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Controlled Tooth Movement To Correct An Iatrogenic Problem: Case Report

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Controlled tooth movement to correct an

iatrogenic problem
Rhita Cristina Cunha Almeida,a Felipe de Assis R. Carvalho,a Marco Antonio Almeida,b Jonas Capelli Junior,c
and Walter Augusto Machadod
Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeriro, Brazil
This case report describes the treatment of a 9-year old boy, who had his maxillary central incisors extruded by
noncontrolled elastic mechanics to close a diastema. The article describes the consequences of this movement
and how the problem was solved with controlled intrusion. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2011;139:271-8)

roadbent1 rst described the ugly duckling stage

of dental development in the literature. Proft and
Fields2 reported that this stage is characterized by
diastemas in the maxillary arch. The central diastema
tends to close as the lateral incisors erupt, but the
diastema can persist even after eruption is complete.
This situation occurs so frequently that it is considered
normal. For this reason, the mixed dentition can be a difcult time for children, their parents, and the orthodontist; as the childs permanent teeth erupt, his or her
smile is not as esthetic as it was during the deciduous dentition. Parents often worry about dental spacing, and the
orthodontist must explain that this unesthetic period is
normal and is not to be treated at that time.
Unfortunately, not every dentist is familiar with this
stage and the correct way to handle the situation; as a result, the patient can suffer the consequences. This case
report describes this type of situation and the orthodontic treatment necessary to overcome a serious problem.

A 9-year-old boy came to the orthodontic clinic at

Rio de Janeiro State University in Brazil complaining
PhD student, Department of Orthodontics, Rio de Janeiro State University,
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Professor and chair, Department of Orthodontics, Rio de Janeiro State University, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Professor, Department of Orthodontics, Rio de Janeiro State University, Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil.
Professor, Department of Periodontics, Veiga de Almeida University, Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil.
The authors report no commercial, proprietary, or nancial interest in the products or companies described in this article.
Reprint requests to: Rhita Cristina Cunha Almeida, Department of Orthodontics, Rio
de Janeiro State University, Av Vinte e Oito de Setembro, 157, 2 Andar, Ortodontia,
Vila Isabel, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil; e-mail, rhita.almeida@gmail.com.
Submitted, December 2008; revised and accepted, June 2009.
Copyright 2011 by the American Association of Orthodontists.

that his maxillary central incisors were extruded. He

had a straight prole and good facial proportions. The
clinical examination showed that he was in the mixed
dentition, with a Class I molar relationship and crossbite
of the maxillary lateral incisors, the right deciduous
canine, and the right deciduous rst molar. The midline
was shifted 2 mm to the left in both arches. There was an
overjet of 3 mm and a mild curve of Spee.
But the most signicant anomaly was the extreme
extrusion of the maxillary central incisors with advanced
gingival recession around these teeth (Fig 1). His mother
mentioned that he previously had a wide gap between
those teeth, and she took him to a dentist who recommended placing a rubber band around the 2 teeth to
close this space. The elastic disappeared every night,
and the dentist told him to put another in its place.
The mother suspected that something was not right
and decided to ask for a second opinion.
At this point, the central incisors had extruded about
6 mm and were extremely mobile. He had gingival hyperplasia, bleeding on probing, and deep pockets around
the incisors. The elastics kept disappearing, because they
were sliding up along the periodontal ligament space
and gradually extracting the teeth. A panoramic radiograph showed the presence of all permanent teeth. An
anterior periapical radiograph showed signicant loss
of bone around the central incisors, and the roots of
the central incisors were in contact (Fig 2).


The long-term prognosis for the central incisors was

poor, but we decided to maintain these teeth as long as
possible. So, the treatment objectives at this rst stage
were to remove the elastics from beneath the gingiva,
intrude the central incisors, and align their roots to
improve the bone support in this area.

Almeida et al


Fig 1. Pretreatment intraoral photograph of a 9-year-old

boy with extruded central incisors.

