Human, Social, Intellectual and Emotional Capital
Human, Social, Intellectual and Emotional Capital
Human, Social, Intellectual and Emotional Capital
A measure of the economic value of an employee's skill set. This measure builds on the basic
production input of labor measure where all labor is thought to be equal. The concept of human
capital recognizes that not all labor is equal and that the quality of employees can be improved
by investing in them. The education, experience and abilities of an employee have an economic
value for employers and for the economy as a whole.
Social Capital
The term social capital includes:
Characteristics and behavior patterns of a social organization (values, beliefs and norms)
and social relationships that enable cooperation and action for the benefit of all.
Social relationships between individuals that enable community building, the fostering of
involvement, and the development of trust and solidarity between community members.
Social capital relates to the relationships between individuals, that is, to the social links and
norms of mutuality and trust between members, as they develop in social networks. The
development of trust affects the other types of capital and has proved to be essential to any
improvement in the education level, to the reduction of crime and to economic success.
Emotional capital
that individuals need in order to convert their knowledge and relationships into effective actions.
the feelings, beliefs, perceptions and values that people hold when they engage with any
business. Its the emotional assets in your organization that determine whether or not people will
work well for you, buy from you, employ you and enter into business with you.
2. Internal Emotional Capital -the value of the emotional commitments held in the hearts of the
people within your business. It can be is seen in the energy and enthusiasm that people bring to
work to create products and solve problems. Every relationship that your business has with
everyone it touches is an asset and an investment. To build emotional wealth you must treat your
people as investors because that is what they are intellectual and emotional investors. Every
day they bring their heads and hearts to work. And if they dont, you wont be in business very
3. Intra-personal Emotional Capital - the level of positive, focused energy that you invest at
work and in your personal life. As a leader, you will inspire or demoralize others first by how
effectively you manage your own emotional energy and, second, by how well you mobilize,
focus and renew the collective energy of the people you lead.