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The Journal of the Lithic Studies Society

No 35

THE LITHIC STUDIES SOCIETY: The Lithic Studies Society was founded in 1979 and seeks to
advance the international study of lithic industries in the broadest possible context. New members are
welcome and details of the Societys activities may be obtained from the Secretary, Molly Pearce, c/o
Franks House, 3856 Orsman Road, London, N1 5QJ (e-mail: molly.pearce1@virginmedia.com).
Website: http://www.lithics.org
MEMBERSHIP: Applications for membership, subscriptions and changes of address should be sent to
the Membership Secretary, Rob Davis, c/o Lithic Studies Society, British Museum, Franks House, 38
56 Orsman Road, London, N1 5QJ. The annual subscription, due on 1st October, is currently 15, and
payment by annual standing order is the favoured method of payment. Payment can also be made
online via Paypal.
The membership application form and annual standing order form are available on the Lithic Studies
Society website (http://www.lithics.org).
LITHICS: Lithics is the Journal of the Lithic Studies Society. It is published annually and is circulated
free of charge to all members of the Society. Communications concerning papers, letters, notes and
reviews should be sent to the Editor/Book Review Editor, Wei Chu and Lynden Cooper electronically
at lithicseditor@gmail.com. The Committee welcomes contributions, including suggestions for
reviews, from any member of the Society. Submissions should be made solely by electronic copysee
the society website (http://www.lithics.org/lithics/submissions.html) for details. The submission
deadline for papers, notes, letters and book reviews for Lithics 36 is May 31st, 2015.
The officers for the Society for 2014/2015 are:
Vice Chair:
Events Secretary:
Assistant Editor:
Website Officer:
Publicity Officer:
Committee Members:

Olaf Bayer
Laura Basell
Molly Pearce
Rob Davis
Claire Fisher and Hannah Fluck
Wei Chu
Lynden Cooper
Dave Underhill
Robert Banbury
Lynden Cooper
Ella Egberts
Sam Griffiths

Lithics 35
ISSN 0262-7817
Lithic Studies Society and individual authors.
Printed and bound by Fidelity Solutions, Ampthill


W. Chu

A reconstructed reduction sequence for curved bifacial

stone tools from the eastern La Plata Basin, Argentina

P. Riris & I. Romanowska

Shape variation of Middle Palaeolithic bifacial tools

from southern Poland: a geometric morphometric
approach to Keilmessergruppen handaxes and backed

K. Serwatka


Concerning the earliest Acheulean occupation of Britain:

the geological context of a handaxe assemblage from
Foxholes, Bournemouth, southern England

R.J. Davis


Working with flint tools: personal experience making a

Neolithic axe haft

P. Harding


F.R. Beresford


Ron (Barry) Waite (4 July 194923 July 2014): an


A. Saville & A. Graf


Ron Waite a personal tribute

T. Hardaker


J. Osborn


The Mesolithic of the Kennet Valley (Froom 2012)

C. Conneller


Late Upper Palaeolithic/Early Mesolithic, Roman and

Saxon discoveries at Fetcham near Leatherhead
(Munnery 2014)

N. Naudinot


A report on the Wild Things 2.0: further advances in

Palaeolithic and Mesolithic archaeology conference
8th10th January 2014, Durham University

F. Foulds



A preliminary note on the Palaeolithic sites in the Upper

Ravensbourne area, Bromley, Kent
Letters and Notes

John Wymer Bursary 2014

Excavations in Oxfordshire
Book and Conference Reviews

Minutes and Finances

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting (2014)


Treasurers Statement of Accounts (30th

September 2014)




Lithics 35

Welcome to Lithics 35. We hope that you will
read it with interest!

Terry Hardaker, attest to the large hole that he

leaves behind. We thank them all for their
touching and warm homages and offer his
loved ones our condolences.

This year has been one of change for Lithics.

As the journals new editor, I begin by giving
our warmest thanks, on behalf of the Lithics
Studies Society, to Beccy and Andy Shaw,
who for a great many years were the steadfast
stewards of, and driving force behind, Lithics. I
also welcome Lynden Cooper, the new
assistant editor, to the editorial staff.

