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The Emotional City

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The Emotional City

significant role in the city's development how can architecture continue to operate in

Adam Caruso

Many cities do have physical structures that originate from a priori ideas; from a

Quaderns (Barcelona, Spain: January 2001) Issue 228, pp.813

Roman military encampment, from an amazing nineteenth century gridded extension,

good faith?

or from Jefferson's demarcation of the American territory. In the nineteenth and

The urban environment is a precise emotional condition. Being in the city feels a

beginning of the twentieth century, networks of squares and parks, the replacement of

certain way. This is similar to being at home, you know when you feel at home, when

city walls with Boulevards are also the result of abstract political ideas put into

you can take your shoes off and relax. This feeling of being at home can be

practice. Very quickly, however, an incredibly complex set of conditions are brought to

communicated to other people even though they live in different kinds of homes.

bear onto these ideological origins, and each city develops in subtly different ways.

Similarly, the feeling of being in the city is not easily confused with being in a shopping

Weather, geology and topography have an effect, as do changing patterns of land

mall, or being in a theme park, and most people are sensitive to these differences.

ownership. Law in the widest sense, has a powerful effect. As these many, changing

The architectural vanguard has not recently much discussed the significance, or the

forces assert themselves, each city, or each part of large cities, assumes its own

defining characteristics of homeyness. At the turn of the century, the propriety of the

morphology. Each city has its own size and configuration of block, has its own version

home was a central theme in the discourses of architects like Semper and Loos, who

of a city house typology, its own way of making a facade. In Europe the longevity of

tried to articulate what was the difference between a house and a public building. The

this process means that cities have become important physical repositories of a

city, on the other hand, has been hotly debated by all manner of architects and

place's history, but even more powerfully the city is a manifestation of a particular

urbanists, arguing positions which range from the reconstruction of the European city

living culture, of reality.

to a new fluid functionalism which emerges from global market forces. It is strange
that so much is said and predicted for the future of the city since all evidence suggests

I am holding up a very traditional idea of the city to be a paradigm. I am not, however,

that physical planning plays a barely significant role in the development of cities. The

especially interested in the conservation of this paradigms physical structure. I am

growing pressures to concentrate use, to assemble ever larger sites, to erode the

concerned that instead of discussing theories of the future city there be a discussion

public realm are driven by economic development, and architects are usually left to

about how the form of the real city has emerged and why, in Europe at least, the city

interpret and facilitate decisions that have been taken at a much earlier stage of the

continues to be relevant, robustly adapting to hundreds of years of political and

process, decisions that architects and planners are rarely party to. Cities are in fact

economic change and also resisting being turned into a large open air museum. While

highly resistant to a priori ideologies and instead follow a continuous and barely

one might intuitively be suspicious of the romantic variety and finely grained scale that

perceptible form of structural development. A development that is an embodiment of

now make the historic centres of our cities such popular tourist attractions, this

culture, of peoples ambitions and desires. Thought of this way, rather than being an

consistent heterogeneity eloquently registers the mixed tenure and density of

imperfect manifestation of an abstract theory, the city is a perfect and vivid instance of

ownership and use so characteristic of and necessary to a liberal and democratic

reality. If one accepts that abstract, formal ambitions will almost never play a

society. Hundreds of separate interests fronting onto a single street, all more or less
subscribing to certain rules of engagement and benefiting from a multiplicity of social

and economic transactions. Within obvious limits, all the inhabitants of a street are

Rather than attempting to conceptualise the whole of urbanism, a critical architecture

empowered to make choices and to effect change.

can emerge by ignoring the big and the general and work with the minute and the
highly specific. Architecture should be sensitive to those emotional qualities that

Contrast this with land assembly, one of the most direct and destructive

define the city, melancholy, expectancy, pathos, hope. If one accepts that architecture

manifestations of the current economic regime on the city. The requirement to

is about altering and extending what is already there, one can engage the powerful

increase returns on investment year on year means that even profitable properties

presence of the real so that the aura of urbanity is amplified and extended in the place

need to earn more. This can only be achieved by demolishing single buildings and

that one is working. The complexity and interconnectedness of the city is sustained by

erecting ever larger, more efficient ones. When efficiency can no longer be improved,

such instances of profound invention.

buildings are still replaced in favour of newer, fresher packages that can tempt tenants
away from buildings that are sometimes themselves only a few years old. This is a


vicious circle with devastating environmental implications. While planning authorities

may argue about facade materials and the survival of medieval street patterns in the

London, despite its size, its tradition of compromise and an English cultural

master plan, several city blocks, that once housed thousands of tenants and was in

ambivalence towards urbanity, is a great and moving city. A city so large that there still

the ownership of hundreds, is now controlled by one owner backed by international

exist substantial parts that have resisted the ravages of land speculation and have

financial institutions. Do not be fooled by the medieval street pattern, the well

continued to develop and adapt in response to a multiplicity of conditions rather that to

maintained squares, the lunch time activities, these developments constitute a serious

unitary special interests. It retains a loose, sometimes toothless texture that is still

erosion of democracy and of the public realm. This process is taking place all over

emphatically urban. London is so decentralised that one can live and work within

London and in all major cities. Far from attempting to control this serious threat to the

walking distance in the east end and only visit west London every month or two, for a

health of cities, politicians and planning authorities encourage these developments as

sort of holiday without leaving the city.

regeneration essential if cities are to maintain their status as economic centres.

The pathetic failures to plan London somehow proclaim a triumph of human frailty and
I am not arguing for a return to some mythical past or for protecting the status quo, but

reality over abstract theories. The imperfections and incompleteness of its many

in sustaining the condition of heterogeneity which I believe to be fundamental to the

utopian fragments (the Georgian city, garden city, ville radieuse, new vernacular) is a

city. The current fashion for discussing the future of cities, and how their structure will

poignant indication of how urbanism follows strong internal forces that are not easily

emerge from the global market and new information technologies is as futile as the

described. The resulting complexity and never-ending potential of the city has little to

modernist discourses of the twentieth century. These ideologies are about shock and

do with novelty and theoretical abstraction but is held within the deeply moving world

novelty, they define themselves in contrast to what exists. They confront the vivid

of things.

plurality of the real city with the deadening unity of an ideal city, an ideal which will
always be insufficient, incomplete and disappointing in the face of an infinitely
complex reality.

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