Suprema PC SDK 3.1 ( Reference Manual
Suprema PC SDK 3.1 ( Reference Manual
Suprema PC SDK 3.1 ( Reference Manual
Version 3.1.0
Table of Contents
Table of Contents ............................................................................................................. ii Chapter 1. Introduction..................................................................................................... 1 Modules .................................................................................................................... 1 Products .................................................................................................................... 1 Licensing .................................................................................................................. 1 Supported development tools and languages............................................................ 1 Development system requirements........................................................................... 2 Chapter 2. What's new...................................................................................................... 3 Version 3.1.0 ............................................................................................................ 3 Version 3.0.0 ............................................................................................................ 3 Chapter 3. Tutorial............................................................................................................ 4 Enroll fingerprints from image ................................................................................. 5 0. Required product .......................................................................................... 5 1. Preliminaries................................................................................................. 5 2. Create extractor............................................................................................. 6 3. Set parameters .............................................................................................. 7 4. Load image and extract template.................................................................. 8 5. Delete matcher............................................................................................ 10 Chapter 4. Sample .......................................................................................................... 11 Before running sample applications ....................................................................... 11 UFE30_EnrollDemo............................................................................................... 12 Required products........................................................................................... 12 Available languages........................................................................................ 12 UFE30_Demo......................................................................................................... 13 Required products........................................................................................... 13 Available languages........................................................................................ 13 UFE30_DatabaseDemo .......................................................................................... 14 Required products........................................................................................... 14 Available languages........................................................................................ 14 UFE30_ImageDemo............................................................................................... 15 Required products........................................................................................... 15 Available languages........................................................................................ 15 UFE30_MultiScannerDemo ................................................................................... 16 Required products........................................................................................... 16 Available languages........................................................................................ 16 Chapter 5. Reference ...................................................................................................... 17 UFScanner module ................................................................................................. 18 Requirements .................................................................................................. 18 Supported scanners ......................................................................................... 18 Definitions ...................................................................................................... 19 Status return value (UFS_STATUS) ...................................................... 19 Parameters .............................................................................................. 20
Table Of Contents
Scanner type ........................................................................................... 20 Scanner handle........................................................................................ 20 Scanner callback function....................................................................... 20 Capture callback function....................................................................... 21 UFS_Init ......................................................................................................... 23 UFS_Update ................................................................................................... 24 UFS_Uninit..................................................................................................... 25 UFS_SetScannerCallback............................................................................... 26 UFS_RemoveScannerCallback ...................................................................... 28 UFS_GetScannerNumber ............................................................................... 29 UFS_GetScannerHandle................................................................................. 31 UFS_GetScannerHandleByID........................................................................ 33 UFS_GetScannerIndex ................................................................................... 35 UFS_GetScannerID........................................................................................ 37 UFS_GetScannerType .................................................................................... 39 UFS_GetParameter......................................................................................... 41 UFS_SetParameter ......................................................................................... 44 UFS_IsSensorOn ............................................................................................ 46 UFS_IsFingerOn............................................................................................. 48 UFS_CaptureSingleImage .............................................................................. 50 UFS_StartCapturing ....................................................................................... 52 UFS_IsCapturing............................................................................................ 54 UFS_AbortCapturing ..................................................................................... 56 UFS_Extract ................................................................................................... 58 UFS_SetEncryptionKey ................................................................................. 60 UFS_EncryptTemplate ................................................................................... 62 UFS_DecryptTemplate................................................................................... 64 UFS_GetCaptureImageBufferInfo ................................................................. 66 UFS_GetCaptureImageBuffer ........................................................................ 68 UFS_DrawCaptureImageBuffer..................................................................... 70 UFS_SaveCaptureImageBufferToBMP ......................................................... 72 UFS_ClearCaptureImageBuffer ..................................................................... 74 UFS_GetErrorString....................................................................................... 76 UFMatcher module................................................................................................. 78 Requirements .................................................................................................. 78 Definitions ...................................................................................................... 79 Status return value (UFM_STATUS)..................................................... 79 Parameters .............................................................................................. 79 Matcher handle ....................................................................................... 80 UFM_Create ................................................................................................... 81 UFM_Delete ................................................................................................... 83 UFM_GetParameter ....................................................................................... 85 UFM_SetParameter ........................................................................................ 87 UFM_Verify ................................................................................................... 89 UFM_Identify, UFM_IdentifyMT ................................................................. 92 UFM_AbortIdentify ....................................................................................... 96 UFM_IdentifyInit ........................................................................................... 98
UFM_IdentifyNext ....................................................................................... 100 UFM_RotateTemplate .................................................................................. 103 UFM_GetErrorString ................................................................................... 105 UFExtractor module ............................................................................................. 107 Requirements ................................................................................................ 107 Definitions .................................................................................................... 108 Status return value (UFE_STATUS).................................................... 108 Parameters ............................................................................................ 108 Mode..................................................................................................... 109 Extractor handle.................................................................................... 109 UFE_Create .................................................................................................. 110 UFE_Delete .................................................................................................. 112 UFE_GetMode ............................................................................................. 114 UFE_SetMode .............................................................................................. 116 UFE_GetParameter....................................................................................... 118 UFE_SetParameter ....................................................................................... 120 UFE_Extract ................................................................................................. 122 UFE_SetEncryptionKey ............................................................................... 125 UFE_EncryptTemplate................................................................................. 127 UFE_DecryptTemplate................................................................................. 129 UFE_LoadImageFromBMPFile ................................................................... 131 UFE_LoadImageFromBMPBuffer............................................................... 133 UFE_GetErrorString..................................................................................... 135 UFDatabase module ............................................................................................. 137 Requirements ................................................................................................ 137 Database table structure................................................................................ 137 Definitions .................................................................................................... 138 Status return value (UFD_STATUS) ................................................... 138 Database handle.................................................................................... 138 UFD_Open ................................................................................................... 139 UFD_Close ................................................................................................... 141 UFD_AddData.............................................................................................. 143 UFD_UpdateDataByUserInfo ...................................................................... 146 UFD_UpdateDataBySerial ........................................................................... 149 UFD_RemoveDataByUserID....................................................................... 152 UFD_RemoveDataByUserInfo .................................................................... 154 UFD_RemoveDataBySerial ......................................................................... 156 UFD_RemoveAllData .................................................................................. 158 UFD_GetDataNumber.................................................................................. 160 UFD_GetDataByIndex ................................................................................. 162 UFD_GetDataByUserInfo ............................................................................ 165 UFD_GetDataBySerial................................................................................. 168 UFD_GetTemplateNumber .......................................................................... 171 UFD_GetTemplateListWithSerial................................................................ 173 UFD_GetErrorString .................................................................................... 176 Chapter 6. Reference (.NET)........................................................................................ 178 Suprema.UFScanner module ................................................................................ 179
Table Of Contents
Requirements ................................................................................................ 179 Supported scanners ....................................................................................... 179 Suprema ................................................................................................ 180 Suprema namespace ..................................................................................... 180 UFS_STATUS enumeration................................................................. 181 UFS_SCANNER_TYPE enumeration ................................................. 182 UFS_SCANNER_PROC delegate ....................................................... 183 UFS_CAPTURE_PROC delegate........................................................ 184 UFScannerManagerScannerEventArgs class ....................................... 185 UFScannerCaptureEventArgs class...................................................... 186 UFScannerManager class ............................................................. 187 UFScannerManager class ..................................................................... 187 UFScannerManager constructor ................................................... 188 Scanners property ......................................................................... 189 ScannerEvent event ...................................................................... 190 Init method.................................................................................... 191 Update method.............................................................................. 192 Uninit method ............................................................................... 193 UFScannerManager.ScannerList class ......................................... 194 UFScannerManager.ScannerList class ................................................. 194 Count property.............................................................................. 195 Item property ................................................................................ 196 UFScanner class ........................................................................... 197 UFScanner class ................................................................................... 197 CaptureEvent event ...................................................................... 199 ID property ................................................................................... 200 Timeout property .......................................................................... 201 Brightness property ...................................................................... 202 Sensitivity property ...................................................................... 203 Serial property .............................................................................. 204 DetectCore property ..................................................................... 205 TemplateSize property.................................................................. 206 UseSIF property............................................................................ 207 ScannerType property................................................................... 208 IsSensorOn property ..................................................................... 209 IsFingerOn property ..................................................................... 210 IsCapturing property..................................................................... 211 Handle property ............................................................................ 212 SetScanner method ....................................................................... 213 CaptureSingleImage method ........................................................ 214 StartCapturing method.................................................................. 215 AbortCapturing method................................................................ 216 Extract method.............................................................................. 217 SetEncryptionKey method............................................................ 218 EncryptTemplate method ............................................................. 219 DecryptTemplate method ............................................................. 220 GetCaptureImageBuffer method .................................................. 221
DrawCaptureImageBuffer method ............................................... 222 SaveCaptureImageBufferToBMP method ................................... 223 SaveCaptureImageBufferToTIF method...................................... 224 SaveCaptureImageBufferToJPG method ..................................... 225 ClearCaptureImageBuffer method ............................................... 226 GetErrorString method ................................................................. 227 Suprema.UFMatcher module ............................................................................... 228 Requirements ................................................................................................ 228 Suprema ................................................................................................ 229 Suprema namespace ..................................................................................... 229 UFM_STATUS enumeration ............................................................... 230 UFMatcher class ........................................................................... 231 UFMatcher class ................................................................................... 231 FastMode property........................................................................ 232 SecurityLevel property ................................................................. 233 UseSIF property............................................................................ 234 Verify method............................................................................... 235 Identify, IdentifyMT method........................................................ 236 AbortIdentify method ................................................................... 238 IdentifyInit method ....................................................................... 239 IdentifyNext method..................................................................... 240 RotateTemplate method................................................................ 241 GetErrorString method ................................................................. 242 Suprema.UFExtractor module .............................................................................. 243 Requirements ................................................................................................ 243 Suprema ................................................................................................ 244 Suprema namespace ..................................................................................... 244 UFE_STATUS enumeration ................................................................ 245 UFE_MODE enumeration.................................................................... 246 UFExtractor class ......................................................................... 247 UFExtractor class ................................................................................. 247 Mode property .............................................................................. 248 DetectCore property ..................................................................... 249 TemplateSize property.................................................................. 250 UseSIF property............................................................................ 251 Extract method.............................................................................. 252 SetEncryptionKey method............................................................ 254 EncryptTemplate method ............................................................. 255 DecryptTemplate method ............................................................. 256 LoadImageFromBMPFile method................................................ 257 LoadImageFromTIFFile method .................................................. 258 LoadImageFromJPGFile method ................................................. 259 LoadImageFromBMPBuffer method ........................................... 260 GetErrorString method ................................................................. 261 Suprema.UFDatabase module .............................................................................. 262 Requirements ................................................................................................ 262 Database table structure................................................................................ 262
Table Of Contents
Suprema ................................................................................................ 263 Suprema namespace ..................................................................................... 263 UFD_STATUS enumeration ................................................................ 264 UFDatabase class.......................................................................... 265 UFDatabase class.................................................................................. 265 Open method ................................................................................ 266 Close method ................................................................................ 267 AddData method........................................................................... 268 UpdateDataByUserInfo method ................................................... 269 UpdateDataBySerial method ........................................................ 270 RemoveDataByUserID method.................................................... 271 RemoveDataByUserInfo method ................................................. 272 RemoveDataBySerial method ...................................................... 273 RemoveAllData method ............................................................... 274 GetDataNumber method............................................................... 275 GetDataByIndex method .............................................................. 276 GetDataByUserInfo method ......................................................... 277 GetDataBySerial method.............................................................. 278 GetTemplateListWithSerial method............................................. 279 GetErrorString method ................................................................. 280 Appendix A. Contacts .................................................................................................. 281 Headquarters......................................................................................................... 281 E-mail support ...................................................................................................... 281 Appendix B. Distribution Content................................................................................ 282 bin ......................................................................................................................... 283 docs....................................................................................................................... 284 include .................................................................................................................. 285 install .................................................................................................................... 286 lib .......................................................................................................................... 287 samples ................................................................................................................. 288 Index ............................................................................................................................. 289
Chapter 1. Introduction
Suprema PC SDK 3.1 consists of UFScanner, UFMatcher, UFExtractor, and UFDatabase modules and sample applications to describe how to use these modules. The main usage of each module is summarized as follows, Module name UFScanner UFMatcher UFExtractor UFDatabase Main usage managing scanners, capturing finger images from scanners, extracting templates from captured images using scanners verifying fingerprints using two templates, identifying fingerprints using the template array extracting templates from input images managing database, adding / updating / removing / getting templates with user data
The qualification of using each module depends on products and Suprema PC SDK 3.1 is divided into following products, Product name Suprema BioMini Enroll SDK Suprema BioMini SDK Suprema Match SDK Suprema Image SDK Supported modules UFScanner UFScanner, UFMatcher, UFDatabase UFMatcher UFMatcher, UFExractor
Every Suprema PC SDK module checks a license file when it is initialized. The license file is named as UFLicense.dat and it should be located in the same directory with Suprema PC SDK modules. By the licensing policy, the license file may require the key lock provided by Suprema Inc. For the detailed licensing policy, contact Suprema Inc.
Visual Studio 2003 (7.1) (.NET Framework 1.1) - Visual C++, Visual C#, Visual Basic .NET Visual Studio 2005 (8.0) (.NET Framework 2.0) - Visual C++, Visual C#, Visual Basic .NET
Pentium-compatible 500MHz processor or better Microsoft Windows 98 / ME / 2000 / XP / 2003 Fingerprint scanner driver for using UFScanner module
Version 3.0.0
Completely new interface compared with version 2.x Support full functionality for managing scanners Support handling multiple devices Support plug-and-play events Ensure thread safety for all functions Scanner, matcher, extractor and database are treated as independent objects
Chapter 3. Tutorial
This chapter describes the basic usages of Suprema PC SDK functions in a step-by-step manner. The usages include following topics, Topics Enroll fingerprints from scanner Verification Identification Manage database Enroll fingerprints from image
1. Preliminaries
Visual C++
// Add Suprema UFExtractor lib (lib\UFExtractor.lib) to the Project // Add following statements in the source #include "UFExtractor.h" // We use 384 bytes template size in this tutorial #define MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE 384 // We assume maximum input image size to 640 x 640 #define MAX_IMAGE_WIDTH 640 #define MAX_IMAGE_HEIGHT 640
Visual Basic 6.0
' Add Suprema type library (bin\Suprema.tlb) using browse button in the References dialog (drop down the Project menu and select the References item) Option Explicit Option Base 0 ' We use 384 bytes template size in this tutorial Const MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE As Long = 384 ' We assume maximum input image size to 640 x 640 Const MAX_IMAGE_WIDTH As Long = 640 Const MAX_IMAGE_HEIGHT As Long = 640
Visual C#
// Add Suprema UFExtractor library (bin\Suprema.UFExtractor.dll) using browse tap in the Add References dialog // Add following statements in the source using Suprema // We use 384 bytes template size in this tutorial const int MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE = 384;
// We assume maximum input image size to 640 x 640 const int MAX_IMAGE_WIDTH = 640; const int MAX_IMAGE_HEIGHT = 640;
Visual Basic .NET
' Add Suprema UFExtractor library (bin\Suprema.UFExtractor.dll) using browse tap in the Add References dialog ' Add following statements in the source Imports Suprema ' We use 384 bytes template size in this tutorial Const MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE As Integer = 384 ' We assume maximum input image size to 640 x 640 Const MAX_IMAGE_WIDTH As Integer = 640 Const MAX_IMAGE_HEIGHT As Integer = 640
2. Create extractor
Visual C++
UFM_STATUS ufm_res; HUFExtractor hExtractor; // Create extractor ufe_res = UFE_Create(&hExtractor); // Always check status return codes after running SDK functions // Meaning of status return code can be retrieved using UFE_GetErrorString() // In the tutorial, we omit error check codes
Visual Basic 6.0
Dim ufe_res As UFE_STATUS Dim hExtractor As Long ' Create extractor ufe_res = UFE_Create(hExtractor) ' Always check status return codes after running SDK functions ' Meaning of status return code can be retrieved using UFE_GetErrorString() ' In the tutorial, we omit error check codes
Visual C#
UFExtractor Extractor;
// Create extractor Extractor = new Extractor(); // Always check status return codes after running SDK functions // Meaning of status return code can be retrieved using UFExtractor.GetErrorString() // In the tutorial, we omit error check codes
Visual Basic .NET
Dim Matcher As UFMatcher ' Create matcher Extractor = New Extractor() ' Always check status return codes after running SDK functions ' Meaning of status return code can be retrieved using UFExtractor.GetErrorString() ' In the tutorial, we omit error check codes
3. Set parameters
Visual C++
// hExtractor comes from section 2 UFE_STATUS ufe_res; int value; // Set template size to 384 bytes value = MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE; ufe_res = UFE_SetParameter(hExtractor, UFS_PARAM_TEMPLATE_SIZE, &value); // Set not to detect core when extracting template value = FALSE; ufe_res = UFE_SetParameter(hExtractor, UFS_PARAM_DETECT_CORE, &value);
Visual Basic 6.0
' hExtractor comes from section 2 Dim ufe_res As UFE_STATUS ' Set template size to 384 bytes ufe_res = UFE_SetParameter(hExtractor, UFS_PARAM_TEMPLATE_SIZE, MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE); ' Set not to detect core when extracting template ufe_res = UFE_SetParameter(hExtractor, UFS_PARAM_DETECT_CORE, 0); 7
Visual C#
// Extractor comes from section 2 // Set template size to 384 bytes Extractor.TemplateSize = MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE; // Set not to detect core when extracting template Extractor.DetectCore = false;
Visual Basic .NET
' Extractor comes from section 2 ' Set template size to 384 bytes Extractor.TemplateSize = MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE ' Set not to detect core when extracting template Extractor.DetectCore = false
// hExtractor comes from section 2 UFE_STATUS ufe_res; CString FileName; unsigned char* pImage; int nWidth; int nHeight; unsigned char Template[MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE]; int TemplateSize; int nEnrollQuality; // Allocate image buffer pImage = (unsigned char*)malloc(MAX_IMAGE_WIDTH * MAX_IMAGE_HEIGHT); // Get FileName from user // Load bitmap image ufe_res = UFE_LoadImageFromBMPFile(FileName, pImage, &nWidth, &nHeight); // Extract template ufe_res = UFE_Extract(hExtractor, pImage, nWidth, nHeight, 500, Template, &TemplateSize, &nEnrollQuality); // Free image buffer
Visual Basic 6.0
' hExtractor comes from section 2 Dim ufe_res As UFE_STATUS Dim FileName As String Dim Image(MAX_IMAGE_WIDTH*MAX_IMAGE_HEIGHT) As Byte Dim Width As Long Dim Height As Long Dim Template(MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE - 1) As Byte Dim TemplateSize As Long Dim EnrollQuality As Long ' Get FileName from user ' Load bitmap image ufe_res = UFE_LoadImageFromBMPFile(FileName, Image(0), Width, Height) ' Extract template ufe_res = UFE_Extract(m_hExtractor, Image(0), Width, Height, 500, Template(0), TemplateSize, EnrollQuality)
Visual C#
// Extractor comes from section 2 UFE_STATUS ufe_res; string FileName; byte[] ImageData = new byte[MAX_IMAGE_WIDTH * MAX_IMAGE_HEIGHT]; int Width; int Height; byte[] Template = new byte[MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE]; int TemplateSize; int EnrollQuality; // Get FileName from user // Load bitmap image ufe_res = Extractor.LoadImageFromBMPFile(FileName, ImageData, out Width, out Height); // Extract template ufe_res = Extractor.Extract(ImageData, Width, Height, 500, Template, out TemplateSize, out EnrollQuality);
Visual Basic .NET
Dim ufe_res As UFE_STATUS Dim FileName As String Dim ImageData As Byte() = New Byte(MAX_IMAGE_WIDTH*MAX_IMAGE_HEIGHT) {} Dim Width As Long Dim Height As Long Dim Template As Byte() = New Byte(MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE) {} Dim TemplateSize As Integer = Nothing Dim EnrollQuality As Long ' Get FileName from user ' Load bitmap image ufe_res = Extractor.LoadImageFromBMPFile(FileName, ImageData, Width, Height) ' Extract template ufe_res = Extractor.Extract(ImageData, Width, Height, 500, Template, TemplateSize, EnrollQuality)
5. Delete matcher
Visual C++
' hExtractor comes from section 2 UFE_STATUS ufe_res; // Delete extractor ufe_res = UFE_Delete(&hExtractor);
Visual Basic 6.0
' hMatcher comes from section 2 Dim ufe_res As UFE_STATUS ' Delete matcher ufe_res = UFE_Delete(hExtractor)
Visual C#
Chapter 4. Sample
Suprema PC SDK supplies various type of sample applications as follows, Samples UFR30_EnrollDemo UFR30_Demo UFE30_DatabaseDemo UFE30_ImageDemo UFE30_MultiScannerDemo Remarks Provides the basic usage about managing scanners and executing enrollment Provides the basic usage about managing scanners and executing enrollment, verification and identification Provides the demo about managing database Provides the demo about extracting templates from images and matching two templates Provides the demo about using multiple scanners simultaneously
For sample applications using scanners: connect scanner to PC, and install scanner driver (install\drivers) appropriate to each scanner model. Confirm Suprema PC SDK module DLLs are exist in the same folder with sample application EXEs or module DLLs are installed in the windows system folder. Confirm the license file (UFLicense.dat) exist in the same folder with Suprema PC SDK module DLLs.
UFE30_EnrollDemo provides the basic usage about managing scanners and executing enrollment. This program uses UFScanner module.
Required products
Products Suprema Biomini Enroll SDK Remarks No restriction
Available languages
Languages Visual C++ 6.0 Visual Basic 6.0 Visual C# Visual Basic .NET Locations samples\VS60\UFE30_EnrollDemoVC60 samples\VS60\UFE30_EnrollDemoVB60 samples\VS80\UFE30_EnrollDemoCS samples\VS80\UFE30_EnrollDemoVBNET
UFE30_Demo provides the basic usage about managing scanners and executing enrollment, verification and identification. This program uses UFScanner and UFMatcher modules.
Required products
Products Suprema BioMini SDK Remarks No restriction
Available languages
Languages Visual C++ 6.0 Visual Basic 6.0 Visual C# Visual Basic .NET Locations samples\VS60\UFE30_DemoVC60 samples\VS60\UFE30_DemoVB60 samples\VS80\UFE30_DemoCS samples\VS80\UFE30_DemoVBNET
UFE30_DatabaseDemo provides the demo about managing database. This program uses UFDatabase, UFScanner, and UFMatcher modules.
Required products
Products Suprema BioMini SDK Remarks No restriction
Available languages
Languages Visual C++ 6.0 Visual Basic 6.0 Visual C# Visual Basic .NET Locations samples\VS60\UFE30_DatabaseDemoVC60 samples\VS60\UFE30_DatabaseDemoVB60 samples\VS80\UFE30_DatabaseDemoCS samples\VS80\UFE30_DatabaseDemoVBNET
UFE30_ImageDemo provides the demo about extracting templates from images and matching two templates. This application uses UFMatcher and UFExtractor modules.
Required products
Products Suprema Image SDK Remarks No restriction
Available languages
Languages Visual C++ 6.0 Visual Basic 6.0 Visual C# Visual Basic .NET Locations samples\VS60\UFE30_ImageDemoVC60 samples\VS60\UFE30_ImageDemoVB60 samples\VS80\UFE30_ImageDemoCS samples\VS80\UFE30_ImageDemoVBNET
UFE30_MultiScannerDemo provides the demo about using multiple scanners simultaneously. This program uses UFScanner and UFMatcher modules.
Required products
Products Suprema BioMini SDK Remarks No restriction
Available languages
Languages Visual C++ 6.0 Locations samples\VS60\UFE30_MuliScannerDemoVC60
Chapter 5. Reference
This chapter contains reference of all modules included in Suprema PC SDK for developers using following languages,
APIs are described using C language. Modules are created using Visual C++ 6.0 and they are compatible with Visual C++ 7.0 / 7.1 / 8.0 or higher.
