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Lec 19

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Digital Signal Processing

Prof. S. C. Dutta Roy

Department Of Electrical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
Lecture - 19
Test for Stability using All Pass Functions

This is the 19th lecture on DSP and the topic for today is Test for stability using all pass

(Refer Slide Time: 01:07 - 01:10)

We shall test for stability for an arbitrary IIR transfer function H(z); all pass functions will be a
via media. This again shows the importance of all pass functions in DSP. In the last lecture, we
showed that the two transfer functions H0(z) and H1(z), which are half of the sum and difference
of two all pass functions, form an extremely important set of all pass complementary as well as
power complementary functions.

(Refer Slide Time: 01:35 - 03:30)

We defined a frequency, called the cross over frequency, at which both H0 and H1 have a
magnitude equal to 1/√2. Then we showed that a very simple realization is possible; all that you
have to realize are two all pass functions. We took a simple and interesting example of A0 = 1
and A1 = a first order all pass, which gives a very versatile realization of several kinds of filters
and also a magnitude complementary pair by taking H02 and H12. We introduced the concept of
digital two pairs and we showed how they can be represented by a transmission matrix T and a

chain matrix Γ . We showed how cascades can be of two different types: Transmission Cascade

and Chain Cascade in which the respective parameters multiply to get the overall transmission or
chain parameters. Finally, we started stability testing and we took a second order transfer
function H(z) = N(z)/D(z) where D(z) is 1 + d1z–1 + d2z–2.

(Refer Slide Time: 03:44 - 05:19)

We want to test the stability without determining the roots of the denominator D(z), which are
the poles of H(z). Now if I write D(z) as (1 – p1z–1) × (1 – p2z–1), then p1 and p2 are the poles, and
we require, for stability, magnitude p1 < 1 and magnitude p2 < 1. Obviously p1 + p2 shall be = –
d1 and p1p2 shall be = d2. Now for stability since p1 and p2 both have to be less than 1 in
magnitude, therefore the magnitude of d2 should be less than 1 because the magnitude of d2 is
simply the product of the magnitudes of p1 and p2. In other words, in a parameter plane, that is if
we plot d2 versus d1, then magnitude d2 < 1 means d2 should be confined between – 1 and + 1.

(Refer Slide Time: 05:25 - 16:42)

Now there are two possibilities: the poles can be real or poles can be complex. In either case p1 2

shall be = – (d1 / 2) ± d12 / 4 – d 2 . If the roots are complex, then obviously d12/4 should be less

than d2. First let us examine complex roots; the condition is that d2 should be greater than d12/4.

(Refer Slide Time: 06:29 - 09:07)

In other words, if I plot the curve with an equality sign that is, d2 = d12/4 then d2 should be above
this curve. Not only that, since it is d12 and d1 is a real quantity, positive or negative, d2 being
greater than d12/4, should therefore be greater than or equal to 0. Now d2 = d12/4 is a parabola.
When d1 is 0 d2 is 0; when d1 is + 2 or – 2 it is equal to + 1; these constitute three points, and you
can draw the parabola passing through them. Therefore, if the roots are complex, then they
should be contained in this cup. The hatched region represents complex poles, that is, if in the
parameter plane, the point (d1, d2) is within the cup, then you know it is a complex pair of poles.
Not only that, if the poles are complex, i.e. p1,2 = α ± jβ, then magnitude p12 shall be equal to
magnitude p22; both shall equal p1p2 = d2 = α2 + β2. Now let us examine the case of real poles.

(Refer Slide Time: 09:16 - 11:19)

If the poles are real it means that d2 should be less than d12/4. The poles are p1 = – d1/2

+ (d
/ 4 – d 2 ) and p2 = – d1/2 – (d
/ 4 – d 2 ) . Since these are real we want their mod to

be less than 1 for stability. Which one of these can exceed 1? Obviously, p1 can exceed 1. In
other words, we want p1 to be less than 1. p2 can go beyond – 1 because both terms are negative
if d1 is positive. In other words, we want p2 to be greater than – 1. In any case, p1 and p2 should
be confined within the region – 1 to + 1 on the d1 – axis. If we satisfy these two constraints, that

is p1 less than 1 and p2 greater than – 1, then our job is done. Let us see what these conditions
lead to.

