the stability of the knee joint (Figure 1).
Mechanisms of Injury
There are two typical mechanisms of injury that lead to
a torn ACL. The primary mechanism is a shearing of the
ACL when a sudden shifting occurs between the tibia and
the femur. This can occur when a person is running and
attempts to rapidly slow down and change direction at the
same time, or attempts to turn quickly after the foot has
been planted.
The second mechanism is hyperextension of the knee
causing failure of the ligament from excessive stretching.
Hyperextension can occur as a result of landing from a
jump with the knee extended or by sustaining a blow to
the front of an extended knee.
Consequences of Injury
If the ACL is torn, the stability of the knee joint is
compromised. This may lead to episodes of knee
instability or giving way, particularly during activities that
require jumping or changing directions quickly. Repeated
episodes of knee instability increase the risk for injury to
the menisci and may lead to premature degeneration of
the joint surfaces.
Normal ACL
Torn ACL
One bone plug is taken from the patella and the other is
harvested from the tibia (Figure 3). Tunnels are drilled in
the femur and the tibia near the normal attachment sites
for the ACL.
The patellar tendon graft is then threaded through the
tunnels so that it is placed where the original ACL was
located. The bone plugs of the graft are then anchored
with screws into the femur and tibia.
The disadvantage of the patellar tendon graft is that
patients occasionally have problems with anterior knee
pain or patellar tendonitis because of the location from
which the tendon graft was taken.
Removing the central third of the patellar tendon often
causes more immediate post-operative stiffness than
using a hamstring graft. This may require more initial
work with range of motion exercises.
Post-operative rehabilitation is essential in optimizing
your function and return to sport after an ACL
reconstruction.6 Frequently during an ACL reconstruction,
other injuries or pathologies are addressed during surgery.
These additional procedures require special post-operative
precautions. (see page 5). The process of returning to
physical and athletic activities is not based on time, it
is based on the individuals ability to achieve certain
milestones or criteria. The time needed to do this will vary
from individual to individual.
Post-operative rehabilitation begins the day after surgery.
The four phases of post-operative rehabilitation are
described in detail in this booklet. Your compliance with
this program will have a direct effect on your function
and return to sport.4, 6
During the first phase of rehabilitation, the goals are to
increase your range of motion and strength, and return
to walking without crutches. There is evidence that pain
and swelling can hinder or inhibit your ability to generate
muscular force in your leg, especially your quadriceps.7
Thus, it is important to minimize swelling and pain to
help restore your strength your ability to get stronger is
limited if your knee is swollen. You can decrease swelling
by elevating your knee above your heart, icing your knee
with the cooling unit, using compression wraps on your
leg and avoiding too much activity the first few weeks
after surgery. In addition to your prescribed medications,
the points listed above will also help to minimize your
pain. Scar tissue massage/mobilization and patellar
mobilizations may also be used to help decrease pain.1
As pain and swelling decrease, you will begin more specific
strength training exercises in Phase 2. During this phase
it is still important to monitor the return of any pain or
swelling. Phase 2 will also focus on restoring your strength
and proprioception. There is evidence to show that strength
deficits have a direct effect on functional outcomes and
return to sport.4,6 Proprioception is a sensory modality
that provides internal feedback solely on the status of the
bodys position, movement and alignment.2,5 Various
balance exercises will be used to help improve and recover
your proprioception. These exercises also help to regain
strength.2 In subsequent phases when jumping, cutting
1. Busam ML, Provencher MT, Bach BR, Jr. Complications of
anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with bone-patellar
tendon-bone constructs: care and prevention. Am J Sports Med.
Feb 2008;36(2):379-394.
2. Cooper RL, Taylor NF, Feller JA. A systematic review of the effect
of proprioceptive and balance exercises on people with an
injured or reconstructed anterior cruciate ligament. Res Sports
Med. Apr-Jun 2005;13(2):163-178.