For accessing C/C++ style API in Visual Basic 6.0, we supply Suprema PC SDK Type Library for Visual Basic 6.0 (bin\Suprema.tlb). Users can add this type library to their projects using browse button in the References dialog (drop down the Project menu and select the References item). As Suprema type library is simple wrapper of Suprema PC SDK modules, we do not add distinct references for the type library. The parameter definitions of the type library can be shown using object browser and usage of the type library is described in tutorial and sample.
UFScanner module
UFScanner module provides functionality for managing scanners, capturing finger images from scanners, extracting templates from captured images using scanners, etc.
Visual C++
Supported scanners
Scanner Suprema SFR200 Suprema SFR300-S Suprema SFR300-S(Ver.2) Scanner name in module SFR200 SFR300 SFR300v2 Support for multi-device X X O
Status return value (UFS_STATUS)
Every function in UFScanner module returns UFS_STATUS (integer) value having one of following values, Status value definition UFS_OK UFS_ERROR UFS_ERR_NO_LICENSE UFS_ERR_LICENSE_NOT_MATCH UFS_ERR_LICENSE_EXPIRED UFS_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED UFS_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS UFS_ERR_ALREADY_INITIALIZED UFS_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED UFS_ERR_DEVICE_NUMBER_EXCEED UFS_ERR_LOAD_SCANNER_LIBRARY UFS_ERR_CAPTURE_RUNNING UFS_ERR_CAPTURE_FAILED UFS_ERR_NOT_GOOD_IMAGE UFS_ERR_EXTRACTION_FAILED UFS_ERR_CORE_NOT_DETECTED UFS_ERR_CORE_TO_LEFT UFS_ERR_CORE_TO_LEFT_TOP UFS_ERR_CORE_TO_TOP UFS_ERR_CORE_TO_RIGHT_TOP UFS_ERR_CORE_TO_RIGHT UFS_ERR_CORE_TO_RIGHT_BOTTOM UFS_ERR_CORE_TO_BOTTOM UFS_ERR_CORE_TO_LEFT_BOTTOM Code 0 -1 -101 -102 -103 -111 -112 -201 -202 -203 -204 -211 -212 -301 -302 -351 -352 -353 -354 -355 -356 -357 -358 -359 Meaning Success General error System has no license License is not match License is expired This function is not supported Input parameters are invalid Module is already initialized Module is not initialized Device number is exceed Error on loading scanner library Capturing is started using UFS_CaptureSingleImage or UFS_StartCapturing Capturing is timeout or aborted Input image is not good Extraction is failed Core is not detected Move finger to left Move finger to left-top Move finger to top Move finger to right-top Move finger to right Move finger to rightbottom Move finger to bottom Move finger to left-bottom
UFS_GetParameter(), UFS_SetParameter() functions use parameters defined as follows, Parameter value definition UFS_PARAM_TIMEOUT UFS_PARAM_BRIGHTNESS Code 201 202 Meaning Timeout (millisecond unit) (0: infinite) Brightness (0 ~ 255); Higher value means darker image Sensitivity (0 ~ 7); Higher value means more sensitive Serial (get only) Detect core (0: not use core, 1: use core) Template size (byte unit) (256 ~ 1024, 32 bytes step size) Use SIF (0: not use SIF, 1: use SIF) Default value 5000 100
0 384 0
Scanner type
UFS_GetScannerType() function gives type values defined as follows, Scanner type definition UFS_SCANNER_TYPE_SFR200 UFS_SCANNER_TYPE_SFR300 UFS_SCANNER_TYPE_SFR300v2 Code 1001 1002 1003 Meaning Suprema SFR200 Suprema SFR300-S Suprema SFR300-S(Ver.2)
Scanner handle
HUFScanner defines handle to UFScanner object. typedef void* HUFScanner;
int bSensorOn, void* pParam ); Return value 1 0 Received event is successfully processed Received event is not processed
Parameters szScannerID bSensorOn pParam ID of the scanner which is occurred this event 1: scanner is connected, 0: scanner is disconnected Receives the scanner callback data passed to the UFS_SetScannerCallback function using the pParam parameter
Initializes scanner module.
Visual C++
UFS_STATUS ufs_res; ufs_res = UFS_Init(); if (ufs_res == UFS_OK) { // UFS_Init is succeeded } else { // UFS_Init is failed // Use UFS_GetErrorString function to show error string }
Dim ufs_res As UFS_STATUS ufs_res = UFS_Init() If (ufs_res = UFS_STATUS.OK) Then ' UFS_Init is succeeded Else ' UFS_Init is failed ' Use UFS_GetErrorString function to show error string End If
Enforces scanner module to update current connectivity of scanners. UFS_STATUS UFS_API UFS_Update(); Possible return values UFS_OK, UFS_ERROR, UFS_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED, UFS_ERR_NO_LICENSE, UFS_ERR_LICENSE_NOT_MATCH, UFS_ERR_LICENSE_EXPIRED, UFS_ERR_DEVICE_NUMBER_EXCEED See also UFS_Init, UFS_Uninit Examples
Visual C++
UFS_STATUS ufs_res; ufs_res = UFS_Update(); if (ufs_res == UFS_OK) { // UFS_Update is succeeded } else { // UFS_Update is failed // Use UFS_GetErrorString function to show error string }
Dim ufs_res As UFS_STATUS ufs_res = UFS_Update() If (ufs_res = UFS_STATUS.OK) Then ' UFS_Update is succeeded Else ' UFS_Update is failed ' Use UFS_GetErrorString function to show error string End If
Visual C++
UFS_STATUS ufs_res; ufs_res = UFS_Uninit(); if (ufs_res == UFS_OK) { // UFS_Uninit is succeeded } else { // UFS_Uninit is failed // Use UFS_GetErrorString function to show error string }
Dim ufs_res As UFS_STATUS ufs_res = UFS_Uninit() If (ufs_res = UFS_STATUS.OK) Then ' UFS_Update is succeeded Else ' UFS_Update is failed ' Use UFS_GetErrorString function to show error string End If
Registers scanner callback function. Scanner callback is not working for every scanner model. Currently this function is working for Suprema SFR300-S(Ver.2) in windows 2000 / 2003 / XP only. UFS_STATUS UFS_API UFS_SetScannerCallback( UFS_SCANNER_PROC* pScannerProc, void* pParam ); Possible return values UFS_OK, UFS_ERROR, UFS_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters pScannerProc pParam Remarks This function is not supported on Visual Basic 6.0. See also UFS_RemoveScannerCallback Examples [in] Handle to the UFS_SCANNER_PROC function which receives scanner events [in] Pointer to the scanner callback data which will be transmitted with a scanner callback event
Visual C++
// Define scanner procedure int UFS_CALLBACK ScannerProc(const char* szScannerID, int bSensorOn, void* pParam) { // ... } UFS_STATUS ufs_res; void* pParam; // Assign pParam, for example, application data
ufs_res = UFS_SetScannerCallback(ScannerProc, pParam); if (ufs_res == UFS_OK) { // UFS_SetScannerCallback is succeeded } else { // UFS_SetScannerCallback is failed // Use UFS_GetErrorString function to show error string }
Removes registered scanner callback function. UFS_STATUS UFS_API UFS_RemoveScannerCallback(); Possible return values UFS_OK, UFS_ERROR Remarks This function is not supported on Visual Basic 6.0. See also UFS_SetScannerCallback Examples
Visual C++
UFS_STATUS ufs_res; ufs_res = UFS_RemoveScannerCallback(); if (ufs_res == UFS_OK) { // UFS_RemoveScannerCallback is succeeded } else { // UFS_RemoveScannerCallback is failed // Use UFS_GetErrorString function to show error string }
Gets the number of scanners. UFS_STATUS UFS_API UFS_GetScannerNumber( int* pnScannerNumber ); Possible return values UFS_OK, UFS_ERROR Parameters pnScannerNumber See also UFS_GetScannerHandle, UFS_GetScannerIndex Examples [out] Receives the number of scanners
Visual C++
UFS_STATUS ufs_res; int nScannerNumber; ufs_res = UFS_GetScannerNumber(&nScannerNumber); if (ufs_res == UFS_OK) { // UFS_GetScannerNumber is succeeded } else { // UFS_GetScannerNumber is failed // Use UFS_GetErrorString function to show error string }
Dim ufs_res As UFS_STATUS Dim nScannerNumber As Long ufs_res = UFS_GetScannerNumber(nScannerNumber) If (ufs_res = UFS_STATUS.OK) Then ' UFS_GetScannerNumber is succeeded Else
' UFS_GetScannerNumber is failed ' Use UFS_GetErrorString function to show error string End If
Gets scanner handle using scanner index. UFS_STATUS UFS_API UFS_GetScannerHandle( int nScannerIndex, HUFScanner* phScanner ); Possible return values UFS_OK, UFS_ERROR, UFS_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters nScannerIndex phScanner See also UFS_GetScannerNumber, UFS_GetScannerIndex Examples
Visual C++
[in] Scanner index (0 ~ number of scanners - 1) [out] Pointer to handle of the scanner object
UFS_STATUS ufs_res; int nScannerIndex; HUFScanner hScanner; // Set nScannerIndex to (0 ~ number of scanners - 1 ) // Number of scanner can be retrieved using UFS_GetScannerNumber function ufs_res = UFS_GetScannerHandle(nScannerIndex, &hScanner); if (ufs_res == UFS_OK) { // UFS_GetScannerHandle is succeeded } else { // UFS_GetScannerHandle is failed // Use UFS_GetErrorString function to show error string }
' Set nScannerIndex to (0 ~ number of scanners - 1 ) ' Number of scanner can be retrieved using UFS_GetScannerNumber function ufs_res = UFS_GetScannerHandle(nScannerIndex, hScanner) If (ufs_res = UFS_STATUS.OK) Then ' UFS_GetScannerHandle is succeeded Else ' UFS_GetScannerHandle is failed ' Use UFS_GetErrorString function to show error string End If
Gets scanner handle using scanner ID. UFS_STATUS UFS_API UFS_GetScannerHandleByID( const char* szScannerID, HUFScanner* phScanner ); Possible return values UFS_OK, UFS_ERROR, UFS_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters szScannerID phScanner See also UFS_GetScannerID Examples [in] Scanner ID [out] Pointer to handle of the scanner object
Visual C++
UFS_STATUS ufs_res; char strID[64]; HUFScanner hScanner; // Assign scanner ID to strID // Scanner ID can be retrieved using UFS_GetScannerID function ufs_res = UFS_GetScannerHandleByID(strID, &hScanner); if (ufs_res == UFS_OK) { // UFS_GetScannerHandleByID is succeeded } else { // UFS_GetScannerHandleByID is failed // Use UFS_GetErrorString function to show error string }
Dim hScanner As Long ' Assign scanner ID to strID ' Scanner ID can be retrieved using UFS_GetScannerID function ufs_res = UFS_GetScannerHandleByID(strID, hScanner) If (ufs_res = UFS_STATUS.OK) Then ' UFS_GetScannerHandleByID is succeeded Else ' UFS_GetScannerHandleByID is failed ' Use UFS_GetErrorString function to show error string End If
Gets scanner index assigned to scanner handle. UFS_STATUS UFS_API UFS_GetScannerIndex( HUFScanner hScanner, int* pnScannerIndex ); Possible return values UFS_OK, UFS_ERROR, UFS_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters hScanner pnScannerIndex See also UFS_GetScannerNumber, UFS_GetScannerHandle Examples [in] Handle to the scanner object [out] Receive scanner index of specified scanner handle
Visual C++
UFS_STATUS ufs_res; HUFScaner hScanner; int nScannerIndex; // Get hScanner handle ufs_res = UFS_GetScannerIndex(hScanner, &nScannerIndex); if (ufs_res == UFS_OK) { // UFS_GetScannerIndex is succeeded } else { // UFS_GetScannerIndex is failed // Use UFS_GetErrorString function to show error string }
Dim nScannerIndex As Long ' Get hScanner handle ufs_res = UFS_GetScannerIndex(hScanner, nScannerIndex) If (ufs_res = UFS_STATUS.OK) Then ' UFS_GetScannerIndex is succeeded Else ' UFS_GetScannerIndex is failed ' Use UFS_GetErrorString function to show error string End If
Gets scanner ID assigned to scanner handle. UFS_STATUS UFS_API UFS_GetScannerID( HUFScanner hScanner, char* szScannerID ); Possible return values UFS_OK, UFS_ERROR, UFS_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters hScanner szScannerID [in] Handle to the scanner object [out] Receive scanner ID of specified scanner handle; Scanner ID has maximum 32 characters. szScannerID must be allocated in user's applications and allocated size must be larger than 33 bytes for considering null character in 33th byte position.
UFS_STATUS ufs_res; HUFScaner hScanner; char strID[64]; // Should be larger than 33 bytes // Get hScanner handle ufs_res = UFS_GetScannerID(hScanner, strID); if (ufs_res == UFS_OK) { // UFS_GetScannerID is succeeded } else { // UFS_GetScannerID is failed // Use UFS_GetErrorString function to show error string }
Dim hScanner As Long Dim strID As String // In Visual basic, string is assigned from the SDK ' Get hScanner handle ufs_res = UFS_GetScannerID(hScanner, strID) If (ufs_res = UFS_STATUS.OK) Then ' UFS_GetScannerID is succeeded Else ' UFS_GetScannerID is failed ' Use UFS_GetErrorString function to show error string End If
Gets scanner type assigned to scanner handle. UFS_STATUS UFS_API UFS_GetScannerType( HUFScanner hScanner, int* pnScannerType ); Possible return values UFS_OK, UFS_ERROR, UFS_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters hScanner pnScannerType Examples [in] Handle to the scanner object [out] Receives one of scanner type
Visual C++
UFS_STATUS ufs_res; HUFScaner hScanner; int nScannerType; // Get hScanner handle ufs_res = UFS_GetScannerType(hScanner, &nScannerType); if (ufs_res == UFS_OK) { // UFS_GetScannerType is succeeded } else { // UFS_GetScannerType is failed // Use UFS_GetErrorString function to show error string }
Dim ufs_res As UFS_STATUS Dim hScanner As Long Dim nScannerType As Long ' Get hScanner handle ufs_res = UFS_GetScannerType(hScanner, nScannerType)
If (ufs_res = UFS_STATUS.OK) Then ' UFS_GetScannerType is succeeded Else ' UFS_GetScannerType is failed ' Use UFS_GetErrorString function to show error string End If
Gets parameter value. UFS_STATUS UFS_API UFS_GetParameter( HUFScanner hScanner, int nParam, void* pValue ); Possible return values UFS_OK, UFS_ERROR, UFS_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters hScanner nParam pValue See also UFS_SetParameter Examples
Visual C++
[in] Handle to the scanner object [in] Parameter type; one of parameters [out] Receives parameter value of specified parameter type; pValue must point to adequate storage type matched to parameter type
UFS_STATUS ufs_res; HUFScaner hScanner; int nValue; char strSerial[64]; // Get hScanner handle // Get timeout ufs_res = UFS_GetParameter(hScanner, UFS_PARAM_TIMEOUT, &nValue); // Error handling routine is omitted // Get brightness ufs_res = UFS_GetParameter(hScanner, UFS_PARAM_BRIGHTNESS, &nValue); // Error handling routine is omitted // Get sensitivity
ufs_res = UFS_GetParameter(hScanner, UFS_PARAM_SENSITIVITY, &nValue); // Error handling routine is omitted // Get serial ufs_res = UFS_GetParameter(hScanner, UFS_PARAM_SERIAL, strSerial); // Error handling routine is omitted // Get detect core ufs_res = UFS_GetParameter(hScanner, UFS_PARAM_DETECT_CORE, &nValue); // Error handling routine is omitted // Get template size ufs_res = UFS_GetParameter(hScanner, UFS_PARAM_TEMPLATE_SIZE, &nValue); // Error handling routine is omitted // Get use SIF ufs_res = UFS_GetParameter(hScanner, UFS_PARAM_USE_SIF, &nValue); // Error handling routine is omitted
Dim ufs_res As UFS_STATUS Dim hScanner As Long Dim nValue As Long Dim strSerial As String ' Get hScanner handle ' Get timeout ufs_res = UFS_GetParameter(hScanner, UFS_PARAM.TIMEOUT, nValue) ' Error handling routine is omitted ' Get brightness ufs_res = UFS_GetParameter(hScanner, UFS_PARAM.BRIGHTNESS, nValue) ' Error handling routine is omitted ' Get sensitivity ufs_res = UFS_GetParameter(hScanner, UFS_PARAM.SENSITIVITY, nValue) ' Error handling routine is omitted ' Get serial ' Caution: for get serial, UFS_GetParameter_B is used ufs_res = UFS_GetParameter_B(hScanner, UFS_PARAM.SERIAL, strSerial) ' Error handling routine is omitted
' Get detect core ufs_res = UFS_GetParameter(hScanner, UFS_PARAM.DETECT_CORE, nValue) ' Error handling routine is omitted ' Get template size ufs_res = UFS_GetParameter(hScanner, UFS_PARAM.TEMPLATE_SIZE, nValue) ' Error handling routine is omitted ' Get use SIF ufs_res = UFS_GetParameter(hScanner, UFS_PARAM.USE_SIF, nValue) ' Error handling routine is omitted
Sets parameter value. UFS_STATUS UFS_API UFS_SetParameter( HUFScanner hScanner, int nParam, void* pValue ); Possible return values UFS_OK, UFS_ERROR, UFS_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters hScanner nParam pValue See also UFS_GetParameter Examples [in] Handle to the scanner object [in] Parameter type; one of parameters [in] Pointer to parameter value of specified parameter type; pValue must point to adequate storage type matched to parameter type
Visual C++
UFS_STATUS ufs_res; HUFScaner hScanner; int nValue; // Get hScanner handle // Set timeout to nValue ufs_res = UFS_SetParameter(hScanner, UFS_PARAM_TIMEOUT, &nValue); // Error handling routine is omitted // Set brightness to nValue ufs_res = UFS_SetParameter(hScanner, UFS_PARAM_BRIGHTNESS, &nValue); // Error handling routine is omitted // Set sensitivity to nValue ufs_res = UFS_SetParameter(hScanner, UFS_PARAM_SENSITIVITY, &nValue);
// Error handling routine is omitted // Set detect core to nValue ufs_res = UFS_SetParameter(hScanner, UFS_PARAM_DETECT_CORE, &nValue); // Error handling routine is omitted // Set template size to nValue ufs_res = UFS_SetParameter(hScanner, UFS_PARAM_TEMPLATE_SIZE, &nValue); // Error handling routine is omitted // Set use SIF to nValue ufs_res = UFS_SetParameter(hScanner, UFS_PARAM_USE_SIF, &nValue); // Error handling routine is omitted
Dim ufs_res As UFS_STATUS Dim hScanner As Long Dim nValue As Long ' Get hScanner handle ' Set timeout to nValue ufs_res = UFS_SetParameter(hScanner, UFS_PARAM.TIMEOUT, nValue) ' Error handling routine is omitted ' Set brightness to nValue ufs_res = UFS_SetParameter(hScanner, UFS_PARAM.BRIGHTNESS, nValue) ' Error handling routine is omitted ' Set sensitivity to nValue ufs_res = UFS_SetParameter(hScanner, UFS_PARAM.SENSITIVITY, nValue) ' Error handling routine is omitted ' Set detect core to nValue ufs_res = UFS_SetParameter(hScanner, UFS_PARAM.DETECT_CORE, nValue) ' Error handling routine is omitted ' Set template size to nValue ufs_res = UFS_SetParameter(hScanner, UFS_PARAM.TEMPLATE_SIZE, nValue) ' Error handling routine is omitted ' Set use SIF to nValue ufs_res = UFS_SetParameter(hScanner, UFS_PARAM.USE_SIF, nValue) ' Error handling routine is omitted 45
Checks the scanner is connected or not. UFS_STATUS UFS_API UFS_IsSensorOn( HUFScanner hScanner, int* pbSensorOn ); Possible return values UFS_OK, UFS_ERROR, UFS_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters hScanner pbSensorOn Examples
Visual C++
[in] Handle to the scanner object [out] Receive the status of specified scanner object; 1: the scanner is connected, 0: the scanner is disconnected
UFS_STATUS ufs_res; HUFScaner hScanner; int bSensorOn; // Get hScanner handle ufs_res = UFS_IsSensorOn(hScanner, &bSensorOn); if (ufs_res == UFS_OK) { // UFS_IsSensorOn is succeeded } else { // UFS_IsSensorOn is failed // Use UFS_GetErrorString function to show error string }
Dim ufs_res As UFS_STATUS Dim hScanner As Long Dim bSensorOn As Long ' Get hScanner handle ufs_res = UFS_IsSensorOn(hScanner, bSensorOn)
If (ufs_res = UFS_STATUS.OK) Then ' UFS_IsSensorOn is succeeded Else ' UFS_IsSensorOn is failed ' Use UFS_GetErrorString function to show error string End If
Checks a finger is placed on the scanner or not. UFS_STATUS UFS_API UFS_IsFingerOn( HUFScanner hScanner, int* pbFingerOn ); Possible return values UFS_OK, UFS_ERROR, UFS_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters hScanner pbFingerOn Examples
Visual C++
[in] Handle to the scanner object [out] Checks if a finger is placed on the specified scanner; 1: a finger is on the scanner, 0: a finger is not on the scanner
UFS_STATUS ufs_res; HUFScaner hScanner; int bFingerOn; // Get hScanner handle ufs_res = UFS_IsFingerOn(hScanner, &bFingerOn); if (ufs_res == UFS_OK) { // UFS_IsFingerOn is succeeded } else { // UFS_IsFingerOn is failed // Use UFS_GetErrorString function to show error string }
Dim ufs_res As UFS_STATUS Dim hScanner As Long Dim bFingerOn As Long ' Get hScanner handle
ufs_res = UFS_IsFingerOn(hScanner, bFingerOn) If (ufs_res = UFS_STATUS.OK) Then ' UFS_IsFingerOn is succeeded Else ' UFS_IsFingerOn is failed ' Use UFS_GetErrorString function to show error string End If
Captures single image. Captured image is stored to the internal buffer. UFS_STATUS UFS_API UFS_CaptureSingleImage( HUFScanner hScanner, ); Possible return values UFS_OK, UFS_ERROR, UFS_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS, UFS_ERR_CAPTURE_RUNNING Parameters hScanner See also UFS_IsCapturing, UFS_GetCaptureImageBufferInfo, UFS_GetCaptureImageBuffer, UFS_DrawCaptureImageBuffer, UFS_SaveCaptureImageBufferToBMP, UFS_ClearCaptureImageBuffer Examples
Visual C++
UFS_STATUS ufs_res; HUFScaner hScanner; // Get hScanner handle ufs_res = UFS_CaptureSingleImage(hScanner); if (ufs_res == UFS_OK) { // UFS_CaptureSingleImage is succeeded } else { // UFS_CaptureSingleImage is failed // Use UFS_GetErrorString function to show error string }
Dim ufs_res As UFS_STATUS Dim hScanner As Long ' Get hScanner handle
ufs_res = UFS_CaptureSingleImage(hScanner) If (ufs_res = UFS_STATUS.OK) Then ' UFS_CaptureSingleImage is succeeded Else ' UFS_CaptureSingleImage is failed ' Use UFS_GetErrorString function to show error string End If
Starts capturing. Currently this function is working for Suprema SFR300-S(Ver.2) only. UFS_STATUS UFS_API UFS_StartCapturing( HUFScanner hScanner, UFS_CAPTURE_PROC* pCaptureProc, void* pParam ); Possible return values UFS_OK, UFS_ERROR, UFS_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED, UFS_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS, UFS_ERR_CAPTURE_RUNNING Parameters hScanner pCaptureProc pParam Remarks This function is not supported on Visual Basic 6.0. Supported scanners Suprema SFR300-S(Ver.2) See also UFS_IsCapturing, UFS_AbortCapturing, UFS_GetCaptureImageBufferInfo, UFS_GetCaptureImageBuffer, UFS_DrawCaptureImageBuffer, UFS_SaveCaptureImageBufferToBMP, UFS_ClearCaptureImageBuffer Examples [in] Handle to the scanner object [in] Handle to the UFS_CAPTURE_PROC function which receives capture events [in] Pointer to the capture callback data which will be transmitted with a capture callback event
Visual C++
// Define capture procedure int UFS_CALLBACK CaptureProc(HUFScanner hScanner, int bFingerOn, unsigned char* pImage, int nWidth, int nHeight, int nResolution, void* pParam) {
// ... } UFS_STATUS ufs_res; HUFScaner hScanner; void* pParam; // Get hScanner handle // Assign pParam, for example, application data ufs_res = UFS_StartCapturing(hScanner, CaptureProc, pParam); if (ufs_res == UFS_OK) { // UFS_StartCapturing is succeeded } else { // UFS_StartCapturing is failed // Use UFS_GetErrorString function to show error string }
Checks if the specified scanner is running capturing which is started by UFS_CaptureSingleImage or UFS_StartCapturing. UFS_STATUS UFS_API UFS_IsCapturing( HUFScanner hScanner, int* pbCapturing ); Possible return values UFS_OK, UFS_ERROR, UFS_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters hScanner pbCapturing See also UFS_CaptureSingleImage, UFS_StartCapturing Examples
Visual C++
[in] Handle to the scanner object [out] Checks if the specified scanner is running capturing; 1: the capture is running, 0: the capture is not running
UFS_STATUS ufs_res; HUFScaner hScanner; int bCapturing; // Get hScanner handle ufs_res = UFS_IsCapturing(hScanner, &bCapturing); if (ufs_res == UFS_OK) { // UFS_IsCapturing is succeeded } else { // UFS_IsCapturing is failed // Use UFS_GetErrorString function to show error string }
Dim hScanner As Long Dim bCapturing As Long ' Get hScanner handle ufs_res = UFS_IsSensorOn(hScanner, bCapturing) If (ufs_res = UFS_STATUS.OK) Then ' UFS_IsCapturing is succeeded Else ' UFS_IsCapturing is failed ' Use UFS_GetErrorString function to show error string End If
Aborts capturing which is started by UFS_CaptureSingleImage or UFS_StartCapturing. UFS_STATUS UFS_API UFS_AbortCapturing( HUFScanner hScanner, ); Possible return values UFS_OK, UFS_ERROR, UFS_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED, UFS_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters hScanner See also UFS_CaptureSingleImage, UFS_StartCapturing, UFS_IsCapturing Examples [in] Handle to the scanner object
Visual C++
UFS_STATUS ufs_res; HUFScaner hScanner; // Get hScanner handle // Start capturing ufs_res = UFS_AbortCapturing(hScanner); if (ufs_res == UFS_OK) { // UFS_AbortCapturing is succeeded } else { // UFS_AbortCapturing is failed // Use UFS_GetErrorString function to show error string }
' Get hScanner handle ' Start capturing ufs_res = UFS_AbortCapturing(hScanner) If (ufs_res = UFS_STATUS.OK) Then ' UFS_AbortCapturing is succeeded Else ' UFS_AbortCapturing is failed ' Use UFS_GetErrorString function to show error string End If
Extracts a template from the stored image buffer which is acquired using UFS_CaptureSingleImage() or UFS_StartCapturing(). UFS_STATUS UFS_API UFS_Extract( HUFScanner hScanner, unsigned char* pTemplate, int* pnTemplateSize, int* pnEnrollQuality ); Possible return values UFS_OK, UFS_ERROR, UFS_ERR_LICENSE_EXPIRED, UFS_ERR_LICENSE_NOT_MATCH, UFS_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS, UFS_ERR_NOT_GOOD_IMAGE, UFS_ERR_EXTRACTION_FAILED, UFS_ERR_CORE_NOT_DETECTED, UFS_ERR_CORE_TO_LEFT, UFS_ERR_CORE_TO_LEFT_TOP, UFS_ERR_CORE_TO_TOP, UFS_ERR_CORE_TO_RIGHT_TOP, UFS_ERR_CORE_TO_RIGHT, UFS_ERR_CORE_TO_RIGHT_BOTTOM, UFS_ERR_CORE_TO_BOTTOM, UFS_ERR_CORE_TO_LEFT_BOTTOM Parameters hScanner pTemplate pnTemplateSize [in] Handle to the scanner object [out] Pointer to the template array; The array must be allocated in advance [out] Receives the size (in bytes) of pTemplate [out] Receives the quality of enrollment; Quality value ranges from 1 to 100. Typically this value should be above 30 for further processing such as enroll and matching. Especially in case of enrollment, the use of good quality image ( above 50 ) is highly recommended.
