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Gummy Smile

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Journal of the World Federation of Orthodontists 7 (2018) 34e46

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Journal of the World Federation of Orthodontists

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Case Report

Adult gummy smile correction with temporary skeletal

anchorage devices
Satoshi Uzuka a, Jong-Moon Chae b, Kiyoshi Tai c, Takashi Tsuchimochi d,
Jae Hyun Park e, *
Associate Professor and Chair, Division of Orthodontics, The Nippon Dental University Hospital, Tokyo, Japan
Professor, Department of Orthodontics, School of Dentistry, University of Wonkwang, Wonkwang Dental Research Institute, Iksan, Korea; Visiting
Scholar, Postgraduate Orthodontic Program, Arizona School of Dentistry & Oral Health, A. T. Still University, Mesa, Arizona
Visiting Adjunct Professor, Postgraduate Orthodontic Program, Arizona School of Dentistry & Oral Health, A.T. Still University, Mesa, Arizona, and
Private Practice of Orthodontics, Okayama, Japan
Clinical Assistant Professor, Division of Orthodontics, The Nippon Dental University Hospital, Tokyo, Japan
Professor and Chair, Postgraduate Orthodontic Program, Arizona School of Dentistry & Oral Health, A. T. Still University, Mesa, Arizona; International
Scholar, Graduate School of Dentistry, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Temporary skeletal anchorage devices were used to correct the gummy smile of a 27-year-old woman.
Received 14 January 2018 She was also missing her maxillary left second molar and mandibular right central incisor. Her
Accepted 28 January 2018 mandibular anterior missing space was closed with orthodontic treatment. Her occlusion, smile es-
thetics, dental midline, and soft tissue profile were significantly improved after her orthodontic treat-
ment. A 2-year follow-up showed that the patient had a stable occlusion and the results of the
orthodontic treatment were maintained.
Temporary skeletal anchorage devices
Ó 2018 World Federation of Orthodontists.
gummy smile
vertical maxillary excess
maxillary intrusion

1. Introduction dentoalveolar extrusion and VME could be effectively corrected

only with invasive orthognathic surgery [7,8], but the upsurge of
An excessive gingival display on smiling, referred to as “gummy temporary skeletal anchorage devices (TSADs) in orthodontic
smile,” “high lip line,” or “high smile line,” is often esthetically un- therapy offers an alternative to surgery in some cases. TSADs have
pleasant and is undesirable [1,2]. Less than 2 mm of gingival display been successfully used for maxillary intrusion, improving gummy
is acceptable and is considered youthful, as the amount of exposure smiles resulting from dentoalveolar extrusion and VME [9e13].
of the maxillary central incisors both at rest and smiling gradually For cases with a multifactorial etiology, a combination of treat-
decreases with age [3]. A gummy smile can be defined as 2.0 mm or ment methods should be prescribed to improve each problem. If
more of maxillary gingival exposure in full smiling. The sexual possible, overcorrection of one etiological factor can camouflage
dimorphism in smile types indicates that women are twice as likely another etiological factor that is indirectly or incompletely cor-
as men to have gummy smiles. Although the incidence of excessive rected. This case report details successful correction of a gummy
gingival display has not been established, it is common [4,5]. smile because of VME using TSAD-assisted maxillary intrusion.
The etiologies of gummy smile include abnormal lip length/ac- Further a 2-year follow-up record of the patient is provided to
tivity, diminished clinical crown length because of gingival hyper- establish the stability of the treatment result.
plasia or altered passive eruption, dentoalveolar extrusion, and
vertical maxillary excess (VME) [6]. It is necessary to diagnose 2. Diagnosis and treatment planning
the etiologies associated with each individual gummy smile to
prescribe the appropriate treatment modalities. Traditionally, A 27-year-old woman presented with concerns of spacing in
her upper and lower arches at the Division of Orthodontics, The
* Corresponding author. Postgraduate Orthodontic Program, Arizona School of
Nippon Dental University Hospital in Japan. A review of her
Dentistry and Oral Health, A. T. Still University, 5835 E. Still Circle, Mesa, AZ 85206. medical history, as well as temporomandibular joint evaluation,
E-mail address: JPark@atsu.edu (J.H. Park). showed nothing remarkable. She had a convex profile with

2212-4438/$ e see front matter Ó 2018 World Federation of Orthodontists.

