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Submitted by: Manshul Arora





To study various microwave components and instruments.

Setup an experiment to study the characteristics of Klystron tube.

Setup an experiment to measure the frequency and wavelength of microwave


To determine SWR and reflection coefficient.

Setup an experiment to study the function of phase shifter.

Setup an experiment to study the function of Magic Tee.

Setup an experiment to study the function of circulator/isolator.

Setup an experiment to study the function of directional coupler.

Using Microwave Communication kit, setup an experiment to study the


(a) HPBW measurement

(b) Polarization and Reflection of microwave
(c) Measurement of gain with and without waveguide
Draw the magnitude response & phase response of S 21 & S11 using MATLAB
for frequency 0 to 10 GHz for the following circuit.
Draw the magnitude response & phase response of S 21 & S11 using MATLAB
for frequency 0 to 10 GHz for the following circuit.
Draw the magnitude and phase response of S11 and S21 using MATAB for the
given circuit.



AIM: To study various microwave components and instruments.

Adaptors (Coaxial To Waveguide) - These adapters

consist of a short section of waveguide with a probe
transition coax mounted on broad wall. It transforms
waveguides impedance into coaxial impedance. Power
can be transmitted in either direction. Each adaptor
covers 50% of the waveguide band.

Attenuators - Required for adjusting the power flowing

in a waveguide. There are a broad range of fixed,
variable and rotary vane attenuators in waveguide.

Fixed: Any amount of fixed attenuation can be

supplied between 3 to 40 dB. These attenuators
are calibrated frequency band.
Variable: Variable attenuators provide a
convenient means of adjusting power level very
Rotary: The rotary vane attenuators are the ideal
instrument for use in waveguide systems where
broad band direct reading of attenuation is
required, particularly as a standard for reflectometer and swept measuring systems.

Bends - In measurement it is often necessary to bend a

waveguide by some angle. SICO offers 771 & 775 series
of 90 waveguide bends in E and H plane respectively.
Although for special requirement we can provide
bending angle 30, 45, 60, and 120 in either plane.
These bends incorporate a bend waveguide section and
two standard flanges.

E & H metered Bends: These are the waveguide metered

bend in E plane of H plane

Detector Mounts - The crystal detector can be used for

the detection of microwave signal. SICO 460 series
tuned broad band and 451 series tunable waveguide
detectors. RF choke is built into the crystal mounting to
reduce leakage from BNC connector. Square law
characteristics may be used with a high gain selective
amplifier having a square law meter calibration.
At low level of microwave power, the response of each
detector approximate to square law characteristics and
may be used with a high gain selective amplifier having
a square law meter calibration.

Couplers - At Microwave frequencies the

directional couplers are an easy tool to sample the
microwave energy travelling in one direction.
Attenuation measurement, reflect meter setup,
power measuring, source leveling and network
analysis are just a few areas in which couplers are

Multi Hole Directional Couplers: SICO

offers 6 xx series directional couplers
which are multi-element couplers built
from a rectangular waveguide. (xx: Stands
for the value of coupling in dB).

directional couplers consist of two
waveguide sectional joint at 90 with the
coupling element mounted into the
common broad wall. Each model is
furnished with a nominal mid band

coupling value of 20 dB. On special order

other coupling valve can also be supplied.

Dielectric Cells - The Model 501 and 701 are basic

measuring components for solid and liquid dielectric
constant measurement respectively. These consist of
cavities for keeping the sample and the position of the
sample can be read by means of micrometer.

Ferrite Isolators and Circulators - These ferrite

isolators & circulators are matched 2 port/3 port
devices which offer low insertion loss and high
isolation over 1 GHz band width. The
performance of these Isolators optimizes at the
frequency given in the datasheet on special order.
A unit can be optimized at any frequency within
the wave guide band.

Frequency Meter - These (reaction cavity type)

frequency meters are intended for moderate
measurements and usually best for this purpose
since these permit full power flow down the
transmission line except at the precise tuned
Frequency Meter (Micrometer type): The
frequency meter model 455 consists of a
microwave cavity with plunger and a section of
standard waveguide. The micrometer drive of
plunger ensures precise control of its position
enabling frequency measurement with high
Direct Reading frequency Meter: These direct
reading frequency meters model 710 measure
frequencies accurately. Their long scale length
and numbered calibration marks provide high
resolution which is particularly useful when
measuring frequency differences of small
frequency changes.

