Signal and System Lecture 22
Signal and System Lecture 22
Signal and System Lecture 22
Fall 2003
Lecture #22
2 December 2003
1. Properties of the ROC of the z-Transform
2. Inverse z-Transform
3. Examples
4. Properties of the z-Transform
5. System Functions of DT LTI Systems
a. Causality
b. Stability
The z-Transform
• Last time:
•Unit circle (r = 1) in the ROC ⇒DTFT X(ejω) exists
•Rational transforms correspond to signals that are linear
combinations of DT exponentials
Some Intuition on the Relation between zT and LT
• LHP in s-plane, Re(s) < 0 ⇒ |z| = | esT| < 1, inside the |z| = 1 circle.
Special case, Re(s) = -∞ ⇔ |z| = 0.
• RHP in s-plane, Re(s) > 0 ⇒ |z| = | esT| > 1, outside the |z| = 1 circle.
Special case, Re(s) = +∞ ⇔ |z| = ∞.
• A vertical line in s-plane, Re(s) = constant ⇔ | esT| = constant, a
circle in z-plane.
Properties of the ROCs of z-Transforms
(1) The ROC of X(z) consists of a ring in the z-plane centered about
the origin (equivalent to a vertical strip in the s-plane)
(2) The ROC does not contain any poles (same as in LT).
More ROC Properties
(3) If x[n] is of finite duration, then the ROC is the entire z-plane,
except possibly at z = 0 and/or z = ∞.
Examples: CT counterpart
ROC Properties Continued
(6) If x[n] is two-sided, and if |z| = ro is in the ROC, then the ROC
consists of a ring in the z-plane including the circle |z| = ro.
for fixed r:
Example #2
Inversion by Identifying Coefficients
in the Power Series
Example #3:
0 for all other n’s
— A finite-duration DT sequence
Example #4:
Properties of z-Transforms
Convolution Property and System Functions
⇔ (a) the ROC is the exterior of a circle outside the outermost pole;