3. Krych AJ, Jackson JD, Hoskin TL, Dahm DL. A meta-analysis
of patellar tendon autograft versus patellar tendon allograft
in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Arthroscopy. Mar
4. Moisala AS, Jarvela T, Kannus P, Jarvinen M. Muscle strength
evaluations after ACL reconstruction. Int J Sports Med. Oct
5. Myer GD, Paterno MV, Ford KR, Hewett TE. Neuromuscular
training techniques to target deficits before return to sport after
anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. J Strength Cond Res.
May 2008;22(3):987-1014.
6. Myer GD, Paterno MV, Ford KR, Quatman CE, Hewett TE.
Rehabilitation after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction:
criteria-based progression through the return-to-sport phase. J
Orthop Sports Phys Ther. Jun 2006;36(6):385-402.
7. Palmieri-Smith RM, Thomas AC, Wojtys EM. Maximizing
quadriceps strength after ACL reconstruction. Clin Sports Med.
Jul 2008;27(3):405-424, vii-ix.
8. Pinczewski LA, Lyman J, Salmon LJ, Russell VJ, Roe J,
Linklater J. A 10-year comparison of anterior cruciate ligament
reconstructions with hamstring tendon and patellar tendon
autograft: a controlled, prospective trial. Am J Sports Med. Apr
Performance Testing
Vertical Hop
Vertical 4 Hop
Horizontal Hop
Horizontal Cross-over Hop
Repeated Hop for fatigue
Psychological Testing
Psychological readiness to return to sports scale
Appropriate clinical decision making needs to be
employed by the physical therapist or athletic trainer
to make sure the individual patient is ready for each
test since some patients may need to delay their
testing. Patients should be encouraged to test as hard
as they feel is safe.
For all testing it is important that the patient controls
the landing positions. Failure to hold a landing
position with control is deemed a failed attempt and
must be repeated. Control for this purpose is defined
as at least a full second of single-leg balance after
Return to Sport
Return to sport is collaboratively determined by the
surgeon, sports rehabilitation staff and athlete. Return to
sport includes return to selected drills, partial participation
and full unrestricted participation. (see the Participation
Continuum on the following page) The above tests will
help determine when it is safe for you to return to sport. It
is important to realize that return to sport is not based on
a specific timeline; it is based on the individual athletes
ability to meet physical performance criteria, mental
readiness, age, sport and the position you play.
Participation Continuum:
1. Movement Patterns
a. Sprinting
b. Shuffle
c. Carioca
d. Zig-zag cutting
e. Shuttle change of direction
2. Closed Drills sport-specific drills without opposition
in a controlled speed environment
3. 1 on 1 Drills (no-contact) sport-specific drills/
activities where the athlete is expected to react to his/
her opponent without compensation
4. 1 on 1 Drills full speed 1 on 1 drills with game
necessary contact
5. Team Scrimmage (no-contact) patients are asked
to wear a different colored jersey to indicate there
contact restrictions during team scrimmaging when
6. Team Scrimmage full scrimmaging
7. Restricted Play progressing time and situational
play as appropriate.
8. Full return to play
Phase 1
Acute Management/Early Motion and
Basic Movement Retraining
This phase begins immediately after surgery and continues for 2-4 weeks, depending on your
progress. To promote proper healing it is important not to progress too rapidly.
1. Achieve full active knee extension equal to the
uninvolved side
2. Eliminate swelling
3. Restore the ability to control the leg while weight
4. Achieve at least 125 of knee flexion
5. Be able to lift the leg in all directions without
6. Normalize walking pattern with the assistance of
crutches and/or brace
A. R
ange of Motion (ROM)
angle ~30
B. Muscle Activation
Quad sets
With the knee fully extended, contract your quadriceps
muscle as much as possible and hold for 5-10 seconds,
then relax for 5 seconds, Repeat for 2-3 minutes.
Straight leg raises
Once you can achieve a good quad set you can attempt
to lift the leg up 12 to 16 inches while maintaining full
knee extension. This should be held for 5-10 seconds, and
repeated 10-15 times. Your physical therapist or athletic
trainer will determine if you should do this with the brace
on or off.
be done with the brace off and when you may begin doing
this exercise standing on your surgical leg.