Waveguide Horns - SICO offers a series of

standard Pyramidal, Sectorial and pickup Horn.
These are intended for use in general purpose
radiators and are also used to determine the gain of
antenna under test by a conventional substitution
method. They are also used as reference sources in
dual channel antenna test receivers and can be used
as pick up horns for radiation monitoring.

Klystron Mounts - 251 Series of Klystron mounts

are used to provide easy mean of transmission of
microwave power from reflex Klystron tube to the
rectangular waveguide systems. It consists of a
section of waveguide whose one end is fitted with
moveable short plunger. A small hole on the broad
wall of waveguide is provided through which
coupling pin of Reflex Klystron tube enters into the
waveguide. The maximum power transfer is
achieved by matching the impedance of waveguide
& Reflex Klystron tube through movable plunger.

Tuners - E-H plane Tuners provides a convenient

means of tuning out discontinuities in waveguide
systems. Mismatches up to 20:1 can be tuned to a
VSWR of less than 1.02 at any frequency in the
waveguide band.

Phase Shifter - Phase shifters are used to change

the effective electrical length of transmission line
without changing its physical length. They are
particularly useful in microwave bridge circuit
where phase and amplitude must be adjusted
independently. The phase shift is controlled by a
micrometer driven mechanism which assure
optimum resolution in each waveguide. The unit is
supplied with a calibration chart of centre
frequency of each band on request.

Probes - These are very important tools for

measuring the SWR and impedance.
655 Tunable probes: SICO 655 series tunable probe
consists of a crystal, plus a small wire antenna in
convenient coaxial housing. Its depth of penetration
in to the slotted section is variable and may be locked
at any position of penetration.

Broad Band probe: It consists of a crystal

diode plus a small antenna probe in a suitable
housing for sampling microwave energy. This
probe is extremely sensitive over a wide
frequency range. No tuning is required for
maximizing the sampled signal.

Shorts - Moveable Short is used to obtain a phase

reference in the calibration of various experimental
set-ups & is also used to vary the effective plane of
reflection and therefore the phase of reflected wave.
These are also useful for impedance measurement.
SICO offers two types of shorts: Series 481 are
general purpose short known as moveable short in
which there is no provision to record the position of
short in the waveguide Series 581 precision types
short known as precision short in which position of
short can be accurately recorded from micrometer
attached to it.

Slotted Line With Probe Carriage - The slotted line

represented the basic instrument of microwave
measurements. With its help it is possible to
determine the VSWR, attenuation, phase and
impedances. The position of carriage (probe) can be
read from a scale with its vernier. The total travel of
probe carriage is more than three time of half of guide

Terminations - These are designed for terminating the

waveguide Systems operating at low average power.
The loads are carefully designed to absorb virtually all
the applied power and assure a low SWR. They may be
used where a matched load is required as in the
measurements of reflection, discontinuities of obstacle
in waveguide systems.

Accessories - Universal Waveguide Stand, Choke

flanges are available for all bands. Required for
maximizing the sampled signal.
Cable of one meter length is available with the
following connectors. BNC, TNC, UHF, N type, SMA.

Modulators - Many applications of microwave testing

require amplitude modulation and pulse modulation of
signal sources. Pin Diode modulators offer an ideal
way of amplitude & pulse modulation of microwave
signal though a wide range of frequencies. These
modulators utilize PIN Diode which is mounted across
the waveguide line with an R.F. isolated DC bias lead
passing to an external TNC (F) connector.

Oscillator (Gunn) - These mechanically tuned Gunn

Oscillators provide a low highly reliable source for
generating the microwave signal.

Twists - These are used to rotate the plane of

polarization of a waveguide Transmission line.
Twists are manufactured from a section of standard
waveguide which has been precisely twisted
maintaining the internal waveguide dimension.
Standard Model is 90 twist. Other configurations are
available on special order for different angle and
overall length.

TEES - SICO offers different series of waveguide

Tees. These are used to divide Microwave energy from
one input into two output lines, or to combine
microwave energy from two inputs into one output.

AIM: Setup an experiment to study the characteristic of Klystron tube.
Klystron power supply SKPS 610, Klystron Mount XM251, Isolator, Frequency Meter XF-710,
Variable Attenuator XA-520, Detector Mount XD 451, Waveguide Stand XU- 535, VSWR Meter
SW- 215, Oscilloscope and BNC Meter.


