Old Nazis New Right: Republican Party - Russ Bellant
Old Nazis New Right: Republican Party - Russ Bellant
Old Nazis New Right: Republican Party - Russ Bellant
and the
ii One
ii The
George Seldes
against the Nazis, but there is much more to know if one is to learn the
important lessons of our recent history.
Technically, the word "Nazi" was an abbreviation of National Socialist
German Worker's Party. This was a fascist movement that had its roots in
the European nationalist and socialist movements, and that developed a
grotesque biologically determinant view of so-called Aryan supremacy.
(Here we use "national socialism" to refer to the early Nazi movement before
Hitler came to power, sometimes termed the "Brownshirt" phase, and the
term "Nazi" to refer to the movement after it had consolidated around
ideological fascism.)
The seeds of fascism, however, were planted in Italy. "Fascism is reac
tion," said Mussolini, but reaction to what? The reactionary movement
following World War I was based on a rejection of the social theories that
formed the basis of the 1 789 French Revolution, and whose early formula
tions in this country had a major influence on our Declaration of Indepen
dence, Constitution, and Bill of Rights.
It was Rousseau who is best known for crystallizing these modem
social theories in The Social Contract . The progeny of these theories
are sometimes called Modernism or Modernity because they challenged
social theories generally accepted since the days of Machiavelli. The re
sponse to the French Revolution and Rousseau, by Hegel, Marx, N ietzsche
and others, poured into an intellectual stew which served up Marxism,
socialism, national socialism, fascism, modem liberalism, modem con
servatism, communism, and a variety of forms of capitalist participatory
Fascists particularly loathed the social theories of the French Revolution
and its slogan: "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity."
Liberty from oppressive government intervention in the
daily lives of its citizens, from illicit searches and seizures, from
enforced religious values, from intimidation and arrest for dis
senters; and liberty to cast a vote in a system in which the
majority ruled but the minority retained certain inalienable
Equality in the sense of civic equality, egalitarianism, the
notion that while people differ, they all should stand equal in
the eyes of the law.
Fraternity in the sense of the brotherhood of mankind. That
all women and men, the old and the young, the infirm and the
healthy, the rich and the poor, share a spark of humanity that
must be cherished on a level above that of the law, and that
Croatia, where the Clerical Fascist movements were strong, and to a lesser
extent in Poland and Hungary. Yet even in these countries individual
Catholic leaders and laity spoke out against bigotry as the shadow of fascism
crept across Europe. And in every country of Europe there were ordinary
citizens who took extraordinary risks to shelter the victims of the Holocaust.
So religion and nationality cannot be valid indicators of fascist sentiment.
And the Nazis not only came for the Jews, as the famous quote reminds us,
but for the communists and the trade union leaders, and indeed the Gypsies,
the dissidents, and the homosexuals. Nazism and fascism are more complex
than popular belief. What, then, is the nature of fascism?
ii Reactionary
Adolph Hitler who with six others formed the Nazi party during 1 9 1 9 and
1 920. Imprisoned after the unsuccessful 1 923 Beer Hall putsch in Munich,
Hider dictated his opus, Mein Kampf, to his secretary, Rudolph Hess.
Mein Kampf (My Battle) sets out a plan for creating in Germany through
national socialism a racially pure Volkish state. To succeed, said Hider,
"Aryan" Germany had to resist two forces: the external threat posed by the
French with their bloodlines "negrified" through "contamination by Negro
blood," and the internal threat posed by "the Marxist shock troops of
international Jewish stock exchange capital." Hider was named Chancellor
of Germany by Hindenburg in January 1 933 and by year's end had consoli
dated his power as a fascist dictator and begun a campaign for racialist
nationalism that eventually led to the Holocaust.
This obsession with racialism not only afflicted the German Nazis, but
also several Eastern European nationalist and fascist movements including
chose in Croatia, Slovakia, Serbia, Lithuania, Romania, Bulgaria, and the
Ukraine. Anti-Jewish bigotry was rampant in all of these racialist move
ments, as was the idea of a link between Jewish financiers and Marxists.
Even today the tiny Anti-Communist Confederation of Polish Freedom
Fighters in the U.S.A. uses the slogan "Communism is Jewish."
One element shared by all fascist movements, racialist or not, is the
apparent lack of consistent political principle behind the ideology
political opportunism in the most basic sense. One virtually unique aspect
of fascism is its ruthless drive to attain and hold state power. On chat road
to power, fascists are willing to abandon any principle to adopt an issue more
in vogue and more likely to gain converts.
Hitler, for his part, committed his act of abandonment bloodily and
dramatically. When the industrialist power brokers offered control of Ger
many to Hitler, they knew he was supported by national socialist ideologues
who held views incompatible with their idea of profitable enterprise. Hider
solved the problem in the "N ight of the Long Knives," during which he had
the leadership of the national socialist wing of his constituency murdered in
their sleep.
What distinguishes nazism from generic fascism is its obsession with
racial theories of superiority, and some would say, its roots in the socialist
theory of proletarian revolution.
Fascism and nazism as ideologies involve, to varying degrees, some of the
following hallmarks:
Nationalism and superpatriotism with a sense of historic
Aggressive militarism even to the extent of glorifying war as
good for the national or individual spirit.
It is vitally important to understand that fascism and nazism are not
biologically or culturally determinant. Fascism does not attach to the gene
structure of any specific group or nationality. Nazism was not the ultimate
expression of the German people. Fascism did not end with World War II.
After Nazi Germany surrendered to the Allies, the geopolitical landscape
of Europe was once again drastically altered. In a few short months, some of
our former fascist enemies became our allies in the fight to stop the spread of
communism. The record of this transformation has been laid out in a series
of books. U.S. recruitment of the Nazi spy apparatus has been chronicled in
books ranging from The General Was a Spy by Hahne & Zolling, to the re
cent Blowback by Christopher Simpson. The laundering of Nazi scientists
into our space program is chronicled in The Paperclip Conspiracy by Tom
Bower. The global activities of, and ongoing fascist role within, the World
Anti-Communist League were described in Inside the League by Anderson
and Anderson. Bellant's bibliography cites many other examples of detailed
and accurate reporting of these disturbing realities.
