1 List of Books On Horology
1 List of Books On Horology
1 List of Books On Horology
A Rudimentary Treatise On Clock And Watch Making; With A Chapter On Church Clocks; And An Accoun
312 pages
A Treatise On Watch-work, Past And Present
332 pages
Abbott's American Watchmaker and Jeweler
394 pages
American Horological Journal, Devoted To Practical Horology
Volume 1
300 pages
471 pages
268 pages
New And Complete Clock And Watchmakers' Manual
366 pages
Old Clocks And Watches & Their Makers, Being An Historical And Descriptive Account Of The Different
758 pages
Old Scottish Clockmakers From 1453 To 1850
516 pages
On The Construction And Theory Of The Dead Escapement For Clocks 1846
56 pages
On The Springing And Adjusting Of Watches
160 pages
Practical Course In Adjusting, Comprising A Review Of The Laws Governing The Motion Of The Balance
255 pages
Practical Lessons On The Lever Escapement, Its Tests, Errors, Their Detection And Correction
268 pages
Rules And Practice For Adjusting Watches
128 pages
Spring & Adjusting Watches
160 pages
Service & Repair of the Hamilton Electric Watch
58 pages
The American Watchmaker And Jeweler; An Encyclopedia For The Horologist, Jeweler, Gold And Silver
378 pages
The Modern Clock; A Study Of Time Keeping Mechanism; Its Construction, Regulation, And Repair
520 pages
The perfected American Watch
43 pages
The Tower Clock And How To Make It; A Practical And Theoretical Treatise On The Construction Of A Ch
72 pages
The Watch Adjuster's Manual
392 pages
The Watch And The Clock
30 pages
The Watch Balance And Its Jeweling
40 pages
The Watch Jobber's Handybook A Practical Manual On Cleaning, Repairing, & Adjusting
196 pages
The Watch & Clock makers Handbook Dictionary and Guide
470 pages
The Watch; Its Construction, Its Merits And Defects,
How To Choose It, And How To Use It
76 pages
The Watchmaker's And Jeweler's Hand-book
56 pages
The Watchmakers' Lathe, Its Use And Abuse; A Story Of The Lathe In Its Various Forms, Past And Prese
302 pages
248 pages
Watchmakers and Jewelers Practical Receipt Book
136 pages
Watches The Paul M. Chamberlain Collection At
The Art Institute Of Chicago
72 pages
Watchmakers' And Jewelers' Practical Receipt Book.
A Workshop Companion
ch Clocks; And An Account Of The Proceedings Respecting The Great Westminster Clock
Account Of The Different Styles Of Clocks And Watches Of The Past, In England And Abroad, To Which Is Added A
And Correction
The Construction Of A Chiming Tower Clock, With Full Working Drawings Photographed To Scale
Practical Course In Adjusting, Comprising A Review Of The Laws Governing The Motion Of The Balance And Balance Spri
The American Watchmaker And Jeweler; An Encyclopedia For The Horologist, Jeweler, Gold And Silversmith
The Watch Adjuster's Manual
The Watch Balance And Its Jeweling
20th century catalogue of supplies for watchmakers, jewelers and kindred trades (1899,PD:1923) - Purdy, J. H. - 764 page
A Brief Account of the Chronometer of Parkinson & Frodsham, Royal Observatory Greenwich, 1832, 32 pages
A catalogue of books manuscripts specimens of clocks watches and watchwork (1875)
A Catalogue Of Books, Manuscripts, Specimens Of Clocks, Watches And Watchwork, Paintings, Prints, Etc
A complete history of watchmaking in America, from 1809 to 1888 inclusive
A Description of a Clepsydra or Water-Clock - C Hamilton (1753))
A History of Simon Williard, Inventor & Clockmaker, J. W. Williard, 1911
A new circuit-breaker for astronomical clocks August 1, 1895 - Vol. 7
A New Method of Constructing Sun-Dials, for Any Given Latitude - J Ferguson (1767))
A New Method of Constructing Sun-Dials, for Any Given Latitude (1767,PD:1923) - Ferguson, J. - 6 pages
A New System of Electric Clocks; its Principles & Advantages - LH Spellier (1886)
A Partical course in Adjusting
A portion of the papers relating to the great clock (1848))
A Practical & Theoretical Treatise on the Detached Level Escapement, by Moritz Grossmann, 1884, 124 pages
A Practical Course in Horology By: Harold C. Kelly 200 pages
A practical treatise on the balance spring (1876)
A reliable compendium of valuable receipts and suggestions Watchmakers' and Jewelers' Practical Receipt Book
A Rudimentary Treatise on Clock and Watch Making - E B Denison (1850))
A rudimentary treatise on clocks watches and bells for public purposes - E Grimthorpe (1903))
A treatise on modern horology in theory and practice (1887)
A treatise on the teeth of wheels (1868)
A Treatise on Watch-Work Past and Present- H L Nelthropp (1873))
A Treatise on Watch-work, Past & Present, by Rev. H. L. Nelthropp, 1873, 326 pages.
