Wonderware Guide To Creating Intouch Windows Programmatically
Wonderware Guide To Creating Intouch Windows Programmatically
Wonderware Guide To Creating Intouch Windows Programmatically
Windows Programmatically
Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
Welcome .................................................................................................................................... 9
Documentation Conventions ...................................................................................................... 9
Technical Support ..................................................................................................................... 9
Contents Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
Contents Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
Index ......................................................................................................................................... 94
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You can import window definitions into InTouch applications using XML formatted files. How to create
an XML file is outside the scope of this guide.
This guide assumes you know how to create InTouch applic ations using WindowMaker.
This guide assumes you can create, format, and test XML files and know the general requirements for
using XML files.
You need to install Wonderware Application Server 3.1 before installing InTouch 10.1.050. If you have
InTouch 10.1 installed, uninstall it before installing InTouch 10.1.050.
You can view this guide online or you can print it, in part or whole, by using the print feature in Adobe
Acrobat Reader.
This guide assumes that you know how to use Microsoft Windows, including navigating menus, moving
from application to application, and moving objects on the screen. If you need help with these tasks,
see the Microsoft online help.
Documentation Conventions
This documentation uses the following conventions:
Technical Support
Wonderware Technical Support offers a variety of support options to answer any questions on
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Before you contact Technical Support, refer to the relevant section(s) in this docum entation for a
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The type and version of the operating system you are using.
Details of how to recreate the problem.
The exact wording of the error messages you saw.
Any relevant output listing from the Log Viewer or any other diagnostic applications.
Details of what you did to try to solve the problem(s) and your results.
If known, the Wonderware Technical Support case number assigned t o your problem, if this is an
ongoing problem.
Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
Preparing an XML File
In This Chapter
About Preparing an XML File ......................................................................................................... 11
Note: Schema files are available in the InTouch installation folder aft er the installation is complete.
Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
Using an XML File to Import a Window
In This Chapter
About Using an XML File to Import a Window ................................................................................. 13
Preparing a Command File .......................................................................................................... 14
Creating an Application ................................................................................................................. 17
Adding Tags to Newly Generated Application ................................................................................. 17
Deleting a Window ........................................................................................................................ 17
Renaming a Window ..................................................................................................................... 18
Importing a Window ...................................................................................................................... 18
Running WindowMaker from the Command Prompt ........................................................................ 20
ArchestrA IDE Extension ............................................................................................................... 20
Running WindowMaker from Managed InTouc h Applications ........................................................... 20
Running DB Dump from the Command Prompt ................................................................................ 21
Running DB Dump for Managed InTouch Applications ..................................................................... 22
Running DBLoad from the Command P rompt ................................................................................. 22
Running DBLoad for Managed InTouch Applications ....................................................................... 23
Using an XML File to Import a Window Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
Using an XML File to Import a Window Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
The following is an example command file that prints to a file. If the file exists, it is overwritten.
Command Syntax
The following table lists the commands you can use in a WindowMaker command file.
Command Description
Using an XML File to Import a Window Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
Command Description
.XMLFILEPA TH=<Full File Path> The full file path to an XML file containing a
window specification. Required when the
WINDOWCREA TE command is used.
.OUTPUTTA RGE TNAME=<Print er Name of the printer or output file. If the file
Name>|<Full Text File Path> exists, it is overwritten.
. OUTPUTFILE=<Full File Path> Full path to the output file. If the file exists, it
is overwritten.
Using an XML File to Import a Window Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
Creating an Application
You can use a WindowMaker command file to create a new default InTouch application. You creat e a
blank application using the minimum command file. However, you cannot creat e a blank managed
InTouch application using the minimum command file. For more info rmation, see Creating a Minimum
Command File on page 14.
The command file must be placed in the folder where you want the application created. If the folder
contains an existing InTouch.ini file, the application is not generated.
The path to the new application folder cannot contain an embedded " -l" or "-L" string sequence. For
example, the folder C:\MyApps\App-Large cannot be created.
The created InTouch.ini file has contents similar to the following example. Window positions vary with
the screen resolution in which the application is shown. The application has the title and description
"Generated InTouch Application." The default language is English.
Example InTouch.ini file contents:
AppName0=Generated InTouch Application
AppDesc0=Generated InTouch Application
LanguageBase=English (United States)
Deleting a Window
If you add a window to an existing application that has a window with the same name, you must delete
the existing window. You can delete the existing window using the WindowMaker command file.
Important: An error message does not appear if the window selected to delete does not exist.
