Chapter 16 - Cyber Operations
Chapter 16 - Cyber Operations
Chapter 16 - Cyber Operations
Chapter Contents
16.1 Introduction
16.2 Application of the Law of War to Cyber Operations
16.3 Cyber Operations and Jus ad Bellum
16.4 Cyber Operations and the Law of Neutrality
16.5 Cyber Operations and Jus in Bello
16.6 Legal Review of Weapons That Employ Cyber Capabilities
This Chapter addresses the law of war and cyber operations. It addresses how law of war
principles and rules apply to relatively novel cyber capabilities and the cyber domain.
As a matter of U.S. policy, the United States has sought to work internationally to clarify
how existing international law and norms, including law of war principles, apply to cyber
operations. 1
Precisely how the law of war applies to cyber operations is not well-settled, and aspects
of the law in this area are likely to continue to develop, especially as new cyber capabilities are
developed and States determine their views in response to such developments. 2
See, e.g., United States Submission to the U.N. Group of Governmental Experts on Developments in the Field of
Information and Telecommunications in the Context of International Security (201415), 1 (But the challenge is
not whether existing international law applies to State behavior in cyberspace. As the 201213 GGE affirmed,
international law does apply, and such law is essential to regulating State conduct in this domain. The challenge is
providing decision-makers with considerations that may be taken into account when determining how existing
international law applies to cyber activities. Despite this challenge, history has shown that States, through
consultation and cooperation, have repeatedly and successfully applied existing bodies of law to new technologies.
It continues to be the U.S. view that all States will benefit from a stable international ICT [information and
communication technologies] environment in which existing international law is the foundation for responsible State
behavior in cyberspace.); Barack Obama, International Strategy for Cyberspace: Prosperity, Security, and
Openness in a Networked World, 9 (May 2011) (The development of norms for state conduct in cyberspace does
not require a reinvention of customary international law, nor does it render existing international norms obsolete.
Long-standing international norms guiding state behaviorin times of peace and conflictalso apply in
cyberspace. Nonetheless, unique attributes of networked technology require additional work to clarify how these
norms apply and what additional understandings might be necessary to supplement them. We will continue to work
internationally to forge consensus regarding how norms of behavior apply to cyberspace, with the understanding that
an important first step in such efforts is applying the broad expectations of peaceful and just interstate conduct to
cyberspace.); DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE, Department of Defense Cyberspace Policy Report: A Report to Congress
Pursuant to the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2011, Section 934, 7-8 (Nov. 2011) (The
United States is actively engaged in the continuing development of norms of responsible state behavior in
cyberspace, making clear that as a matter of U.S. policy, long-standing international norms guiding state behavior
also apply equally in cyberspace. Among these, applying the tenets of the law of armed conflict are critical to this
vision, although cyberspaces unique aspects may require clarifications in certain areas.).
Department of Defense, Office of the General Counsel, An Assessment of International Legal Issues in Information
Operations (2nd ed., Nov. 1999), reprinted in 76 U.S. NAVAL WAR COLLEGE INTERNATIONAL LAW STUDIES 459,
William J. Lynn III, Deputy Secretary of Defense, Defending a New Domain: The Pentagons Cyberstrategy, 89
FOREIGN AFFAIRS 97, 101 (Sept./Oct. 2010) (As a doctrinal matter, the Pentagon has formally recognized
cyberspace as a new domain of warfare. Although cyberspace is a man-made domain, it has become just as critical
to military operations as land, sea, air, and space. As such, the military must be able to defend and operate within
JOINT PUBLICATION 3-12, Cyberspace Operations, GL-4 (Feb. 5, 2013) ((U) Cyberspace. A global domain within
the information environment consisting of interdependent networks of information technology infrastructures and
resident data, including the Internet, telecommunications networks, computer systems, and embedded processors
and controllers.).
JOINT PUBLICATION 3-0, Joint Operations (Aug. 11, 2011) (cyberspace operations. The employment of
cyberspace capabilities where the primary purpose is to achieve objectives in or through cyberspace.).
Refer to 16.5.1 (Cyber Operations That Constitute Attacks for the Purpose of Applying Rules on Conducting
The law of war affirmatively anticipates technological innovation and contemplates that
its existing rules will apply to such innovation, including cyber operations. 8 Law of war rules
may apply to new technologies because the rules often are not framed in terms of specific
technological means. For example, the rules on conducting attacks do not depend on what type
of weapon is used to conduct the attack. Thus, cyber operations may be subject to a variety of
law of war rules depending on the rule and the nature of the cyber operation. For example, if the
physical consequences of a cyber attack constitute the kind of physical damage that would be
caused by dropping a bomb or firing a missile, that cyber attack would equally be subject to the
same rules that apply to attacks using bombs or missiles. 9
Cyber operations may pose challenging legal questions because of the variety of effects
they can produce. For example, cyber operations could be a non-forcible means or method of
conducting hostilities (such as information gathering), and would be regulated as such under
rules applicable to non-forcible means and methods of warfare. 10 Other cyber operations could
be used to create effects that amount to an attack and would be regulated under the rules on
conducting attacks. 11 Moreover, another set of challenging issues may arise when considering
whether a particular cyber operation might be regarded as a seizure or destruction of enemy
