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Digital Image Cryptosystem With Adaptive Steganography

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Literature Review




CS 282-0782/2009



I declare that all materials presented here are my own original work, or fully and specifically
acknowledged wherever adapted from other sources. The work has not been submitted
previously, in whole or in part, to qualify for any academic award. The content of the thesis is the
result of work which has been carried out since the official approval of my proposal.

LIST OF FIGURES.........................................................................................................................v
LIST OF TABLES...........................................................................................................................v
CHAPTER ONE..............................................................................................................................1
1.1 BACKGROUND....................................................................................................................2
A Steganographic Framework...................................................................................................2
1.2 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM......................................................................................4
1.3 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY...........................................................................................6
1.4.1 Specific Objectives..........................................................................................................6
1.4 RESEARCH QUESTIONS....................................................................................................7
CHAPTER TWO.............................................................................................................................8
2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW.......................................................................................................8
2.1 Spatial Domain..................................................................................................................8
2.2 Transform Domain............................................................................................................10
2.3 EXISTING ATTACKS......................................................................................................11
2.3.1 Steganalysis....................................................................................................................11 Targeted Attacks..........................................................................................................12 Blind Attacks...............................................................................................................14
2.3 STATISTICAL RESTORATION.........................................................................................17

2.3.1 Embedding by Pixel.......................................................................................................18
Algorithm Pixel Swap Embedding.........................................................................................19 Security Analysis.........................................................................................................20 New Statistical Restoration Scheme...........................................................................21
2.4 Mathematical Formulation of Proposed scheme..................................................................22
2.4.2 Restoration with Minimum Restoration.........................................................................25
2.4.3 Security Analysis............................................................................................................26 Analysis.......................................................................................................................26
2.5 SPATIAL DESYNCHRONIZATION..................................................................................27
2.5.1 Introduction....................................................................................................................27
2.5.2 Calibration Attack..........................................................................................................28
2.6 Counter Measures to Blind Steganalysis..........................................................................29
2.6.1 Spatial Block Desynchronization...................................................................................30
2.7 The Proposed Algorithm.......................................................................................................31
2.8 CONCLUSION AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS.................................................................36
2.8.1 Conclusion.....................................................................................................................36
2.8.2 Future Directions............................................................................................................37
2.9 PROJECT SCHEDULE.......................................................................................................38
3.0 RESEARCH BUDGET........................................................................................................39







ROBUSTNESS IN DATA HIDING.............................................................................4


GENERALIZED STEGANOGRAPHIC FRAMEWORK.......................................5


OF SET CARDINALITIES DURING EMBEDDING...............................12






SPATIAL BLOCK DESYNCHRONIZATION...........................30


J5 ALGORITHM...........32

FIGURE 8 RESEARCH BUDGET...............................................................................39





23 DCA...............................................34


274 DCA..............................................35

TABLE 3 : PROJECT SCHEDULE..............................................................................38



The Proposed Algorithm that uses Spatial Desynchronization for Low Detection


Quantization Index Modulation, a High-Capacity Robust Watermarking Scheme


Spatially Desynchronized Steganography Algorithm


yet another Steganographic Scheme

23 DCA

Dimensional Calibration Attack


It is with great reverence that I wish to express my deep gratitude towards Mr. J. Wainaina for his
astute guidance, constant motivation and trust, without which this work would never have been
possible. I am sincerely indebted to him for his constructive criticism and suggestions for
improvement at various stages of the work. I would also like to thank Madam Ann Kibe,
Research Scholar, for her guidance, invaluable suggestions and for bearing with me during the
thought provoking discussions which made this work possible. I am also thankful to Dr. Okeyo,
for clearing some of my doubts through email. I am grateful to my parents and brother for their
perennial inspiration. Last but not the least; I would like to thank all my seniors, friends and my
classmates especially Ben, Lenny and Mercy for making my stay at JKUAT comfortable and a
fruitful learning experience.

Date: August 22, 2013


John Njenga Kimuhu





Steganography is defined as the science of hiding or embedding data in a transmission

medium. Its ultimate objectives, which are undetectability, robustness and capacity of the hidden
data, are the main factors that distinguish it from Cryptography.
In this paper a study on Digital Image Cryptosystem with Adaptive Steganography has been
The problem of data hiding has been attacked from two directions. The first approach tries to
overcome the Targeted Steganalytic Attacks. The work focuses mainly on the first order statistics
based targeted attacks. Two algorithms have been presented which can preserve the first order
statistics of an image after embedding. The second approach aims at resisting Blind Steganalytic
Attacks especially the Calibration based Blind Attacks which try to estimate a model of the cover
image from the stego image. A Statistical Hypothesis Testing framework has been developed for
testing the efficiency of a blind attack. A generic framework for JPEG steganography has been
proposed which disturbs the cover image model estimation of the blind attacks. Comparison
results show that the proposed algorithm can successfully resist the calibration based blind
attacks and some non-calibration based attacks as well.

Since the rise of the Internet one of the most important factors of information technology and
communication has been the security of information. Everyday tons of data are transferred
through the Internet through e-mail, file sharing sites, social networking sites etc. to name a few.
As the number of Internet users rises, the concept of Internet security has also gain importance.
The fiercely competitive nature of the computer industry forces web services to the market at a
breakneck pace, leaving little or no time for audit of system security, while the tight labour
market causes Internet project development to be staffed with less experienced personnel, who
may have no training in security. This combination of market pressure, low unemployment, and
rapid growth creates an environment rich in machines to be exploited, and malicious users to
exploit those machines.
Due to the fast development of communication technology, it is convenient to acquire
multimedia data. Unfortunately, the problem of illegal data access occurs every time and
everywhere. Hence, it is important to protect the content and the authorized use of multimedia
data against the attackers. Data encryption is a strategy to make the data unreadable, invisible or
incomprehensible during transmission by scrambling the content of data.
In an image cryptosystem, it uses some reliable encryption algorithms or secret keys to transform
or encrypt secret images into ciphered images. Only the authorized users can decrypt secret
images from the ciphered images. The ciphered images are meaningless and non-recognizable
for any unauthorized users who grab them without knowing the decryption algorithms or the
secret keys according to (Bhattacharyya, Banerjee, & Sanyal, 2011)Steganographys niche in
security is to supplement cryptography, not replace it. If a hidden message is encrypted, it must
also be decrypted if discovered, which provides another layer of protection.
Dissimilarly, steganographic techniques refer to methods of embedding secret data into cover
data in such a way that people cannot discern the existence of the hidden data. The image
steganographic methods (or called virtual image cryptosystems) are proposed to hide the secret

images into readable but non-critical cover images. They are designed to reduce the notice of
illegal users. Common methods for data hiding can be categorized into spatial and transform
domain methods. In the spatial domain, information hiding is an emerging research area, which
encompasses applications such as copyright protection for digital media, watermarking,
fingerprinting, and steganography.
In watermarking applications, the message contains information such as owner identification and
a digital time stamp, which usually applied for copyright protection.
Fingerprint, the owner of the data set embeds a serial number that uniquely identifies the user of
the data set. This adds to copyright information to makes it possible to trace any unauthorized
use of the data set back to the user.
Steganography hide the secret message within the host data set and presence imperceptible and is
to be reliably communicated to a receiver. The host data set is purposely corrupted, but in a
covert way, designed to be invisible to an information analysis.