Klystron Power Supply


Microwave sourceIsolatar

Frequency Meter
Variable Attenuator
Detector Mount
Matched Termination


The reflex klystron tube makes the use of the velocity modulation to transform a continuous
electron beam into microwave power electrons emitted from the cathode are accelerated and passed
through the positive resonator towards negative reflector which retards and reflects the electrons
end the electron turns back through the resonator. The accelerated electrons have the resonator at a
higher frequency. The electrons leaving the resonator will med. diff. time to return, due to change in
velocities. As a result, returning electrons group together in bunches. As the electrons bunch pass
through resonator, they interact with voltage at the resonator grids if the bunches pass the grid at
such time that the electrons are slowed down by voltage, energy will be delivered to the resonator
and klystron will oscillate.
The dimensions of resonant cavity primarily determine the frequency. Hence by changing the
volume of the resonator mechanical tuning range of klystron is possible. Also a small frequency
change can be obtained by adjusting the reflector voltage. This is called Electronic Tuning.

1. The components are connected as shown in the figure.
2. The variable attenuators are set at the maximum position.
3. The mod switch of klystron supply tube is set to the CW position.
4. Beam voltage control knob to fully anti-clockwise and reflector voltage control knob to fully
clockwise. Meter switch is OFF. The knob of frequency meter is rotated to one side fully. The
klystron power supply is turned ON.
5. The DC microampere meter is connected with detector.
6. The beam voltage switch is put on and the beam voltage knob is rotated clockwise slowly up to
300V meter reading and the beam current is observed on the meter by changing the meter switch to
beam current position.
7. The beam current should not increase more than 300mA.
8. The reflector voltage is changed slowly and the current meter is watched for maximum deflection
in the meter.
9. The plunger of the klystron mount is tuned for the maximum output.
10. The knob of frequency meter is rotated slowly and stopped at the position there is less output on
11. This observation can also be done on an oscilloscope.
Square Wave Operation:
The equipments were connected as shown in the figure. The micrometer of variable attenuator was
set around some position. The range switch of VSWR meter was set at 40dB position, the input
selector switch to crystal impudence position, meter switch to narrow position. The mod selector
switch was set to AM-MOD position, the beam voltage control knob to fully anti-clockwise
position. The Klystron power supply, VSWR meter and cooling fan were switched ON. The beam
voltage switch was switched ON and the beam voltage knob was rotated clockwise upto 295V
deflection in meter. The AM-MOD amplitude knob and AM-FRE knob was kept at mid position.
The reflector voltage knob was rotated to get deflection in VSWR meter. The AM-MOD amplitude

knob was rotated to get the maximum output in VSWR meter. The deflection with frequency knob
was maximized to get maximum output in VSWR meter. If required, the range switch of VSWR
meter was changed.

Mode Study on Oscilloscope:

The components and equipment were setup as shown in fig. The position of variable attenuator was
kept at min attenuator position. The mode selector switch was kept fully anticlockwise and beam
switch to off position.

The time division of oscilloscope was kept around 100Hz frequency

measurement and voltage/division to lower scale. The beam voltage switch was switched ON and
kept at 295V. The amplitude knob of FM modulator was kept to max position and reflector voltage
was rotated to anticlockwise to get on the oscilloscope. The horizontal axis represents the output
power. Any mode of Klystron tube can be observed on oscilloscope by changing the reflector
voltage and amplitude of the modulation

Repeller Voltage

Oscilloscope Volt.

Freq. (Hz)

Repeller Voltage



1. The output power was plotted against the repeller voltage.

2. From the graph it was observed that we get a maximum power between two consecutive minima
where P = 0.
3. The value of Pmax increases with increase in repeller voltage.

AIM: Setup an experiment to measure the frequency and wavelength of microwave signal.
Klystron power supply SKPS 610, Klystron Mount XM251, Isolator, Frequency Meter XF-710,
Variable Attenuator XA-520, Slotted Wire (XS-651), Tunable Probe (XP-655), Waveguide Stand
XU- 535, VSWR Meter SW- 215, Movable Short (XT-481)/Matched termination (XL400).


Klystron Power Supply

Tunable Probe

Microwave source Isolator

Frequency meter
Variable AttenuatorSlotted LineMatched Termination

Movable short

For dominant TE10 mode rectangular waveguide, g, 0 and c are related by:




Where, 0 = Free space wavelength, g = Waveguide wavelength, c = Cut-off wavelength

For TE10 mode, c = 2a, where a = Broad dimension of waveguide.

