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Johnson Space Center Roundup 2012-08

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National Aeronautics and Space Administration

LY N D O N B . J O H N S O N S P A C E C E N T E R

August | 2012

Adventures in analogs










On the cover:

In this edition


A weightless Steve Squyres uses

a translation line and tethers to
stabilize himself as he hovers
above the seafloor. Squyres was
part of the 16th NASA Extreme
Environment Mission Operations

I was about 5 or 6 years old, I really started looking

up at the heavens. Some of my fondest memories are
of searching a spectacular rural night sky with my father for the first
spacecraft and wondering what it would be like to look back at Earth
from that streaking point of light.
It was a thought that has been shared by millions of humans over the
past centuries. Trips to the moon, the planets and the stars have been
imagined by some of the most brilliant of minds. Even today, space
exploration still tops the charts as the topic that most intrigues human
curiosity. Despite themes of alien invasions and impending asteroid
impacts, the thought of actually traveling into space is the ultimate
Janet L. Kavandi
adventure for many people.
We live in the perfect time for this adventure. Consider how much
Flight Crew Operations
humanity has learned in the past century. One hundred years ago, humans
were just beginning to defy gravity with winged aircraft. Seventy-five
years ago, through advanced telescopes, we learned about the true size of the universe. Fifty years ago,
humans were first adventuring off the planet for the first time. Only 10 years later, we landed on another
heavenly body. Since that time, we have flown into space dozens of times and built an amazing orbiting
laboratory. You and I, wedid that! What a privilege to have lived in this time and to have contributed
such an achievement in human history.
Now you and I are ready for more. We want and need to go farther. We are trying to help others who
have never really looked into those night skies see what is out there. We are seeking new and innovative
ways to launch again and fly farther than we have flown before. You and Iand now our successors
are ready for that challenge. Johnson Space Center houses some of the greatest minds, with the
greatest hearts, for exploration. We are ready to take the next steps. I cant imagine working with a
better group of people to achieve such enormous goals. Together, we will achieve even more impossible
featsjust like we and our predecessors have been doing for decades.

New biology lab on station allows for testing in artificial gravity

Photo of the month:

Fusible Heat Sink technology reaches milestone

The Soyuz TMA-05M rocket

launches from the Baikonur
Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan at
9:40 p.m. CDT on July 14, carrying
Expedition 32 Soyuz Commander
Yuri Malenchenko, NASA Flight
Engineer Sunita Williams and
Japan Aerospace Exploration
Agency Flight Engineer Akihiko
Hoshide to the space station.

Friendly weight-loss wager leaves one participant clucking

Advanced Exploration Systems gears up for NASAs future

Aquanauts perfect techniques for an asteroid 63 feet below the sea

Time to kick up some red dust; and Friendly weight-loss wager leaves
one participant clucking cont.


Meet Adam David Burnett, Engineering Technician


Center Scoop


Dont forgetwere in the thick of hurricane season



Guest Column

New biology lab on station allows for

testing in artificial gravity


is expanding its existing capabilities for doing plant

and animal tissue investigations on the International
Space Station with the delivery of a new centrifuge scheduled for
this summer. The centrifuge is a NASA and commercial industry
collaboration and will be housed in stations NanoRacks facility.

During a ceremony on Feb. 14 at the Astrium North

America facility in Houston, two principal participants
shake hands as a gravitational research centrifuge gets
handed over by Astrium Space Transportation (ST) to
NanoRacks, LLC representatives. The handshake of
Ulrich Kuebler (second right) of Astrium ST and Jeff
Manber, managing director of NanoRacks, symbolizes
the working relationship between Astrium ST and
NanoRacks, who are working in cooperation with NASA
to deliver the commercial centrifuge facility to station.
At left is Achim Schwarzwaelder of Astrium ST.
The small Gravitational Biology Lab will allow biological
experimentation in artificial gravityfrom zero gravity to twice
Earths normal gravityfor prolonged periods of time. The new
facility will provide environmental control, lighting, data transfer,
command and observation of experiments in Mars and moon gravity
conditions, as well as mimicking Earths gravity. This is useful for
biological research and could lead to advances in medications and
vaccines, agricultural controls and discoveries in geneticsall
beneficial to those of us on Earth.
NanoRacks hardware is available for many different investigation
scenarios, including mini-aquariums, seed-germination boxes, plantgrowth chambers, mammal and plant cell culture units, along with
multi-generation chambers for fruit flies. There have been several
multi-generational experiments involving drosophilaa type of fruit
fly. Drosophila has a similar genetic makeup to humans and can serve
as a genetic model for several human disease studies.
There are already two NanoRacks research platforms in use
on space station, including two microscopes. More than 35
investigations have been conducted in the NanoRacks facilities,

