IMotions 7.0 Programming Guide (January 2018)
IMotions 7.0 Programming Guide (January 2018)
IMotions 7.0 Programming Guide (January 2018)
Change log.................................................................................................................................. 5
Imotions Software Interfaces overview.........................................................................................6
iMotions Event Forwarding Interface............................................................................................7
Overview................................................................................................................................. 7
Event Forwarding Setup..........................................................................................................8
Common Event Format...........................................................................................................9
Event Reference.................................................................................................................... 11
Slide show events.............................................................................................................11
Gaze calibration start........................................................................................................11
Gaze Calibration End........................................................................................................11
Slide show start................................................................................................................ 12
Slide show end................................................................................................................. 12
Slide start.......................................................................................................................... 12
Slide end........................................................................................................................... 13
Exposure Statistics........................................................................................................... 13
Input events........................................................................................................................... 16
Key press.......................................................................................................................... 16
Mouse event..................................................................................................................... 16
Browser navigation event..................................................................................................17
External Sensor Events......................................................................................................... 18
Eyetracker event............................................................................................................... 18
Eyetracker event............................................................................................................... 18
QSensor event.................................................................................................................. 19
Emotiv EEG raw data....................................................................................................... 19
Emotiv EEG Affectiv Metrics.............................................................................................20
ABM EEG raw data........................................................................................................... 20
ABM EEG decon data.......................................................................................................21
Emotient FACET............................................................................................................... 21
Example Listener................................................................................................................... 23
Event Receiving Interface.......................................................................................................... 25
Overview............................................................................................................................... 25
iMotions Setup...................................................................................................................... 25
Event Interface...................................................................................................................... 28
Event Sources....................................................................................................................... 28
Versioning......................................................................................................................... 28
Example Source Definitions..............................................................................................28
Multiple Instances............................................................................................................. 29
Incoming Messages.............................................................................................................. 29
Common Header.............................................................................................................. 30
Sensor Event Fields.......................................................................................................... 30
Elapsed and Media Time.........................................................................................31
Example.................................................................................................................. 31
Marker Event Fields.......................................................................................................... 31
Message Version 1.......................................................................................................31
Message Version 2.......................................................................................................32
Game Test Scenario.....................................................................................................33
Discrete Examples...................................................................................................33
Segment Examples.................................................................................................33
iMotions Remote Control Interface.............................................................................................34
Overview............................................................................................................................... 34
Distributing Studies In iMotions.............................................................................................34
Example Workflow............................................................................................................ 35
iMotions Setup...................................................................................................................... 36
iMotions Operation................................................................................................................ 37
Command Reference............................................................................................................ 37
Common Message Formats..............................................................................................37
Common Command Header........................................................................................37
Common Response Header.........................................................................................38
Commands Requiring No Parameters..............................................................................38
MIN Command............................................................................................................. 39
MAX Command............................................................................................................ 39
SHUTDOWN Command...............................................................................................39
SLIDESHOWNEXT Command.....................................................................................39
SLIDESHOWCANCEL Command................................................................................39
STATUS Command......................................................................................................39
Additional response message fields........................................................................39
Additional Version 2 response message fields.........................................................40
Other Commands............................................................................................................. 40
RUN Command............................................................................................................ 40
Additional command message parameters – Message Version 1............................40
Additional command message parameters – Message Version 2............................40
Additional command message parameters – Message Version 3............................41
SAVE Command.......................................................................................................... 41
Additional command message parameters..............................................................42
Additional response message fields........................................................................42
LOAD Command.......................................................................................................... 42
Additional command message parameters..............................................................42
Additional response message fields........................................................................43
DELETE Command......................................................................................................43
Additional command message parameters – Message Version 1............................43
EXPORTSENSORDATA Command.............................................................................44
Additional command message parameters..............................................................44
Additional response message fields........................................................................44
EXPORTRECORDEDVIDEOS Command...................................................................45
Additional command message parameters..............................................................45
Additional response message fields........................................................................45
FACEVIDEOPROCESSING Command........................................................................45
Additional command message parameters..............................................................45
AFFDEXPROCESS Command....................................................................................46
Additional command message parameters..............................................................46
IMPORT Command......................................................................................................46
Additional command message parameters..............................................................47
Change log
Version iMotions Version Compatibility Comment
Imotions Software Interfaces overview
iMotions Event Forwarding Interface
During a respondent test, the software collects various types of data from different sources. In a dual
screen setup, this data is used to provide visualizations. It is also cached in memory and logged to the
database at the end of the test. During study analysis, the data is loaded from the database and used to
perform the analysis and paint various visuals e.g. gaze replay. The data can also be exported to a text
file so that 3rd party applications can be used to perform custom analysis.