The quality of these articles is in no small part

due to the peer reviewers who edited and
commented on manuscripts. Their anonymous
help is the quality control of scholarly
discourse that keeps our discipline grounded.
The world of publishing is, for better or worse,
changing and we are no exception. Lithics has
in recent years been moving ever so slowly
towards augmenting its online presence and as
a result, supplementary data, colour copies of
the articles and PDF copies of recent issues are
now available within the members area of the
Lithic Studies Society website. We here at
Lithics are constantly thinking about how we
can improve the distribution and quality of our
publication and we welcome any thoughts or

I am pleased to say that our inaugural issue is

full of fascinating articles that span the globe.
First, Riris and Romanowska take us to
Argentina, where they explore the reduction of
curved cleavers and raise some interesting new
questions about their manufacture. Serwatka
also piques our interest with a study of shape
variation among central European Late Middle
Palaeolithic bifacial tools focusing specifically
on southern Poland. Davis highlights the
importance of often-underused archival
material for understanding and interpreting
Pleistocene archaeological sites with his paper
on the geological context of a handaxe
assemblage from southern England. Harding
provides his account of replicating the
Neolithic axe haft from Shulishader, Lewis,
UK and some of the experiences gained.
Finally, Beresford gives us a preliminary
report on some Palaeolithic sites from the
Upper Ravensbourne area in Bromley.

From now on, Lithics will only accept

submissions by electronic copy. Updated notes
for contributors and a cover form for
submission are available on the website. Please
use these! The submission deadline for Lithics
36 is June 27th, 2015 and submissions from all
members and non-members alike are very
We hope you enjoy reading Lithics 35.

This year, we mourn the unexpected passing of

Ron Waitewho was instrumental to the
archaeologists. The two letters from friends
and colleagues printed in this issue, one by
Alan Saville and Anne Graf and the other by

Wei Chu

Cover. A scanning electron microscope photograph of Brandon flint. (Photograph Wei Chu.)

P. Riris & I Romanowska


P. Riris1 & I. Romanowska1
A distinctive regional lithic industry is found in the eastern La Plata basin, known as the Altoparanaense culture
in northeastern Argentina, and the Humait tradition in southern Brazil. These archaeological cultures are
recognised on the basis of large bifacial tools. The earliest deposits are dated to the ninth millennium BP, and
elements of these industries continue to be produced into the post-contact period (864095 to 31050 cal BP).
One of the most characteristic features of the assemblages in the region is the presence of a particular class of
bifacial tool known as curved cleavers, whose name stems from their distinctive asymmetrical shape. We
describe the reduction sequence of these tools based on a spatially extensive sample from Misiones province,
Argentina. This study provides for the first time a full chane opratoire for curved cleavers and compares it to
the findings of the only published experimental study. We use a logistic regression model to verify the
reconstructed five-stage reduction sequence and further support it with a metric analysis of artefact attributes
within each identified stage of reduction. Our results support the conclusion that many bifacially reduced
artefacts encountered in the larger study region may actually be unrecognised pre-forms of curved cleavers.
Full reference: Riris, P. & Romanowska, I. 2014. A reconstructed reduction sequence for curved bifacial stone
tools from the eastern La Plata basin, Argentina. Lithics: the Journal of the Lithic Studies Society 35: 517.
Keywords: Argentina, curved cleavers, chane opratoire, regression analysis, bifacial reduction


tremendous spatial and temporal scale (see

Dias 2012; Okamura & Araujo 2014) or that
the spatially or temporally sensitive properties
of the curved cleavers, e.g. their regional
diversity, have yet to be fully characterised
(Barreto 1998: 579). This paper is a step in that
direction as it focuses on a spatially secure
sample of these artefacts collected in western
Misiones province in the upper Paran valley,
near the town of Eldorado. Unfortunately,
coming from non-stratified contexts, the
collected assemblages can shed no light on the
variability of curved cleavers over time.

