Alumini Meet
Alumini Meet
Alumini Meet
that promote interaction and engagement with Wits and facilitates their contribution to the advancement and success of the institute and its forthcoming products as well as the individual exposures in corporate and academics. Objectives
To provide an organization where alumni, parents, prospective students and friends, in a specific geographic area, can meet on a regular basis for intellectual and social enrichment. To encourage support for institute and through programs such as development, student recruitment, career placement, community service and professional expertise. To ensure continued two-way communication between institute - alumni association and its graduates. To implement an alumni liaison programme that will encourage alumni to identify themselves with the Institute; to generate and sustain interest and participation in Institute affairs; to inspire alumni to contribute to the development of the Institute and the promotion of its good name and reputation, locally and internationally; to build and enhance relationships with alumni. To provide a focal point of contact among alumni through the implementation of a programme of reunions, events and functions; through printed and electronic communications; and through the creation of networking opportunities for selfdevelopment. To establish and maintain an alumni structure that facilitates and enhances the relationship between the Institute and its alumni. This includes establishing and servicing alumni associations/chapters/clubs and facilitating and arranging meetings. To support an effective advancement programme through collaboration and cooperation with all entities in the Office of Advancement in the implementation of an alumni programme. To strengthen ties between the institute and alumni and encourage them to participate in the various cultural, social and scientific activities.
Membership The following shall be eligible for the Life Membership of the Association All Alumni of the Arya school of management and information technology All members of teaching staff, as defined in Arya school of management and information technology, with 2 year standing ASMIT including Director. All existing life members will continue to be the members of the Association
Cessation of Membership A member of the Association shall cease to be such a member if he/she resigns from his/her membership or is of unsound mind or is convicted by a court for any offence involving moral conduct or on termination of the membership by the Executive Committee for compelling reasons. Funds raising Finances and Accounts 1. The Association shall raise funds for pursuing the objectives of the Association through: (a) Subscriptions from the members. The rate of subscription shall be governed by the Bye Laws of the Association. The membership fee from the passing out students will be collected by the Institute (b) Money donated by the members. (c) Any other source approved by the Executive Committee 2. The accounts of the Association shall be maintained in any scheduled Bank at BBSR into which all subscriptions, donations and other income shall be credited 3. Financial year of the Association shall be from April 1stto March 31stof the following year. 4. Withdrawals from the invested funds shall be made only with the approval of the Executive Committee to be ratified by the General Body later on
Records of the Association The following records shall be maintained in the office of the Association: (a) Roll of Membership. (b) Minutes of the Executive Committee Meetings. (c) Minutes of the General Body Meetings. (d) Stock Register of non consumable and consumable items. (e)Cash Book andLedger. (f)Receipts and vouchers. (g)All publications, reports and souvenirs of the Association. (h)All documents as required by law under Societies Regulation Act 1860 (i)Any other relevant record
Organization of the Association General Body There shall be a General Body of the Association consisting of all members. Organizing body Executive Body There shall be an Executive Committee to manage the affairs of the Association General Body 1. The General Body of the Association shall hold an Annual General Body Meeting at least once a year and not more that 18 months shall elapse between two successive Annual General Body Meetings. 2. A notice of clear 21 days convening an Annual General Meeting shall be given to the members. 3. The Secretary shall upon being requested in writing by the Executive Committee or by at least 100 members of the Association, call an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) for which at least 15 days notice along with agenda shall be circulated to all the members. 4. 100 members present in person shall form a quorum for any meeting of the General Body. If the meeting is adjourned after 15 minutes for want of quorum, the meeting shall again take place after 30 minutes of adjournment to transact the same business and the members present shall form the quorum. The duties of the General Body shall be: a) To set guidelines for the Executive Committee so as to achieve the aims and objectives of the Association. b) To consider and adopt the Annual Report and Audited Accounts of the Association.
c) d) e) f) g) h) i)
To approve the budget for the following year. To appoint Auditors To appoint legal advisors, if any. To honour the Jubilee Alumni and the distinguished Alumni. To elect office bearers and members of the Executive Committee. To transact any other business with the permission of the President in Chair All the resolutions put to vote at the General Body shall be decided by a majority vote (unless otherwise provided) on a show of hands. In case of equality of vote the President in Chair shall have the casting vote.
Executive Committee who will conduct the election process. The guidelines for conducting the election will be decided by the Executive Committee. Executive Committee 6.1 The Executive Committee shall consist of: (i)President (ii)Working President (iii)Vice President (iv)Honorary Secretary (v)Joint Secretary (vi)Treasurer (vii)Immediate Past Secretary(ex-officio) (viii)Dean Alumni Affairs or equivalent(ex-officio) (ix) Members The Honorary Secretary is referred to as the Secretary in the subsequent articles as well as in the Bye-laws. Election of the Executive Committee: (a)All office bearers and members of the Executive Committee shall be elected/ nominated from amongst the Members. The President shall be nominated by the outgoing Executive Committee from amongst the eminent Alumni