Weight shifting
Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and knees
slightly bent. Shift your weight from one foot to the other.
Hold for 5-10 seconds. This can also be done with one
foot in front of the other, shifting your weight forward
and backward from one foot to the other, holding for
5-10 seconds. Continue these various weight shifting
patterns for 2-3 minutes. You should start this exercise
with your brace on and your therapist will tell you when
it is okay to remove the brace.
Double leg mini squats
Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Perform a
mini squat by bending your knees and flexing your
hips. A good squat alignment will have the chest over
the knees and the knees over the feet, with the weight
evenly distributed over the feet. Do 1-3 sets of 10-15
repetitions. You should start this exercise with your brace
on and your therapist will tell you when it is okay to
remove the brace.
Crunches (below)
Lie on your back with the knees bent and feet flat on
the floor. Tighten abdominals by pressing the small of
your back against the floor. Hold abdominals in as you
slowly curl upper back, shoulders, and head 6-12 inches
away from the floor, one segment at a time towards your
center, or core. You should feel the movement being
initiated at your abdominals, not at your head. Hold this
position for a few seconds. Return slowly to the floor and
repeat. Hold your hands at your sides, across your chest,
or clasp your hands behind your head to support the
weight of your head.
Lateral Shift
Shift your weight forward onto your toes (heels just raise
off the ground), then back into your heels (should be
able to wiggle your toes). This movement is performed by
using a whole body forward/backward weight shift. The
angles of your knees, hips and trunk should not change.
Double leg toe raises
Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and knees
fully extended. Rise up onto your toes. Hold this position
for 2 seconds and then return. Do 1-3 sets of 10-15
repetitions. You should start this exercise with your brace
on and your therapist will tell you when it is okay to
remove the brace.
Diagonal crunches
Lie on your back with your right knee bent and foot
flat on the floor. Bend the left knee and rest the outside
aspect of the left ankle on the right knee to form a figure
four cross. Clasp your hands behind your neck. Tighten
abdominals by pressing the small of your back against
the floor. Keeping your left shoulder and left elbow on the
floor, rotate your body and bring your right elbow towards
your left knee. Return slowly to the floor and repeat.
Switch legs to work on rotating towards the right.
Back extension
Lie on your stomach. Place your hands at your side or
clasp behind your lower back. Lift your chest 6-12 inches
off the floor and towards your center. Return slowly to the
floor and repeat.
D. Ambulation
Diagonal weight shifting (below)
Place your involved foot in front of the uninvolved foot,
maintaining shoulder width distance between them.
Start with all of your weight on the uninvolved foot.
The involved leg should start in front of the other with
only the heel contacting the ground. As you shift your
weight towards the front foot, gradually let the entire foot
come into contact with the ground and slightly flex the
knee. Hold for 5 seconds and then return to the starting
position. Do 2-3 sets of 15-20 repetitions.
Step-overs (below)
Place a series of books or paper cups in a row, about
one step length apart. The books or objects should stack
up so that they are at least ankle height. Now walk
forward and backward, bending the knee to step over the
objects. Do 2-4 sets, walking continuously for 30-45
Backward stepping
Walk backward, focusing on raising your leg and avoid
swinging your legs out to the side. Try to lift the toes off
the ground before the heel when stepping off.
Do 2-3 sets, walking 50-75 feet for each set.
Phase 2
Basic Strength and Proprioception
This phase begins 2-6 weeks after surgery. It will usually take 3-5 weeks to achieve the goals in
this phase.
1. Restore proper body alignment and control with basic
movements, such as walking without assistance,
squats, stationary lunges and single-leg balance
2. Build lower extremity and core body strength
3. Develop increased proprioception, starting with
stationary postures and then progressing to movements
4. Achieve active range of motion equal to the uninvolved
Stationary bike
Adjust the seat height so that you feel a gentle stretch
with the knee bent at the pedals highest point.