// Template size can be controlled using UFS_SetParameter function // Default value is 384 bytes #define MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE 384 58
UFS_STATUS ufs_res; HUFScaner hScanner; unsigned char Template[MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE]; int TemplateSize; int nEnrollQuality; // Get hScanner handle ufs_res = UFS_Extract(hScanner, Template, &TemplateSize, &nEnrollQuality); if (ufs_res == UFS_OK) { // UFS_Extract is succeeded } else { // UFS_Extract is failed // Use UFS_GetErrorString function to show error string }
' Template size can be controlled using UFS_SetParameter function ' Default value is 384 bytes Const MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE As Long = 384 Dim ufs_res As UFS_STATUS Dim hScanner As Long Dim Template(MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE - 1) As Byte Dim TemplateSize As Long Dim EnrollQuality As Long ' Get hScanner handle ufs_res = UFS_Extract(hScanner, Template(0), TemplateSize, EnrollQuality) If (ufs_res = UFS_STATUS.OK) Then ' UFS_Extract is succeeded Else ' UFS_Extract is failed ' Use UFS_GetErrorString function to show error string End If
Sets encryption key. UFS_STATUS UFS_API UFS_SetEncryptionKey( HUFScanner hScanner, unsigned char* pKey ); Possible return values UFS_OK, UFS_ERROR, UFS_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters hScanner pKey See also UFS_EncryptTemplate, UFS_DecryptTemplate Examples
Visual C++
[in] Handle to the scanner object [in] Pointer to the 32 bytes key array; default key is first byte is 1 and second to 32th byte are all 0
UFS_STATUS ufs_res; HUFScaner hScanner; unsigned char UserKey[32]; // Get hScanner handle // Generate 32 byte encryption key to UserKey ufs_res = UFS_SetEncryptionKey(hScanner, UserKey); if (ufs_res == UFS_OK) { // UFS_SetEncryptionKey is succeeded } else { // UFS_SetEncryptionKey is failed // Use UFS_GetErrorString function to show error string }
Dim ufs_res As UFS_STATUS Dim hScanner As Long Dim UserKey(32 - 1) As Byte ' Get hScanner handle ' Generate 32 byte encryption key to UserKey ufs_res = UFS_SetEncryptionKey(hScanner, UserKey) If (ufs_res = UFS_STATUS.OK) Then ' UFS_SetEncryptionKey is succeeded Else ' UFS_SetEncryptionKey is failed ' Use UFS_GetErrorString function to show error string End If
Encrypts template. UFS_STATUS UFS_API UFS_EncryptTemplate( HUFScanner hScanner, unsigned char* pTemplateInput, int nTemplateInputSize, unsigned char* pTemplateOutput, int* pnTemplateOutputSize ); Possible return values UFS_OK, UFS_ERROR, UFS_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters hScanner pTemplateInput nTemplateInputSize pTemplateOutput pnTemplateOutputSize See also UFS_SetEncryptionKey, UFS_DecryptTemplate Examples
Visual C++
[in] Handle to the scanner object [in] Pointer to input template array [in] Input template size [out] Pointer to output template array [in / out] Inputs allocated size of output template array; Receives output template size
// Assume template size is 384 bytes #define MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE 384 UFS_STATUS ufs_res; HUFScaner hScanner; unsigned char TemplateInput[MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE]; unsigned char TemplateOutput[MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE]; int TemplateInputSize; int TemplateOutputSize; // Get hScanner handle
// Get an input template to encrypt, TemplateInput and TemplateInputSize // Set output template buffer size TemplateoutputSize = MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE; ufs_res = UFS_EncryptTemplate(hScanner, TemplateInput, TemplateInputSize, TemplateOutput, &TemplateOutputSize); if (ufs_res == UFS_OK) { // UFS_EncryptTemplate is succeeded } else { // UFS_EncryptTemplate is failed // Use UFS_GetErrorString function to show error string }
' Assume template size is 384 bytes Const MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE As Long = 384 Dim ufs_res As UFS_STATUS Dim hScanner As Long Dim TemplateInput(MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE - 1) As Byte Dim TemplateOutput(MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE - 1) As Byte Dim TemplateInputSize As Long Dim TemplateOutputSize As Long ' Get hScanner handle ' Get an input template to encrypt, TemplateInput and TemplateInputSize ' Set output template buffer size TemplateoutputSize = MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE ufs_res = UFS_EncryptTemplate(hScanner, TemplateInput(0), TemplateInputSize, TemplateOutput(0), TemplateOutputSize) If (ufs_res = UFS_STATUS.OK) Then ' UFS_EncryptTemplate is succeeded Else ' UFS_EncryptTemplate is failed ' Use UFS_GetErrorString function to show error string End If
Decrypts template. UFS_STATUS UFS_API UFS_DecryptTemplate( HUFScanner hScanner, unsigned char* pTemplateInput, int nTemplateInputSize, unsigned char* pTemplateOutput, int* pnTemplateOutputSize ); Possible return values UFS_OK, UFS_ERROR, UFS_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters hScanner pTemplateInput nTemplateInputSize pTemplateOutput pnTemplateOutputSize See also UFS_SetEncryptionKey, UFS_EncryptTemplate Examples
Visual C++
[in] Handle to the scanner object [in] Pointer to input template array [in] Input template size [out] Pointer to output template array [in / out] Inputs allocated size of output template array; Receives output template size
// Assume template size is 384 bytes #define MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE 384 UFS_STATUS ufs_res; HUFScaner hScanner; unsigned char TemplateInput[MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE]; unsigned char TemplateOutput[MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE]; int TemplateInputSize; int TemplateOutputSize; // Get hScanner handle
// Get an encrypted template, TemplateInput and TemplateInputSize // Set output template buffer size TemplateoutputSize = MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE; ufs_res = UFS_DecryptTemplate(hScanner, TemplateInput, TemplateInputSize, TemplateOutput, &TemplateOutputSize); if (ufs_res == UFS_OK) { // UFS_DecryptTemplate is succeeded } else { // UFS_DecryptTemplate is failed // Use UFS_GetErrorString function to show error string }
' Assume template size is 384 bytes Const MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE As Long = 384 Dim ufs_res As UFS_STATUS Dim hScanner As Long Dim TemplateInput(MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE - 1) As Byte Dim TemplateOutput(MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE - 1) As Byte Dim TemplateInputSize As Long Dim TemplateOutputSize As Long ' Get hScanner handle ' Get an encrypted template, TemplateInput and TemplateInputSize ' Set output template buffer size TemplateoutputSize = MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE ufs_res = UFS_DecryptTemplate(hScanner, TemplateInput(0), TemplateInputSize, TemplateOutput(0), TemplateOutputSize) If (ufs_res = UFS_STATUS.OK) Then ' UFS_DecryptTemplate is succeeded Else ' UFS_DecryptTemplate is failed ' Use UFS_GetErrorString function to show error string End If
Gets the information of the capture image buffer. UFS_STATUS UFS_API UFS_GetCaptureImageBufferInfo( HUFScanner hScanner, int* pnWidth, int* pnHeight, int* pnResolution ); Possible return values UFS_OK, UFS_ERROR, UFS_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters hScanner pnWidth pnHeight pnResolution See also UFS_CaptureSingleImage, UFS_StartCapturing, UFS_GetCaptureImageBuffer, UFS_DrawCaptureImageBuffer, UFS_SaveCaptureImageBufferToBMP, UFS_ClearCaptureImageBuffer Examples
Visual C++
[in] Handle to the scanner object [out] Receives the width of the capture image buffer [out] Receives the height of the capture image buffer [out] Receives the resolution of the capture image buffer
UFS_STATUS ufs_res; HUFScaner hScanner; int nWidth; int nHeight; int nResolution; // Get hScanner handle ufs_res = UFS_GetCaptureImageBufferInfo(hScanner, &nWidth, &nHeight, &nResolution); if (ufs_res == UFS_OK) { // UFS_GetCaptureImageBufferInfo is succeeded } else { 66
Dim ufs_res As UFS_STATUS Dim hScanner As Long Dim nWidth As Long Dim nHeight As Long Dim nResolution As Long ' Get hScanner handle ufs_res = UFS_GetCaptureImageBufferInfo(hScanner, nWidth, nHeight, nResolution) If (ufs_res = UFS_STATUS.OK) Then ' UFS_GetCaptureImageBufferInfo is succeeded Else ' UFS_GetCaptureImageBufferInfo is failed ' Use UFS_GetErrorString function to show error string End If
Copies the capture image buffer to the specified image data array. UFS_STATUS UFS_API UFS_GetCaptureImageBuffer( HUFScanner hScanner, unsigned char* pImageData ); Possible return values UFS_OK, UFS_ERROR, UFS_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters hScanner pImageData See also UFS_CaptureSingleImage, UFS_StartCapturing, UFS_GetCaptureImageBufferInfo, UFS_DrawCaptureImageBuffer, UFS_SaveCaptureImageBufferToBMP, UFS_ClearCaptureImageBuffer Examples
Visual C++
[in] Handle to the scanner object [out] Pointer to image data array; The array must be allocated bigger than the size of capture image buffer in advance
UFS_STATUS ufs_res; HUFScaner hScanner; int nWidth; int nHeight; int nResolution; unsigned char* pImageData // Get hScanner handle // Get capture image buffer information ufs_res = UFS_GetCaptureImageBufferInfo(hScanner, &nWidth, &nHeight, &nResolution); // Error handling routine is omitted // Allocate image buffer pImageData = (unsigned char*)malloc(nWidth * nHeight * sizeof(unsigned char));
ufs_res = UFS_GetCaptureImageBuffer(hScanner, pImageData); if (ufs_res == UFS_OK) { // UFS_GetCaptureImageBuffer is succeeded } else { // UFS_GetCaptureImageBuffer is failed // Use UFS_GetErrorString function to show error string } // Free image buffer after usage free(pImageBuffer)
Dim ufs_res As UFS_STATUS Dim hScanner As Long Dim nWidth As Long Dim nHeight As Long Dim nResolution As Long Dim ImageData As Byte ' Get hScanner handle ' Get capture image buffer information ufs_res = UFS_GetCaptureImageBufferInfo(hScanner, nWidth, nHeight, nResolution) ' Error handling routine is omitted ' Allocate image buffer ReDim ImageData(nWidth * nHeight - 1) As Byte ufs_res = UFS_GetCaptureImageBuffer(hScanner, ImageData(0)) If (ufs_res = UFS_STATUS.OK) Then ' UFS_GetCaptureImageBuffer is succeeded Else ' UFS_GetCaptureImageBuffer is failed ' Use UFS_GetErrorString function to show error string End If
Draws the fingerprint image which is acquired using UFS_CaptureSingleImage() or UFS_StartCapturing(). UFS_STATUS UFS_API UFS_DrawCaptureImageBuffer( HUFScanner hScanner, HDC hDC, int nLeft, int nTop, int nRight, int nBottom, int bCore ); Possible return values UFS_OK, UFS_ERROR, UFS_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters hScanner hDC nLeft nTop nRight nBottom bCore See also UFS_CaptureSingleImage, UFS_StartCapturing, UFS_GetCaptureImageBufferInfo, UFS_GetCaptureImageBuffer, UFS_SaveCaptureImageBufferToBMP, UFS_ClearCaptureImageBuffer Examples
Visual C++
[in] Handle to the scanner object [in] Handle to the DC where the fingerprint image is drawn [in] Specifies the logical x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle [in] Specifies the logical y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle [in] Specifies the logical x-coordinate of the lower-right corner of the rectangle [in] Specifies the logical y-coordinate of the lower-right corner of the rectangle [in] Specifies whether the core of fingerprint is drawn of not
HDC hDC; int nLeft; int nTop; int nRight; int nBottom; int bCore; // Get hScanner handle // Get HDC and determine rectangle to draw image, hDC, nLeft, nTop, nRight, nBottom // Determine core to be drawn, bCore ufs_res = UFS_DrawCaptureImageBuffer(hScanner, hDC, nLeft, nTop, nRight, nBottom, bCore); if (ufs_res == UFS_OK) { // UFS_DrawCaptureImageBuffer is succeeded } else { // UFS_DrawCaptureImageBuffer is failed // Use UFS_GetErrorString function to show error string }
Dim ufs_res As UFS_STATUS Dim hScanner As Long Dim nLeft As Long Dim nTop As Long Dim nRight As Long Dim nBottom As Long Dim bCore As Long ' Get hScanner handle ' Get HDC and determine rectangle to draw image, hDC, nLeft, nTop, nRight, nBottom ' Determine core to be drawn, bCore ufs_res = UFS_DrawCaptureImageBuffer(hScanner, hDC, nLeft, nTop, nRight, nBottom, bCore) If (ufs_res = UFS_STATUS.OK) Then ' UFS_DrawCaptureImageBuffer is succeeded Else ' UFS_DrawCaptureImageBuffer is failed ' Use UFS_GetErrorString function to show error string End If
Saves the capture image buffer to the specified file of the bitmap format. UFS_STATUS UFS_API UFS_SaveCaptureImageBufferToBMP( HUFScanner hScanner, char* szFileName ); Possible return values UFS_OK, UFS_ERROR, UFS_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters hScanner szFileName See also UFS_CaptureSingleImage, UFS_StartCapturing, UFS_GetCaptureImageBufferInfo, UFS_GetCaptureImageBuffer, UFS_DrawCaptureImageBuffer, UFS_ClearCaptureImageBuffer Examples
Visual C++
[in] Handle to the scanner object [in] Specifies file name to save image buffer
UFS_STATUS ufs_res; HUFScaner hScanner; char szFileName[128]; // Get hScanner handle // Get file name, szFileName ufs_res = UFS_SaveCaptureImageBufferToBMP(hScanner, szFileName); if (ufs_res == UFS_OK) { // UFS_SaveCaptureImageBufferToBMP is succeeded } else { // UFS_SaveCaptureImageBufferToBMP is failed // Use UFS_GetErrorString function to show error string }
Dim ufs_res As UFS_STATUS Dim hScanner As Long Dim FileName As String ' Get hScanner handle ' Get file name, FileName ufs_res = UFS_SaveCaptureImageBufferToBMP(hScanner, FileName) If (ufs_res = UFS_STATUS.OK) Then ' UFS_SaveCaptureImageBufferToBMP is succeeded Else ' UFS_SaveCaptureImageBufferToBMP is failed ' Use UFS_GetErrorString function to show error string End If
Clears the capture image buffer. UFS_STATUS UFS_API UFS_ClearCaptureImageBuffer( HUFScanner hScanner, ); Possible return values UFS_OK, UFS_ERROR, UFS_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters hScanner See also UFS_CaptureSingleImage, UFS_StartCapturing, UFS_GetCaptureImageBufferInfo, UFS_GetCaptureImageBuffer, UFS_DrawCaptureImageBuffer, UFS_SaveCaptureImageBufferToBMP Examples
Visual C++
UFS_STATUS ufs_res; HUFScaner hScanner; // Get hScanner handle ufs_res = UFS_ClearCaptureImageBuffer(hScanner); if (ufs_res == UFS_OK) { // UFS_ClearCaptureImageBuffer is succeeded } else { // UFS_ClearCaptureImageBuffer is failed // Use UFS_GetErrorString function to show error string }
Dim ufs_res As UFS_STATUS Dim hScanner As Long ' Get hScanner handle
ufs_res = UFS_ClearCaptureImageBuffer(hScanner) If (ufs_res = UFS_STATUS.OK) Then ' UFS_ClearCaptureImageBuffer is succeeded Else ' UFS_ClearCaptureImageBuffer is failed ' Use UFS_GetErrorString function to show error string End If
Gets the error string for specified UFS_STAUS value. UFS_STATUS UFS_API UFS_GetErrorString( UFS_STATUS res, char* szErrorString ); Possible return values UFS_OK, UFS_ERROR, UFS_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters res szErrorString Examples
Visual C++
UFS_STATUS ufs_res; char char strError[128]; // Get status return code, ufs_res ufs_res = UFS_GetErrorString(ufs_res, strError); if (ufs_res == UFS_OK) { // UFS_GetErrorString is succeeded } else { // UFS_GetErrorString is failed }
Dim ufs_res As UFS_STATUS Dim m_strError As String ' Get status return code, ufs_res ufs_res = UFS_GetErrorString(ufs_res, strError) If (ufs_res = UFS_STATUS.OK) Then ' UFS_GetErrorString is succeeded Else ' UFS_GetErrorString is failed
End If
UFMatcher module
UFMatcher module provides functionality for verifying fingerprints using two templates, identifying fingerprints using the template array, etc.