S. Uzuka et al. / Journal of the World Federation of Orthodontists 7 (2018) 34e46 35

Fig. 1. Pretreatment facial and intraoral photographs.

posterior divergence and her smile revealed excessive gingival 3. Treatment objectives
show (Fig. 1). Intraoral clinical examination revealed her missing
maxillary left second molar and one mandibular incisor. She had The following treatment objectives were established: (1) cor-
Class I molar relationship on her right side and Class III molar rect VME; (2) correct jaw deformities of the maxilla and the
relationship on her left side, with bilateral Class I canine re- mandible; (2) coordinate the skeletal and dental midlines; (3)
lationships. She had an approximately 1 mm overjet and a 50% correct and coordinate the maxillary and mandibular arch forms;
overbite. Because of her missing mandibular incisor, her dental (4) obtain normal overjet and overbite; (5) maintain Class I canine
midline was not coincident with her facial midline, and her and establish Class I molar relationships; (6) close the spaces be-
maxillary dental midline was deviated by approximately 1 mm to tween her teeth; and (7) improve her gummy smile and facial
the right (Figs. 1 and 2). esthetics.
A panoramic radiograph confirmed that she was missing her
maxillary left second molar and mandibular right central incisor, 4. Treatment alternatives
and her mandibular left lateral incisor showed short root. It also
showed that her left mandibular third molar was horizontally To improve her gummy smile and facial profile, and to close her
impacted along with a difference in the shape of her left and right spaces in the dental arches and to attain ideal inclination of
condyle. Lateral cephalometric analysis revealed a skeletal Class II maxillary and mandibular incisors, we recommended orthognathic
(A point, nasion, B point: 7.8 ) relationship with hyperdivergent surgery, including genioplasty and dental implants to restore her
growth pattern (sella nasion to mandibular plane: 42.0 ). Her missing teeth, but she declined the surgical and restorative
maxillary incisors were retroclined (upper central incisor to sella treatment options. She wanted to close all the missing spaces
nasion line: 87.0 ), her mandibular incisors were proclined (incisor without dental restorations and improve her gummy smile
mandibular plane angle: 97.9 ), and her lower lip was protrusive without surgery. Because of the complexity of the case, TSADs
such that it was ahead of the E-line (Fig. 3 and Table 1). were chosen to improve her gummy smile and close her missing
36 S. Uzuka et al. / Journal of the World Federation of Orthodontists 7 (2018) 34e46

Fig. 2. Pretreatment dental casts.

spaces, but it would be a challenge to close all her missing areas upper and lower dental arches were gradually increased from
and correct her dental midline, so a diagnostic setup model was 0.012-inch nickel-titanium (NiTi), 0.016-inch NiTi, to 0.019 
fabricated (Fig. 4). 0.025-inch NiTi arch wires over 6 months for leveling and
5. Treatment progress After leveling and alignment, two TSADs (6.0 mm length, 1.6 mm
diameter; Dual Top Auto Screw; Jeil Medical Corp, Seoul, Korea)
Before the start of orthodontic treatment, the patient was were placed in the mesial area of her maxillary lateral incisors along
referred to a general dentist to ensure that she had no active with a DISCOpender (BioMaterials Korea, Inc., Seoul, South Korea)
dental issues that might interfere with treatment. After her dental and power elastics to provide maxillary anterior intrusion. For
clearance, full-fixed 0.022  0.028-inch preadjusted orthodontic maxillary incisor intrusion, 80 g was used per side [14]. One palatal
brackets (Clarity ceramic brackets; 3M Unitek, Monrovia, CA) were TSAD (6.0 mm length, 2.0 mm diameter; BioMaterials Korea, Inc.)
placed and bonded on both arches. The wire sizes in both the was placed in the para-median area, posteriorly parallel to the
S. Uzuka et al. / Journal of the World Federation of Orthodontists 7 (2018) 34e46 37