property and should be assessed as such. 12
16.2.2 Application of Law of War Principles as a General Guide to Cyber Operations.
When no specific rule applies, the principles of the law of war form the general guide for
conduct during war, including conduct during cyber operations. 13 For example, under the
principle of humanity, suffering, injury, or destruction unnecessary to accomplish a legitimate
military purpose must be avoided in cyber operations. 14
Harold Hongju Koh, Legal Adviser, Department of State, International Law in Cyberspace: Remarks as Prepared
for Delivery to the USCYBERCOM Inter-Agency Legal Conference (Sept. 18, 2012), reprinted in 54 HARVARD
INTERNATIONAL LAW JOURNAL ONLINE, 3 (Dec. 2012) (Cyberspace is not a law-free zone where anyone can
conduct hostile activities without rules or restraint. Think of it this way. This is not the first time that
technology has changed and that international law has been asked to deal with those changes. In particular, because
the tools of conflict are constantly evolving, one relevant body of lawinternational humanitarian law, or the law of
armed conflictaffirmatively anticipates technological innovation, and contemplates that its existing rules will
apply to such innovation.).
Harold Hongju Koh, Legal Adviser, Department of State, International Law in Cyberspace: Remarks as Prepared
for Delivery to the USCYBERCOM Inter-Agency Legal Conference (Sept. 18, 2012), reprinted in 54 HARVARD
INTERNATIONAL LAW JOURNAL ONLINE, 3-4 (Dec. 2012) (In analyzing whether a cyber operation would constitute
a use of force, most commentators focus on whether the direct physical injury and property damage resulting from
the cyber event looks like that which would be considered a use of force if produced by kinetic weapons. For
example, cyber activities that proximately result in death, injury, or significant destruction would likely be viewed as
a use of force. Only a moments reflection makes you realize that this is common sense: if the physical
consequences of a cyber attack work the kind of physical damage that dropping a bomb or firing a missile would,
that cyber attack should equally be considered a use of force.).
Certain cyber operations may not have a clear kinetic parallel in terms of their
capabilities and the effects they create. 15 Such operations may have implications that are quite
different from those presented by attacks using traditional weapons, and those different
implications may well yield different conclusions. 16
Cyber operations may present issues under the law of war governing the resort to force
(i.e., jus ad bellum). 17
16.3.1 Prohibition on Cyber Operations That Constitute Illegal Uses of Force Under
Article 2(4) of the Charter of the United Nations. Article 2(4) of the Charter of the United
Nations states that [a]ll Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or
use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other
manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations. 18
Cyber operations may in certain circumstances constitute uses of force within the
meaning of Article 2(4) of the Charter of the United Nations and customary international law. 19
For example, if cyber operations cause effects that, if caused by traditional physical means,
would be regarded as a use of force under jus ad bellum, then such cyber operations would likely
also be regarded as a use of force. Such operations may include cyber operations that: (1)
trigger a nuclear plant meltdown; (2) open a dam above a populated area, causing destruction; or
(3) disable air traffic control services, resulting in airplane crashes. 20 Similarly, cyber operations
Harold Hongju Koh, Legal Adviser, Department of State, International Law in Cyberspace: Remarks as
Prepared for Delivery to the USCYBERCOM Inter-Agency Legal Conference (Sept. 18, 2012), reprinted in 54
HARVARD INTERNATIONAL LAW JOURNAL ONLINE, 7 (Dec. 2012) (I have also noted some clear-cut cases where the
physical effects of a hostile cyber action would be comparable to what a kinetic action could achieve: for example,
a bomb might break a dam and flood a civilian population, but insertion of a line of malicious code from a distant
computer might just as easily achieve that same result. As you all know, however, there are other types of cyber
actions that do not have a clear kinetic parallel, which raise profound questions about exactly what we mean by
Department of Defense, Office of the General Counsel, An Assessment of International Legal Issues in
Information Operations (2nd ed., Nov. 1999), reprinted in 76 U.S. NAVAL WAR COLLEGE INTERNATIONAL LAW
STUDIES 459, 490 (2002) (In the process of reasoning by analogy to the law applicable to traditional weapons, it
must always be kept in mind that computer network attacks are likely to present implications that are quite different
from the implications presented by attacks with traditional weapons. These different implications may well yield
different conclusions.).