The event forwarding interface extends this model to allow third party applications to receive the data in
real time as it is received by the iMotions system. When an event is received by the software e.g. a
mouse click or an eyetracker sample, the application will now check to see if event forwarding is
enabled. If it is, the event is serialized into a text string, and the string is forwarded as an event message.
An external application can listen for these event messages. It would then process the event as part of
performing some application specific task. Typically, this would be used in a screen recording, where the
application under test would be receiving the external events and adjusting behavior based on them e.g.
● The respondent could be shown different images based on where they looked in the previous
● If the last second of eyetracker data indicates that the respondent has looked away or closed
their eyes, then an audible “wakeup” could be played to get the respondents attention.
Imotions software can send events to an external application using either TCP or UDP.
● When using TCP, the software acts as a server and listens for connections on a specific port.
Once a connection has been established with a client, iMotions will forward all event messages
to the client using this connection. The client application simply needs to read the event
messages from the connection.
● When using UDP, iMotions will send each event message as a UDP datagram to a configured
server/port combination.
Event Forwarding Setup
Event forwarding is enabled using the Global Settings dialog, within the API tab.
● Enable/disable event forwarding and choosing whether you wish to communicate using TCP or
● The connection details. For UDP you will define the server and port to which the messages
will be directed. For TCP, only the port number field is available and it will determine the port
number on which AttentionTool will listen for connections.
● Check boxes allow general iMotions events to be enabled e.g. keyboard press events, mouse
click events etc. Since mouse movement generates a lot of events, the default behavior is to
suppress the sending of mouse move events. This can be overridden by checking ‘Include all
mouse events’.
Once event forwarding has been enabled, the Sensors tab should be used to individually mark those
sensors for which events need forwarding. This allows for the forwarding of data for some sensors but
not others e.g. you could choose to forward the GSR events but not the EEG data etc.
Seq. Number Incremented value for each event that is forwarded. Reset 00000136
for each slide show.
Event source Where the event has originated. This will either be the AttentionTool
name of the sensor that sent the sample, or “AttentionTool”
for internal events or PC input events.
Media Time Position in the current video based stimuli in ms. This value 6214
is only applicable for videos and screen/web recordings. For
other stimuli types, or when the video pipeline is not yet
started or has finished -1 will be returned.
E.g. the following shows some typical samples received from the UDP port. The common fields are
00000938;EyeTracker;EyeData;18332;15040;18319;1379;601;1379;601;…more fields…
00000939;AttentionTool;Keyboard;18348;15056;LControlKey, Shift
00000940;EyeTracker;EyeData;18352;15060;18339;1379;601;1379;601;…more fields…
In the last sample
Event Reference
Below are documented all the events that will be seen over the event forwarding interface. Events are
only available when they are being collected as part of a slide show e.g. it is not possible to forward EEG
events if you have not enabled them for data collection.
System time Current date time according to the PC system clock 20140513124944675
formatted YYYYMMDDhhmmssttt
Study Name of the study that the respondent belongs to. Study 12-05-14 22h34m
System time Current date time according to the PC system clock 20140513124944675
formatted YYYYMMDDhhmmssttt
Result Points Number of points used in the calibration 9
System time Current date time according to the PC system clock 20130320105636662
formatted YYYYMMDDhhmmssttt
System time Current date time according to the PC system clock formatted 20130320105636662
Slide start
Event Source AttentionTool
System time Current date time according to the PC system clock formatted 20130320105636662
Stimulus name Name of the current stimulus. If we are showing the light calibration Happy Image
slides at the start of a slideshow then this field will be empty.
Slide type Slide type within a stimulus. Possible values are one of the following: TestImage
Slide end
Event Source AttentionTool
System time Current date time according to the PC system clock formatted 20130320105636662
Exposure Statistics
Event Source AttentionTool
Study ID Unique ID for the study, used internally in iMotions software e0b8b75c-2be5-496a-
Respondent ID Unique ID for the respondent, used internally in iMotions software 2361f9d4-31d1-4686-
Statistics JSON string containing various statistics for the tested respondent. See Below
The statistics field is a table of data containing various per-stimuli metrics calculated for the signals
collected during the test.
