The Goshorns Step by Step: God Month
The Goshorns Step by Step: God Month
The Goshorns Step by Step: God Month
July 2015
G o d Mo n t h
We had such a busy month, Im not sure where to
begin. As I said in our last newsletter, we started
having trouble at the orphanage after having a kids
club. Kids Clubs consist of songs, dances, games and a
Bible lesson. Were not sure why, but were pretty sure
its because of the Bible lesson, which the kids loved.
We asked you all to pray about this and low and
behold, they hired a new director for the orphanage
and its someone that has worked there since we
started going. Pray that this is a good change. We also
started fixing up the playground, painting and welding
the broken parts.
Our team from the States that weve been preparing
for came and went. We are so proud of them. We
traveled to a community called Lucma, which was not
an easy trip for them, and then we stayed in a hotel
that was definitely more rustic than what most people
are used to. Not once did we have anyone complain.
This team helped with constructing a church building.
You have to remember that the building is important,
but the church is the people, the body of believers, and
the relationships that were built will be beneficial for
the Kingdom for years to come. God also blessed us
with the opportunity of providing kids club at a local
school every day. The team did an awesome job of
preparing Bible stories and crafts. There was also
dancing, songs, and prayer. We had about 100 kids
every day and they had a blast. At the school we also
had the privilege of serving lunch to the kids before the
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John 14:6
Jesus answered, I am the way and the
truth and the life. No one comes to the
Father except through me.
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P raye r R e q u e s t s a n d P ra i s e s
Pa r t n e r w i t h u s
God has been very clear that we cannot do anything alone. First we
need Him, second we need the Body of Christ. We will never be
effective ministers of Gods word without your prayers and financial
support. Please consider partnering with us to further Gods Kingdom
in Peru.
1 Corinthians 3:9