OGP Report No. 413 Rev 1.1
OGP Report No. 413 Rev 1.1
OGP Report No. 413 Rev 1.1
Global experience
The International Association of Oil & Gas Producers has access to a wealth of technical
knowledge and experience with its members operating around the world in many different
terrains. We collate and distil this valuable knowledge for the industry to use as guidelines
for good practice by individual members.
Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this publication,
neither the OGP nor any of its members past present or future warrants its accuracy or will, regardless
of its or their negligence, assume liability for any foreseeable or unforeseeable use made thereof, which
liability is hereby excluded. Consequently, such use is at the recipients own risk on the basis that any use
by the recipient constitutes agreement to the terms of this disclaimer. The recipient is obliged to inform
any subsequent recipient of such terms.
This document may provide guidance supplemental to the requirements of local legislation. Nothing
herein, however, is intended to replace, amend, supersede or otherwise depart from such requirements. In
the event of any conflict or contradiction between the provisions of this document and local legislation,
applicable laws shall prevail.
Copyright notice
The contents of these pages are The International Association of Oil and Gas Producers. Permission
is given to reproduce this report in whole or in part provided (i) that the copyright of OGP and (ii)
the source are acknowledged. All other rights are reserved. Any other use requires the prior written
permission of the OGP.
These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales. Disputes arising here from shall be exclusively subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of
England and Wales.
Document revisions
1.1 Clarification as to withdrawn status of report 196 in Executive Summary
1.0 Initial release
2008 OGP
Guidelines for waste management with special focus on areas with limited infrastructure
Executive summary
Management of waste is an integral part of responsible oil and gas exploration and production activities throughout the world. Good waste management can be especially challenging in areas where
supporting infrastructure or regulatory frameworks are not well developed or absent.
This document provides fundamental guidance on waste management in exploration and production (E&P) operations. It is based on an earlier (1993) OGP publication on waste management
(OGP report number 196, now withdrawn) a publication which is still relevant on many issues
this document particularly departs from it by focusing on managing waste in areas where there
is little or no supporting infrastructure or where regulatory frameworks are developing. Operators
in countries with limited infrastructure can be confronted with costly waste management options,
especially if they are not taken into account until the later stages of field development or production.
This document emphasises and provides guidance on principles and practices of effective waste
management, as well as information on waste streams and technologies typically applicable in E&P
operations. At the same time, users of this document should recognise that site-specific conditions
may limit the applicability of any guidance offered in this document. Practices discussed include:
Taking a life cycle approach to waste management in oil and gas projects and incorporating
a systematic waste management planning framework. Using this approach, waste management
considerations can be taken into account at the early stages of a project.
Many companies now have management tools to communicate expectations and provide consistency in implementing common management practices. A brief overview of a project management tool developed by OGP called e-SHRIMP (Environmental, Social, Health and Risk
Impact Management Process) is provided. e-SHRIMP describes for each phase of an E&P
project a number of discrete steps that have the potential to lead to improved project delivery.
Applying a hierarchy of pollution prevention elements to attempt to reduce waste production:
Principles of the waste management hierarchy are provided and examples of reduction at source,
reuse, recycling/recovery and residue treatment are discussed. Also included is a list of potentially higher risk wastes which operators should consider avoiding.
Applying a risk-based approach to waste management: An example of a general framework for
risk-based decision making is outlined which can be applied to a range of waste management
Evaluating existing waste management capacity early and use a risk-based approach: This
includes evaluating available facilities and identifying gaps. A list of considerations is provided
for assessing third party sites for potential use.
Collecting, segregating, storing and transferring waste in a way that reduces risk of escape to
the environment: Some practical guidance is included for this aspect of waste management.
Appropriate methods for subsequent treatment and disposal are provided in Appendices 4 and
5, along with some key factors to consider when choosing a specific option.
Taking into account critical site-specific environmental characteristics, regulatory environment, logistical challenges and community outreach: Due to the potential lack of infrastructure at oil and gas operations in developing areas, it may be necessary to make arrangements for
waste management facilities to be constructed. Information on how to evaluate a location for a
new waste site includes preliminary reconnaissance, detailed field studies and the development
of a community outreach strategy. Community support is a key consideration in the development of a new waste management facility.
Considering waste measurements and performance reporting as valuable tools to evaluate environmental performance and to help others understand our industry: Appropriate
environmental performance indicators will take into consideration key drivers, coordination
in planning and timeline for data collection, and good practices leading to a more proactive
approach to use of information.
2008 OGP
This document is based on the lessons learned and experiences of OGP members. It came about after
a number of these members, with extensive knowledge of the issue, formed the Waste Management
Task Force in 2004 to tackle the challenge of managing upstream wastes, especially in countries
with little or no infrastructure. This group drew their experiences together to create this document.
It is hoped that the Guidelines will assist E&P Operators in further developing their waste management practices to improve the protection of the environment, the workforce and the local communities within which we work.
2008 OGP
Guidelines for waste management with special focus on areas with limited infrastructure
Table of contents
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2008 OGP
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Table 1
Table 2
Table 3
Table 4
Table 5
Table 6
Table 7
Appendix 1. Relevant OGP Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Appendix 2
Example of a Waste Tracking Sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Appendix 3
An Overview of the Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Process
(Extracted from OGP Report 196; Exploration and Production Waste Management Guidelines) . . . 22
Appendix 4
Waste Handling, Treatment and Disposal Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Appendix 5
Waste Management Options Summary Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Appendix 6
Waste Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Appendix 7
International Provisions Related To Waste Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Acronyms list . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
2008 OGP
Guidelines for waste management with special focus on areas with limited infrastructure
1 Introduction
Waste management is an integral component of oil & gas exploration & production. The principal
benefits of sound management include avoidance of impacts on human health and the environment.
Proper waste management may bring additional benefits in terms of reducing operational and capital expenditures, reducing reputation risk, and reducing financial and legal liability.
Oil & gas activities are continually expanding to new areas. Frequently, these have a poorly developed waste management and regulatory infrastructure. As part of its mission to promote best practice sharing amongst its members and in the wider upstream industry, OGP has produced this waste
management guidance publication with a particular focus on these areas. This publication builds on
an earlier more general waste management document (OGP, 1993) by including current thinking
and providing a context for these developments.