A Steganographic Framework
Any steganographic system can be studied as shown in Figure 1.4. For a steganographic
algorithm having a stego-key, given any cover image the embedding process generates a stego
image. The extraction process takes the stego image and using the shared key applies the inverse
algorithm to extract the hidden message. This system can be explained using the prisoners
problem (Figure 1.4) where Alice and Bob are two inmates who wish to communicate in order
to hatch an escape plan. However communication between them is examined by the warden,
Wendy. To send the secret message to Bob, Alice embeds the secret message m into the cover
object c, to obtain the stego object s. The stego object is then sent through the public channel.
In a pure steganographic framework, the technique for embedding the message is unknown to
Wendy and shared as a secret between Alice and Bob. In private key steganography Alice and
Bob share a secret key which is used to embed the message. The secret key, for example, can be

a password used to seed a pseudo-random number generator to select pixel locations in an image
cover-object for embedding the secret message. Wendy has no knowledge about the secret key
that Alice and Bob share, although she is aware of the algorithm that they could be employing for
embedding messages. In public key steganography, Alice and Bob have private-public key pairs
and know each others public key. In this thesis we confine ourselves to private key
steganography only.

Figure 1.4 Frameworks for Private Key Passive Warden Steganography

Figure 1.5 1 Private Key steganography


As mentioned, steganography deals with hiding of information in some cover source, on the
other hand, Steganalysis is the art and science of detecting messages hidden using
steganography; this is analogous to cryptanalysis applied to cryptography.
The goal of steganalysis is to identify suspected packages, determine whether or not they have a
payload encoded into them, and, if possible, recover that payload. Hence, the major challenges of
effective steganography are:1. Security of Hidden Communication: In order to avoid raising the suspicions of eavesdroppers, while evading the meticulous screening of algorithmic detection, the hidden
contents must be invisible both perceptually and statistically.
2. Size of Payload: Unlike watermarking, which needs to embed only a small amount of
copyright information, steganography aims at hidden communication and therefore usually
requires sufficient embedding capacity. Requirements for higher payload and secure
communication are often contradictory.
Depending on the specific application scenarios, a tradeoff has to be sought.

Figure 2.1, Trade-off between embedding capacity, Undetectability and robustness in data

One of the possible ways of categorizing the present steganalytic attacks is on the following two
categories;1. Visual Attacks: These methods try to detect the presence of information by visual
inspection either by the naked eye or by a computer. The attack is based on guessing the
embedding layer of an image (say a bit plane) and then visually inspecting that layer to
look for any unusual modifications in that layer.

2. Statistical Attacks: These methods use first or higher order statistics of the image to
reveal tiny alterations in the statistical behavior caused by steganographic embedding and hence
can successfully detect even small amounts of embedding with very high accuracy. These class
of steganalytic attacks are further classified as Targeted Attacks or Blind Attacks as
explained in detail in the next few sections.

Figure 3.1: A generalized steganographic framework


In order to develop a good steganography algorithm, one should have knowledge about the
different steganalysis techniques. Keeping this in mind, an approach aimed at preservation of the
marginal statistics of a cover image was proposed. The preservation of marginal statistics helps
in defeating the targeted attacks designed for specific steganographic algorithms and thus an
algorithm that inherently preserves the first order statistics of the cover image while embedding
itself was proposed.

1.4.1 Specific Objectives

This research study focuses on the following topics:
1. Designing an algorithm to inherently preserve the first order statistics of the cover image while
embedding itself
2. Designing a low detection algorithm for embedding data such that the stego population
remains statistically closer to the cover population and the difference between these two cannot
be observed in the statistics drawn from the two populations.
3. Designing a digital image steganography algorithm using global and dual histogram
compensation along with matrix encoding to minimize changes.
4. Designing a steganographic algorithm to resist calibration based blind steganalytic attacks


1. Is it possible to use Steganography to supplement Cryptography and not to replace it? A
message in cipher text might arouse suspicion on the part of the recipient while an
invisible message created with steganographic methods will not.
2. What are the known Steganalysis (counter-Steganography) methods and how can they be
avoided to have a crack-proof steganography?
3. If the main goal of a good steganography is to be invisible is there a way we can come
up with a stealth algorithm that will resist the most known steganalytic attacks?



In this chapter we provide the necessary background required for this research area. In section
2.1 we discuss briefly some of the existing steganographic techniques. In section 2.2 we present
some of the steganalytic attacks proposed till date as a counter measure to the steganographic


Spatial Domain

These techniques use the pixel gray levels and their color values directly for encoding the
message bits. These techniques are some of the simplest schemes in terms of embedding and
extraction complexity. The major drawback of these methods is amount of additive noise that
creeps in the image which directly affects the Peak Signal to Noise Ratio and the statistical
properties of the image. Moreover these embedding algorithms are applicable mainly to lossless
image compression schemes like TIFF images. For lossy compression schemes like JPEG, some
of the message bits get lost during the compression step.
The most common algorithm belonging to this class of techniques is the Least Significant Bit
(LSB) Replacement technique in which the least significant bit of the binary representation of the
pixel gray levels is used to represent the message bit. This kind of embedding leads to an
addition of a noise of 0.5p on average in the pixels of the image where p is the embedding rate in
bits/pixel. This kind of embedding also leads to an asymmetry and a grouping in the pixel gray
values (0, 1) ;( 2, 3). . . (254,255). this asymmetry is exploited in the attacks developed for this
technique as explained further in section 2.2. To overcome this undesirable asymmetry, the
decision of changing the least significant bit is randomized i.e. if the message bit does not match
the pixel bit, then pixel bit is either increased or decreased by 1. This technique is popularly
known as LSB Matching. It can be observed that even this kind of embedding adds a noise of
0.5p on average. To further reduce the noise, (Zhang, Zhang, & Wang, 2007) have suggested the