In this paper we identify and describe the

reduction sequence of a class of lithic artefacts
commonly encountered in the material record
of Misiones province, Argentina and the
bordering southern Brazilian states of Santa
Catarina, Paran and Rio Grande do Sul. The
artefacts in question are referred to
typologically as curved cleavers, or
boomerangoids (Menghin 1955/56; Schmitz
1984 & 1987; Prous 1992), owing to their
distinctive curvaceous shape (Fig. 2)*. On the
basis of ethnographic parallels, the function of
these bifacial artefacts has been interpreted in
Misiones as digging or foraging implements
(Nami 2006: 141).


Curved cleavers were first classified by
Menghin (1955/56), and were ascribed to a
Palaeolithic occupation of the territory of
Misiones he named the Altoparanaense
culture. This cultural division was based on the
presence of curved cleaverslarge bifacial
lithic artefacts also recognised in assemblages
in Paraguay (Menghin 1955/56: 181). In
Menghins framework, the appearance of the
Altoparanaense represented the migration of
the first South Americans into the region
(Menghin 1957). In the decades following this
initial description, archaeological investigators
working in Rio Grande do Sul assigned curved
cleavers to the pre-ceramic Humait tradition

Typological classification has been the

dominant methodology for the analysis of
stone tool technology in the region for much of
the history of archaeological research
(Laming-Emperaire 1967; Barreto 1998: 575;
Noelli 2005), and curved cleavers have been
used as a fossil index of the Humait tradition.
Additionally, the date range cited for
assemblages containing curved cleavers
extends over nine millennia, implying a great
continuity of their production over a vast
region and immense time span. This suggests
that there was either a high degree of
conservatism in lithic tradition on a

Department of Archaeology, Building 65a Avenue Campus, University of Southampton,

Southampton SO17 1BFUK; P.Riris@soton.ac.uk

Lithics 35

Figure 1. Location of Eldorado (star) and the Piray Mini and Piray Guaz valleys in southeastern
South America

(Miller 1969a; Schmitz 1987). The expansion

of coverage by later research across the
southern states of Brazil showed that the
artefacts recognised as curved cleavers and
curved cleaver preforms are ubiquitous in the
material record of the region (Miller 1969b;
Brochado 1971; De Masi & Artusi 1985; Kern
1991; Hoeltz 2005). In disagreement with
Menghins original chronology, the groups that
produced this particular tool type were found
to post-date the first peopling of the continent
(Schmitz 1987). The provenance of the
cleavers was formerly thought to be small,
highly mobile bands of hunter-gatherers
adapted to forested environments (Schmitz
1987). This way of life, characterised by the
lack of ceramic technology or cultivation, was
thought to persist almost to the present (Kern

However, recent overviews of the lithic

industries of southern Brazil have questioned
the integrity of the received chronological and

typological frameworks derived from the

earliest archaeological research in the region
(Hilbert 1994; Dias 2003; Dias & Hoeltz 2010;
Hoeltz 2010). This critique notwithstanding,
the majority of researchers assume that the
Humait Tradition and Altoparanaense culture
are effectively synonymous terms for related
pre-ceramic cultures which existed over a
broad time period (9th millennium BP to the
contact period) within the southern Brazilian
highlands including parts of Argentina and
Paraguay. The earliest available radiometric
date for a Humait assemblage is 864095 cal
BP at site SC-U-6 in the upper Uruguay river,
while the latest dates are in the midseventeenth century at site RS-RP-81 (Dias &
Hoeltz 2010: 44). The extremely broad
temporal range implies their production by
both pre-ceramic groups and later ceramicproducing
Taquara/Itarar or Tupiguaran traditions)
(Hoeltz 2007: 210; Dias & Hoeltz 2010).