(Refer Slide Time: 11:27 - 12:27)

So – d1/2 + (d1
/ 4 – d 2 ) should be less than 1 means that (d1
/ 4 – d 2 ) should be less

than 1 + d1/2. If I square both sides now, then I get d12/4 – d2 should be less than 1 + d12/4 + d1.
d12/4 cancels from both sides; if I change the sign of d2 on the left side, we get the condition as d2
greater than – 1 – d1. In a similar manner, if I take the other one that is – d1/2 –

/ 4 – d 2 ) should be greater than – 1, we get – (d1
/ 4 – d 2 ) should be greater than – 1

+ d1/2.

(Refer Slide Time: 12:33 - 14:00)

Again, if I square both the sides, then we get the condition that d12/4 – d2 should be less than (1 –
d1/2)2. So I get d12/4 – d2 less than 1 + d12/4 – d1 in which d12/4 cancels and therefore this
condition is that d2 should be greater than d1 – 1. Now, if I plot this with an equality sign I shall
get a straight line. The other condition was d2 greater than – 1 – d1. Once again if I plot this with
an equality sign then we shall get a straight line. In this, if d1 is 0 and then d2 is – 1. If d1 is – 1
then d2 is 0. Joining these two points will give the straight line d2 = – 1 – d1. In a similar manner,
for the other straight line d2 = – 1 + d1, the two points are (0, – 1) and (1, 0).

(Refer Slide Time: 14:06 - 14:59)

The two points are good enough to draw a straight line. The triangle having the vertices (0, –1),
(–2, 1) (+2, 1) therefore defines the parameter plane in which the second order transfer function
shall be stable. This is called a stability triangle for a second order IIR transfer function. In
addition, if (d1, d2) is within the hatched area then the poles will be complex; if not then they
shall be real. If (d1, d2) point is outside the triangle, the system would be unstable. Does it look
like too much of a discussion with a very simple transfer function like the second order?

We can always find the roots and find whether it is stable or unstable, and whether the roots are
real or complex. But then this stability triangle is useful in a different context, viz. in studying
the quantization errors in a digital signal processor. Therefore I thought we must carry out this
discussion at this stage, so that you get some experience. What do we do if we have a general
transfer function HM(z) = NM(z)/DM(z) where testing for stability means we test for the roots of
DM(z) and find whether all the roots are inside the unit circle or not. Let DM(z) be written as 1 +
d1 z–1 + d2 z–2 + … + dM z–M. Instead of finding the roots we go through the via media of an all
pass function.

(Refer Slide Time: 17:05 - 20:44)

We construct, as the first step, an all pass function AM(z) with the same denominator DM(z); then
the numerator shall be z–M DM(z–1), that is, the coefficients of the numerator shall be in reverse
order. In other words, the numerator shall be dM + dM–1 z–1 + … + z–M. Now let us say pi; i = 1 to
M, are the roots of DM(z). Then for stability we require |pi| less than 1. dM is the product of the
roots, i.e. dM = continued product, i = 1 to M, pi. Since magnitude pi is less than 1, |dM| should be
less than 1.

(Refer Slide Time: 19:01 - 21:51)

You notice that dM = AM (∞). For reasons to be made clear later, I shall denote it by kM. They are
identical at this stage but they are not so as we proceed ahead. Therefore for stability kM2 must be
less than 1. This is a necessary condition, but not a sufficient condition. Let us assume that AM(z)
is stable with kM2 < 1. The next step is to find an all pass with order M – 1 by using the

(Refer Slide Time: 22:32 - 23:52)

AM–1(z) = z [AM(z) – kM]/[1 – kM AM(z)] which is the same as z [AM(z) – dM]/[1 – dM AM(z)]. Let
us see what this transfer function is. We have arbitrarily put the subscript of A on the left hand
side as M – 1; we will show that the order is indeed M – 1. Now, if I substitute for AM, then I can
write this as AM – 1(z) = NM–1 (z)/DM–1(z) (again we shall show that the numerator as well as the
denominator are also (M – 1)th degree polynomials) where NM–1 (z) = z [(dM + dM–1 z–1 + … + z–
) – dM (1 + d1 z–1 + dM z–M)].

(Refer Slide Time: 24:01 - 28:20)

(Refer Slide Time: 26:56 - 28:22)

Note that dM cancels on carrying out the simplification; I get NM–1(z) = (dM–1 – dM d1) + (dM–2 –
dMd2) z–1 +…+ (1 – dM2) z–(M–1). So the numerator is indeed an M – 1th order polynomial in z–1.
So our subscript M – 1 is justified.