Visual C++
Status return value (UFM_STATUS)
Every function in UFMatcher module returns UFM_STATUS (integer) value having one of following values, Status value definition UFM_OK UFM_ERROR UFM_ERR_NO_LICENSE UFM_ERR_LICENSE_NOT_MATCH UFM_ERR_LICENSE_EXPIRED UFM_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED UFM_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS UFM_ERR_MATCH_TIMEOUT UFM_ERR_MATCH_ABORTED UFM_ERR_TEMPLATE_TYPE Code 0 -1 -101 -102 -103 -111 -112 -401 -402 -411 Meaning Success General error System has no license License is not match License is expired This function is not supported Input parameters are invalid Matching is timeout Matching is aborted Template type is not match
UFM_GetParameter(), UFM_SetParameter() functions use parameters defined as follows, Parameter value definition UFM_PARAM_FAST_MODE Code 301 Meaning Fast Mode (0: not use fast mode, 1: use fast mode) False Accept Ratio (FAR) Below 1 % (1e-2) Below 0.1 % (1e3) Below 0.01 % (1e4) 4 Default value 1
1 2
Below 0.001 % (1e-5) Below 0.0001 % (1e-6) Below 0.00001 % (1e-7) Below 0.000001 % (1e-8) 0
Matcher handle
HUFMatcher defines handle to UFMatcher object. typedef void* HUFMatcher;
Creates a matcher. UFM_STATUS UFM_API UFM_Create( HUFMatcher* phMatcher ); Possible return values UFM_OK, UFM_ERROR, UFM_ERR_NO_LICENSE, UFM_ERR_LICENSE_NOT_MATCH, UFM_ERR_LICENSE_EXPIRED, UFM_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters phMatcher See also UFM_Delete Examples [out] Pointer to handle of the matcher object
Visual C++
UFM_STATUS ufm_res; HUFMatcher hMatcher; ufm_res = UFM_Create(&hMatcher); if (ufm_res == UFM_OK) { // UFM_Create is succeeded } else { // UFM_Create is failed // Use UFM_GetErrorString function to show error string }
Dim ufm_res As UFM_STATUS Dim hMatcher As Long ufm_res = UFM_Create(hMatcher) If (ufm_res = UFM_STATUS.OK) Then ' UFM_Create is succeeded
Else ' UFM_Create is failed ' Use UFM_GetErrorString function to show error string End If
Deletes specified matcher. UFM_STATUS UFM_API UFM_Delete( HUFMatcher pMatcher ); Possible return values UFM_OK, UFM_ERROR, UFM_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters hMatcher See also UFM_Create Examples [in] Handle of the matcher object
Visual C++
UFM_STATUS ufm_res; HUFMatcher hMatcher; // Create hMatcher and use ufm_res = UFM_Delete(hMatcher); if (ufm_res == UFM_OK) { // UFM_Delete is succeeded } else { // UFM_Delete is failed // Use UFM_GetErrorString function to show error string }
Dim ufm_res As UFM_STATUS Dim hMatcher As Long ' Create hMatcher and use
ufm_res = UFM_Delete(hMatcher) If (ufm_res = UFM_STATUS.OK) Then ' UFM_Delete is succeeded Else ' UFM_Delete is failed ' Use UFM_GetErrorString function to show error string End If
Gets parameter value. UFM_STATUS UFM_API UFM_GetParameter( HUFMatcher pMatcher, int nParam, void* pValue ); Possible return values UFM_OK, UFM_ERROR, UFM_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters hMatcher nParam pValue See also UFM_SetParameter Examples
Visual C++
[in] Handle of the matcher object [in] Parameter type; one of parameters [out] Receives parameter value of specified parameter type; pValue must point to adequate storage type matched to parameter type
UFM_STATUS ufm_res; HUFMatcher hMatcher; int nValue; // Create hMatcher // Get fast mode ufm_res = UFM_GetParameter(hMatcher, UFM_PARAM_FAST_MODE, &nValue); // Error handling routine is omitted // Get security level ufm_res = UFM_GetParameter(hMatcher, UFM_PARAM_SECURITY_LEVEL, &nValue); // Error handling routine is omitted // Get use SIF
Dim ufm_res As UFM_STATUS Dim hMatcher As Long Dim nValue As Long ' Create hMatcher ' Get fast mode ufm_res = UFM_GetParameter(hMatcher, UFM_PARAM.FAST_MODE, nValue) ' Error handling routine is omitted ' Get security level ufm_res = UFM_GetParameter(hMatcher, UFM_PARAM.SECURITY_LEVEL, nValue) ' Error handling routine is omitted ' Get use SIF ufm_res = UFM_GetParameter(hMatcher, UFM_PARAM.USE_SIF, nValue) ' Error handling routine is omitted
Sets parameter value. UFM_STATUS UFM_API UFM_SetParameter( HUFMatcher pMatcher, int nParam, void* pValue ); Possible return values UFM_OK, UFM_ERROR, UFM_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters hMatcher nParam pValue See also UFM_GetParameter Examples
Visual C++
[in] Handle of the matcher object [in] Parameter type; one of parameters [in] Pointer to parameter value of specified parameter type; pValue must point to adequate storage type matched to parameter type
UFM_STATUS ufm_res; HUFMatcher hMatcher; int nValue; // Create hMatcher // Set fast mode to nValue ufm_res = UFM_SetParameter(hMatcher, UFM_PARAM_FAST_MODE, &nValue); // Error handling routine is omitted // Set security level to nValue ufm_res = UFM_SetParameter(hMatcher, UFM_PARAM_SECURITY_LEVEL, &nValue); // Error handling routine is omitted // Set use SIF to nValue
Dim ufm_res As UFM_STATUS Dim hMatcher As Long Dim nValue As Long ' Create hMatcher ' Set fast mode to nValue ufm_res = UFM_SetParameter(hMatcher, UFM_PARAM.FAST_MODE, nValue) ' Error handling routine is omitted ' Set security level to nValue ufm_res = UFM_SetParameter(hMatcher, UFM_PARAM.SECURITY_LEVEL, nValue) ' Error handling routine is omitted ' Set use SIF to nValue ufm_res = UFM_SetParameter(hMatcher, UFM_PARAM.USE_SIF, nValue) ' Error handling routine is omitted
Compares two extracted templates. UFM_STATUS UFM_API UFM_Verify( HUFMatcher pMatcher, unsigned char* pTemplate1, int nTemplate1Size, unsigned char* pTemplate2, int nTemplate2Size, int* bVerifySucceed ); Possible return values UFM_OK, UFM_ERROR, UFM_ERR_LICENSE_NOT_MATCH, UFM_ERR_LICENSE_EXPIRED, UFM_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS, UFM_ERR_TEMPLATE_TYPE Parameters hMatcher pTemplate1 nTemplate1Size pTemplate2 nTemplate2Size bVerifySucceed Examples [in] Handle of the matcher object [in] Pointer to the template [in] Specifies the size of the template [in] Pointer to the template array [in] Specifies the size of the template array [out] Receives whether verification is succeed; 1: verification is succeed, 0: verification is failed
Visual C++
// Assume template size is 384 bytes #define MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE 384 UFM_STATUS ufm_res; HUFMatcher hMatcher; unsigned char Template1[MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE]; unsigned char Template2[MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE]; int nTemplate1Size; int nTemplate2Size; int bVerifySucceed;
// Create hMatcher // Get two templates, Template1 and Template2 ufm_res = UFM_Verify(hMatcher, Template1, nTemplate1Size, Template2, nTemplate2Size, &bVerifySucceed); if (ufm_res == UFM_OK) { // UFM_Verify is succeeded if (bVerifySucceed) { // Template1 is matched to Template2 } else { // Template1 is not matched to Template2 } } else { // UFM_Verify is failed // Use UFM_GetErrorString function to show error string }
' Assume template size is 384 bytes Const MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE As Long = 384 Dim ufm_res As UFM_STATUS Dim hMatcher As Long Dim Template1(MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE - 1) As Byte Dim Template2(MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE - 1) As Byte Dim Template1Size As Long Dim Template2Size As Long Dim VerifySucceed As Long ' Create hMatcher ' Get two templates, Template1 and Template2 ufm_res = UFM_Verify(hMatcher, Template1(0), Template1Size, Template2(0), Tempalte2Size, VerifySucceed) If (ufm_res = UFM_STATUS.OK) Then ' UFM_Verify is succeeded If (VerifySucceed = 1) Then ' Template1 is matched to Template2 Else ' Template1 is not matched to Template2 End If Else ' UFM_Verify is failed 90
UFM_Identify, UFM_IdentifyMT
Compares a template with given template array. UFM_IdentifyMT function uses multi threads internally for faster identifying in multi-core systems. UFM_STATUS UFM_API UFM_Identify( HUFMatcher pMatcher, unsigned char* pTemplate1, int nTemplate1Size, unsigned char** ppTemplate2, int* pnTemplate2Size, int nTemplate2Num, int nTimeout, int* pnMatchTemplate2Index ); UFM_STATUS UFM_API UFM_IdentifyMT( HUFMatcher pMatcher, unsigned char* pTemplate1, int nTemplate1Size, unsigned char** ppTemplate2, int* pnTemplate2Size, int nTemplate2Num, int nTimeout, int* pnMatchTemplate2Index ); Possible return values UFM_OK, UFM_ERROR, UFM_ERR_LICENSE_NOT_MATCH, UFM_ERR_LICENSE_EXPIRED, UFM_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS, UFM_ERR_MATCH_TIMEOUT, UFM_ERR_MATCH_ABORTED, UFM_ERR_TEMPLATE_TYPE Parameters hMatcher pTemplate1 nTemplate1Size ppTemplate2 pnTemplate2Size nTemplate2Num nTimeout [in] Handle of the matcher object [in] Pointer to the template [in] Specifies the size of the template [in] Pointer to the template array [in] Pointer to the template size array [in] Specifies the number of templates in the template array [in] Specifies maximum time for identifying in
milliseconds; If elapsed time for identifying exceeds nTimeout, function stops further identifying and returns UFM_ERR_MATCH_TIMEOUT; 0 means infinity [out] Receives the index of matched template in the template array; -1 means pTemplate1 is not matched to all of templates in ppTemplate2
Visual C++
// Assume template size is 384 bytes #define MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE 384 UFM_STATUS ufm_res; HUFMatcher hMatcher; unsigned char Template1[MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE]; unsigned char** ppTemplate2; int nTemplate1Size; int* pnTemplate2Size; int nTemplate2Num; int nTimeout; int nMatchTemplate2Index; int i; // Create hMatcher // Get input template from user, Template1 // Make template array from DB or something // Get number of template to nTemplate2Num ppTemplate2 = (unsigned char**)malloc(nTemplate2Num * sizeof(unsigned char*)); pnTemplate2Size = (int*)malloc(nTemplate2Num * sizeof(int)); for (i = 0; i < nTemplate2Num; i++) { ppTemplate2[i] = (unsigned char*)malloc(MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE * sizeof(unsigned char)); // Copy i th template to ppTemplate2[i] // Set i th template size to pnTemplateSize[i] } // Set match timeout to nTimeout 93
ufm_res = UFM_Identify(hMatcher, Template1, Template1Size, ppTemplate2, pnTemplate2Size, nTemplate2Num, nTimeout, &nMatchTemplate2Index); if (ufm_res == UFM_OK) { // UFM_Identify is succeeded if (nMatchTemplate2Index != -1) { // Input fingerprint Template1 is matched to ppTemplate2[nMatchTemplate2Index] } else { // Input fingerprint is not in ppTemplate2 } } else { // UFM_Identify is failed // Use UFM_GetErrorString function to show error string } // Free template array free(pnTemplate2Size); for (i = 0; i < nTemplate2Num; i++) { free(ppTemplate2[i]); } free(ppTemplate2);
' Assume template size is 384 bytes Const MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE As Long = 384 Dim ufm_res As UFM_STATUS Dim hMatcher As Long Dim Template1(MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE - 1) As Byte Dim Template1Size As Long Dim Template2() As Byte Dim Template2Size() As Long Dim Template2Ptr() As Long Dim Template2Num As Long Dim Timeout As Long Dim MatchTemplate2Index As Long Dim i As Long ' Create hMatcher ' Get input template from user, Template1 ' Make template array from DB or something ' Get number of template to nTemplate2Num ReDim Template2(MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE - 1, Template2Num - 1) As Byte 94
ReDim Template2Size(Template2Num - 1) As Long ' Copy i th template to Template2(i) ' Set i th template size to Template2Size(i) ' Make template pointer array to pass two dimensional template data ReDim Template2Ptr(Template2Num - 1) As Long For i = 0 To Template2Num - 1 Template2Ptr(i) = VarPtr(Template2(0, i)) Next ufm_res = UFM_Identify(hMatcher, Template1(0), Template1Size, Template2Ptr(0), Template2Size(0), nTemplate2Num, Timeout, MatchTemplate2Index) If (ufm_res = UFM_STATUS.OK) Then ' UFM_Identify is succeeded If (MatchTemplate2Index <> -1) Then ' Input fingerprint Template1 is matched to Template2(MatchTemplate2Index) Else ' Input fingerprint is not in Template2 End If Else ' UFM_Identify is failed ' Use UFM_GetErrorString function to show error string End If
Aborts current identifying procedure started using UFM_Identify(). UFM_STATUS UFM_API UFM_AbortIdentify( HUFMatcher pMatcher ); Possible return values UFM_OK, UFM_ERROR, UFM_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters hMatcher See Also UFM_Identify Examples
Visual C++
UFM_STATUS ufm_res; HUFMatcher hMatcher; // Create hMatcher // Start UFM_Identify ufm_res = UFM_AbortIdentify(hMatcher); if (ufm_res == UFM_OK) { // UFM_AbortIdentify is succeeded } else { // UFM_AbortIdentify is failed // Use UFM_GetErrorString function to show error string }
' Start UFM_Identify ufm_res = UFM_AbortIdentify(hMatcher) If (ufm_res = UFM_STATUS.OK) Then ' UFM_AbortIdentify is succeeded Else ' UFM_AbortIdentify is failed ' Use UFM_GetErrorString function to show error string End If
Initializes identify with input template. UFM_STATUS UFM_API UFM_IdentifyInit( HUFMatcher pMatcher, unsigned char* pTemplate1, int nTemplate1Size, ); Possible return values UFM_OK, UFM_ERROR, UFM_ERR_LICENSE_NOT_MATCH, UFM_ERR_LICENSE_EXPIRED, UFM_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters hMatcher pTemplate1 nTemplate1Size See also UFM_IdentifyNext Examples [in] Handle of the matcher object [in] Pointer to the template [in] Specifies the size of the template
Visual C++
// Assume template size is 384 bytes #define MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE 384 UFM_STATUS ufm_res; HUFMatcher hMatcher; unsigned char Template1[MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE]; int nTemplate1Size; // Create hMatcher // Get Template1 ufm_res = UFM_IdentifyInit(hMatcher, Template1, nTemplate1Size); if (ufm_res == UFM_OK) { // UFM_IdentifyInit is succeeded
' Assume template size is 384 bytes Const MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE As Long = 384 Dim ufm_res As UFM_STATUS Dim hMatcher As Long Dim Template1(MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE - 1) As Byte Dim Template1Size As Long ' Create hMatcher ' Get Template1 ufm_res = UFM_IdentifyInit(hMatcher, Template1(0), Template1Size) If (ufm_res = UFM_STATUS.OK) Then ' UFM_IdentifyInit is succeeded Else ' UFM_IdentifyInit is failed ' Use UFM_GetErrorString function to show error string End If
Matches one input template to the template specified in UFM_IdentifyInit(). UFM_STATUS UFM_API UFM_IdentifyNext( HUFMatcher pMatcher, unsigned char* pTemplate2, int nTemplate2Size, int* bIdentifySucceed ); Possible return values UFM_OK, UFM_ERROR, UFM_ERR_LICENSE_NOT_MATCH, UFM_ERR_LICENSE_EXPIRED, UFM_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS, UFM_ERR_TEMPLATE_TYPE Parameters hMatcher pTemplate2 nTemplate2Size bIdentifySucceed See also UFM_IdentifyInit Examples
Visual C++
[in] Handle of the matcher object [in] Pointer to the template array [in] Specifies the size of the template array [out] Receives whether identification is succeed; 1: identification is succeed, 0: identification is failed
// Assume template size is 384 bytes #define MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE 384 UFM_STATUS ufm_res; HUFMatcher hMatcher; unsigned char Template2[MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE]; int nTemplate2Size; int nTemplate2Num; int bIdentifySucceed; int i; // Create hMatcher
// Execute UFM_IdentifyInit with query template // Get number of templates in DB or something, and save it to nTemplate2Num bIdentifySucceed = 0; for (i = 0; i < nTemplate2Num; i++) { // Get one template in DB or something, and save it to Template2 and nTemplate2Size ufm_res = UFM_IdentifyNext(hMatcher, Template2, nTemplate2Size, bIdentifySucceed); if (ufm_res == UFM_OK) { // UFM_IdentifyNext is succeeded } else { // UFM_IdentifyNext is failed // Use UFM_GetErrorString function to show error string // return; } if (bIdentifySucceed) { // Identification is succeed break; } } if (!bIdentifySucceed) { // Identification is failed }
' Assume template size is 384 bytes Const MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE As Long = 384 Dim ufm_res As UFM_STATUS Dim hMatcher As Long Dim Template2(MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE - 1) As Byte Dim Template2Size As Long Dim Template2Num As Long Dim IdentifySucceed As Long Dim i As Long ' Create hMatcher ' Execute UFM_IdentifyInit with query template ' Get number of templates in DB or something, and save it to Template2Num
IdentifySucceed = 0 for i = 0 To Template2Num - 1 ' Get one template in DB or something, and save it to Template2 and Template2Size ufm_res = UFM_IdentifyNext(hMatcher, Template2, Template2Size, IdentifySucceed) If (ufm_res = UFM_STATUS.OK) Then ' UFM_IdentifyNext is succeeded Else ' UFM_IdentifyNext is failed ' Use UFM_GetErrorString function to show error string ' Exit End If If (bIdentifySucceed = 1) Then // Identification is succeed Exit For End If Next If (bIdentifySucceed = 0) Then // Identification is failed End If
Rotates the specified template to the amount of 180 degrees. UFM_STATUS UFM_API UFM_RotateTemplate( HUFMatcher pMatcher, unsigned char* pTemplate, int nTemplateSize ); Possible return values UFM_OK, UFM_ERROR, UFM_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters hMatcher pTemplate nTemplateSize Examples
Visual C++
[in] Handle of the matcher object [in / out] Pointer to the template [in] Specifies the size of the template
// Assume template size is 384 bytes #define MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE 384 UFM_STATUS ufm_res; HUFMatcher hMatcher; unsigned char Template2[MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE]; int nTemplateSize; // Create hMatcher // Get a template, and save it to Template and nTemplateSize ufm_res = UFM_RotateTemplate(hMatcher, Template, nTemplateSize); if (ufm_res == UFM_OK) { // UFM_RotateTemplate is succeeded } else { // UFM_RotateTemplate is failed // Use UFM_GetErrorString function to show error string }
' Assume template size is 384 bytes Const MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE As Long = 384 Dim ufm_res As UFM_STATUS Dim hMatcher As Long Dim Template(MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE - 1) As Byte Dim TemplateSize As Long ' Create hMatcher ' Get a template, and save it to Template and TemplateSize ufm_res = UFM_RotateTemplate(hMatcher, Template(0), TemplateSize) If (ufm_res = UFM_STATUS.OK) Then ' UFM_RotateTemplate is succeeded Else ' UFM_RotateTemplate is failed ' Use UFM_GetErrorString function to show error string End If
Gets the error string for specified UFM_STAUS value. UFM_STATUS UFM_API UFM_GetErrorString( UFM_STATUS res, char* szErrorString ); Possible return values UFM_OK, UFM_ERROR, UFM_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters res szErrorString Examples [in] Status return value [out] Receives error sting
Visual C++
UFM_STATUS ufm_res; char char strError[128]; // Get status return code, ufm_res ufm_res = UFM_GetErrorString(ufm_res, strError); if (ufm_res == UFM_OK) { // UFM_GetErrorString is succeeded } else { // UFM_GetErrorString is failed }
Dim ufm_res As UFM_STATUS Dim m_strError As String ' Get status return code, ufm_res ufm_res = UFM_GetErrorString(ufm_res, strError) If (ufm_res = UFM_STATUS.OK) Then ' UFM_GetErrorString is succeeded
UFExtractor module
UFExtractor module provides functionality for extracting templates from input images, etc.
Visual C++
Status return value (UFE_STATUS)
Every function in UFExtractor module returns UFE_STATUS (integer) value having one of following values, Status value definition UFE_OK UFE_ERROR UFE_ERR_NO_LICENSE UFE_ERR_LICENSE_NOT_MATCH UFE_ERR_LICENSE_EXPIRED UFE_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED UFE_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS UFE_ERR_NOT_GOOD_IMAGE UFE_ERR_EXTRACTION_FAILED UFE_ERR_UNDEFINED_MODE UFE_ERR_CORE_NOT_DETECTED UFE_ERR_CORE_TO_LEFT UFE_ERR_CORE_TO_LEFT_TOP UFE_ERR_CORE_TO_TOP UFE_ERR_CORE_TO_RIGHT_TOP UFE_ERR_CORE_TO_RIGHT UFE_ERR_CORE_TO_RIGHT_BOTTOM UFE_ERR_CORE_TO_BOTTOM UFE_ERR_CORE_TO_LEFT_BOTTOM Code 0 -1 -101 -102 -103 -111 -112 -301 -302 -311 -351 -352 -353 -354 -355 -356 -357 -358 -359 Meaning Success General error System has no license License is not match License is expired This function is not supported Input parameters are invalid Input image is not good Extraction is failed Undefined mode Core is not detected Move finger to left Move finger to left-top Move finger to top Move finger to right-top Move finger to right Move finger to rightbottom Move finger to bottom Move finger to left-bottom
UFE_GetParameter(), UFE_SetParameter() functions use parameters defined as follows, Parameter value definition UFE_PARAM_DETECT_CORE UFE_PARAM_TEMPLATE_SIZE Code 301 302 Meaning Detect core (0: not use core, 1: use core) Template size (256 ~ 1024, 32 bytes step Default value 0 384
UFE_GetMode(), UFE_SetMode() functions use parameters defined as follows, Parameter value definition UFE_MODE_SFR200 UFE_MODE_SFR300 UFE_MODE_SFR300v2 Code 1001 1002 1003 Meaning Suprema SFR200 Suprema SFR300-S Suprema SFR300-S(Ver.2)
Extractor handle
HUFExtractor defines handle to UFExtractor object. typedef void* HUFExtractor;
Creates an extractor. UFE_STATUS UFE_API UFE_Create( HUFExtractor* phExtractor ); Possible return values UFE_OK, UFE_ERROR, UFE_ERR_NO_LICENSE, UFE_ERR_LICENSE_NOT_MATCH, UFE_ERR_LICENSE_EXPIRED, UFE_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters phExtractor See Also UFE_Delete Examples
Visual C++
UFE_STATUS ufe_res; HUFExtractor hExtractor; ufe_res = UFE_Create(&hExtractor); if (ufe_res == UFE_OK) { // UFE_Create is succeeded } else { // UFE_Create is failed // Use UFE_GetErrorString function to show error string }
Dim ufe_res As UFE_STATUS Dim hExtractor As Long ufe_res = UFE_Create(hExtractor) If (ufe_res = UFE_STATUS.OK) Then ' UFE_Create is succeeded
Else ' UFE_Create is failed ' Use UFE_GetErrorString function to show error string End If
Deletes specified extractor. UFE_STATUS UFE_API UFE_Delete( HUFExtractor hExtractor ); Possible return values UFE_OK, UFE_ERROR, UFE_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters hExtractor See Also UFE_Create Examples
Visual C++
UFE_STATUS ufe_res; HUFExtractor hExtractor; // Create hExtractor and use ufe_res = UFE_Delete(hExtractor); if (ufe_res == UFE_OK) { // UFE_Delete is succeeded } else { // UFE_Delete is failed // Use UFE_GetErrorString function to show error string }
Dim ufe_res As UFE_STATUS Dim hExtractor As Long ' Create hExtractor and use ufe_res = UFE_Delete(hExtractor) If (ufe_res = UFE_STATUS.OK) Then
' UFE_Delete is succeeded Else ' UFE_Delete is failed ' Use UFE_GetErrorString function to show error string End If
Gets mode of the specified extractor. UFE_STATUS UFE_API UFE_GetMode( HUFExtractor hExtractor, int* pnMode ); Possible return values UFE_OK, UFE_ERROR, UFE_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters hExtractor pnMode See also UFE_SetMode Examples
Visual C++
[in] Handle of the extractor object [out] Receives the mode of the specified extractor object
UFE_STATUS ufe_res; HUFExtractor hExtractor; int nMode; // Create hExtractor ufe_res = UFE_GetMode(hExtractor, &nMode); if (ufe_res == UFE_OK) { // UFE_GetMode is succeeded } else { // UFE_GetMode is failed // Use UFE_GetErrorString function to show error string }
' Create hExtractor ufe_res = UFE_GetMode(hExtractor, Mode) If (ufe_res = UFE_STATUS.OK) Then ' UFE_GetMode is succeeded Else ' UFE_GetMode is failed ' Use UFE_GetErrorString function to show error string End If
Sets mode of the specified extractor. UFE_STATUS UFE_API UFE_SetMode( HUFExtractor hExtractor, int nMode ); Possible return values UFE_OK, UFE_ERROR, UFE_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS, UFE_ERR_UNDEFINED_MODE Parameters hExtractor nMode See also UFE_GetMode Examples [in] Handle of the extractor object [in] Specifies the mode
Visual C++
UFE_STATUS ufe_res; HUFExtractor hExtractor; int nMode; // Create hExtractor // Set the mode for extractor, nMode ufe_res = UFE_SetMode(hExtractor, nMode); if (ufe_res == UFE_OK) { // UFE_SetMode is succeeded } else { // UFE_SetMode is failed // Use UFE_GetErrorString function to show error string }
Dim ufe_res As UFE_STATUS Dim hExtractor As Long Dim Mode As Long ' Create hExtractor ' Set the mode for extractor, Mode ufe_res = UFE_SetMode(hExtractor, Mode) If (ufe_res = UFE_STATUS.OK) Then ' UFE_SetMode is succeeded Else ' UFE_SetMode is failed ' Use UFE_GetErrorString function to show error string End If
Gets parameter value. UFE_STATUS UFE_API UFE_GetParameter( HUFExtractor hExtractor, int nParam, void* pValue ); Possible return values UFE_OK, UFE_ERROR, UFE_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters hExtractor nParam pValue See also UFE_SetParameter Examples [in] Handle of the extractor object [in] Parameter type; one of parameters [out] Receives parameter value of specified parameter type; pValue must point to adequate storage type matched to parameter type
Visual C++
UFE_STATUS ufe_res; HUFExtractor hExtractor; int nValue; // Create hExtractor // Get detect core ufe_res = UFE_GetParameter(hExtractor, UFE_PARAM_DETECT_CORE, &nValue); // Error handling routine is omitted // Get template size ufe_res = UFE_GetParameter(hExtractor, UFE_PARAM_TEMPLATE_SIZE, &nValue); // Error handling routine is omitted
// Get use SIF ufe_res = UFE_GetParameter(hExtractor, UFE_PARAM_USE_SIF, &nValue); // Error handling routine is omitted
Dim ufe_res As UFE_STATUS Dim hExtractor As Long Dim nValue As Long ' Create hExtractor ' Get detect core ufe_res = UFE_GetParameter(hExtractor, UFE_PARAM.DETECT_CORE, nValue) ' Error handling routine is omitted ' Get template size ufe_res = UFE_GetParameter(hExtractor, UFE_PARAM.TEMPLATE_SIZE, nValue) ' Error handling routine is omitted ' Get use SIF ufe_res = UFE_GetParameter(hExtractor, UFE_PARAM.USE_SIF, nValue) ' Error handling routine is omitted
Sets parameter value. UFE_STATUS UFE_API UFE_SetParameter( HUFExtractor hExtractor, int nParam, void* pValue ); Possible return values UFE_OK, UFE_ERROR, UFE_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters hExtractor nParam pValue See also UFE_GetParameter Examples [in] Handle of the extractor object [in] Parameter type; one of parameters [in] Pointer to parameter value of specified parameter type; pValue must point to adequate storage type matched to parameter type
Visual C++
UFE_STATUS ufe_res; HUFExtractor hExtractor; int nValue; // Create hExtractor // Set detect core to nValue ufe_res = UFE_SetParameter(hExtractor, UFE_PARAM_DETECT_CORE, &nValue); // Error handling routine is omitted // Set template size to nValue ufe_res = UFE_SetParameter(hExtractor, UFE_PARAM_TEMPLATE_SIZE, &nValue); // Error handling routine is omitted
// Set use SIF to nValue ufe_res = UFE_SetParameter(hExtractor, UFE_PARAM_USE_SIF, &nValue); // Error handling routine is omitted
Dim ufe_res As UFE_STATUS Dim hExtractor As Long Dim nValue As Long ' Create hExtractor ' Set detect core to nValue ufe_res = UFE_SetParameter(hExtractor, UFE_PARAM.DETECT_CORE, nValue) ' Error handling routine is omitted ' Set template size to nValue ufe_res = UFE_SetParameter(hExtractor, UFE_PARAM.TEMPLATE_SIZE, nValue) ' Error handling routine is omitted ' Set use SIF to nValue ufe_res = UFE_SetParameter(hExtractor, UFE_PARAM.USE_SIF, nValue) ' Error handling routine is omitted
Extracts a template from the specified image. UFE_STATUS UFE_API UFE_Extract( HUFExtractor hExtractor, unsigned char* pImage, int nWidth, int nHeight, int nResolution, unsigned char* pTemplate, int* pnTemplateSize, int* pnEnrollQuality ); Possible return values UFE_OK, UFE_ERROR, UFE_ERR_LICENSE_NOT_MATCH, UFE_ERR_LICENSE_EXPIRED, UFE_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS, UFE_ERR_NOT_GOOD_IMAGE, UFE_ERR_EXTRACTION_FAILED, UFE_ERR_CORE_NOT_DETECTED, UFE_ERR_CORE_TO_LEFT, UFE_ERR_CORE_TO_LEFT_TOP, UFE_ERR_CORE_TO_TOP, UFE_ERR_CORE_TO_RIGHT_TOP, UFE_ERR_CORE_TO_RIGHT, UFE_ERR_CORE_TO_RIGHT_BOTTOM, UFE_ERR_CORE_TO_BOTTOM, UFE_ERR_CORE_TO_LEFT_BOTTOM Parameters hExtractor pImage nWidth nHeight nResolution pTemplate pnTemplateSize [in] Handle of the extractor object [in] Point to buffer storing input image; input image is assumed to be top-down order and 8 bit gray for pixel format [in] Width of the input image; nWidth must be less than 640 [in] Height of the input image; nHeight must be less than 640 [in] Resolution of the input image [out] Pointer to the template array; The array must be allocated in advance [out] Receives the size (in bytes) of pTemplate [out] Receives the quality of enrollment; Quality value ranges from 1 to 100. Typically this value should be above 30 for further processing such as enroll and matching. Especially in case of enrollment, the use of good quality image ( above 50 ) is highly recommended.