Bike 5-10 minutes with minimal to no resistance.
Patients should be cautious to avoid too much biking
in Phase 2 as it may place too much repetitive stress
on the graft.
Prone hangs (below)
Lie on your stomach with the lower half of each leg
hanging off the bed. Hold this stretch position for
30-60 seconds, repeating 3-4 times. You may use the
uninvolved leg to apply a downward force on the heel
of the involved leg. This will force the knee into more
Iliotibial (IT) Band
Gastrocnemius/Soleus (calf)
Hip Flexors/Quadriceps
B. Gait Drills
These drills should be done with slow controlled
1. Forward high knee walk
C. Functional Strengthening
Squat (below)
Stand with your feet approximately hip width apart or a
little wider. Point your toes forward or slightly out to the
side. Lower your hips until your thighs are almost parallel
to the floor. If you lose balance before your thighs are
parallel to the floor, you may return to standing at any
time. Keep your knees aligned over your first and second
toes. Distribute your body weight over your entire foot or
towards the balls of your feet. Be sure to bend at the hips
when bending the knees. Return to standing.
D. Balance
In Phase 2 the focus will be on the development of
balance and proprioception. Exercises that challenge
different planes of balance will be emphasized, including:
1. Single leg toe raises
2. Single leg balance with reaches,
involving arms and legs
Repetitions_________ Hold time___________
3. Single leg balance, eyes closed
4. Single leg leaning towers
5. Single leg balance with various head, arm, trunk and
leg positions to challenge balance
Individual instructions:
E. Core Body
Crunches (below)
Lie on your back with the knees bent and feet flat on
the floor. Tighten abdominals by pressing the small of
your back against the floor. Hold abdominals in as you
slowly curl upper back, shoulders, and head 6-12 inches
away from the floor, one segment at a time towards your
center, or core. You should feel the movement being
initiated at your abdominals, not at your head. Hold this
position for a few seconds. Return slowly to the floor and
repeat. Hold your hands at your sides, across your chest,
or, clasp your hands behind your head to support the
weight of your head.
Diagonal crunches
Lie on your back with your right knee bent and foot
flat on the floor. Bend the left knee and rest the outside
aspect of the left ankle on the right knee to form a figure
four cross. Clasp your hands behind your neck. Tighten
abdominals by pressing the small of your back against
the floor. Keeping your left shoulder and left elbow on the
floor, rotate your body and bring your right elbow towards
your left knee. Return slowly to the floor and repeat.
Switch legs to work on rotating towards the right.
Back extension
Lie on your stomach. Place your hands at your side or
clasp behind your lower back. Lift your chest 6-12 inches
off the floor and towards your center. Return slowly to the
floor and repeat.
Bridge (below)
Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on
the floor. Your arms should be on the floor at your side.
Tighten your abdominals and buttocks as you lift your
hips off the floor high enough to form a straight line
from your shoulders to your knees. Do not arch your
back. Return slowly to the floor and repeat.
Cardiovascular conditioning
Alternate the modes of cardiovascular exercise.
(For example, Stairmaster for 10 minutes, stationary
bike for 10 minutes, UBE (upper body ergometry) for
5 minutes). Your goal is to use this variety to create a
cardiovascular demand without causing anterior knee
Upper body strength
Each patient will have an individualized program. The
demands of your sport or work requirements will guide
the design of this component.
Phase 3
Dynamic Neuromotor Strength, Endurance
and Coordination
This phase can be initiated when the goals of phase 2 are met. On average this will begin 6-8
weeks after surgery.
1. Increase the strength of the involved leg. You should
be doing strenuous pain-free strengthening at least
3 times per week. Consider doing more sets and
repetitions on the involved side to eliminate sideto-side strength differences. Be very cautious not to
overuse your non-surgical leg, as this will increase
the side-to-side difference. Progress from single plane
strengthening and functional exercises to multiplane strengthening and functional exercises (before
progressing the patient should be able to demonstrate
good alignment and control with each component of
the multi-plane exercise). This is a prerequisite for
future progression to cutting and pivoting activities.