Using an XML File to Import a Window Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
A message appears in the ArchestrA Logger if an existing window cannot be deleted. No user
interaction is required.
You enter a sequenc e of commands in your command file to delete a window from an InTouch
application. A command file can include several delete window command sequences.
The following example shows the command sequence to delete a window from an InTouch application:
Renaming a Window
You can change the name of a window in an InTouch application.
You enter a sequenc e of commands in your command file to rename a window from an InTouch
application. A command file can include several rename window command sequences.
An error message does not appear if the window selected to be renamed does not exist.
If the new window name already exists, nothing is done, and a warning message is logged.
If the old name exists and the new name does not exist, but the rename fails for some other reason, an
error message is logged.
No user interaction is required. Warnings and error messages appear in the ArchestrA Logger.
If you rename a window with the name of an existing window, a warning message is logged in the log
file or the ArchestrA Logger. In the following example, renaming the Window005 to an existing window
Window006, logs a warning message in the log file or the Arc hestrA Logger.
Importing a Window
You can import a window into an InTouch application. The full file path to the XML file containing a
single InTouch window's specification is required. The new window name is contained within the XML
The window is not imported if:
A window wit h the same name exists in the application.
An unresolved error occurs in one of the window scripts.
An unresolved error occurs trying to add any part of an object to the window.
User interaction may be required if:
Elements specified in scripts or expressions contain errors or are missing.
Scripts contain syntax errors.
It is possible that nothing is shown to allow a user to correct the problem. Examine the log file and the
ArchestrA Logger for details.
You enter a sequenc e of commands in your command file to import a window.
For example:
Using an XML File to Import a Window Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
A command file may contain more than one import window command and several create window
command sequences.
Handling Errors
Your XML file must follow general XML formatting rules. If you cannot open your XML file with Int ernet
Explorer, your XML file contains XML formatting errors. Fix all errors before using the file with
If you use a file containing general format errors, WindowMaker logs the error message " XML file could
not be loaded" in the ArchestrA Logger.
WindowMaker stops when any element is missing from a script, on any script error, or any other
element specification error occurs. For example:
Missing tags
Missing external WindowMaker script extension DLL
Missing ActiveX cont rols
Missing Wizard DLL
In some cases, such as for particular animation links or custom property overrides, no message box
appears if the tag is missing. A note is written to the ArchestrA Logger, the animation link and object
are not created, and the window is not created. In other cases, the script and ex pression parsing stops.
You are given an opportunity to create the tag, and if it is succ essfully created, processing continues.
Missing SmartSymbols
If a SmartSymbol template does not exist in the target application, the window is not imported. An error
message appears in the logger and the output text file.
If a SmartSymbol instance fails to be created for any reason, the window is not created. A
SmartSymbol import can fail even though the SmartSymbol template exists. There may be additional
information about the failure in the ArchestrA Logger.
Using an XML File to Import a Window Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
Note: You cannot create managed InTouch applications from the command prompt.
Important: WindowMaker stops responding if you start a new console session or maximize an existing
console session when the XML import is in progress.
The ArchestrA IDE has a context menu item used to select a command file for the XML import. The
menu item Process InTouch Command File is shown in the context menu when you right click an
InTouchViewApp derived template. However, the menu item will not be shown, when you select:
Multiple InTouchViewApp templates
InTouchViewApp base template
InTouchViewApp instance
If you migrate a managed InTouch application from older version of InTouch, then you must open the
InTouch application in WindowMak er at least once before processing the command file.
Using an XML File to Import a Window Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
4. Right -click the derived template and then click Process InTouch Command File . The Open
InTouch Command File From: dialog box appears.
Note: The InTouchViewApp derived template must be configured in WindowMaker at least once,
before executing the Proce ss InTouch Command File command.
5. Browse to the location of the command file, and click Open. The WindowMaker starts up.
Using an XML File to Import a Window Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
Suppose the InTouch application is located in the C:\MyInTouchApps\App001 folder and you want
to write the cont ents of the tag database to the C:\TagDumps\App001.csv file. You do not want any
message boxes to appear, and you want to overwrite the target export file if it exists. The command is:
DBDump C:\MyInTouchApps\App001,C:\TagDumps\App001.Csv,1,1,0
3. Type the name of the CSV file and click Save. The application tag data is successfully dumped into
the CSV file.