(Refer Slide Time: 28:28 - 31:57)

In a similar manner you can show the DM–1(z) = (1 – dM2) + (d1 – dM dM–1) z–1 + … + (dM–1 – dM
d1) × z–(M–1). Here dM z–M term cancels. Note that the coefficients of DM – 1 (z) are exactly those of
NM–1 (z) but in reverse order. Hence we get an all pass function. In AM–1(z), if we follow the
same discipline of having the constant term in the denominator is unity, then we will have to
divide both numerator and denominator by 1 – dM2. Therefore AM–1(z) shall be of the form, AM –
1(z) = [dM–1′ + dM–2′ z–1+…+ z–(M–1)]/[1+ d1′ z–1 + d2′ z–2 +…+ dM–1′ z–(M–1)]. It is indeed all pass

(Refer Slide Time: 32:04 - 35:57)

The primed coefficients obey the relationship di′ = (di – dM dM–i)/(1– dM2), i going from 1 to M –
1. But we still have a long way to go before we accept this recurrence relation. Our assumption
was that AM(z) is stable and kM2 is less than 1. Now let us see whether AM–1(z) is stable or not.
That is the question. Before we proceed, let us take a stock of this situation. We constructed
AM(z) with the same denominator as that of the given transfer function to be tested. We have
proved that if AM(z) is stable, then kM2 is less than 1. Then we constructed AM –1(z) which is an
all pass function of order M – 1. Now we have to find out whether AM–1 (z) is stable or not and
for this we have to look at its poles which are the zeros of the denominator. The number of poles
is M – 1. Choose an arbitrary pole qi; at which the denominator must be = 0, that is 1 – kM AM
(qi) = 0 or AM(qi) = 1/kM. Therefore AM(qi) magnitude = 1/kM magnitude (kM could be positive or

(Refer Slide Time: 36:00 - 38:33)

But kM2, by hypothesis, is less than 1, therefore |AM(qi)| must be greater than 1. We have also
shown that if AM(z) is a stable all pass function, then its magnitude is greater than, equal to, or
less than 1, for magnitude z less than, equal to, or greater than 1. Therefore if |AM(qi)| is greater
than 1, then |qi| must be less than 1. Therefore magnitude qi is less than 1. What are qi‘s? They
are poles of AM–1(z) and therefore AM–1(z) is stable, all pass. We have shown that if AM(z) is
stable and kM2 is less than 1 then AM–1(z) is a stable all pass function. Now we prove the reverse,
that is, let AM–1(z) be a stable all pass and let kM2 be less than 1; we have to prove AM(z) is a
stable all pass function. Then these two will constitute necessity as well as sufficiency and that
will constitute the core of the test that we are going to learn. What we are going to prove now is
that if AM–1(z) is stable all pass and kM2 is less than 1, then AM(z) is stable all pass.

(Refer Slide Time: 38:52 - 41:38)

Now our defining relationship was AM–1(z) = [AM(z) – kM]/[1 – kM AM(z)]. Now what we have to
do is to find AM in terms of AM–1(z), therefore cross multiply and simplify. The relationship is
AM(z) = [kM + z–1 AM–1(z)]/[1 + kM z–1 AM–1(z)]. We have expressed AM now in terms of AM–1.
Now AM(z) is all pass, by hypothesis. So all we have to prove is that AM(z) is stable under these
conditions that is AM–1(z) is stable and kM2 < 1. Let pi be a pole of AM(z), then 1 + kM pi–1 AM–1
(pi) = 0. Therefore pi–1 AM–1(pi) = –1/kM. If I take the magnitudes on both sides then |pi–1AM–1
(pi)| = |1/kM| which is greater than 1. Therefore magnitude AM–1(pi) is greater than magnitude pi.
Now AM–1(z) is a stable function; therefore.