But if so much is already known of this period, why does journalist and
historian George Seldes call the history of Europe between roughly 1 920 and
1 950 a "press forgery"? Because most people are completely unfamiliar with
this material, and because so much of the popular historical record either
ignores or contradicts the facts of European nationalism, N az i
collaborationism, and our government's reliance o n these enemies of
democracy to further our cold war foreign policy objectives.
This widely accepted, albeit misleading, historical record has been
shaped by filtered media reports and self-serving academic revisionism
rooted in an ideological preference for those European nationalist forces
which opposed socialism and communism. Since sectors of those nationalist
anticommunist forces allied themselves with political fascism, but later
became our allies against communism, apologia for collaborationists became
the rule, not the exception.
ii The great
T in mid- 1 983. The research was begun to satisfy my own curiosity,
his study was researched and written over a four-year period, beginning
evolved into a magazine article proposal, and finally grew into this report.
The summer of 1 983 was spent in Detroit-area libraries, researching
individuals, organizations, and political history. Later in the research pro
cess, trips to the Library of Congress and use of interlibrary loan broadened
my access to published sources.
During the course of my research, I attended both small and large events
sponsored by groups described herein. Examples include the 1 984 and 1 985
World Anti-Communist League conventions, the 1 985 and 1 986 Republi
can Heritage Groups Council conventions, a number of American Security
Council activities, and many events of other groups utilized by the U.S.
fascist network, including events sponsored by the Rev. Sun Myung
Moon's organizations and by Liberty Lobby. I interviewed nearly a hundred
leaders and observers of these organizations and studied many of the books,
periodicals, and newsletters they publish.
Occasionally I became skeptical that what I was finding could, in fact,
be true. To help me chart my way in these little-known political waters, I
would periodically share my results with a handful of journalists and other
somewhat detached observers of American political realities, to test my
information and hypotheses, and to help maintain a balanced perspective.
When reading this study, some may be inclined to see it as a partisan
attack on the Republican Party, but it was not conceived or researched from
a partisan standpoint. Nor was it done with the knowledge of, or in concert
with, any element of the Democratic party or any other political organiza
tion. Certainly Democrats are included where warranted, but of the two
parties, the fascist network has chosen the GOP as its home. This is an
objective problem that exists within the American political process; it is not
the product of partisan bias.
Perhaps the greatest impediment to understanding the networks dis
cussed in this paper lies in the failure of academic research to address
thoroughly a period of history of crucial importance. There is very little
literature on the histories of the German occupation of countries on the
Eastern Front, much less a discussion of the role of the Waffen SS and other
collaborationist elements in that region. The escape of important collabo
rationists from the East, and the integration of these individuals and orga
nizations into the Western political system, is also virtually ignored. Finally,
most of the literature, admittedly sparse, on American fascism appears to
have been produced by journalists and political activists, with little in
depth research by academicians. As the last leaders of these European
and American groups die, I wonder how much of this history will ever
be recovered. I have included a short list of readings related to matters
discussed in this report.
I would like to thank those whose own research and support helped with
my report, including Dr. Fred Chary, Dr. Barry Mehler, Dennis Debbaudt,
Kris Jacobs, and Wes McCune. Christopher Simpson volunteered useful
suggestions after reading a final draft. Certain friends provided assistance
during the four-year period of my work, especially Bo and Chris, as well as
Dee and Suzanne. This book would not have been possible without the
support of Political Research Associates: the encouragement and comments
of its director, Dr. Jean Hardisty, the careful editing of Chip Berlet, and the
relentless pursuit of footnotes by Margaret Quigley. The most important
support, however, came from my wife, Debi, as this work was conducted for
so long in so many out-of-town places. She accepted my work schedule with
great patience.
Finally, I would like to thank those leaders of the groups mentioned
herein who gave their time to be interviewed, including John Fisher. They
will not be happy with this study. To them, I can only say that I, myself, wish
it weren't so.
Russ Bellant
Detroit, Michigan, 8/3/88
The Republican Party and President George Bush have yet to address the
serious issues raised in this report.
3/ 1 5/9 1
Preface by Chip Berlet
xvii Introduction
The National Republican Heritage Groups (Nationalities) Council
29 The American Security Council
30 Cold Warriors
30 Origins of the ASC
33 The Emergence of the Military-Industrial Complex
36 Eisenhower's N ightmare
39 The Coalition fur Peace Through Strength
46 The ASC, the White House, and the National Security Council
48 The Propaganda Arm of the Military Establishment
51 The ASC and Congress
59 Allies and Allegiances
60 Roger Pearson, the White House, and Racialism
65 The ASC and the World Anti-Communist League
67 Ukrainian N ationalism and Nazi Collaboration
73 The Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations, the White House, and the
77 The Campaign Against OSI
8 1 Support for South Africa and Apartheid
83 Central America, Death Squads, and the ASC
89 Conclusions
1 1 3 Selected Bibliography
1 1 5 Appendix 1
1 1 5 The Chicago Controversy, Part One
(WMAQ-TV Chicago, May 1 0, 1 987)
1 1 8 The Chicago Controversy, Part Two
(WMAQ-TV Chicago , May 1 1 , 1 987)
1 20 Controversial Veteran
(WMAQ-TV Chicago, November 1 1 , 1 985)
1 23 Appendix 2
I less than two weeks from his much-criticized trip to the Bitburg ceme
e's May 1 7 , 1 985: President Reagan has been back in the nation's capital
tery in Germany. Now, floodlights and television cameras that are part
of a President's entourage are waiting at the Shoreham Hotel, as are 400
luncheon guests.