Fig. 3. Pretreatment radiographs: (A) panoramic radiograph; (B) lateral cephalogram; (C) posteroanterior cephalogram.
Table 1
Cephalometric data
palatal roots of her maxillary first molars [15]. For molar intrusion,
Measurement Normal Pretreatment Posttreatment 2-y retention
150 g per side was used [16].
SNA ( ) 82.0 78.9 78.5 78.5 On her posterior teeth, the maxillary first molars developed
SNB ( ) 80.0 71.1 72.0 71.8
ANB ( ) 2.0 7.8 6.5 6.7
slight edge-to-edge bite due to the intrusive force from the palatal
Wits (mm) 1.0 2.2 3.7 3.3 TSAD and transpalatal arch. To correct these side effects while space
SN-MP ( ) 32.0 42.0 41.3 41.5 closing, 0.019  0.025-inch stainless steel wire was used to deliver
FH-MP( ) 24.0 30.6 29.9 30.1 buccal crown torque during anterior retraction. It was hoped that
LFH (ANS-Me/ 55.0 61.0 60.6 60.7
this would reduce anterior overjet and increase overbite. On the
N-Me) (%)
U1-SN ( ) 104.0 87.0 86.4 86.6 posterior sides, wire was also slightly expanded to correct the edge-
U1-NA ( ) 22.0 8.1 7.9 8.1 to-edge bite. Additional torque was not added in the anterior and
IMPA ( ) 90.0 97.9 86.2 87.4 posterior portions of the wire to reduce friction during space
L1-NB ( ) 25.0 31.1 19.5 20.7 closing. In the mandibular arch, to correct the dental midline as
U1/L1 ( ) 131.0 133.1 146.0 144.5
much as possible and to protract the left second molar, one TSAD
U1-NF (mm) 27.5 38.0 32.9 33.8
U6-NF (mm) 23.0 24.7 23.3 24.1 was placed (6.0 mm length, 1.6 mm diameter; Dual Top Auto Screw;
L1-MP (mm) 40.8 45.2 43.8 44.2 Jeil Medical Corp) between her right second premolar and first
L6-MP (mm) 32.1 39.0 39.6 39.5 molar and 0.017  0.025-inch stainless steel wire was used (Figs. 5
Upperlip (mm) 4.0 1.1 2.7 1.8
and 6).
Lowerlip (mm) 2.0 4.5 2.1 0.1
Because the palatal TSAD became lose during treatment, the
ANB, A point, nasion, B point; ANS, anterior nasal spine; FH-MP, Frankfort horizontal maxillary left first molar lost anchorage and tilted mesially. To correct
planeemandibular plane; IMPA, incisor to mandibular plane angle; LFH, lower facial height;
L1, lower central incisor; L6, lower first molar; Me, menton; N, nasion; NA, nasion point A;
this, a palatal TSAD was reinstalled to upright the tooth with modified
NB, nasion point B; NF, nasal floor; SN-MP, sella nasionemandibular plane; SNA, sella transpalatal arch and power elastics. To prevent canting of the
nasion point A; SNB, sella nasion point B; U1, upper central incisor; U6, upper first molar. transpalatal arms, a stainless steel ligature was also passively
38 S. Uzuka et al. / Journal of the World Federation of Orthodontists 7 (2018) 34e46

Fig. 4. Diagnostic setup models.

engaged on the maxillary right first molar (Fig. 7). In the finishing longer than expected: 3 years and 6 months, aggravated by several
stage, the mandibular second molars were bonded for missed appointments. (Figs. 8 and 9).
final adjustment. The patient also was advised to wear Class II elastics
(1/400 , 3.5 oz) from her maxillary left canine to her mandibular 6. Treatment results
second molar, and triangular elastics (3/1600 , 4 oz) from her maxillary
right canine to her mandibular canine and first premolar, along with Posttreatment records revealed that the goal of improving her
the midline elastics (5/1600 , 4 oz) from her maxillary right canine to gummy smile and closing the missing space without dental pros-
her mandibular left canine. A fixed first premolaretoefirst premolar thesis were achieved. Facial photographs showed improved smile
retainer was placed on the maxillary and mandibular arches. Essix esthetics. Class I molar relationship on the patient’s right side and
retainers were also delivered to secure the stability of both arches. Class III molar relationship on her left side have been maintained. An
Because of the difficulty of the case, her total treatment time was acceptable overbite and overjet were also achieved (Figs. 8 and 9).
S. Uzuka et al. / Journal of the World Federation of Orthodontists 7 (2018) 34e46 39

Fig. 5. Intrusion of maxillary anterior teeth and retraction of mandibular anterior to the right-side teeth with TSADs. The TSAD on the anterior right segment was reinstalled from
between upper right (UR)1 and UR2 to between UR2 and UR3 due to mobility.

Fig. 6. Illustration of total intrusion of maxillary anterior and posterior dentition with TSADs. (A) Buccal crown torque and expansion on the maxillary posterior teeth to prevent side
effect as palatal tipping of the maxillary posterior teeth. (B) Maxillary anterior TSADs were used for intrusion and torque control of maxillary anterior teeth.
40 S. Uzuka et al. / Journal of the World Federation of Orthodontists 7 (2018) 34e46

Fig. 7. A TSAD and transpalatal arms were used for uprighting of the maxillary left first molar.