use of a binary function of two cover pixels to embed the data bits. The embedding is performed
using a pair of pixels as a unit, where the LSB of the first pixel carries one bit of information,
and a function of the two pixel values carries another bit of information. It has been shown that
embedding in this fashion reduces the embedding noise introduced in the cover signal.
In (Bhattacharyya et al., 2011), a multiple base number system has been employed for
embedding data bits. While embedding, the human vision sensitivity has been taken care of. The
variance value for a block of pixels is used to compute the number base to be used for
embedding. A similar kind of algorithm based on human vision sensitivity has been proposed by
(, Condell, Curran, & Kevitt, 2010) by the name of Pixel Value Differencing. This approach is
based on adding more amount of data bits in the high variance regions of the image for example
near the edges by considering the difference values of two neighboring pixels. This approach
has been improved further by clubbing it with least significant bit embedding in (Budiman,
According to (Fridrich, 2012), For a given medium, the steganographic algorithm which makes
fewer embedding changes or adds less additive noise will be less detectable as compared to an
algorithm which makes relatively more changes or adds higher additive noise. Following the
same line of thought Crandall (Crandall, 1998) have introduced the use of an Error Control
Coding technique called Matrix Encoding. In Matrix Encoding, q message bits are embedded
in a group of 2q 1 cover pixels while adding a noise of 1 2q per group on average. The
maximum embedding capacity that can be achieved is 2q1. For example, 2 bits of secret
message can be embedded in a group of 3 pixels while adding a noise of 0.75 per group on
average. The maximum embedding capacity achievable is 2/3 = 0.67 bits/pixel. F5 algorithm (
et al., 2010)is probably the most popular implementation of Matrix Encoding.
LSB replacement technique has been extended to multiple bit planes as well. Recently (Science
& Goel, 2008) has claimed that LSB replacement involving more than one least significant bit
planes is less detectable than single bit plane LSB replacement. Hence the use of multiple bit
planes for embedding has been encouraged. But the direct use of 3 or more bit planes leads to
addition of considerable amount of noise in the cover image. And (Science & Goel, 2008) have

given a detailed analysis of the noise added by the LSB embedding in 3 bit planes. Also, a new
algorithm which uses a combination of Single Digit Sum Function and Matrix Encoding has
been proposed. It has been shown analytically that the noise added by the proposed algorithm in
a pixel of the image is 0.75p as compared to 0.875p added by 3 plane LSB embedding where p is
the embedding rate. One point to be observed here is that most of the approaches proposed so far
are based on minimization of the noise embedded in the cover by the algorithm. Another
direction of steganographic algorithm is preserving the statistics of the image which get changed
due to embedding. This research paper proposes two algorithms based on this approach itself. In
the next section we cover some of the transform domain steganographic algorithms.

2.2 Transform Domain

These techniques try to encode message bits in the transform domain coefficients of the image.
Data embedding performed in the transform domain is widely used for robust watermarking.
Similar techniques can also realize large-capacity embedding for steganography. Candidate
transforms include discrete cosine Transform (DCT), discrete wavelet transform (DWT), and
discrete Fourier transform (DFT).
By being embedded in the transform domain, the hidden data resides in more robust areas,
spread across the entire image, and provides better resistance against signal processing. For
example, we can perform a block DCT and, depending on pay- load and robustness
requirements, choose one or more components in each block to form a new data group that, in
turn, is pseudo randomly scrambled and undergoes a second-layer trans- formation. Modification
is then carried out on the double transform domain coefficients using various schemes. These
techniques have high embedding and extraction complexity. Because of the robustness properties
of transform domain embedding, these techniques are generally more applicable to the
Watermarking aspect of data hiding. Many steganographic techniques in these domains have
been inspired from their watermarking counterparts.
F5 (Westfeld & Wolf, 1998) uses the Discrete Cosine Transform coefficients of an image for
embedding data bits. F5 embeds data in the DCT coefficients by rounding the quantized

coefficients to the nearest data bit. It also uses Matrix Encoding for reducing the embedded noise
in the signal. F5 is one the most popular embedding schemes in DCT domain steganography,
though it has been successfully broken in (Science & Goel, 2008).
The transform domain embedding does not necessarily mean generating the transform
coefficients on blocks of size 8 8 as done in JPEG compression techniques. It is possible to
design techniques which take the transforms on the whole image. Other block based JPEG
domain and wavelet based embedding algorithms have been proposed in (Westfeld & Wolf,
1998) .


2.3.1 Steganalysis
Steganography is a game of hide and seek. While steganography aims at hiding data with
maximum stealthiness, steganalysis aims to detect the presence of any hidden information in the
stego media (in this thesis, it refers to JPEG images).
In the past, steganography avoided any visual distortions in the stego images. Hence, majority of
the stego images do not reveal any visual clues as to whether a certain image contains any hidden
message or not. Current steganalysis aims to focus more on detecting statistical anomalies in the
stego images which are based on the features extracted from typical cover images without any
modifications. Cover images without any modification or distortion contain a predictable
statistical correlation which when modified in any form will result in distortions to that
correlation. These include global histograms, blockiness, inter and intra block dependencies and
other first and second order statistics of the image. Most steganalysis algorithms are based on
exploiting these strong dependencies which are typical of natural images.


The steganalytic attacks developed till date can be classified into visual and statistical attacks.
The statistical attacks can further be classified as;1. Targeted Attacks
2. Blind Attacks
Each of these classes of attack is covered in detail in the next two subsections along with several
examples of each category. Targeted Attacks

These attacks are designed keeping a particular steganographic algorithm in mind. These attacks
are based on the image features which get modified by a particular kind of steganographic
embedding. A particular steganographic algorithm imposes a specific kind of behaviour on the
image features. This specific kind of behaviour of the image statistics is exploited by the targeted
attacks. Some of the targeted attacks are as follows:

Histogram Analysis: The histogram analysis method exploits the asymmetry introduced
by LSB replacement. The main idea is to look for statistical artifacts of embedding in the
histogram of a given image. It has been observed statistically that in natural images