Visual C++
// Assume template size is 384 bytes #define MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE 384 UFE_STATUS ufe_res; HUFExtractor hExtractor; unsigned char* pImage; int nWidth; int nHeight; int nResolution; unsigned char Template[MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE]; int nTemplateSize; int nEnrollQuality; // Create hExtractor // Get input image to pImage, nWidth, nHeight, nResolution ufe_res = UFE_Extract(hExtractor, pImage, nWidth, nHeight, nResolution, Template, nTemplateSize, &nEnrollQuality); if (ufe_res == UFE_OK) { // UFE_Extract is succeeded // Check nEnrollQuality } else { // UFE_Extract is failed // Use UFE_GetErrorString function to show error string }
' Assume template size is 384 bytes Const MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE As Long = 384 Dim ufe_res As UFE_STATUS Dim hExtractor As Long Dim Image() As Byte Dim Width As Long Dim Height As Long Dim Resolution As Long Dim Template(MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE - 1) As Byte Dim TemplateSize As Long Dim EnrollQuality As Long ' Create hExtractor
' Get input image to Image, Width, Height, Resolution ufe_res = UFE_Extract(hExtractor, Image(0), Width, Height, Resolution, Template(0), TemplateSize, EnrollQuality) If (ufe_res = UFE_STATUS.OK) Then ' UFE_Extract is succeeded ' Check EnrollQuality Else ' UFE_Extract is failed ' Use UFE_GetErrorString function to show error string End If
Sets encryption key. UFE_STATUS UFE_API UFE_SetEncryptionKey( HUFExtractor hExtractor, unsigned char* pKey ); Possible return values UFE_OK, UFE_ERROR, UFE_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters hExtractor pKey See also UFE_EncryptTemplate, UFE_DecryptTemplate Examples
Visual C++
[in] Handle of the extractor object [in] Pointer to the 32 bytes key array
UFE_STATUS ufe_res; HUFExtractor hExtractor; unsigned char UserKey[32]; // Get hScanner handle // Generate 32 byte encryption key to UserKey ufe_res = UFE_SetEncryptionKey(hExtractor, UserKey); if (ufe_res == UFE_OK) { // UFE_SetEncryptionKey is succeeded } else { // UFE_SetEncryptionKey is failed // Use UFE_GetErrorString function to show error string }
Dim UserKey(32 - 1) As Byte ' Get hScanner handle ' Generate 32 byte encryption key to UserKey ufe_res = UFE_SetEncryptionKey(hExtractor, UserKey) If (ufe_res = UFE_STATUS.OK) Then ' UFE_SetEncryptionKey is succeeded Else ' UFE_SetEncryptionKey is failed ' Use UFE_GetErrorString function to show error string End If
Encrypts template. UFE_STATUS UFE_API UFE_EncryptTemplate( HUFExtractor hExtractor, unsigned char* pTemplateInput, int nTemplateSize, unsigned char* pTemplateOutput, int* pnTemplateOutputSize ); Possible return values UFE_OK, UFE_ERROR, UFE_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters hExtractor pTemplateInput nTemplateInputSize pTemplateOutput pnTemplateOutputSize See also UFE_SetEncryptionKey, UFE_DecryptTemplate Examples
Visual C++
[in] Handle of the extractor object [in] Pointer to input template array [in] Input template size [out] Pointer to output template array [out] Receives output template size
// Assume template size is 384 bytes #define MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE 384 UFE_STATUS ufe_res; HUFExtractor hExtractor; unsigned char TemplateInput[MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE]; unsigned char TemplateOutput[MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE]; int TemplateInputSize; int TemplateOutputSize; // Get hExtractor handle // Get an input template to encrypt, TemplateInput and TemplateInputSize
// Set output template buffer size TemplateoutputSize = MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE; ufe_res = UFE_EncryptTemplate(hExtractor, TemplateInput, TemplateInputSize, TemplateOutput, &TemplateOutputSize); if (ufe_res == UFE_OK) { // UFE_EncryptTemplate is succeeded } else { // UFE_EncryptTemplate is failed // Use UFE_GetErrorString function to show error string }
' Assume template size is 384 bytes Const MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE As Long = 384 Dim ufe_res As UFE_STATUS Dim hExtractor As Long Dim TemplateInput(MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE - 1) As Byte Dim TemplateOutput(MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE - 1) As Byte Dim TemplateInputSize As Long Dim TemplateOutputSize As Long ' Get hExtractor handle ' Get an input template to encrypt, TemplateInput and TemplateInputSize ' Set output template buffer size TemplateoutputSize = MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE ufe_res = UFE_EncryptTemplate(hExtractor, TemplateInput(0), TemplateInputSize, TemplateOutput(0), TemplateOutputSize) If (ufe_res = UFE_STATUS.OK) Then ' UFE_EncryptTemplate is succeeded Else ' UFE_EncryptTemplate is failed ' Use UFE_GetErrorString function to show error string End If
Decrypts template. UFE_STATUS UFE_API UFE_DecryptTemplate( HUFExtractor hExtractor, unsigned char* pTemplateInput, int nTemplateSize, unsigned char* pTemplateOutput, int* pnTemplateOutputSize ); Possible return values UFE_OK, UFE_ERROR, UFE_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters hExtractor pTemplateInput nTemplateInputSize pTemplateOutput pnTemplateOutputSize See also UFE_SetEncryptionKey, UFE_EncryptTemplate Examples
Visual C++
[in] Handle of the extractor object [in] Pointer to input template array [in] Input template size [out] Pointer to output template array [out] Receives output template size
// Assume template size is 384 bytes #define MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE 384 UFE_STATUS ufe_res; HUFExtractor hExtractor; unsigned char TemplateInput[MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE]; unsigned char TemplateOutput[MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE]; int TemplateInputSize; int TemplateOutputSize; // Get hExtractor handle
// Get an encrypted template, TemplateInput and TemplateInputSize // Set output template buffer size TemplateoutputSize = MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE; ufe_res = UFE_DecryptTemplate(hExtractor, TemplateInput, TemplateInputSize, TemplateOutput, &TemplateOutputSize); if (ufe_res == UFE_OK) { // UFE_DecryptTemplate is succeeded } else { // UFE_DecryptTemplate is failed // Use UFE_GetErrorString function to show error string }
' Assume template size is 384 bytes Const MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE As Long = 384 Dim ufe_res As UFE_STATUS Dim hExtractor As Long Dim TemplateInput(MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE - 1) As Byte Dim TemplateOutput(MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE - 1) As Byte Dim TemplateInputSize As Long Dim TemplateOutputSize As Long ' Get hExtractor handle ' Get an encrypted template, TemplateInput and TemplateInputSize ' Set output template buffer size TemplateoutputSize = MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE ufe_res = UFE_DecryptTemplate(hExtractor, TemplateInput(0), TemplateInputSize, TemplateOutput(0), TemplateOutputSize) If (ufe_res = UFE_STATUS.OK) Then ' UFE_DecryptTemplate is succeeded Else ' UFE_DecryptTemplate is failed ' Use UFE_GetErrorString function to show error string End If
Loads raw image data from a bitmap file. UFE_STATUS UFE_API UFE_LoadImageFromBMPFile( const char* szBMPFileName, unsigned char* pImage, int* pnWidth, int* pnHeight ); Possible return values UFE_OK, UFE_ERROR, UFE_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters szBMPFileName pImage pnWidth pnHeight Examples
Visual C++
[in] Specifies input bitmap file name [out] Pointer to raw image data [out] Receives the width of the raw image data pImage [out] Receives the height of the raw image data pImage
// Assume template size is 384 bytes #define MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE 384 // Assume maximum possible image size is 480 x 640 #define MAX_IMAGE_WIDTH 480 #define MAX_IMAGE_HEIGHT 640 UFE_STATUS ufe_res; char szFileName[256]; unsigned char* pImage; int nWidth; int nHeight; // Get file name from user, szFileName // Allocate image buffer pImage = (unsigned char*)malloc(MAX_IMAGE_WIDTH, MAX_IMAGE_HEIGHT); ufe_res = UFE_LoadImageFromBMPFile(szFileName, pImage, &nWidth, 131
&nHeight); if (ufe_res == UFE_OK) { // UFE_LoadImageFromBMPFile is succeeded } else { // UFE_LoadImageFromBMPFile is failed // Use UFE_GetErrorString function to show error string } // Use image buffer // Free image buffer free(pImage)
' Assume template size is 384 bytes Const MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE As Long = 384 ' Assume maximum possible image size is 480 x 640 Const MAX_IMAGE_WIDTH As Long = 480 Const MAX_IMAGE_HEIGHT As Long = 640 Dim ufe_res As UFE_STATUS Dim szFileName As String Dim Image(MAX_IMAGE_WIDTH * MAX_IMAGE_HEIGHT) As Byte Dim Width As Long Dim Height As Long ' Get file name from user, FileName ufe_res = UFE_LoadImageFromBMPFile(FileName, Image(0), Width, Height) If (ufe_res = UFE_STATUS.OK) Then ' UFE_LoadImageFromBMPFile is succeeded Else ' UFE_LoadImageFromBMPFile is failed ' Use UFE_GetErrorString function to show error string End If
Loads raw image data from a bitmap buffer. UFE_STATUS UFE_API UFE_LoadImageFromBMPBuffer( unsigned char* pBMPBuffer, int nBMPBufferSize unsigned char* pImage, int* pnWidth, int* pnHeight ); Possible return values UFE_OK, UFE_ERROR, UFE_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters pBMPBuffer nBMPBufferSize pImage pnWidth pnHeight Examples
Visual C++
[in] Pointer to the input bitmap buffer [in] Specifies the size of the input bitmap buffer [out] Pointer to raw image data [out] Receives the width of the raw image data pImage [out] Receives the height of the raw image data pImage
// Assume template size is 384 bytes #define MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE 384 // Assume maximum possible image size is 480 x 640 #define MAX_IMAGE_WIDTH 480 #define MAX_IMAGE_HEIGHT 640 UFE_STATUS ufe_res; unsigned char* pBMPBuffer; int nBMPBufferSize; unsigned char* pImage; int nWidth; int nHeight; // Get bitmap buffer, pBMPBuffer, nBMPBufferSize // Allocate image buffer
pImage = (unsigned char*)malloc(MAX_IMAGE_WIDTH, MAX_IMAGE_HEIGHT); ufe_res = UFE_LoadImageFromBMPBuffer(pBMPBuffer, nBMPBufferSize, pImage, &nWidth, &nHeight); if (ufe_res == UFE_OK) { // UFE_LoadImageFromBMPBuffer is succeeded } else { // UFE_LoadImageFromBMPBuffer is failed // Use UFE_GetErrorString function to show error string } // Use image buffer // Free image buffer free(pImage)
' Assume template size is 384 bytes Const MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE As Long = 384 ' Assume maximum possible image size is 480 x 640 Const MAX_IMAGE_WIDTH As Long = 480 Const MAX_IMAGE_HEIGHT As Long = 640 Dim ufe_res As UFE_STATUS Dim szFileName As String Dim BMPBuffer() As Byte Dim BMPBufferSize As Long Dim Image(MAX_IMAGE_WIDTH * MAX_IMAGE_HEIGHT) As Byte Dim Width As Long Dim Height As Long ' Get bitmap buffer, BMPBuffer, BMPBufferSize ufe_res = UFE_LoadImageFromBMPBuffer(BMPBuffer(0), BMPBufferSize, Image(0), Width, Height) If (ufe_res = UFE_STATUS.OK) Then ' UFE_LoadImageFromBMPBuffer is succeeded Else ' UFE_LoadImageFromBMPBuffer is failed ' Use UFE_GetErrorString function to show error string End If
Gets the error string for specified UFE_STAUS value. UFE_STATUS UFE_API UFE_GetErrorString( UFE_STATUS res, char* szErrorString ); Possible return values UFE_OK, UFE_ERROR, UFE_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters res szErrorString Examples
Visual C++
UFE_STATUS ufe_res; char char strError[128]; // Get status return code, ufe_res ufe_res = UFE_GetErrorString(ufe_res, strError); if (ufe_res == UFE_OK) { // UFE_GetErrorString is succeeded } else { // UFE_GetErrorString is failed }
Dim ufe_res As UFE_STATUS Dim m_strError As String ' Get status return code, ufe_res ufe_res = UFE_GetErrorString(ufe_res, strError) If (ufe_res = UFE_STATUS.OK) Then ' UFE_GetErrorString is succeeded Else ' UFE_GetErrorString is failed
End If
UFDatabase module
UFDatabase module provides functionality for managing database, adding / updating / removing / getting templates with user data, etc.
Visual C++
Remarks Serial Number for Indexing DB (Primary key) User ID Information (Mandatory) Finger Index for Identifying finger (Mandatory) Fingerprint Template Data (Mandatory) Fingerprint Template Data (Optional) Additional Data (Optional)
Status return value (UFD_STATUS)
Every function in UFDatabase module returns UFD_STATUS (integer) value having one of following values, Status value definition UFD_OK UFD_ERROR UFD_ERR_NO_LICENSE UFD_ERR_LICENSE_NOT_MATCH UFD_ERR_LICENSE_EXPIRED UFD_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED UFD_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS UFD_ERR_SAME_FINGER_EXIST Code 0 -1 -101 -102 -103 -111 -112 -501 Meaning Success General error System has no license License is not match License is expired This function is not supported Input parameters are invalid Same finger exists on database
Database handle
HUFDatabase defines handle to UFDatabase object. typedef void* HUFDatabase;
Opens a database using specified connection string. UFD_STATUS UFD_API UFD_Open( const char* szConnection, const char* szUserID, const char* szPassword, HUFDatabase* phDatabase ); Possible return values UFD_OK, UFD_ERROR, UFD_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters [in] Specifies ADO connection strings; to connect to an Access file using the JET OLE DB Provider, use "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=mdb_file_path;"; if database is password protected, use "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=mdb_file_path;Jet OLEDB:Database Password=mdb_password;" [in] Specifies user ID directly passed to ADO open method (can be NULL) [in] Specifies password directly passed to ADO open method (can be NULL) [out] Pointer to handle of the database object
Visual C++
UFD_STATUS ufd_res; HUFDatabase hDatabase; ufd_res = UFD_Open("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=UFDatabase.mdb;", NULL, NULL, &hDatabase); if (ufd_res == UFD_OK) { 139
// UFD_Open is succeeded } else { // UFD_Open is failed // Use UFD_GetErrorString function to show error string }
Dim ufd_res As UFD_STATUS Dim hDatabase As Long ufd_res = UFD_Open("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=UFDatabase.mdb;", "", "", hDatabase) If (ufd_res = UFD_STATUS.OK) Then ' UFD_Open is succeeded Else ' UFD_Open is failed ' Use UFD_GetErrorString function to show error string End If
Closes specified database. UFD_STATUS UFD_API UFD_Close( HUFDatabase hDatabase ); Possible return values UFD_OK, UFD_ERROR, UFD_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters hDatabase See also UFD_Open Examples
Visual C++
UFD_STATUS ufd_res; HUFDatabase hDatabase; // Get database handle, hDatabase ufd_res = UFD_Close(hDatabase); if (ufd_res == UFD_OK) { // UFD_Close is succeeded } else { // UFD_Close is failed // Use UFD_GetErrorString function to show error string }
Dim ufd_res As UFD_STATUS Dim hDatabase As Long ' Get database handle, hDatabase ufd_res = UFD_Close(hDatabase) If (ufd_res = UFD_STATUS.OK) Then
' UFD_Close is succeeded Else ' UFD_Close is failed ' Use UFD_GetErrorString function to show error string End If
Adds data into the specified database. If there is a database entry of same user ID with finger index with input data, the function returns UFD_ERR_SAME_FINGER_EXIST. UFD_STATUS UFD_API UFD_AddData( HUFDatabase hDatabase, const char* szUserID, int nFingerIndex, unsigned char* pTemplate1, int nTemplate1Size, unsigned char* pTemplate2, int nTemplate2Size, const char* szMemo ); Possible return values UFD_OK, UFD_ERROR, UFD_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS, UFD_ERR_SAME_FINGER_EXIST Parameters hDatabase szUserID nFingerIndex pTemplate1 nTemplate1Size pTemplate2 nTemplate2Size szMemo Examples
Visual C++
[in] Handle of the database object [in] Specifies user ID Information [in] Specifies finger index for Identifying finger [in] Specifies first fingerprint template data [in] Specifies the size of template [in] Specifies second fingerprint template data [in] Specifies the size of template [in] Specifies additional user data
#define MAX_USERID_SIZE 50 #define MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE 1024 #define MAX_MEMO_SIZE 100 UFD_STATUS ufd_res; HUFDatabase hDatabase; char szUserID[MAX_USERID_SIZE]; int nFingerIndex; unsigned char Template1[MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE];
int nTemplate1Size; unsigned char Template2[MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE]; int nTemplate2Size; char szMemo[MAX_MEMO_SIZE]; // Get database handle, hDatabase // Get user data, and save them to szUserID, nFingerIndex, Template1, nTemplate1Size, Template2, nTemplate2Size, szMemo ufd_res = UFD_AddData(hDatabase, szUserID, nFingerIndex, Template1, nTemplate1Size, Template2, nTemplate2Size, szMemo); if (ufd_res == UFD_OK) { // UFD_AddData is succeeded } else { // UFD_AddData is failed // Use UFD_GetErrorString function to show error string }
Const MAX_USERID_SIZE As Long = 50 Const MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE As Long = 1024 Const MAX_MEMO_SIZE As Long = 100 Dim ufd_res As UFD_STATUS Dim hDatabase As Long Dim UserID As String Dim FingerIndex As Long Dim Template1(MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE - 1) As Byte Dim Template1Size As Long Dim Template2(MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE - 1) As Byte Dim Template2Size As Long Dim Memo As String ' Get database handle, hDatabase ' Get user data, and save them to UserID, FingerIndex, Template1, Template1Size, Template2, Template2Size, Memo ufd_res = UFD_AddData(hDatabase, UserID, FingerIndex, Template1(0), Template1Size, Template2(0), Template2Size, Memo) If (ufd_res = UFD_STATUS.OK) Then ' UFD_AddData is succeeded Else ' UFD_AddData is failed ' Use UFD_GetErrorString function to show error string 144
End If
Updates the database entry having specified user ID and finger index. UFD_STATUS UFD_API UFD_UpdateDataByUserInfo( HUFDatabase hDatabase, const char* szUserID, int nFingerIndex, unsigned char* pTemplate1, int nTemplate1Size, unsigned char* pTemplate2, int nTemplate2Size, const char* szMemo ); Possible return values UFD_OK, UFD_ERROR, UFD_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters hDatabase szUserID nFingerIndex pTemplate1 nTemplate1Size pTemplate2 nTemplate2Size szMemo See also UFD_UpdateDataBySerial Examples
Visual C++
[in] Handle of the database object [in] Specifies user ID Information [in] Specifies finger index for Identifying finger [in] Specifies first fingerprint template data to update; NULL indicates no update for template1 [in] Specifies the size of template; 0 indicates no update for template1 [in] Specifies second fingerprint template data to update; NULL indicates no update for template2 [in] Specifies the size of template; 0 indicates no update for template2 [in] Specifies additional user data to update; NULL indicates no update for memo
#define MAX_MEMO_SIZE 100 UFD_STATUS ufd_res; HUFDatabase hDatabase; char szUserID[MAX_USERID_SIZE]; int nFingerIndex; unsigned char Template1[MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE]; int nTemplate1Size; unsigned char Template2[MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE]; int nTemplate2Size; char szMemo[MAX_MEMO_SIZE]; // Get database handle, hDatabase // Get user data, and save them to szUserID, nFingerIndex, Template1, nTemplate1Size, Template2, nTemplate2Size, szMemo ufd_res = UFD_UpdateDataByUserInfo(hDatabase, szUserID, nFingerIndex, Template1, nTemplate1Size, Template2, nTemplate2Size, szMemo); if (ufd_res == UFD_OK) { // UFD_UpdateDataByUserInfo is succeeded } else { // UFD_UpdateDataByUserInfo is failed // Use UFD_GetErrorString function to show error string }
Const MAX_USERID_SIZE As Long = 50 Const MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE As Long = 1024 Const MAX_MEMO_SIZE As Long = 100 Dim ufd_res As UFD_STATUS Dim hDatabase As Long Dim UserID As String Dim FingerIndex As Long Dim Template1(MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE - 1) As Byte Dim Template1Size As Long Dim Template2(MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE - 1) As Byte Dim Template2Size As Long Dim Memo As String ' Get database handle, hDatabase ' Get user data, and save them to UserID, FingerIndex, Template1, Template1Size, Template2, Template2Size, Memo
ufd_res = UFD_UpdateDataByUserInfo(hDatabase, UserID, FingerIndex, Template1(0), Template1Size, Template2(0), Template2Size, Memo) If (ufd_res = UFD_STATUS.OK) Then ' UFD_UpdateDataByUserInfo is succeeded Else ' UFD_UpdateDataByUserInfo is failed ' Use UFD_GetErrorString function to show error string End If