P. Riris & I Romanowska

Figure 2. Curved cleaver from Yaguarazap, Paraguay (after Menghin 1955/56)

Although the tool morphology is well

recognised, a review of the literature that
includes curved cleavers (e.g. Menghin
1955/56; Miller 1969b; Brochado 1971; Kern
1981; Schmitz 1984; De Masi & Artusi 1985;
Schmitz 1987; Kern 1991; Hoeltz 2005)
reveals a significant amount of variability in
size, curvature, and overall elaboration of the
tools. The large spatial and temporal range of
this particular type of stone tool, as well as its
association with more than a single cultural
group, indicates that some of the culturally
imposed variability in the shape, size and
technology of curved cleavers might have not
been recognised (see Dias 2003). No complete
reconstruction of the curved cleaver reduction
sequence based on archaeological material has
been performed so far. What is the relationship
between the initial blank size and subsequent
stages of reduction? Is the curvature imposed
during production or, as suggested elsewhere
(Hoeltz 2007: 232), due to the selection of
naturally curved nodules? Which attributes can
be employed to distinguish curved cleaver
blanks from those of other bifacial artefacts?
The aim of this study is to fill some of those
gaps in our understanding of the curved
cleavers production process. To achieve this,
we fully characterise the reduction sequence of
curved cleavers from a specific region of
Misiones province, Argentina, as well as
compare it with an experimental study on this
tool type. Apart from answering some of the
aforementioned questions this should help to
establish a point of reference for further

comparisons with other regions, therefore

providing a baseline for assessing potential
variability of curved cleavers through their
apparently wide spatial and temporal range.
The only technological study of curved
cleavers was performed by Nami (2006), who
tried to experimentally reproduce curved
cleavers and identify distinctive stages of their
chane opratoire. His proposed five stages of
reduction (Table 1) are based on the
morphological attributes of each stage, from
the blank to the completed tool.
Nami (2006: 150) highlighted a lack of
information on the initial stages of reduction
but recognised that a blank could be obtained
both by removal of flakes from a tabular core
or a selection of an appropriately sized nodule
of raw material (Nami 2006: 143144). In his
study, the blank was roughly worked to
regularise the shape and prepare it for further
work. This was followed by the main stage of
the sequence, the bifacial flaking of the piece
aimed at obtaining an elongated symmetrical
shape. Only after this stage is the distinctive
curve imposed on the tool, followed by careful
regularisation of the edges by pressure flaking.
Namis experimental study provides an
informed conceptual yardstick for assessing
the morphology of curved cleavers; however, it
does reflect the choices taken by a modern-day
knapper. It is therefore informed by our
knowledge of the chane opratoire of betterunderstood bifacial tools that are mostly
unrelated to curved cleavers (e.g. Acheulean

Lithics 35

handaxes). As such, it is in need of being

checked against archaeological examples.
Nami notes that his experimental work was
aimed to provide researchers with a framework
against which to compare archaeological
assemblages. Here, it serves as a benchmark
for the reduction sequence as reconstructed
from archaeological examples of cleavers.

artefacts and identification of the variability

within the assemblage as well as changes in
reduction strategy from tested cobbles to fully
shaped and retouched pieces. For the
quantitative analysis, a total of nine attributes
were recorded on each artefact. In order to
understand the range of variability in artefact
size throughout the reduction sequence, we
recorded the length, width and thickness in
millimetres as well as weight in grams.
Second, in order to derive a measure of the
intensity of reduction at each stage, the amount
of cortex on each side was recorded in a fivepoint nominal scale. Finally, the number of
removals on each face was counted in order to
reconstruct the order and intensity of


Sample creation
The dataset used in this study has been derived
from three primary sources. The majority of
the specimens were obtained in JuneJuly
2013 through systematic field walking survey
in Misiones province as part of the Piray Mini
River Exploration Project (Fig. 1). Second, we
sampled an assemblage from the upper Piray
Guaz river valley, which was surface
collected by a University of Exeter project in
2010 and which remained in storage in
Eldorado. Finally, we extended the sample
with pieces from the collection of Ulf
Moensted held in the Casa del Fundador y
Museo Municipal in Eldorado, Misiones that
were made available to us. From these three
sources of material, we chose all artefacts
showing signs of bifacial knapping. The total
combined dataset (n = 66) represents all the
stages of reduction of the curved cleavers,
which allowed us to follow a traditional chane
opratoire methodology (Inizan et al. 1999;
Martinn-Torres 2002).