Ronald Reagan had recently characterized the Nazi Waffen SS as "vic
tims." It seemed a rewrite of the history of World War II rather than a
recommitment to its painful lessons. Reagan's comments held special
meaning for some of his afternoon luncheon guests. Although it was a
Republican Party affair, it was not the usual GOP set, but a special ethnic
outreach unit, the National Republican Heritage Groups (Nationalities)
Council (NRHG{N}C). The Republican Heritage Groups Council is an
umbrella for various ethnic Republican clubs and operates under the
auspices of the Republican National Committee.
If President Reagan needed a boost after the Bitburg fiasco, this was the
crowd to supply it. To the assembled media, Reagan's visit that afternoon
appeared as a routine stop, perhaps paying a re-election debt. The Republi
can Heritage Groups Council did, in fact, help elect Reagan. And they gave
him a long standing ovation that afternoon at the Shoreham. To some of
those attending the 1 985 Council meeting, Reagan's rehabilitation of the
Waffen SS must have offered a sense of personal and historic vindication.
The Republican Heritage Groups Council has a special type of outreach.
It appears to have consciously recruited some of its members-and some of
its leaders-from an Eastern European emigre network which includes anti
Semites, racists, authoritarians, and fascists, including sympathizers and
collaborators of Hitler's Third Reich, former Nazis, and even possible war
criminals. The persons in this network represent only a radical right fraction
of the ethnic communities they claim to represent.
These antidemocratic and racialist components of the Republican Heri
tage Groups Council use anticommunist sentiments as a cover for their
views while they operate as a de facto emigre fascist network within the
Republican Party. Some of these less savory antidemocratic personalities
were part of the 1 987 Republican Heritage Groups Council meeting as well
as that 1 985 luncheon audience; and some would later join the 1 988
election campaign of George Bush.
The National Republican
Heritage Groups
(Nationalities) Council
into the White House. It is from this network that the George Bush
presidential campaign assembled its ethnic outreach unit in 1 988 . . . a unit
that saw eight resignations by persons charged with anti-Semitism, racism,
fascist leanings, and even Nazi collaboration. These right-wing emigres are a
small but vocal element within the broader ethnic communities they claim
to represent. They frequently utilize anticommunist sentiments, historical
revisionism, and lack of knowledge about Eastern and Central Europe as a
shield to deflect inspection and criticism of their past actions and current
The emigre fascist network organizes support for its ideological agenda
through national and international coalitions of like-minded constituencies
which often work with other authoritarian, antidemocratic, and profascist
forces. This broader coalition ranges from Axis allies and their apologists to
friends and allies of contemporary dictatorships and authoritarian regimes.
In the case of the Republican Heritage Groups Council, the nature of the
right-wing emigre network can be illustrated by briefly reviewing the back
grounds of some of the past and current leadership of the Republican
Heritage Groups Council:
Laszlo Pasztor: The founding chair and a key figure in the Council,
Pasztor began his political career in a Hungarian pro-Nazi party and served
in Berlin at the end of World War II. He continues to be involved in ultra
rightist groups and fascist networks while working with the GOP.
Radi Slavoff: The Republican Heritage Groups Council's executive direc
tor is a member of a Bulgarian fascist group and leader of the Bulgarian GOP
unit of the Council. He was able to get the leader of his Bulgarian nationalist
group a White House invitation even though that leader was being investi
gated for concealing alleged World War II war crimes. He is also active in
other emigre fascist groups.
Nicolas Nazarenko: A former World War II officer in the German SS
Cossack Division, Nazarenko heads a Cossack GOP unit of the Republican
Heritage Groups Council but declares that Jews are his "ideological enemy."
He is still active with pro-Nazi elements in the U.S.
Florian Ga/aau: A close associate and defender of Valerian Trifa, the
Romanian archbishop prosecuted for concealing his involvement in war
crimes of the pro-Nazi Romanian Iron Guard in World War II. Charged by
former Iron Guardists and others with being the East Coast recruiter for the
Iron Guard in the U.S., Galdau heads the Romanian Republican unit of the
Republican Heritage Groups Council.
Method Balco: Head of the Slovak GOP unit, which is filled with sup
porters and at least one former diplomat of the Slovak Nazi government of
World War II. Balco also organizes annual commemorations of the Slovak
Nazi regime.
Walter Melianovich: Head of the Byelorussian GOP unit, which has had
collaborators of the Nazi World War II occupation in leadership roles,
Melianovich has worked with other fascist groups.
Croatian GOP: Their group wrote an apology for the Croatian Ustashi's
World War II alliance with Hitler which appeared in a Republican Heritage
Groups Council publication signed by GOP Chair Frank Fahrenkopf.
In World War II Pasztor was a leader of the youth group of the Arrow Cross,
the Hungarian equivalent of the German Nazi Party.5 As the Germans re
treated from the USSR back to Germany in 1 944, their allied Hungarian
government collapsed. The Arrow Cross took power in Hungary, with
Hitler's aid, to help defend Germany. Pasztor was sent to Berlin as part of the
new diplomatic mission to Hitler, until the war's end.
When Pasztor came to the U.S. in the 1 950's, he j oined the GOP's
Ethnic Division. One of the leaders of the 1 968 N ixon-Agnew campaign's
ethnic unit, Pasztor says that N ixon promised him that if he won the
election, he would form a permanent ethnic council within the GOP, as the
Ethnic Division was only active during presidential campaigns.6
Pasztor was made the organizer of the Council after N ixon's victory. Says
Pasztor, "It was my job to identify about twenty-five ethnic groups" to bring
into the Council. "In 1 972 we used the Council as the skeleton to build the
Heritage Groups for the re-election of the President," he explains.
Pasztor's choices for filling emigre slots as the Council was being
formed included various Nazi-collaborationist organizations mentioned
above. Each formed a Republican federation, with local clubs around the
country. The local clubs then formed state multi-ethnic councils. Today
there are thirty-four nationality federations and twenty-five state councils
that constitute the National Republican I leritage Groups Council.