Figure 4.1: Flipping of set cardinalities during embedding

(Cover images), the number of odd pixels and the number of even pixels are not equal. For
higher embedding rates of LSB Replacement these quantities tend to become equal. So, based on


this artifact a statistical attack based on the Chi-Square Hypothesis Testing is developed to
probabilistically suggest one of the following two hypotheses:
Null Hypothesis H 0: The given image contains steganographic embedding
Alternative Hypothesis H 1: The given image does not contain steganographic embedding
The decision to accept or reject the Null Hypothesis H0 is made on basis of the observed
confidence value p. A more detailed discussion on Histogram Analysis can be found in ( et al.,

Sample Pair Analysis: Sample Pair Analysis is another LSB steganalysis technique that
can detect the existence of hidden messages that are randomly embedded in the least
significant bits of natural continuous-tone images. It can precisely measure the length of
the embedded message, even when the hidden message is very short relative to the image
size. The key to this methods success is the formation of 4 subsets of pixels (X, Y , U,
and V ) whose cardinalities change with LSB embedding (as shown in Figure 2.1), and
such changes can be precisely quantified under the assumption that the embedded bits are
randomly scattered. A detailed analysis on Sample Pair technique can be found in
(Petitcolas, Anderson, & Kuhn, 1999). Another attack called RS Steganalysis based on
the same concept has been independently proposed by (Kodovsk & Fridrich, 2009).

HCF-COM based Attack: This attack first proposed by (Harmsen & Pearlman, n.d.) is
based on the Center of Mass (COM) of the Histogram Characteristic Function (HCF) of
an image. This attack was further extended for LSB Matching by (Ker, 2007). This attack
observes the COM of a cover/stego image (C(HC)/C(HS)) and its calibrated version
obtained by down sampling the image (C(HC (HC) C (HC)

C (HC) C (HS) > C (H C) C (H S)

From Equations 2.1 and 2.2, a dimensionless discriminator for classification can be obtained
as C (HS) C (HS) of training data, an image can be classified either as cover or stego. Some
other targeted attacks also exist in literature which has not been covered in this survey. A
detailed survey can be found in (Kodovsk & Fridrich, 2009).

13 Blind Attacks

The blind approach to steganalysis is similar to the pattern classification problem. The pattern
classifier, in our case a Binary Classifier, is trained on a set of training data. The training data
comprises of some high order statistics of the transform domain of a set of cover and stego
images and on the basis of this trained dataset the classifier is presented with images for
classification as a non-embedded or an embedded image. Many of the blind steganalytic
techniques often try to estimate the cover image statistics from stego image by trying to
minimize the effect of embedding in the stego image. This estimation is sometimes referred to as
Cover Image Prediction. Some of the most popular blind attacks are defined next.

Wavelet Moment Analysis (WAM): Wavelet Moment Analyzer (WAM) is the most
popular Blind Steganalyzer for Spatial Domain Embedding. It has been proposed by
(Goljan, Fridrich, & Holotyak, 2011). WAM uses a de-noising filter to remove Gaussian
noise from images under the assumption that the stego image is an additive mixture of a
non-stationary Gaussian signal (the cover image) and a stationary Gaussian signal with a
known variance (the noise).

Figure 5.1: Calibration of the stego image for cover statistics estimation

As the filtering is performed in the wavelet domain, all the features (statistical moments) are
calculated as higher order moments of the noise residual in the wavelet domain. The detailed
procedure for calculating the WAM features in a gray scale image can be found in (Goljan et al.,
2011). WAM is based on a 27 dimension feature space. It then uses a Fisher Linear Discriminant

(FLD) as a classifier. It must be noted that WAM is a state of the art steganalyzer for Spatial
Domain Embedding and no other blind attack has been reported which performs better than

Calibration Based Attacks: The calibration based attacks estimate the cover image
statistics by nullifying the impact of embedding in the cover image. These attacks were
first proposed by (Fridrich, 2012) And are designed for JPEG domain steganographic
schemes. They estimate the cover image statistics by a process termed as Self Calibration.
The steganalysis algorithms based on this self-calibration process can detect the presence
of steganographic noise with almost 100% accuracy even for very low embedding rates
( et al., 2010). This calibration is done by decompressing the stego JPEG image to
spatial domain and cropping 4 rows from the top and 4 columns from the left and
recompressing the cropped image as shown in Figure 2.2. The cropping and subsequent
recompression produces a calibrated image with most macroscopic features similar to
the original cover image. The process of cropping by 4 pixels is an important step
because the 8 8 grid of recompression does not see the previous JPEG compression
and thus the obtained DCT coefficients are not influenced by previous quantization (and
embedding) in the DCT domain.

Farids Wavelet Based Attack: This attack was one of the first blind attacks to be proposed in steganographic research (Lyu & Farid, n.d.) for JPEG domain steganography. It
is based on the features drawn from the wavelet coefficients of an image. This attack first
makes an n level wavelet decomposition of an image and computes four statistics namely
Mean, Variance, Skewness and Kurtosis for each set of coefficients yielding a total of 12
(n 1) coefficients. The second set of statistics is based on the errors in an optimal
linear predictor of coefficient magnitude. It is from this error that additional statistics i.e.
the mean, variance, skewness, and kurtosis are extracted thus forming a 24 (n 1)
dimensional feature vector. For implementation purposes, n is set to 4 i.e. four level
decomposition on the image is performed for extraction of features. The source code of
this attack is available at (FARID). After extraction of features, a Support Vector Machine
(SVM) is used for classification.



Statistical undetectability is one of the main aspects of any steganographic algorithm. To
maintain statistical undetectability, the steganographic techniques are designed with the aim of
minimizing the artifacts introduced in the cover signal by the embedding technique. The main
emphasis is generally on minimizing the noise added by embedding while increasing the payload. This is an important consideration in the design of embedding algorithms, since the noise
added effects the statistical properties of a medium. As already mentioned previously, the
algorithm which makes fewer embedding changes or adds less additive noise generally provides
better security than the algorithm which makes relatively more changes or adds higher additive
noise (Kumar, 2011). From the point of view of the steganalyst, the attacks are designed to
examine a signal and look for statistics which get distorted due to embedding. These statistics
range from marginal statistics of first and second order in case of targeted attacks and up to 9th
order statistics for blind attacks (Goljan et al., 2011). So, in order to defeat these steganalytic
attacks, there has been a shift from the above mentioned data hiding paradigm. Algorithms have
been proposed which try to restore the statistics which get distorted during the embedding
procedure and are used for steganalysis.