The following example shows the statistics for a study with eyetracking, containing 2 stimuli named
“Australian_Army_ceremonial_slouch_hat” and “Battleship”.
Note: the JSON below has been formatted for easier interpretation. The text included in any message
will not include the new lines and other formatting.
{"displayName":"Eye tracking",
"deviceName":"Eye tracking",
{"displayName":"Eye tracking",
"deviceName":"Eye tracking",
{"displayName":"Eye tracking",
"deviceName":"Eye tracking",
For each stimuli a deviceSummaries table is included with an entry for each device that was active
during the slide-show. In the example above, only eyetracking was enabled, so there is only a single item
in the deviceSummaries table.
The last entry in the list, with an empty string for a stimuli name, represents a summary for the whole
The data in the ExposureStatistics event corresponds to the metrics that are available in the iMotions
UI from the respondent Exposure Statistics tab.
Event Sequence:
Normally slide events will follow the pattern:
NOTE: Gaze calibration events will only be included for eye-tracking studies.
If the test is not completed, but aborted by the operator, then no SlideEnd event will be seen and only
the SlideshowEnd will be sent e.g.
Input events
Input events normally indicate user interaction using the keyboard and/or mouse. However they also
include browser navigation events for web tests.
Key press
Event Source AttentionTool
Keyname The name of the key that was pressed. If a modifier key P (P pressed on it’s own)
was being held down at the same time, then it is
appended to the key name. P, Control (P pressed whilst
control is held down)
Mouse event
Event Source AttentionTool
XButton Id of the button that triggered the event.For non-standard mice with
more than 3 buttons.
Browser navigation event
Event Source AttentionTool
Navigation event The browser event that triggered this DocumentComplete fired when the
document is finished loading in the
BeforeNavigate browser window.
External Sensor Events
The following events originate from external sensor devices. The software receives data from them using
device specific interfaces. The events are only available for forwarding if the device is hooked up to
iMotions and iMotions has been configured to collect from the device.
Eyetracker event
Event Source EyeTracker
Eyetracker timestamp Timestamp assigned to the sample by the eyetracker. The value is adjusted 1234
by Attention Tool so that it is relative to the start of the slide show i.e. the
timestamp of the first sample received after the start of the slide show is
used as an offset for all subsequent samples.
Gaze left X Left eye gaze X coordinate relative to the display monitor in pixels. -1 145
indicates invalid sample.
Gaze left Y Left eye gaze Y coordinate relative to the display monitor in pixels. -1 200
indicates invalid sample.
Gaze right X Right eye gaze X coordinate relative to the display monitor in pixels. -1 165
indicates invalid sample.
Gaze right Y Right eye gaze Y coordinate relative to the display monitor in pixels. -1 200
indicates invalid sample.
Left eye distance Left eye distance from the tracker in mm. 700
Right eye distance Right eye distance from the tracker in mm. 700
Left eye position X X position of the left eye in the eyetracker camera as a ratio (0-1). 0.5
Left eye position Y Y position of the left eye in the eyetracker camera as a ratio (0-1). 0.5
Right eye position X X position of the right eye in the eyetracker camera as a ratio (0-1). 0.5
Right eye position Y Y position of the right eye in the eyetracker camera as a ratio (0-1). 0.5
Eyetracker event
Event Source EyeTracker
Sample Name GazeCalibrationResult
Calibration quality The quality of the calibration. May be poor, good or excellent. Good
QSensor event
Event Source QSensor
Contact values for See above
F7, F3, FC5, T7, P7, O1, O2,P8,
T8, FC6, F4, F8, AF4
Engagement Emotiv SDK generated emotional response value in the range 0-1 0.3
X10: The channel data collected from the device. Varies by device. For
EKG, Poz, Fz, Cz, C3, C4, X10, 10 floating values are returned.
F3, F4, P3, P4
F3, F1, Fz, F2, F4, C3, C1,
Cz, C2, C4, CPz, P3, P1,
Pz, P2, P4, Poz, O1, Oz,
O2, EKG, AUX1, AUX2,
Epoc The fields layout is the same as above for raw data. Unlike the raw
data, the decontaminated data is received in batches with some
delay. However both the Attention Tool timestamp and the ABM
time fields reflect the timestamp of the raw data on which the
decontaminated sample is derived from.