Harold Hongju Koh, Legal Adviser, Department of State, International Law in Cyberspace: Remarks as
Prepared for Delivery to the USCYBERCOM Inter-Agency Legal Conference (Sept. 18, 2012), reprinted in 54
HARVARD INTERNATIONAL LAW JOURNAL ONLINE, 3 (Dec. 2012) (Cyber activities may in certain circumstances
constitute uses of force within the meaning of Article 2(4) of the UN Charter and customary international law.).
Harold Hongju Koh, Legal Adviser, Department of State, International Law in Cyberspace: Remarks as
Prepared for Delivery to the USCYBERCOM Inter-Agency Legal Conference (Sept. 18, 2012), reprinted in 54
HARVARD INTERNATIONAL LAW JOURNAL ONLINE, 4 (Dec. 2012) (Commonly cited examples of cyber activity that
that cripple a militarys logistics systems, and thus its ability to conduct and sustain military
operations, might also be considered a use of force under jus ad bellum. 21 Other factors, besides
the effects of the cyber operation, may also be relevant to whether the cyber operation constitutes
a use of force under jus ad bellum. 22
Cyber operations that constitute uses of force within the meaning of Article 2(4) of the
Charter of the United Nations and customary international law must have a proper legal basis in
order not to violate jus ad bellum prohibitions on the resort to force. 23
16.3.2 Peacetime Intelligence and Counterintelligence Activities. International law and
long-standing international norms are applicable to State behavior in cyberspace, 24 and the
question of the legality of peacetime intelligence and counterintelligence activities must be
considered on a case-by-case basis. Generally, to the extent that cyber operations resemble
traditional intelligence and counter-intelligence activities, such as unauthorized intrusions into
computer networks solely to acquire information, then such cyber operations would likely be
treated similarly under international law. 25 The United States conducts such activities via
cyberspace, and such operations are governed by long-standing and well-established
considerations, including the possibility that those operations could be interpreted as a hostile
act. 26
16.3.3 Responding to Hostile or Malicious Cyber Operations. A States inherent right of
self-defense, recognized in Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations, may be triggered by
would constitute a use of force include, for example, (1) operations that trigger a nuclear plant meltdown, (2)
operations that open a dam above a populated area causing destruction, or (3) operations that disable air traffic
control resulting in airplane crashes.).
Department of Defense, Office of the General Counsel, An Assessment of International Legal Issues in
Information Operations (2nd ed., Nov. 1999), reprinted in 76 U.S. NAVAL WAR COLLEGE INTERNATIONAL LAW
STUDIES 459, 483 (2002) (Even if the systems attacked were unclassified military logistics systems, an attack on
such systems might seriously threaten a nations security. For example, corrupting the data in a nations
computerized systems for managing its military fuel, spare parts, transportation, troop mobilization, or medical
supplies may seriously interfere with its ability to conduct military operations. In short, the consequences are likely
to be more important than the means used.).
Harold Hongju Koh, Legal Adviser, Department of State, International Law in Cyberspace: Remarks as
Prepared for Delivery to the USCYBERCOM Inter-Agency Legal Conference (Sept. 18, 2012), reprinted in 54
HARVARD INTERNATIONAL LAW JOURNAL ONLINE, 4 (Dec. 2012) (In assessing whether an event constituted a use
of force in or through cyberspace, we must evaluate factors including the context of the event, the actor perpetrating
the action (recognizing challenging issues of attribution in cyberspace), the target and location, effects and intent,
among other possible issues.).
Department of Defense, Office of the General Counsel, An Assessment of International Legal Issues in
Information Operations (2nd ed., Nov. 1999), reprinted in 76 U.S. NAVAL WAR COLLEGE INTERNATIONAL LAW
STUDIES 459, 518 (2002).
DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE, Department of Defense Cyberspace Policy Report: A Report to Congress Pursuant to
the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2011, Section 934, 6-7 (Nov. 2011).
cyber operations that amount to an armed attack or imminent threat thereof. 27 As a matter of
national policy, the United States has expressed the view that when warranted, it will respond to
hostile acts in cyberspace as it would to any other threat to the country. 28
Measures taken in the exercise of the right of national self-defense in response to an
armed attack must be reported immediately to the U.N. Security Council in accordance with
Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations. 29 Use of Force Versus Armed Attack. The United States has long taken the
position that the inherent right of self-defense potentially applies against any illegal use of
force. 30 Thus, any cyber operation that constitutes an illegal use of force against a State
potentially gives rise to a right to take necessary and proportionate action in self-defense. 31 No Legal Requirement for a Cyber Response to a Cyber Attack. There is
no legal requirement that the response in self-defense to a cyber armed attack take the form of a
cyber action, as long as the response meets the requirements of necessity and proportionality. 32
Harold Hongju Koh, Legal Adviser, Department of State, International Law in Cyberspace: Remarks as
Prepared for Delivery to the USCYBERCOM Inter-Agency Legal Conference (Sept. 18, 2012), reprinted in 54
HARVARD INTERNATIONAL LAW JOURNAL ONLINE, 4 (Dec. 2012) (Question 4: May a state ever respond to a
computer network attack by exercising a right of national self-defense? Answer 4: Yes. A states national right
of self-defense, recognized in Article 51 of the UN Charter, may be triggered by computer network activities
that amount to an armed attack or imminent threat thereof.); Barack Obama, International Strategy for
Cyberspace: Prosperity, Security, and Openness in a Networked World, 10 (May 2011) (Right of Self-Defense:
Consistent with the United Nations Charter, states have an inherent right to self-defense that may be triggered by
certain aggressive acts in cyberspace.).