1) The components were set up as shown in the figure. The variable attenuator was set up at a
minimum attenuation position. The central knobs of VSWR meter were kept as - Range: 50
db, Input Switch Crystal: Low, Meter Switch: Normal position, Gain (coarse/fine): Mid

2) The control knobs of Klystron power supply were kept as below: Beam Voltage: Off, ModSwitch: AM, Beam Voltage Knob: fully anticlockwise, Reflector Voltage: fully clockwise,
AM amplitude knob: around fully clockwise, AM frequency knob: around mid position.
3) The Klystron power supply, VSWR meter and cooling fan are switched on. The beam
voltage was switched on and beam voltage was set at 295 volts, with the help of beam
voltage knob.
4) Reflector voltage was adjusted to get some deflection in VSWR meter. Deflection was
minimized with AM amplitude and frequency control knob of power supply.
5) The plunger of Klystron mount in and probe were tuned for maximum deflection. Frequency
meter knob was tuned to get a dip on the VSWR scale.
6) The terminator was replaced with movable short. Probe was moved along the slotted line and
minimum deflection position to get accurate reading (If necessary, increase the VSWR meter
db range switch to higher position).
7) The probe position was noted. Probe was moved to next minimum position and position was
recorded again.
8) The guide wavelength was calculated as twice the distance between two successive minima
positions attained above. The waveguide inner dimension a was measured. Frequency was

c 2 2


S. No.

Repeller Voltage (V)


Difference g = 2(d1-d2) (cm)


1) The output power was plotted against the repeller voltage.

c (cm)

f = c/0 (GHz)

2) From the graph it was observed that we get a maximum power between two consecutive
minimas where P = 0.
3) The value of Pmax increases with increase in repeller voltage.

AIM: To determine SWR and reflection coefficient.

Klystron tube, Klystron Power supply, VSWR meter, Klystron Mounts, Variable Attenuator, Slotted
line, Tunable Probe, Waveguide Stand, Movable Short Termination, BNC cable, SS Tuner


The electromagnetic field at any position of the transmission line may be considered as the sum of
the traveling waves. The incident wave which propagates towards the generator and the reflected
wave is generated from a discontinuity in line or from load impedance. The superposition of the two
traveling waves results in a stand by wave along the line. The maximum field strength is found
where the waves are in phase and min., where the two waves are out of the phase, and the distance
between two successive minimas is half the wavelength of guide. The ratio of the incident field and
the reflected wave is known as the reflection coefficient.
The VSWR is the ratio between the maximum and minimum field strength along the line. Hence the

E max ( Ei Er )

E min
( Ei Er )

Reflection coefficient,

Er ( Zi Zo)

Ei ( Zi Zo)

Where, Zi = Load Impedance, and Zo = Characteristic impedance. Therefore,

S 1
S 1

1) The apparatus was set up as shown in figure. The variable attenuation was kept at the minimum
attenuation position. The control knobs of VSWR meter were kept as below: Range: 40-50 dB,
Input-Switch: Low-Impedance, Meter Switch: Normal, Gain (Coarse fine) - Mid-position approx.
2) The control knobs of the klystron power supply were kept as below Beam Voltage - 0FF, ModSwitch- AM.
3) The beam voltage, klystron power supply, VSWR cooling fan are switched ON.
4) The beam voltage is set at 295V. The reflector voltage knob was rotated to get deflection in
VSWR meter. The o/p was tuned by tuning the reflector voltage amplifier and frequency of AM
modulation. The plunger of Klystron Mount and Probe were tuned for maximum deflection in
VSWR meter.
Measurement of High VSWR:
5) The depth of SS tune was set slightly more for maximum VSWR. The probe was moved along a
slotted line until a minimum was indicated. The VSWR meter gain of knob and variable attenuator
was adjusted to obtain a reading of 3dB in the normal dB scale (0-10dB) of VSWR meter. The
probe was moved to the left on the slotted line until a full scale deflection was obtained on 0-10dB
scale. The probe position is noted as d1. Note another position as d2. The SS tuner and terminator

were replaced by movable short. Found

Emax =
Emin =

E max

E min

S 1

S 1

and SWR is calculated as

(d1 d 2)

1) The standing wave ratio as compared from the observation table is
2) The value of the reflection coefficient r is


AIM: Setup an experiment to study the function of Magic Tee.