Emotient FACET
Event Source FACET
Frame Index The frame number in the video recording of the face for this slide. 1
Faces Count Number of faces detected. -1 indicates the frame was not 1
processed, 0 indicates no face was detected. In either case the
remaining fields will be empty.
Disgust, Sadness, typically between -5 and +5.
Positive, Negative -Intensity of the emotion, value between 0-1
Example Listener
The following Powershell example listens for incoming events on the UDP socket and simply prints
anything it receives to the standard output.
Contents of DumpUDP.ps1
Open a powershell prompt (Start -> Accessories -> Windows PowerShell -> Windows Powershell )
Enable script loading and load up the script – in the example below, the script file was saved to the
desktop. Then execute UDPListen( 8088 ). We will start listening for incoming messages from
AttentionTool, and anything received will be printed to the console.
Windows PowerShell
Copyright (C) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
PS C:\Users\myuser> cd Desktop
PS C:\Users\myuser\Desktop> Set-ExecutionPolicy -scope CurrentUser -force unrestricted
PS C:\Users\myuser\Desktop> . .\DumpUDP
PS C:\Users\myuser\Desktop> UDPListen(8088)
00000001;AttentionTool;SlideshowStart;0;-1;20130321130651148;Anonymous 20-03-13
/;BBC News - Home
ws/world-europe-21874427;BBC News
- Turkey Kurds: PKK chief Ocalan calls for ceasefire
Event Receiving Interface
iMotions currently supports a number of sensors for measuring a respondent’s state during a test e.g.
Emotiv EEG, Affectiva QSensor. However there are many more sensor devices that a customer could use,
and it is impractical for iMotions to support every such device. Instead it is envisaged that a 3 rd party
application would be created that interfaces with their desired device set, and then passes the data thus
collected to iMotions software. This data will be treated in the same way as data collected from the
sensors with built in support e.g. it will be synced with all other collected data, it can be visualised on a
graph, will be stored in the database and saved with the study, will be available in the text data export
for further analysis etc.
This document describes the method whereby a 3 rd party application can send captured sensor readings
to iMotions software.
Whilst we tend to focus on the “unsupported external sensor” scenario, it should be noted that there is
no limitation to where the data arriving from the 3 rd party application was sourced. It will be stored in
the software as a stream of external events. Whether they originated from external sensor devices, or
the values were generated internally by the 3 rd party application is not important to iMotions.
iMotions Setup
Event reception is enabled using the Global Settings dialog, within the API tab.
As with event forwarding, the operator can choose to connect to iMotions using TCP or UDP. In the
screenshot above, the TCP option has been enabled.
When adding a new study, also make sure that “External Events API” is enabled.
Event Interface
The software utilises a UDP or TCP network connection to implement the event receiving interface.
● TCP - iMotions will listen for connections on a specified port. Once a connection is accepted, the
software will read incoming events from the resulting TCP stream.
The incoming data packet must conform to the specification detailed later in this document. When a
packet is received it is processed and checked against the registry of configured event sources. Assuming
it is recognised, it will be parsed and the resulting event object will be handed over to the iMotions data
collection pipeline for further processing e.g. live graph update, storage etc.
Event Sources
iMotions receives events from event sources. An event source is a logical grouping of different sample
types that can be received from a particular source. It would typically correspond to an external sensor.
iMotions can receive data from many event sources, and each event source can support many different
sample types. In order for the software to accept a sample, it must first be configured using an event
source definition file. This is simply an XML text file describing the sorts of samples that can be received
from this source, and the structure of the fields in each sample.
In order to enable 3rd party applications to evolve the Source definition supports a version attribute. This
will allow the definitions to expand over time in a backwards compatible fashion. So if a 3 rd party
enhances their support for an external sensor and needs to add some extra fields to the sample
definition, the definition file would be updated with the latest sample descriptions, and the version
number would be incremented. This new definition would then be loaded up into iMotions.
The older defintions are retained in the software so that existing data can still be decoded correctly, and
indeed older versions of the 3rd party app could still run happily with iMotions.
The following example shows a definition file for an event source of the Affectiva QSensor.
<EventSource Version=”1” Id=”QSensor” Name=”Affectiva Q Sensor”>
<Sample Id=”AffectivaQSensor” Name=”QSensor”>
<Field Id=”SeqNo” />
<Field Id=”AccelZ” />
<Field Id=”AccelY” />
<Field Id=”AccelX” />
<Field Id=”Battery” />
<Field Id=”Temperature” Range=”Fixed” Min=”30” Max=”40” />
<Field Id=”EDA” Range=”Variable” Min=”0” Max=”0.2” />
A definition file for the Emotiv EEG headset could look something like this.
