Lista de Intrebari Pentru Examen Disciplina: Limba Engleza
Lista de Intrebari Pentru Examen Disciplina: Limba Engleza
Lista de Intrebari Pentru Examen Disciplina: Limba Engleza
Choose the correct answer:
A/An is a written statement which is signed and sworn before a solicitor and which can then
be used as evidence in court hearings.
8. Choose the correct answer:
If a product .. suit is contested, the defendants response is usually to argue that the product
was free of defects.
14. In the sentence: The parties hereby agree that this Agreement may be terminated without prior
written consent. the text reference word hereby means:
15. In the sentence: No cruel punishments shall be inflicted upon the prisoners. the verb to inflict
16. In the sentence: The rights presented in the Constitution shall not be construed. the verb to construe
17. In the sentence: The news about the NSAs eavesdropping programs, the verb to eavesdrop means:
18. In the sentence: The federal government has vowed to prosecute, the verb to vow means:
19. In the sentence: The government must prove beyond any reasonable doubt that, the phrase beyond
any reasonable doubt means:
20. In the phrase: ...obtaining information respecting the national defense, the word respecting means:
21. In the sentence: To convict a person for disclosing classified information, the expression to disclose
information means:
22. In the sentence: The FCS will forfeit the assets of those engaged in federal crimes. the verb to forfeit
23. In the sentence: Many organizations defraud the public and private health care systems. the verb to
defraud means:
24. In the sentence: The ITADA amended the fraud chapter of title 18 of the United States Code , the
verb to amend means:
25. In the sentence: Identity fraud involves the misappropriation of another person's personal identifying
information, the verb to misappropriate means:
26. In the sentence: Criminals use this information to run up debts on another person's account, the
expression to run up debts means:
27. In the sentence: Criminals use this information to take over existing financial accounts., the
expression to take over means:
28. In the phrase: ... to provide an appropriate penalty for each offense, the word penalty means:
29. In the sentence: In exchange for kickbacks, some patients undergo unwarranted medical procedures,
the word kickbacks means:
30. In the sentence: Without an indictment from a grand jury, prosecutors cannot bring charges against
an individual. the legal term indictment means:
31. In the sentence: The U.S. Supreme Court agreed to hear Branzburgs cases. the verb to hear means:
32. In the sentence: Judge Hayes states that the freedom of the press is not above the law. the phrase to
be above the law means:
33. In the sentence: The third lawyer rebutted some of the allegations contained in the notice. the verb to
rebut means:
34. Choose the synonymous term for the adjective counterfeit, considering the following examples:
counterfeit documents/notes:
35. Choose the corresponding expression to replace the phrasal verb in italics:
These twins look so alike that I can tell them apart only when they stand side by side.
36. Choose the English equivalent for the Latin legal phrase nolle prosequi:
37. Choose the English equivalent for the Latin legal phrase quid pro quo:
38. In the sentence: The taxpayer does not have locus standi in this court. the Latin phrase locus standi
39. In the sentence: The same ratio legis is found in the laws of continental European countries. the Latin
phrase ratio legis means:
40. In the sentence: A writ ne exeat regno can be issued to prevent the embezzler from leaving the
country. the Latin phrase ne exeat regno means:
41. In the sentence: The secretary signed per pro the manager. the Latin phrase per pro means:
42. In the sentence: For further information, see the documents listed hereunder. the text reference
word hereunder means:
43. In the sentence: This case will henceforth be known under the name of State vs. Johnson. the text
reference word henceforth means:
44. In the sentence: The case proceeded notwithstanding the objections of the defendant. the text
reference word notwithstanding means:
45. In the sentence: In criminal law, mens rea is usually one of the necessary elements of a crime. the
Latin term mens rea means:
46. In the sentence: He got an injunction preventing the company from selling his car. the
legal term injunction means:
47. In the sentence: If a contract isnt signed by both parties, is it legally binding? the legal term
binding means:
56. Choose the corresponding expression to replace the phrasal verb in italics:
As a crime scene investigator you may run up against many unexpected circumstances.
If the pedestrian ... by a policeman, the former should have made a complaint to the
nearest police station.
95. Choose the correct answer:
He recommended us ... an appeal as soon as the verdict was pronounced.
115. Choose the correct answer:
He finds it hard ..................... the corrupt system of justice in this third world country.
157. Choose the correct answer:
. what may, I shall not drop the charges against him!
158. Choose the correct answer:
It was out of the ordinary that the judge the lawyers representing the plaintiff and
respectively the respondent to argue their cases in parallel.
I think you are entitled to put .... a claim and ask the insurance company to pay for the damage.