Barack Obama, International Strategy for Cyberspace: Prosperity, Security, and Openness in a Networked
World, 14 (May 2011) (When warranted, the United States will respond to hostile acts in cyberspace as we would
to any other threat to our country. All states possess an inherent right to self-defense, and we recognize that certain
hostile acts conducted through cyberspace could compel actions under the commitments we have with our military
treaty partners. We reserve the right to use all necessary meansdiplomatic, informational, military, and
economicas appropriate and consistent with applicable international law, in order to defend our Nation, our allies,
our partners, and our interests. In so doing, we will exhaust all options before military force whenever we can; will
carefully weigh the costs and risks of action against the costs of inaction; and will act in a way that reflects our
values and strengthens our legitimacy, seeking broad international support whenever possible.).
Harold Hongju Koh, Legal Adviser, Department of State, International Law in Cyberspace: Remarks as
Prepared for Delivery to the USCYBERCOM Inter-Agency Legal Conference (Sept. 18, 2012), reprinted in 54
HARVARD INTERNATIONAL LAW JOURNAL ONLINE, 7 (Dec. 2012) (To cite just one example of this, the United
States has for a long time taken the position that the inherent right of self-defense potentially applies against any
illegal use of force. In our view, there is no threshold for a use of deadly force to qualify as an armed attack that
may warrant a forcible response. But that is not to say that any illegal use of force triggers the right to use any and
all force in responsesuch responses must still be necessary and of course proportionate.).
Harold Hongju Koh, Legal Adviser, Department of State, International Law in Cyberspace: Remarks as
Prepared for Delivery to the USCYBERCOM Inter-Agency Legal Conference (Sept. 18, 2012), reprinted in 54
HARVARD INTERNATIONAL LAW JOURNAL ONLINE, 4 (Dec. 2012) (There is no legal requirement that the response
to a cyber armed attack take the form of a cyber action, as long as the response meets the requirements of necessity
and proportionality.).
Department of Defense, Office of the General Counsel, An Assessment of International Legal Issues in
Information Operations (2nd ed., Nov. 1999), reprinted in 76 U.S. NAVAL WAR COLLEGE INTERNATIONAL LAW
STUDIES 459, 482 (2002) (There is also a general recognition of the right of a nation whose rights under
international law have been violated to take countermeasures against the offending state, in circumstances where
neither the provocation nor the response involves the use of armed force. For example, an arbitral tribunal in 1978
ruled that the United States was entitled to suspend French commercial air flights into Los Angeles after the French
had suspended U.S. commercial air flights into Paris. Discussions of the doctrine of countermeasures generally
distinguish between countermeasures that would otherwise be violations of treaty obligations or of general
principles of international law (in effect, reprisals not involving the use of armed force) and retorsions actions that
may be unfriendly or even damaging, but which do not violate any international legal obligation. The use of
countermeasures is subject to the same requirements of necessity and proportionality as apply to self-defense.).
DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE, Department of Defense Cyberspace Policy Report: A Report to Congress Pursuant to
the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2011, Section 934, 4 (Nov. 2011) (The same technical
protocols of the Internet that have facilitated the explosive growth of cyberspace also provide some measure of
anonymity. Our potential adversaries, both nations and non-state actors, clearly understand this dynamic and seek to
use the challenge of attribution to their strategic advantage. The Department recognizes that deterring malicious
actors from conducting cyber attacks is complicated by the difficulty of verifying the location from which an attack
was launched and by the need to identify the attacker among a wide variety and high number of potential actors.).
United States Submission to the U.N. Group of Governmental Experts on Developments in the Field of
Information and Telecommunications in the Context of International Security 2012-2013, 2 (As the United States
noted in its 2010 submission to the GGE, the following established principles would apply in the context of an
armed attack, whether it originated through cyberspace or not: The right of self-defense against an imminent or
actual armed attack applies whether the attacker is a State actor or a non-State actor.). Refer to (Right of
Self-Defense Against Non-State Actors).
The Standing Rules of Engagement for U.S. forces have addressed the authority of the
U.S. armed forces to take action in self-defense in response to hostile acts or hostile intent,
including such acts perpetrated in or through cyberspace. 37
The law of neutrality may be important in certain cyber operations. For example, under
the law of neutrality, belligerent States are bound to respect the sovereign rights of neutral
States. 38 Because of the interconnected nature of cyberspace, cyber operations targeting
networked information infrastructures in one State may create effects in another State that is not
a party to the armed conflict. 39
16.4.1 Cyber Operations That Use Communications Infrastructure in Neutral States. The
law of neutrality has addressed the use of communications infrastructure in neutral States, and in
certain circumstances, these rules would apply to cyber operations.
