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Urban Acupuncture

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Acupuncture points in the human body are related to human internal organs
such as lung, pericardium, heart organs, large and small intestine, liver and
kidney. We apply this method to a city – similar to human body – that has
‘internal organs’ such as social structure and system, economic related organs
(industry, services, information etc.), residential (maintain quality offspring etc.).
Therefore, urban acupuncture points could be identified as transport system,
greeneries, waste, and housing.
I will discuss kampung here of that which is inhabited by a majority of poor
people. This people constitute a unique urban community developed of various
traditional traditions, such as adat or customary laws of different ethnicities from
all over the archipelago. They restructure into a type of ‘neotribal society’, since
they are not similar to their origins but in many ways maintain their traditional
norms and values to survive in the city. They are in process of becoming toward a
civil-society of which urban society should be constituted by means of ‘social-
contracts’ (established formal acts and laws). This implies that understanding this
type of society is to understand their cultures, hence, their everyday practices.
In this regard, kampung should be conceived as a ‘city’ of its own that exemplifies
its social and economic structure as well as practices. They are not parasites
instead give significant roles to the city, for example, construction workers,
budget food vendors and stalls (warteg). Kampung should be treated as part of
the conurbation development. Consequently, accessibility of kampung should be
integrated into the whole city system.
Within such a framework kampung settlement will have a role as a part of such a
city function of which planning practice denies this reality. Urban planning
practice until recently has viewed kampung as a simply ‘dormitory’ – a collection
of houses. The following is crucial acupuncture points for kampung improvement:

It should be developed within the larger urban context of which it should provide
framework toward a ‘conurbation’. In the scheme, the transport system – a TOD
system (Transit Oriented Development) – should be integrated with the kampung
center development as a suitable local market, or otherwise the poor will find
their own everywhere across the city.
It will subsume under the eco-urbanism that support bionutrients process of the
urban environment as a whole. Ideal WHO standard of 16 square meters per
Aided-Self-Help Eco Housing for the Poor:
This scheme is especially crucial and addressed to ability of the poor to provide
housing by themselves with the aid of the government and private sector (CSR).
The approach should be based on informal community structure.
Eco-waste management. The scheme should involve every individuals in the
kampung to join the campaign of trash is not a trash – how to recycle waste into
food or nutrients and, hence, incorporate private sector within the process and
the poor have the benefit out of it – source of income as the Curitiba scheme has

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