Fig 3. Postsurgery with the splint set.

Fig 2. Periapical radiograph before treatment.

Fig 4. Segmented arch with artistic bend and intrusion


An alternative treatment planextracting the central incisors by extruding them slowly to bring bone
with the teeth and thereby improve the bone defect
was ruled out. The patient would need to wait several
years before permanent restoration with implants
would be possible.

The central incisors were splinted, and a surgical procedure was used to remove the elastics (Fig 3). When the
ap was elevated, the bone loss, mainly on the facial
side, was evident. During surgery, no scaling was performed on the roots to maintain any remnants of the
periodontal ligament. Only supercial cleaning was
performed to avoid damaging the cementum and, we
hoped, allow future replacement of the bers of the
periodontal ligament. The inammatory tissue was
removed, and the ap was repositioned. A rigid oral
hygiene program was adopted.
When the periodontal health had improved, brackets
were bonded to the 2 central incisors, and bands
were cemented on the maxillary rst molars. A utility

February 2011  Vol 139  Issue 2

Fig 5. Image of the roots in a better position.

0.019 3 0.025-in stainless steel archwire was used to

intrude the incisors. After 6 months, both central incisors
had been intruded to normal positions, and their mobility had decreased signicantly. However, the roots were

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

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Fig 6. Photographs before the second stage of treatment.

still in close proximity. At that time, we stopped the intrusion mechanics and placed another segmented 0.019
3 0.025-in archwire on the central incisors with small
artistic bends to tip the roots distally and create space
between them (Fig 4). Two months later, the radiograph
showed a small space between the roots with bone
formation in the area (Fig 5).
Then the patient suffered trauma to the maxillary
incisors, and we decided to stop the tooth movement
and monitor tooth mobility to assess for clinical signs
of ankylosis. However, the teeth did not ankylose. The
brackets were removed, tooth positions were retained,
and we waited for the remaining permanent teeth to
erupt before starting the second phase of treatment.
The second stage began when the patient was 12
years old. At this time, he had a dental and skeletal Class

I malocclusion, maxillary and mandibular dental protrusion, a 3-mm extrusion of the maxillary incisors, and
a crossbite of the lateral incisors, the rst premolars,
and the maxillary left rst molar (Figs 6-8).
The objectives in the second phase of treatment were
(1) to correct the anterior and posterior crossbites by using a Porter appliance with digital springs for the lateral
incisors, (2) to intrude and correct the root angulations
of the maxillary central incisors by using a betatitanium alloy segmented archwire combined to a Burstone intrusion arch,3 and (3) to begin leveling and
aligning the buccal segment by using nickel-titanium
segmented archwires.
As soon as the central incisors were positioned, a continuous archwire was used to level and align the arch.
The mandibular arch was leveled and aligned with

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

February 2011  Vol 139  Issue 2

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Fig 7. Dental casts before the second stage of treatment.

Fig 8. Radiographs before the second stage.

constricted stainless steel archwires. During treatment,

the patient developed a Class III growth tendency, and
it was necessary to use Class III elastic mechanics. A
0.036-in buccal expanded maxillary archwire and

February 2011  Vol 139  Issue 2

a nighttime facemask were used to camouage the Class

III tendency and prevent traumatic contacts to the maxillary central incisors. The treatment was nished, and
the appliances were removed.

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

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Fig 9. Photographs at the end of treatment.


The patients dental esthetics were improved, the

molar relationship was preserved, and the periodontal
situation around the central incisors was much healthier.
Overjet and overbite were corrected as well as the
crossbites. A cone-beam computed tomography image
obtained 3 years after appliance removal showed significant bone formation around these teeth (Figs 9-12).