Using an XML File to Import a Window Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
Suppose the InTouch application is located in the C:\MyInTouchApps\App001 folder and you want
to read the tag database information from the C:\TagDumps\App001.Csv file. You do not want the
message boxes to appear. The following example shows the DBLoad command you enter at the
command prompt:
DBLoad C:\MyInTouchApps\App001,C:\TagDumps\App001.Csv,0
3. Browse to locat e the CSV file and click Open. The tag data is successfully loaded into the InTouc h
Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
XML Formats
You can import a window and most window elements defined in an XML file. Tags cannot be imported
from an XML file. You must use the DBLoad utility instead.
In This Chapter
General XML File Format .............................................................................................................. 25
Common Element Definitions ........................................................................................................ 26
Window Element ........................................................................................................................... 32
Unsupported InTouch Features ..................................................................................................... 93
Using a Schema
You can validate the XML file against the schema file. Validating your XML file with the schema file
detects most XML formatting errors.
The schema is more restrictive than the XML input parser.
The schema requires the order of elements to match the order listed in the tables in this guide.
Element names and values are case sensitive.
In some cases, the schema requires an element to be ex plicitly defined.
You invoke schema validation in the window element. For information about how to specify a schema,
see Window Definition on page 32.
XML Formats Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
User-Supplied Text
If your script uses XML field delimit er characters, the script text must be encapsulated within a CDA TA
element. Text in a CDA TA element is not parsed by the XML file import functionality.
You can ent er text without enclosing it within a CDA TA element provided the text does not contain any
XML field delimiter characters.
Color Elements
Color elements can be specified by RGB value, name, reference value, or integer value. The color
elements are R, G, B, Name, Ref, and Value. These elements are used in other elements. For
example, FillColor, TextColor, and BGCOLOR.
RGB Elements
You use RGB values to specify a color. The values assigned to RGB elements range from 0 to 255.
When an element is missing, a default is used. The default depends on the window object.
<TextColor> <R>0</R><G>0</G><B>0</B> </TextColor>
XML Formats Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
TextInfo Elements
You can specify how text appears on the screen with the TextInfo element.
The following elements are available for specifying text:
Elements Description
XML Formats Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
Elements Description
Point Elements
You use a point element to define the position of other elements. Point elements contain two elements,
X and Y. X and Y elements must contain values in the range -32000 and 32000.
Elements Description
Pen Elements
You use pen elements to specify the line characteristics of an object's border.
The following elements are available for specifying the pen element:
Field Description
XML Formats Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
Dimension Elements
The dimension element contains elements to specify the coordinates of the upper left corner of an
object on the screen. The dimension element also includes elements to specify the width and height of
a rectangular object.
In WindowMaker, the coordinate limits are -32000 to +32000 in both the vertical and horizont al
directions. If you specify a combination of X and Y location with width or height values that plac e the
calculated coordinates outside of a (-32000, -32000, 32000, 32000) boundary, a warning appears and
the values are clamped to the maximum values. Height and widt h values should be positive.
You use the following elements within a dimension element to specify an area on the screen.
Elements Description
You enclose expression text in CDA TA sections. This prevents XML delimiters, whi ch are valid in
expressions, from causing file parsing to fail.
First line of expression text
Second line of expression text
N-th line of expression text
XML Formats Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
CANCEL CtrlBreak
Copy Copy
Decimal Decimal
DELE TE Delet e
Divide Divide
ENTER Return
ESC Escape
Execute Execute
F1 F1
F2 F2
F3 F3
F4 F4
F5 F5
F6 F6
F7 F7
F8 F8
F9 F9
XML Formats Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
F10 F10
F11 F11
F12 F12
F13 F13
F14 F14
F15 F15
F16 F16
INSE RT Insert
MULTIPY Multiply
XML Formats Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
Separator Separator
Two modifier keys are supported. Modifier keys can be specified separately or in combination for the
CKEYFLAGS element. The modified name is the element value. A modifier key is applied as long as
the modifier name is in the attribute value string.
Window Element
You can include only a single window element in your XML file. The window element must be the first
element specified in the XML file.
The window name must not match an existing window name in the InTouch application.
Window Definition
You can use the following elements to specify a window.
Elements Description
XML Formats Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
Elements Description
XML Formats Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
Minimal example:
wwInTouchWindow.xsd" Version="1">
Window Scripts
You can create three types of window scripts in your XML import file: OnS how, WhileShowing, and
OnHide. You place the script elements within the window element.
Script text can be enclosed in a CDA TA section to prevent XML delimiter characters in the script from
interfering with XML file parsing.