The use of communications infrastructure in neutral States may be implicated under the
general rule that neutral territory may not serve as a base of operations for one belligerent against
another. 40 In particular, belligerent States are prohibited from erecting on the territory of a
neutral State any apparatus for the purpose of communicating with belligerent forces on land or
sea, or from using any installation of this kind established by them before the armed conflict on
the territory of a neutral State for purely military purposes, and which has not been opened for
the service of public messages. 41
However, merely relaying information through neutral communications infrastructure
(provided that the facilities are made available impartially) generally would not constitute a
violation of the law of neutrality that belligerent States would have an obligation to refrain from
Engagement/Standing Rules for the Use of Force for U.S. Forces, 6b(1) (June 13, 2005), reprinted in
SCHOOL, U.S. ARMY, OPERATIONAL LAW HANDBOOK 95 (2007) (Unit commanders always retain the inherent right
and obligation to exercise unit self-defense in response to a hostile act or demonstrated hostile intent. Unless
otherwise directed by a unit commander as detailed below, military members may exercise individual self-defense in
response to a hostile act or demonstrated hostile intent.).
Harold Hongju Koh, Legal Adviser, Department of State, International Law in Cyberspace: Remarks as
Prepared for Delivery to the USCYBERCOM Inter-Agency Legal Conference (Sept. 18, 2012), reprinted in 54
HARVARD INTERNATIONAL LAW JOURNAL ONLINE, 6 (Dec. 2012) (States conducting activities in cyberspace must
take into account the sovereignty of other states, including outside the context of armed conflict. The physical
infrastructure that supports the Internet and cyber activities is generally located in sovereign territory and subject to
the jurisdiction of the territorial state. Because of the interconnected, interoperable nature of cyberspace, operations
targeting networked information infrastructures in one country may create effects in another country. Whenever a
state contemplates conducting activities in cyberspace, the sovereignty of other states needs to be considered.).
Refer to 15.5.3 (Prohibition Against Establishment or Use of Belligerent Communications Facilities in Neutral
and that a neutral State would have an obligation to prevent. 42 This rule was developed because
it was viewed as impractical for neutral States to censor or screen their publicly available
communications infrastructure for belligerent traffic. 43 Thus, for example, it would not be
prohibited for a belligerent State to route information through cyber infrastructure in a neutral
State that is open for the service of public messages, and that neutral State would have no
obligation to forbid such traffic. This rule would appear to be applicable even if the information
that is being routed through neutral communications infrastructure may be characterized as a
cyber weapon or otherwise could cause destructive effects in a belligerent State (but no
destructive effects within the neutral State or States). 44
This section addresses jus in bello rules and cyber operations.
16.5.1 Cyber Operations That Constitute Attacks for the Purpose of Applying Rules on
Conducting Attacks. If a cyber operation constitutes an attack, then the law of war rules on
Colonel Borel, Report to the Conference from the Second Commission on Rights and Duties of Neutral States on
are here dealing with cables or apparatus belonging either to a neutral State or to a company or individuals, the
operation of which, for the transmission of news, has the character of a public service. There is no reason to compel
the neutral State to restrict or prohibit the use by the belligerents of these means of communication. Were it
otherwise, objections of a practical kind would be encountered, arising out of the considerable difficulties in
exercising control, not to mention the confidential character of telegraphic correspondence and the rapidity
necessary to this service. Through his Excellency Lord Reay, the British delegation requested that it be specified
that the liberty of a neutral State to transmit messages, by means of its telegraph lines on land, its submarine cables
or its wireless apparatus, does not imply that it has any right to use them or permit their use in order to render
manifest assistance to one of the belligerents. The justice of the idea thus stated was so great as to receive the
unanimous approval of the Commission.).
See DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE, Department of Defense Cyberspace Policy Report: A Report to Congress
Pursuant to the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2011, Section 934, 8 (Nov. 2011) (The issue of
the legality of transporting cyber weapons across the Internet through the infrastructure owned and/or located
in neutral third countries without obtaining the equivalent of overflight rights. There is currently no
international consensus regarding the definition of a cyber weapon. The often low cost of developing malicious
code and the high number and variety of actors in cyberspace make the discovery and tracking of malicious cyber
tools difficult. Most of the technology used in this context is inherently dual-use, and even software might be
minimally repurposed for malicious action.); Department of Defense, Office of the General Counsel, An
Assessment of International Legal Issues in Information Operations (2nd ed., Nov. 1999), reprinted in 76 U.S.