2. Develop eccentric neuromuscular control to allow
acceptance of impact activities without increasing
symptoms (before initiating impact activities the
patient should not have any swelling, have full
knee extension, be able to balance on one leg for 10
seconds and be able to perform a single leg squat
to approximately 45-60 of knee flexion with good
posture and control).
3. Develop dynamic flexibility to allow for proper
alignment during activities of increasing speed.
4. Full range of motion is expected.
A. Range of Motion
If full range of motion has not been achieved by this
phase, your physical therapist or athletic trainer may
want to consider additional measures such as modalities
or manual therapy to assist in regaining range of motion.
Continue with extension on bolster or prone hangs
Continue with flexion exercises such as stationary bike
and prone flexion
Continue with static flexibility exercises
C. Functional Strengthening
NOTE: Most of the recommended strengthening
exercises are closed chain with a component of
stability and control. If a patient is having trouble
re-gaining quadriceps strength it is acceptable to
provide that patient with some open chain quadriceps
strengthening exercises. Caution should be taken to
monitor any associated anterior knee pain with these
Squat with knee lift
Start with your feet together. Squat to a comfortable
level that you can maintain for at least 10 seconds.
Shift your body weight to one leg and raise the opposite
knee without compromising your posture. Hold 5-10
seconds, Lower your knee and switch legs.
laterally (to the outside) with the opposite leg until your
hip is fully extended. Return to a squat. Do not allow any
transfer of weight from the stance leg to the reaching leg
until the desired numbers of repetitions are completed.
Switch legs.
Squat and alternating reach (below)
Perform as the squat and reach exercise but alternate
legs with every repetition. Maintain the distance between
your hips and the floor as you alternate legs as quickly as
Dumbbells or medicine balls can be added to progress the amount of resistance with these exercises.
Rehabilitation Guide: Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction
Reverse lunge
Start from a standing position with your feet together.
Step backwards into a lunge, then return to standing.
Your center of gravity should be forward and above your
front knee.
Lateral lunge walk (below)
Start from a standing position with your feet together.
Step sideways into a lunge with 80-85% of your weight
on the lead leg (knee over the foot) with the trail leg
relatively straight. Push up with the lead leg to return to
standing. Be careful not to bounce off the toes of the trail
leg. Repeat with the other leg.
Dumbbells or medicine balls can be added to progress the amount of resistance with these exercises.
E. Balance
Step offs
Step off a 6-10 inch high box. Try to land on both feet
simultaneously. Absorb the shock of the landing by
coming into a squat position upon landing. When you
are able to perform this consistently, correctly and without
symptoms, your physical therapist or athletic trainer will
progress you to single leg landings.
Bounce jumps
Stand with equal weight on both feet. Now perform
the first portion of a shallow jump. Your toes may not
leave the ground initially. Repeat this to produce a
light bouncing action. When you are able to perform
this consistently, correctly and without symptoms, your
physical therapist or athletic trainer will progress you to
single leg bouncing.
Jump stops
Perform three forward jumps, with both legs, then stop.
Maintain good balance in a squat position for 3-4 seconds
upon stopping. Repeat this sequence 10-20 times. When
you are able to perform this consistently, correctly and
without symptoms, your physical therapist or athletic
trainer will progress you to single leg hopping.
F. Core Body
The core functions to bend, stretch, twist and stabilize
your body. The anatomical terms for these functions are
flexion, extension, rotation and stabilization, respectively.
Phase 4
Athletic Enhancement and Return to Activity
This phase can be initiated when the goals of Phase 3 are met. This phase will usually begin 12-16
weeks after surgery.
1. Progress from double leg impact control to single
leg impact control (this should not be initiated
before 8 weeks post-op, a KT1000 measurement and
completing the double leg progression).
2. Develop proper technique and appropriate
neuromuscular control with start and stop movements
and change of direction movements. This includes
cutting and pivoting (this should not be initiated
before 8 weeks post-op, a KT1000 measurement and
completing the double leg progression).