XML Formats Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
Minimal example:
<ScriptOnShow>Single line of script text</ScriptOnShow>
Elements Description
First line of script text
Second line of script text
N-th line of script text
Minimal example:
<Text>Single line of script text</Text>
Window Objects
Window objects are placed in an object list defined by the ObjectList element.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
XML Formats Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
<iw:InTouchWindow xmlns:iw="http://www.wonderware.com/InTouch/Window"
<Comment>Sample simple window</Comment>
<Left>100</Left> <Top>50</Top>
<Width>270</Width> <Height>80</Height>
<R>128</R> <G>128</G> <B>128</B>
Each window object can contain animation links. A window object containing animation links includes
an animation links element.
<Animationlinks> </Animationlinks>
XML Formats Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
FONT System
FONTS TY LE regular
Pen Dimensions
The dimension specification is for the centerline of an object. If an object's pen width is larger than 1,
then an object may not fit within the specified dimension. Instead, the pen width straddles the boundary
of the object. Some pixels are inside the object's boundary; others are outside of the boundary.
Rectangle Object
The following elements can be specified for a rectangle element.
Elements Description
XML Formats Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
Elements Description
<Left>100</Left> <Top>50</Top>
<Width>270</Width> <Height>80</Height>
<R>128</R> <G>128</G> <B>128</B>
<AnimationLinks> </AnimationLinks>
Minimal example:
Elements Description
XML Formats Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
Elements Description
<R>128</R> <G>128</G> <B>128</B>
Minimal example:
XML Formats Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
Ellipse Object
The following elements can be specified for an ellipse object.
Elements Description
<R>128</R> <G>128</G> <B>128</B>
Minimal example:
XML Formats Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
Line Object
The following elements can be specified for a line object. From and to points cannot be the same point.
Elements Description
Minimal example:
</Points> </Line>
Elements Description
XML Formats Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
Elements Description
Minimal example:
Elements Description
XML Formats Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
Elements Description
Minimal example:
Polyline Object
You must define at least two points in order to load the polyline object. Using the same coordinates for
the two points is not recommended.
The following elements can be specified for a polyline object.
Elements Description
XML Formats Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
Elements Description
Minimal example:
Polygon Object
You must define at least two points to load a polygon object. Using the same coordinat es for the two
points is not recommended.
The following elements can be specified for a poly gon object.
Elements Description
XML Formats Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
Elements Description
<R>128</R> <G>128</G> <B>128</B>
Minimal example:
Text Object
The following elements can be specified for a text object.
Elements Description
XML Formats Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
Elements Description
<TextString>This is some text to display</TextString>
Minimal example:
<TextString>This is some text to display</TextString>
Bitmap Object
If a source image is specified, it must exist. Supported graphic file formats are: JP G, JPEG, BMP, TIF,
PCX, BIF, and TGA.
A bitmap without a specified source image appears as a default rectangle element on a window.
XML Formats Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
Transparent Colors
The InTouch internal application object data structure for bitmaps contai ns a Boolean field indicating
that transparent color should be applied. Anot her field stores the actual transparent color.
In WindowMaker, if you create a new bitmap object, it initially has a default transparent color that is
black and is unavailable. After you select the transparent color tool, you have applied a permanent
transparent color to the bitmap object. From the transparent color tool, there is no visual cue that the
transparent color has been assigned to a bitmap.
For bitmap objects imported from an XML file, the transparent color node for a bitmap is an optional
entry, but if it is present, the transparent color is enabled and the transparent color is assigned to the
bitmap object. There is no mechanism for the end user to open the window in WindowMaker, to select
the bitmap object, and then to disable the transparent color.
Elements Description
XML Formats Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
<G>128</G> <
<R>0</R> <G>128</G> <B>255</B>
Example with empty SourceImage node:
<R>128</R> <G>128</G> <B>128</B>
Minimal example:
Button Object
The following elements can be specified for a button object.
Elements Description
XML Formats Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
Elements Description
<TextString>Stop All Robots</TextString>
Minimal example:
XML Formats Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
Smart Symbols
A SmartSymbol templat e must be defined in the application before importing a window that uses the
SmartSymbol template. If the SmartSymbol template does not exist, the import fails, and the window is
not created.
Multiple SmartSymbols can be specified for a window. Each SmartSymbol is declared in a separate
<SmartSymbol> </SmartSymbol> element.
The following elements can be specified fo r a Smart Symbol.
Elements Description
<Find>Find This Text</Find>
<Replace>Replace it with this text</Replace>
Minimal example:
XML Formats Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
Tag Replacement
The tags within a SmartSymbol instance can be replaced. You should only replace tags within a
SmartSymbol instance that currently exists in the application.