Updates the database entry having specified serial number. UFD_STATUS UFD_API UFD_UpdateDataBySerial( HUFDatabase hDatabase, int nSerial, unsigned char* pTemplate1, int nTemplate1Size, unsigned char* pTemplate2, int nTemplate2Size, const char* szMemo ); Possible return values UFD_OK, UFD_ERROR, UFD_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters hDatabase nSerial pTemplate1 nTemplate1Size pTemplate2 nTemplate2Size szMemo See also UFD_UpdateDataByUserInfo Examples
Visual C++
[in] Handle of the database object [in] Specifies serial number [in] Specifies first fingerprint template data to update; NULL indicates no update for template1 [in] Specifies the size of template; 0 indicates no update for template1 [in] Specifies second fingerprint template data to update; NULL indicates no update for template2 [in] Specifies the size of template; 0 indicates no update for template2 [in] Specifies additional user data to update; NULL indicates no update for memo
UFD_STATUS ufd_res; HUFDatabase hDatabase; int nSerial; unsigned char Template1[MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE]; int nTemplate1Size; unsigned char Template2[MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE]; int nTemplate2Size; char szMemo[MAX_MEMO_SIZE]; // Get database handle, hDatabase // Get user data, and save them to nSerial, Template1, nTemplate1Size, Template2, nTemplate2Size, szMemo ufd_res = UFD_UpdateDataBySerial(hDatabase, nSerial, Template1, nTemplate1Size, Template2, nTemplate2Size, szMemo); if (ufd_res == UFD_OK) { // UFD_UpdateDataBySerial is succeeded } else { // UFD_UpdateDataBySerial is failed // Use UFD_GetErrorString function to show error string }
Const MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE As Long = 1024 Const MAX_MEMO_SIZE As Long = 100 Dim ufd_res As UFD_STATUS Dim hDatabase As Long Dim Serial As Long Dim Template1(MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE - 1) As Byte Dim Template1Size As Long Dim Template2(MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE - 1) As Byte Dim Template2Size As Long Dim Memo As String ' Get database handle, hDatabase ' Get user data, and save them to Serial, Template1, Template1Size, Template2, Template2Size, Memo ufd_res = UFD_UpdateDataBySerial(hDatabase, Serial, Template1(0), Template1Size, Template2(0), Template2Size, Memo) If (ufd_res = UFD_STATUS.OK) Then ' UFD_UpdateDataBySerial is succeeded Else 150
' UFD_UpdateDataBySerial is failed ' Use UFD_GetErrorString function to show error string End If
Removes the database entries having specified user ID. UFD_STATUS UFD_API UFD_RemoveDataByUserID( HUFDatabase hDatabase, const char* szUserID ); Possible return values UFD_OK, UFD_ERROR, UFD_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters hDatabase szUserID See also UFD_RemoveDataByUserInfo, UFD_RemoveDataBySerial, UFD_RemoveAllData Examples
Visual C++
#define MAX_USERID_SIZE 50 UFD_STATUS ufd_res; HUFDatabase hDatabase; char szUserID[MAX_USERID_SIZE]; // Get database handle, hDatabase // Get szUserID from user ufd_res = UFD_RemoveDataByUserID(hDatabase, szUserID); if (ufd_res == UFD_OK) { // UFD_RemoveDataByUserID is succeeded } else { // UFD_RemoveDataByUserID is failed // Use UFD_GetErrorString function to show error string }
Const MAX_USERID_SIZE As Long = 50 Dim ufd_res As UFD_STATUS Dim hDatabase As Long Dim UserID As String ' Get database handle, hDatabase ' Get UserID from user ufd_res = UFD_RemoveDataByUserID(hDatabase, UserID) If (ufd_res = UFD_STATUS.OK) Then ' UFD_RemoveDataByUserID is succeeded Else ' UFD_RemoveDataByUserID is failed ' Use UFD_GetErrorString function to show error string End If
Removes the database entries having specified user ID and finger index. UFD_STATUS UFD_API UFD_RemoveDataByUserInfo( HUFDatabase hDatabase, const char* szUserID, int nFingerIndex ); Possible return values UFD_OK, UFD_ERROR, UFD_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters hDatabase szUserID nFingerIndex See also UFD_RemoveDataByUserID, UFD_RemoveDataBySerial, UFD_RemoveAllData Examples
Visual C++
[in] Handle of the database object [in] Specifies user ID Information [in] Specifies finger index for Identifying finger
#define MAX_USERID_SIZE 50 UFD_STATUS ufd_res; HUFDatabase hDatabase; char szUserID[MAX_USERID_SIZE]; int nFingerIndex; // Get database handle, hDatabase // Get szUserID, nFingerIndex from user ufd_res = UFD_RemoveDataByUserInfo(hDatabase, szUserID, nFingerIndex); if (ufd_res == UFD_OK) { // UFD_RemoveDataByUserInfo is succeeded } else { // UFD_RemoveDataByUserInfo is failed // Use UFD_GetErrorString function to show error string }
Const MAX_USERID_SIZE As Long = 50 Dim ufd_res As UFD_STATUS Dim hDatabase As Long Dim UserID As String Dim FingerIndex As Long ' Get database handle, hDatabase ' Get UserID, FingerIndex from user ufd_res = UFD_RemoveDataByUserInfo(hDatabase, UserID, FingerIndex) If (ufd_res = UFD_STATUS.OK) Then ' UFD_RemoveDataByUserInfo is succeeded Else ' UFD_RemoveDataByUserInfo is failed ' Use UFD_GetErrorString function to show error string End If
Removes the database entries having specified serial number. UFD_STATUS UFD_API UFD_RemoveDataBySerial( HUFDatabase hDatabase, int nSerial ); Possible return values UFD_OK, UFD_ERROR, UFD_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters hDatabase nSerial See also UFD_RemoveDataByUserID, UFD_RemoveDataByUserInfo, UFD_RemoveAllData Examples
Visual C++
UFD_STATUS ufd_res; HUFDatabase hDatabase; int nSerial; // Get database handle, hDatabase // Get nSerial from user ufd_res = UFD_RemoveDataBySerial(hDatabase, nSerial); if (ufd_res == UFD_OK) { // UFD_RemoveDataBySerial is succeeded } else { // UFD_RemoveDataBySerial is failed // Use UFD_GetErrorString function to show error string }
Dim hDatabase As Long Dim Serial As Long ' Get database handle, hDatabase ' Get Serial from user ufd_res = UFD_RemoveDataBySerial(hDatabase, Serial) If (ufd_res = UFD_STATUS.OK) Then ' UFD_RemoveDataBySerial is succeeded Else ' UFD_RemoveDataBySerial is failed ' Use UFD_GetErrorString function to show error string End If
Removes all database entries. UFD_STATUS UFD_API UFD_UFD_RemoveAllData( HUFDatabase hDatabase ); Possible return values UFD_OK, UFD_ERROR, UFD_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters hDatabase See also UFD_RemoveDataByUserID, UFD_RemoveDataByUserInfo, UFD_RemoveDataBySerial Examples
Visual C++
UFD_STATUS ufd_res; HUFDatabase hDatabase; // Get database handle, hDatabase ufd_res = UFD_RemoveAllData(hDatabase); if (ufd_res == UFD_OK) { // UFD_RemoveAllData is succeeded } else { // UFD_RemoveAllData is failed // Use UFD_GetErrorString function to show error string }
Dim ufd_res As UFD_STATUS Dim hDatabase As Long ' Get database handle, hDatabase ufd_res = UFD_RemoveAllData(hDatabase)
If (ufd_res = UFD_STATUS.OK) Then ' UFD_RemoveAllData is succeeded Else ' UFD_RemoveAllData is failed ' Use UFD_GetErrorString function to show error string End If
Gets the number of database entries. UFD_STATUS UFD_API UFD_GetDataNumber( HUFDatabase hDatabase, int* pnDataNumber ); Possible return values UFD_OK, UFD_ERROR, UFD_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters hDatabase pnDataNumber See also UFD_GetDataByIndex, UFD_GetDataByUserInfo, UFD_GetDataBySerial Examples
Visual C++
[in] Handle of the database object [out] Receives the number of database entries
UFD_STATUS ufd_res; HUFDatabase hDatabase; int nDataNumber; // Get database handle, hDatabase ufd_res = UFD_GetDataNumber(hDatabase, &nDataNumber); if (ufd_res == UFD_OK) { // UFD_GetDataNumber is succeeded } else { // UFD_GetDataNumber is failed // Use UFD_GetErrorString function to show error string }
' Get database handle, hDatabase ufd_res = UFD_GetDataNumber(hDatabase, DataNumber) If (ufd_res = UFD_STATUS.OK) Then ' UFD_GetDataNumber is succeeded Else ' UFD_GetDataNumber is failed ' Use UFD_GetErrorString function to show error string End If
Gets the database entry having specified index. UFD_STATUS UFD_API UFD_GetDataByIndex( HUFDatabase hDatabase, int nIndex, int* pnSerial, char* szUserID, int* pnFingerIndex, unsigned char* pTemplate1, int* pnTemplate1Size, unsigned char* pTemplate2, int* pnTemplate2Size, char* szMemo ); Possible return values UFD_OK, UFD_ERROR, UFD_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters hDatabase nIndex pnSerial szUserID pnFingerIndex pTemplate1 pnTemplate1Size pTemplate2 pnTemplate2Size szMemo See also UFD_GetDataNumber, UFD_GetDataByUserInfo, UFD_GetDataBySerial Examples
Visual C++
[in] Handle of the database object [in] Specifies the index [out] Receives the serial number [out] Receives user ID Information [out] Receives finger index [out] Receives first fingerprint template data [out] Receives the size of template [out] Receives second fingerprint template data [out] Receives the size of template [out] Receives additional user data
#define MAX_MEMO_SIZE 100 UFD_STATUS ufd_res; HUFDatabase hDatabase; int nIndex; int nSerial; char szUserID[MAX_USERID_SIZE]; int nFingerIndex; unsigned char Template1[MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE]; int nTemplate1Size; unsigned char Template2[MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE]; int nTemplate2Size; char szMemo[MAX_MEMO_SIZE]; // Get database handle, hDatabase // Get nIndex from user ufd_res = UFD_GetDataByIndex(hDatabase, nIndex, &nSerial, szUserID, &nFingerIndex, Template1, &nTemplate1Size, Template2, &nTemplate2Size, szMemo); if (ufd_res == UFD_OK) { // UFD_GetDataByIndex is succeeded } else { // UFD_GetDataByIndex is failed // Use UFD_GetErrorString function to show error string }
Const MAX_USERID_SIZE As Long = 50 Const MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE As Long = 1024 Const MAX_MEMO_SIZE As Long = 100 Dim ufd_res As UFD_STATUS Dim hDatabase As Long Dim Index As Long Dim Serial As Long Dim UserID As String Dim FingerIndex As Long Dim Template1(MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE - 1) As Byte Dim Template1Size As Long Dim Template2(MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE - 1) As Byte Dim Template2Size As Long Dim Memo As String ' Get database handle, hDatabase 163
' Get Index from user ufd_res = UFD_GetDataByIndex(hDatabase, Index, Serial, UserID, FingerIndex, Template1(0), Template1Size, Template2(0), Template2Size, Memo) If (ufd_res = UFD_STATUS.OK) Then ' UFD_GetDataByIndex is succeeded Else ' UFD_GetDataByIndex is failed ' Use UFD_GetErrorString function to show error string End If
Gets the database entry having specified user ID and finger index. UFD_STATUS UFD_API UFD_GetDataByUserInfo( HUFDatabase hDatabase, const char* szUserID, int nFingerIndex, unsigned char* pTemplate1, int* pnTemplate1Size, unsigned char* pTemplate2, int* pnTemplate2Size, char* szMemo ); Possible return values UFD_OK, UFD_ERROR, UFD_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters hDatabase szUserID pnFingerIndex pTemplate1 pnTemplate1Size pTemplate2 pnTemplate2Size szMemo See also UFD_GetDataNumber, UFD_GetDataByIndex, UFD_GetDataBySerial Examples
Visual C++
[in] Handle of the database object [in] Specifies user ID Information [in] Specifies finger index [out] Receives first fingerprint template data [out] Receives the size of template [out] Receives second fingerprint template data [out] Receives the size of template [out] Receives additional user data
#define MAX_USERID_SIZE 50 #define MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE 1024 #define MAX_MEMO_SIZE 100 UFD_STATUS ufd_res; HUFDatabase hDatabase; char szUserID[MAX_USERID_SIZE];
int nFingerIndex; unsigned char Template1[MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE]; int nTemplate1Size; unsigned char Template2[MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE]; int nTemplate2Size; char szMemo[MAX_MEMO_SIZE]; // Get database handle, hDatabase // Get szUserID, nFingerIndex from user ufd_res = UFD_GetDataByUserInfo(hDatabase, szUserID, nFingerIndex, Template1, &nTemplate1Size, Template2, &nTemplate2Size, szMemo); if (ufd_res == UFD_OK) { // UFD_GetDataByUserInfo is succeeded } else { // UFD_GetDataByUserInfo is failed // Use UFD_GetErrorString function to show error string }
Const MAX_USERID_SIZE As Long = 50 Const MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE As Long = 1024 Const MAX_MEMO_SIZE As Long = 100 Dim ufd_res As UFD_STATUS Dim hDatabase As Long Dim UserID As String Dim FingerIndex As Long Dim Template1(MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE - 1) As Byte Dim Template1Size As Long Dim Template2(MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE - 1) As Byte Dim Template2Size As Long Dim Memo As String ' Get database handle, hDatabase ' Get UserID, FingerIndex from user ufd_res = UFD_GetDataByUserInfo(hDatabase, UserID, FingerIndex, Template1(0), Template1Size, Template2(0), Template2Size, Memo) If (ufd_res = UFD_STATUS.OK) Then ' UFD_GetDataByUserInfo is succeeded Else ' UFD_GetDataByUserInfo is failed ' Use UFD_GetErrorString function to show error string 166
End If
Gets the database entry having specified serial number. UFD_STATUS UFD_API UFD_GetDataBySerial( HUFDatabase hDatabase, int nSerial, const char* szUserID, int* pnFingerIndex, unsigned char* pTemplate1, int* pnTemplate1Size, unsigned char* pTemplate2, int* pnTemplate2Size, char* szMemo ); Possible return values UFD_OK, UFD_ERROR, UFD_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters hDatabase nSerial szUserID pnFingerIndex pTemplate1 pnTemplate1Size pTemplate2 pnTemplate2Size szMemo See also UFD_GetDataNumber, UFD_GetDataByIndex, UFD_GetDataByUserInfo Examples
Visual C++
[in] Handle of the database object [in] Specifies the serial number [out] Receives user ID Information [out] Receives finger index [out] Receives first fingerprint template data [out] Receives the size of template [out] Receives second fingerprint template data [out] Receives the size of template [out] Receives additional user data
#define MAX_USERID_SIZE 50 #define MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE 1024 #define MAX_MEMO_SIZE 100 UFD_STATUS ufd_res; 168
HUFDatabase hDatabase; int nSerial; char szUserID[MAX_USERID_SIZE]; int nFingerIndex; unsigned char Template1[MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE]; int nTemplate1Size; unsigned char Template2[MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE]; int nTemplate2Size; char szMemo[MAX_MEMO_SIZE]; // Get database handle, hDatabase // Get nSerial from user ufd_res = UFD_GetDataBySerial(hDatabase, Serial, szUserID, &nFingerIndex, Template1, &nTemplate1Size, Template2, &nTemplate2Size, szMemo); if (ufd_res == UFD_OK) { // UFD_GetDataBySerial is succeeded } else { // UFD_GetDataBySerial is failed // Use UFD_GetErrorString function to show error string }
Const MAX_USERID_SIZE As Long = 50 Const MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE As Long = 1024 Const MAX_MEMO_SIZE As Long = 100 Dim ufd_res As UFD_STATUS Dim hDatabase As Long Dim Serial As Long Dim UserID As String Dim FingerIndex As Long Dim Template1(MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE - 1) As Byte Dim Template1Size As Long Dim Template2(MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE - 1) As Byte Dim Template2Size As Long Dim Memo As String ' Get database handle, hDatabase ' Get Serial from user ufd_res = UFD_GetDataBySerial(hDatabase, Serial, UserID, FingerIndex, Template1(0), Template1Size, Template2(0), Template2Size, Memo) If (ufd_res = UFD_STATUS.OK) Then 169
' UFD_GetDataBySerial is succeeded Else ' UFD_GetDataBySerial is failed ' Use UFD_GetErrorString function to show error string End If
Gets the number of templates in specified database. UFD_STATUS UFD_API UFD_GetTemplateNumber( HUFDatabase hDatabase, int* pnTemplateNumber ); Possible return values UFD_OK, UFD_ERROR, UFD_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters hDatabase pnTemplateNumber See also UFD_GetTemplateListWithSerial Examples
Visual C++
[in] Handle of the database object [out] Receives the number of templates in the database
UFD_STATUS ufd_res; HUFDatabase hDatabase; int nTemplateNumber; // Get database handle, hDatabase ufd_res = UFD_GetTemplateNumber(hDatabase, &nTemplateNumber); if (ufd_res == UFD_OK) { // UFD_GetTemplateNumber is succeeded } else { // UFD_GetTemplateNumber is failed // Use UFD_GetErrorString function to show error string }
' Get database handle, hDatabase ufd_res = UFD_GetTemplateNumber(hDatabase, TemplateNumber) If (ufd_res = UFD_STATUS.OK) Then ' UFD_GetTemplateNumber is succeeded Else ' UFD_GetTemplateNumber is failed ' Use UFD_GetErrorString function to show error string End If
Gets all the template list with corresponding serial number list from specified database. UFD_STATUS UFD_GetTemplateListWithSerial( HUFDatabase hDatabase, unsigned char** ppTemplate, int* pnTemplateSize, int* pnSerial ); Possible return values UFD_OK, UFD_ERROR, UFD_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters hDatabase ppTemplate pnTemplateSize pnSerial See also UFD_GetTemplateNumber Examples
Visual C++
[in] Handle of the database object [out] Receives the template list [out] Receives the tempalte size list [out] Receives the serial number list
#define MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE 1024 UFD_STATUS ufd_res; HUFDatabase hDatabase; int nTemplateNumber; unsigned char** ppTemplate; int* pnTemplateSize; int* pnSerial; int i; // Get database handle, hDatabase // Get nTemplateNumber using UFD_GetTemplateNumber function // Allocate templates list and serial list ppTemplate = (unsigned char**)malloc(nTemplateNumber * sizeof(unsigned 173
char*)); for (i = 0; i < nTemplate2Num; i++) { ppTemplate[i] = (unsigned char*)malloc(MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE * sizeof(unsigned char)); } pnTemplateSize = (int*)malloc(nTemplateNumber * sizeof(int)); pnSerial = (int*)malloc(nTemplateNumber * sizeof(int)); ufd_res = UFD_GetTemplateListWithSerial(hDatabase, ppTemplate, pnTemplateSize, pnSerial); if (ufd_res == UFD_OK) { // UFD_GetTemplateListWithSerial is succeeded } else { // UFD_GetTemplateListWithSerial is failed // Use UFD_GetErrorString function to show error string } // Use template list and serial list // Free templates list for (i = 0; i < nTemplateNumber; i++) { free(ppTemplate[i]); } free(ppTemplate); free(pnTemplateSize); free(pnSerial);
Const MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE As Long = 1024 Dim ufd_res As UFD_STATUS Dim hDatabase As Long Dim TemplateNumber As Long Dim Template() As Byte Dim TemplateSize() As Long Dim TemplatePtr() As Long Dim Serial() As Long ' Get database handle, hDatabase ' Get TemplateNumber using UFD_GetTemplateNumber function ' Allocate templates list and serial list ReDim Template(MAX_TEMPLATE_SIZE - 1, TemplateNumber - 1) As Byte ReDim TemplateSize(TemplateNumber - 1) As Long ReDim Serial(TemplateNumber - 1) As Long 174
' Make template pointer array to pass two dimensional template data ReDim TemplatePtr(TemplateNumber - 1) As Long For i = 0 To TemplateNumber - 1 TemplatePtr(i) = VarPtr(Template2(0, i)) Next ufd_res = UFD_GetTemplateListWithSerial(hDatabase, TemplatePtr(0), TemplateSize(0), Serial(0)) If (ufd_res = UFD_STATUS.OK) Then ' UFD_GetDataBySerial is succeeded Else ' UFD_GetDataBySerial is failed ' Use UFD_GetErrorString function to show error string End If
Gets the error string for specified UFD_STAUS value. UFD_STATUS UFD_GetErrorString( UFD_STATUS res, char* szErrorString ); Possible return values UFD_OK, UFD_ERROR, UFD_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters res szErrorString Examples
Visual C++
UFD_STATUS ufd_res; char char strError[128]; // Get status return code, ufd_res ufd_res = UFD_GetErrorString(ufd_res, strError); if (ufd_res == UFD_OK) { // UFD_GetErrorString is succeeded } else { // UFD_GetErrorString is failed }
Dim ufd_res As UFD_STATUS Dim m_strError As String ' Get status return code, ufd_res ufd_res = UFD_GetErrorString(ufd_res, strError) If (ufd_res = UFD_STATUS.OK) Then ' UFD_GetErrorString is succeeded Else ' UFD_GetErrorString is failed
End If
Suprema.UFScanner module
Suprema.UFScanner module provides functionality for managing scanners, capture finger images from scanners, extracting templates from captured images using scanners, etc. Actually, Suprema.UFScanner module is C# wrapper dll of UFScanner.dll. The module is created using Visual C# 7.1 and compatible with .NET Framework 1.1 / 2.0 or higher.
Visual C#, Visual Basic .NET
Supported scanners
List of supported scanners could be found in UFScanner module.
