Warm Up Activities
Warm Up Activities
Warm Up Activities
side of them. So they will have to socialize and ask each other's name in order not to get in the
middle. If they do not know the persons name then they go in the middle. ( 5 sec. hesitation rule
depending on population)
4. The person in the middle may also say Zoom to get out of the middle. everyone will switch chairs
and there will be a new leader in the middle.
5. Safety should be discussed first. Make sure that patients aren't hurting one another getting to a
--patients will love this warm-up game :) have fun !
Research Game
Group Size: 10 to 100
Objective: Warm-up, to break group up into two teams, for fun
Description: Indicate to the group that you are conducting research to determine.... (make up
something). Invite everyone in the group to the center of the room. Say, "If you are more like a
Cadillac, go to the right of the room. If you are more like a Volkswagen, go the left of the room."
Once the group is separated, invite everyone to look around to see who has shared interests and to
look across the room to see who has different thoughts. Have the group re-join in the center of the
room and repeat the activity with two different items.
Soap Opera--cartoons
Racing Car--antique car
Lucy--------Charlie Brown
Make up your own opposing pairs.
For groups that are not mobile, invite the group to stand or sit... raise hand or lower hand.
Quick Link
Size of Group: 10 to ?
Focus: energizer, socialization, fun
Description: As the group leader shouts out "get into groups of fours," everyone quickly joins in a
group of four. At any time, even before the group of four is formed, the leader shouts out another
instruction. Examples: everyone with same color shoes, everyone with same color eyes, groups of
five, people born in the same month, people with same Zodiac sign, form a letter Z with groups of 3
Expected Outcome: group cohesion, laughter, + feelings
Challenging Warm-up Activities
Hug of War
I will not play at tug o'war,
I'd rather play at hug o'war,
Where everyone hugs
Instead of tugs,
Where everyone giggles
And rolls on the rug,
Where everyone kisses,
And everyone grins,
And everyone cuddles,
Description: This game is just like the game ""telephone"" but instead of passing a word or phrase
around you pass a facial expression. Get the group in a circle. Have everyone close their eyes
except the person who wants to pass the ""face"". The passer will tap the shoulder of the person
next to her, that person will open his eyes to receive the face. He will then tap the shoulder of the
person next to him and pass the face along. Once you have passed the face you may keep your eyes
open to watch it move around the group. At the end, the original passer receives the face from the
last person in the group and then shows what the original face was! This game ALWAYS gets
people laughing!
Newspaper in a Bag
Size: 4-12
Equipment: bag filled with newspapers.
Objective: To stimulate imagination, curiosity and improvisation and to help break ice in group
Description: Bag is passed around group. They can guess whats inside. Before its revealed they are
told that they may think that its something very boring, however their challenge is to make it into
something exciting. Group leader can begin. Newspaper can be crumpled, torn folded etc and
transformed into something such as a hat. Participants can mime the new item and others in the
group guess.
Modified Simon Says
Size: 8-12
Equipment: None
Objective: Group members learn the importance of paying attention when given instructions.
Description: Members sit in a circle. One member is selected to be the listener. A peer gives them
instructions of something silly to do or say and the member follows the directions. Then another
peer gives a direction to follow. The group member then completes the first instruction and then the
second instruction. This continues until the member is unable to remember which direction is next.
Then another member is selected and so on.
Relaxation Warm-Up
submitted by Melissa Cook of Center for the Disabled on December 31, 2003
Size: 2-8
Equipment: assortment of lotions, massagers (vibrating, hand-held, wooden, etc.), relaxing music
Objective: Lotion massage/sensory experience to help individuals become relaxed and focused prior
to participating in a structured group.
Description: Working with the disabled population, I find many times that when entering into a
therapy session, they are quite hyper-sensitive and unfocused. I find that these individuals need time
to sit and relax and become focused so that they can successfully participate in a program. Prior to
the structured activity, whether it be music, dance, etc., having individuals sit in a circle and
experiment with a variety of lotions and/or massagers for relaxation. Working 1:1 with individuals
giving them lotion to hands and arms while explaining to them what they will soon be doing with
the upcoming activity. I find this relaxation/sensory period help individuals, especially the disabled,
to become more focused and ready to participate in an activity as opposed to just jumping into
movement, instrument play, etc. This activity can also be used as a closing to any session, allowing
individuals to cool down and relax before leaving.
Circle Massage
Size of group: 6 to ? (if group size is smaller stand in single file)