Waste is defined in a number of ways; by regulatory background and company approach. The term
is frequently qualified with adjectives such as special, harmful, hazardous or non-hazardous,
but these qualifiers have no universal understanding such that they can be adopted in the context
of this publication. For the purpose of this publication, waste is defined as any material that is surplus to requirement and management comprises E&P project definition, selection of technology,
design of facilities, waste collection, storage, transport, treatment and disposal. In using the preceding waste definition, it is recognised that a waste material in these terms may in fact be a raw material
or a material that is reusable in another context.
Waste can be of particular concern when it poses a threat to human health and the environment.
Waste can also have aesthetic impacts by creating a visual disturbance and/or odours that may affect
people who live or work near treatment and disposal sites. Finally, the production of waste can represent the unproductive consumption of a natural resource: it is unwanted by the producer.
Specific issues related to waste are not experienced uniformly. Rather, they tend to be governed by
the type of activity or operation and the local/regional conditions. Issues depend, for example, on
the sensitivities associated with the local physical environment and the nature of the environment
itself. Similarly, waste becomes an issue where there are insufficient facilities to treat and dispose of
it responsibly, or where resources, eg materials or sites for landfill, are scarce. This means that any
solutions to waste issues are unlikely to be consistent in scope, but must be flexible in order to allow
adaptation to the particular set of conditions faced.
There are sound business arguments in favour of managing waste effectively. The improper treatment
and disposal of waste can place a significant cost burden on the company when remedial action is
later found to be necessary. Poor management of waste may also potentially increases the risk of local
complaints, public health risks, regulatory authority enforcement (including fines) and prosecutions
or other administrative action. Bad publicity due to poor waste management practices (or perceived
poor practices) can also cause longer-term damage to an organisations reputation. This may manifest
itself in opposition from local communities, scrutiny by regulators and governments unwillingness
to do business with the organisation. Failure to manage waste effectively, therefore, may not only be
potentially detrimental to human health and the environment, but may also increase financial costs
and the risk of reputation damage.
Properly managed E&P wastes are unlikely to pose significant threats to human health and the environment. However, it is recognised that E&P operations including waste management take place
in a wide variety of settings. Responses to specific issues related to waste management may not be
handled uniformly due to site-specific conditions.
Thorough assessment of waste issues in the early phases of a project life cycle can enable a wider range
of more effective and less costly waste management alternatives compared with those that are available later in the life cycle. Good management of waste from point of generation through its ultimate
disposition should decrease the potential risk of adverse impacts to people and the environment,
company reputation and financial aspects.
This publication does not address in detail gaseous wastes, produced water, drilling fluids and cuttings, or materials that contain naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM). More detail on
these classes of material is addressed in specific reports published by OGP (see Appendix 1).
2008 OGP
During project selection, significant decisions are made such as preliminary process design and
location. At this stage, any key waste management issues should be identified. These may relate to
clarifying legal obligations, identifying whether there is a need to develop local waste management
2008 OGP
Project description
2008 OGP
and follow-up
Improvement register
Personnel and competence checklist
Is the project
economically viable?
Is the project
economically viable?
management plan
Risks, opportunities
and assessments
Decision support package (DSP)
Updated stakeholder participation
ESH feasability report
Staff competence checklist C2
Engineering/geological options
appraisal for exploration activities
Identify and
Market delivery:
Pipelines: Known supply from oil/gas eld. Initial
LNG Development:
market evaluation
Business case
h e r e
a w a r d e d
b e
m a y
Is the project
economically viable?
h e r e
a w a r d e d
b e
m a y
Build infrastructure
Detailed design
Is the project
economically viable?
No: re-design
Is the project
economically viable?
Assessment reports
Updated improvement register
Updated personnel and competence
Detailed design
(detailed design)
o p e r a t o r
t o
H a n d o v e r
Assessment reports
Updated improvement register
Updated personnel and competence checklist
Audit reports
Updated improvement register
Updated personnel and competence
Follow e-SHRIMP as
decommissioning project
Operate site(s)
Undertake activity
Guidelines for waste management with special focus on areas with limited infrastructure
During Front End Engineering Design (FEED) and Detailed Design, waste management requirements are more clearly identified. The information can be used to develop and refine the various
Waste Management Plans developed by the operator or their contractors (and sub-contractors).
This is the construction phase when design plans are realised and facilities are put in place. The construction phase often determines the range and size of waste management facilities required, since
this is the period that generates the widest range of waste types and the largest volumes. Waste management involves implementing operational management plans and providing that development and
construction wastes are managed in a manner consistent with the Waste Hierarchy (see Figure 2).
Waste management during operations can fall into two parts, (i) waste collection handling, storage,
(sometimes waste may need to be stored for an extended period of time if infrastructure to dispose
or treat it is not in place so managing waste storage is important to prevent container and label
deterioration) treatment and disposal and (ii) periodic review of the waste management plan and
implementation of opportunities for improvement.
This can be a project in itself depending on the size and wastes associated with a facility. In this
instance, it may be necessary to go through the project development process outlined above. Decommissioning and divestment needs should be considered in the project development phases to avoid
possible environmental impacts and to reduce potentially expensive remediation and divestment
2008 OGP
Guidelines for waste management with special focus on areas with limited infrastructure
Obtain management
approval & commitment
Section 2
Section 2
Section 3
Table 2
Appendix 6
Identify applicable
regulations, restrictions
& requirements
Appendix 7
Identify infrastructure
Section 4
Table 3
Section 4
Appendix 5
Perform Source
Reduction Analysis
following the waste
hierarchy (Eliminate,
Reduce, Reuse Recycle,
dispose with energy
recovery, Dispose)
Section 3
Appendix 4
Select waste
management methods
Section 4
Appendix 4
Section 5
Section 3.3
Section 3.6
2008 OGP
Section 2
Section 5
3.1 Hierarchy
The principles of waste management include the incorporation of a hierarchy of management practices that is integral to the development of the strategy for dealing with wastes. This hierarchy is frequently expressed in terms of reduction, reuse, recycling and finally residue treatment and disposal.
Waste management, however, begins with prevention. Prevention refers to the avoidance or removal
of waste by modification of design and operating practices. This principle can be incorporated, to the
extent practical, into all stages of the project life cycle.
The hierarchy is illustrated diagrammatically in Figure 2. This section provides some detail on steps
that can be taken at each stage in the hierarchy. The examples given are illustrative and are not
intended to be a comprehensive list.
The elements of the hierarchy are described in more detail in the following sections:
Volume reduction
Process specification: use gravel packs and screens to significantly reduce the volume and formation of solids/sludges.
Scheduling sequential hydro-testing to reduce the demand for test water and the volume of
water for subsequent management and disposal.