3. Eliminate apprehension that may exist with complex
movements related to sports.
A. Dynamic Warm Up
These drills are designed to enhance athletic performance
by preparing your body for the demands of your sport.
This warm-up will help with increasing core body
temperature, mental alertness, elasticity of the muscular
system and activation of your neuro-muscular system. It
may take from 5-15 minutes to perform. The following
exercises are similar to the agility drills in Phase 3, but
now you will begin to increase the size and speed of
1. Forward skip
2. Backward skip
3. Side skip
4. Side shuffle with arm swings
5. Carioca or grapevine with short quick strides
6. Carioca with increasing backward hip rotation with
longer strides
7. 3 step and stop
8. Back pedal accelerations
9. Fast feet in place
10. Tall-fall-run
B. M
ulti-planar Landing Control
and Neuromuscular Reaction
Jump rotations
Perform a squat jump, while in the air turn 90, then
land on a box and hold the landing. Attempt to increase
the duration of balance and control during the landing.
Sets_______ Repetitions_______
Fast feet and lunge
Do fast feet choppers in place for 3-4 seconds, then lunge
forward. From the lunge position return to the upright
fast feet sequence. Continue this cycle, alternating the
lunge leg.
a. Forward
b. Lateral
c. Multi-angle
Sets_______ Repetitions_______
Multi-planar leap and land
Stand on one leg, then using opposite arm and leg action
push off that leg to become slightly airborne. Land softly
by bending the knee and hip as your other foot contacts
the ground. Pause and hold your balance in this partial
squat position for 2-3 seconds.
a. Forward
b. Lateral
c. Diagonal
d. 90 degree rotation
Sets_______ Repetitions_______
Stop and go
Jog forward a few paces and stop softly on one foot, hold
this landing for 1-2 seconds. Continue this sequence in
multiple directions.
(Single foot takeoffsingle foot land)
Use opposite arm and leg action. Land softly by initiating
contact at the ball of the foot and as the heel comes to the
ground the knee and hip should flex (bend). Attempt to
increase the duration of balance and control (not letting
the knee go in towards midline) during the landing.
C. F
unctional Movements and
Forward lunge walk with rotation
Start from a standing position with your feet together and
hands holding a small weight overhead. Step forward into
a lunge and bring the weight over forward leg to touch
the ground. As you stand to lunge forward to the other
leg, the weight should travel in a smooth arc overhead.
Sets_______ Repetitions_______
One legged squat
This exercise is performed in a similar manner as the
squat, but is performed with only leg at a time. Attention
to postural alignment is very important.
Sets_______ Repetitions_______
Single leg deadlift
Stand on one leg with the knee straight but not hyperextended while holding a weight or medicine ball. Reach
toward the floor with the weight by flexing at the hip but
keeping the knee and back straight. Raise back up to a
standing position by extending the hip.
Sets_______ Repetitions_______
Lunge clock
This exercise utilizes the lunge at multiple angles. To
perform this exercise, imagine yourself standing in the
center of a clock. Now, lunge out to each number on the
face of the clock, coming back to the center each time.
Sets_______ Repetitions_______
Lateral lunge walk
Start from a standing position with your feet together
holding a medicine ball overhead. Step sideways into
a lunge with 80-85% of your weight on the lead leg
(knee over the foot) and the trail leg should be relatively
straight. As you go in to the lunge position you should
bring the medicine ball down, just in front of the knee.
Then push up with the lead leg to return to standing.
The ball should be pushed overhead while the lead leg is
extending (straightening).
Phase 5
Sports Performance and Injury Prevention
At this point your physical therapist or athletic trainer will provide you with specific exercises
based on your sport and specific needs. These exercises are important for enhancing sports
performance and preventing future injuries.
General Information
1. Welcome to Performance Spectrum! Classes meet two
times per week.