Microwave source, Isolator (2K25), Variable Attenuator XA520, Frequency Meter XF7110, Slotted
Line XS651, Tunable Probe XP-655, Magic Tee, Detector Mount XD451.


The device magic tee is a combination of
the E and H plane. Arm 3 is H arm and arm
4 is E arm. If the power is fed into arm 3 (H
arm), the E divides equally between arm 1
and arm 2 with the same phase and no
electric field exists in arm 4. If the power is
fed into arm 1 and arm 2 simultaneously it
is added in arm 3 (H arm) and is subtracted
in E arm.


VSWR measurements of the ports

1. Set up the experiment as shown.
2. Start Klystron Tube.
3. Measure the VSWR of E arms as described in measurement of SWR for low and medium value.
4. Connect another arm to slotted line and terminate the other port with the matched terminator.
Measure VSWR.

Measurement of isolation N coupling factor

1. Remove the tunable probe and magic tee from slotted line and connect the detector mount to the
slotted line.
2. Start Klystron tube.
3. Set any power level in VSWR meter and note it down. Let it be P 3.
4. Without disturbing the position of variable attenuator to gain control knobs place the magic tee
after slotted line keeping the arm connected to slotted line, detector to E arm and matched
termination to arm 1 and arm 2. Note down VSWR reading. Let it be P4.
5. Determine isolation between port 3 and port 4 by P3 -P4 in dB.
6. Determine coupling coefficient.
7. The same experiment is repeated for other ports.

The basic parameters to be measured:

1. Input VSWR: Value of SWR corresponding to each port, as a load to the line while other ports
are terminated in matched load.
2. Isolation: The isolation between E and H arms is defined as the ratio of the power supplied by the
generator connected to the E arm to the power detected at the H arm when 1 and 2 are terminated
using matched load.
3. Coupling factor: It is defined as C ij = 10 /20 where is the attenuation/isolation in dB when it
is input arm and j is output arm.

= 10log10(P4/P3).

1. Beam Voltage

2. Repeller Voltage =
3. Power

= 2.1 * =

4. Power in H arm

5. Power in E arm


AIM: Using Microwave Communication kit, setup an experiment to study the following:
(a) HPBW measurement
(b) Polarization and Reflection of microwave
(c) Measurement of gain with and without waveguide

Microwave satellite communication base, Microwave transmitter, Microwave receiver, Power
supply load, Metal polarization grid, Cardboard, Metal satellite.

Microwaves are electromagnetic waves containing energy associated with electric and magnetic
fields each of these fields have a transverse motion.
Angle of electric field with respect to direction of propagation, decide the polarization of wave.
Electric field if stays in one plane during propagation of wave i.e. called plane polarized. For an
antenna, the electric field runs parallel to antenna, the electric field runs parallel to antenna and the
magnetic field goes perpendicular to it .In horn antenna, Vertically plane polarized waves are
generated by an oscillator and is launched into the waveguide. The received signal will have
maximum intensity when receiver antenna is properly aligned with the transmitter and minimum
when they are 90 with each other.

Microwave reflection:
When waves are in space, they spread across a wide area. So in open space a lot of energy is lost.
The best way to prevent this is to send it via a metal tube beam being reflected by waveguide walls.
Most metals reflect microwaves through with some amount of conduction losses.


A hollow metallic tube of uniform cross-section of transmitting EM waves by successive reflections

from the inner walls of the tube is called a waveguide. There is a cut off value for frequency of
transmission depending upon the dimensions of waveguide.

Gain and half power beam width:

The fundamental characteristics of an antenna are its gain and half power beam width. According to
reciprocity theorem, the transmitting and receiving patterns of antenna are identical at a given
wavelength. The gain is a measure of how much of the input power is concentrated in a particular
direction. It is expressed with respect to a hypothetical isotropic antenna, which radiates equally in
all directions.
Thus in the direction (,) gain is
d Pin

dr 4

G ( , )

Maximum gain is along the bore sight direction. Z0 = impedance of free space.
Bore sight gain is given in terms of size of antenna.