In steganographic research several algorithms have been proposed for preserving statistical
features of the cover for achieving more security. Provos Outguess algorithm ( et al.,
2010)was an early attempt at histogram compensation for LSB hiding, while Eggers et al
(Science & Goel, 2008) have suggested a more rigorous approach to the same end, using
histogram-preserving data-mapping (HPDM) and adaptive embedding respectively. Solanki
proposed a statistical restoration method for converting the stego image histogram into the cover
histogram. This algorithm is based on a theorem proved by R Tzschoppe, R. Buml and J J.
Eggers which tries to convert one vector x into another vector y while satisfying a Minimum
Mean Square Error (MMSE) criterion. The algorithm considers the stego image histogram as
source vector x and tries to convert it into the cover image histogram i.e. the target vector y. All


the bins of the source histogram are compensated by mapping the input data with values in
increasing order.
This algorithm suffers from the following limitations:
1. The algorithm assumes the cover image to be a Gaussian cover and does not give good results
for non-Gaussian cover images.
2. The algorithm ignores low probability image regions for embedding due to erratic behavior in
low probability tail.
3. The algorithm has been tried specifically for Quantization Index Modulation algorithm
(Solanki, Dabeer, Madhow, Manjunath, & Chandrasekaran, 2009)and it has not been tested for
some well-known embedding schemes like LSB Replacement, LSB matching etc.
To overcome the above limitations we propose two algorithms for preserving the cover image
statistics after embedding. The first algorithm is designed to inherently preserve the first order
statistics during embedding itself. The algorithm makes an explicit attempt at restoring the cover
image histogram after embedding. These algorithms are discussed in detail in the next two

2.3.1 Embedding by Pixel

The main motivation the steganographic algorithm proposed in this section is to embed data such
that the histogram of the image does not get modified. Such a requirement entails an embedding
procedure which does not modify the pixel values such that the corresponding bin value in the
histogram is changed. We propose a simple yet effective algorithm called Pixel Swap
Embedding which embeds message bits into the cover image without making any modifications
to the image histogram. The main idea is to consider a pair of pixels such that their difference is
within a fixed threshold value. To embed a value of 0, check if the first pixel is greater than the
second pixel or not. Otherwise swap these two gray level values. Similarly pixel value of 1 can


be embedded by making the value of first pixel lesser than the second pixel. The algorithm is
discussed formally in the next subsection.

Algorithm Pixel Swap Embedding

The algorithm is summarized below.
Algorithm: Pixel Swap Embedding (PSE)
Input: Cover Image (I)
Input Parameters: Message Stream (), Threshold (), Shared Pseudo Random Key (k)
Output: Stego Image Is
1. (X1, x2) = randomize (i,k)
2. if |x1 x2|
then goto step 3
else goto step 1.
3. if (i) = 0
if x1 x2
then swap(x1,x2) i = i+1
else i = i+1
goto step 1
else goto step 4.
4. if (i) = 1
if x1 x2
then swap(x1,x2) i = i+1
else i = i+1
goto step 1
else goto step 1.
End Pixel Swap Embedding
The Randomize (I,k) function generates random non-overlapping pairs of pixels (x1,x2) using
the secret key k shared by both ends. Once a pair (x1, x2) has been used by the algorithm it
cannot be reused again. The function Swap(x1, x2) interchanges the gray values of the two pixels
x1 and x2. The extraction of the message bits is a simple inverse process of the above algorithm.
It is easily understood that this scheme automatically preserves the values of all image histogram
bins since no extra value is introduced in the cover. Hence it can resist the attacks based on first


order statistics. One important point to be observed here is that the threshold used in the
algorithm directs the tradeoff between the embedding rate and the noise introduced in the cover
signal. The noise added shall be limited as long as is kept small. We tested the algorithm for
= 2 and = 5 i.e. effectively we are making modifications to the Least Significant Planes of
the pixel gray level but without changing the bin value of the two gray values. The achievable
embedding rate would be high for images having low variance than for images having high
variance as the number of pixel pairs satisfying the condition in Step 2 of the PSE algorithm
would be higher in the former case than in the latter case. Security Analysis

To check the robustness of the PSE algorithm we conducted security tests on a set of one
hundred gray scale images (Bhattacharyya et al., 2011). All the images were converted to the
Tagged Image Format (TIFF) and resized to 256256 pixels. PSE was tested against the Sample
Pair attack proposed in (Science & Goel, 2008). As explained in 2.2.1 Sample Pair is a targeted
attack based on the first order statistics of the cover image and tries to exploit the distortion
which takes place in the image statistics. Also, a similar kind of attack called RS-Steganalysis
has been proposed independently by (Bhattacharyya et al., 2011)which is based on the same
concept of exploiting the first order statistics of the cover image. Hence, in this work we have
tested the performance of our schemes against Sample Pair Attack only assuming that it will give
similar performance against RS- Steganalysis as well. The performance of PSE against Sample
Pair has been shown in Figure 3.3. Data bits were hidden in the images as the maximum possible
embedding rates for = 5. It can be observed that the message length predicted by Sample Pair
Attack is much less than the actual message length embedded in the image. In the next section
we introduce the second algorithm based on the idea of statistical preservation which explicitly
tries to match the cover image histogram after embedding.

20 New Statistical Restoration Scheme

In this section we propose a new statistical restoration scheme which explicitly tries to convert
the stego image histogram into the cover image histogram after completion of embedding. As
mentioned in 2.2, the restoration algorithm proposed in (Solanki et al., 2009; Sullivan, Solanki,
Manjunath, Madhow, & Chandrasekaran, 2006)gives good results only under the assumption that
the cover image will be close to a Gaussian distribution. The proposed scheme tries to overcome
this limitation and provides better restoration of image histogram for non-Gaussian cover
distributions as well. The histogram h (I) of an gray scale image I with range of gray value [0 . . .
L] can be interpreted as a discrete function where h(rk) = nk/n where rk is kth gray level, nk is the
number of pixels with gray value = rk and n is the total number of pixels in the image I.
Histogram h(I) can also be represented as h(I) = {h(r0),h(r1),h(r2), . . . ,h(rL1)} or simply, h(I)
= {h(0),h(1),h(2), . . . ,h(L 1)}. Let us represent the histogram of the stego image h (I) as

(a) Maximum achievable embedding rate for =2


(b) Maximum achievable embedding rate for =5

We then categorize the image pixels into two streams, Embedding Stream and the Restoration
Stream. During embedding we maintain the Meta data about those pixels which get changed
during embedding and the amount of change in those pixels. Then we compensate the histogram
with the pixels from the Restoration Stream using the Meta data information such that the
original histogram of the cover can be restored. So by restoration we try to equalize S [h (I) and h
(I). The algorithm is formalized in the next section.