A workshop companion
Abbott's American Watchmaker & Jeweler; An Encyclopedia for the Horologist,
Account of Improvements in Chronometers, J. S. Eiffe, 1842
Accutron service manual series 214
Accutron service manual series 218)
American horological journal - devoted to practical horology vol 1 (1869)
American horological journal - devoted to practical horology Vol 2 (1869)
American horological journal - devoted to practical horology Vol 3 (1869)
American horological journal - devoted to practical horology Vol 4 (1869)
American Watches, J. C. Watson, 1877
American Watchmaker and Jeweler (1900) By: J. Parish Stelle 78 pages
American Watchmaker and Jeweler, an Encyclopedia for the Horologist, Jeweler, Gold and Silversmith, by Henry Abbott, 1
Catalogue and Price-list of Fine Imported and American Machinery, Tools, Materials, and Supplies - Frasse & Company (18
Catalogue of J.E. Brown & Co. Limited (1906)
Charter & Bye Laws - Company of Clockmakers of the City of London (1825)
Chats On Old Clocks
Chauncey Jerome, Written by Himself - C Jerome (1860)
Church, Clock, Hemispherical, and Other Description of Bells, Whitechapel Bell Foundry, by Mears and Stainbank, 1919, 7
Clock & Watch Work - E Beckett (1855)
Clock and watch work (1855)
Eclaircissemens sur des Nouvelles Machines pour la Determination des Longitudes en Mer par le Mesure du Temps, by M.
Elements Of Mechanical Philosophy
Elements of mechanical philosophy : being the substance of a course of lectures on that science -1804
Emerging from the Shadows The Waltham 6-size Model 1873M
English-French-German Horological Pocket Dictionary, by M. Grossman & M. Loeske, 1891, 193 pages
Enseignement Theorique de l' Horlogerie, by J. Rambal, 1889, 355 pages
Escapement for an Astrological Clock Invented by H. Kater, by J. F. W. Herschel, 1840, 8 page excerpt
Essai sur l' Horlogerie, by M. F. Berthoud, 1763, Tome 1, 583 pages
Essai sur l' Horlogerie, by M. F. Berthoud, 1763, Tome 2, 502 pages
Etudes sur Diverses Questions d' Horlogerie, by H. Roberts, 1852, 296 pages
Evolution of Automatic Machinery for Manufacture of Watches at Waltham, E. A. Marsh, 1896
Exposition du dcor moderne de l'horlogerie et de la bijouterie, section d'enseignement, section rtrospective, by Musee
Exposition Universelle de l' Industrie en 1867, by C. Saunier, 1867, 396 pages
Five hundred and seven mechanical movements - H Brown (1908))
Former Clock & Watchmakers & Their Work, by F. J. Britten, 1894, 410 pages
Fragmentarische Versuch zur Begrunbung einer Neuen Bissenschaft Chronometrie Gennant, by M. U. Gebhard, 1808, 52
Friction lubrication and the lubricants in horology (1896)
G. A. Hearn's Collection of Watches, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1907
Geschichte der Uhrmacherkunst, by F. W. Barfuk, 1856, 432 pages
Gold & Silversmiths Catalogue - United Watch and Jewelry Company (1911)
Histoire de l' Horlogerie, by P. Dubois, 1849, 460 pages
Histoire de la Mesure du Temps par les Horloges, by M. F. Berthoud, 1802, Tome 1, 403 pages
Histoire de la Mesure du Temps par les Horloges, by M. F. Berthoud, 1802, Tome 2, 498 pages
History of the American Clock Business for the Pasrt Sixty Years (1860) 64 pages
History of the American Clock Business for the Past 60 Years, C. Jerome, 1860
History of the American Waltham Watch Company of Waltham, Mass. - H G Abbott (1905))
Horological Department, Bradley Polytechnic Institute, 1886, 52 pages
Horologium Oscillatorium, by C. Huygens, 1673, 181 pages Latin
Horology, A Popular Sketch Of Clock And Watch Making
Horology, by T. Reid, 1868, 103 pages
How To Choose It, And How To Use It
How to find the time at sea in less than a minute; being new and accurate methods (1918)
How to keep the clock right by observations of the fixed stars (1876)
How to keep the clock right by observations of the fixed stars with a small telescope (1869)
I Nouveau Traite General d' Horlogerie, by M. L. Moinet, 1877, Tome 1, 475 pages
I Nouveau Traite General d' Horlogerie, by M. L. Moinet, 1877, Tome 2, 848 pages