To discover the names of the leaders of these federations is not an easy
task. "That information is private. I have to get their permission before I can
give you their names," responded Radi Slavoff, Republican Heritage Groups
Council executive director, when asked for a list of the federation leaders.7
He agreed that federation heads were bona fide Republican Party posts
which are not secret, "but the leaders prefer it that way." Although some
names were gleaned from signature adst>upporting funding for the contras,
CIA-backed forces fighting to overthrow the Sandinista government in
N icaragua,8 it required attendance at the Republican Heritage Groups
Council convention in May of 1 985 to learn the names of federation leaders.
It was this convention that Reagan was addressing at the Shoreham Hotel.
Some Republican Heritage Groups Council delegates were reluctant
to talk; others were unstoppable. A pattern began to emerge from these
conversations-that in setting up the Council, Pasztor went to various
collaborationist and fascist-minded emigre groups and asked them to form
GOP federations. It eventually became clear that it wasn't an accident or a
fluke that people with Nazi associations were in the Republican Heritage
Groups Council. In some cases more mainstream ethnic organizations were
passed over in favor of smaller but more extremist groups. And it seems
clear that the Republican National Committee knows with whom they are
dealing. Reviewing the federations illustrates this point.
One of the organizations Pasztor approached to help form the Council was
the Bulgarian National Front, headed by Ivan Docheff. As early as 1 97 1 , the
GOP was warned that the National Front was beyond the pale. A Jack
Anderson column quoted another Bulgarian-American organization, the
conservative Bulgarian National Committee, which labeled Docheffs Na
tional Front as "fascist." 9 Neither the GOP nor the N ixon campaign took
action. Professor Spas T. Raikin, a former official of the National Front, says
the group grew out of an organization in Bulgaria that in the 1 930's and 40's
was "pro-Nazi and profascist." 10
Although Docheff, eighty-two, is semiretire<l from GOP activity, the
National Front is still represented in the person of Radi Slavoff, Republican
Heritage Groups Council executive director and head of the Bulgarian GOP
federation. Slavoff also represents the National Front in several other Wash
ington, D.C. area coalitions, including one that is Nazi-linked. 1 1
While Docheff was representing the National Front, however, the Justice
Department's Office of Special Investigations was investigating him for
possible war crimes he was suspected of committing while the mayor of a
German-occupied city in Bulgaria. Docheff denies he ever committed war
crimes, and OSI never brought charges.
Docheff's political history, however, is not in dispute. Founder of a
Bulgarian youth group in the early 1 930's, Docheff met with Adolph Hitler
and the Nazi movement's leading philosopher, Alfred Rosenberg, in 1 934
shortly after the Nazis came to power. 12 Docheff then established the Bul
garian Legion, a pro-Hitler group that agitated for government action
against Bulgarian Jews.
Docheff later began publishing a newspaper, Prelom, which carried a
swastika as part of the design at the top of the front page. One of its
headlines reads "Long live the sacred struggle against the Jews ." 1 3 Docheffs
employer, Dr. Dimiter Waltscheff, was a German intelligence agent,
according to Nuremberg documents obtained by Dr. Fred Chary of
Purdue University. In 1 944 Docheff fled when the pro-German Bulgarian
government collapsed. After the war, he and other Legionnaires formed the
Bulgarian National Front (BNF). 14 Until recently, Docheff was the group's
drnir, a post he held since the Front's founding in 1 950. Several years ago
the Front, with chapters in South America, Europe, Canada, and the U.S.,
met in Germany. There they honored Dr. Waltscheff for his "contribution
t 1 > the struggle of the Bulgarian people for freedom. . . . " 15
In 1 984, Docheff stepped aside and George Paprikoff, another former
Legionnaire according to Dr. Chary, temporarily became chair. Reagan's
autographed photo appeared on the cover of the BNF publication Borba
with a "Dear George" message in what appears to be Reagan's handwriting.
1 )ocheff wrote an endorsement of Reagan in the same issue of Borba.16
When interviewed on the BNF's role in the Reagan-Bush campaign,
l )ocheff said that the twenty-five U.S. chapters of the Front were active in
t he re-election effort: "If you want to know who the local chapter leaders of
the Bulgarian National Front are, find out who heads the local Bulgarian
unit of the Reagan-Bush campaign. They are the same persons." 1 7
Although the warning by the Bulgarian National Committee and the
subsequent investigation of Docheff have provided adequate levels of
warning to the GOP, it has continued to maintain ties to the Bulgarian
National Front. Even while the U.S. government was investigating Docheff
on war crimes charges, he was a pre-election guest of the White House in
September 1 984, 18 arranged through Republican Heritage Groups Council
l'Xecutive director Radi Slavoff.
Attending the Reagan speech at the Shoreham was another Pasztor choice,
" Major General" N icholas Nazarenko. Slightly over six feet and a lean two
hundred pounds with dark hair and a pencil mustache, Nazarenko is still
rnnsumed with his wartime hatred of Russians and Jews. He organizes
annual "Captive Nations" marches in New York City every summer, in
which he appears in Cossack military dress.
N azarenko is a spry seventy-six years old, but could pass for sixty; his
energy seems boundless. The evening after Reagan's speech at the
Shoreham Hotel, he insisted on showing this writer a huge suitcase of
materials he carries with him as part of his political activity. It was filled
with literature on the "Jewish problem," Cossack publications, and memo
rabilia from his service in World War 11---on the German side.
N azarenko chain-smoked and drank vodka throughout our seven-hour
interview. He described his involvement with the German army as an officer
in special Cossack units, battle by battle. His final military action was in an
SS Cossack unit under German General Helmuth von Pannwitz. In order to
prove his sincerity, he showed me his German officer's ID, and photographs
of him and his unit. There were swastikas on the uniforms.
Toward the end of the war, Nazarenko headed intelligence operations in
Berlin for a Cossack "government-in-exile." After working with the U.S.
Army's Counter Intelligence Corps, he came to the U.S. in 1 949. He
became head of a Cossack War Veterans group-a group of veterans allied
with Germany during World War II which was later renamed the World
Federation of Cossacks for the Liberation of Cossackia. Nazarenko was
active in Richard N ixon's 1 968 and 1972 campaigns, and his Cossack
veterans group is one of two Cossackian components of the Republican
Heritage Groups Council.