which operate under a Space Act Agreement with NASA and the
U.S. National Lab. In 2005, Congress designated the space station
a national laboratory in an effort to include other government
organizations, schools and universities, and private companies in
the use of the orbiting laboratory, increasing the amount of research
being done in microgravity.
The centrifuge is a joint venture between Astrium Space
Transportation and NanoRacks, LLC, with more joint projects
planned. Additional facilities also are planned, with a Plate Reader
scheduled for delivery this year to allow on-site microbiological
analysis, expanding life science and biological research.
This is an important step in the expansion of National Lab facilities
aboard the space station, said Marybeth Edeen, former U.S. National
Lab manager at Johnson Space Center. Having companies develop
research and facilities for the National Lab with their own funding
demonstrates the beginnings of the commercial space marketplace
that the National Lab was created to serve.
Centrifuges have been used in space since 1985 to conduct
more than 130 experiments on 25 shuttle missions, resulting in
the publication of more than 300 scientific papers. This heritage
provides a large variety of flight-proven experiment designs now
available for use by researchers for all types of molecular and cellular
investigations on animal and plant tissues. The new NanoRacks
facility design will provide fully automated culturing of cells and
tissue, including plug-and-play payloads that require only a
standard computer USB connection to access needed power and
environmental controls.
Station crew members and researchers are looking forward to
the addition of this new centrifuge. What they will learn from the
research in the new facility can be used to better life on Earth, as well
as provide knowledge to help advance future long-duration human
spaceflight missions.



By Lori Keith

This is a close-up view of a gravitational research

centrifuge that Astrium ST handed over to NanoRacks,
LLC, during a ceremony on Feb. 14 at Astrium North
Americas Houston facility.


Fusible Heat Sink technology

reaches milestone

By Neesha Hosein

thermal performance; a radiative

outer surface for heat rejection
via radiation heat transfer; and
an integrated coolant fluid loop to
transport the waste heat to and
from the vehicle heat loads.
The FHS uses radiation heat
transfer as its primary source
of heat rejection. The water is
used as a phase-change material
to provide a source of thermal
capacitanceability to store
electrical chargeto the vehicle.
When the radiator is unable to
reject an increased level of waste
energy, water is used to reject
and store it. An increased level
of waste energy can be produced
by the vehicle and its crew, which
could be caused by running
computers, human body heat
The Fusible Heat Sink Engineering Development Unit in the Chamber E Thermal
(such as when the astronauts are
Vacuum Chamber for testing.
exercising) and/or extreme space
environment conditions.
The test is significant since it is
the simplest satellite to the most complex human-rated the first time that such a heat-rejection device will be tested on a large
scale. The investigation will help engineers rule out assumptions and
vehicle, all space vehicles require thermal control.
thermal math models currently used to design the EDU. The group is
The Advanced Thermal Group designed and built a one-third scale
in the process of taking the results and incorporating design changes
Fusible Heat Sink (FHS) Engineering Development Unit (EDU) that
to combat inefficiencies experienced during the test. The FHS team
underwent testing in June. The device is baselined as the primary
hopes to improve its thermal capability, as well as reduce mass of the
source of heat rejection for the Multi-Mission Space Exploration
heat-rejection device, by optimizing the coolant flow passage, coolant
Vehicle (MMSEV).
manifold and numerous other aspects of the FHS design as it currently
The MMSEV is currently slated to have the fusible heat sink on the
roof of the vehicle, said Rubik Sheth, lead for MMSEV cabin thermal.
Its supposed to perform two functions: harmful radiation protection to
the astronauts and thermal control.
Sheth explained that the FHS combines the function of a car radiator
and air bags in the car. It is used to keep the vehicle cool so that it can
function in all aspects (power/avionics, air temperature and more). It is
also designed to help protect the crew from any harmful radiation in the
space environment.
(Astronaut) Michael Gernhardt came up with the idea of putting
400 to 500 pounds of water above the astronauts to perform
radiation protection; this is the harmful radiation protection from the
sun, Sheth said.
FHS design
The Advanced Thermal Group came up with a novel way to use
that water to do thermal control, combining the two functions into one
system: the FHS. The device will eventually be located on the roof of
the vehicle in a rectangular shape. Currently, the FHS is slated to have
a total thickness of 2 inches per 500 pounds of water needed for
radiation protection; interstitial material of aluminum fins to enhance




An artists concept of the MMSEV with the FHS. The

FHS is depicted as the top surface of the cabin with the
lines on it.