(Refer Slide Time: 41:45 - 45:49)

|AM–1(z)| is less than equal to 1 for mod z greater than equal to 1. If pi magnitude is greater than
or equal to 1, then AM–1(pi) magnitude should be less than equal to 1. But our requirement is that
|AM–1(pi)| should be greater than magnitude pi which should be greater than 1. These two are
contradictory; therefore this cannot be allowed, and pi must be less than 1. The proof is by
contradiction. To repeat, if magnitude pi is greater than or equal to 1 then AM–1 magnitude should
be less than equal to 1. On the other hand, this relation shows that it should be greater than
magnitude pi which means it should be greater than 1. These two are contradictory and therefore
magnitude pi must be less than 1.

In other words, we have proved that if AM–1, the derived function, is stable then the original
function must also be stable. So we now state the core of the test; it says that; if AM(z) is stable
all pass, then AM–1(z) is also stable all pass. This is necessary as well as sufficient. So the testing
simply amounts to the following: if AM(z) is stable all pass, then kM2 must be less than 1. Then
we derive the lower order transfer function AM–1(z). Look at kM–12 = d′M–12, this should also be
less than 1. Then by recursion, we form AM–2 and we test for kM–22; that should also be less than
1 and we proceed up to the first order, that is k12 which should also be less than 1.

(Refer Slide Time: 46:08 - 48:49)

This is the stability test. It is very important that you understand the logic. It is one of the most
beautiful theorems in DSP which shows how to avoid root finding. It is a little bit of exercise but
with experience, you do not have to find all the transfer functions. All you have to find are the
denominator polynomials. The coefficients are found by the relationship between di′ and di for
the general order m – 1 from the previous one of order m (m = M to 2). So you find kM, kM–
1….k1 and test whether ki2 < 1, 1 = M to 1. We take an example. Let H(z) = 1/(6 + 5z–1 + 4z–2 +
3z–3 + 2z–4 + z–5); you are required to find whether this is stable or not.

(Refer Slide Time: 49:06 - 52:07)

The numerator is irrelevant; it can be taken as 1 or any other function. The first thing you do is
form an A5(z). Now you must be careful; intentionally I have taken the constant term in the
denominator as 6; you must make this 1; so your numerator will be 1/6 but this need not be
written because all we are concerned with are the denominator coefficients. You see that
magnitude k5 = 1/6, so k52 is 1/36, less than 1. We take square because the last coefficient may
come positive or negative. First condition is satisfied. If this was not so, then you need not carry
out the test further. Then to find A4(z); let A4(z) denominator be 1 + d1′ z–1 + d2′ z–2 + d3′ z–3 +
d4′ z–4; the numerator need not be constructed. Here our interest is only d4′ but to find the d4′, you
have to go through finding all of them because the next one shall require the values of d1′, d2′ and
1 1
d3′. So we use the formula di′ = (di – d5– i)/(1 – ) = 36/35 [di – (d5–i/6)].
6 36

(Refer Slide Time: 52:09 - 54:48)

Using this, I get d1’ = 4/5, and similarly d2′ = 3/5, d3′ = 2/5 and d4′ = 1/5. Now therefore k42
=1/25 which is less than 1. The test has not failed yet, so we are encouraged to go to the next
step. That is we have to find A3(z); write D3(z) = 1 + d1″z–1 + d2″ z–2 + d3″ z–3. You are only
concerned with the denominator, so you can ignore the numerator (which, if necessary, you can
easily write by reversing the order of the coefficient di”).

(Refer Slide Time: 54:59 - 57:06)

The formula now shall be di″ = (di′ – d′4 d′4–i)/(1 – 1/25) = [(25/24)[di′ – d4–i′/5]. Calculate the
coefficients and it gives d1″ = 3/4, d2″ = ½, d3″ = ¼. Therefore k32 = 1/16, which is less than 1.
Now, if we continue the test, then you get k22 = 1/9, less than one, and k12 = ¼, which is also less
than 1. Hence the given H(z) is stable. If at any stage, ki2 is equal to or greater than 1, no further
testing is needed; you conclude that the given function is unstable.

(Refer Slide Time: 57:22 - 59:40)

If you are designing a filter, then you better do the test twice or thrice so that you are absolutely
sure that the given function is stable. The recurrence relation di′ = (di – dM dM–i)/(1 – dM2) can be
easily programmed to compute kis but you have to keep a track of the primes. If the order is high,
you should not use many primes; instead use the subscripts a b c d and so on. If you have
exhausted the alphabets, then you go to alpha, beta, gamma, delta etc. What the book says is;
di(M) but this can also be confusing sometimes; it may be taken as the power. We will stop here


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