Alex Aksenov, another Cossack delegate to the Republican Heritage
Groups Council convention, spoke briefly about his past, volunteering that
he was "in Berlin from 1 939-45 ." He went to South America after the war,
he said, but in the 1 950's was brought to the U.S. to work on the first nuclear
submarine program. 1 9
N azarenko says he has been charged by other Cossack emigres as having
hanged Jews in Odessa and executed Soviet soldiers. He claimed that these
were lies intended to discredit him. He does say, however, that Jews are our
"ideological enemies."
In that spirit, Nazarenko said that he was in touch with "patriotic"
publications such as the neo-Nazi Thunderbolt, the anti-Semitic Spotlight ,
and lnstauration, a racialist and anti-Semitic monthly. A well-publicized
controversy erupted when lnstauration was praised by Joseph Sobran in
National Review, May 1 986, as "an often brilliant magazine, covering a
beat nobody else will touch . . . " lnstauration's writers and editors are all
N azarenko says he's also in touch with various "Nazi" organizations.
"They respect me because [I was a] former German army officer. Sometimes
when I meet these guys, they say 'Heil Hitler'."
A recipient of a pension from the West German government for his
wartime service, Nazarenko claims that Germany didn't commit atrocities
in World War II. "Jews didn't die from gas chambers," says Nazarenko.
" Those mountains of bones are from people who starved to death or died
from disease," he explains.
Another federation leader who makes the charge that the Democratic
Party aids communism is Walter Melianovich, head of the Byelorussian
American Republican Federation. "The Democratic Party is doing the dirty
work of Communism. They don't call themselves Communists, they just
parrot the Communist line . . . . " Melianovich is unhappy. At fifty years of
ai.:c, he is too young to have worked with the Nazis. But some of his friends
weren't. "The damn OSI is hounding my friends," he complains. This is
some of the "dirty work of Communism" that Democrats do. They hunt
Nazis, and the Byelorussian GOP wants to put a stop to it.10
Melianovich's federation is closely associated with the Byelorussian
American Association (BAA), an emigre group made up, in part, of former
rollaborators of the Nazi occupation and its extermination campaign. An
1arly BAA leader was Franz Kushel, an SS major general and commander of
t he Belarus Brigade, a Waffen SS unit. 1 1 According to The Belarus Secret, a
hook about Byelorussian Nazi collaboration, Kushel's "men carried over
40,000 Jews to an execution ground in 1 94 1 ." 32 Another BAA leader,
Sranislaw Stankievich, one-time editor of a Nazi-funded newspaper, came
from an upper-class family of Nazi collaborators. He became a mayor of
B( >rissow in 1 94 1 . After having a wall built around the Jewish section of the
r ity, Stankievich conducted a series of financial extortions on the contained
i.:hctto. H is police then sadistically exterminated the seven thousand Jews of
Bmissow on October 20, 1 94 1 . 31
As the Soviets advanced on German-occupied Byelorussia, a puppet
f.:l 1vemment was formed to help mobilize support for the defense of Ger
many. The 1 ,039 delegates to this "All-Byelorussian Second Congress" were
neened and approved by Germany. Some of these delegates, many of them
l1aders of police units and a Byelorussian Waffen SS division, came to
dominate BAA.34
Cheslav N adjiuk of Los Angeles was a delegate to the German-sponsored
1 944 puppet govemment.35 He was also a delegate to the 1 986 Republican
I lcritage Groups Council convention in Los Angeles. Now in his seventies,
Nadjiuk said that he was involved in nationalist politics all his life. "I joined
a nationalist group in high school, in the 1 920's, and was active in Poland
when I was in school there." He said he was a judge during the German
orcupation, and "I attended the Second (All-Byelorussian) Congress." Af1 1r the war, the Congress reassembled in Germany and then in the U.S.,
l u 1ld ing annual meetings to direct their various front activities. Nadjuik
ill t ended at least one of those meetings, in 1 954. His codelegate at the 1 986
Rlpublican Heritage Groups Council meeting, Joe Arciuch, head of the
1 tdmical services division of Hughes Aircraft, "escaped Byelorussia in 1 95 1
just ahead of Communist bayonets," according to a friend of his who joined
The Croatian Republicans are the only federation who have put their
sympathies with the Axis powers into print in Republican Party literature.
In Guide to Nationality Observances , a 1 984 Republican Heritage Groups
Council booklet, listing commemorative dates of significance to ethnic
Americans, is the following entry for April 1 0th: "The Independent State of
Croatia was declared by unanimous proclamation in 1 94 1 . . . . Lack of
Western support and Axis occupation forced the new state into an unfortu
nate association with the Axis powers." The booklet preface is signed by
Frank J. Fahrenkopf, Jr., Chairman of the Republican National Committee
(see page opposite).
The "unfortunate association" was, in fact, a long-standing relationship
between Nazi Germany and the Croatian Ustashi beginning years before
World War Il.36 The Nazis conspired with the Ustashi to create the Croatian
split from Yugoslavia. When the Vatican-backed Ustashi took power in
1 94 1 , they began liquidating Orthodox Serbians, Jews, and Gypsies. Even
"Andersen 's
1 984
ran J Fahenko;if. J1
Republican Na1onai Comm1lh!e
M1cnae1 Soi.rhos
NRHG Cou'lCll
Slovakia, another puppet state created by Hitler, has not only apologists but
also at least one former collaborationist leader on the Republican Heritage
( lroups Council. When Hitler invaded and split Czechoslovakia in 1 939,
he created the Slovak state under Monsignor Josef Tiso. When the U.S.
declared war on Germany on December 1 2, 1 94 1 , Tiso declared Slovakia at
war with the U.S.