Fig. 8. Posttreatment facial and intraoral photographs.

S. Uzuka et al. / Journal of the World Federation of Orthodontists 7 (2018) 34e46 41

Fig. 9. Posttreatment dental casts.

The posttreatment panoramic radiograph showed proper space mandibular incisors showed retroclination (upper central incisor
closure and acceptable root parallelism. There were no significant to sella nasion line: 86.4 , incisor mandibular plane angle: 86.2 )
signs of bone resorption, although anterior teeth demonstrated (Figs. 10 and 11, and Table 1). Facial aesthetic harmony was
signs of apical root resorption. She was referred to her oral surgeon achieved by retracting the maxillary and mandibular anterior
for the evaluation of the extraction of her horizontally impacted teeth and closing the mandibular plane following intrusion of the
mandibular third molar. She was also referred to a plastic surgeon maxillary posterior teeth and forward movement of the
to determine whether botulinum toxin (Botox) therapy would mandible. The lower anterior facial height was slightly decreased,
reduce her excessive gingival display, but she declined Botox ther- and mentalis muscle strain was reduced. These overall changes
apy (Figs. 8 and 10). improved facial balance [17]. Because a significant amount of
Posttreatment lateral cephalometric analysis and superimpo- overbite relapse and more than 80% of the total relapse of the
sition revealed slight skeletal changes (A point, nasion, B point: maxillary molars occurs during the first-year retention period
6.5 , sella nasion to mandibular plane: 41.3 ). The maxillary and [18], the patient was asked to wear her retainers all the time. At
42 S. Uzuka et al. / Journal of the World Federation of Orthodontists 7 (2018) 34e46

Fig. 10. Posttreatment radiographs: (A) panoramic radiograph; (B) lateral cephalogram; (C) posteroanterior cephalogram.

the 2-year follow-up, the patient had a stable occlusion and the right side to substitute the canine for the missing incisor and
results of the orthodontic treatment were maintained closing all spaces.
(Figs. 12e14). Orthognathic surgery is an effective and predictable treatment
alternative to TSAD intrusion for correction of gummy smiles
7. Discussion resulting from dentoalveolar extrusion and VME [7,8]. However,
some patients are reluctant to undergo elective orthognathic sur-
The patient presented in this report was having a gummy smile gery due to its high cost and risk. Likewise, because our patient did
with deep overbite due to extrusion of maxillary anterior teeth. not want to have orthognathic surgery, camouflage treatment op-
Even though her upper lip showed normal position, her lower lip tions were limited. We intruded the maxillary anterior and poste-
was protrusive compared with the E-line. Her protrusive appear- rior teeth with TSADs to reduce VME as much as possible. As a
ance was due to backward and downward positioning/rotation of result, approximately 5 mm at the maxillary incisor and approxi-
mandible along with proclined mandibular incisors. Therefore, mately 1.5 mm at the maxillary molar intrusion were observed in
closing of the spaces in the mandibular dentition will retrocline the lateral cephalometric measurements, and her gummy smile was
the anterior dentition, and intrusion of the maxillary posterior significantly reduced. Moreover, to improve her dental midline, it
dentition will lead to a counterclockwise rotation of the mandible was possible to move the mandibular dental arch approximately
to improve her profile. It was very difficult to control the torque of 6 mm to the right side with the help of a miniscrew. This case
maxillary anterior teeth during retraction because her maxillary report, along with other successful TSAD-assisted intrusion cases
anterior teeth were initially upright to start with. A maxillary [9e13], offers orthodontists and patients a more cost-effective,
palatal TSAD was used for intrusion of maxillary posterior teeth to lower-risk alternative to orthognathic surgery.
autorotate the mandible. A mandibular posterior unilateral TSAD Although the risk associated with TSAD-assisted maxillary
was used for retracting the mandibular anterior teeth toward the intrusion is lower than the risk associated with orthognathic
S. Uzuka et al. / Journal of the World Federation of Orthodontists 7 (2018) 34e46 43

Fig. 11. Cephalometric superimposition. Black, pretreatment; red, posttreatment. Solid line is right-side first molar, broken line is left-side first molar.

surgery, risk and limitations do still exist. TSADs are contra- methods of intrusion [16,21,22]. As is true with all orthodontic
indicated in patients with bone metabolic disorders and in heavy cases, serial panoramic radiographs along with periapical radio-
smokers [19]. As is the case with all orthodontic movement, root graphs should be captured throughout active treatment to look
resorption is an associated risk with TSAD-assisted maxillary for changes in root length. Multiple studies show that root
intrusion [20]. However, TSAD-assisted maxillary intrusion has movement into the maxillary sinus does not cause bone loss or
not been shown to cause more root resorption than other root damage [23e25]. Sinus perforations smaller than 2 mm will

Fig. 12. Two-year retention facial and intraoral photographs.