2008 OGP
Guidelines for waste management with special focus on areas with limited infrastructure
Inventory control and management to avoid surplus eg use of just in time delivery of short shelf
life consumables.
Optimise purchasing supply contracts to favour bulk purchases therefore reducing the volume
of packaging.
Bulk supply of products in reusable containers eg chemicals supplied in reusable steel tanks
rather than 25 litre plastic drums.
Supply reductions: allow for return of unused products and recycled containers to vendors in
Supplier take-back schemes e.g. computer equipment, empty containers etc.
Improved housekeeping and spill prevention.
Toxicity reduction
Table 2 lists some chemicals/substances that should be avoided, because they have been regulated
by various regulatory authorities, and identifies possible alternatives. Examples of reducing toxicity
Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)
Leaded paints
Lead-free lubricants.
2008 OGP
3.1.2 Reuse
The re-use of materials in their original form such as:
Chemical containers. Some containers can be reused only once to provide container integrity
while others can be reused multiple times using an approved chemical vendor to refill chemical
x into the same used chemical x container with the correct choice of container material and
stock return procedures. Quality control checks should avoid cross contamination and integrity
Reuse of oily rags/pads that can be cleaned between uses. Need to consider the additional
impact of solvents, detergents and oily residues related to cleaning have the potential to create
another waste stream.
Refurbishment of equipment eg valves, meters.
Supply of equipment in reusable containers. For example, the use of plastic boxes rather than
cardboard can be considered. It is essential to identify a re-use option and to implement it; otherwise it may be better to use recyclable materials.
3.1.3 Recycling/recovery
This is the conversion of wastes into usable materials and/or extraction of energy or materials from
waste. Examples include:
Recycling scrap metal.
Re-conditioning drilling muds and solvents.
Using oily wastes for road construction and stabilisation (though consideration of chemical
components and potential leaching to soil and groundwater should be undertaken before such
use, for example, asphaltics may be appropriate for road use, but used oil may not).
Using cleaned drill cuttings and crushed clean concrete for road construction material and hard
Discarding shredded tyres for landfill liner protective layers or as an alternate daily cover for
landfills. For example, tires and high grip rubber mats/flooring might be suitable for use. The
area of operation and availability of recycling facilities will dictate what can be done.
Injecting used oil into the oil production plant.
Use of (clean/decontaminated) split drums for reinforcing retaining walls.
Recovering oil from tank bottoms.
Using hydrocarbon and other calorific wastes (solvents, oils, wood) for energy recovery (consideration of chemical constituents should be given for air emissions).
Biological methods composting (if appropriate, materials can be recycled), land farming.
Thermal methods incineration, thermal desorption.
Chemical methods neutralisation, stabilisation.
Physical methods filtration, centrifugation, compaction or shredding.
3.1.5 Disposal
Discharge to water or land.
2008 OGP
Guidelines for waste management with special focus on areas with limited infrastructure
2008 OGP
2008 OGP
Guidelines for waste management with special focus on areas with limited infrastructure
Table 3 Check List for Evaluation of Third Party Waste Management Facilities
Points to consider
Evidence Includes
Local legislation.
Company policy.
Good practice.
Site procedures.
Environmental monitoring programme.
Evidence of monitoring and tracking emissions
against maximum permissible limits.
Organised and effective waste manifest system.
Use of competent, accredited laboratories for
Vehicle maintenance and service records.
Site EIA/licence.
Records of previous use.
Site location plan.
Adequate fencing/patrolling.
History of security breaches.
Sightings of unauthorised personnel on site.
Decommissioning plan.
2008 OGP
2008 OGP
Guidelines for waste management with special focus on areas with limited infrastructure
Type of waste.
Quantity or volume of waste.
Final disposal location.
Date of waste despatch, transfer or disposal.
Waste contractor details.
Archiving and retention of waste tracking records as required by statute.
For off-site waste shipments, more detailed tracking forms and signatures may often be used to document the chain of custody each time the waste changes possession from the site generating the waste,
to the entity responsible for its transport to the disposal facility. A waste receipt from the receiving
waste facility documents that the waste arrived at the appropriate waste facility. An example of a
waste tracking sheet is given in Appendix 2.
2008 OGP
Environmental characteristics.
The regulatory environment.
Logistical challenges.
Community and outreach.
Table 4 Examples of environmental and physical field studies for siting of E&P waste management facilities
carried out during
the appraisal stage
of the project to
obtain an overview
of the environmental
characteristics of the
area of interest.
2008 OGP
Guidelines for waste management with special focus on areas with limited infrastructure
External relationships, particularly with the local community, will be critical to the success of a new
waste management facility. It is good practice to be proactive and seek to understand stakeholder
issues and manage any concerns. Resolution of issues later when communities or individuals may
be sensitised can be problematic. Therefore, the community should be consulted regarding siting,
construction, and operation of a proposed facility. From a very early stage, disturbances to communities should be reduced through good consultation and design. These steps will help to foster good
community relations and neighbourliness. Typical activities associated with waste management are,
for example, truck traffic (wheeled loaders, cranes) associated with waste unloading and processing.
Noise from waste compacters, grinders and other treatment conveyance systems may also have a
potential to disturb communities. The following activities/elements (Table 5) may be considered in
the preparation of a waste management site location.
Early and continuing consultation with local stakeholders to discuss the potential
for disturbances to the community should be undertaken throughout the project.
(see Section 5)
Similarly waste management site equipment may have the potential for vibration
and an assessment should be undertaken with a mitigation plan implemented
where there is potential for disturbance particularly for local community
2008 OGP
2008 OGP
Guidelines for waste management with special focus on areas with limited infrastructure
5 Waste management
(tracking, performance) and reporting
There are a variety of reasons to collect information regarding waste generation and disposal. These
Monitoring and improving internal environmental performance.
Fulfilling regulatory reporting requirements.
Managing potential liability, past (inherited or legacy activities) and present with the ability to
review and change current performance.
Providing environmental information to external stakeholders such as communities and project
funding entities.
Cost control eg costs associated with cuttings disposal in remote areas where there are no existing facilities integrated management of the drilling mud cleaning system and its associated
residuals will help drive decisions on employing the most practicable waste reduction techniques.
2008 OGP
2008 OGP
Guidelines for waste management with special focus on areas with limited infrastructure
6 Summary
These guidelines identify a series of management tools to develop and implement good oil and
gas field waste management practices. In presenting the waste hierarchy it recognizes that the best
approach to waste management is not to generate waste in the first place. This means designing and
operating facilities so that there are no materials surplus to requirements.