2.4 Mathematical Formulation of Proposed scheme

The proposed restoration scheme is dependent on the embedding scheme. The whole idea of
embedding and restoring is that some of image pixels are used for embedding and rest are used
for restoration. Without loss of generality, we can say that if number of pixels used for
embedding is greater than 50% of the whole image then complete restoration is not possible but
converse is not always true. One cannot say that if the numbers of available compensation pixels
are greater than or equal to 50% of the whole image, then full compensation is possible. But we
can certainly see that the probability of full compensation increases with increase in the number


of pixels available for compensation. So a tradeoff has to be sought between the embedding rate
and restoration percentage in order to get the optimum embedding procedure. For better
understanding of the algorithm some definitions are described next. Let the cover image, stego
image (i.e. embedded but not yet compensated) and compensated stego image (stego image after
compensation) be defined by C, S and R respectively. Suppose Cij, Sij and Rij represent the (i, j)
the pixel of C, S and R images respectively (0 < i < m, 0 < j < n, m is number of rows and n is
number of columns of image matrices).
Embed Matrix (): It is a m n characteristic matrix representing whether a pixel has been used
for embedding or not.
If (i, j) Th pixel is used for embedding
(i, j)
(3, 1)
If (i, j) Th pixel is not used for embedding

Compensation Vector (): It is a one dimensional vector with length L where L is number
of existing gray levels in the cover image (C). (k) = u means that u number of pixels


with gray value k can be used for restoration.

Changed Matrix (): It is an L L matrix where L is number of existing gray levels in
the cover image (C). (x, y) = means during embedding number of pixels are changed
from gray value x to gray value y.


2.4.1 Algorithm Statistical Restoration

The statistical restoration algorithm is summarized below:
Algorithm: Statistical Restoration Algorithm (SRA)
Input: Cover Image (I)
Input Parameters: Compensation Matrix (), Changed Matrix ()
Output: Stego Image (Is)
for all k (i, j) do {
1. K = (i, j)
2. If k > 0, k number of pixels with gray value i from the set of pixels used for
compensation are changed to gray value j for full compensation. Else k pixels with gray
value j from the set of pixels used for compensation are changed to gray value i for full
3. Modify the Compensation Vector ()
In the above algorithm we have made the assumption that for (i) < k, full compensation is not


2.4.2 Restoration with Minimum Restoration

The additional noise added due to compensation is an important issue. The goal is to design a
restoration procedure in such a way that additional noise should be kept minimal. In the SRA
algorithm, the noise introduced depends on the embedding algorithm used. The total noise ()
introduced at the time of restoration can be estimated by:-

Equation 1

Where ^h (i) and h (i) is the histogram of the stego and cover images respectively. L - 1 is
the no. of bins in the histogram. Ki (0 _ Ki _ L - 1) is a bin that is used to repair at least
one unit of data in ith bin.

Where 1< abs (i

- Ki) <=L - 1. _ is

minimum when abs (i - Ki) = 1. Substituting abs (i - Ki) = 1 in Equation 2 we get

Equation 2

Example 2: The total noise () added by the SRA algorithm is minimum if maximum noise per
pixel due to embedding is 1other steganographic scheme where noise added during embedding
per pixel is at most 1), the proposed scheme increments or decrements gray value by 1 i.e.
abs(iKi) = 1.

So from Example 1 and 2, we can conclude that the SRA algorithm adds minimum amount of
noise during restoration if maximum noise per pixel due to embedding is at most 1.

2.4.3 Security Analysis

As already mentioned above many steganalysis techniques use first order statistical features to
detect stego images (Goljan et al., 2011). If the SRA algorithm is used then it may be possible to
reduce detection rate of the steganalyzer substantially. Also since SRA algorithm can be applied
to any arbitrary cover distribution, it can be used to restore the first order statistics after
embedding for most steganographic methods both in compressed and spatial domain. Analysis
The two new algorithms have been proposed which are able to preserve the first order statistics
of a cover image after embedding and thus making the data hiding process robust against first
order statistic based steganalytic attacks. Moreover the proposed SRA algorithm does not assume
any particular distribution for the cover image and hence gives better performance than existing
restoration scheme given in (Sullivan et al., 2006)especially for non-Gaussian covers. It must be
mentioned that preservation of only the marginal statistics does not increase the robustness of a
steganographic algorithm against blind steganalytic attacks as they are based on extremely high
order statistical moments which are sensitive to even small amounts of additive noise.



In this section a new steganographic framework is proposed which can prevent the calibration
based blind steganalytic attack in JPEG steganography. The calibration attack is one of the most
successful attacks to break the JPEG steganographic algorithms in recent past. The key feature of
the calibration attack is the prediction of cover image statistics from a stego image.
To resist the calibration attack it is necessary to prevent the attacker from successfully predicting
the cover image statistics. The proposed framework is based on reversible spatial
desynchronization of cover images which is used to disturb the prediction of the cover image
statistics from the stego image. A new steganographic algorithm based on the same framework
has also been proposed. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm is less detectable
against the calibration based blind steganalytic attacks than the existing JPEG domain
steganographic schemes.
2.5.1 Introduction
Joint Photographic Expert Group (JPEG) image format is perhaps the most widely used format in
the world today and a lot of steganographic algorithms have been developed which exploit the
code structure of JPEG format. For example in JPEG steganography, Least Significant Bits of
non-zero quantized Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) coefficients are used for
embedding(Westfeld & Wolf, 1998). However this causes significant changes in DCT
coefficients and it is often used as a feature for steganalysis. Westfields F5 algorithm tries to
match the host statistics by increasing, decreasing, or keeping unchanged, the coefficient value
based on the data bit to be hidden. Provoss OutGuess ( et al., 2010) was the first attempt at
explicitly matching the DCT histogram so that the first order statistics of the DCT coefficients
can be maintained after embedding. The blind attacks, first proposed in (Lyu & Farid, n.d.)and
(Memon, 2003)try to estimate a model of an unmodified image based on some statistical
features. One of the existing approaches for predicting the cover image statistics from the stego
image itself is by nullifying the changes made by the embedding procedure to the cover signal.
The most popular attacks based on this approach were proposed by Pevny and Fridrich. They
estimated the cover image statistics by a process termed as Self Calibration. The steganalysis


algorithms based on this self-calibration process can detect the presence of steganographic noise
with almost 100% accuracy even for very low embedding rates (Lyu & Farid, n.d.).
In this section, we propose a new steganographic framework called Spatial Block
Desynchronization which attempts to resist the calibration based steganalytic attacks by
preventing the successful prediction of the cover image statistics from the stego image. We also
introduce a new steganographic scheme called J5: Spatially Desynchronized Steganographic
Algorithm (SDSA) based on the same framework.