Friendly weight-loss wager leaves

one participant clucking



can a chicken costume do to inspire weight loss? Turns out

a lot.
Back in February, two friends in the Commercial Crew Program (CCP)
Spacecraft Office at Johnson Space Center decided to embark on a
weight-loss challenge.
Were pretty competitive people, so generally anything that we do,
we can either turn it into a bet or a competition of some sort, said Dan
Bell, Systems lead for the CCP Spacecraft Office. So thats how the
weight-loss bet started.
Justin Kerr, Risk and Requirements lead for the CCP Spacecraft
Office, admitted that
he was very eager
to compete with
Bell because he just
knew that with their
different body types,
winning would be a
sure thing.
So Dan and I got
to talking about it,
Kerr said. I was like,
Yeah, I need to lose
50 pounds. Dan said,
Well, I need to lose
about 25 or so. I was
thinking theres no
way he can lose 25
pounds you dont
have 25 pounds to
lose. Youre on!
JSCs resident chicken for a day, Justin
Both acknowledged
that money alone
Kerr, and Dan Bell pose for a photo
would not be enough
following their weight-loss wager.
of a motivation. They
needed a result that would be highly undesirable, as Kerr put it. Enter:
a chicken suit, resplendent with orange tights and a honking beak. To
avoid donning it, each would need to meet a personalized weight-loss
goal within the four months.
Both employed a variety of strategies. Kerr joined JSCs Weight
Watchers at Work and continued to participate in 5Ks and some
triathlons. He also did a session of Boot Camp with Starport. Bell used
his own eating plan, avoiding certain food groups and concentrating on
protein and vegetables. He, too, joined Kerr in the fitness arena, also
taking part in 5Ks and triathlons.
The results were stunning in their own right.
I started running, started working on my running times, Kerr said.
We went and did the Yuris Night run, and I got a really good timethe
best time Id ever gotten.
And then came the moment of the hallway weigh-in at the conclusion
of the four months, with all their co-workers around to witness.
I got on the scale and had met my goal, and then Justin got on the
scale, Bell said. He had had to lose 50 pounds. To his credit he lost
46, so he was very close.
Despite the fact that Kerr had to morph into a chicken one hot July
day, in essence, he still won along with his friend.

by Catherine Ragin Williams

It was a little disappointing I didnt make it, because I was trying so

hard for it, but I did achieve a lot of what I was going for, Kerr said. I
think Ive prolonged my life by doing this, and it wasnt that big a deal.
The (health) effects were pretty quick.
Even with the great benefits, there was still the minor detail of Kerr
having to go through his day at JSC as an oversized chicken.
It pained me to watch him, Bell said. I felt so embarrassed for him
during our morning tag-up, so after that meeting I told him he could
be let off the hook if he wanted to. But he stuck to it, even to the point
where we went to lunch and he was still wearing the chicken suit. And
oddly enough, we chose Wings N More to go to lunch.
Kerr also had some comical memories of the day.
I think I was more comfortable in the chicken suit than everybody
else was standing around me, Kerr said. You know, you would get
in the elevator and people would act like you werent there. Heres this
6-foot-5 chicken! You dont have to pretend that Im not here, Im here.

(continued on page 9)

Take control of your health with tools right

here at JSC
Services offered by Exploration Wellness, which are available free
of charge to all JSC team members.
- One-on-one consultations with dietitian (for anything from basic
dietary assessment, weight management, disease management
and more)
- Nutrition tours (grocery store tour and dining out with
the dietitian)
- Numerous nutrition lectures (lunchtime, late afternoon, ViTS,
special requests)
- Fitness assessments/exercise prescriptions
- Health-Related Fitness Course (12-week fitness class)
- Numerous exercise/fitness lectures (lunchtime, ViTS,
special requests)
- Just Lose It (12-week weight-management program)
For more, visit: http://www.explorationwellness.com/
Services offered by Starport, which can be accessed by anyone
with a current Starport membership. (Your company may be a
Starport Partner, which means your membership is provided at no
cost to you. See http://starport.jsc.nasa.gov/AboutUs/Partners.cfm
to check.)
Cardiovascular and strength-training center
Group exercise classes (Body Pump, spinning, yoga and more)
*League sports (basketball, kickball, softball, volleyball
and more )
*Recreation classes (boot camp, karate, running training)
*Personal training
For more, visit: http://starport.jsc.nasa.gov/Fitness/
* Additional costs may be associated with these activities.




