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Lec 29

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Digital Signal Processing

Prof: S. C. Dutta Roy

Department of Electrical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
Lecture 29
IIR Realizations

This is the 29th lecture on DSP and our topic today is IIR Realizations. In the previous lecture,
we talked about the process of transposition and then FIR realization. We discussed the direct
form structure, its transposed structure, the cascade structure and the parallel structure. The
parallel is obtained by polyphase decomposition and parallel in FIR does not lead to a higher
speed. Even if it is parallel processing, the speed cannot be increased but the realization can be
made canonic by sharing delays. We took an example to illustrate this. Polyphase decomposition
is not normally resorted to because it does not speed up processing, but it is very useful in multi
rate signal processing where decimation and interpolation do reduce the computational
complexity. Then we said that in the linear phase realizations, because of symmetry or antisymmetry, the number of multipliers can be reduced approximately a factor of half, exactly half
if the length is even or order length + 1 divided by 2 if the order is odd. Today we will discuss
about IIR Realizations.

(Refer Slide Time: 03.06 04.56 min)

We have already looked at IIR Realization of the first order, where you saw how to make it
canonic. A direct form canonic structure can be extended to a general order. For example, let us

take a third order IIR Filter (1 + d1 z + d2 z + d3 z )1 (p0 + p1 z + p2 z + p3 z ). Then we decom1

pose this into two transfer functions H1(z)and H2(z) where H1 is an FIR, and 1/(1 + d1 z + d2 z +

d3 z ) is H2. We look upon it as a product of FIR and IIR. Then we realize H2. Obviously if I
write H2(z) as W(z)/X(z), then H1(z) = Y(z)/W(z).

(Refer Slide Time: 05.05 06.01 min)

So if I realize H2(z) first we shall get the equation W(z)(1 + d1 z + + d3 z ) X(z). So W(z) is

just an intermediate variable and it is given by W(z) = X(z) d1 z W(z) d2 z W(z) d3 z W(z).
(Refer Slide Time: 06.08 - 12.00 min)

For W(z), I require three delays corresponding to d1 z , d2 z , d3 z and I have to apply feedback
after every delay by multiplying by a constant. The realization of H2(z) is shown in the left side
of the Figure, indicating the location of the signal W(z). If I want Y(z), then I have to also realize

H1(z) which is FIR and that is very simple. Take signals from W(z), z W(z), z W(z) and

z W(z), multiply by p0, p1, p2 and p3 respectively, and add them two signals at a time. This is the
general way of obtaining a direct canonic form for any IIR filter.

It is obvious that if the numerator contained a higher degree, that is, if the numerator had p4

z then we would have required another delay, a multiplier p4 and another adder. You could also
handle that problem, that is if the numerator degree is one or two higher than the denominator
degree, by writing it as an FIR plus a proper rational function. So the FIR would be in parallel
with IIR realization and that would speed up the process. So whenever you get a numerator
degree higher than the denominator degree, this procedure is preferable rather than adding more
delays and taking feed forward through multipliers. These are some practical points which one
should remember.
For the particular problem of a 4th degree numerator and 3rd degree denominator, if you realize
by 1st order FIR in parallel with 3rd order IIR, the first output sample would be available after 3
delays, not 4. Hence the process is speeded up. If I take the transpose of the H2H1 realization,
what kind of structure shall we get? We will get H1 first that is the feed forward or the FIR part,
and then we shall get the feedback part or H2. It is very easy to draw the diagram, as shown in
the Figure. In this, I have shown three signals in the middle two adders; one should replace each
of them by two adders.

(Refer Slide Time: 12.17 14.15 min)

As I said there is a value for obtaining alternative structures, because every structure has its own
characteristic signature on word length effects and overflow phenomena. You should explore the
possibility of minimizing these two phenomena. If there is overflow, then you can either take a
costly solution, that is change from fixed point to floating point, or you could scale. The latter is
a better solution because scaling does not require multiplication. Multiplication operation is the
most costly one in terms of the speed of processing. Multiplication is repeated addition and
therefore it takes time.

(Refer Slide Time: 15.30 - 17.33 min)

Next we consider cascade realization. IIR, like FIR, can be realized in cascade form. We are now
assuming that the given IIR is a proper rational function. So if the order is even then you require

product of factors like this Hi(z) where Hi(z) is of the form (1 + 1 z + 2 z )1 (0 + 1 z + 2 z ).