Suprema namespace
Enumerations UFS_STATUS UFS_SCANNER_TYPE Delegates UFS_SCANNER_PROC UFS_CAPTURE_PROC Classes UFScannerManagerScannerEventArgs UFScannerCaptureEventArgs UFScannerManager UFScannerManager.ScannerList Contains data of event ScannerEvent of UFScannerManager class Contains data of event CaptureEvent of UFScanner class Provides functionality for managing scanners Holds UFScanner list of the connected scanners Provides functionality for capturing finger images from scanners, extracting templates from captured images using scanners, etc Defines the delegate for the scanner event ScannerEvent Defines the delegate for the capture event CaptureEvent Every method in UFScanner module returns UFS_STATUS enumeration value UFScanner.ScannerType property gives UFS_SCANNER_TYPE enumeration value
UFS_STATUS enumeration
Every function in UFScanner module returns UFS_STATUS enumeration value. public enum UFS_STATUS : int Members UFS_STATUS member name OK ERROR ERR_NO_LICENSE ERR_LICENSE_NOT_MATCH ERR_LICENSE_EXPIRED ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS ERR_ALREADY_INITIALIZED ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED ERR_DEVICE_NUMBER_EXCEED ERR_LOAD_SCANNER_LIBRARY ERR_CAPTURE_RUNNING ERR_CAPTURE_FAILED ERR_NOT_GOOD_IMAGE ERR_EXTRACTION_FAILED ERR_CORE_NOT_DETECTED ERR_CORE_TO_LEFT ERR_CORE_TO_LEFT_TOP ERR_CORE_TO_TOP ERR_CORE_TO_RIGHT_TOP ERR_CORE_TO_RIGHT ERR_CORE_TO_RIGHT_BOTTOM ERR_CORE_TO_BOTTOM ERR_CORE_TO_LEFT_BOTTOM Code 0 -1 -101 -102 -103 -111 -112 -201 -202 -203 -204 -211 -212 -301 -302 -351 -352 -353 -354 -355 -356 -357 -358 -359 Meaning Success General error System has no license License is not match License is expired This function is not supported Input parameters are invalid Module is already initialized Module is not initialized Device number is exceed Error on loading scanner library Capturing is started using UFScanner.CaptureSingleImage or UFScanner.StartCapturing Capturing is timeout or aborted Input image is not good Extraction is failed Core is not detected Move finger to left Move finger to left-top Move finger to top Move finger to right-top Move finger to right Move finger to right-bottom Move finger to bottom Move finger to left-bottom
UFS_SCANNER_TYPE enumeration
UFScanner.ScannerType property gives UFS_SCANNER_TYPE enumeration value. public enum UFS_SCANNER_TYPE : int Members UFS_SCANNER_TYPE member name SFR200 SFR300 SFR300v2 Code 1001 1002 1003 Meaning Suprema SFR200 Suprema SFR300-S Suprema SFR300-S(Ver.2)
Defines the delegate for the scanner event ScannerEvent public delegate void UFS_SCANNER_PROC(object sender, UFScannerManagerScannerEventArgs e); Parameters sender e The sender of the event A UFScannerManagerScannerEventArgs that contains the event data
Defines the delegate for the capture event CaptureEvent public delegate void UFS_CAPTURE_PROC(object sender, UFScannerCaptureEventArgs e); Parameters sender e The sender of the event A UFScannerCaptureEventArgs that contains the event data
UFScannerManagerScannerEventArgs class
Contains data of event ScannerEvent of UFScannerManager class. public class UFScannerManagerScannerEventArgs : EventArgs { public string ScannerID; public bool SensorOn; } Properties ScannerID SensorOn Receives ID of the scanner which is occurred this event true: scanner is connected, false: scanner is disconnected
UFScannerCaptureEventArgs class
Contains data of event CaptureEvent of UFScanner class. public class UFScannerCaptureEventArgs : EventArgs { public Bitmap ImageFrame; public int Resolution; public bool FingerOn; } Properties ImageFrame Resolution FingerOn Receives a captured image Receives the resolution of ImageFrame true: finger is on the scanner, false: finger is not on the scanner
UFScannerManager constructor
Initializes a new instance of the UFScannerManager class. public UFScannerManager( ISynchronizeInvoke synInvoke ); Parameters synInvoke An ISynchronizeInvoke object
Scanners property
Gets connected scanners as UFScannerManager.ScannerList. public UFScannerManager.ScannerList Scanners { get; }
ScannerEvent event
Occurs when the scanner is connected or disconnected. Scanner event is not working for every scanner model. Currently this functionality is working for Suprema SFR300S(Ver.2) in windows 2000 / 2003 / XP only. public event UFS_SCANNER_PROC ScannerEvent;
Init method
Update method
Uninit method
Count property
Gets the number of connected scanners. public int Count { get; }
Item property
Gets UFScanner reference by index or handle or ID of scanner. public UFScanner this[int Index] { get; } public UFScanner this[IntPtr ScannerHandle] { get; } public UFScanner this[string ScannerID] { get; }
Saves the capture image buffer to the specified file of the tiff format Saves the capture image buffer to the specified file of the jpeg format Clears the capture image buffer Gets the error string
CaptureEvent event
After a capturing is started using StartCapturing, this event occurs when an image frame is captured from the scanner. public event UFS_CAPTURE_PROC CaptureEvent;
ID property
Gets scanner ID assigned to the scanner. public string ID { get; }
Timeout property
Gets or sets timeout value of the scanner. The unit is millisecond and 0 means infinity. Default value is 5000. public int Timeout { get; set; }
Brightness property
Gets or sets brightness value of the scanner. The value ranges from 0 to 255. Higher value means darker image. Default value is 100. public int Brightness { get; set; }
Sensitivity property
Gets or sets sensitivity value of the scanner. The value ranges from 0 to 7. Higher value means more sensitive. Default value is 4. public int Sensitivity { get; set; }
Serial property
Gets scanner serial assigned to the scanner. public string Serial { get; }
DetectCore property
Gets or sets whether detecting core when extracting templates. Default value is false. public bool DetectCore { get; set; }
TemplateSize property
Gets or sets template size limitation of the scanner. The unit is bytes and the value ranges from 256 to 1024 and step size is 32. Default value is 384. public int TemplateSize { get; set; }
UseSIF property
Gets or sets whether using SIF (biometric data standard interchange format) for templates. Default value is false. public bool UseSIF { get; set; }
ScannerType property
Gets scanner type of the scanner. public UFS_SCANNER_TYPE ScannerType { get; }
IsSensorOn property
Checks the scanner is connected of not. public bool IsSensorOn { get; }
IsFingerOn property
Checks a finger in placed on the scanner or not. public bool IsSensorOn { get; }
IsCapturing property
Checks if the specified scanner is running capturing which is started by CaptureSingleImage or StartCapturing. public bool IsCapturing { get; } See also CaptureSingleImage, StartCapturing, AbortCapturing
Handle property
Gets handle assigned to the scanner. public IntPtr Handle { get; }
SetScanner method
Sets current scanner instance using index / handle / ID information. public UFS_STATUS SetScanner( int ScannerIndex ); public UFS_STATUS SetScanner( IntPtr ScannerHandle ); public UFS_STATUS SetScanner( string ScannerID ); Possible return values UFS_STATUS.OK, UFS_STATUS.ERROR Parameters ScannerIndex ScannerHandle ScannerID [in] Set scanner instance using scanner index [in] Set scanner instance using scanner handle [in] Set scanner instance using scanner ID
CaptureSingleImage method
Captures single image. Captured image is stored to the internal buffer. public UFS_STATUS CaptureSingleImage(); Possible return values UFS_STATUS.OK, UFS_STATUS.ERROR, UFS_STATUS.ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS, UFS_STATUS.ERR_CAPTURE_RUNNING See also IsCapturing, AbortCapturing
StartCapturing method
Starts capturing. Whenever an image frame is captured, CaptureEvent is raised. Currently this method is working for Suprema SFR300-S(Ver.2) only. public UFS_STATUS StartCapturing(); Possible return values UFS_STATUS.OK, UFS_STATUS.ERROR, UFS_STATUS.ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED, UFS_STATUS.ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS, UFS_STATUS.ERR_CAPTURE_RUNNING Supported scanners Suprema SFR300-S(Ver.2) See also IsCapturing, AbortCapturing
AbortCapturing method
Aborts capturing which is started by CaptureSingleImage or StartCapturing. public UFS_STATUS AbortCapturing(); Possible return values UFS_STATUS.OK, UFS_STATUS.ERROR, UFS_STATUS.ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED, UFS_STATUS.ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS, UFS_STATUS.ERR_CAPTURE_RUNNING See also CaptureSingleImage, StartCapturing, IsCapturing
Extract method
Extracts a template from the stored image buffer which is acquired using CaptureSingleImage() or StartCapturing(). public UFS_STATUS Extract( byte[] Template, out int TemplateSize, out int EnrollQuality ); Possible return values UFS_STATUS.OK, UFS_STATUS.ERROR, UFS_STATUS.ERR_LICENSE_NOT_MATCH, UFS_STATUS.ERR_LICENSE_EXPIRED, UFS_STATUS.ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS, UFS_STATUS.ERR_NOT_GOOD_IMAGE, UFS_STATUS.ERR_EXTRACTION_FAILED, UFS_STATUS.ERR_CORE_NOT_DETECTED, UFS_STATUS.ERR_CORE_TO_LEFT, UFS_STATUS.ERR_CORE_TO_LEFT_TOP, UFS_STATUS.ERR_CORE_TO_TOP, UFS_STATUS.ERR_CORE_TO_RIGHT_TOP, UFS_STATUS.ERR_CORE_TO_RIGHT, UFS_STATUS.ERR_CORE_TO_RIGHT_BOTTOM, UFS_STATUS.ERR_CORE_TO_BOTTOM, UFS_STATUS.ERR_CORE_TO_LEFT_BOTTOM Parameters Template TemplateSize [out] Receives the template array; The array must be allocated in advance [out] Receives the size (in bytes) of Template [out] Receives the quality of enrollment; Quality value ranges from 1 to 100. Typically this value should be above 30 for further processing such as enroll and matching. Especially in case of enrollment, the use of good quality image ( above 50 ) is highly recommended.
SetEncryptionKey method
Sets encryption key. public UFS_STATUS SetEncryptionKey( byte[] Key ); Possible return values UFS_STATUS.OK, UFS_STATUS.ERROR, UFS_STATUS.ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters Key [in] 32 bytes key array; default key is first byte is 1 and second to 32th byte are all 0
EncryptTemplate method
Encrypts template. public UFS_STATUS EncryptTemplate( byte[] TemplateInput, int TemplateInputSize, byte[] TemplateOutput, ref int TemplateOutputSize ); Possible return values UFS_STATUS.OK, UFS_STATUS.ERROR, UFS_STATUS.ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters TemplateInput TemplateInputSize TemplateOutput TemplateOutputSize [in] Input template array [in] Input template size [out] Output template array [in / out] Inputs allocated size of output template array; Receives output template size
DecryptTemplate method
Decrypts template. public UFS_STATUS DecryptTemplate( byte[] TemplateInput, int TemplateInputSize, byte[] TemplateOutput, ref int TemplateOutputSize ); Possible return values UFS_STATUS.OK, UFS_STATUS.ERROR, UFS_STATUS.ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters TemplateInput TemplateInputSize TemplateOutput TemplateOutputSize [in] Input template array [in] Input template size [out] Output template array [in / out] Inputs allocated size of output template array; Receives output template size
GetCaptureImageBuffer method
Gets captured image from the buffer. public UFS_STATUS GetCaptureImageBuffer( out Bitmap bitmap, out int Resolution ); Possible return values UFS_STATUS.OK, UFS_STATUS.ERROR, UFS_STATUS.ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters bitmap Resolution [out] Receives a bitmap instance [out] Receives the resolution of bitmap
DrawCaptureImageBuffer method
Draws the fingerprint image which is acquired using CaptureSingleImage() or StartCapturing(). public UFS_STATUS DrawCaptureImageBuffer( Graphics g, Rectangle rect, bool DrawCore ); Possible return values UFS_STATUS.OK, UFS_STATUS.ERROR, UFS_STATUS.ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters g rect DrawCore [in] Specifies graphics object to draw image buffer [in] Specifies position and size of image to be drawn [in] Specifies whether the core of fingerprint is drawn of not
SaveCaptureImageBufferToBMP method
Saves the capture image buffer to the specified file of the bitmap format. public UFS_STATUS SaveCaptureImageBufferToBMP( string FileName ); Possible return values UFS_STATUS.OK, UFS_STATUS.ERROR, UFS_STATUS.ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters FileName [in] Specifies file name to save image buffer
SaveCaptureImageBufferToTIF method
Saves the capture image buffer to the specified file of the tiff format. public UFS_STATUS SaveCaptureImageBufferToTIF( string FileName ); Possible return values UFS_STATUS.OK, UFS_STATUS.ERROR, UFS_STATUS.ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters FileName [in] Specifies file name to save image buffer
SaveCaptureImageBufferToJPG method
Saves the capture image buffer to the specified file of the jpeg format. public UFS_STATUS SaveCaptureImageBufferToJPG( string FileName ); Possible return values UFS_STATUS.OK, UFS_STATUS.ERROR, UFS_STATUS.ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters FileName [in] Specifies file name to save image buffer
ClearCaptureImageBuffer method
Clears the capture image buffer. public UFS_STATUS ClearCaptureImageBuffer(); Possible return values UFS_STATUS.OK, UFS_STATUS.ERROR, UFS_STATUS.ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS
GetErrorString method
Gets the error string for specified UFS_STAUS value. public static UFS_STATUS GetErrorString( UFS_STATUS res, out string ErrorString ); Possible return values UFS_STATUS.OK, UFS_STATUS.ERROR, UFS_STATUS.ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters res ErrorString [in] Status return value [out] Receives error string
Suprema.UFMatcher module
Suprema.UFMatcher module provides functionality for verifying fingerprints using two templates, identifying fingerprints using the template array, etc. Actually, Suprema.UFMatcher module is C# wrapper dll of UFMatcher.dll. The module is created using Visual C# 7.1 and compatible with .NET Framework 1.1 / 2.0 or higher.
Visual C#, Visual Basic .NET
Suprema namespace
Enumerations UFM_STATUS Classes UFMatcher class provides functionality for verifying fingerprints using two templates, identifying fingerprints using the template array, etc Every function in UFMatcher module returns UFM_STATUS enumeration value
UFM_STATUS enumeration
Every function in UFMatcher module returns UFM_STATUS enumeration value. public enum UFM_STATUS : int Members UFM_STATUS member name OK ERROR ERR_NO_LICENSE ERR_LICENSE_NOT_MATCH ERR_LICENSE_EXPIRED ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS ERR_MATCH_TIMEOUT ERR_MATCH_ABORTED ERR_TEMPLATE_TYPE Code 0 -1 -101 -102 -103 -111 -112 -401 -402 -411 Meaning Success General error System has no license License is not match License is expired This function is not supported Input parameters are invalid Matching is timeout Matching is aborted Template type is not match
FastMode property
Gets or sets whether fast mode is enable in identify method. Default value is true. public bool FastMode { get; set; }
SecurityLevel property
Gets or sets security level used in verify and identify method. The value ranges from 1 to 7. Default value is 4. public int SecurityLevel { get; set; } Relation between security level and false accept ratio
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
False Accept Ratio (FAR) Below 1 % (1e-2) Below 0.1 % (1e-3) Below 0.01 % (1e-4) Below 0.001 % (1e-5) Below 0.0001 % (1e-6) Below 0.00001 % (1e-7) Below 0.000001 % (1e-8)
UseSIF property
Gets or sets whether using SIF (biometric data standard interchange format) for templates. Default value is false. public bool UseSIF { get; set; }
Verify method
Compares two extracted templates. public UFM_STATUS Verify( byte[] Template1, int Template1Size, byte[] Template2, int Template2Size, out bool VerifySucceed ); Possible return values UFM_STATUS.OK, UFM_STATUS.ERROR, UFM_STATUS.ERR_LICENSE_NOT_MATCH, UFM_STATUS.ERR_LICENSE_EXPIRED, UFM_STATUS.ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS, UFM_STATUS.ERR_TEMPLATE_TYPE Parameters Template1 Template1Size Template2 Template2Size VerifySucceed [in] Specifies first template [in] Specifies the size of first template [in] Specifies second template [in] Specifies the size of second template [out] Receives whether verification is succeed; true: verification is succeed, false: verification is failed
Parameters Template1 Template1Size Template2Array Template2SizeArray Template2Num [in] Specifies input template [in] Specifies the size of input template [in] Specifies the template array [in] Specifies the template size array [in] Specifies the size of Template2Array or Template2SizeArray [in] Specifies maximum time for identifying in milliseconds; If elapsed time for identifying exceeds nTimeout, function stops further identifying and returns UFM_STATUS.ERR_MATCH_TIMEOUT; 0 means infinity [out] Receives the index of matched template in the template array; -1 means Template1 is not matched to all of templates in Template2Array
AbortIdentify method
Aborts current identifying procedure started using Identify(). public UFM_STATUS AbortIdentify(); Possible return values UFM_STATUS.OK, UFM_STATUS.ERROR
IdentifyInit method
Initializes identify with input template. public UFM_STATUS IdentifyInit( byte[] Template1, int Template1Size ); Possible return values UFM_STATUS.OK, UFM_STATUS.ERROR, UFM_STATUS.ERR_LICENSE_NOT_MATCH, UFM_STATUS.ERR_LICENSE_EXPIRED, UFM_STATUS.ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters Template1 Template1Size [in] Specifies input template [in] Specifies the size of input template
IdentifyNext method
Matches one input template to the template specified in IdentifyInit(). public UFM_STATUS IdentifyNext( byte[] Template2, int Template2Size, out bool IdentifySucceed ); Possible return values UFM_STATUS.OK, UFM_STATUS.ERROR, UFM_STATUS.ERR_LICENSE_NOT_MATCH, UFM_STATUS.ERR_LICENSE_EXPIRED, UFM_STATUS.ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS, UFM_STATUS.ERR_TEMPLATE_TYPE Parameters Template2 Template2Size IdentifySucceed [in] Specifies the template [in] Specifies the size of the template [out] Receives whether identification is succeed; true: identification is succeed, false: identification is failed
RotateTemplate method
Rotates the specified template to the amount of 180 degrees. public UFM_STATUS RotateTemplate( byte[] Template, int TemplateSize ); Possible return values UFM_STATUS.OK, UFM_STATUS.ERROR, UFM_STATUS.ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters Template TemplateSize [in / out] The template [in] Specifies the size of the template
GetErrorString method
Gets the error string for specified UFM_STAUS value. public UFM_STATUS GetErrorString( UFM_STATUS res, out string ErrorString ); Possible return values UFM_STATUS.OK, UFM_STATUS.ERROR, UFM_STATUS.ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters res szErrorString [in] Status return value [out] Receives error sting
Suprema.UFExtractor module
Suprema.UFExtractor module provides functionality for extracting templates from input images, etc. Actually, Suprema.UFExtractor module is C# wrapper dll of UFExtractor.dll. The module is created using Visual C# 7.1 and compatible with .NET Framework 1.1 / 2.0 or higher.
Visual C#, Visual Basic .NET
Suprema namespace
Enumerations UFE_STATUS UFE_MODE Classes UFExtractor UFExtractor class provides functionality for extracting templates from input images, etc Every function in UFExtractor module returns UFE_STATUS enumeration value UFExtractor.Mode property gives UFS_MODE enumeration value
UFE_STATUS enumeration
Every function in UFExtractor module returns UFE_STATUS enumeration value. public enum UFE_STATUS : int Members UFE_STATUS member name OK ERROR ERR_NO_LICENSE ERR_LICENSE_NOT_MATCH ERR_LICENSE_EXPIRED ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS ERR_NOT_GOOD_IMAGE ERR_EXTRACTION_FAILED ERR_UNDEFINED_MODE ERR_CORE_NOT_DETECTED ERR_CORE_TO_LEFT ERR_CORE_TO_LEFT_TOP ERR_CORE_TO_TOP ERR_CORE_TO_RIGHT_TOP ERR_CORE_TO_RIGHT ERR_CORE_TO_RIGHT_BOTTOM ERR_CORE_TO_BOTTOM ERR_CORE_TO_LEFT_BOTTOM Code 0 -1 -101 -102 -103 -111 -112 -301 -302 -311 -351 -352 -353 -354 -355 -356 -357 -358 -359 Meaning Success General error System has no license License is not match License is expired This function is not supported Input parameters are invalid Input image is not good Extraction is failed Undefined mode Core is not detected Move finger to left Move finger to left-top Move finger to top Move finger to right-top Move finger to right Move finger to right-bottom Move finger to bottom Move finger to left-bottom
UFE_MODE enumeration
UFExtractor.Mode property gives UFS_MODE enumeration value. public enum UFE_MODE : int Members UFE_MODE member name SFR200 SFR300 SFR300v2 Code 1001 1002 1003 Meaning Suprema SFR200 Suprema SFR300-S Suprema SFR300-S(Ver.2)
Mode property
Gets or sets mode for configuring extractor. Default value is UFE_MODE.SFR300v2. public UFE_MODE Mode { get; set; }
DetectCore property
Gets or sets whether detecting core when extracting templates. Default value is false. public bool DetectCore { get; set; }
TemplateSize property
Gets or sets template size limitation of the scanner. The unit is bytes and the value ranges from 256 to 1024 and step size is 32. Default value is 384. public int TemplateSize { get; set; }
UseSIF property
Gets or sets whether using SIF (biometric data standard interchange format) for templates. Default value is false. public bool UseSIF { get; set; }
Extract method
Extracts a template from input image. public UFE_STATUS Extract( byte[] ImageData, int Width, int Height, int Resolution, byte[] Template, out int TemplateSize, out int EnrollQuality ); Possible return values UFE_STATUS.OK, UFE_STATUS.ERROR, UFE_STATUS.ERR_LICENSE_NOT_MATCH, UFE_STATUS.ERR_LICENSE_EXPIRED, UFE_STATUS.ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS, UFE_STATUS.ERR_NOT_GOOD_IMAGE, UFE_STATUS.ERR_EXTRACTION_FAILED, UFE_STATUS.ERR_CORE_NOT_DETECTED, UFE_STATUS.ERR_CORE_TO_LEFT, UFE_STATUS.ERR_CORE_TO_LEFT_TOP, UFE_STATUS.ERR_CORE_TO_TOP, UFE_STATUS.ERR_CORE_TO_RIGHT_TOP, UFE_STATUS.ERR_CORE_TO_RIGHT, UFE_STATUS.ERR_CORE_TO_RIGHT_BOTTOM, UFE_STATUS.ERR_CORE_TO_BOTTOM, UFE_STATUS.ERR_CORE_TO_LEFT_BOTTOM Parameters ImageData Width Height Resolution Template TemplateSize EnrollQuality [in] Byte array holding input image; input image is assumed to be top-down order and 8 bit gray for pixel format [in] Width of input image; Width must be less than 640 [in] Height of input image; Height must be less than 640 [in] Resolution of input image [out] Receives the template array; The array must be allocated in advance [out] Receives the size (in bytes) of Template [out] Receives the quality of enrollment; Quality value ranges from 1 to 100. Typically this value should be above 30 for further processing such as enroll and matching. Especially in case of
SetEncryptionKey method
Sets encryption key. public UFE_STATUS SetEncryptionKey( byte[] Key ); Possible return values UFE_STATUS.OK, UFE_STATUS.ERROR, UFE_STATUS.ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters Key [in] 32 bytes key array; default key is first byte is 1 and second to 32th byte are all 0
EncryptTemplate method
Encrypts template. public UFE_STATUS EncryptTemplate( byte[] TemplateInput, int TemplateInputSize, byte[] TemplateOutput, ref int TemplateOutputSize ); Possible return values
Parameters TemplateInput TemplateInputSize TemplateOutput TemplateOutputSize [in] Input template array [in] Input template size [out] Output template array [in / out] Inputs allocated size of output template array; Receives output template size
DecryptTemplate method
Decrypts template. public UFE_STATUS DecryptTemplate( byte[] TemplateInput, int TemplateInputSize, byte[] TemplateOutput, ref int TemplateOutputSize ); Possible return values
Parameters TemplateInput TemplateInputSize TemplateOutput TemplateOutputSize [in] Input template array [in] Input template size [out] Output template array [in / out] Inputs allocated size of output template array; Receives output template size
LoadImageFromBMPFile method
Loads image data from bitmap file. public UFE_STATUS LoadImageFromBMPFile( string BMPFileName, out byte[] ImageData, out int Width, out int Height ); Possible return values UFE_STATUS.OK, UFE_STATUS.ERROR, UFE_STATUS.ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters BMPFileName ImageData Width Height [in] Specifies file name to load image data [out] Byte array holding image data; ImageData is top-down order and has 8 bit gray for pixel format [out] Width of input image [out] Height of input image
LoadImageFromTIFFile method
Loads image data from tiff file. public UFE_STATUS LoadImageFromTIFFile( string TIFFileName, out byte[] ImageData, out int Width, out int Height ); Possible return values UFE_STATUS.OK, UFE_STATUS.ERROR, UFE_STATUS.ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters TIFFileName ImageData Width Height [in] Specifies file name to load image data [out] Byte array holding image data; ImageData is top-down order and has 8 bit gray for pixel format [out] Width of input image [out] Height of input image
LoadImageFromJPGFile method
Loads image data from jpeg file. public UFE_STATUS LoadImageFromJPGFile( string JPGFileName, out byte[] ImageData, out int Width, out int Height ); Possible return values UFE_STATUS.OK, UFE_STATUS.ERROR, UFE_STATUS.ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters JPGFileName ImageData Width Height [in] Specifies file name to load image data [out] Byte array holding image data; ImageData is top-down order and has 8 bit gray for pixel format [out] Width of input image [out] Height of input image
LoadImageFromBMPBuffer method
Loads image data from bitmap class instance. public UFE_STATUS LoadImageFromBMPBuffer( Bitmap bitmap, out byte[] ImageData, out int Width, out int Height ); Possible return values UFE_STATUS.OK, UFE_STATUS.ERROR, UFE_STATUS.ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters bitmap ImageData Width Height [in] Specifies a bitmap class instance holding image data [out] Byte array holding image data; ImageData is top-down order and has 8 bit gray for pixel format [out] Width of input image [out] Height of input image
GetErrorString method
Gets the error string for specified UFE_STAUS value. public static UFE_STATUS GetErrorString( UFE_STATUS res, out string ErrorString ); Possible return values
Parameters res ErrorString [in] Status return value [out] Receives error string
Suprema.UFDatabase module
Suprema.UFDatabase module provides functionality for managing database, adding / updating / removing / getting templates with user data, etc. Actually, Suprema.UFDatabase module is C# wrapper dll of UFDatabase.dll. The module is created using Visual C# 7.1 and compatible with .NET Framework 1.1 / 2.0 or higher.
