Reaserch Project
Reaserch Project
Reaserch Project
Space travelling
Kevin Stobbe
Thesis – Space exploration has enabled us to learn more about
Introduction – Nowadays, many entrepreneurs are thinking about a way to live on other
planets, keeping them away from concentrating on the main problems we still have to
solve. Also, I am very interested in this topic, because since I heard about the first space
A rocket´s anatomy is formed by many essential components, which are each very
important for the functionality of the spacecraft. Such as an engine, a power subsystem,
There are different types of propulsion used in a spacecraft. The propulsion systems that
a satellite carries work depending on the orbital position that it needs to reach and the
may deliver the spacecraft to a higher or an escape orbit. The spacecraft may also
include its propulsion module, the main function is to make small adjustments to the
spacecraft’s orbit and maneuvers. Finally, the so-called station-keeping, which is the
To have a precise and efficient propulsion system, different gases are used to do so.
Cold gas propulsion is the simplest type of chemical propulsion. The propulsion system
consists of pressurized gas and a nozzle, and whenever thrust is needed the nozzle is
There is also an alternative way to travel to space: solar-electric propulsion that works
with an ion engine. This ion engine shoots out a spray of ionized particles to push the
spacecraft on its way. Ion engines typically get to the required high power which is
needed to ionize the propellant particles from the spacecraft’s solar panels.
A spacecraft must generate and distribute power to operate its subsystems and
instruments. Solar panels usually generate this necessary power for the spacecraft by
converting sunlight into electricity. If the spacecraft finds itself in an eclipse, which is
when the sun is blocked by a celestial object, and the solar panels are not able to
essential for the spacecraft to maintain its attitude to stay on the route to its destination.
For the spacecraft to have enough energy, the solar panels must always point to the sun
so it can produce the needed electricity, so this can happen the spacecraft possess,
what’s called, some “electronic eyes”, which are sun and star sensors that can sense the
The communication system returns scientific data, passed on to the scientists, that
allows the engineers on earth to monitor the condition of the spacecraft. This onboard
communication system also receives all the incoming commands from the earth.
Instructions are received from the earth in form of individual commands or sequences to
Astronauts get their oxygen from water, since water is made up of two hydrogens and
one oxygen molecule, scientists have found a way to break down the water into its basic
molecules through a process called electrolysis. Even though the international space
station has a piece of very complex equipment, this process is easily doable at home.
(This image should give you a small idea of how electrolysis works)
The cost to launch a spacecraft into orbit has decreased thanks to innovation by SpaceX.
The following graphic shows the cost per kilogram for space launches across the globe
since 1960:
The 20th century was marked by the competition between two Cold War adversaries, the
This space race led to multiple technological innovations, although they came with high
costs, for instance, in the 1960s, NASA spent $28 billion to land the first astronauts on
the moon, a cost today equating to about $288 billion in inflation-adjusted dollars.
In the last few decades, space start-up companies have proved that they can compete
against heavyweight aerospace contractors, like Boeing and Lockheed Martin. Today, a
SpaceX rocket launching can be 97% cheaper than a Russian Soyuz like in the 60s.
In July 1969, the first humans landed on the moon as a part of the Apollo 11 mission.
But we have not been going back to the moon since 1973. Apollo 11 was followed by
The last manned mission to the moon was the Apollo 17 mission, which took place
between the 7th and 19th of December 1972. It was a 12-day mission and broke a huge
variety of records, for example, the longest spacewalk, the longest lunar landing, and
the largest lunar samples brought back to the earth. But unfortunately, this became the
The race of landing humans on the moon was started by President John F. Kennedy, in
his 1962s speech at Rice Stadium in Houston, Texas. Which is known today as the “We
"And this will be done in the decade of the 60s. It may be done while some of you are
still here at school at this college and university. It will be done during the term of office
of some of the people who sit here on this platform. But it will be done. And it will be
And when the first moon landing took place, his goal had been achieved. However,
NASA faced a large funding cut, making the future of the Apollo missions untenable.
Originally, there had been 20 Apollo missions planned, but technological and
researched-based missions were not seen as important as the achievement of the landing
on the moon itself and the final missions had been canceled.
Firefighting equipment
The polymers created for use in space suits have been valuable in creating flame-
retardant, heat-resistant suits for firefighters. Newer suits also feature circulating coolant
to keep firefighters from succumbing to the heat and advanced breathing systems
modeled after astronaut life support systems. The polymers created for use in space suits
Newer suits also feature circulating coolant to keep firefighters from succumbing to the
heat and advanced breathing systems modeled after astronaut life support systems.
Camera phones
In the 1990s, NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory invented a light, miniature imaging
system that required little energy to take high-quality photographs from space. This
technology has become standard in cell phones and computer cameras. In the 1990s,
NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory invented a light, miniature imaging system that
required little energy to take high-quality photographs from space. This technology has
Portable Computers
In the 1990s, NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory had invented a lightweight, miniature
imaging system that required little power to capture high-quality images from space.
This technology has become standard in cell phone cameras and personal computers. In
the 1990s, NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory had invented a lightweight, miniature
imaging system that required little power to capture high-quality images from space.
This technology has become standard in cell phone cameras and personal computers.
In conclusion, this was a really interesting project because I had the opportunity to learn
a lot more about space traveling and all kinds of necessary parts a spacecraft possesses
in order to function properly. Also, I learned about all kinds of different innovations that