Improved Lathes For Turning and Finishing Every Description of Watch Pivots - J M Bottum (1852))
In the Library & Museum of the Worshipful Company of Clockmakers (1875)
Isochronism of balance springs (1862)
Jeweled Bearings for Watches, by Charles Higginbotham, 1911, 68 pages
Jeweler, Gold & Silversmith - HG Abbott (1898)
Jewelry and Kindred Trades (1904)
Kemlos Watch-Repairers Handbook (1882))
L' Art de Conduire et de Regler les Pendules et le Montre, by M. F. Berthoud, 1805, 122 pages
L' Art de L' Horlogerie d' apres de Berthoud et Vuillamy, 1827, (some pages bad quality), 652 pages
L' Horlogerie, by H. Havard, 1923, 193 pages
La Geometrie Pratique, by Allain Mallet, Tome 2, 1702, 354 pages
Lancaster's Part in the World Watchmaking Industry, by J. J. Bowman, 1945, 36 pages
Le due nuove campane di Campidoglio, benedette dalla santit di N.S. Pio VII., P.O.M., by Francesco Cancellieri, 1806, 22
Lectures on Church Building with Some Practical Remarks on Bells & Clocks, by E. Beckett Denisont-lord Grimthort, 1856,
Length of Isochronal Clock Pendulums in London & Jamaica, G. Graham & C. Campbell, 1733
Les grandes inventions anciennes et modernes dans les sciences, l'industrie et les arts, by L. Figuier, 1870, 468 pages
On a New Astronomical Clock, and a Pendulum Governor for Uniform Motion, by William Thomson, 3 page article publishe
On the Construction & Theory of the Dead Escapement for Clocks - BL Vulliamy (1846)
On the Springing & Adjusting of Watches - FJ Britten (1898)
Ordnance Maintenance - Wrist Watches, Pocket Watches, Stop Watches, and Clocks (1945)
P.W. Ellis & Co.1915-1916 Illustrated Catalogue - PW Ellis & Co (1915)
Peace Year Catalogue 1919-1920 (1919))
Portion of the Papers Relating to the Great Clock for the New Palace of Westminster, by House of Lords, 1848, 60 pages
Practical Course in Adjusting, by T. Gribi, 1901, 250 pages
Practical Lessons on the Lever Escapement on Its Tests, Error, Their Detection & Correction, by T. J. Wilkinson, 1916, 266
Practical talks by an astronomer - 1902
Praktisches Handbuch fur Uhrmacher, by H. Grosch, C. Dietzschold & A. Huttig, 1907, 329 pages
Precise time synchronization of widely separated clocks (1959)
Primitive sun dials or scratch dials; containing a list of those in Somerset - 1917
Receipts & Suggestions - HG Abbott (1892)
Rules & Practice for Adjusting Watches - W Kleinlein (1920)
Secrets of the Trade. For Watchmakers & Jewelers - Collins & Clifton (1892)
Self Winding Clock Co, Catalogue of 1908 (1908)
Service & Repair of the Hamilton Electric Watch
Service and Repair of the Hamilton Electric Watch By: Hamilton Watch Company 58 pages
Some Account of the Worshipful Company of Clockmakers of the City of London - SE Atkins (1881)
Spring & Adjusting Watches
The American Watchmaker & Jeweler - JP Stelle (1868)
The Artificial Clock Maker, A Treatise of Watch & Clockwork, by W.D, 1734, 174 pages
The Book of Old Sundials & Their Mottoes - W Hogg (1922)
The Book of Sun-Dials - A Gatty (1900)
The Clock Jobber's Handybook A Practical Manual on Cleaning, Repairing and Adjusting - P N Hasluck (1889))
The clock makers guide to practical clock work (1813)
The Clockmaker, or, The Sayings and Doings of Samuel Slick, of Slickville - T C Haliburton (1865))
The Complete Nautical Astronomer, by C. H. Cotter, 1974, 339 pages
The Construction of a Perfect Watch, by M. Grossman, 1891, 91 pages
The Evolution of Automatic Machinery as Applied to the Manufacture of Watches at Waltham - E A Marsh (1896))
The horological journal vol 13 (1871)
The marine chronometer, its history and development. With a foreword by Sir Frank W. Dyson (1923) - Gould, Rupert Tho
The Modern Clock; A Study of Time Keeping Mechanism; Its Construction, Regulation & Repair - WL Goodrich (1905)
The Old Clock Book, N. H. Moore, 1911
The Perfected American Watch, Waltham Watch Co., 1875, 40 pages
The polishing and plating of metals (1904)
The Principles of Mr. Harrison's Time-Keeper, 1767
the Proceedings Respecting the Great Westminster Clock - E Denison (1850)