Useful tools and practices for waste reduction and elimination are identified. Finally, guidelines
are provided on how to treat, manage and dispose of waste responsibly, where generation cannot be
The management options discussed show how waste management considerations can be integrated
with other project demands through the oil and gas project development life cycle (as shown by the
OGP tool e-SHRIMP). In addition, these guidelines identify management techniques in a series of
tables that can be used to drive effective waste management within operating companies and their
associated contractors. These include (when appropriate): environmental impact assessment; risk
assessment; community out-reach programs; and capacity building in the form of training, contractor development, and the building of new facilities. A key message is that good oil and gas field waste
management practices often differ between locations. Specific waste management practices depend
on the amount and characteristics of the wastes that must be handled, the sensitivity of the environment; technological constraints and recycling opportunities; mitigation measures needed to manage
risk, and local regulations.
2008 OGP
Appendix 1
Publication Title
e-SHRIMP report
June 2007
Fate and effects of naturally occurring substances in produced water on the marine
Feb 2005
Environmental aspects of the use and disposal of non aqueous drilling fluids
associated with offshore oil and gas operations
May 2003
Oct 2002
Jan 2002
Jan 2000
Monitoring oil in produced water discharged into the sea: a review of current and
emerging practices
Jan 1999
Aqueous discharges in the North Sea: an update from the E&P industry
Jan 1998
Apr 1996
Guidelines for the planning of downhole injection programmes for oil based mud
wastes and associated cuttings from offshore wells
Oct 1993
2008 OGP
Guidelines for waste management with special focus on areas with limited infrastructure
Appendix 2
Quantity received
Container type
No. containers
Waste type
Waste description
(use attachment(s) as necessary)
Quantity shipped
Origin of waste:
I declare that the information I have provided in Part A is correct and complete
Name (print):
Date (DD/MM/YY):
24-hr Emergency
Generators address: (this is the address to which the Receiver is to send the Waste Manifest Forms to)
I declare that I have received the wastes as described in Part A for delivery to the Intended Receiver
and that the information in Part B is correct and complete.
Name (print):
Date (DD/MM/YY):
24-hr Emergency
Except for the irregularities/discrepancies noted above, I declare that I have received the wastes as
described in Part A and that the information in Part C is correct and complete.
Name (print):
Date (DD/MM/YY):
24-hr Emergency
2008 OGP
Date (DD/MM/YY):
Appendix 3
Seismic surveys require the generation of acoustic waves at specified points along a relatively straight
survey line. The acoustic waves are reflected by changes in the subsurface geological strata. The
reflections are detected by many sensors arranged along several kilometres of the survey line (over
several square kilometres in the case of a 3D survey) and recorded. Line preparation may involve cutting vegetation prior to surveying the data point and sensor locations. As recording progresses along
the survey line onshore, the sensors are moved to new positions along the survey line by crews using
vehicles or helicopters. The data are processed by computer to map the underlying strata and help
define the size and shape of any geologic structure worthy of further investigation.
Several methods are available to generate the acoustic waves. These include the use of shot holes,
Vibroseis techniques, or air or water guns. The shot hole method involves the detonation of small
explosive charges placed in small diameter holes drilled to a depth generally ranging from one to
thirty metres. In the Vibroseis method, a group of three to five heavy vehicles (vibrators) lower and
then vibrate a heavy pad at specific points on the surface. Air or water guns create the acoustic waves
used for the survey by releasing compressed air or water to create loud sonic vibrations.
Because land seismic activities are highly mobile, base camps are temporary in nature. In order to
protect surface water bodies, sanitary pits and biodegradable garbage pits should be at least 100
metres from the water, if possible. Non-biodegradable, flammable wastes may be burned and the
ashes buried with the non-flammable wastes. This burial should be at least one metre deep. If the
area water table is high, burial criteria should be reconsidered.
Common wastes
The primary wastes from seismic operations include domestic waste, sewage, explosive wastes, lines,
cables and vehicle (including ship) maintenance wastes.
2008 OGP
Guidelines for waste management with special focus on areas with limited infrastructure
A site is constructed to accommodate drilling operations and support services. Offshore, a drilling
barge, semi-submersible drilling rig, or a drilling ship is used to provide all of the functions associated with drilling the well. On land, a typical one-hole exploration site occupies between 5000 and
20,000 square metres. The type of site construction is dependent on seasonal constraints and geography. Drilling rigs and support equipment are normally divided into modules to facilitate transportation. Depending on access roads, site location and module size and weight, drilling rigs may be
moved by land, air or water transportation.
Once on site, the rig and a self-contained support camp are assembled. Typical modules include a
derrick, drilling mud handling equipment, power generators and cementing equipment. The camp
provides workforce accommodation, canteen facilities, communications, vehicle maintenance and
parking areas, a helipad (for remote sites), fuel handling and storage areas, and provision for collection, treatment and disposal of wastes.
Once drilling commences, drilling fluid or mud is continuously circulated down the drill pipe and
back to the surface equipment to balance underground hydrostatic pressure, cool and lubricate the
bit and flush out rock cuttings. The risk of uncontrolled flow from the reservoir to the surface is further reduced by using blowout preventers, a series of hydraulically actuated steel rams that can close
around the drill string or casing to quickly seal off a well. Steel casing is run into completed sections
of the borehole and cemented into place. The casing and cement provide structural support to maintain the integrity of the borehole, isolate underground formations and protect useable underground
sources of water. Where a hydrocarbon formation is found, initial well tests are conducted to establish flow rates, formation pressure and the physical and chemical characteristics of the oil and gas.
Common wastes
The primary wastes from exploratory drilling operations include drilling muds and cuttings, cementing wastes, well completion, workover and stimulation fluids and production testing wastes. Other
wastes include excess drilling chemicals and containers, construction materials (pallets, wood, etc),
process water, fuel storage containers, power unit/transport maintenance wastes, scrap metal and
domestic and sewage wastes.
A3.3 Construction
Construction of some infrastructure and facilities will be required to support activities.
Construction of facilities such as roads, camps, canals and pipelines may be required both before
and during the development and production process. The construction process may use a wide variety of materials, equipment and methods. The facilities required for a specific activity will depend
on the activity and its geographic location.
2008 OGP
Common wastes
The primary wastes from construction activities include excess construction materials, used lubricating oils, paints, solvents, scrap metal, sewage and domestic wastes.