deep space exploration in mind, the Johnson Space

Center Advanced Exploration Systems (AES) team has
been busily preparing for NASAs future. Project Morpheus and the
Autonomous Landing and Hazard Avoidance Technology (ALHAT),
the 16th mission of NASA Extreme Environment Mission Operations
(NEEMO) and the advancement of new suitport technology have all
experienced recent accomplishments that will allow NASA to explore
new destinations in space.
The AES team has been working closely with other centers to
complete testing of Morpheus and ALHAT, as well as other projects.
In fact, every NASA center is a partner in the AES program, formed in
2011 to begin early designs and tests of the systems and spacecraft
that will enable missions to an asteroid in the 2025 timeframe or Mars
in the mid-2030s. These projects are developing the components
needed to assemble the systems that a crew would need to live and
work when exploring an asteroid or Mars.

A simulated planetary surface is being created at the

Kennedy Space Center Shuttle Landing Facility for the
Morpheus/ALHAT integrated free-flight tests.
Morpheus and ALHAT partner up
Morpheus, the NASA JSC Engineering Vertical Test Bed prototype,
has been teamed up to integrate with the ALHAT sensor systems. Most
are familiar with Morpheus, but what is ALHAT?
As future space explorers aim to land on unfamiliar terrain across the
solar system, they will need a safe way to locate and land near specific
resources that could be situated in potentially hazardous terrain. To that
end, NASA researchers and its partners are working to equip a new
generation of robust planetary landers with the ability to automatically
recognize a desired landing site, assess any and all potential landing
hazards and adjust accordingly as they descend to the surface. Once
proven, this technology could dramatically improve the safety and
versatility of future robotic, cargo and crewed planetary descent
vehicles, which could make it easier for human explorers to venture
farther out into the cosmos.
The ALHAT project is developing advanced technologies, including

surface-tracking sensors that

precisely measure spacecraft
altitude and velocity relative
to the planetary surface. It
can also actively measure the
topography or roughness of the
landing area. High-speed, highvolume computer processors
combine ALHAT algorithms
with this sensor data to
navigate to whats known as
the pre-mission landing aim
point. This is where ALHAT
would determine safe landing
areas close by. The spacecraft
Morpheus has completed
is then steered to a safe area
more than a dozen
near the landing aim point.
tethered and hot-fire tests
From detection to touchdown,
at JSC, but will require
the process is done
evaluations at KSC to
autonomously with automated
allow the program to grow
guidance, navigation and
control software aboard the
During testing in June and July, tethered flights of Morpheus
carried ALHAT.
ALHAT was successfully recording data and performing its hazarddetection scanning functions, said Steve Stich, associate director for
Advanced Development, JSC Engineering. ALHAT collected a wealth
of data for the engineers to analyze after the test, so that was a real
significant milestone for both the ALHAT and Morpheus teams.
Following the June testing, Morpheus had major upgrades, including
the installation and testing of a Reaction Control System needed to get
into the real free-flight tests, which are going to occur at the end of
this fiscal year in the August/September timeframe.
Were actually going to fly Morpheus at Kennedy Space Center
(KSC) with the ALHAT sensor active and tracking a simulated hazarddetection field out at the Shuttle Landing Facility (SLF), Stich said.
KSC has done an amazing job preparing the simulated planetary
terrain, concrete landing pads and the hangar where the team will
operate from. I would say that project has moved to a bigger scale.
The project is growing as it moves to the sunshine state.
Before we were kind of a smaller project at JSC only, Stich said.
Now, we have a need to execute free flights at KSC at the SLF with
the ALHAT system integrated on Morpheus. Its going to be an exciting
time for the whole team. You can see the excitement in the team rising
as we get closer to the testing at KSC.
NEEMO 16 dives into research
The NEEMO 16 mission took place at the Aquarius Reef Base, an
undersea research habitat off the coast of Key Largo, Fla., from June
11 to 22. This mission evaluated spacewalk techniques and tools
while operating under conditions that simulate a Near-Earth Asteroid
(NEA). It also compared the effect of different combinations of


Advanced Exploration Systems

gears up for NASAs future


The NEEMO 16 crew gathers in front of the hatch to the

Aquarius undersea laboratory on June 11 for the start
of the mission.
exploration systems for four crew members.
NEEMO is part of the multi-disciplinary AES Analogs Project that
simulates multiple features of human exploration missions in an
integrated fashion using extreme, remote and isolated environments
to adequately represent
logistical challenges
associated with human
NASAs analog missions
allow us to complete
objectives that we would
need to assist with planning
exploration missions, Stich
said. NEEMO 16 tested
different techniques of how
we would potentially explore
an asteroid with humans,
using a submersible vehicle
to simulate the Multi-Mission
European Space Agency
Space Exploration Vehicle,
astronaut Timothy Peake,
which is another AES project.
foreground, during an
It also allowed us to piggyback
underwater spacewalk.
scientific exploration
objectives of marine science
in exploring the reef.
The underwater explorers conducted all operations under a
50-second one-way time delay, which would occur during a real
mission to an NEA.
For more information on NASAs analog missions, go to:

AES advances in Extravehicular Activity

(EVA) Suit Technology
With the EVA Suit Technology project, were looking at, for the
first time, building a new spacesuit for the crew to use on exploration
spacewalks, Stich said. The team recently completed an extensive
design review for the packaging of the Portable Life Support System.
This new concept is to have a suit that can be used for many more
spacewalks than the current suits, which have a limit of about six
years in space. The team is planning for the new suit to be used for a
design goal of 100 spacewalks over a longer lifetime. The updated suit
is used in concert with a suitport that allows a more rapid egress than
the current shuttle heritage Extravehicular Mobility Units. The current
prototype suit, known as Z-1, was successfully tested in mid-July in
Vacuum Chamber B here at JSC. This was the first ever donning of
a pressurized spacesuit with the suit pressurized to 8.3 psi. The test
involved a subject undocking the suit from the suitport and performing
some basic tasks, such as reaching down to tighten the boots and
inspecting the suitport seal prior to re-docking.
Testing to go farther out there
The AES projects are important because today the Orion and SLS
(Space Launch System) programs are focused on developing the
transportation capability, Stich said. AES is designing and testing
the technologies and systems that enable the missions to go to an
asteroid in the 2025 timeframe or to Mars in the 2030 timeframe.
Were investing in the future by having these small projects, working on
exploration today as we build Orion and SLS.



By Neesha Hosein

The EVA Suit Technology project undergoes a major test

milestone in Vacuum Chamber B at JSC.

Aquanauts perfect techniques for an asteroid

63 feet below the sea
Reef Base, an undersea research habitat off the
coast of Key Largo, Fla., does not mark the spot
of newly found pirate treasure. It is, however, an analog experience that
will allow NASA to one day explore a much larger scientific treasure sailing
through our solar systeman asteroid.
NASAs Extreme Environment Mission Operations (NEEMO) 16 focused
their activities on understanding what a mission to an asteroid would be
like for future astronauts.
Asteroids are a much more difficult beast than going to the moon
or Mars as far as the surface itself, because theres a total absence of
gravity, said NEEMO Project Lead Bill Todd. It changes the way we think
about doing business.
Aquarius, which is operated by the University of North Carolina at
Wilmington for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, is
a uniquely suited mission environment that addresses many aspects of a
deep-space mission, said Barbara Janoiko, NASAs Advanced Exploration
Systems Analog Missions project manager. The crew, or aquanauts,
saturate inside Aquarius. This requires a 17-hour decompression protocol,
because once your
body is saturated
with nitrogen from the
increased pressure
of living under the
sea, it simply is not
possible to return to
the surface at will.
This makes NEEMO
an extreme and
isolated environment
for testing.
crew spent 12 days
completing a whole
Aquanauts Steve Squyers and Kimiya
Yui use jet packs to help accomplish suite of exercises
simulated asteroid surface tasks during associated with
their mock asteroid
The primary focus of NEEMO 16 was the quantitative evaluation of
EVA (Extravehicular Activity) techniques and tools while operating under
conditions that simulate a Near-Earth Asteroid, while also comparing the
effect of different combinations of exploration systems for a crew size of
four, Janoiko said.
Results of NEEMO 16 would also identify how to best move, or translate,
on an extraterrestrial body.
We did sample-collection tasks, Todd said. We did science tool
deployment, like a seismic array, how you would deploy that and how you
would put out the sensors and accomplish it, remembering that you dont
have any ground reaction force. All these things become very, very difficult
and have to be well thought out. And then we looked at each of those tasks
being done in a different way.
The aquanauts were able to use a whole slew of devices to help them
with their complicated procedures, including a modified jet pack with an
underwater thruster device to fly around the asteroid.
For those tasks, the boom devices and jet packs are great, but theyre
very difficult to get stable, Todd said. They require a lot of workload.