<EventSource Version=”1” Id=”EmotivEEG” Name=”Emotiv EEG”>
<Sample Id=”EmotivAffectiv” Name=”Emotiv Affectivity” >
<Field Id=”Engagement” Range=”Fixed” Min=”0” Max=”1” />
<Field Id=”ExcitementLongTerm” Range=”Fixed” Min=”0” Max=”1” />
<Field Id=”ExcitementShortTerm” Range=”Fixed” Min=”0” Max=”1” />
<Field Id=”Frustration” Range=”Fixed” Min=”0” Max=”1” />
<Field Id=”Meditation” Range=”Fixed” Min=”0” Max=”1” />
Only fields with the Range attribute will be shown on a line graph. Therefore if a sample does not
contain any such fields, then no graph for that sample type will be shown. Fields marked for graph
display must be numeric, all other fields can contain any arbitrary data, the values will not be
Multiple Instances
It is possible that there are multiple instances of a given event source generating data e.g. multiple EMG
sensors monitoring different muscles. The API requires only one source definition to be loaded into
iMotions, the different instances should be identified by a field in the event message.
Incoming Messages
External applications communicate with iMotions by sending messages over a network ‘connection’. This
allows the 3rd party application to run on the iMotions system, but also on any other LAN connected
Each packet will consist of a UTF-8 text string, with fields separated with a semi-colon character. All
packets must start with a fixed header that will allow iMotions to identify the type of the message. Since
semi-colon is used as a field separator, it is important that any 3 rd party application ensures that this
character does not appear in any of the event fields e.g. check any text field for semi-colon and replace it
with a comma if found etc.
A packet MUST be terminated by a carriage-return, line-feed combination, similar to HTTP headers,
denoted as “\r\n” in many programming languages. Similarly, with the semi-colon character, the sending
application must ensure that the \r\n combination does not appear anywhere in the message body.
Common Header
Field No. Name Description Example
1 Type Single character that identifies the type of message. Two message types are E
E – Sensor Event
M – Discrete Marker
2 Version Message version. Digits identifying the version of the message, in cases 1
where a message has evolved over time.
Currently only the Marker message has more than one version.
3 Source Event Source ID. Must match an event source definition MyEMG
4 Source Definition Version of the Source definition the event data conforms to.
Version The version in the definition file must match this value. If
blank, then it is assumed that the event is for the latest
5 Instance Optional instance ID. Typically left blank, but can be LeftBicep
included if there are multiple instances of this event source
sending data to AT. For example, if the respondent has an
EMG sensor on each arm, the instance field would indicate
which of the sensors this event relates to. Contains arbitrary
text with a maximum length of 15 characters.
6 Elapsed Time Optional timestamp indicating the time in ms since the start 1000
of the test. Typically left empty unless the sample is or
generated from data already received from AT. 20151225141059555
8 Sample Type ID indicating the sample type. This must match a sample EMGData
description from the event source definition file.
9…. Data fields for the sample type. The number of fields must
match the sample definition.
Elapsed and Media Time
Typically the external application will leave these timestamp fields empty. The iMotions software will
timestamp the event when it is received by the system. The latency between the sending and receiving is
typically much smaller than the 1ms precision that iMotions uses for time-stamping events. Therefore it
is envisaged that the timestamp fields would only be filled in by the external application in the following
1. The external events are generated from data received from the iMotions software e.g. some
synthesized metric. In this case the external application would use the timestamp(s) on the
source samples to fill in the timestamp fields in the generated sample.
2. There is a significant delay between the external application acquiring the data, and the data
being forwarded to iMotions. In this case the ElapsedTime should be included to maintain the
synchronization between the external signal and the running slideshow. Imotions will use the
ElapsedTime field to calculate a corresponding media-time if appropriate, so the media-time can
usually be left blank.
In these cases it may be more convenient for the external application to send a clock-time rather
than a millisecond offset from the start of the slide-show. Therefore if the ElapsedTime field
matches the following pattern “yyyyMMddHHmmssfff”, it will interpreted as a full data-time string
e.g. 20151225141059234
If the slide-show began at 14:00 on the 25 th December 2015, then this time-stamp would be
converted to an ellapsed time of 65234 milliseconds.
