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Marketing Strategy

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Marketing strategy


Bit of space explaining scenario, trends, etc

2) Target Market
3) Small paragraph about mainstream vs niche
4) Hotel Marketing mix
5) Recommendations
6) Contingency plan
Put X instead of info you dont have, make situation clear for Rach to edit.
Target atleast 3 pages and max 5, although getting info in crucial (excl.
Page1: Scenario, Trends, customer profile, mainstream vs niche
Page 2+3: Marketing Mix
Page 4: Estimated Budgetary recommendations and Contingency Plan

Marketing Plan
For a startup company, an effective marketing plan is essential in order to ensure
that it stands out from other, larger and more established brands. Established
brands not only have tremendous brand recognition and a developed customer
base but also the financial wherewithal to influence or manipulate the market
conditions to make them more favorable to them. Nowhere is this more evident
than in the hotel industy where large family firms have dominated the industry for
decades. in addition the large initial investments, large overheads and fierce
competiton often deter new entrants.
However, the advent of the internet and consequently E-busness and IT business
solutions has significantly leveled said playing field. With tourism increasing rapidly,
especially from inxcreasingly affluent middle classes from the Newly Industrialized
Economies (NICs), the hotel industry faces new challenges and opportunities,
somthing our marketing strategy has taken advantage of.
Airports, the gateways to foreign tourists, are undoubtedly one of the most
promising fields today for the tourism and hotel industries. Increasingly, airport
authorities around the world are seeing airports.as more than mere gateways but
rather sources of huge potential revenue. Already, airports such as New Delhi
in.India earn more revenue than any other shopping area or mall in the country.

However, the.issue of passenger comfort is woefully ignored. We intend to take

advantage of said gap.
Marketing goals
Our goal,.essentially, is to be a feature as ubiqutous and expected in International
Hubs as Duty Free and Lounges. Whereas lounges cater to the fortunate minority
with Business and First class passes, the majority of travellers who have spent time
in considerably more discomfort have to suffer through anywhere from 2 to 10
hours on average of waiting for flight transfers. We intend to cater to this target
market. We intend to build a brand name that represents privacy and comfort at a
reasonable price.
Marketing strategy: Mainstream or niche?
When creating our marketing strategy, we considered whether to appeal to a niche
market, consisting of a relativrly small group of people with specific and different
tastes, or to a more mainstream market with.a generalized product. Though the
mainstream approach would attract a wider set of customers, niche.purchasers
often fall under the early adopter categories, and several contemporary industry
giants, such as Apple and Sony, started off appealig to niche consumers(SCMP, The
Singapore Story; Lessons for Cyberport, Published on 21-07-2008).
However, a 2012 study of Airline passenger trends around the world by Lee
&Weissman finds that increasingly, due to factors such as the introduction of budget
airlines, increasing disposable income and better global telephonic and internet
connectivity, the average demographic of international travellers is rapidly
becoming younger and derived from regions other than Europe and North America.
These new travellers are increasingly less confined to the lofty echelons of business
and first class butand we believe that there is a massive market for in-terminal rest
areas that are affordable by the masses. Therefore, we shall utilize the mainstream
strategy, expecting our product to appeal.to a huge market past our core target
Target Markets
Ourcore target market will be families and students. We arrived at our choice by
extrapolating and analysing data about the average business and first class
passenger as well as the demograpic samples about passengers on long distance
connecting flights and th average waiting time at airpots.(Skytrax, retrieved on 705-2015). The results showed that, while single passengers tended to prefer
business class and above (due to business trips),families with children and students
took economy class in the vast majority of cases; the former due to the expenses of
seating several children in businss class and the latter due to the relatively low
disposible incomes that students generally have. Both these demoraphics would be
ideal targets for our inital marketing outreach.

Marketing Mix
The product on offer is two setso rooms initially, targetted at the aforementioned
segments, Single Rooms and Family Rooms.



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