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The Goshorns Step by Step: October 2019

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The Goshorns Step by Step

October 2019

It’s past time to get caught up with you all.

Jennifer and Katherine returned from the states and
I’m sure glad to have them back. I was very blessed
with our Peruvian team that stepped up while they
were gone. While they were in the states, I spent a lot
of time in the Jungle managing the farms. I got to
know some of the neighbors, we talked about Christ
and I handed out Bibles and an audio Bible. I had a
no sense. Two of the girls have been attending a
group of 40 come one day to help and they started
Bible study in our house. When the law changed,
the day with prayer and sang worship songs in
one of them, who is 17, had to leave and we are
Quechua while working. Once we are up and going
not sure where she is. The other, Marguarite, will
strong there, I believe we can have a great
move in with us in December. She has very high
discipleship group in this community. We also hope to
grades and we hope to be able to help her with
take a medical team there next year.
college. She never knew much about Jesus and
The prison program is still going strong. We now she’s talking to others in her school about
have a new director now and we hope she’s as Him. God is AMAZING!
encouraging as the last. She talked to Jennifer the
You all know that Zumilinda and her sister
other day about possibly adding another day during
Luzmilda moved in with us 18 months ago. We did
the week. Jennifer has a great group working with her
this to help Zumi with her medical needs. We tried
now and some new ones for next year.
to always involve the mother. Zumi would call her
The kids programs are still going great. Some mom weekly but often she would not answer. We
of the older kids don’t come as often, but we continue would also pay for trips her mom to visit when
to have new ones show up and also more of the possible. The father got tired of Zumi calling and he
moms. The “Adopt a family for Christmas” started off didn’t want the mom to visit. So, he decided to
with a bang. It’s not to late if you would like to take Zumi back to Andamarca, even after the
participate. For $50 the family will receive a months cardiologist told the mom that it would be very
worth of food and hopefully a present for the kids. dangerous for her. Please pray that Zumi stays
This is huge since most don’t have more than a meal a healthy.
day if their lucky.
We need to raise our support a little more. So
The laws in Peru changed for the orphanage. please consider making an end of the year
Now the kids can only stay for 6 months. This makes donation, or you can join us monthly.

We humbly thank you for your continued prayers and

financial support. If you haven’t yet, we ask that you would
prayerfully consider financially supporting this ministry in
Peru. Without more financial partners this ministry can not
continue to grow. We love you all and thank you for being
part of God’s work in Peru.

Mario is one of our neighbors on the farm. He is 28 years old and is

crippled. When he was 6 years old a van backed over him and no one realized
he was trapped under it for over an hour. He hasn’t been able to walk, without
two sticks to carry him along, since. It is incredible to watch him move up and
down the mountains using only the strength in his arms and the sticks. Mario
doesn’t know who his real father is, but he has a step dad who is very good to
him and his mom is absolutely amazing. She is a Christian but, the step dad and
Mario are not. Mario lives across the road from our farm and his parents live
within shouting distance of him. He has latched onto me and is always around
when I’m there and goes with me when I need to pick up things. His mom said
he’s never had many friends and that I’m so kind to him. When I’m in
Huancayo, Mario and his mom make sure no one bothers things on the farm.
His mom has tried to get Mario to go to church with her but he never wanted
to. She said that since he learned that I’m a Christian and had spoken to him
about Christ, there must be something to it because I’m from the states:) I don’t
like being set apart, but the Lord uses whatever he wants to reach someone.
Mario has since asked for a Bible, attends church with his mom and sits with his
solar powered light and studies scripture. There is no type of phone coverage
within an 1 1/2 hours from the farm, but Mario will travel so he can call and
give me updates and ask when I’m returning. God is soooo good. I don’t do
anything, but He will work on people in our paths at all times.

I can’t thank everyone enough for making this possible. What a life I have
because of you.

Please consider joining us. Thank you.

“Today, I challenge you to pay it forward. You don't need to save a village—only one
lost soul. Be the reflection of Christ and shine His light. The cost is little, but the
reward is rich.”
― Dana Arcuri
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P r aye r Re q u e s t s a n d P r a i s e s
 Prayers for continued physical,  Prayers for the Bible study/ feeding
emotional and spiritual protection. programs in Cullpa and Pallian Philippians 2:4
 Prayers for additional financial and  Prayers for the prison ministry and “Let each of you look not
prayer support. home visit ministry. only to his own interests, but
 Praises for our Peruvian team and
 Prayers for travel mercies in Peru. also to the interests of
the opportunity to serve in Peru.
 Prayers for Jennifer’s mom Joan as
 We are thankful for the support of
she battles cancer.
the body of Christ.
 Prayers for parenting from a  We are thankful for our health.
distance. And safety for our children  Pray for Gianfranco & that he will
in the U.S. someday hear.
 Prayers for Zumilinda, Luzmilda and  Prayers for Jennifer & Katherine
their family. while traveling.

God has been very clear that we cannot do anything alone. First we
need Him, second we need the Body of Christ. We will never be
effective ministers of God’s word without your prayers and
financial support. Please consider partnering with us to further
God’s Kingdom in Peru.
All tax deductible donations may be made to:
TMS Global
PO Box 936559
Atlanta, Ga. 31193-6559 USA
Designate gifts to: “Goshorn Support 5/540”
Or online at:
www.tms-global.org/give and go to “give to a missionary” and
use our name.
Or visit our website at: www.goshornstepbystep.com
Email: teejaygoshorn@yahoo.com
Skype: tim.jen.goshorn
US Phone (works wherever we have internet): 859-474-2494

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