The Story of E. Howard & the First American Watch, Howard, circa 1900
The timepiece of shadows a history of the sun dial -1895
The Tongue of Time or the Language of the Church Clock, by W. Harrison, 1853, 116 pages
The Tower Clock & How to Make It, by E. B. Ferson, 1903, 67 pages
The Tower Clock and How to Make it - E B Ferson (1903))
The Tower Clock of the University of Chicago, by E. B. Ferson, 1903, 61 pages
The universal clock adjuster (1887)
The Village Watchtower, by K. Wiggin, 1895, 230 pages
The Waltham 6-size Model 1873m, 24 pages
The Watchmaker & jeweller, silversmith & optician (Volume v. 3-4 July 1877-May 1879)
The Watchmaker & jeweller, silversmith & optician (Volume v. 5-6 July 1879-June 1881)
The Watchmaker & jeweller, silversmith & optician (Volume v. 7-8 July 1881-June 1883)
The Watchmaker & jeweller, silversmith & optician (Volume v. 9-10 July 1883-June 1885)
The Watchmaker's & Jeweler's Hand-Book - C Hopkins (1866)
The Watchmakers' Lathe, its Use & Abuse - W Goodrich (1903)
The watchmaker's wife, and other stories (1893,PD:1923) - Stockton, F. R. - 246 pages
The wenzel pneumatic clock (1883)
The Whitechapel Bell Foundry, by Mears and Stainbank, 1885, 73 pages
Time - A Struggle for Precision - W H Watkins (1939))
Time & Clocks - a Description of Ancient & Modern Methods of Measuring Time, by H. H. Cunynghame, 1906, 216 pages
Time & Its Measurement - J Arthur (1909)
Time & Time Tellers, by J. W. Benson, 1902, 147 pages
Time & Timekeepers, by A. Thomson, 1842, 206 pages
Time : a struggle for precision / William Henry Watkins (September 16, 1939)
Time and its Measurement
Time as dimension and history (1945)
Time Measurement, Catalogue of the Science Museum Collection, by Fab Ward, 88 pages
Time Telling Through The Ages
TM 9-1575 Ordnance Maintenance Wrist Watches Pocket Watches Stop Watches Clocks
Tobler A., Elektrische Uhren und Feuerwehr-Telegraphie,1883
Traite d' Horlogerie Moderne, by C. Saunier, 1887, 971 pages
Traite de l' Horlogerie Mechanique et Practique, Thiout L' Aine & Quay Pelletier, Approuve par l' Academie Royale de Scie
Traite de l' Horlogerie Mechanique et Practique, Thiout L' Aine & Quay Pelletier, Approuve par l' Academie Royale de Scie
Trait des Horloges Marines, by M. F. Berthoud, 1783, 688 pages
Trait d'horlogiographie, by Jean Dupuis, 1663, 450 pages
Traite Pratique de Dorure et Argenture Galvanique Appliquees a l' Horlogerie, by A. O. Mathey, 1855, 31 pages
Treatise on Clock and Watch Making
Turning and mechanical manipulation (1850)
Two Methods to Prevent Clock Irregularity of Motion, by J. Ellicot, 1752, 18 page excerpt
U.S. patents covering time keeping mechanisms - 1892
U.S. patents covering time keeping mechanisms - 1923
Uhren, ein handbuch fur sammler und liebhaber (1922)
Uhrmacher Lexikon, by F. Schade, 1855, 209 pages
US Patent 2601029: Method of making a thickened reinforced portion in a relatively thin metal plate (June 17, 1952) - Illin
US Patent 2601942: Resilient pad for wrist watches (July 1, 1952) - Pachter, Frank - 3 pages
Verbandstag Verband deutscher Juweliere, Gold- & Silberschmiede Strassburg, vom 7.-11. August 1914, 145 pages
Versuch einer Geschichte der Entsthung unb Fortschritte ber Theoretisch Prattischen Uhrmacherkunst, by J. H. M. Boppe,
Vollstandiges Handbuch der Uhrmacherkunst, E. Schreiber, 1865, 520 pages
Voyage pour Eprouver en Mer les Horloge Marines Inventees par F. Berthoud, M. de Eveux de Fleurie, 1773, 894 pages
Watch & Clock Escapements - The Keystone (1904)
Watch & Clock Making, by D. Glasgow, 1893, 340 pages
Watch and Clock Making
Watch Factories of America, Past & Present, H. G. Abbot, 1888
Watch makers tables; a collection of useful information concerning the teeth of wheels and pinions; the trains of watches
Watch Making by Both Systems - H Piaget (1877)
Watches - the Paul M. Chamberlain collection at the Art Institute of Chicago (1921)
Watches And Watchwork, Paintings, Prints, Etc
Wrist Watches, Pocket Watches, Stop Watches, and Clocks, US War Dept, 1945, 227 pages
Ye Sundial Booke - TGW Henslow (1914)