Complete with their own imitation SS, called the Hlinka Guard, the
Tiso leadership mimicked the Nazis.37 They also imitated the worst of Ger
man racial policies, shipping Jews to extermination camps in Poland. Lucy
I bwidowicz, in The War against the Jews , estimated that 75 ,000 of 90,000
Slovak Jews were killed. 18
Today, Method Balco is the head of the Slovak-American Republican
I :cderation. Despite the fact that Tiso was executed in 1 946 as a war
niminal, Balco still organizes in New York City an annual commemoration
, ,f the Tiso rule. The Slovak Republican delegation to the Republican
I leritage Groups Council also included Josef Mikus, a former diplomat of the
Tiso regime. Balco, Mikus, and a third delegate, John Hvasta, all work
dosely with the Toronto-based Slovak World Congress, a group set up and
wcatly influenced by former aides to Tiso.
Hvasta, the key Washington liaison for the Slovak World Congress, has
also helped the 1 988 Presidential Campaign of former Ku Klux Klan leader
and white supremacist David Duke. Hvasta's American Public Research
( :ouncil rented its mailing list to the Duke campaign in September of
1 987 for $2,000, according to records obtained from the Federal Election
( :ommission. 39
Joseph Kirschbaum, a top commander of the SS-like Hlinka Guard and a
principal of the Slovak World Congress, edited a series of speeches made by
Slovak nationalists, including several former Tiso officials.40 One speech
c11ls for the establishment of a new Slovak state along "ethnogenetical"
I ines. Tiso's former foreign minister and Josef Mikus' former boss, Ferdinand
I )urcansky, wrote:
. . . anti-Semitism in Slovakia had no racial, but exclusively politi
cal, economic and social roots. Racial elements were imported into
Certain Republican Heritage Groups Council members have been close
allies in recent years of those in Italy who would overthrow the government
and re-install fascism in Rome. Italy's problems with fascism have been
much more recent than World War II. In 1 98 1 a conspiracy was foiled in
which a group of business, political, Mafia, military, and Vatican-connected
figures planned to overthrow Italian parliamentary democracy and install a
dictatorship. The group, called the P-2 Masonic Lodge, had nearly a thou
sand members. The prestige of P-2 members (heads of the intelligence
agencies, thirty-eight generals and admirals, and three cabinet officers, for
example), plus revelations of financial scandals, brought extensive Euro
pean press coverage, the collapse of the Italian government, and an exten
sive parliamentary inquiry.42
Although P-2 had existed for many years as an illegal secret society, in
the 1 970's it became involved in efforts to destabilize the Italian system
through economic warfare and terrorism, including bombings of public
places. The P-2 goal was to create a demand for fascism to restore order.
A 1 987 article by Jerry Meldon in the Boston Globe discussed the Italian
neofascist right's strategy of terror:
vipers, and an oath that bound the new P-2 member to Gelli and the
netherworld of fascism for life. 51 Cal vi's life was cut short, however, when he
was found hanging from a bridge in London in 1 982.
In 1 978, Guarino's Italian Heritage Council ally, Frank Stella, became
National Chair of the Heritage N ational Committee of Connally for Presi
dent, when Connally sought the 1 980 GOP nomination for president.52
Later Stella got on track with Ronald Reagan. Mark Valente, a Stella
protege and suburban Detroit City Council member now serving as a Repub
lican National Committee Ethnic Liaison staffer, says, "Everyone at the
White House knows Frank." Stella's name has gone through the White
House appointment process on several occasions. In 1 98 1 he was nominated
for the little-known Intelligence Oversight Board, which is supposed to
monitor the legalities of covert operations of the intelligence agencies.51 He
withdrew his name after it had been publicly released. Stella was being
considered for the post of ambassador to Italy in 1 985, but withdrew his
name again, according to Valente. In 1 983 he was made a White House
Stella, a Detroit businessman, has many local civic service activities to
his credit. In February, 1 988 he was named cochair of a panel evaluating the
advisability of legalized casino gambling for the city of Detroit. He is also a
top Michigan GOP fundraiser. Stella had an ex officio seat on the Republi
can National Committee by virtue of his chairmanship of the Republican
Heritage Groups Council from 1 98 1 -83 and 1 985-87. In 1 988 Stella was
named National Chairman of Italian-Americans for Bush.
Stella can't quite forget about Italy. In February, 1 986 he gave an award
1if "honorary member" in the N ational Italian American Foundation to
Victor Emmanuel ofSavoy.54 Stella is president of the foundation. He says it
is "perceived to be the spokesman for the Italian-American community in
the United States."55 The man he honored, Victor Emmanuel, would be the
king ofltaly today, except his family, the House of Savoy, was expelled from
Italy in 1 946 due to its die-hard support of Mussolini's fascist order.56 Victor
Emmanuel, a reputed gunrunner for the Shah of Iran, is an arms trafficker
and member of P-2. He is alleged to have used his wealth and influence to
avoid a long prison sentence after he shot and killed a West German tourist
in a party brawl on a Mediterranean island several years ago.57
The irony of the award to this erstwhile fascist by the "spokesman" for
Italian Americans, is that Victor Emmanuel, until recently, was one of only
two Italians in the world not allowed to set foot on Italian soil. The other
person banned was his father.58
led by Anna Chennault, who gained fame in the 1 950's and 60's as an ardent
advocate of Chiang Kai-Shek's dictatorship on Taiwan. Both federations
appear to be little more than adjuncts to Taiwan government activities in
the U.S. That was highlighted at the 1 985 Republican Heritage Groups
Council convention, when an official Taiwan delegation arrived at the
Republican Heritage Groups Council meeting as part of a nationwide tour
belatedly celebrating Reagan's second inauguration four months earlier.
While the foremost visitor from Taiwan was the Deputy Minister for
National Defense, the honorary president of the delegation was Ben John
Chen, who also chairs the Asian-American Republican Federation.59 Other
Chinese and Asian GOP federation members are part of trade groups linked
to Taiwan.
The Republican Heritage Groups Council agenda was interrupted at the
Chinese federation's request so that the delegation could present awards
from the Taiwan government to Michael Sotirhos, the outgoing Republican
Heritage Groups Council chair (who later became Reagan's ambassador to
Jamaica). Also receiving an award from the Taiwan regime was Anna
Chennault, who funds the Asian-American GOP federation, according to
its chairman, Ben John Chen. Chennault became chair of the Republican
Heritage Groups Council in 1 987.