We also sought to test the predictions of the

five-stage reduction sequence suggested by
Nami (2006) and therefore compared his
stages with the ones identified in this study.
Additionally, we wanted to understand how
and at what stage the distinctive asymmetrical
outline, which gives the curved cleavers
their name, was imposed on the artefacts.
Thus, we recorded the symmetry in dorsalventral and left-right planes of the artefact as
two Boolean variables.
Qualitative analysis of the chane opratoire
We identified five stages of reduction in the
sample assemblage. This was achieved by
morphology and establishing an ordinal
ranking based on the amount of percussion and
working on the pieces (Fig. 6).

We undertook qualitative and quantitative
analysis of the sample (n = 66). The qualitative
analysis consisted of a visual assessment of the

Table 1. Summary of Namis (2006) stages for curved cleavers



Obtaining the blank

Large flakes or tabular nodules used as blanks.

Initial edging

No platform preparation; flakes often cover less than half of the

width of the artefact; sinusoid, irregular edge.

Bifacial flaking

The piece is shaped into an elongated oval form; irregular pattern

of flake removals; bi-convex, rectangular and triangular crosssections.

Initial shaping

Careful bifacial flaking into roughly the correct shape.

Final shaping

Regularising the edges by pressure flaking. Cross-section is


P. Riris & I Romanowska

Figure 3. Examples of front-back asymmetry in a Stage 2 cleaver (left) and left-right asymmetry
in a broken Stage 5 cleaver (right) from the sample assemblage

Figure 4. Method for assessing the dorsal-ventral symmetry of artefacts

Figure 5. Broken tip of a curved cleaver exhibiting fine retouch

Lithics 35

1. Obtaining the blank

4. Shaping and regularising the rough-out

Two methods of obtaining the blank were

recognised. Both classes of blank appear

1a, in which a large flake is removed from

an edge of a tabular nodule. The resulting
blank has a flat surface (the ventral face of
the flake) and a domed face (the edge of
the original nodule) covered in cortex.
1b, in which an elongated nodule had one
of its faces reduced to create a flat surface,
an equivalent of the ventral face in step 1a.
The removals are usually broad and
shallow, similar to thinning removals
commonly observed in Middle Palaeolithic
handaxes. The dorsal face remains cortical.

In stage four, the pre-form acquires its

distinctive curved shape i.e. left-right
asymmetry. The cross section is usually
rhomboidal, and the distal end of a tool is more
intensively worked.
5. Finished product
Stage 5 tools have little cortex on both faces,
and many display a pronounced left-right
asymmetry. Most of the Stage 5 tools in our
sample were broken at approximately one third
of the total length of the piece (Fig. 5).
Quantitative analysis of reduction sequence
To validate this qualitative assessment, a
logistic regression model was used to
investigate the relationship between all of the
recorded variables and the identified stages of
reduction. In our case, we used logistic
regression to assess the relationship between
an independent variable, here the stage of
reduction identified through the chane
opratoire, and the dependent variables listed
in Table 2. We emphasise that this quantitative
analysis seeks to verify the stages identified
through the qualitative analysis, which could
be biased by the analysts skills and previous
experience. The results showed that all the
dependent variables were highly significant
demonstrating that each attribute has predictive
power, and can explain up to 42% of variance
in the sample. Furthermore, the results were
assessed using a one-way analysis of variance
(ANOVA), which confirmed a highly
significant effect of all of the recorded
variables on the affiliation between each
artefact and a given reduction stage (Table 3).

2. Cortex removal on the domed face

The second stage consists of a series of
detachments that remove the cortex on the
domed face but maintain the dorsal-ventral
asymmetry observed in the blank. These
removals are usually deeper and shorter than
the ones used to obtain the flat face in step 1b.
3. Imposing dorsal-ventral symmetry
In the following stage, more reduction on each
side is aimed at reducing the dorsal-ventral
asymmetry and regularising the thickness of
the piece. This stage of pre-form usually
preserves small patches of cortex. A number of
artefacts in the sample assigned to this stage
had a triangular profile, which might have led
knappers to abandon them, as suggested by
Nami (2006).