The Aquanauts

Dottie Metcalf-Lindenburger
NASA astronaut, NEEMO 16 commander
Kimiya Yui
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency astronaut
Timothy Peake
European Space Agency astronaut
Steve Squyres
Cornell University astronomy professor and chairman of
the NASA Advisory Council
What really became apparent was the (need for the) use of a vehicle in
conjunction with the astronaut.
For NEEMO 16, analogs to the Multi-Mission Space Exploration Vehicle
were also used by the crew, and the little one-person submersibles
received favorable ratings for their usefulness to the aquanauts.
Though preparing for asteroids under the ocean may seem
counterintuitive, NEEMO will lead to decisions on what technologies we
need, what we dont need, and how we will need to design technologies
and systems for end-user performance, Janoiko said. Finding out these
changes early in the hardware development and design saves more
costly changes later in the flight development, making spaceflight more
affordable at a modest early investment.
The crew splashed up on June 22 and encountered the sweet smell of
success (and salt) that came with the most complex NEEMO mission yet.
It was amazing in its technical achievement, Todd said. Every day
when I was diving, I would look around and see the complexity of it and
just reflect on how neat it is to be part of something that had grown to
that level, where we had multiple submersibles, multiple astronauts in the
water, a dive team of 10 or 12 divers, an undersea habitat, and everybody
was communicating together on the same communication loops. Its like a
community underwater.
For more on NEEMO and other exploration analogs, visit:



by Catherine Ragin Williams

From left, Dottie Metcalf-Lindenburger, NEEMO 16

commander, and NEEMO Project Lead Bill Todd work
together on asteroid translation operation concepts under
the sea.

Time to kick up some red dust

by Catherine Ragin Williams
most advanced planetary rover yet, the car-sized
Curiosity, will kick up scarlet dust on the surface of

Mars on Aug. 6.
The Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) mission is a precursor mission
for a future human mission to Mars. President Obama has set a
challenge to reach the Red Planet in the 2030s.
To achieve the precision needed for safe dropdown inside Gale
Crater, the spacecraft will fly like a wing in the upper atmosphere
rather than dropping like a rock. The air-bag method, which was
used on previous Mars rovers, will not work this time around. Mission
engineers at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, Calif.,
designed a sky crane method for the final several seconds of the
flight. A backpack with retro-rockets controlling descent speed will
lower the rover on three nylon cords just before touchdown.
In a scant seven-minute period, the MSL spacecraft carrying
Curiosity must slow from 13,200 mph to about 1.7 mph to allow the
rover to execute a landing.
Those seven minutes are the most challenging part of this entire
mission, said Pete Theisinger, JPLs MSL project manager. For the
landing to succeed, hundreds of events will need to go right, many with
split-second timing and all controlled autonomously by the spacecraft.
Weve done all we can think of to succeed. We expect to get Curiosity
safely onto the ground, but there is no guarantee. The risks are real.
During the initial weeks after the actual landing, JPL mission
controllers will put the rover through a series of checkouts and
activities to evaluate its performance on Mars while gradually ramping
up scientific investigations. Curiosity then will begin investigating
whether an area with a wet history inside Mars Gale Crater ever



This photo of the NASA MSL rover, Curiosity, was taken

during mobility testing on June 3, 2011, inside the
Spacecraft Assembly Facility at JPL.
hosted an environment favorable for microbial life.
Earlier missions have found that ancient Mars had wet
environments, said Michael Meyer, lead scientist for NASAs Mars
Program at NASA Headquarters. Curiosity takes us to the next logical
step in understanding the potential for life on Mars.
Information about the many ways to watch and participate in
Curiositys mission on the surface of Mars is available at:
Follow the mission on Facebook and on Twitter at:

Starports Fitness Center can help team members reach

their health goals.
They would kind of glance over and look the other way. Every now and
then someone would say, Oh, you mustve lost a bet.
Perhaps you dont need something as humiliating as a chicken suit to
get motivated about your health. But if you do it may just be worth it.
Studies have shown that modest weight loss of as little as five to
10 percent of ones total body weight can result in positive changes
to blood cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar and even sleep

apnea symptoms, said JSCs Registered Dietician Glenda Blaskey.

Additionally, research shows that maintaining that weight loss over the
long term can benefit not only ones physical health, but can also help
improve mobility, mood, energy levels and self-confidence.
Kerr and Bells results are a great example of that.
My blood pressure is normal now, Kerr said. My health is right.
And I think I would say its on account of taking the time to think about
whats important to you and putting your priorities in the right place, and
then having friends that
encourage you to do the
right thing, and work you
over when you dont
like make you wear silly
costumes to work.