201. Choose the correct English translation of the following Romanian sentence: Se face Branzburg
vinovat de sfidare a curtii prin faptul ca a refuzat sa dezvaluie identitatea surselor sale?
202. Choose the correct English translation of the following Romanian sentence: Libertatea presei nu
poate asigura protejarea surselor confidentiale ale jurnalistilor.
203. Choose the correct English translation of the following Romanian sentence: Daca procurorii ar
comite abuzuri, ar fi pedepsiti in mod corespunzator?
204. Choose the correct English translation of the following Romanian sentence: Daca un jurnalist
alege sa fie fidel sursei sale, aceasta inseamna neaparat ca el incalca legea?
205. Choose the correct translation of the following Romanian sentence: Daca ati fi jurnalist, ati alege
sa protejati libertatea presei sau sa serviti justitia?
206. Choose the correct English translation of the following Romanian sentence: Cererea de Habeas
Corpus permite persoanelor care au fost inchise pe nedrept sa conteste legalitatea inchiderii lor.
207. Choose the correct English translation of the following Romanian sentence: Mi-as dori ca el sa nu
fi fost condamnat pentru detinere ilegala de informatii clasificate.
208. Choose the correct English translation of the following Romanian sentence: As prefera ca tu sa nu
fi anchetat pentru incalcarea grava a securitatii nationale.
209. Choose the correct English translation of the following Romanian sentence: Daca as fi in locul
tau, n-as folosi aceasta informatie pentru a prejudicia Statele Unite.
210. Choose the correct English translation of the following Romanian sentence: Este imperativ ca
aceasta frauda financiara sa fie investigata imediat.
211. Choose the correct English translation of the following Romanian sentence: Una dintre cele mai
comune metode de furt de identitate este furtul numarului cardului de credit sau al PIN-ului.
212. Choose the correct English translation of the following Romanian sentence: Mi-as dori sa stiu
care sunt punctele slabe ale sistemului social de securitate care fac posibile infractiunile de furt de
213. Choose the correct English translation of the following Romanian sentence: Daca el ar fi fost
acuzat de frauda in cadrul sistemului medical, ar fi putut primi o sentinta cu inchisoare pe viata?
214. Choose the correct English translation of the following Romanian sentence: Daca un pacient
sufera o lezare corporala grava ca urmare a unei fraude medicale, cine va fi facut responsabil pentru
acest lucru?
215. Choose the correct English translation of the following Romanian sentence: Asa sa fie! Fie ca cel
mai bun dintre noi sa castige acest caz!
216. Choose the correct English translation of the following Romanian sentence: Nu ma pot obisnui sa
traiesc in inchisoare! La naiba cu inchisorile!
217. Choose the correct English translation of the following Romanian sentence: Sub nici o forma nu
voi depune marturie impotriva prietenului meu! Doamne fereste!
218. Choose the correct English translation of the following Romanian sentence: Nu merita discutat
acest caz, atata timp cat nu avem dovezi.
219. Choose the correct English translation of the following Romanian sentence: Ca procuror, nu
suport sa mi se spuna ca, fara o punere sub acuzare din partea marelui juriu, nu pot face nimic in
acest caz.
220. Choose the correct English translation of the following Romanian sentence, using Phrasal Verbs:
Poate ca ar trebui sa te mai gandesti, inainte de a hotari sa contramandezi intalnirea cu actionarii.
221. Choose the correct English translation of the following Romanian sentence, using Phrasal Verbs:
Cum ti-a venit in minte aceasta pledoarie neobisnuita? De fapt, nu m-ai dezamagit niciodata.
222. Choose the correct English translation of the follwing Romanian sentence, using Phrasal Verbs:
Contabilul care a promis sa ne ajute sa reducem bugetul n-a mai aparut pana la urma.
223. Choose the correct English translation of the follwing Romanian sentence, using Phrasal verbs:
Desi el a trecut prin multe in ultima vreme, nu cred ca se va ridica vreodata la nivelul asteptarilor ei.
224. Choose the correct English translation of the following Romanian sentence, using Phrasal Verbs:
Nu-i mai pot tolera comportamentul! Ma epuizeaza cu intrebarile lui sacaitoare!
225. Choose the correct English translation of the following Romanian sentence, using Phrasal Verbs:
Intr-o anumita masura, esecul tau ca avocat poate fi pus pe seama lipsei tale de experienta.
226. In the following sentence: The defendant denied having pointed the gun at her. the words
underlined form:
227. In the following sentence: The judge ruled that the jury should withdraw to deliberate upon the
verdict. the words underlined form:
228. In the following sentence: Yesterday, my parole officer pretended to have forgotten his car keys in my
apartment. the words underlined form:
235. Choose the correct answer:
She wishes her lawyer .............. more time to review her deposition but he seems to be very busy.