(combination of translations)
I am allowed to surrender myself to the working of infinite life
And to abandon myself to inconceivable light.
A Bodhisattva named Dharmakara, during his seeking stage,
Was at the feet of an awakened one, Lokeshvararaja,
Looking into the core of all buddha pure lands
And the qualities of those lands and residents therein,
Dharmakara manifested the unsurpassed excellent aspiration
And intuitively awakened an extraordinary great universal vow;
Having meditated for five eons, he embodied them,
And furthermore vowed that his calling-name would resound throughout the
Universally radiating immeasurable, boundless light,
Unhindered, unparalleled, majestically flaming light,
Pure, joyful, awakening light
Unceasing, inconceivable, ineffable light,
And light surpassing the sun and moon - he illuminates all the corners of the worlds,
Benefiting all beings.
The calling-name of primal aspiration rightly directs us,
Due to the aspiration of sincere faith, given to us.
Our realization of enlightenment and great nirvana
Is to be fulfilled by the aspiration of unfailing attainment of nirvana.
Tathagata Shakya appeared in this world
Solely to disclose Amidas boundless primal aspiration.
Throngs of beings in this defiled evil age,
Trust the true words of tathagata!
If we are able to awaken a moment of joy,
We will realize nirvana without severing sensuous desires.
Ordinary men, sages, the atrocious and abusers are equally converted,
Just as streams become one upon entering the ocean.
All embracing spiritual light always protects us.
It has penetrated our darkness of ignorance.
Yet clouds of greed and mists of anger
Still cover the sky of true faith;
Namu-Amida-Butsu ...
Amida has passed through ten kalpas now
Since realizing Buddhahood;
Dharma-body's wheel of light is without bound,
Shining on the blind and ignorant of the world.
Namu-Amida-Butsu ...
The light of wisdom exceeds all measure,
And every finite living being
Receives this illumination that is like the dawn,
So take refuge in Amida, the true and real light.
The liberating wheel of light is without bound;
Each person it touches, it is taught,
Is freed from attachments to being and nonbeing,
So take refuge in Amida, the enlightenment of nondiscrimination.
The cloud of light is unhindered, like open sky;
There is nothing that impedes it.
Every being is nurtured by this light,
So take refuge in Amida, the one beyond conception.
The light of purity is without compare.
When a person encounters this light,
All bonds of karma fall away;
So take refuge in Amida, the ultimate shelter.
The Buddha's light is supreme in radiance;
Thus Amida is called "Buddha, Lord of Blazing Light."
His light dispels the darkness of the three courses of affliction,
So take refuge in Amida, the great one worthy of offerings.
I vow that the merit-virtue of this truth
Be shared equally with all beings.
May we together awaken the Bodhi Mind,
And be born in the realm of Serenity and Joy.