Ascension Activation Seven Mighty Archangels
Ascension Activation Seven Mighty Archangels
Ascension Activation Seven Mighty Archangels
The Use Of Burning Pots: [58] A burning pot is for the purpose of
clearing the negative energy and dark clouds that sometimes gather
in the home or workplace. You can do this in each room of your home
as often as once a week. The burning pot is just a small… pot or any
container that can hold fire and which you will use only for this
purpose. Into the small pot sprinkle just enough Epsom Salts to cover
the bottom. Just a few tablespoons is sufficient. Over that, pour
enough rubbing alcohol to just cover the Epsom salts… Set the pot on
a trivet or some kind of insulating material to protect the surface it is
sitting on, as the pot gets very hot. Then light a match and drop it
into the pot. The flames will burn up about a foot high and are very
beautiful. You might also envision it drawing any negativity from you
as well as from the room and surroundings. No other method I know
of will cleanse the negativity from your home as effectively as this, not
even sage or incense. Burning sage and incense certainly has its
effects, but they are different from the effects of the burning pot.
Having a clear energy space is essential for advanced and accelerated
ascension work
Arcturian Protection: They have advanced technologies that can be
called forth for personal protection. It is a kind of frequency
technology that can protect your energy fields. They are happy to
help in this regard but must be asked and given permission to help
you before they will do anything .
The Crystalline Ankh: [121] Call to Isis, Horus, Osiris, and Thoth for
a crystalline ankh that you will wear around your neck. This will
serve to energise your entire aura and seal your existing Light to
make sure there is no leakage
Sanat Kumara’s Shield Of The Sun: [122] For those of you who are
having a lot of trouble with negative energies and forces, call to
Sanat Kumara and request a gift of one of his Shields of the Sun. This
shield will enlarge upon insertion and protect all of the chakras (from
‘Beyond Ascension, How to Complete the Seven Levels of Initiation,
by Joshua David Stone, Ph.D., 1995, ISBN 0-929385-73-X, page
Bath Time: [180] An Epsom salts and baking soda bath has an
absolutely fantastic effect, clearing out radiation and low-grade
electromagnetic frequencies from your field as well as any lingering
hypnotic connections with other people
Chanting Into Crystals: [181] If you feel you are under psychic attack
or if you feel negative energy around you, one of the most powerful
tools of protection is to hold a crystal or a piece of jewellery that has a
lot of your energy in it and chant the name Elohim or Jesus Christ for
fifteen minutes. This can be done silently or out loud. Repeating the
name of God and visualising God’s form while you do it is a sure-fire
method of removing all negative energy from your field. I
recommend doing this as a daily practice even if you don’t need
protection… [187] If someone touches your jewellery, use the Light
invocation of Deal Walker, the crystal man: “I invoke the Light of the
Christ, I am a clear and perfect channel. Light is my guide”. Hold
your jewellery, say this mantra three times out loud, and channel the
Christ Light vibration back into the jewellery to cleanse and
spiritualise it. The soul/ monad mantra is good for this also. The most
common protective tool is just to call forth the white Light. All you
have to do is make the request to your soul and it will immediately
come pouring in
Red Rose Protection: [181] When you are around people who are
negative, visualise a glass window in front of you. In serious cases put
up a brick wall. The Berkeley Psychic Institute uses the protective
device of imagining a red rose in front of you, protecting you. When
negative energy comes toward you, the flower [182] will absorb it and
start to wilt. When it does put up a new rose. If you want you can put
a ring of roses all round yourself. Check the roses two or three times
a day when you are dealing with a lot of negative energy
Protective Signs: [183] Other effective tools are to make the sign of
the cross, the sign of the pentagram, or the sign of the Qabalistic
Cross. These may seem kind of superstitious and not that effective,
but there is enormous power in these psychic and spiritual techniques
Prayer For Exorcism [1]: [186] If a person you know is possessed, say
the following prayer: “Oh beloved God, Christ, Holy Spirit, Mighty I
Am, Presence, my monad, my soul, Sathya Sai Baba, Babaji, Jesus
Christ, Master Djwhal Khul, Vywamus, ascended masters, and any
other saint or spiritual master on the spiritual plane. You are healed
and forgiven. You are one with your soul and the higher self. You are
filled with the love of God. You are filled and surrounded with the
Light of God. You are free from fear and suffering and free from the
vibration of the Earth Plane. I ask the above-mentioned spiritual
masters and God himself to take you to your rightful place. Go in
peace”. Say this prayer three times with full power after doing your
soul mantra first. In very serious cases you can call an organisation
called the Teaching of the Inner Christ in San Diego; someone there
will guide you to a minister who will perform the needed exorcism.
The phone number is [619] 233-7745
Attention: [187] The law of the mind is this: where you put your
attention is where you live. The idea is to keep your attention
steady in the Light. Most people do not exercise enough control over
where they allow their attention to focus
Negative Feelings: [188] If you are dealing with a negative feeling,
visualise yourself vomiting it up and killing it with a spear or
sword. Then place a beautiful angel or your spiritual teacher inside of
you to replace what was there before
Aura Sealing Technique: [190] If you want to seal your aura because
you are with someone who is trying to drain your vitality, interlace
your fingers and place them over your solar plexus. While doing this,
press your elbows against your sides and be sure your feet are
touching each other. You have made your physical body a closed
circuit and thus you cannot be drained
Planetary Christ Invocation ~ Lord Maitreya: [191] This prayer is
guaranteed to provide protection. It is the Great Invocation of the
Lord Maitreya, the Planetary Christ. “From the point of Light within
the Mind of God. Let Light stream forth into the minds of men. Let
Light descend on Earth. From the point of Love within the heart of
God, Let love stream forth into the hearts of men. May Christ return
to Earth. From the center where the Will of God is known. Let
purpose guide the little wills of men ~ The purpose which the masters
know and serve. From the center which we call the race of men. Let
the Plan of Love and Light work out. And may it seal the door where
evil dwells. Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth
The Rays And The Lords Of Karma: [156] I also recommend you
work with the Lords of Karma, also known as the Karmic Board.
Their names can be added to all Huna prayers, or you can pray to
them specifically. The members of the Karmic Board are as follows:
The Keeper of the Scrolls… the being… who records all prayers for
the Lords of Karma. The Great Divine Director, representing the
first ray; The Goddess of Liberty, representing the second ray; Lady
Nada, representing the third ray; Pallas Athena, the Goddess of
Truth, representing the fourth ray, Elohim Vista, representing the
fifth ray; Quan Yin, representing the sixth ray; and Portia, the
spokesperson for the Karmic Board, Goddess of Justice, representing
the seventh ray. [157] Twice a year the ascended masters and
students attend a meeting on the inner plane in the Royal Teton
retreat for the purpose of presenting the Lords of Karma with their
prayers, plans, and petitions for the service of humanity. These
meetings are held each year from June 15 to July 14 and from Dec 15
to January 14; these are especially good time to address your Huna
prayers to the Lords of Karma. Although you can add them to your
regular Huna prayers at any time, during these windows of
opportunity it is especially beneficial to do so.