2.5.2 Calibration Attack

The process of self-calibration, tries to minimize the impact of embedding in the stego image in
order to estimate the cover image features from the stego image. This calibration is done by
decompressing the stego JPEG image to spatial domain and cropping 4 rows from the top and 4
columns from the left and recompressing the cropped image.

23 Dimensional Calibration Attack (23DCA)

Let C and S be the cover and corresponding stego images and C and S be the respective
cropped images. The feature set for cover images (say F23C) and the stego images (say FS23)
are 23 dimensional vectors which are computed using the following equations

Where L1 represents the L1 NORM of the two feature vectors, i = 1, 2 23 and g are vector
functionals which are applied to both cover and cropped cover and stego and cropped stego
images. These functionals are the global DCT coefficient histogram, co-occurrence matrix,
spatial blockiness measures etc. The complete set of functionals can be found in (Fridrich, 2012)


2.6 Counter Measures to Blind Steganalysis

As mentioned above, the crux of blind steganalysis is its ability to predict the cover image
statistics using the stego image only. So a secure steganographic embedding might be possible if
the steganographer can somehow disturb the prediction step of the steganalyst. Some techniques
following the same line of thought have been proposed in steganographic literature. In (Memon,
2003)it has been argued that estimation of cover image statistics can be disturbed by embedding
data at high embedding rates. By embedding data with high strength, the cover image is distorted
so much that the cover image statistics can no longer be derived reliably from the stego image.
But embedding at high rates will obviously increase the visual distortion introduced in the image.
Moreover as pointed out in (Solanki et al., 2009)it might be possible to detect the embedding by
testing a stego image against an approximate model of a natural image. In (Solanki et al., 2009)
the authors have suggested the use of randomized hiding to disable the estimation of the cover
image statistics. It has been observed that due to randomization of hiding, even if the embedding
algorithm is known to the steganalysts, they are unable to make any concrete assumptions about
the hiding process. This approach has been extended to a successful steganographic algorithm
Called Yet another Steganographic Scheme (YASS). It has been experimentally shown that the
YASS algorithm can resist many blind attacks with almost 100% success rate. But the main
limitation of the YASS algorithm is that it is unable to achieve high embedding rates.
In (Fridrich, 2012),the authors have suggested two modifications to the original YASS algorithm
to improve the achievable embedding rates. Firstly they randomize the choice of the quantization
matrix used during the embedding step. This choice of quantization matrix is made image
adaptive by using high quality quantization matrices for blocks having low variance and low
quality matrices for blocks having high variance values since a block having high variance by
itself supports high embedding rates as the number of non-zero AC coefficients increase in the
The second modification is targeted towards reducing the loss in the message bits due to the
JPEG compression of the embedded image. The JPEG compression is considered as an attack
which tries to destroy the embedded bits, thereby increasing the error rate at the decoder side.


Since the parameters of this attack i.e. the quality factor used for compression are known after
embedding, an iterative process of embedding and attacking is suggested so that the system
converges towards a low error rate. The suggested modifications have been able to improve the
embedding rate up to some extent while maintaining the same levels of security. But clearly the
iterative step of embedding and attacking increases the complexity of the algorithm. It will be
shown in the next few sections that the proposed scheme can achieve even higher embedding
rates at same levels of security. In the next subsection we introduce our concept of spatial block
desynchronization for resisting the blind steganalytic attacks.
2.6.1 Spatial Block Desynchronization
In the JPEG image format, an image is divided into non-overlapping blocks of size 88. The
information contained in these blocks is then compressed by taking the 2D Discrete Cosine
Transform of the block followed by quantization step which are then used for embedding data
bits. A slight alteration of this spatial block arrangement can desynchronize the whole image.
Such alteration of the spatial block arrangement of an image is termed as Spatial Block
Desynchronization. For example, 8 8 non overlapping blocks for embedding can be taken from
a subimage of the original cover image or we can say the block arrangement is slightly shifted
from standard JPEG compression block arrangement. A formal description of spatial block
desynchronization is given below.
Let I be a gray scale image of size (NN). A subimage of I can be obtained by removing u rows
from the top and v columns from left. Let us denote the cropped image by u; v is (N-u) (N-v).
Lets denote the cropped image u, v
u, v = I - u, v

Figure 6 Block Diagram of Spatial Block Desynchronization



possible way of spatial

desynchronization is to

use a block

size other than 8 8 i.e.


blocks of sizes m n

where m

8 and n 8. In such a

case, the

quantization matrix Q has

to be

changed accordingly to

size m n

at the time of data


This desynchronization

can be

strengthened further with

the help of

randomization. In this

case, the removal of rows and columns and also the sizes of the blocks can be chosen randomly
using a shared secret key. Also, the matrix Q can be a shared secret between the two
communicating parties. Since at the steganalysis stage the image statistics are derived using
blocks of sizes 88, the steganalyst is not able to capture effectively the modifications made
during the embedding process. Even if it is known that embedding has been done using blocks of
different sizes, it is difficult to track the portions of the image containing the embedded
information due to randomized hiding. It should be noted that once the quantized DCT
coefficients have been obtained, any JPEG steganographic scheme can be employed for
embedding. In the next section we explain a new steganographic scheme based on the concept of
spatial block desynchronization.

2.7 The Proposed Algorithm

A new steganographic framework is proposed to resist calibration based blind steganalytic
attacks. The proposed framework which is based on spatial block desynchronization to disturb
the successful prediction of cover image statistics from the stego image which is the key feature
of calibration based steganalytic attacks. The proposed framework has been extended to a new
steganographic algorithm called J5 :( Low Detection Steganography) using Modified Spatially
Desynchronized Steganographic Algorithm. A comparative study with existing steganographic
schemes has been carried out at different embedding rates on the basis of Area under the ROC


and Detection Accuracy. It has been found that proposed algorithm shows better results than
existing schemes in terms of detectability against calibration based steganalytic attacks.
The main aim of the proposed scheme is to embed data in a spatially desynchronized version of
the cover image so that the cover image statistics cannot be easily recovered from the stego
image. The cover image is desynchronized by the partitioning scheme discussed above. The
cropped version of the image u, v is used for steganographic embedding using any DCT domain
scheme. After embedding, this embedded portion of the image is stitched with I u, v to obtain the
stego image I s. The JPEG compressed version of Is is communicated as the stego image.