Visual C#, Visual Basic .NET
Suprema namespace
Enumerations UFD_STATUS Classes UFDatabase UFDatabse class provides functionality for managing database, adding / updating / removing / getting templates with user data, etc Every function in UFExtractor module returns UFE_STATUS enumeration value
UFD_STATUS enumeration
Every function in UFDatabase module returns UFD_STATUS enumeration value. public enum UFD_STATUS : int Members UFD_STATUS member name OK ERROR ERR_NO_LICENSE ERR_LICENSE_NOT_MATCH ERR_LICENSE_EXPIRED ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS ERR_SAME_FINGER_EXIST Code 0 -1 -101 -102 -103 -111 -112 -501 Meaning Success General error System has no license License is not match License is expired This function is not supported Input parameters are invalid Same finger exists on database
Open method
Opens a database using specified connection string. public UFD_STATUS Open( string Connection, string UserID, string Password ); Possible return values UFD_STATUS.OK, UFD_STATUS.ERROR, UFD_STATUS.ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters [in] Specifies ADO connection strings; to connect to an Access file using the JET OLE DB Provider, use "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=mdb_file_path;"; if database is password protected, use "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=mdb_file_path;Jet OLEDB:Database Password=mdb_password;" [in] Specifies user ID directly passed to ADO open method (can be null) [in] Specifies password directly passed to ADO open method (can be null)
UserID Password
Close method
Closes specified database. public UFD_STATUS Close(); Possible return values UFD_STATUS.OK, UFD_STATUS.ERROR, UFD_STATUS.ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS
AddData method
Adds data into the specified database. If there is a database entry of same user ID with finger index with input data, the function returns UFD_STATUS.ERR_SAME_FINGER_EXIST. public UFD_STATUS AddData( string UserID, int FingerIndex, byte[] Template1, int Template1Size, byte[] Template2, int Template2Size, string Memo ); Possible return values UFD_STATUS.OK, UFD_STATUS.ERROR, UFD_STATUS.ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS, UFD_STATUS.ERR_SAME_FINGER_EXIST Parameters UserID FingerIndex Template1 Template1Size Template2 Template2Size Memo [in] Specifies user ID Information [in] Specifies finger index for Identifying finger [in] Specifies first fingerprint template data [in] Specifies the size of template [in] Specifies second fingerprint template data [in] Specifies the size of template [in] Specifies additional user data
UpdateDataByUserInfo method
Updates the database entry having specified user ID and finger index. public UFD_STATUS UpdateDataByUserInfo( string UserID, int FingerIndex, byte[] Template1, int Template1Size, byte[] Template2, int Template2Size, string Memo ); Possible return values UFD_STATUS.OK, UFD_STATUS.ERROR, UFD_STATUS.ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters UserID FingerIndex Template1 Template1Size Template2 Template2Size Memo [in] Specifies user ID Information [in] Specifies finger index for Identifying finger [in] Specifies first fingerprint template data; null indicates no update for template1 [in] Specifies the size of template; 0 indicates no update for template1 [in] Specifies second fingerprint template data; null indicates no update for template2 [in] Specifies the size of template; 0 indicates no update for template2 [in] Specifies additional user data; null indicates no update for memo
UpdateDataBySerial method
Updates the database entry having specified serial number. public UFD_STATUS UpdateDataBySerial( int Serial, byte[] Template1, int Template1Size, byte[] Template2, int Template2Size, string Memo ); Possible return values UFD_STATUS.OK, UFD_STATUS.ERROR, UFD_STATUS.ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters Serial Template1 Template1Size Template2 Template2Size Memo [in] Specifies serial number [in] Specifies first fingerprint template data; null indicates no update for template1 [in] Specifies the size of template; 0 indicates no update for template1 [in] Specifies second fingerprint template data; null indicates no update for template2 [in] Specifies the size of template; 0 indicates no update for template2 [in] Specifies additional user data; null indicates no update for memo
RemoveDataByUserID method
Removes the database entries having specified user ID. public UFD_STATUS RemoveDataByUserID( string UserID ); Possible return values UFD_STATUS.OK, UFD_STATUS.ERROR, UFD_STATUS.ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters UserID [in] Specifies user ID Information
RemoveDataByUserInfo method
Removes the database entries having specified user ID and finger index. public UFD_STATUS RemoveDataByUserInfo( string UserID, int FingerIndex ); Possible return values UFD_STATUS.OK, UFD_STATUS.ERROR, UFD_STATUS.ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters UserID FingerIndex [in] Specifies user ID Information [in] Specifies finger index for Identifying finger
RemoveDataBySerial method
Removes the database entries having specified serial number. public UFD_STATUS RemoveDataBySerial( int Serial ); Possible return values UFD_STATUS.OK, UFD_STATUS.ERROR, UFD_STATUS.ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters Serial [in] Specifies serial number
RemoveAllData method
Removes all database entries. public UFD_STATUS RemoveAllData(); Possible return values UFD_STATUS.OK, UFD_STATUS.ERROR, UFD_STATUS.ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS
GetDataNumber method
Gets the number of database entries. public UFD_STATUS GetDataNumber( out int DataNumber ); Possible return values UFD_STATUS.OK, UFD_STATUS.ERROR, UFD_STATUS.ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters DataNumber [out] Receives the number of database entries
GetDataByIndex method
Gets the database entry having specified index. public UFD_STATUS GetDataByIndex( int Index, out int Serial, out string UserID, out int FingerIndex, byte[] Template1, out int Template1Size, byte[] Template2, out int Template2Size, out string Memo ); Possible return values UFD_STATUS.OK, UFD_STATUS.ERROR, UFD_STATUS.ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters Index Serial UserID FingerIndex Template1 Template1Size Template2 Template2Size Memo [in] Specifies the index [out] Receives the serial number [out] Receives user ID Information [out] Receives finger index [out] Receives first fingerprint template data [out] Receives the size of template [out] Receives second fingerprint template data [out] Receives the size of template [out] Receives additional user data
GetDataByUserInfo method
Gets the database entry having specified user ID and finger index. public UFD_STATUS GetDataByUserInfo( int Index, out int Serial, out string UserID, out int FingerIndex, byte[] Template1, out int Template1Size, byte[] Template2, out int Template2Size, out string Memo ); Possible return values UFD_STATUS.OK, UFD_STATUS.ERROR, UFD_STATUS.ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters UserID FingerIndex Template1 Template1Size Template2 Template2Size Memo [in] Specifies user ID Information [in] Specifies finger index [out] Receives first fingerprint template data [out] Receives the size of template [out] Receives second fingerprint template data [out] Receives the size of template [out] Receives additional user data
GetDataBySerial method
Gets the database entry having specified serial number. public UFD_STATUS GetDataBySerial( int Serial, out string UserID, out int FingerIndex, byte[] Template1, out int Template1Size, byte[] Template2, out int Template2Size, out string Memo ); Possible return values UFD_STATUS.OK, UFD_STATUS.ERROR, UFD_STATUS.ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters Serial UserID FingerIndex Template1 Template1Size Template2 Template2Size Memo [in] Specifies the serial number [out] Receives user ID Information [out] Receives finger index [out] Receives first fingerprint template data [out] Receives the size of template [out] Receives second fingerprint template data [out] Receives the size of template [out] Receives additional user data
GetTemplateListWithSerial method
Gets all the template list with corresponding serial number list from specified database. public UFD_STATUS GetTemplateListWithSerial( out byte[][] TemplateArray, out int[] TemplateSizeArray, out int TemplateNum, out int[] SerialArray ); Possible return values UFD_STATUS.OK, UFD_STATUS.ERROR, UFD_STATUS.ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters TemplateArray TemplateSizeArray TemplateNum SerialArray [out] Receives the template list [out] Receives the tempalte size list [out] Receives the size of template list [out] Receives the serial number list
GetErrorString method
Gets the error string for specified UFD_STAUS value. public static UFD_STATUS GetErrorString( UFD_STATUS res, out string ErrorString ); Possible return values UFD_STATUS.OK, UFD_STATUS.ERROR, UFD_STATUS.ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters res ErrorString [in] Status return value [out] Receives error sting
Appendix A. Contacts
Suprema Inc. Address: 16F Parkview office Tower, Jeongja-dong, Bundang-gu, Seongnam, Gyeonggi, 463-863, Korea Tel: +82-31-783-4502 Fax: +82-31-783-4503
E-mail support
If you wish to directly query a problem in the Suprema PC SDK, send a mail to or
File Name Finger1_1.bmp Finger1_2.bmp Finger2_1.bmp Finger2_2.bmp Suprema.tlb Suprema.UFDatabase.dll Suprema.UFExtractor.dll Suprema.UFMatcher.dll Suprema.UFScanner.dll UFDatabase.dll UFDatabase.mdb UFE30_DatabaseDemoCS.exe UFE30_DatabaseDemoVBNET.exe UFE30_DatabaseDemoVC60.exe UFE30_DemoCS.exe UFE30_DemoVBNET.exe UFE30_DemoVC60.exe UFE30_EnrollDemoCS.exe UFE30_EnrollDemoVBNET.exe UFE30_EnrollDemoVC60.exe UFE30_ImageDemoCS.exe UFE30_ImageDemoVBNET.exe UFE30_ImageDemoVC60.exe UFE30_MultiScannerDemoVC60.exe UFExtractor.dll UFLicense.dat UFMatcher.dll UFScanner.dll UFScanner_IZZIX.dll
Description Sample fingerprint image Sample fingerprint image Sample fingerprint image Sample fingerprint image Type library for Visual Basic 6.0 Database module wrapper for .NET Extractor module wrapper for .NET Matcher module wrapper for .NET Scanner module wrapper for .NET Database module Database file Database demo for C# Database demo for VB .NET Database demo for VC++ 6.0 Demo for C# Demo for VB .NET Demo for VC++ 6.0 Enroll demo for C# Enroll demo for VB .NET Enroll demo for VC++ 6.0 Image demo for C# Image demo for VB .NET Image demo for VC++ 6.0 Multi scanner demo Extractor module License file Matcher module Scanner module Scanner sub module for SFR200
Supported Products
PE = Suprema BioMini Enroll SDK, PS = Suprema BioMini SDK, PM = Suprema Match SDK, PI = Suprema Image SDK
File Name UFE30.chm UFE30.pdf
Description Reference Manual (Windows help file format) Reference Manual (Adobe PDF format)
PE = Suprema BioMini Enroll SDK, PS = Suprema BioMini SDK, PM = Suprema Match SDK, PI = Suprema Image SDK
File Name UFDatabase.h UFExtractor.h UFMatcher.h UFScanner.h
Description Header file for database module Header file for extractor module Header file for matcher module Header file for scanner module
PE = Suprema BioMini Enroll SDK, PS = Suprema BioMini SDK, PM = Suprema Match SDK, PI = Suprema Image SDK
File Name drivers\SFR200\IZZIX.98_ drivers\SFR200\ drivers\SFR200\IZZIX.inf drivers\SFR200\IZZIX.xp_ drivers\SFR300-S\sfudusb.inf drivers\SFR300-S\sfudusb.sys drivers\SFR300S(Ver.2)\2000_XP\CyLoad.sys drivers\SFR300S(Ver.2)\2000_XP\CyUSB.sys drivers\SFR300S(Ver.2)\2000_XP\SFR300V2.inf drivers\SFR300S(Ver.2)\2000_XP\SFR300V2.spt drivers\SFR300S(Ver.2)\98_ME\firmware.sys drivers\SFR300S(Ver.2)\98_ME\Sfu-Usb.inf drivers\SFR300S(Ver.2)\98_ME\Sfu-Usb.sys
Description Driver file for SFR200 Driver file for SFR200 Driver file for SFR200 Driver file for SFR200 Driver file for SFR300-S Driver file for SFR300-S Driver file for SFR300-S(Ver.2), For Windows 2000, XP Driver file for SFR300-S(Ver.2), For Windows 2000, XP Driver file for SFR300-S(Ver.2), For Windows 2000, XP Driver file for SFR300-S(Ver.2), For Windows 2000, XP Driver file for SFR300-S(Ver.2), For Windows 98, ME Driver file for SFR300-S(Ver.2), For Windows 98, ME Driver file for SFR300-S(Ver.2), For Windows 98, ME
Supported Products
PE = Suprema BioMini Enroll SDK, PS = Suprema BioMini SDK, PM = Suprema Match SDK, PI = Suprema Image SDK
File Name UFDatabase.lib UFExtractor.lib UFMatcher.lib UFScanner.lib
Description Library file for database module Library file for extractor module Library file for matcher module Library file for scanner module
PE = Suprema BioMini Enroll SDK, PS = Suprema BioMini SDK, PM = Suprema Match SDK, PI = Suprema Image SDK
Directory Name VS60\UFE30_DatabaseDemoVB60 VS60\UFE30_DatabaseDemoVC60 VS60\UFE30_DemoVB60 VS60\UFE30_DemoVC60 VS60\UFE30_EnrollDemoVB60 VS60\UFE30_EnrollDemoVC60 VS60\UFE30_ImageDemoVB60 VS60\UFE30_ImageDemoVC60 VS60\UFE30_MultiScannerDemoVC60 VS80\UFE30_DatabaseDemoCS VS80\UFE30_DatabaseDemoVBNET VS80\UFE30_DemoCS VS80\UFE30_DemoVBNET VS80\UFE30_EnrollDemoCS VS80\UFE30_EnrollDemoVBNET VS80\UFE30_ImageDemoCS VS80\UFE30_ImageDemoVBNET Description Contains database demo sample project for Visual Basic 6.0 Contains database demo sample project for Visual C++ 6.0 Contains demo sample project for Visual Basic 6.0 Contains demo sample project for Visual C++ 6.0 Contains enroll demo sample project for Visual Basic 6.0 Contains enroll demo sample project for Visual C++ 6.0 Contains image demo sample project for Visual Basic 6.0 Contains image demo sample project for Visual C++ 6.0 Contains multi scanner demo sample project for Visual C++ 6.0 Contains database demo sample project for Visual C# Contains database demo sample project for Visual Basic .NET Contains demo sample project for Visual C# Contains demo sample project for Visual Basic .NET Contains enroll demo sample project for Visual C# Contains enroll demo sample project for Visual Basic .NET Contains image demo sample project for Visual C# Contains image demo sample project for Visual Basic .NET Supported Products 1) PS PS PS PS PE PE PI PI PS PS PS PS PS PE PE PI PI
PE = Suprema BioMini Enroll SDK, PS = Suprema BioMini SDK, PM = Suprema Match SDK, PI = Suprema Image SDK
S Suprema namespace 180, 229, 244, 263 Suprema.UFD_STATUS enumeration ......................264 Suprema.UFDatabase class ......265 Suprema.UFDatabase module ..262 Suprema.UFDatabase.AddData method ..............................268 Suprema.UFDatabase.Close method ..............................267 Suprema.UFDatabase.GetDataByI ndex method .....................276 Suprema.UFDatabase.GetDataByS erial method ......................278 Suprema.UFDatabase.GetDataBy UserInfo method ...............277 Suprema.UFDatabase.GetDataNu mber method .....................275 Suprema.UFDatabase.GetErrorStri ng method .........................280 Suprema.UFDatabase.GetTemplat eListWithSerial method....279 Suprema.UFDatabase.Open method ..............................266 Suprema.UFDatabase.RemoveAll Data method......................274 Suprema.UFDatabase.RemoveDat aBySerial method .............273 Suprema.UFDatabase.RemoveDat aByUserID method ...........271 Suprema.UFDatabase.RemoveDat aByUserInfo method ........272 Suprema.UFDatabase.UpdateData BySerial method ...............270 Suprema.UFDatabase.UpdateData ByUserInfo method ..........269 Suprema.UFE_MODE enumeration ......................246 Suprema.UFE_STATUS enumeration ......................245 Suprema.UFExtractor class ......247 Suprema.UFExtractor module ..243 Suprema.UFExtractor.DecryptTem plate method..................... 256 Suprema.UFExtractor.DetectCore property............................ 249 Suprema.UFExtractor.EncryptTem plate method..................... 255 Suprema.UFExtractor.Extract method ............................. 252 Suprema.UFExtractor.GetErrorStri ng method ........................ 261 Suprema.UFExtractor.LoadImageF romBMPBuffer method ... 260 Suprema.UFExtractor.LoadImageF romBMPFile method ....... 257 Suprema.UFExtractor.LoadImageF romJPGFile method ......... 259 Suprema.UFExtractor.LoadImageF romTIFFile method.......... 258 Suprema.UFExtractor.Mode property............................ 248 Suprema.UFExtractor.SetEncrypti onKey method.................. 254 Suprema.UFExtractor.TemplateSiz e property ......................... 250 Suprema.UFExtractor.UseSIF property............................ 251 Suprema.UFM_STATUS enumeration ..................... 230 Suprema.UFMatcher class....... 231 Suprema.UFMatcher module... 228 Suprema.UFMatcher.AbortIdentify method ............................. 238 Suprema.UFMatcher.FastMode property............................ 232 Suprema.UFMatcher.GetErrorStrin g method .......................... 242 Suprema.UFMatcher.Identify method ............................. 236 Suprema.UFMatcher.IdentifyInit method ............................. 239 Suprema.UFMatcher.IdentifyMT method ............................. 236
Suprema.UFMatcher.IdentifyNext method ..............................240 Suprema.UFMatcher.RotateTempl ate method ........................241 Suprema.UFMatcher.SecurityLeve l property ..........................233 Suprema.UFMatcher.UseSIF property.............................234 Suprema.UFMatcher.Verify method ..............................235 Suprema.UFS_CAPTURE_PROC delegate.............................184 Suprema.UFS_SCANNER_PROC delegate.............................183 Suprema.UFS_SCANNER_TYPE enumeration ......................182 Suprema.UFS_STATUS enumeration ......................181 Suprema.UFScanner class ........197 Suprema.UFScanner module ....179 Suprema.UFScanner.AbortCapturi ng method .........................216 Suprema.UFScanner.Brightness property.............................202 Suprema.UFScanner.CaptureEvent event .................................199 Suprema.UFScanner.CaptureSingl eImage method .................214 Suprema.UFScanner.ClearCapture ImageBuffer method.........226 Suprema.UFScanner.DecryptTemp late method .......................220 Suprema.UFScanner.DetectCore property.............................205 Suprema.UFScanner.DrawCapture ImageBuffer method.........222 Suprema.UFScanner.EncryptTemp late method .......................219 Suprema.UFScanner.Extract method ..............................217 Suprema.UFScanner.GetCaptureI mageBuffer method ..........221 Suprema.UFScanner.GetErrorStrin g method ...........................227 Suprema.UFScanner.Handle property.............................212
Suprema.UFScanner.ID property ......................................... 200 Suprema.UFScanner.IsCapturing property............................ 211 Suprema.UFScanner.IsFingerOn property............................ 210 Suprema.UFScanner.IsSensorOn property............................ 209 Suprema.UFScanner.SaveCaptureI mageBufferToBMP method ......................................... 223 Suprema.UFScanner.SaveCaptureI mageBufferToJPG method ......................................... 225 Suprema.UFScanner.SaveCaptureI mageBufferToTIF method224 Suprema.UFScanner.ScannerType property............................ 208 Suprema.UFScanner.Sensitivity property............................ 203 Suprema.UFScanner.Serial property............................ 204 Suprema.UFScanner.SetEncryptio nKey method.................... 218 Suprema.UFScanner.SetScanner method ............................. 213 Suprema.UFScanner.StartCapturin g method .......................... 215 Suprema.UFScanner.TemplateSize property............................ 206 Suprema.UFScanner.Timeout property............................ 201 Suprema.UFScanner.UseSIF property............................ 207 Suprema.UFScannerCaptureEvent Args class......................... 186 Suprema.UFScannerManager class ......................................... 187 Suprema.UFScannerManager.Init method ............................. 191 Suprema.UFScannerManager.Scan nerEvent event ................. 190 Suprema.UFScannerManager.Scan nerList class ..................... 194 Suprema.UFScannerManager.Scan nerList.Count property..... 195
Suprema.UFScannerManager.Scan nerList.Item property ........196 Suprema.UFScannerManager.Scan ners property .....................189 Suprema.UFScannerManager.UFS cannerManager constructor ..........................................188 Suprema.UFScannerManager.Unin it method ...........................193 Suprema.UFScannerManager.Upd ate method ........................192 Suprema.UFScannerManagerScan nerEventArgs class ...........185 U UFD_AddData..........................143 UFD_Close ...............................141 UFD_GetDataByIndex .............162 UFD_GetDataBySerial.............168 UFD_GetDataByUserInfo ........165 UFD_GetDataNumber..............160 UFD_GetErrorString ................176 UFD_GetTemplateListWithSerial ..........................................173 UFD_GetTemplateNumber ......171 UFD_Open ...............................139 UFD_RemoveAllData ..............158 UFD_RemoveDataBySerial .....156 UFD_RemoveDataByUserID...152 UFD_RemoveDataByUserInfo 154 UFD_UpdateDataBySerial .......149 UFD_UpdateDataByUserInfo ..146 UFDatabase module .................137 UFE_Create ..............................110 UFE_DecryptTemplate.............129 UFE_Delete ..............................112 UFE_EncryptTemplate.............127 UFE_Extract .............................122 UFE_GetErrorString.................135 UFE_GetMode .........................114 UFE_GetParameter...................118 UFE_LoadImageFromBMPBuffer ..........................................133 UFE_LoadImageFromBMPFile ..........................................131 UFE_SetEncryptionKey ...........125 UFE_SetMode ..........................116 UFE_SetParameter ...................120
UFExtractor module ................ 107 UFM_AbortIdentify................... 96 UFM_Create .............................. 81 UFM_Delete .............................. 83 UFM_GetErrorString............... 105 UFM_GetParameter................... 85 UFM_Identify ............................ 92 UFM_IdentifyInit ...................... 98 UFM_IdentifyMT ...................... 92 UFM_IdentifyNext .................. 100 UFM_RotateTemplate ............. 103 UFM_SetParameter ................... 87 UFM_Verify .............................. 89 UFMatcher module.................... 78 UFS_AbortCapturing................. 56 UFS_CaptureSingleImage ......... 50 UFS_ClearCaptureImageBuffer 74 UFS_DecryptTemplate .............. 64 UFS_DrawCaptureImageBuffer 70 UFS_EncryptTemplate .............. 62 UFS_Extract .............................. 58 UFS_GetCaptureImageBuffer ... 68 UFS_GetCaptureImageBufferInfo ........................................... 66 UFS_GetErrorString .................. 76 UFS_GetParameter .................... 41 UFS_GetScannerHandle............ 31 UFS_GetScannerHandleByID... 33 UFS_GetScannerID ................... 37 UFS_GetScannerIndex .............. 35 UFS_GetScannerNumber .......... 29 UFS_GetScannerType ............... 39 UFS_Init .................................... 23 UFS_IsCapturing ....................... 54 UFS_IsFingerOn........................ 48 UFS_IsSensorOn ....................... 46 UFS_RemoveScannerCallback.. 28 UFS_SaveCaptureImageBufferTo BMP................................... 72 UFS_SetEncryptionKey ............ 60 UFS_SetParameter..................... 44 UFS_SetScannerCallback.......... 26 UFS_StartCapturing .................. 52 UFS_Uninit................................ 25 UFS_Update .............................. 24 UFScanner module .................... 18