Tag replacement is case insensitive and the entire tag name string must match. You can add one or
more < TagReplace> elements to the SmartSymbol node to replace multiple tags.
For example:
If the tag names specified for replacement do not exist in an application, the SmartSymbol is not
created. Also, the window containing the SmartSymbol is not created.
The replaced tag's type must be the same as the original tag's type.
String Replacement
Strings can be replaced wit hin a SmartSymbol instance. String replacements are case sensitive and
the entire source string must match. Multiple string replac ement elements can be used within a single
SmartSymbol element.
SmartSymbol Example
This is an example of a SmartSymbol element containing tag and string replacement elements.
XML Formats Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
<Find><![CDATA[Open]]> </Find>
<Replace><![CDATA[On]]> </Replace>
ArchestrA Symbols
An ArchestrA Symbol must be defined in the Galaxy before you import a window that uses the
ArchestrA Symbol reference. If the ArchestrA Symbol reference does not exist, the import fails, and the
window is not created.
You can specify symbols from an Instance or from the Graphic Toolbox in the symbol reference.
However, you cannot specify Template symbols in the symbol reference.
Multiple ArchestrA Symbols can be specified for a window. Each ArchestrA Symbol is declared in a
separate <ArchestrASymbol> </ArchestrASymbol> element.
The following elements can be specified for an Arc hestrA Symbol.
Elements Description
XML Formats Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
Elements Description
XML Formats Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
Minimal example:
You can override only those custom properties which are already defined for the ArchestrA Symbol.
To override multiple custom properties, add one or more <CustomPropertyOverride> elements to the
ArchestrA Symbol node.
<CustomPropertyOverride> <CustomPropertyName>cp1</CustomPropertyName>
In this example, cp1 is the name of the existing custom property. The override is applied to the custom
property with the new value set to DTagA. IsConstant is an optional field used to indicate whether the
value should be interpret ed as a constant. The IsConstant flag is only applicable if the type of the
custom property is String, Time, or Elapsed Time. The IsConstant flag is set to false by default.
XML Formats Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
Note: If the tag name specified for OverrideV alue does not exist in the tag database, the ArchestrA
Symbol referenc e is not created on the window and import for that particular window fails. Error
messages are logged in the log file or in the ArchestrA Logger.
XML Formats Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
Animation Link
Type Control Field Control Field Limit
XML Formats Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
Animation Link
Type Control Field Control Field Limit
XML Formats Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
Elements Description
<Message>Pump Valve State</Message>
<OnMessage>On Message Text</OnMessage>
<OffMessage>Off Message Text</OffMessage>
<![CDATA[Reset Prompt Text]]>
<SetPrompt>Set Prompt Text</SetPrompt>
Minimal example:
<Message>Pump Valve State</Message>
XML Formats Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
Elements Description
<Message>Flush Pump Speed</Message>
<MaxAnalogValue> 100.0</MaxAnalogValue>
Minimal example:
XML Formats Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
<Message>Pump Valve State</Message>
Elements Description
XML Formats Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
Elements Description
<Message>Select Pump</Message>
Minimal exam ple:
<Message>Select Pump</Message>
Elements Description
Minimal example:
XML Formats Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
Elements Description
XML Formats Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
Minimal example:
Elements Description
XML Formats Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
Minimal example:
Elements Description
XML Formats Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
Elements Description
XML Formats Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
Minimal example:
Elements Description
XML Formats Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
Elements Description
Minimal example:
Elements Description
XML Formats Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
Elements Description
Minimal example:
Elements Description
XML Formats Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
Elements Description
XML Formats Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
Elements Description
Minimal example:
Elements Description
XML Formats Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
Elements Description
<Value>10.0</Value> <Value>20.0</Value>
<Value>30.0</Value> <Value>40.0</Value>
<Value>50.0</Value> <Value>60.0</Value>
<Value>70.0</Value> <Value>80.0</Value>
Minimal example:
XML Formats Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
Elements Description
Minimal example:
Elements Description
XML Formats Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
Elements Description
Example of a Deviation Type Alarm:
Example of a ROC Type Alarm:
XML Formats Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
Vertical Slider
You can specify the following elements for a vertical slider animation link.
Elements Description
<BottomValue> 110.0</BottomValue>
<UpwardMovement> 20.0</UpwardMovement>
<DownwardMovement> 120.0</DownwardMovement>
<Expression> <![CDATA[aTag001]]> </Expression>
Minimal example:
XML Formats Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
Horizontal Slider
The following elements can be specified for a horizont al slider animation link.
Elements Description
Minimal example:
Object Height
The following elements can be specified for an object height animation link. An object height animation
link cannot be us ed with an orientation animation link.