This is not quite a proper rational function, you can take a constant out of it and have the
numerator as a linear polynomial and the denominator as a quadratic one. But this does not hurt
the canonicity because you are already using two delays for the denominator. So there is no harm
in having a quadratic factor in the numerator. This is the case if N is even; on the other hand if N

is odd then in addition to this you add a bilinear function of the form (1 + d1 z )1 (p0 + p1 z ). I
have already told you that all components cannot be bilinear because poles and zeros may be
complex. You should insist on real coefficients only.

(Refer Slide Time: 17.42 19.33 min)

We can also have parallel realization, which now assumes importance. Unlike FIR, it leads to
speeding up the processing. In this, you decompose H(z) into Hi(z) where each component
transfer function is no more complicated than a biquadratic. That is Hi(z) is either a bilinear or a
biquadratic function. So at the most, you require two delays in each component Hi(z). Even if the
order of this filter is 10, the minimum processing time, excluding the time required for
multiplication, is not 10 T, but it will be simply 2T. T is the sampling interval and that is the
virtue of parallel realization in IIR. In FIR, it does not afford any advantage with regard to speed.

(Refer Slide Time: 19.49 25.24 min)

Here is an example from Mitra, Problem M 6.3; the transfer function given is H(z) = (12 2 z +

3 z + z )/(6 + 3 z + 2 z + 2 z + z ). If, for a synthesis problem, there exists one solution, then
there exists indefinite number of solutions. One of the straightest things that you can do is take
out a constant from here and make the numerator of degree 3; the denominator degree remains at
4. Direct form is one possible realization. But let us see what we can do about cascade
realization. First thing you do is to factorize the denominator. This is required in parallel
realization also.

In parallel realization, you require factorizing the denominator only, whereas in cascade you
require factorizing the denominator as well as the numerator because you have to assign
numerator factors to second order transfer functions and to the first order transfer functions, if
the overall order is odd. In the sense that the co-efficients you use for multiplication are not the
ones that are given to you, but they are derived, cascade and parallel realizations are called
indirect. In both parallel and cascade cases, you require to factorize one or two polynomials, and
these factors are always written with a constant term equal to 1 that affords easy realization.

You can take out the overall scaling factor and always use this as a multiplier. In this case you
can see that the scaling factor is 2. 2 is simply a shift and therefore it is not a multiplication. I

have done this factorization. The result is: H(z) = 2[(1 (2/3) z + (1/3) z ) (1 + () z + () z )]/[1

(1/2) z + (1/2) z )(1 + z + (1/3) z )].

In cascading you can take either factor in the numerator and associate either factor in the
denominator with it, forming the transfer function H1. The remaining two factors constitute H2.
There are quite a few possibilities, as you can see. You could also assign the factor 2 to either the
first one or the second one, at the beginning or at the end. So there are many different
realizations which are possible. The individual transfer functions are realized in one of the direct
On the other hand, for the parallel realization, you require to decompose H(z) as Hi(z) where
Hi(z) is no more complicated than a bilinear or a bi-quadratic function. How to break it up? One
of the simple ways is to use partial fraction expansions and that will ensure that you have real
polynomials in the numerator as well as the denominator.

(Refer Slide Time: 25.33 30.41 min)

In this particular case, for example, our partial fraction expansion, shall, in the first step, contain
a constant term added to a cubic/quartic term. So our partial fraction expansion shall be of the

form A + [(B + C z )/(1 1/2 z + 1/2 z )] + [D + E z )/(1 + z + 1/3 z )]. It is a straightforward

partial fraction decomposition.