The following shows what a message representing a QSensor sample would look like (see the example
QSensor Source definition earlier).
Note \r\n denote the end of record terminator sequence i.e. 2 bytes 0x13 0x10.
Message Version 1
3 Elapsed Optional timestamp indicating the time in ms since the start of the
Time test. Typically left empty unless the sample is generated from data
already received from AT.
4 Media Time Optional media-time indicating the video file position that this
sample should be synced with. Typically left empty unless the
sample is generated from data received from AT
6 Description Optional longer descriptive text describing the purpose of the Respondent
marker. Special care should be taken to ensure that this field does completed the
not contain a semi-colon character. check out task.
Message Version 2
The following additional fields were introduced in AttentionTool 5.4 and must be included if the version
in the message header is set to 2, or is omitted.
Game Test Scenario
Consider using iMotions to test a game. The game could be updated to send marker events to the
software when interesting events occur during the game play e.g. when the player dies. In addition, if
the user is exposed to video sequences (cut scenes etc), then a start/end pair of markers could be sent at
the start and end of the video clip. iMotions will then automatically generate a scene fragment for the
marked region. The data for the marked region can then be aggregated across all respondents who were
exposed to the cut scene.
Discrete Examples
The following shows an example discrete marker message.
M;1;;;CheckOut;Respondent completed the check out task\r\n
The following shows the same discrete marker message using the new v2 interface.
M;2;;;CheckOut;Respondent completed the check out task;D;\r\n
Segment Examples
The following messages show a start/end sequence that would mark out a segment of a recording.
M;2;;;HotClip1;Show trailer;S;V\r\n
.....30 seconds later
The following messages illustrate how a sequence of questions could be marked out with the API. Since
all segments need to run sequentially, we can simplify the interaction a little by just sending a sequence
of Next segment markers.
M;2;;;Question1;Shown question1;N;I\r\n
.....30 seconds later
M;2;;;Video1;Shown clip1;N;V\r\n
.....2 minutes later
M;2;;;Question2;Shown question2;N;I\r\n
iMotions Remote Control Interface
The remote control API allows external programs to control the iMotions software i.e. perform certain
tasks without interacting with the user interface. The following commands are available.
Command Action
Minimize If idle, causes iMotions to minimize to the task bar. The software will
not minimize if it is currently running a test.
Maximize iMotions window will be restored.
Shutdown iMotions will close. If running a test, then the command is rejected.
Run <Study> <Respondent> iMotions will use the command parameters to select the study and
respondent to test. Then a test will be run. If a test is already in
progress, the command will be rejected.
Next Slide Requests the slide-show to proceed to the next slide. Equivalent to
the Shift-Space keyboard combination
Cancel Slide-show Requests the slide-show to abort. Equivalent to Shift-F1.
Status The Status command can be sent to iMotions at any time. It will send
a response which will indicate if the software is idle or currently
running a test. If a test is ongoing, then details of the current test will
be included in the response.
Save <DataToSave> <Study> If idle, iMotions will save the selected Study/Respondent to file. The
<Respondent> resulting zip file will be saved in a configurable folder in the file
system. The location of the zip file will be included in the command
Load <ZipFile> <TargetStudy> Loads the contents of a study export into iMotions. This will either
<AddMerge> create a new study or merge the data for the tested respondents in
the zip file into an existing study.
Delete <Study> Delete a study.
Export Sensor Data Exports the study data to a raw text file that can be loaded into Excel,
Matlab etc.
Export Video Recordings Exports the screen or face-camera recordings to a folder.
This limited set of commands is targeted at allowing a customer, with a large data collection network, to
integrate iMotions software into their existing study distribution infrastructure.
respondents in the zip file are added to the existing study. The Save and Load commands allow these
operations to be executed by a third-party software rather than from the UI.
Example Workflow
The following example, shows how the Save and Load commands could be used in a distributed
environment, where there is a “master” analysis instance of iMotions, and a number of “slave” data
collection instances.
1. Master study is set up on the analysis iMotions system. Typically this would be done using a test
2. Operator uses some custom software on the master system to distribute the study.
○ The software requests iMotions to execute a Save command.
○ iMotions creates a zip file containing the study definition and includes the full path of
the exported study in the response to the Save command.