A small reservoir may be developed using one or more of the exploratory wells. Further development
of the reservoir may require additional wells. A production facility may be required to separate, store
and transport produced fluids. The size and type of the installations needed for storing, separating and transporting oil, gas and water will depend on the nature and location of the reservoir, the
volume and nature of produced fluids and the export option selected. These options include transport by road, waterway, pipeline or some combination of these.
Routine operations on a producing well include monitoring, safety and security inspections and
periodic downhole servicing using a wire line unit or a workover rig. In some areas, a self-contained
base camp may be established to support routine operations. The base camp provides workforce
accommodation, communications, vehicle maintenance and parking, fuel handling and storage and
provision for collection, treatment and disposal of wastes.
The operator will be able to extract only a portion of the oil present using natural pressure and simple
pumping. A range of enhanced recovery methods, including waterflood, gas injection and methods
employing chemicals, gases or heat may be used to increase the efficiency of oil production.
Common wastes
In addition to the wastes listed in sections 3.2, 3.3 and 3.5, the main wastes from development and
production operations include produced water, flare and vent gas, production chemicals, workover
wastes, eg brines, and tank or pit bottoms.
A3.5 Maintenance
Maintenance of vehicles, mechanical equipment and infrastructure may be required for operations
of extended duration.
Maintenance activities are common to all phases of the exploration and production process. During
seismic and construction activities, maintenance is essentially limited to vehicle repair and inspection. Exploratory drilling maintenance activities include vehicle and drilling rig repair and inspection. Maintenance activities during development and production include repair and inspection of
vehicles, generators, drilling rigs, workover rigs, fluid process equipment and infrastructure.
Common wastes
The primary wastes associated with maintenance activities include batteries, used lubricants, filters,
hoses, tyres, paints, solvents, impacted soil, coolant and antifreeze chemicals, used parts and scrap
2008 OGP
Guidelines for waste management with special focus on areas with limited infrastructure
A3.6 Decommissioning
Oil and gas installations are decommissioned at the end of their commercial life.
Decommissioning generally involves permanently plugging and abandoning all wells, and may
include removal of buildings and equipment, transfer of buildings and roads to local communities
or host government entities, implementation of measures to encourage site re-vegetation and site
Common wastes
The primary wastes from decommissioning and reclamation include construction materials, insulating materials, plant equipment, sludges and impacted soil.
2008 OGP
Appendix 4
Waste can be liquid, semi-solid, or solid, but must not contain materials that are toxic to microorganisms in the concentrations applied.
Wastes not suitable for biological treatment include:
2008 OGP
Guidelines for waste management with special focus on areas with limited infrastructure
There are several areas where risk-based decision-making can be applied in biological treatment
methods. Where regulations do not dictate the design and operation of biological treatment processes, risk assessment can be used to:
Establish treatment targets for oil content or specific constituent concentrations.
Assess the need for engineered liner material in construction of biological processes.
Determine if and where reuse of the treated residual materials is feasible.
A4.1.1 Land-farming
In land-farming facilities, waste is periodically re-applied to a receiving soil so that naturally occurring microorganisms present in the soil can biodegrade the hydrocarbon constituents. The landfarming area is periodically tilled to provide the necessary mixing and oxygen transfer. Active
land-farming includes the addition of water, nutrients and other materials to enhance the biodegradation process in the waste/soil mixture, and to prevent the development of conditions that might
promote leaching and mobilisation of inorganic contaminants. The conditions under which degradation takes place are typically aerobic. Volatilisation and dilution are two other important mechanisms for reduction of degradation products in land applications of waste. Land-farming should
not be confused with land-filling or burial, in which the waste is deposited in man-made or natural
excavations for an indefinite period of time.
The accumulation of non-biodegradable constituents such as metals, salts and high molecular weight
hydrocarbons such a polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) is an important consideration. The effects
of accumulated metals, salts and heavy hydrocarbons can be evaluated on a site-specific basis by
performing a risk assessment.
Considerations for the application of land-farming should also include the site topography and
hydrology, and the physical and chemical composition of the waste and resultant waste/soil mixture.
Waste application rates should be controlled to reduce the possibility of run-off. When a facility
is properly designed, operated and monitored, land-farming is usually a relatively practicable and
simple technique. Land-farms may require government permits or approval and, depending on soil
conditions, may require a liner and/or groundwater monitoring wells. Moisture control to reduce
dust (particulates) may also be necessary during extended dry conditions.
A landfarm facility designed for long-term operation will produce a treated residue that may need to
be removed once the target concentrations are reached. When feasible, beneficial reuse of the treated
soil is desirable to eliminate the cost and consumption of landfill space. Reuse options for landfarm
residual materials can include road base, fill material, and tank berms. Risks associated with reuse of
the treated material can be assessed in addition to evaluating the mechanical properties (if appropriate for final application of material) of the final product.
2008 OGP
chemical composition of the waste and resultant waste/soil mixture should still be assessed and
waste application rates controlled to reduce the possibility of run-off.
Land treatment can be considered in the following situations:
A4.1.3 Composting
Methods include: static/passive aeration piles (biopiles) (ht. ~9-10 ft), windrows (ht. ~3-4 ft) and
forced aeration piles
Composting can be considered in the following situations:
Land space is limited.
Climate is cold (piles conserve heat) and the growing season is less than three to four months.
Oil concentrations are high - starting oil concentrations can be up to 15% in soil. Bulking agents
and nutrients are typically required.
Control of volatiles is required.
Fast biodegradation rates are required.
Management of food wastes and residuals (land-farming and land-treatment operations typically do not produce the high temperatures needed to destroy pathogens).
Composting is a biological treatment technique similar to land treatment. Biodegradation rates are
enhanced by improving porosity, aeration, moisture content and operating temperature. Treatment
times can be as short as one month, or as long as one year depending upon the starting oil concentration and oil composition. As a general rule, the starting oil concentration should be less than 15%.
Characteristics of composting are:
Waste is mixed with bulking agents eg wood chips, straw, rice hulls or husks, to provide increased
porosity and aeration potential. Care should be taken to confirm that the bulking agent provides sufficient porosity to allow aeration even at high moisture levels.
Manure or agricultural wastes may be added to increase the water holding capacity of the waste/
media mixture and to provide nutrients.
Nitrogen and phosphorus-based fertilisers may be added to enhance microbial activity.
Micro-organisms capable of degrading petroleum occur naturally in oily wastes, soil and bulking
agents; therefore there is no reason to add inoculums or commercial bug products to compost. Mixtures of the waste, soil and other additives are formed into small or large piles, the precise dimensions are dependent upon the aeration method used eg static piles/passive aeration, or mechanically
mixed, and the availability of land.