XML Formats Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
Elements Description
<Expression> <![CDATA[aTag001]]> </Expression>
Minimum example:
Object Width
The following elements can be specified for an object size width animation link. An object width
animation link cannot be used with an orientation animation link.
Elements Description
XML Formats Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
Elements Description
< ObjectSizeWidth>
<Expression> <![CDATA[aTag001]]> </Expression>
Minimum example:
Vertical Location
The following elements can be specified for a vertical location animation link. An objec t vertical location
animation link cannot be used with an orientation animation link.
Elements Description
XML Formats Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
Elements Description
Minimal example:
Horizontal Location
The following elements can be specified for a horizont al location animation link. An object horiz ontal
location animation link cannot be used with an orientation animation link.
Elements Description
XML Formats Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
Elements Description
Minimal example:
Elements Description
XML Formats Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
Minimal example:
Elements Description
XML Formats Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
Minimal example:
Discrete Pushbutton
The following elements can be specified for a discrete pushbutton animation link.
Elements Description
Minimal example:
XML Formats Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
You can specify the following elements for a show window pushbutton animation link.
Element Description
Element Description
<WindowName> <![CDATA[SliderWindow]]> </WindowName>
The following elements can be specified for a visibility animation link.
Elements Description
XML Formats Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
Elements Description
Minimal example:
The following elements can be specified for a blink animation link. The animation link blinks when the
expression is true.
Elements Description
XML Formats Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
Minimal example:
The following elements can be specified for an orientation animation link. An orientation animation link
cannot be used with slider, size, location, or percent fill animation links.
Elements Description
<Expression> <![CDATA[aTag001]]> </Expression>
<X>0</X> <Y>0</Y>
XML Formats Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
Minimal example:
The following elements can be specified for a disable animation link.
Elements Description
Minimal example:
Static Tooltip
The following elements can be specified for a static tooltip animation link.
Elements Description
<![CDATA[ Click here to win a million dollars!
XML Formats Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
Dynamic Tooltip
The following elements can be specified for a dynamic tooltip animation link.
Elements Description
Elements Description
<![CDATA[Pump is On]]>
<![CDATA[Pump is Off]]>
Minimal example:
XML Formats Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
< ValueDisplayDiscrete>
Elements Description
Elements Description
XML Formats Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
Elements Description
Do not use WhileLeftDown and WhileKey Down animation links in the same object.
First line of script text
Second line of script text
N-th line of script text
XML Formats Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
Elements Description
Do not use both WhileRightDown and WhileRightKeyDown animation links in the same object.
First line of script text
Second line of script text
N-th line of script text
XML Formats Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
Elements Description
Do not use WhileMiddleDown and WhileMiddleK eyDown animation links in the same object.
XML Formats Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
First line of script text
Second line of script text
N-th line of script text
On Mouse Over
The following elements can be specified for an OnMouseOver animation link.
Elements Description
First line of script text
Second line of script text
N-th line of script text
XML Formats Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
Elements Description
Elements Description
XML Formats Wonderware Guide to Creating InTouch Windows Programmatically
Elements Description
alarmcolor element
discrete alarm fill color • 67
discrete alarm line color • 63
discrete alarm text color • 72
animation links
bitmap objects • 47
button objects • 48
ellipse objects • 40
hv line objects • 41
line objects • 41
polygon objects • 44
polyline objects • 43
rectangle objects • 37
rounded rectangle objects • 38
text objects • 45
vertical line objects • 42
ArchestrA IDE Extension • 20
blinkattribute element • 83
blinkspeed element • 83
bottomvalue element, vertical slider • 74
buttondiscretevalue element • 81
buttonhidewindow element • 82
buttonshowwindow element • 81
