ABAT Constitution
ABAT Constitution
ABAT Constitution
Approval/ Change.
Feb 16
Feb 17
Mar 21
April 18
Adopted as amended by
General Assembly
Action/ Comments
To be send to
Founder Members
Adoption at
Approval Required
Interim Committee
Unanimously Adopted
General Assembly
Resolution for adopting the Constitution
-recognizing the need for a common forum for Shia Institutions
-recognizing the need for cooperation of our organizations
-recognizing our common aim of serving the Imam of our Time (ATF)
-recognizing the need to spread the message of Ghadeer and the Cry of Karbala
-recognizing the need to play active role in the peaceful social-political development of our
-recognizing the need to uplift the social- economic status of believers
-recognizing the obligation to help the poor and needy in the society
the religious institutions who have appended our names and signatures hereby declare to
have adopted the constitutions of Ahlul Bayt Assembly of Tanzania and promulgate the same
as the valid and legally binding constitution of the said organization.
The name of the organization shall be Ahlul Bayt Assembly of Tanzaniatherein after
referred to as the Assembly
The permanent address of the organization shall be P.O.Box ... ... ... ...
The aims of the Ahlul Bayt Assembly of Tanzania shall be to coordinate activities
of its member organization and act as a forum of discussion for the advancement
of the aims and objectives of the individual member organization.
The Association shall not interfere in the internal affairs of the member
3:2:1. Education: (i)
Arrange for annual meeting of the Heads of School, exchange of staff and visits
Any other activity to enhance educational needs and performance of the member
Facilitate the sending of Mubaligheen to institutions with needs from those with
surplus especially during months of Ramadhan and Muharram
(iii) Assist in coordinating/developing provision for Shia widows, orphans, poor and
disabled, social and educational needs especially higher education.
To foster positive and constructive relations and dialogue with other madhahib,
non-muslims, governmental and non-governmental sectors
Publicly address Muslim and human matters, both local and international,
through the media - forming a voice representing the principles, path and values
of Islam.
(iii) iii - To enhance Tabligh through the use of media (electronic, TV, Radio, Print) by
assistance in coordination and empowerment of resources and member
institutions to use and apply media technology and broadcasting
Ordinary Members
The Executive Council after due consideration may forward their recommendation
to the General Assembly
(viii) Subscription is payable on the 1st of January of every year, but not later than 3
months, after which a member shall be declared in arrears.
Any member falling into arrears loses the rights associated with membership
Honorary Members shall enjoy all rights and privileges of membership including
participations at General Meetings but shall not be able to vote and be elected
A Patron.
A Board of Trustees
Executive Council.
The Patron:
Shall be proposed by the Executive Council and approved by the AGM and shall
hold the position for a period of three years. He/she may be reappointed.
The patron will provide consultative functions when called upon and also serve as
symbolic head.
(iii) The patron may be invited by the chairman to attend any meeting as an observer
General Assembly:
There shall be meeting of the General Assembly know as Annual General Meeting
(AGM) of all registered members within three months of the end of every financial
year. The Secretary shall issue a twenty one-day notice to all members giving the
agenda, date, time and venue where the meeting shall be convened.
Chairman and Secretary of the Council of Ulama shall also be members of the
General Assembly with voting rights.
Deliberate and approve the annual budget for the ensuing year
Appointment of Auditors
The quorum for the General Assembly shall be 25% of all voting members.
In case of failure to get a quorum, the meeting shall reconvene after half an hour.
Members present shall constitute the quorum and proceed to dispose the agenda
The Chairman and the Secretary of the Executive Council shall be the Chairman
and the Secretary of the General Meetings.
(vii) The decision of the General Assembly on any issue shall be final
All voting shall be conducted by raising hands unless any members requests a
secret ballot.
The Executive Council or the Board of Trustees may convene a special General
Meeting by issuing a two weeks notice to members stating the agenda, date, time
and venue of the meeting.
Members may petition for Special General Meeting by requiring the Secretary to
call such a meeting within two weeks with a specific agenda, provide that such a
petition is signed by at least 25% of all voting members.
(iii) In case of the failure of the Secretary to fulfill obligations in 9(ii) the Board of
Trustees shall do so with in a month of the petition.
10. The Board of Trustees:
Members of the Board of Trustees shall hold office for a four- year term and may
be subsequently re- elected.
The Chairman of the Executive Council shall be ex-officio member of the Board,
but shall not vote.
The Board of Trustees shall be registered with the Administrator General's office
under the Laws of Tanzania CAP 435 as "Registered Trustees of Ahlulbayt
Assembly of Tanzania".
All documents so endorsed by the Board of Trustees shall bear a Board seal and signature of
at least two trustees and shall quote the relevant clause/ minutes authorizing the same.
11. Function of the Board of Trustees:
The Board of Trustees shall meet whenever necessary but at least once a year.
The Chairman of the board of Trustees or the Chairman of the Executive Council
or any two trustees may request a meeting.