NAVAL WAR COLLEGE INTERNATIONAL LAW STUDIES 459, 489 (2002) (There need be less concern for the reaction
of nations through whose territory or communications systems a destructive message may be routed. If only the
nations public communications systems are involved, the transited nation will normally not be aware of the routing
such a message has taken. Even if it becomes aware of the transit of such a message and attributes it to the United
States, there would be no established principle of international law that it could point to as being violated. As
discussed above, even during an international armed conflict international law does not require a neutral nation to
restrict the use of its public communications networks by belligerents. Nations generally consent to the free use of
their communications networks on a commercial or reciprocal basis. Accordingly, use of a nations communications
networks as a conduit for an electronic attack would not be a violation of its sovereignty in the same way that would
be a flight through its airspace by a military aircraft.).
conducting attacks must be applied to those cyber operations. 45 For example, such operations
must comport with the requirements of distinction and proportionality. 46
For example, a cyber attack that would destroy enemy computer systems could not be
directed against ostensibly civilian infrastructure, such as computer systems belonging to stock
exchanges, banking systems, and universities, unless those computer systems met the test for
being a military objective under the circumstances. 47 A cyber operation that would not
constitute an attack, but would nonetheless seize or destroy enemy property, would have to be
imperatively demanded by the necessities of war. 48 Assessing Incidental Injury or Damage During Cyber Operations. The
proportionality rule prohibits attacks in which the expected loss of life or injury to civilians, and
damage to civilian objects incidental to the attack, would be excessive in relation to the concrete
and direct military advantage expected to be gained. 49
For example, in applying the proportionality rule to cyber operations, it might be
important to assess the potential effects of a cyber attack on computers that are not military
objectives, such as private, civilian computers that hold no military significance, but that may be
networked to computers that are valid military objectives. 50
In assessing incidental injury or damage during cyber operations, it may be important to
consider that remote harms and lesser forms of harm, such as mere inconveniences or temporary
losses, need not be considered in applying the proportionality rule. 51 For example, a minor, brief
disruption of internet services to civilians that results incidentally from a cyber attack against a
military objective generally would not need to be considered in a proportionality analysis. 52 In
Harold Hongju Koh, Legal Adviser, Department of State, International Law in Cyberspace: Remarks as
Prepared for Delivery to the USCYBERCOM Inter-Agency Legal Conference (Sept. 18, 2012), reprinted in 54
HARVARD INTERNATIONAL LAW JOURNAL ONLINE, 8 (Dec. 2012) (As you all know, information and
communications infrastructure is often shared between state militaries and private, civilian communities. The law of
war requires that civilian infrastructure not be used to seek to immunize military objectives from attack, including in
the cyber realm. But how, exactly, are the jus in bello rules to be implemented in cyberspace? Parties to an armed
conflict will need to assess the potential effects of a cyber attack on computers that are not military objectives, such
as private, civilian computers that hold no military significance, but may be networked to computers that are valid
military objectives. Parties will also need to consider the harm to the civilian uses of such infrastructure in
performing the necessary proportionality review. Any number of factual scenarios could arise, however, which will
require a careful, fact-intensive legal analysis in each situation.).
Cf. Program on Humanitarian Policy and Conflict Research at Harvard University, Commentary on the HPCR
Manual on International Law Applicable to Air and Missile Warfare, 28 (A.1.e.7) (2010) (The definition of
attacks also covers non-kinetic attacks (i.e. attacks that do not involve the physical transfer of energy, such as
certain CNAs [computer network attacks]; see Rule 1(m)) that result in death, injury, damage or destruction of
persons or objects. Admittedly, whether non-kinetic operations rise to the level of an attack in the context of the
addition, the economic harms in the belligerent State resulting from such disruptions, such as
civilian businesses in the belligerent State being unable to conduct e-commerce, generally would
not need to be considered in a proportionality analysis. 53
Even if cyber operations that constitute attacks are not expected to result in excessive
incidental loss of life or injury or damage such that the operation would be prohibited by the
proportionality rule, the party to the conflict nonetheless would be required to take feasible
precautions to limit such loss of life or injury and damage in conducting those cyber
operations. 54
16.5.2 Cyber Operations That Do Not Amount to an Attack Under the Law of War. A
cyber operation that does not constitute an attack is not restricted by the rules that apply to
attacks. 55 Factors that would suggest that a cyber operation is not an attack include whether
the operation causes only reversible effects or only temporary effects. Cyber operations that
generally would not constitute attacks include:
disseminating propaganda.
Since such operations generally would not be considered attacks under the law of war,
they generally would not need to be directed at military objectives, and may be directed at
civilians or civilian objects. Nonetheless, such operations must not be directed against enemy
civilians or civilian objects unless the operations are militarily necessary. 56 Moreover, such
operations should comport with the general principles of the law of war. 57 For example, even if
a cyber operation is not an attack or does not cause any injury or damage that would need to be
considered under the proportionality rule, that cyber operation still should not be conducted in a
way that unnecessarily causes inconvenience to civilians or neutral persons.