The compost mixture moisture should be maintained at 80% of field capacity or approximately
25-50% weight percent to provide optimal moisture conditions for biodegradation. Compost systems are characterised by elevated temperatures (30-70C) within the compost mixture. Temperature may be controlled by forced aeration, or by tilling the soil pile initially once a week or whenever
the compost temperature reaches ~50-60C.
As with landfarming, beneficial reuse of the composted material is desirable to eliminate the cost
and consumption of landfill space. Risks associated with reuse of the composted material can be
2008 OGP
Guidelines for waste management with special focus on areas with limited infrastructure
A4.2.1 Incineration
Incineration is a high temperature combustion/oxidation process in which organic wastes are converted into gases and solid residue. Incineration objectives usually include reducing toxicity and
volume prior to disposal of solid residues. Proper incineration can be very efficient but also very
expensive. Air pollution control equipment is typically required, or should at least be considered
based on a risk-management approach. Additional treatment may be necessary for metals and salts
in treated solid residues, depending on the final fate of the waste.
In E&P operations, incineration in an engineered system may be an appropriate option for materials like medical waste, solid waste refuse and some types of waste from operational activities. Proper
incineration of sludges and liquid wastes is much more complex than for solid waste.
There are a number of incinerator types and selection will depend on a number of factors. Units typically most appropriate to support E&P operations range from relatively simple static chamber units
to more complex rotary kilns and associated air pollution control systems range from secondary gas
combustion chambers to more complex air pollution control systems that also reduce particulate
emissions and combustion gasses such as sulphur oxides. Incineration of liquids or sludges almost
always requires systems that are significantly more complex than those for solid wastes.
The evaluation of Incinerator technology should be undertaken by suitably qualified and experienced specialists. The design must take into account that exhaust gas temperature, air supply, turbulence and residence times are sufficient to achieve the desired level of waste treatment performance.
Particular consideration should be given to the following factors:
Certain wastes should not normally be considered for incineration unless the necessary pollution
control equipment is available. This includes wastes containing significant concentrations of arsenic,
mercury, chlorine, fluorine, bromine, iodine and lead. Metals will not be destroyed by incineration
and will either be present in the gas stream or remain in ashes and residues. The presence of concentrated metals in solid residues might also trigger requirements for their stabilisation prior to land
Certain other wastes can pose serious combustion problems, for example:
Waste in drums which cannot, for one reason or another, be opened, shredded and emptied.
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Guidelines for waste management with special focus on areas with limited infrastructure
A4.3.1 Neutralisation
One of the simplest detoxification processes is neutralisation. Neutralisation consists of adding an
acid or base to a waste in order to adjust its pH. Neutralisation is a chemical reaction in which an
acid and a base or alkali (soluble base) react and produce a salt and water. As an example, this treatment method can be used to neutralise battery acids, certain types of drum rinses/wastes, acid and
Neutralisation can be applied to any waste stream or wastewater requiring pH control. It is commonly used prior to biological treatment since bacteria are sensitive to rapid pH changes and values
outside a pH range of 6 to 9. Neutralisation, or pH adjustment, may also be required prior to discharge of treated wastewater to a receiving stream. Neutralisation is also used as a pre-treatment
for several chemical treatment technologies, including carbon adsorbtion, ion exchange and chemical oxidation/reduction processes. It is also useful in breaking emulsions and precipitating certain
organic materials.
Neutralisation of certain wastes has the potential of producing air emissions. Acidification of
streams containing certain salts, such as sulphide, will produce toxic gases. Feed tanks should be
totally enclosed to prevent escape of acid fumes. Adequate mixing should be provided to dissipate
the heat of reaction if wastes being treated are concentrated. The process should be controlled from
a remote location if possible.
A4.3.2 Solidification/Stabilisation
Chemical fixation (or solidification/stabilisation) technologies can be broken down into three classes
of systems, solidification, chemical fixation and solidification and sorption. Solidification refers to
those techniques that reduce the hazard potential of a waste by converting the contaminants into
their least soluble, mobile, or toxic form. Solidification refers to techniques that encapsulate the
wastes into a solid of high structural integrity.
Typically, a combination of Portland cement and other chemicals such as slag, fly ash, silicate and
lime is added to the waste. In general, these processes produce dry solids, either monolith or dry
granular solid similar to coarse soil.
These types of processes can reduce the mobility of unwanted substances and seeks to trap or immobilise contaminants within their host medium (ie the soil, sand and/or building material that contain
them). Leachability testing is typically performed to measure the immobilisation of contaminants.
Solidification/Stabilisation can be used alone or combined with other treatment and disposal methods to yield a product or material suitable for land disposal, or in other cases, that can be applied to
beneficial use.
2008 OGP
Factors to consider when choosing this waste management option include, but are not limited to
the following:
Regulatory requirements.
Process type and processing requirements.
Chemical and Physical characteristics of the waste:
Depending on the type of waste, cement based systems have limitations - they may not work
with elevated organic levels; when there is less than 15% solids; and if there are excessive
quantities of fine soil particles or too many large particles present.
Elevated oil and salt content can be a problem.
pH levels need to be closely controlled for some types of technologies to be effective. Elevated pH levels or high total alkalinity can pose a problem if the wastes are subsequently
land-applied or used as a soil supplement.
Treatment objectives.
A4.4.1 Evaporation
Evaporation reduces the volume of a liquid or a saturated material by transforming the liquid into a
vapour. It can be used to concentrate liquors, as an effective final disposal or to dry solids/sludges. As
a selected means of waste treatment, evaporation is usually restricted to the evaporation of water. It
is seldom appropriate from an Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) or legal perspective to use
evaporation for disposal of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) unless absorptive material is present
to trap the evaporate.
Lagoons in its most simple form evaporation is undertaken in lagoons using the energy from the
sun to drive the process of vaporisation. The principal problems with this low-technology approach
are: very slow rates of evaporation; dependence on climate; large land area requirement; potential
need for a significant construction effort; and expensive liners. Lagoons can create health, safety and
environmental problems such as odour and risks to wildlife and people. Another key environmental
factor is the consequence of any loss of containment which excludes some sites as possible lagoon
An important design consideration for lagoon construction is the management of sediment deposits. Some of the questions to consider at the evaluation stage are the probability of liner damage if an
excavator is used and what will the consequences be, and where will the sediment finally be disposed
of. Conversely, if the lagoon is designed to leave sediment in place what is the risk that it is filled with
wind-blown dust negating the planned objective?