(iii) All immovable properties acquired by Ahlul Bayt Assembly of Tanzania shall be
vested in the Board of Trustees.
The Board of Trustees shall not dispose of any immovable property of the Ahlul
Bayt Assembly of Tanzania in any manner without the approval of the General
Becomes bankrupt
Becomes insane
Dies or is incapacitated
Misconducts himself to such low moral turpitude that his continued membership
becomes a source of embarrassment to the Ahlul Bayt Assembly of Tanzania
Vice- Chairman
The Executive Council shall hold office for a period of four years and members
may be re-elected. The Chairman may not be re-elected after a second
consecutive term.
(iii) All elected members of the Executive Council must be bona fide members and
representatives of the member organization
In case a vacancy arises in the Executive Council, the Executive Council shall
appoint a member to complete the term of office
It shall be the responsibility of the Executive Council to conduct all day to day
running of the Organization
The Executive Council shall meet as often as necessary but not lead than once
every quarter
(vii) The Executive Council may form committing, ad- hoc committee's and sub
committees to assist it in any task
(viii) The Executive Council may employ staff to assist in its day- to-day function as and
when necessary.
The Chairman shall be the Chief Executive of the Organization and shall chair all
meetings of the Executive Council.
Shall take minutes of all the meetings and keep such records
Shall enter into correspondence as per general directions of the Chairman and the
Executive Council
Shall prepare the proposed annual budget for the subsequent year.
19. Departments:
There shall be four Departments wiz: Tabligh, Education, Media & Public
Relation and Welfare and Humanitarian Affairs. Each Department shall have
members from all institutions that run activities relevant to that department
The term of office for every Departments committee shall run concurrently with
the Executive Council term of office
(iii) The Executive Council shall appoint members of the Departments and sub
departments in consultation with the respective Chairmen
To implement the directives of the Executive Council and the General Assembly in
attainment and furtherance of objectives mentioned in clause 3.2 above
To coordinate all activities at different areas within the Department and member
(iii) To plan new projects with the approval of the General Assembly.
Departmental committees shall meet as and when necessary but at least once a
At each Executive Council, each department shall present a written report of their
Any Shia Alim or Alimah may be invited to join and become member of the
Council of Ulama of the Ahlul Bayt Assembly of Tanzania, by the Council and
upon confirmation by the Council.
The Council shall appoint from amongst its members a Chairman, a Vice
Chairman, a Secretary and two members to form the Central Committee of the
(iii) The council shall also appoint from amongst its members two representatives who
will represent the Council of Ulama in the Executive Council.
The members of the Council of Ulama will consists of five members or more, but
it should not be any time less than three.
The members of the council will meet at least once in a year, and more if deemed
23. Function of the Council of Ulama
The main role of the Council of Ulama will be solely that of advisory to the
Assembly, i.e the Members, the Board of Trustees,the Executive council, the
different Departments and the General Assembly and may attend in any of their
meetings if invited.
The role of the Council will be to give religious guidance whenever consulted by
the members, the Board of Trustees, the Executive Council or the General
(iii) It shall also advice the three departments of Education, Tabligh, Media and Public
Relations and Welfare on the priorities and the best method of conducting the task
The council will alert and warn the Departments, the Executive Council and the
General Assembly whenever violation to Islamic rules occurs
The council shall be the guardian of the Shia Faith and alert the community in
general on any issue of importance for the Muslims and Shia in any matter in may
deem necessary
The Council of Ulama shall serve as a link between the office of Marji'iyas and
the Association
(vii) The day to day running of the Council of Ulama shall be under the Central
Committee, consisting of the chairman and any two to five members appointed
within themselves
(viii) The Council will make bylaws on who qualifies to join the Council as well as
other rules relevant to the functioning of the Council
24. Resignation:
A member institution may resign by tendering written notice to the Secretary, giving
effective date of resignation. No refund of subscription shall be due
26. Affiliations:
Ahlul Bayt Assembly of Tanzania may join other associations and organizations that
share similar aims and objectives.
27. Amendments to the Constitution:
Proposed amendments must reach the executive no later than 90 days prior to the
(iii) Resolutions to amend the constitution must be carried by 70% of all voting
members of the Ahlul Bayt Assembly of Tanzania including proxies
28. Dissolution:
The Ahlul Bayt Assembly of Tanzania shall not be dissolved unless a Special
General Meeting called for this specific purpose endorses such a resolution by
75% of all voting members of Tanzania Ahlulbayt Board
The meeting shall be chaired by the Chairman of the Board of Trustees and in
absence any member of the Board of Trustees
(iii) In case of such dissolution, the net assets of the Ahlul Bayt Assembly of Tanzania
shall be donated to any such Organization with aims and objectives similar to that
of of the Ahlul Bayt Assembly of Tanzania with the approval of majority of
members present.
29. This constitution was adopted at ... Special General Meeting of the founder members
held at ... on ... whose signatures appear appended here in below.