buttontype element • 81
ccwmax element • 84
ccwrotation element • 84
user supplied text • 26
window scripts • 34
cell objects, unsupported • 55
ckeyflags element • 92
color elements • 26
RGB element • 26
colors element • 66
COMMA NDLOGFILE command • 15
GO • 15
cornerdimension element • 36
cornerdimension element • 38
CROSSREFE RENCE command • 15
cwmax element • 84
cwrotation element • 84
declaration, XML • 25
decreasemovement element
horizontal location • 78
vertical location • 77
deviation element • 64
dimension elements
bitmap objects • 47
button objects • 48
definition • 29
ellipse objects • 40
rectangle objects • 37
rounded rectangle objects • 38
smartsymbols • 50, 52
text objects • 45
downwardmovement element • 74
echo character element • 60
echocharacters element • 60
encryptenabled element • 60
analog alarm fill color • 68
analog alarm line color • 64
analog alarm text color • 72
analog fill color • 66
analog line color • 62
analog text color • 70
analog user input • 59
analog value display • 87
bitmap objects • 47
blink animation • 83
button objects • 48
deviation alarm • 64
dimension element • 29
disable animation • 85
discrete alarm fill color • 67
discrete alarm line color • 63
discrete alarm text color • 72
discrete fill color • 65
discrete line color • 61
discrete pushbutton • 81
discrete text color • 70
discrete user input • 57
discrete value display • 86
dynamic tooltip animation • 86
ellipse objects • 40
expression • 29
hide window pushbutton • 82
horizontal line objects • 41
horizontal location • 78
horizontal percent fill • 80
horizontal sliders • 75
ini file • 17
key code strings • 30
left key equivalent • 92
line objects • 41
object height • 75
object width • 76
on left key double click • 89
on left key down • 88
on left key up • 88
on middle key double click • 91
on middle key down • 90
on middle key up • 91
on mous e over • 91
on right key double click • 90
on right key down • 89
on right key up • 90
onhide • 35
onshow window script • 34
orientation animation • 84
pen elements • 28
polygon objects • 44
polyline objects • 43
rectangle objects • 37
RGB elements • 26
ROC alarm • 64
rounded rectangle objects • 38
show window • 81
smartsymbols • 50, 51
static tooltip animation • 85
string value display • 87
text objects • 45
user input string • 60
vertical location • 77
vertical percent fill • 79
vertical slider • 74
visibility animation links • 82
while left key down • 88
while middle key down • 90
while right key down • 89
whileshowing • 35
window elements • 32
XML declaration • 25
expression elements
analog user input • 59
analog value display • 87
blink • 83
disable animation • 85
discrete alarm fill color • 67
discrete alarm line color • 63
discrete alarm text color • 72
discrete fill color • 65
discrete line color • 61
discrete pushbutton • 81
discrete text color • 70
discrete user input • 57
discrete value display • 86
dynamic tooltip • 86
horizontal location • 78
horizontal percent fill • 80
horizontal sliders • 75
object height • 75
object width • 76
orientation animation • 84
string value displays • 87
vertical location • 77
vertical percent fill • 79
vertical slider • 74
visibility animation links • 82
expressions • 29
file header, XML • 25
fillcolor element
blink element • 83
fillcolor element
bitmap objects • 47
default value • 36
ellipse objects • 40
horizontal percent fill • 80
polygon objects • 44
rectangle objects • 37
rounded rectangle objects • 38
vertical percent fill • 79
fillcoloranalog element • 66
fillcoloranalogalarm element • 68
fillcolordiscrete element • 65
fillcolordiscretealarm element • 67
filldirection element
horizontal percent fill • 80
vertical percent fill • 79
fillmax element
horizontal percent fill • 80
vertical percent fill • 79
fillmaxpercent element
horizontal percent fill • 80
vertical percent fill • 79
fillmin element
horizontal percent fill • 80
vertical percent fill • 79
fillminpercent element
horizontal percent fill • 80
vertical percent fill • 79
flip element • 36
font element • 36
fontsize element • 36
fontstyle element • 36
fontweight element • 36
framestyle elements • 32
frequency element
while left key down • 88
while middle key down • 90
while right key down • 89
whileshowing window • 35
GO command • 15
highcolor element • 64
hihicolor element • 64
historical trend objects, unsupported • 55
increasemovement element
horizontal location • 78
vertical location • 77
inputonly element
analog user input • 59
discrete user input • 57
keyassignment element
analog user input • 59
discrete pushbutton • 81
discrete user input • 57
keycode element • 92
keypadenabled element • 59, 60
leftmovement element • 75
left value element • 75
linecolor element • 83
locationhorizontal element • 78
locationvertical element • 77
locolor element • 64
lolocolor element • 64
majorcolor element • 64
maxanalogvalue element • 59
max value element
horizontal location • 78
vertical location • 77
message elements
analog user input • 59
discrete user input • 57