16.5.3 Duty to Take Feasible Precautions and Cyber Operations. Parties to a conflict
must take feasible precautions to reduce the risk of incidental harm to the civilian population and
law of international armed conflict is a controversial issue. There was agreement among the Group of Experts that
the term attack does not encompass CNAs that result in an inconvenience (such as temporary denial of internet
Refer to 16.2.2 (Application of Law of War Principles as a General Guide to Cyber Operations).
other protected persons and objects. 58 Parties to the conflict that employ cyber operations should
take precautions to minimize the harm of their cyber activities on civilian infrastructure and
users. 59
The obligation to take feasible precautions may be of greater relevance in cyber
operations than other law of war rules because this obligation applies to a broader set of activities
than those to which other law of war rules apply. For example, the obligation to take feasible
precautions to reduce the risk of incidental harm would apply to a party conducting an attack
even if the attack would not be prohibited by the proportionality rule. 60 In addition, the
obligation to take feasible precautions applies even if a party is not conducting an attack because
the obligation also applies to a party that is subject to attack. 61 Cyber Tools as Potential Measures to Reduce the Risk of Harm to
Civilians or Civilian Objects. In some cases, cyber operations that result in non-kinetic or
reversible effects can offer options that help minimize unnecessary harm to civilians. 62 In this
regard, cyber capabilities may in some circumstances be preferable, as a matter of policy, to
kinetic weapons because their effects may be reversible, and they may hold the potential to
accomplish military goals without any destructive kinetic effect at all. 63
As with other precautions, the decision of which weapon to use will be subject to many
practical considerations, including effectiveness, cost, and fragility, i.e., the possibility that
once used an adversary may be able to devise defenses that will render a cyber tool ineffective in
the future. 64 Thus, as with special kinetic weapons, such as precision-guided munitions that have
Refer to 5.3.3 (Affirmative Duties to Take Feasible Precautions for the Protection of Civilians and Other
Protected Persons and Objects).
United States Submission to the U.N. Group of Governmental Experts on Developments in the Field of
Information and Telecommunications in the Context of International Security 2012-2013, 4 (The law of war also
requires warring States to take all practicable precautions, taking into account military and humanitarian
considerations, to avoid and minimize incidental death, injury, and damage to civilians and civilian objects. In the
context of hostilities involving information technologies in armed conflict, parties to the conflict should take
precautions to minimize the harm of such cyber activities on civilian infrastructure and users.).
Refer to 5.11 (Feasible Precautions in Conducting Attacks to Reduce the Risk of Harm to Protected Persons and
Refer to 5.14 (Feasible Precautions to Reduce the Risk of Harm to Protected Persons and Objects by the Party
Subject to Attack).
United States Submission to the U.N. Group of Governmental Experts on Developments in the Field of
Information and Telecommunications in the Context of International Security 2012-2013, 4 (Cyber operations that
result in non-kinetic or reversible effects can be an important tool in creating options that minimize unnecessary
harm to civilians. In this regard, cyber capabilities may in some circumstances be preferable, as a matter of policy,
to kinetic weapons because their effects may be reversible, and they may hold the potential to accomplish military
goals without any destructive kinetic effect at all.).
Department of Defense, Office of the General Counsel, An Assessment of International Legal Issues in
Information Operations (2nd ed., Nov. 1999), reprinted in 76 U.S. NAVAL WAR COLLEGE INTERNATIONAL LAW
STUDIES 459, 490 (2002) (Another possible implication of a defenders technological prowess may arise when a
nation has the capacity for graduated self-defense measures. Some may argue that a nation having such capabilities
must select a response that will do minimal damage. This is a variant of the argument that a nation possessing
the potential to produce less incidental damage than other kinetic weapons, cyber capabilities
usually will not be the only type of weapon that is legally permitted.
16.5.4 Prohibition on Improper Use of Signs During Cyber Operations. Under the law of
war, certain signs may not be used improperly. 65 These prohibitions may also be applicable
during cyber operations. For example, it would not be permissible to conduct a cyber attack or
to attempt to disable enemy internal communications by making use of communications that
initiate non-hostile relations, such as prisoner exchanges or ceasefires. 66 Similarly, it would be
prohibited to fabricate messages from an enemys Head of State falsely informing that States
forces that an armistice or cease-fire had been signed. 67
On the other hand, the restriction on the use of enemy flags, insignia, and uniforms only
applies to concrete visual objects; it does not restrict the use of enemy codes, passwords, and
countersigns. 68 Thus, for example, it would not be prohibited to disguise network traffic as
though it came from enemy computers or to use enemy codes during cyber operations.