(continued from page 5)

Kerr was unable to

fly under the radar
when taking a seat
at the Commercial
Crew Program
morning tag-up

Spotlight: Adam David Burnett

Engineering Technician, Oceaneering Space Systems, in support of the
Software, Robotics and Simulation Division on the Robonaut team

Q: Favorite hobbies or interesting things you do away from

the office?
A: I love playing Minecraft and LEGOs with my two sons, Goku (age
9) and Xavier (age 5). They are awesome, budding little scientists. I also
founded a non-profit organization called Creatorspace.org, which unites
creative people toward mutual success. We have a 2,500-square-foot
workshop with tools on Medical Center Boulevard and Highway 3 that
meets every Tuesday night at 7 p.m., and is growing rapidly. I also have
a small product-development company that is developing some amazing
new technology.
Q: What big dreams did you have growing up?
A: My biggest dream has been to work in the biomimetic and humanoid
robotics field period! As a kid, I wanted to be a scientist, inventor and
Q: If you could trade places with any other person for a week,
famous or not famous, living or dead, real or fictional, who would
it be?
A: Batman or Tony Stark/Iron man, in that order. Not only do they lead
very exciting lives and defend justice, they had all the research capital,
resources and time in the world to bring their creativity to life.
Q: What is your favorite indulgence?
A: Reading Wikipedia. Sad to say, I can read it for hours upon hours.
Q: What advice do you have for the high school and college
graduates of 2012?
A: Stay in school. Read everything. Listen to peoples complaints as an
opportunity to solve them (and, if possible, start a business to do so). Live
creatively. Oh, and the major one: The only mistake you can REALLY make
is not making any.
Q: What seemingly little things bring you joy?
A: Learning a new skill, talking with people who are skilled in an art
I know nothing about and trying new things and of course my sons.
(Daddy loves you always, Goku and Xavier!)
Q: Describe yourself in four words.
A: Creative, motivated, helpful, problem-solver.



Q: Coolest part of working at Johnson Space Center?

A: Flat out, it is the pleasure of working in an environment filled with
the worlds most brilliant scientists, roboticists, engineers, designers and
technicians, whose raw intelligence, dedication and drive fill the air with
that crackling, tangible feeling of intelligence at work. NASAs Robotics
Division has gained a well-deserved reputation for incredible works in very
short timeframes, and the fast-paced, diverse nature is fun and constantly
exciting and challenging. I love to grow and learn new things, and there is
nothing better than to sometimes participate in such a rare conversation
of how to design, build and innovate in the field of biomimetic (biologically
inspired) and humanoid robotics. My NASA and Oceaneering team mates
are a true inspiration to me at all levels, and Im proud to just be in their
space. I love to solve problems I have a very diverse skill set and
have been called a Macgyver, or human Swiss Army Knife. This is the
perfect place to flex and challenge those titles while increasing my skills
and being of nimble service to my team.

Q: When did you first become interested in space and why?

A: My dad had the dream experience with NASA. He got to do all
the best stuff during the Apollo era. He did the Survival Lab, suit soft
goods fabrication and design, Vomit Comet astronaut training, Neutral
Buoyancy Laboratory astronaut training, and he was even dropped off
the coast of Florida in the capsule to test the effectiveness of astronaut
evacuation in many different conditions. His diverse skill set and
fearlessness to learn has always inspired me and has exposed me to
many skills years earlier than most get to have them.
Q: What do you think is NASAs most awe-inspiring
achievement in space so far?
A: Robonaut and the first-ever human-to-humanoid robot handshake
in space.
Q: What is your favorite memory of JSC or the space program?
A: Getting to take a guided tour through the Building 9 high bay at the
age of 13 and seeing all the amazing science going on. Funny enough,
the person who led that tour works just feet from away from me now (Hi,
Bill!). Also, my dad sewing a spacesuit for my older brother for Halloween.
(I got to wear it later on.)

Do you know a JSC colleague or team that does something
extraordinary on or off the job? Whether its a unique skill,
interesting work, special professional accomplishment,
remarkable second career, hobby or volunteerism, your
nominee(s) may deserve the spotlight!
The Roundup shines the light on one special person or team each
month, chosen from a cross section of the JSC workforce. To
suggest Spotlight candidates, send your nomination to the JSC
Roundup Office mailbox at jsc-roundup@mail.nasa.gov. Please
include contact information and a brief description of why your
nominee(s) should be considered.

Center Scoop
Driven to Explore dazzles large crowds in Ohio
was on display at
the Vectren Dayton
Air Show from July 7 to 8 with
Johnson Space Centers Driven
to Explore (DTE) traveling exhibit,
as well as Goddard Research
Centers Mobile Orion Vehicle
Explorer (MOVE). NASA astronaut
and retired U.S. Air Force Col.
Gregory H. Johnson made an
appearance both days of the
show and served as the grand
marshal of the Dayton Air Show
parade on July 6. More than
7,000 visitors had a chance to
touch the DTEs 3-billion-year-old
moon rock, see the MOVE exhibit
showcasing the Orion spacecraft
and get autographs from
Johnson, making it the second
most well-attended DTE venue of
Fiscal Year 2012.