static tooltip animation links • 85
minanalogvalue element • 59
minorcolor element • 64
minvalue element
horizontal location • 78
vertical location • 77
NEWWINDOWNAME command • 15
normalcolor element • 64
discrete alarm fill color • 67
discrete alarm line color • 63
discrete alarm text color • 72
objectlist elements • 32
objects, windows • 35
objectsizeheight element • 75
objectsizewidth element • 76
offcolor element
discrete fill color • 65
discrete line color • 61
discrete text color • 70
offmessage elements
discrete user inputs • 57
discrete value display • 86
OLDW INDOW NAME command • 15
oncolor element
discrete fill color • 65
discrete line color • 61
discrete text color • 70
onleftdown element • 88
onleftup element • 88
onmessage elements
discrete user input • 57
discrete value display • 86
OUTP UTFILE command • 15
OUTP UTTA RGE T command • 15
OUTP UTTA RGE TNAME command • 15
passwordcharacter element • 60
pen color elements • 28
pen dimensions • 37
pen element
bitmap objects • 47
definition • 28
ellipse object • 40
horizontal line objects • 41
line objects • 41
polygon object • 44
polyline objects • 43
rectangle object • 37
rounded rectangle object • 38
vertical line objects • 42
pen style elements • 28
pen width elements • 28
pencolor element • 36
penstyle element
default value • 36
limitations • 37
penwidth element
default value • 36
limitations • 37
percentfillhorizontal element • 80
percentfillvertical element • 79
point element • 28
points element
horizontal line objects • 41
line objects • 41
polygon objects • 44
polyline objects • 43
vertical line objects • 42
Process InTouch Command File • 20
real-time trend objects, unsupported • 55
referencelocation element
horizontal slider • 75
vertical slider • 74
REFERE NCE TYPE command • 15
resetprompt element
discrete user input • 57
RGB elements • 26
rightmovement element • 75
right value element, horizontal slider • 75
ROC element • 64
roccolor element • 64
rotation element • 36, 45
limitations • 25
script elements
on mous e over • 91
while left key down • 88
while middle key down • 90
while right key down • 89
whileshowing window element • 35
scripts • 34
SEARCHFOR command • 15
setprompt element • 57
sizeanchor element
object height • 75
object width element • 76
sizecontrols element • 32
sizemax element
object height • 75
object width • 76
sizemaxpercent element
object height • 75
object width • 76
sizemin element
object height • 75
object width • 76
sizeminperc ent element
object height • 75
object width • 76
example • 51
string replacement • 51
stringreplace element • 50
tag replacement • 51
soruceimage element • 47
state element
disable animation links • 85
visibility animation links • 82
strikeout element • 36
string replacement • 51
stringreplace elment • 50
symbol objects, unsupported • 55
symbolname element • 50, 52
tag replacement, smartsymbols • 51
tagreplace element • 50, 52
text, user supplied • 26
textcolor element
blink element • 83
default value • 36
textcoloranalog element • 70
textcoloranalogalarm element • 72
textcolordiscretealarm element • 72
textinfo element
button objects • 48
text objects • 45
textjustify element • 36
textstring element
button objects • 48
text objects • 45
timeout element • 91
title element
bitmap objects • 47
button objects • 48
ellipse objects • 40
horizontal line objects • 41
line objects • 41
polygon objects • 44
polyline objects • 43
rectangle objects • 37
rounded rectangle objects • 38
text objects • 45
vertical line objects • 42
tooltipstatic element • 85
tooltiptag element • 86
topvalue element • 74
transparent colors, bitmap objects • 47
transparent element
bitmap objects • 47
default value • 36
underline element • 36
upwardmovement element • 74
user supplied text • 26
value element
linecoloranalogalarm element • 64
valuedisplayanalog element • 87
valuedisplaydiscrete element • 86
valuedisplaystring element • 87
values element • 66
VERSION command • 15
virtual key codes • 30
virtual key flags • 30
visibility element • 82
whileleft down element • 88
window elements
backgroundcolor element • 32
comment element • 32
definition • 32
dimension element • 32
framestyle element • 32
objectlist • 32
sizecontrols • 32
title element • 32
titlebar element • 32
windowstyle element • 32
window objects
cornerdimension • 36
explanation • 35
fillcolor element • 36
flip element • 36
font element • 36
fontsize element • 36
fontstyle element • 36
fontweight element • 36
pencolor element • 36
penstyle element • 36
penwidth element • 36
rotation element • 36
strikeout element • 36
textcolor element • 36
textjustify element • 36
transparent element • 36
underline element • 36
window scripts
definition • 34
WINDOWCREA TE command • 15
WINDOWDELE TE command • 15
WINDOWNAME command • 15
windowname element • 81, 82
WINDOWRE NAME command • 15
windowstyle elements • 32
X element • 28, 84
declaration • 25
extraneous elements • 25
file header • 25
XMLFILEPA TH command • 15
Y element • 28, 84