Table 2. The results of the Logistic Regression Analysis performed on each dependent variable


(significance level)


Cortex on the flat face


0.00834 **


Cortex on the domed face


3.74e-09 ***


Symmetry: left-right


2.46e-05 ***




Symmetry: dorsal-ventral





Absolute difference between number of removals


1.51e-06 ***



P. Riris & I Romanowska

Table 3. ANOVA results



Cortex on the flat face


(significance level)

Cortex on the domed face



Symmetry: left-right



Symmetry: front-back





Difference in the number of removals on each face

Table 4. The results of the multiple regression analysis. R2: 0.73 F5,60= 32.44 p = 7.32e-16


p-score (significance level)

Cortex on the flat face


Cortex on the domed face

Symmetry: left-right


Symmetry: front-back
Difference in the number of removals on each face
Finally, to investigate the possibility of
covariance between dependent variables
confounding the results of the logistic
regression; a multiple regression model
(termed the Full Model) was used (Table 4).
The overall result of the Full Model was highly
significant (F5,60 = 32.44, p = 7.32e-16) with an
R2 value of 73%. The multiple regression
model has also allowed us to recognise which,
if any, of the variables have the highest
predictive power that enables the attribution of
an artefact to a given reduction stage. Here, we
will discuss each of the recorded variables in
light of the qualitative analysis. The Full
Model indicated that the amount of cortex on
the domed face and the dorsal-ventral
symmetry are the best predictors for the
reduction stage, which is consistent with our
qualitative interpretation of the chane


Further, the high significance of dorsal-ventral

asymmetry is not surprising given that the
early stages show a significant front-back
asymmetry, which decreases as the piece is
thinned in Stage 3. On the other hand, leftright asymmetry (i.e. the curve) is imposed
only in the very late stages and is, therefore,
virtually absent throughout most of the
sequence and is therefore a worse predictor.
As would be expected, as a piece is gradually
reduced, the absolute difference between the
number of removals on each face steadily
decreases throughout the sequence (Fig. 7),
indicating that the stages identified in the
qualitative analysis maintain their consistency
in a quantitative analysis. This variable is also
initially dependent on the method of obtaining
the blank. If the blank was removed from a
larger nodule then the number of removals on
the flat equals one, while the domed face is
fully cortical.

The amount of cortex on the domed face was

more significant as a predictor for a given
stage of reduction than the cortex on the flat
face, which is not surprising as the latter is
strongly related to the choice of blank rather
than to the intensity of reduction. While Stage
2 and Stage 3 focus predominantly on
removing the cortex from the domed face, the
amount of cortex on this plane is a better
indicator of the stage of the reduction

If, however, one side of a nodule was worked

to obtain the preferred flat shape, then the
number of removals on that face will be much
higher than on the cortical domed face. For this
reason this variable has lower predictive power
compared to the dorsal-ventral symmetry and
the amount of cortex. In addition, the change
from a single intensively-knapped face to an
equal amount of removals on both sides


Lithics 35

happens in the early stages of the reduction


back symmetry possess the highest individual

predictive power. Overall, the Full Model
provides the best fit to the assemblage and,
therefore, the statistical analysis supports the
abovementioned qualitative assessment of the
curved cleavers chane opratoire into the five
stages presented in section 4.1.

Aikaikes Information Criterion (AIC) was

used for model reduction and assessing the
quality of each dependent variable relative to
the Full Model (Table 5). This confirmed that
the cortex on the domed face and the front-

Figure 6. Photographs of cleavers in reduction stages 1 to 4 (a to d)

Table 5. The results of the model reduction using Aikaikes Information Criterion

Regression Model

Degree of freedom


Drop 1

Full Model



Cortex: flat face



Cortex: domed face



Symmetry: left-right



Symmetry: front-back



Difference in removals




P. Riris & I Romanowska

Table 6. Descriptive statistics of the metric analysis of the sample assemblage (units in mm and g)


1st Qu.