○ The software copies the zip file to numerous slave systems e.g. using windows network
3. Custom software on the slave system detects the zip file, e.g. by searching in a specific
“incoming” folder every few minutes. Once a new study is found, the software tries to load it
into iMotions
○ Check if iMotions is busy using the Status command.
○ If the software is not currently running a study, then execute the Load command.
○ iMotions uses the filename passed in the Load command, to import the study definition
contained in the zip file.
4. Custom software on the slave system is used to run the study for individual respondents, and
subsequently save the collected data to zip files.
○ The software requests iMotions to run a study for a particular respondent.
○ The software listens on the AT Event Forwarding API for slideshow events.
○ When the “End Slideshow” event is received the software knows that the test has been
○ Software sends a Save request to iMotions with the name of the last tested respondent.
○ iMotions creates a data export for the named respondent.
○ The software takes the exported zip file and copies it back to some “Tested” folder on
the master system.
5. Managing software on the master system detects the incoming data in the “Tested” folder and
uses the Load command to merge the respondent test data into the master iMotions study.
iMotions Setup
The Event Forwarding and Receiving interfaces, only work in one direction i.e. events are written from
iMotions or read by iMotions. By contrast the remote control interface is based around a
request/response protocol - a request message is sent to iMotions, and the software answers with a
response message indicating the results of the command. Therefore the remote control has been
implemented to work over TCP connections only. The settings dialog allows the port that the software
listens on to be configured, and also the default folders iMotions will use when executing Load or Save
iMotions Operation
When the remote control interface is activated, iMotions will listen on the specified TCP port and wait
for a client to connect. Once a client connection is accepted, the resulting TCP stream is used to
exchange messages. The client is expected to send command messages, in response to which iMotions
will execute the requested command and reply, possibly some time later, with a response message
indicating if the command was successfully executed.
If the client is also responsible for starting iMotions, it would typically run the software with the
/REMOTECONTROL option, and then wait for iMotions to become available. The easiest way to do this
would be to periodically attempt to connect to the remote control TCP port until the connection request
is successful.
Command Reference
This section describes in detail the format of the remote-control messages, and their corresponding
response messages.
The response messages will follow a similar pattern, with a common response header and additional
command specific response parameters.
nd ● MIN
MIN Command
On receipt of this command the system will minimize the UI.
The command fails if a test is in progress. No additional data is returned in the response message.
MAX Command
On receipt of this command the system will maximize the UI and bring it to the front making it the active
The command fails if a test is in progress. No additional data is returned in the response message.
On receipt of this command the system will initiate a shutdown of the software.
The command fails if a test is in progress. An OK response will be sent before the program exits, so a
client should always see a response before the connection closes. No additional data is returned in the
response message.
The following 3 commands are the only ones that are supported when a slide-show is in progress. The
first two change the behavior of a slide-show, and as such will fail if a study is not currently being
Equivalent to the respondent/operator pressing the next-slide hot-key combination (Shift-space by
default) during a slide-show. An error will be returned if the current slide has not been configured to
support manual slide change.
Equivalent to the respondent/operator pressing the cancel slide-show hot-key combination (Shift-F1 by
default) during a slide-show. The slide-show is aborted, and no data is saved for the respondent.
STATUS Command
The status command acts as a kind of Ping message. It can be sent in or outside of a test.
The Version 2 message will also detect if the software is busy performing some form of processing and
will report the status messages that are shown by the “Busy” screen.
Additional Version 2 response message fields
Field Name Description Example
12 IsBusy 0 = system is not showing the Busy UI. 1
1 = system is busy performing some long running task
and is blocked from executing any new command.
13 Status When busy – the text displayed in the status bar of the Exporting Study
Text software, typically a short description of the current task.
Empty if the system is not performing processing.
14 Progress When busy – the text displayed by the Busy UI, otherwise Fetching raw data
Text empty. from the database
Other Commands
The following commands require the client to supply additional command parameters in the command
request message.
RUN Command
On receipt of this command the system will start a test for the named study and respondent included in
the command. The command will fail if a test is already in progress, or if the named study is not set up
in iMotions.
If version 1 of this message is received, then the named respondent must also exist in iMotions,
otherwise the operation fails.
If version 2 of the message is received then the sender has the option to include respondent properties
in an additional field, in which case the respondent will be created with these properties.
If version 3 of the message is received then the sender has the option to request the software to disable
certain dialogues.