Below a stepwise description of the algorithm is given.


Figure 7: Spatial desynchronization used in the proposed J5 Algorithm

2.7.1 J5 (Low Detection Steganography) using Modified Spatially

Desynchronized Steganographic Algorithm
Algorithm J5: Modified Spatially Desynchronized Steganographic Algorithm (MSDSA)
Input: Cover Image I
Input Parameters: Rows and Columns to be cropped (u, v), Block size (m n), Quantization
Matrix (Q)
Output: Stego Image Is
1. Partition the cover image into u, v and u, v and I U, V by cropping u topmost rows and v
leftmost columns.
2. Perform m n non-overlapping block partitioning on U, V.
Let us denote this set of blocks by P I u, v (m n)
3. Choose a set of blocks from P u, v (m n) (using a key shared by both ends) and perform the
embedding in each of the selected blocks using any standard DCT based steganographic scheme.
The quantization matrix Q which is a shared secret is used for obtaining the quantized


4. Apply dequantization and Inverse Discrete Cosine Transform (IDCT) to the set of blocks used
for embedding in Step 3.
5. Join I U, V with the resulting image obtained at Step 4. This combined image is the output stego
image IS which is compressed using JPEG compression and communicated as the stego image.
End Modified Spatially Desynchronised Steganographic Algorithm (MSDSA)

The MSDSA algorithm has been shown pictorially in Figure 6. Figure 6(a) above shows the
unmodified cover image from which the cropped image u, v portion is labeled as EFGH
In Figure 6(a). u, v (Figure 6(b)) is extracted. u, v is then divided into non overlapping blocks
size m n as shown by solid lines in Figure 4.4(c). A DCT domain steganographic scheme is
then applied to some of these blocks and u, v is finally attached with I u, v to obtain the stego
image s as shown in Figure 6(d).
Since the embedded image undergoes JPEG compression before being communicated to the
decoding end, some of the embedded data bits might get lost in the process because of the
quantization step during JPEG compression. This quantization loss occurs for almost all the DCT
domain embedding schemes. We try to circumvent this problem by embedding data mainly in the
low-frequency DCT coefficients. Also embedded data can be made secure by adding some
redundant bits in the data stream and using error-control coding techniques. This problem of
using error-control coding for securing the data bits has been addressed in (Solanki et al.,
2009)albeit at the cost of low embedding rate. We would like to mention here that in our
implementations of QIM, YASS and SDSA we have not included any error-control technique.
Lets compare the three schemes and verify our argument
Using Statistical Hypothesis




Rate(bpnc )










2.44 10-4







Table 1: p-value of Rank Sum Test for 23 DCA





Rate(bpnc )



















Table 2: p-value of Rank Sum Test for 274 DCA

It can be seen that for all embedding rates the p-value of the SDSA algorithm is greater than the
p-value of both YASS and QIM scheme indicating that the SDSA algorithm generates a stego
image population which is statistically closer to the cover image population than the populations
generated by YASS and QIM. It should be noted that even though the p-values obtained are small
but for the purpose of comparison it is significantly higher for the proposed scheme than that of




2.8.1 Conclusion
In this thesis we have explored two different approaches to steganography. The first approach
was aimed at preservation of the marginal statistics of a cover image. The preservation of
marginal statistics helps in defeating the targeted attacks designed for specific steganographic
algorithms. We covered two kinds of algorithms under this approach. The first algorithm was
designed to inherently preserve the first order statistics of the cover image while embedding
itself. It has been shown that this approach is able to resist first order statistics based targeted
attacks while maintaining an acceptable quality of the stego image. The second algorithm was an
attempt at explicitly restoring the marginal statistics of the image after data has been embedded
in the image. It was found that under a specified constraint the suggested algorithm is optimal in
terms of the noise added due to the restoration procedure. It was also observed that although the
restoration of the image statistics can resist targeted attacks, it does not improve the security of
an embedding algorithm against blind attacks. This observation was attributed to the fact that the
restoration process acts as an additional source of noise in the cover signal which can be captured
during feature extraction and classification. This factor limits the applicability of this approach to
only targeted attacks. The second approach studied in this thesis aims at hampering the
steganalysts ability to effectively estimating the statistics for classification. A new statistical
model for testing the efficiency of calibration based blind attacks was proposed. It was found that
the calibration step is indeed able to estimate an image model. To counter this, a generalized
framework has been proposed which disturbs this model estimation of the attack. It is based on
embedding data such that the stego population remains statistically closer to the cover population
and the difference between these two cannot be observed in the statistics drawn from the two
populations. The framework was extended to a new algorithm for JPEG domain steganography.
This algorithm was evaluated in the proposed statistical testing framework and it was found that
the algorithm is successful in breaking the calibration based blind attacks.


2.8.2 Future Directions

During the course of this work, some potential directions of future research were identified.
Firstly, it was observed that most of the steganographic research till date has been towards
designing algorithm which generate stego images which are as close to the cover as possible. All
the algorithms study the behavior of the cover image while ignoring the message bit stream. It
may be possible to design some encoding functions, which given a cover image and an
embedding algorithm can modify the message stream such that it becomes more suitable for
embedding than the original bit stream. This kind of steganography can be useful even in the
Active Warden Framework of steganography because firstly the modified message stream will
be introducing fewer artifacts in the cover. Secondly, even if the embedding algorithm is known
to the attacker, the exact message sequence cannot be reconstructed unless the attacker has the
knowledge of the encoding function.
Another possible direction of research can be formulated as a problem of Image Retrieval. It is
based on searching for a suitable cover image given a message sequence and the embedding
algorithm. This may be possible through maintaining a huge image database and given any
message sequence and a pseudo-random key for generating embedding locations, we search for a
cover image from the database that will generate a stego image with mini- mum amount of
changes. The change criterion considered for searching can be dependent on the features used by
the corresponding steganalytic attacks. Some other possible ideas can be borrowed from the field
of Visual Cryptography which encrypts a message by distributing the decoding key into
different images such that the message can be broken only by a proper combination of these







Data Collection




Literature Review

Mini presentation

System Design &


Results Analysis


Final Presentation

Table 3 : Project Schedule








Price in Kshs.

Desktop Computer


Research and Travelling




Credit Card (airtime)


Soft wares


Miscellaneous Expenses


Total Cost


Figure 8 Research Budget


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