For circular reflection


.Gain increases as wavelength decreases or frequency

Half power beam width is angular separation between half power points on the antenna radiation
pattern, where the gain is one half the maximum value: HPBW= k/D HPBW decreases with
decreasing wavelength and increasing diameter.


a) Gain with and without waveguide


Receiver (without waveguide)

Receiver (with waveguide)

b) Half Power Beam Width



(transmitter is set at 5)

As can be seen from the observation tables, gain increases in presence of a waveguide as opposed to
without waveguide.
Also it was seen that HPBW =

When conducting rods are placed vertically in between the transmitter and receiver, the receiver
reading is minimum. As the rods are rotated, the receiver reading increases till it reaches a
maximum value when the rods are horizontally placed. Thus vertical plane is the E-plane and
horizontal plane is the H-plane.

AIM: Draw the magnitude response & phase response of S 21 & S11 using MATLAB for frequency 0
to 10 GHz for the following circuit.



%%%% Microwave LPF %%%%

clear all;
close all;
%% Characteristic Impedance %%
Z0 = 50;



for i=1:1:length(f)
w = 2*pi*f(i);

= [1
= [1
= [1
= [1
= [1

Matrix of individual elements %%

0; j*w*C1 1];
j*w*L2; 0 1];
0; j*w*C3 1];
1i*w*L4; 0 1];
0; j*w*C5 1];

%% Cascading %%
T = T1*T2*T3*T4*T5;
A = T(1,1);
B = T(1,2);
C = T(2,1);

D = T(2,2);
S21(i) = 2/(A + B/Z0 + C*Z0 + D);
S11(i) = (A + B/Z0 - C*Z0 - D)/(A + B/Z0 + C*Z0 + D);
i = i+1;
title('Magnitude Response');
xlabel('Freqency --->');
ylabel('Magnitude ---->');
axis([0 10*10^9 -pi pi]);
title('Phase Response');
xlabel('Freqency --->');
ylabel('Phase ---->');


The given circuit is a microwave low-pass filter with cut-off frequency = 2 Ghz.

AIM: Draw the magnitude response & phase response of S 21 & S11 using MATLAB for frequency 0
to 10 GHz for the following circuit.


%%%% Microwave BPF %%%%
clear all;
close all;
%% Characteristic Impedance %%
Z0 = 50;



for i=1:1:length(f)
w = 2*pi*f(i);

= [1
= [1
= [1
= [1
= [1
= [1

Matrix of individual elements %%

j*w*L1; 0 1];
1/(j*w*C1); 0 1];
0; 1/(j*w*L2) 1];
0; j*w*C2 1];
j*w*L3; 0 1];
1/(j*w*C3); 0 1];

%% Cascading %%
T = T1*T2*T3*T4*T5*T6;



S21(i) = 2/(A + B/Z0 + C*Z0 + D);

S11(i) = (A + B/Z0 - C*Z0 - D)/(A + B/Z0 + C*Z0 + D);
i = i+1;
title('Magnitude Response');
xlabel('Freqency --->');
ylabel('Magnitude ---->');
axis([f(1) f(length(f)) -pi pi]);
title('Phase Response');
xlabel('Freqency --->');
ylabel('Phase ---->');


The given circuit is a microwave band-pass filter with Bandwidth = (1.061-0.9437) Ghz
= 0.1173 Ghz
= 117.3 MHz.

AIM: Draw the magnitude response & phase response of S 21 & S11 using MATLAB for the
following circuit.


clear all;
close all;
%% Characteristic Impedances %%
Z0 = 50;
Z01 = 64.9;
Z02 = 217.5;
Z03 = 70.3;
Z04 = Z02;
Z05 = Z01;
%% l is fixed, f is varying %%
f = [3:0.000001:3.06]*10^9;
l = 10;
c = 3*10^8;
for i=1:1:length(f)
theta = 2*pi*f(i)*l/c;
T1 = [1 0; j*(1/Z01)*tan(theta) 1];
T2 = [cos(theta) j*Z02*sin(theta); j*(1/Z02)*sin(theta)
T3 = [1 0; j*(1/Z03)*tan(theta) 1];
T4 = [cos(theta) j*Z04*sin(theta); j*(1/Z04)*sin(theta)
T5 = [1 0; j*(1/Z05)*tan(theta) 1];



S21(i) = 2/(A + B/Z0 + C*Z0 + D);

S11(i) = (A + B/Z0 - C*Z0 - D)/(A + B/Z0 + C*Z0 + D);
i = i+1;
title('Magnitude Response');
xlabel('Freqency --->');
ylabel('Magnitude ---->');
axis([f(1) f(length(f)) -pi pi]);
title('Phase Response');
xlabel('Freqency --->');
ylabel('Phase ---->');


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