No additional data is returned in the response message.
ent age and gender of the respondent to be added. If this field Age=26
Properti is blank, then a respondent will not be added, and the
es named respondent must already exist.
Typically it is assumed that there is an operator monitoring the execution of the software. If iMotions is
requested to run a study and it detects some exceptional condition, then it will use on screen dialogues
to query the operator e.g. if the study has been configured to use GSR, but the software is not currently
connected to a Shimmer device, then the operator will be prompted if they wish to go ahead and run the
study anyway.
The new version 3 option, allows this behavior to be changed – typically for use where the software is
being used as a data collection middleware, and the caller does not want it to be creating UI dialogs.
SAVE Command
On receipt of this command the system will save the data for the named study / respondent combination
into a zip file. The data in the file is equivalent to using the “Save Study To File” option from the iMotions
UI i.e. it is intended for use by iMotions’s “Load Study From File” feature, not by third party applications.
Unlike the save option available from the menus, the remote command will allow the client to specify a
value indicating what data to include in the export. This last option can be used if you want to minimize
the size of the exported data e.g. by excluding any stimuli images or videos that are already available on
the master analysis iMotions system.
The command will fail if a test is in progress, or if the named study/respondent does not exist or has not
been tested.
LOAD Command
On receipt of this command the system will load the data contained in the specified zip file. The data in
the file will have been created using the iMotions “Save Study To File” option, or via the SAVE command.
If performing a Merge operation, the system will check to ensure that the existing study, and the study in
the zip file are compatible i.e. they must contain the same stimuli and have the same screen resolution
operation, default is Auto.
DELETE Command
On receipt of this command the system deletes a study.
No additional data is returned in the response message.
On receipt of this command the system will save the data for the named study / respondent(s)
combination into text file(s). The data in the file is equivalent to using the table formatted “Export Sensor
Data” option from the study library export context menu. The remote command supports the selection
of particular respondents. This can be done by specifying the name of a single respondent, or by
specifying a date range. If a date range is supplied, then only tests that were executed within the date
range will be exported.
The command will fail if a test is in progress, or if the named study/respondent does not exist or has not
been tested.
On receipt of this command, the system will copy recorded respondent videos into a named folder. The
videos are named based on the respondent name. An individual respondent can be specified, or a tested
date range can be used.
The command will fail if a test is in progress, or if the named study/respondent does not exist or has not
been tested.
On receipt of this command, the system will initiate the Emotient FACET face video post processing.
The command will fail if a test is in progress, or if the named study/respondent does not exist.
NOTE: The processing of face videos is extremely resource intensive and can take a considerable amount
of time, depending on how many respondents require processing and the length of the recordings.
The enhanced STATUS command can be used to periodically poll iMotions to check on the progress of
the task.
6 Respon Name of the respondent to be tested, leave blank for all Bill Gaze|Bob Smith
dent tested respondents. A list of respondent names can also
be supplied, separating each name with a | character.
7 FaceSize Optional minimum face size as a percentage of the full 15
video frame width. Default is 20%.
8 Skip Optional frame skipping factor. The process can be sped up 2
by not processing all frames. Default is to process all
unprocessed frames.
9 Over Optional - Reprocess all frames (1), regardless if they were 1
write previously processed e.g. during the slideshow. Default is
not to reprocess frames (0).
10 CPU Optional engine count. Default is the number of CPUs 2
Count detected on the system, up to a max of 4 or 8, depending
on strategy.
11 Multi- Optional strategy for using multi-core processing. respondent
process respondent (default)– multiple respondents are processed
strategy in parallel. A maximum of 8 respondents can be processed
at the same time. Use this strategy if many respondents
are outstanding.
file – multiple frames of a video are processed in parallel. A
maximum of 4 concurrent engines can execute frame
processing. Use this strategy to process a single respondent
as quickly as possible.
On receipt of this command, the system will initiate the Affectiva AFFDEX face video post processing.
The command will fail if a test is in progress, or if the named study/respondent does not exist.
NOTE: The processing of face videos is extremely resource intensive and can take a considerable amount
of time, depending on how many respondents require processing and the length of the recordings.
The enhanced STATUS command can be used to periodically poll iMotions to check on the progress of
the task.
IMPORT Command
On receipt of this command, the system will import data from the supplied source folder. The behaviour
corresponds to the GUI option: external data > import
Additional command message parameters
Name Description Example
5 Source directory Path to directory containing data to import C:\temp\mydata