Evaporators Forced Air Evaporators utilise blowers to force air in a counter current to a free falling spray of water within a column. It is practicable and highly efficient when the waste stream to
be evaporated is preheated by another process and does not contain VOCs that will be emitted to
the atmosphere. Factors to consider are the need to preheat wastewater, cost, the risk of creating air
emissions if VOCs are present and poor suitability for wastewaters with a high solids content.
2008 OGP
Guidelines for waste management with special focus on areas with limited infrastructure
The factors to consider for evaporators are: pre-treatment needs, energy cost, risk of vaporising
VOCs, component damage from salts and acids, the need to dispose of highly concentrated slurries
and the risk of a system running dry resulting in meltdown.
Sludge drying beds typically these might be seen as outdoor sand bed filters as sludge water is
dewatered by two mechanisms (i) the open surface area to allow for evaporation and (ii) gravity as
the filtrate settles through the sand bed and is collected in under drains. Facilities without filtration
are commonly called sludge lagoons.
As with evaporation lagoons sludge lagoons are most successful in dry climates with high evaporation rates, need a large land area and usually require isolation from existing soils and groundwater.
A4.4.3 Centrifugation
Centrifugation is an extension of gravity settling, where centrifugal forces are introduced by changes
in angular velocity when the waste is spun in a circular motion. From a treatment point of view, centrifugation is more efficient than gravity settling since acceleration produced by mechanical means
can far exceed gravity. However, from an energy point of view, the energy input is prohibitive unless
the waste is highly concentrated. Capital and operating cost can be high, particularly in remote locations or where there is little economy of scale. Centrifuges are most often used in E&P operations
for dewatering/de-oiling tank-cleaning or gravity separator sludges.
Centrifugation is technically and economically competitive with other sludge dewatering processes,
specifically vacuum filtration and filter presses. The advantage of centrifugation over these processes
is that centrifugation is more capable of dewatering sticky, gelatinous sludge. Disadvantages include
that it is non-selective in separating components from each other. Also, there is a relatively high
maintenance cost when processing abrasive materials. Finally, as this is a physical separation process,
centrifugation is not capable of destroying or chemically altering hazardous materials, though it can
be an effective means to enable further treatment, recovery/recycle or secure disposal of oily waste
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Guidelines for waste management with special focus on areas with limited infrastructure
2008 OGP
been properly cemented or a natural geologic fault or fracture. Under the high downhole pressure,
the injected fluids seek out the pathway of least resistance. If cracks in a wells cement or geological
faults are present, the fluids may preferentially migrate upward and reach the land surface or the sea
floor. In situations involving closely-spaced wells, the potential for communication of fluids between
wells should be carefully evaluated.
A4.6.2 Landfill
A landfill is an engineered and constructed disposal unit for secure, permanent containment of large
volumes of non-liquid wastes. Land-farming and land-treatment are not considered to be landfilling.
Landfills can be natural, topographic depressions and man-made excavations formed of earthen
material. A key consideration in the operation of a landfill site is the need to provide long-term
containment. Design considerations for a landfill site should consider an appropriate combination
of the following controls:
Single or double liner Liners may be constructed of compacted clay, plastic sheeting or multilayer linings with integrated drainage systems. A liner restricts the downward or lateral migration of waste constituents.
Leachate collection and removal system typical leachate collection system includes a drainage
layer, collection pipes and a removal system.
Leak detection system.
Run-on, runoff surface runoff water should flow away from the landfill or be diverted around
Provisions for landfill closure and aftercare.
Landfills are not constructed to uniform standards. Wastes should only be placed in sites that are
designed to receive and contain them. Additionally these sites should have appropriate monitoring and maintenance programmes. Landfill material should not be capable of reacting to generate
excess heat or noxious gases. Special systems may need to be installed to monitor, capture and utilise
landfill gases. Disposal sites should be operated either by the waste generator who will maintain
responsibility for its own wastes or by a properly managed third party disposal facility.
2008 OGP
Guidelines for waste management with special focus on areas with limited infrastructure
Appendix 5
2008 OGP
Asbestos/refractory materials
Battery Electrolyte
Drum Rinse
Filters (air/water/other)
Gas Cylinders
Hydrotest fluids
Medical waste
Produced sand
Scrap Metal
2008 OGP
Discharge to Surface
Inject to sub-surface
Land treatment
Activated carbon
Use as fuel
Guidelines for waste management with special focus on areas with limited infrastructure
Appendix 6
Waste definitions
Table 7 Waste definitions
Waste acids/alkalis should be managed as corrosive wastes if their pH is less than 2.0 or greater
than 12.5.
Activated Carbon
Discarded charcoal and activated carbon, including filters, used and unused. May be self-heating
or pyrophoric if used in sour gas service.
Asbestos/Refractory Material
Both friable and non-friable asbestos waste containing more than 1% asbestos by weight.
Battery Electrolyte
Spent nickel-cadmium, lithium, mercury-cell, and lead-acid batteries. May be corrosive or water
A substance (solid, liquid, or gas) whose presence increases the rate of a chemical reaction and
may be recovered at the end of the reaction.
Chemicals and additives or their residues that may no longer be used for their intended purpose
because of being spent or degraded, expired or obsolete (change in methodology).
A container is empty if all material has been removed that can be removed using practices
commonly employed to remove the material from that type of container e.g., pouring, pumping,
aspirating. Containers that are not empty should be managed based on the characteristics of the
contained material.
Domestic Waste/Trash/Food
Discarded items from the kitchen, bathroom, laundry, warehouse, offices, etc. Many of these items
may be biodegradable; others will be inert.
Drum Rinse
These filters may be sock, cartridge, or canister-type filters used to remove solids and impurities.
A cylinder is empty if all material has been removed that can be removed using practices
commonly employed.
Glycol solutions (& sludges) such as ethylene, diethylene, triethylene and tetraethylene glycol used
in dehydration or cooling.
Hydrotest Fluids
Petroleum-based lubricating greases, motor oils and transmission oil, hydraulic fluids as well as
synthetic oils used for these same purposes. These oils may contain impurities, e.g. metals, as a
result of their use.
Medical Waste
Wastes generated by general clinical procedures including sharps. Many of these may contain
pathogens and be potentially biohazardous materials.
Mercury-Containing Wastes
Liquid and semi-liquid coating and thinner wastes generated in construction and maintenance
Materials comprised of plastics (PET, HDPE, PVC, LDPE, PS, etc) and rubber.