3rd Qu


St. Dev.

































Metric analysis
of stages by Nami and the current model
match. The results showed that the attribution
of artefacts to his stages and the classification
proposed in this paper differ significantly,
which warrants further evaluation.

All broken pieces were excluded from the

metric analysis. Summary statistics of the
sample assemblage shows a high degree of
homogeneity in terms of dimensions, with
artefact width and thickness possessing
particularly low standard deviations (Table 6).
In order to identify the directionality of
reduction throughout the sequence, we
compared the artefact dimensions within each
reduction stage (Fig. 7).

The point on which the two studies agree

includes the suggestion that blanks are either
large flakes detached from a tabular core, or a
nodule. Furthermore, Namis suggestion that
the left-right asymmetry is imposed late in the
sequence matches our observations. The
distinctive curved shape is virtually absent
before the final stages. This disagrees with
suggestions that naturally curved blanks were
preferentially selected for producing curved
cleavers (Hoeltz 2007: 232).

Notably, the length of the artefact remains

almost constant throughout the sequence until
the final stage (Fig. 7). The width of the preforms decreases steadily from stage 2 when the
tool begins to experience bifacial working and
more cortical flakes are removed from its
circumference. Contrary to this, the thickness
shows a significant decrease only from Stage
3, which marks the beginning of the imposition
of dorsal-ventral symmetry through the
removal of the domed cortical surface obtained
from the blank.

The main body of the experimental results,

however, diverge significantly from the chane
opratoire observed in the sample assemblage.
The experimental study of Nami (2006)
followed a standard procedure for bifacial
reduction (see Callahan 1979; Le Tensorer
2006) in the experimental design. The
archaeological assemblage analysed in this
paper tells a different story. The asymmetrical
working of the pre-form and the maintenance
of one flat and one domed surface throughout
the reduction sequence stands out clearly as a
specific feature of the curved cleavers chane
opratoire. In terms of the sequence of actions
required to produce a curved cleaver, the
knappers intentionally concentrated on one
face before working the other. This
asymmetrical nature of the intensity of
reduction was quantified by calculating the
absolute difference between the numbers of
removals on each face (Fig. 8). This index
shows that until Stage 3, the disparity in the
intensity of reduction between the two faces of
a pre-form is pronounced. It is further
supported by the aforementioned lack of
dorsal-ventral symmetry in the early stages.

Not surprisingly, the weight shows a steady

and continuous reduction throughout all the
stages of chane opratoire. The consistency in
weight decrease throughout the sequence
supports the notion that the aforementioned
patterns are not a result of the random noise in
the sample, but instead reflect a genuine
gradual reduction in the bulk of the raw
A number of the stages described above are
consistent with the ones described by Nami
(2006). Nonetheless, the two reconstructions
differ significantly in several aspects, most
notably in their understanding of when final
shape is acquired. We performed a two-tailed,
paired t-test on the data to test if the allocation


Lithics 35

Figure 7. The metric analysis broken down by stage of reduction. Sample size for each stage
displayed above each box in top-left plot

Asymmetry in the dorsal-ventral dimension

only levels off when the piece undergoes the
final shaping in Stages 4 and 5. Similarly, the
most diagnostic feature of the artefacts, the
pronounced curve, is absent and hence
undetected for the majority of its reduction
sequence. Finally, the metric analysis
homogeneity in terms of dimensions in the preforms and finished tools. This may indicate a
strong preference for obtaining raw material of
a certain size and standardisation in the
finished tool form, perhaps related to the
functional requirements of the tools as
foraging implements (Nami 2006: 150).

eastern South America over nine millennia.