T from Albanians to Vietnamese. But two groups are missing at the Repub
l li
Toda)'. more lhan ever. ethnic Americans musl speak lrom the
slronge.st podium poaaib1a The cont1nu1ng growlh of lhe Repubhcan
Her11age Council mus1 be sohd1hed and 1rans1a1ed into a vohng
power !or Republican candidates rn neat year's elechon. We mus!
ensure Iha! Iha While House remains in Aepubhcan hands, as well
as regain control ol lhe Senate ana s1reng1hen our presence 1n tl'le
House ol Aepresen1a11yes. We have observed lhe direction or the
1001h Congress during the current sess.ons and that direction 1s
al11rming. Flene91ng on arO' to tho Conlras. obstructing delense. lo1e1t;1n and aomes1ic programs. and mounl1ng a mahc1ous campaign
agamsl Judge Bork's nomlna11on are but a lew e11am111es of whal
11es ahead.
Thase developments unO'erhne. more than ever. the need lor our
renewed ellorts so lhal we can haYe a POS1hve impact 1n lhe 1 988
eLec11ons The par11c1pa1t0n and 1npu1 of each and every one of us is
ol paramount importance. We IOok forward lo seeing you and ""'II UQ
01.1r Desi to make your Washington v1s1t a mosI memo1a1:11e one
National Republican
Heritage croups
<Nationalities> council
1 7th Annual Convention
National Republican
Heritage Gro ups Council Officers
I lonnury Ch1irn1t'n
Advi!nry Commillcl'
Anna Chennault. ChAirman
I Inn. E1lwanl Dcrwiuski
t .ani11 l'a11.1or
NtJtio1111l He/111hlicc111
7:10 /l.111.
Michiiel Sntithos
General Crumcl
Gcriil1I K111nin,ki
Slt\en Poh1p;1ck
Elena Jurgcla
/. Kirh/'dtrich.
Fwrtk /. F11lire11lwJ1(, Jr..
Crnclia Sl,,.vorr
F.lcclra Anest
Dah.1 llnhcli
Ccc1li:i Orris
Oh.. ,
AHilanl Trt:imrcr
Su1:in11(' dt' 1';1r1
Siu.r\O.'Jll Cli:1n
W.idaw t\lei1:ino11td1
W1ll1.1111 Ch;111
lnnc Stoke
11Ji l\prfl".1(0
Hn1 rtu
F.uculivc Ditcclor
R:id1 Slavoff
Frau!.. D.
N. Parker, E)<111ir
1'.:.1ti.01.1I C!J.L1r111,111
('.111111:i1tlt'c Ci1.11nn.1n
L rka1i11g
\In. ,\1111 F. l lcu<r
Ir l)on.1111 W. 1 lulfm,m
\[r. l..1\1io
PJ. 1tor
11um1as A11g<t!
Ger.1ltl KJn11mk1
Julim lkbu
Cn1loa llrns
Shlrwill Chan
Lui Ch.1plin
Dr Bt:H John Che11
NJnq Chin-Ll'I!'
Or. FrJnk De 0.1l,1gh
S111.11111e J1: PJns
t\1.mulb l)J
I I.ms Eii.:rh,Lnl
J-lur1.in C:1l<IJu
1\ ld..111 l...arscn
l.111 1.iu
C. l';il
Or. Knsh:m
Dr. S1v,u.ij
Albtrt Polgar
S11..e Postu11ack
FuJd Sahoun
Cl-01gc Salem
l"ruong Quang Si
loy tlipman So
U. Tsu
Clmshnc Valniy
Cenrgc Wolod1yn
invitation to the 1 987 meeting also pointed out, "The continuing growth of
the Republican Heritage Groups Council must be solidified and translated
into a voting power for Republican candidates in next year's election."
The Republican National Committee seems to identify the Republican
Heritage Groups Council as one of its keys to past electoral success and
future opportunities. Republican Chairman Frank ] . Fahrenkopf, ] r., told
the 1 985 Council meeting, "On behalf of the Republican Party I want to
express thanks for all of you in this room who were such a vital, integral part
of the great victory we achieved on November 6 last year [ 1 984). We
couldn't have done it without you, and I want you to know that." 61
A few minutes later, President Reagan told the meeting, "The work of all
of you has meant a very great deal to me personally, to the Party and to our
cause . . . I can't think of any others who have made a more vital contribu
tion to the effort than those of you who are in this room today . . . . I want to
encourage you to keep building the Party. Believe me, bringing more ethnic
Americans into the fold is the key to the positive realignment that we are
beginning to see take shape." Former Republican Heritage Groups Council
chair Michael Sotirhos said in an interview that "The Council was the
linchpin of the Reagan-Bush ethnic campaign . . . .The decision to use the
Republican Heritage Groups was made at a campaign strategy meeting
that included Paul Laxalt, Frank Fahrenkopf, Ed Rollins, and others." He
claims that 86,000 volunteers for Reagan-Bush were recruited through the
] ack Kemp also gave a keynote speech at the 1 985 Republican Heritage
Groups Council meeting as part of his long-standing effort to woo support
from the Captive Nations groups.
Several White House staffers who appeared on a panel at the 1 985
Republican Heritage Groups Council meeting identified the area of GOP
growth as ethnic outreach. Linas Kojelis, then the White House Office of
Public Liaison Ethnic Coordinator, also said that the Republican Heritage
Groups Council "has been very helpful to coordinate with mainline ethnic
groups on day-to-day [legislative) issues."
Sotirhos adds that not only has the Republican Heritage Groups Council
aided the GOP, but "the success of Reagan-Bush has helped build the
Council." Ethnics more inclined to work with the GOP, due to their
attraction to Reagan, structure their work through the Republican Heritage
Groups Council. Thus, the image and prestige of Council leaders are
enhanced and legitimized within their ethnic networks by the GOP.