Produced Sand
Radioactive source materials e.g. used in logging and detection of pipeline welds, smoke
detectors and laboratory equipment.
Cooling substances; any of the various halocarbon compounds consisting of carbon, hydrogen,
chlorine and fluorine e.g. chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs).
Scrap Metal
Sludge consisting of the bio mass removed to remain equilibrium in a sewage treatment unit.
Sludge Hydrocarbon
Spent or used water with mixture of water and dissolved or suspended solids.
2008 OGP
Appendix 7
Basel Ban
This is a 1995 amendment, which would prohibit the export of hazardous wastes from highly industrialised countries (members of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development or
OECD countries) to non OECD countries. This Basel Ban amendment has not yet been ratified
by the required number of countries and is not yet in effect. However, European Union countries
that are members of the OECD generally have agreed to follow the Basel Ban and restrict exports of
wastes from their countries to non-OECD countries that are Basel Parties.
Liability Protocol
In 1999, a Protocol on liability and compensation for damage resulting from trans-boundary movements of hazardous wastes and their disposal was adopted. Again, it is not yet in effect.
It is worth noting that the Secretariat for the Basel Convention has put at top of its priorities for the
next decade the creation of partnerships with industry and research institutions to create innovative
approaches to Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of wastes.
The Basel Convention defines the categories of wastes to be controlled (Convention Annex 1) and
lists the hazardous characteristics that lead to an inherent definition of hazardous wastes for the
purpose of the Convention (Article 1.1). Many wastes from E&P activities fall under these definitions: wastes containing heavy metals, asbestos, organic solvents, PCBs, etc According to Article 3 of
the Convention, each party (State) to the convention should have a National definition of hazardous
wastes, according to the criteria mentioned above.
Obligations under the Basel Convention are obligations between the States which are Parties to the
Convention, not between an operator and a State. Nevertheless the States place on the individual
operator/general the responsibility to provide all information required by the State of Export to
notify the State of Import (information to be provided is given in Annex VB to the Convention)
about the nature of the waste and the intended shipment. A shipment of hazardous waste or other
waste must be accompanied by a movement document from the point at which a trans-boundary
movement begins to the point of disposal. Hazardous waste shipments made without such documents are illegal N.B. if shipments will occur on a regular basis, a single authorisation may be
obtained to cover repeated shipments of the same waste between the same countries for a specific
period of time. The competent authorities of the State of Export are not authorised to allow exportation of waste until the State of Import has given clearance (Article 6). In addition a number of articles in the Convention oblige national governments which have acceded to the Convention to take
The current OECD Member Countries are: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Czech
Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Japan, Korea, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal,
Slovak Republic, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, and United States.
2008 OGP
Guidelines for waste management with special focus on areas with limited infrastructure
appropriate measures to implement and enforce its provisions, including measures to prevent and
punish conduct in contravention of the Convention (Article 9). In some cases, an affected Country
may require that the operator/generator provide some form of financial assurance before a shipment
of hazardous waste may proceed.
One of the guiding principles of the Convention is that hazardous wastes should be dealt with as
close to where they are produced as possible. Under the Basel Convention, trans-boundary movements are to be allowed where the State of export does not have the capability of disposing of the
hazardous waste in an environmentally sound manner.
Among the few UN countries which are not yet members of the Convention, it is worth noting
Angola, Gabon and the United States of America (as at the time of writing these guidelines). Because
these countries are not Basel members, Basel Convention Member Countries are forbidden from
engaging in hazardous waste movements (imports, exports, in-transit movements) involving these
countries. A significant exception to this prohibition is where a Basel Member Country has an independent bilateral, multilateral or regional agreement/treaty with a non-Basel Member that allows
for the environmentally-sound management of hazardous waste, for example, the United States is
an OECD Member and therefore may engage in hazardous waste management with other OECD
countries pursuant to OECD agreements. Another example is the Bamako Convention, which aims
at protecting Africa from import of hazardous wastes. If a country that is not a Basel Member is a
member of the Bamako Treaty, the Basel Convention would allow the movement of waste between
Bamako members, consistent with the terms of the Bamako Treaty.
Additional information can be found on the official website of the Basel Convention: www.basel.
2008 OGP
Annex V A
Information to be provided on notification
Annex V B
Information to be provided on the movement document
Full name and address, telephone, telex or telefax number and
the name, address, telephone, telex or telefax number of the
person to be contacted.
Full name and address, telephone, telex or telefax number.
In the case of a general notification covering several shipments,
either the expected dates of each shipment or, if this is not
known, the expected frequency of the shipments will be
Information to be provided on relevant insurance requirements
and how they are met by exporter, carrier and disposer.
The nature and the concentration of the most hazardous
components, in terms of toxicity and other dangers presented
by the waste both in handling and in relation to the proposed
disposal method.
In the case of a general notification covering several shipments,
both the estimated total quantity and the estimated quantities for
each individual shipment will be required.
Insofar as this is necessary to assess the hazard and determine
the appropriateness of the proposed disposal operation.
The information required on the movement document shall where
possible be integrated in one document with that required under
transport rules. Where this is not possible the information should
complement rather than duplicate that required under the transport
rules. The movement document shall carry instructions as to who is
to provide information and fill-out any form.
Full name and address, telephone, telex or telefax number and
the name, address, telephone, telex or telefax number of the
person to be contacted in case of emergency.
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Guidelines for waste management with special focus on areas with limited infrastructure
Acronyms list
MARPOL 73/78
Non-Governmental Organisation
Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons
Polychlorinated Biphenyl
Polyethylene Terephthalate
Polyvinyl Chloride
2008 OGP
2008 OGP
What is OGP?
The International Association of Oil & Gas Producers encompasses the worlds leading private
and state-owned oil & gas companies, their national and regional associations, and major
upstream contractors and suppliers.
To work on behalf of the worlds oil and gas producing companies to promote responsible
and profitable operations
To represent the interests of oil and gas producing companies to international regulators and
legislative bodies
To liaise with other industry associations globally and provide a forum for sharing experiences,
debating emerging issues and establishing common ground to promote cooperation,
consistency and effectiveness
To facilitate continuous improvement in HSE, CSR, engineering and operations
To improve understanding of our industry by being visible, accessible and a reliable source
of information
To represent and advocate industry views by developing effective proposals
To improve the collection, analysis and dissemination of data on HSE performance
To develop and disseminate best practice in HSE, engineering and operations
To promote CSR awareness and best practice