44 S. Uzuka et al. / Journal of the World Federation of Orthodontists 7 (2018) 34e46

Fig. 13. Two-year retention dental casts.

heal by themselves without complications [26,27]. Because most [12,18]. Scheffler et al. [30] suggested that maxillary molar intrusion
TSADs are smaller than 2 mm in diameter, most asymptomatic with TSADs was effective to decrease long anterior facial height and
sinus perforations are not a concern and should heal without showed that maxillary first molars relapse 0.5-1.5 mm following
intervention [16]. Kuroda and Tanaka [28] conclude that tooth TSAD intrusion. On the other hand, intrusion of upper incisors with
intrusion is a safe procedure, and limitations on movement have TSADs was very effective compared with intrusion arch or J-hook
not been identified. headgear, although further studies are needed for posttreatment
Retention following maxillary intrusion should be considered stability [14,22,31,32].
for long-term stability. Hsu and Liou [29] reported 30% relapse rate Surgical impaction of the maxilla as has the potential to relapse.
14 months after miniscrew intrusion. Other studies [18,30] indi- A study by Proffit et al. [33] reports that patients receiving superior
cated that most relapses following molar intrusion with TSADs positioning of the maxilla experienced a 5-year relapse rate of 20%.
occur within the first year after treatment. To provide better Although neither TSAD-assisted maxillary intrusion nor surgical-
retention in the first year postintrusion, it is suggested to retain the assisted maxillary impaction can guarantee long-term stability,
TSADs that were used for intrusion to anchor a clear retainer both treatment modalities offer long-term success in 70% to 90% of
S. Uzuka et al. / Journal of the World Federation of Orthodontists 7 (2018) 34e46 45

Fig. 14. Two-year retention radiographs: (A) panoramic radiograph; (B) lateral cephalogram; (C) posteroanterior cephalogram.

patients [29,33]. Proper diagnosis and treatment planning are and stable result when performing a gingivectomy, it is important
critical for successful impaction and retention [34]. to respect biologic width [43].
Lip line can be excessively elevated due to a short upper lip
length or hyperactive lip elevator muscles. Measured from sub- 8. Conclusions
nasale to the most inferior portion of the upper lip at the midline,
the average lip length at rest is approximately 23 mm in men and Gummy smiles can be a result of abnormal lip length/activity,
20 mm in women [3]. Excess gingiva displayed because of short short clinical crowns, dentoalveolar extrusion, and VME. Each of
upper lip length can be corrected through lip reposition surgery these factors requires a different treatment modality for correction.
[35e37]. Hyperactivity of elevator muscles of the lip can be Gummy smiles with a multifactorial etiology require a combination
reduced through surgery or botulinum toxin (Botox) therapy of treatment modalities for correction. Both surgical-assisted
[35,38e42]. maxillary impaction and TSAD-assisted maxillary intrusion can
The average height of the maxillary central incisors is 10.6 mm improve gummy smiles in cases of dentoalveolar extrusion and
in men and 9.8 mm in women [3]. Small clinical crowns, because of VME. In appropriately selected cases, TSAD-assisted maxillary
hyperplastic gingiva or altered passive eruption, create a smile with intrusion can effectively reduce a gummy smile without orthog-
excess gingival display. Diagnosis of altered passive eruption is nathic surgery and result in an esthetic outcome.
done by determining the location of the cemento-enamel junction
(CEJ) in relation to the gingival margin. The CEJ should be just apical Acknowledgments
to the gingival margin. If the CEJ is found to be excessively apical to
the gingival margin, altered passive eruption should be considered. We thank Brent Jorgensen for his help with the preparation of
Altered passive eruption does not autocorrect; a gingivectomy is the manuscript. The authors have no other financial relationships to
necessary to remove the excess gingival tissue. To obtain a healthy disclose.
46 S. Uzuka et al. / Journal of the World Federation of Orthodontists 7 (2018) 34e46

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