Then, in order to find the constants, do not go to the complex calculations. Instead, what you do
is you solve a set of simultaneous equation. You notice that H(0) = A = 1. When you find H(),
it is obviously equal to A + B + D, and from the given function H() = 2 and therefore you have
reduced five constants into four. So you have to solve only four simultaneous equation which
means that B + D = 1 and by replacing D by 1 B, you reduce the problem to solving a set of
three linear equations. Then you require three more equations and the easy things to do are put z
= 1; if you put z = 1 then what you get is H(1) = A + B + C + (D + E)(3/7) and you replace D
by B 1. The other one is H( 1) = A + [(B C)/2] + (D E)3. You can take any third number,
may be +2 or 2, and write another equation. By solving them, the final result is as follows:

(Refer Slide Time: 30.47 - 34.42 min)

B is 0.3243, C is 0.4595 (I went up to four places of decimals), D is 0.6757, and E is 0.3604;

so you get one parallel realization. How can you make a variation in this? You can distribute this

constant 1 into these two factors in any manner you like. So, theoretically there is an infinite
number of variations. If you can distribute it in such a manner that the coefficients B, C, D, and
E become fractions which can be obtained by shifting then you have done without multipliers.
The aim is to reduce the number of multipliers as much as possible. Multiplication is a time
consuming process. For example, one of the solutions can be that you take the constant term as 2
and make appropriate subtractions from these two terms. This gives a solution as shown in the
slide. Your starting point is a partial fraction expansion taking care of the degrees of the
numerator and denominator. Suppose the numerator here was of fifth degree, then instead of A,

you shall take out A + B z and then you then make the partial fraction expansion of the proper
rational function.

I would like to point out to you that coefficients like 1/3 (= 0.3333 recurring) are nuisances,
because of necessity, you have to truncate it, but coefficients like , , 1/8, 1/16 or a
combination like (1/2) + (1/4) + (1/16) can be obtained by shifts. If you can express a coefficient
as i 2-i, where

= 0 or 1, you are very lucky because you have speeded up the


(Refer Slide Time: 34.54- 39.20)


We now consider all pass realizations. All pass FIR is trivial, it is simply zN. All pass IIR has
the problem that the direct or cascade or parallel realization cannot be made canonic in

multipliers. For example, if I take an all pass filter of first order, A1(z) = (1 + d1 z )/(d1 + z ), then
the canonic realization should require one delay and, one multiplier, i.e. d1. But in the direct
canonic realization for example, you require two multipliers, d1 and d1.
Now, 1 is not a multiplier; we are simply changing the sign bit. But suppose due to
quantization or any other reason, the multipliers are not exactly equal and opposite, then the all
pass property is disturbed. The pole and zero will no longer be reciprocal pairs and therefore the
all pass property is destroyed.

On the other hand, if we can make a multiplierless digital two pair (D2P) in which the
termination is d1, then even if d1 changes it does not matter and the filter still remains all pass.
There will be slight distortion in the delay but the all pass property shall be kept intact. So, how
to obtain the required digital two pair in which there are no multipliers? If you can do that, then
we shall obtain a single multiplier first order all pass realization. This can be obtained by the socalled Multiplier Extraction Approach.

For example, if we had a second order then we would need a multiplierless digital three pair
which has the two multipliers d1 and d2 as terminations. Fortunately, we can do with digital two
pair concept only, because instead of multipliers D2P, we can absorb one multiplier inside the
D2P and use the other as termination by 2.


(Refer Slide Time: 39.34 42.25 min)

Let us consider the first order case and draw the digital two pair with the termination d1, as
shown in the figure. For a terminated digital two pair, the transfer function in terms of the
transmission parameters is t11 + (t12 t21 d1)/(1 t22 d1). We shall try to identify the transmission
parameters and then synthesize the digital two pair. So what we do is to simplify this to (1 t22
d1) 1 [t11 (t11t22 t12 t12)d1]. We compare this with what is given here i.e. (1 + d1z-1)1(d1 + z-1).
From this we try to identify the transmission parameters. Obviously one choice is t11 = z-1, and t22
= z-1; then t11 t22 t12 t21 = 1. We have already fixed t11 and t22 and therefore we can find t12
and t21 from this last relation.


(Refer Slide Time: 42.35 45.31 min)

Our choice is t11 = z-1, t22 = z-1, and t12 t21 = 1 z-2. Obviously, we have a lot of flexibility with
regard to the choices of t12 and t21. Let me list four choices A, B, C, and D. we have t11 = z-1, and
t22 = z-1 for all of them. Only t12 and t21 differ.
Obviously these choices will give rise to four different structures and you can see and anticipate
that because t11 and t22 are the same for A and C (it is same for all of them) and t12 and t21 are
interchanged, the structures A and C will be transposes of each other i.e. C = A transpose. You
can draw the structure and then verify this. Similarly for B and D, D = B transpose. We shall
close this lecture here.


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