The famed Blue Angels soar over JSCs DTE exhibit at the Vectren Dayton Air Show,
where visitors got a taste of space and aeronautics.

Fifty is nifty for Starport


JSC Exchange, which later morphed into what we now

fondly know of as Starport, was established July 24,
1962, to promote the welfare and morale of the JSC workforce. To
commemorate turning 50, Starport remembered the past, promoted
its services of the present and looked forward to exciting offerings of
the future with a bevy of events throughout the end of July.
First up was a Classic Car Show in front of Building 1 reminiscent

of the Apollo era on July 18. That was followed with a fun, legwarmer-filled aerobics class called Get Fit 80s Style. Starport,
in partnership with the JSC Federal Credit Union, also thanked the
workforce with an ice cream social. On July 26, the festivities ended
with an open house and social hour at the Gilruth Center that included
the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the new mind-body studio.





The Roundup is an official publication of the National
Aeronautics and Space Administration, Johnson Space
Center, Houston, Texas, and is published by the External
Relations Office for all Space Center employees.
The Roundup office is located at the Johnson Space
Center, Building 2. The mail code is AD94. Visit our
website at: http://www.jsc.nasa.gov/roundup/online/
For distribution questions or to suggest a story idea,
send an email to jsc-roundup@mail.nasa.gov.
Catherine Ragin Williams Editor
Neesha Hosein Assistant Editor
Logan Goodson Graphic Design
Rachel Kraft NASA Publication Manager
Cassandra V. Miranda Contractor Publication Manager

Permit No. 39


Dont forgetwere in the thick of hurricane season

By Jenny Knotts and

Linda Spuler

Are you ready for a hurricane? August is the midway

point of hurricane season, so now is a good time to
double-check your evacuation plans and supplies.

n Will I stay or leave?

When a hurricane threatens your area, you will have to make the
decision to evacuate or stay. The Candyland graphic guide, available
at http://www.jscsos.com/, can help you decide whether or not you
can ride out the storm safely at home. It also has some helpful tips for
whatever path you choose.
If local authorities recommend evacuation, you should leave! Their
advice is based on knowledge of the strength of the storm and its
potential for death and destruction.
ambulance service, police or fire department support will be
guaranteed. Be sure to have enough food and water for that time period.
(You will need one gallon of water for each person and pet per day.)
n What do I do during a Hurricane WATCH?
A hurricane watch is when conditions are possible within the area.
Check your supplies, including batteries and medicines, stock up on
canned foods, secure lawn furniture and other loose materials outdoors
and keep your car fueled.
n What do I do during a Hurricane WARNING?
A hurricane warning is when conditions are expected within the
area. This is when you make the decision to stay or leave. Stay tuned
to the radio, TV or National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration
weather radio for official bulletins, board up windows and move
valuables to upper floors. Fill containers with several days supply of
drinking water. Turn your refrigerator to maximum cold and do not
open it unless necessary.
n When should I return to work?
Do not return to work until notified. Check http://www.jscsos.com for
information on center status and stay tuned to local news stations.

NASA/PHOTO ISS017-E-015752

Have I planned my evacuation route?

Plan a safe evacuation route before you need it. Be prepared to drive
20 to 50 miles inland to locate a safe place. Learn where shelters will
be open and where you can safely board your pets. Contact the humane
society for more information on animal shelters in the area.

This picture of Hurricane Ike was downlinked by the

crew of the International Space Station on Sept 10, 2008.
Ikes damaging storm surge and winds showed Johnson
Space Center team members the importance of hurricane

Checking in after a storm

What: The Employee Notification and Accountability System (ENS).
Who: All civil servants and contractors with a Johnson Space Center
When: As soon as possible after a hurricane passes.
How: Respond to the phone or email questionnaire sent by
Emergency.NASA@dccnotify.com. If you do not have email access, you
can call the NASA Emergency call center at 1-877-470-5240.
Why: To report your safety status to the center. Your status will be
made available to your supervisor, and employee status information will
be used to help determine when to reopen the center.
Civil servants can verify or revise contact information by logging into
Employee Express: https://www.employeeexpress.gov/DefaultLogin.aspx
(Path: Home/Miscellaneous/Emergency Contact Information)
Contractors can verify or revise contact information within IdMax
at: https://idmax.nasa.gov/idm/user/login.jsp (Path: User Self Service/
Update - Emergency Notification Information)

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