This patients malocclusion should have been easy to

treat, with a good prognosis. However, because of the
misuse of the rubber bands and the wrong diagnosis,
it became difcult, with doubts about the future of the
central incisors. Correct diagnosis is an important step
for good orthodontic treatment. A midline space could

result from any of several possible causes: eg, midline

supernumerary tooth, thick labial frenum, or intrabony
lesion.2 A maxillary occlusal or periapical radiograph
would show whether there was a pathologic condition
in the area, and whether any treatment would be needed
at that stage of development.
Even if diastema closure were indicated, the dentist
who treats the patient must understand the basic orthodontic mechanics that are essential for optimum orthodontic treatment. Force, center of resistance, moment,
couple, and center of rotation are fundamental to safe
tooth movement. When the dentist told this boy to use
elastics around the incisors, he induced a movement
without control of any of these factors and produced severe bone resorption and extrusion of the incisors. The
periodontal ligament and the alveolar bone were completely destroyed on the buccal, distal, and lingual

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

February 2011  Vol 139  Issue 2

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Fig 10. Dental casts after the second stage of treatment.

Fig 11. Final radiographs.

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Fig 12. Tridimensional image of the bone defect on the central incisors after treatment.

surfaces. On the mesial surface, the roots were approximated and caused a severe bone defect. But, fortunately,
the periodontal ligament was preserved.
Extrusion is an easy movement, since it produces few
areas of compression. Extrusion should not be performed with heavy forces unless the goal is to extract
the tooth rather than to bring alveolar bone along
with the root.4 This almost happened with this patient,
who had his incisors so heavily extruded that it was impossible to predict their prognosis. In the literature, teeth
with that much extrusion, mobility, and bone loss are
typically extracted.
Orthodontic intrusion was considered impossible for
many years. However, clinically successful intrusion has
been demonstrated in the literature; it requires careful
control of force magnitude and direction so that light
forces are applied to the teeth to prevent root resorption.5 In our patient, we decided to preserve the incisors
and intrude them with controlled mechanics. While this
movement was occurring, radiographs were taken routinely to make certain that the movement was well controlled and favorable. Even though the amount of
intrusion was signicant, there were no other good alternatives. The intrusion improved the periodontal
health by removing trauma from those teeth. After
they had been extruded, they were being traumatized
by the opposing teeth.

Artun et al5 reported that bone formation could occur with this type of tooth movement, but at the beginning of the treatment we did not have a cone-beam
computed tomography image for comparison with the
end of treatment image. Although the bone level was
poor at the end of the treatment, the soft tissue looked
reasonably good. Melsen6 reported that new insertion
of the periodontal ligament associated with orthodontic
intrusion can happen. A possible explanation for this
would be that the orthodontic movement leads to the
formation of a long-junctional epithelium beneath the
alveolar bone level.
The 2 central incisors that were reintruded have been
monitored for 3 years after treatment, and they seem
stable and have normal mobility. If implants are needed
eventually, at least the patient will be old enough to receive them with a good prognosis, and he will have spent
his adolescence with his own incisors and not articial
teeth. In the future, if the prognosis of these incisors
changes and implants are necessary, the incisors could
be extruded slowly to create vertical bone and improve
the implant results.

Tooth movement can be responsible for bone formation and for bone loss, depending on its control. This
case is an example of how uncontrolled movement can

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

February 2011  Vol 139  Issue 2

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harm a patient and how good orthodontic planning can

rescue hopeless teeth.
1. Broadbent BH. The face of the normal child. Angle Orthod
2. Proft WR, Fields HW. Contemporary orthodontics. 3rd ed. St Louis:
Mosby; 1999.

February 2011  Vol 139  Issue 2

3. Burstone CR. Deep overbite correction by intrusion. Am J Orthod

4. Strang RHW. Tratado de ortodoncia. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Ed.
Bibliograca Argentina; 1957.
5. Artun J, Kokich VG, Osterberg SK. Long-term effect of root proximity on periodontal health after orthodontic treatment. Am J Orthod
Dentofacial Orthop 1987;91:125-30.
6. Melsen B. Tissue reaction following application of extrusive and intrusive forces to teeth in adult monkeys. Am J Orthod 1986;89:469-75.

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

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