Phase I
Phase II
Phase III
UW Health Performance Spectrum is a lower extremity,
group rehabilitation program that integrates
philosophies of sports training with philosophies of
functional rehabilitation. The program is designed to
provide athletes an opportunity to work on functional
conditioning and sport specific drills that prepare
them to return to sport activities. We can better return
athletes to their full motor potential by rehabilitating
the injuries, retraining the kinetics, or movements, of
their required sports skills and provide the necessary
tools to attain higher levels of fitness, strength, flexibility,
movement and sports skill. Athletes in this program
participate with others who have experienced similar
injuries, and therefore, receive the camaraderie and
motivation needed to successfully achieve performance
goals. The class is primarily designed for patients who
have had ACL reconstruction but is beneficial for all
lower extremity injuries. Evidence has shown that return
to sport rehabilitation and sports performance training
have similarities. Therefore this program is also available
to non-injured athletes. There are three phases of
progression in the program: basic, intermediate.
Phase I: Return to basic fundamental
The key to bridging the gap between rehabilitation and
sports application is to return to basic fundamental
movement skills. This begins with postural awareness
exercises, balance activities, proprioceptive challenges,
coordination activities and basic functional strengthening
drills. These activities are used as building blocks for
more advanced and complex sports movements. Lack
of these skills may result in a deficit in movement
pattern and movement response. Athletes in this phase
of rehabilitation must have already addressed the
physiological responses of pain, swelling, range of motion
and basic strength during the early phases of healing.
By incorporating components of general athletic
fitness, athletes can maximize the gains made in
rehabilitation. More importantly, each participant
works with others who have similar needs to emphasize
functional strengthening, agility and sports specific
training. To make this class work, individual time and
effort is required. Below is a list of some very important
aspects of general athletic fitness. Athletes will be
instructed on activities for each component and will
become independent with these activities. Participants
are encouraged to pair up with a classmate as a good
motivational tool.
Warm-up, cool-down
Warming up before each workout and cooling down
afterwards are very important aspects of total fitness. A
proper warm-up period allows the heart to gradually
accelerate into the training zone, preparing the body
for more strenuous activity. Warm-up consists of 5-10
minutes of gradually progressive exertion on the
stationary bike or stair master, followed by a dynamic
warm up outlined by the performance spectrum staff or
your physical therapist/athletic trainer. This component
helps to prepare the neuromuscular system for the
demands of class activities.
Normal musculoskeletal function requires that an
adequate range of motion be maintained in all joints.
Stretching exercises are important for developing and
maintaining these motions. Stretching not only prepares
the body for activities but also helps in preventing
unnecessary injuries. Stretches are generally performed
right after warm-up and again at the end of the workout.
Cardiovascular conditioning
General athletic fitness is the base on which sport-specific
athletic fitness and skills are built. Each sport demands a
certain level of aerobic or anaerobic endurance. To begin
developing cardio-respiratory endurance, a conditioning
program is initiated at the beginning of the program.
Core body
Strong core body musculature is important in every
athletic motion. The trunk and torso transfer and
stabilize all forces generated by the upper and lower body
musculature. Strong abdominals also help support the
lower back, which is a common site for athletic injury.
Patient Profile
Street Address_____________________________________________________________________
City____________________________________ State________ Zip_________________________
Work Phone__________________________ Home Phone____________________________________
Date________________ Age_________
What is included in your current exercise program?
Strengthening (include frequencies and volume (sets x reps) of each exercise)__________________________
Cardiovascular conditioning (include frequencies and duration)___________________________________
Where do you perform your exercise program?________________________________________________
What activities tend to irritate your injury?__________________________________________________
Do you perform regular recreational physical activities? Yes No
If not, what is the major obstacle? time motivation lack of facility other__________________________
What is your rehabilitation goal?
return to sports return to work physical demands with activities of daily living
What is your profession?______________________________________________________________
Would you describe your lifestyle as: sedentary fairly active moderately active highly active?
What sport(s) do you participate in?______________________________________________________
What position(s) do you play?__________________________________________________________
T-shirt size (circle one) M L XL XXL