16.5.5 Use of Civilian Personnel to Support Cyber Operations. As with non-cyber
operations, the law of war does not prohibit States from using civilian personnel to support their
cyber operations, including support actions that may constitute taking a direct part in
Under the GPW, persons who are not members of the armed forces, but who are
authorized to accompany them, are entitled to POW status.70 This category was intended to
include, inter alia, civilian personnel with special skills in operating military equipment who
precision-guided munitions must always use them whenever there is a potential for collateral damage. That position
has garnered little support among nations and has been strongly rejected by the United States. There is broad
recognition that the risk of collateral damage is only one of many military considerations that must be balanced by
military authorities planning an attack. One obvious consideration is that a military force that goes into a protracted
conflict with a policy of always using precision-guided munitions whenever there is any potential for collateral
damage will soon exhaust its supply of such munitions. Similarly, military authorities must be able to weigh all
relevant military considerations in choosing a response in self-defense against computer network attacks. These
considerations will include the probable effectiveness of the means at their disposal, the ability to assess their
effects, and the fragility of electronic means of attack (i.e., once they are used, an adversary may be able to devise
defenses that will render them ineffective in the future).).
Department of Defense, Office of the General Counsel, An Assessment of International Legal Issues in
Information Operations (2nd ed., Nov. 1999), reprinted in 76 U.S. NAVAL WAR COLLEGE INTERNATIONAL LAW
STUDIES 459, 473 (2002) (Perfidy: It may seem attractive for a combatant vessel or aircraft to avoid being attacked
by broadcasting the agreed identification signals for a medical vessel or aircraft, but such actions would be a war
crime. Similarly, it might be possible to use computer morphing techniques to create an image of the enemys
chief of state informing his troops that an armistice or cease-fire agreement had been signed. If false, this would
also be a war crime.).
Refer to (Use of Enemy Codes, Passwords, and Countersigns Not Restricted).
support and participate in military operations, such as civilian members of military aircrews. 71 It
would include civilian cyber specialists who have been authorized to accompany the armed
Civilians who take a direct part in hostilities forfeit protection from being made the object
of attack. 72
DoD policy requires the legal review of the acquisition of weapons or weapon systems. 73
This policy would include the review of weapons that employ cyber capabilities to ensure that
they are not per se prohibited by the law of war. 74 Not all cyber capabilities, however, constitute
a weapon or weapons system. Military Department regulations address what cyber capabilities
require legal review. 75
The law of war does not prohibit the development of novel cyber weapons. The
customary law of war prohibitions on specific types of weapons result from State practice and
opinio juris demonstrating that a type of weapon is illegal; the mere fact that a weapon is novel
or employs new technology does not mean that the weapon is illegal. 76
Although which issues may warrant legal analysis would depend on the characteristics of
the weapon being assessed, a legal review of the acquisition or procurement of a weapon that
employs cyber capabilities likely would assess whether the weapon is inherently
indiscriminate. 77 For example, a destructive computer virus that was programmed to spread and
destroy uncontrollably within civilian internet systems would be prohibited as an inherently
Harold Hongju Koh, Legal Adviser, Department of State, International Law in Cyberspace: Remarks as
Prepared for Delivery to the USCYBERCOM Inter-Agency Legal Conference (Sept. 18, 2012), reprinted in 54
HARVARD INTERNATIONAL LAW JOURNAL ONLINE, 6 (Dec. 2012) (States should undertake a legal review of
weapons, including those that employ a cyber capability. Such a review should entail an analysis, for example, of
whether a particular capability would be inherently indiscriminate, i.e., that it could not be used consistent with the
principles of distinction and proportionality. The U.S. Government undertakes at least two stages of legal review of
the use of weapons in the context of armed conflict: first, an evaluation of new weapons to determine whether their
use would be per se prohibited by the law of war; and second, specific operations employing weapons are always
reviewed to ensure that each particular operation is also compliant with the law of war.).
See, e.g., DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY REGULATION 27-53, Review of Legality of Weapons Under International
Law (Jan. 1, 1979); SECRETARY OF THE NAVY INSTRUCTION 5000.2E, Department of the Navy Implementation and
Operation of the Defense Acquisition System and the Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (Sept.
1, 2011); DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE INSTRUCTION 51-402, Legal Reviews of Weapons and Cyber Capabilities
(Jul. 27, 2011).
indiscriminate weapon. 78
United States Submission to the U.N. Group of Governmental Experts on Developments in the Field of
Information and Telecommunications in the Context of International Security 2012-2013, 3 (Weapons that cannot
be directed at a specific military objective or whose effects cannot be controlled would be inherently indiscriminate,
and per se unlawful under the law of armed conflict. In the traditional kinetic context, such inherently
indiscriminate and unlawful weapons include, for example, biological weapons. Certain cyber tools could, in light
of the interconnected nature of the network, be inherently indiscriminate in the sense that their effects cannot be
predicted or controlled; a destructive virus that could spread uncontrollably within civilian internet systems might
fall into this category. Attacks using such tools would be prohibited by the law of war.).