Our qualitative reconstruction of the curved
cleaver chane opratoire is supported by the
metric analysis of the artefacts. We also
compared our five-stage schema to an
experimental study by Nami (2006), which
used a standardised bifacial reduction sequence
and highlighted the peculiarities of the curved
cleavers sequence. This study confirmed that
blanks were selected from elongated nodules
and large flakes. The differences between the
two blank types are distinctive in the early
stages of reduction but completely obscured by
the final stages of working. Some cultural
features of the reduction sequence, however,
differed significantly from the predictions of
Namis experimental study: most notably the
characteristic asymmetrical working of the
preforms, and the order in which the frontaldorsal symmetry and the cleavers curve
were imposed on blanks.

In this paper we used a sample from Misiones
Province, Argentina to conduct a qualitative
reconstruction of the reduction sequence of a
common tool type found in large parts of


P. Riris & I Romanowska

Figure 8. The absolute difference between the number of removals on each face separated by
production stage

Nami (2006: 150) notes that the later stages of

curved cleaver production mask the variability
of earlier stages to some degree. The principal
implication of this finding is that several
types of bifacial tools possessing dorsalventral asymmetry (for example, Menghin
1957: fig. 11; Hoeltz 2007: fig. 2) may actually
be unrecognised parts of the curved cleavers
chane opratoire. Hence, investigations that
only focus on the finished tool types are
limited in their ability to reconstruct the
organization of stone technology. We therefore
suggest that more extensive sampling of
curved cleaver pre-forms, representing the
intermediate stages as defined here, should be
included in future analyses in order to better
distinguish between curved cleaver pre-forms
and other types of bifacial tools.

nine millennia. The principal limitation of a

better understanding of the archaeological
record of the region is presently the lack of a
framework for comparing assemblages from
different regions and time periods. We hope
that this study provided a useful attempt at
recognising the true variability of curved
Due to the nature of the sample analysed in the
present study, we were unable to shed any light
on the temporal aspect. However, by
describing the characteristics of the reduction
sequence of curved cleavers within secure
spatial limits, we provide a stepping stone for
identifying the variability in the lithic material
record of neighbouring regions. In future
macro-regional scale work, examples will need
to be compared across secure and dated
stratigraphic contexts to construct a framework
for when, how, and why curved cleavers were
produced. Dissecting the long period of time
when curved cleavers were produced,
(Humait) to ceramic (Taquara/Itarar)
transition, would be particularly relevant to

Finally, as noted in the introductory paragraphs

of this paper, the spatial and temporal
distribution of this distinctive class of tool is
tremendous. Its spatial distribution spans three
Brazilian states, Misiones province (Argentina)
and the eastern sectors of Paraguay (Menghin
1955/56; Miller 1969a; Schmitz 1987), while
its temporal range is believed to cover almost

Lithics 35

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identifying which components of curved
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We gratefully thank the Casa del Fundador de
Eldorado y Museo Municipal, Eldorado,
Margarita Kummerer, Marcelo Calier and
Norberto Hermes Aguirre for their support in
Misiones. This research was carried out as part
of the project Arqueologa del Bosque
Atlntico Meridional Sudamericano of the
Instituto Nacional de Antropologa y
Pensamiento Latinoamericano, Buenos Aires.
We would like to thank Eleanor Scerri, Fraser
Sturt and John McNabb for reading and
commenting on earlier drafts of this paper. The
study presented here would not have been
possible without the help of the fantastic
University of Southampton students who
joined us in Misiones province. Finally, we
thank two anonymous reviewers for their
helpful suggestions on how to improve the
clarity and content of the manuscript. The
statistical analyses as presented in this paper
were performed with R (R Core Development
Team 2013). Iza Romanowska was supported
by an EPSRC Doctoral Training Centre grant
The content of this paper remains the
responsibility of the authors.
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It is worth noting that in this case the name cleaver is typologically incorrect. Cleavers are defined as bifacially worked
tools with either an unworked distal edge (Debnath & Dibble 1994: 170; Inizan et al. 1995: 5556) or with a clear
transversal removal negative at its distal end when the distal part is secondarily treated (Debnath & Dibble 1994: 165).
This is clearly not the case in the vast majority of curved cleavers but the name is nevertheless ubiquitously used.


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