Council members benefit also by having access to GOP leaders and
Administration policymakers. One Republican Heritage Groups Council
brochure notes that "Members are also concerned with foreign policy and
keep the Administration advised on pertinent historic facts and attitudes
Galdau, and Pasztor are still active with the Republican Heritage Groups
Leonard Zakim, director of the Boston office of the Anti-Defamation
League, is troubled by the handling of the resignations of CAN members by
the Bush campaign. Zakim says that if in fact the Bush campaign has never
completely investigated the charges concerning the Republican ethnic ad
visors as requested by ADL, then he is "extremely unsatisfied" with that
The ADL is very clear in demanding a full explanation take
place, these charges are extremely serious and we expect the
response to be equally serious. We are very disturbed that
spokespersons for the Bush camp did not see fit to repudiate in
full those individuals whose stated views are offensive. We don't
see this as a Jewish issue. When charges like these are raised, all
people should be concerned. It shouldn't only be Jewish organi
zations calling on the political campaigns to deal with issues of
racism and anti-Semitism, but all persons of good conscience.
On October 28, 1 989, the "Blue Ribbon Committee" of the NRHGC
released a three-page final report of its investigation into the charges. The
report failed to respond to the substance of the allegations and was rejected
hy the Republican National Committee, which warned the NRHGC that
"the relationship it currently enjoys with the RNC is in severe jeopardy."
Despite these sharp words, Washington Jewish Week reported on November
28, 1 990 that "the N ational Republican Heritage Groups Council
(NRHGC), an auxiliary of the Republican National Committee, still refuses
to address a two-year-old report which charged that many of its members
had been active in anti-Semitic and fascist groups in Eastern Europe."
As a candidate, George Bush defended Galdau, Pasztor, Guarino, and
Slavoff as innocent of all accusations of collaboration, and insisted they are
all honorable men. But the historical record belies his assertions.
The GOP for decades has misread ethnic America's concerns about
crime, employment, anti-ethnic discrimination, and the future of its youth.
It has offered instead the fascism and ethnic prejudices of the Heritage
Council, which focuses primarily on funding Radio Free Europe and stop
ping Justice Department prosecutions of war criminals who illegally entered
the country.
As chairman of the Republican National Committee in the early years of
the Council, and now as head of the Republican Party and President of the
United States, Mr. Bush owes Americans a complete explanation.
That the Republican Party considers its Republican Heritage Groups
Council members representative of ethnic America shows their confusion
between the traditionalism that exists in many ethnic communities and the
antidemocratic and profascist sentiments present within some of the con
stituent units of the Republican Heritage Groups Council. To the degree
that the GOP decides to use the Council to lure ethnics away from the
Democratic Party, "it is missing the boat and will fail," says Valuchek.
But the GOP goal may be to create a new leadership in ethnic commu
nities, in the same way that conservative and far-right groups have funded
and credentialed new Black and Latin-American spokespersons in those
Yet no matter what the intent or goal, the Republican Heritage Groups
Council has incorporated racist, anti-Semitic, and fascist forces, and even
rehabilitated some Nazi collaborators; legitimized them as ethnic leaders in
their own communities and in the press; and provided a vehicle for ex
panding their influence in the Executive branch and Congress, where they
have played a role in shaping American foreign policy.
The American
Security Council
ii I n
t has been called "The Cold War Campus" and "The Heart of the Mili
cil wears with pride. Its boards are filled with retired senior military officers,
executives of major corporations, including some of the largest military
contractors, and some New Right leaders. Wes McCune of the Washington,
D.C.-based Group Research, which monitors the political right wing, says
the ASC "is not just the representative of the military-industrial complex, it
is the personification of the military-industrial complex."1Z
The ASC focuses on foreign policy, military, and intelligence issues. It is
the clearinghouse for U.S. political rightists on arms control, aid to the
contras, new weapons programs, and lobbying for special projects, such as
aid to Jonas Savimbi's UNITA in Angola. In its specialized areas, the ASC
probably has had more influence with the Reagan Administration than the
well-publicized Heritage Foundation, a right-wing think tank in Washing
ton, D.C., which produced massive studies suggesting conservative policies
to the Reagan Administration following each election. However, the ASC
is less visible than the Heritage Foundation.
Little noticed by the press, the ASC is extremely influential among right
wing groups and within the Reagan Administration. In spite of the veneer
of respectability its board members' credentials might provide in some
circles, the ASC is in some respects more extremist than the Republican
Heritage Groups Council. It also serves as a connecting point between Nazi
collaborationists and fascists on one hand, and Reagan Administration
policymakers on the other.
The key outreach arm of the ASC is the Coalition for Peace Through
Strength. Composed of 1 7 1 organizations that are supposed to form a
grassroots lobby for ASC political priorities, the Coalition is where many of
the ASC extremist ties are established. The Republican Heritage Groups
Council and some of its component elements, such as Galdau's Romanian
American Republican Clubs, are members of the Coalition. These ties to
the authoritarian, collaborationist, and fascist Right are consistent with the
history of the ASC.
T agents. In its first year it was called the Mid-American Research Library.
he ASC began in Chicago in 1 955, staffed primarily by former FBI
FBI's, which was intended to weed out employees and prospective employ
ees deemed disloyal to the free enterprise concept." 73
Before the founders of the ASC got into the business of collecting
dossiers on Americans, however, they had another sort of political interest.
Their political histories go back to the racialist and anti-Semitic groups in
the l 930's that were working in concert with Hitler's war aims. Three groups
in particular would later provide elements of the future ASC: the America
First Committee, the American Vigilante Intelligence Federation, and the
American Coalition of Patriotic Societies.
The person most responsible for establishing the ASC was General Robert
Wood, then Chairman of Sears Roebuck.74 Prior to Pearl Harbor, Wood
was also the chairman of the America First Committee, an organization
committed to opposing all efforts to aid Allies besieged by Nazi Germany.75
As national chairman, Wood made no effort to keep out openly pro-Nazi
groups known to have been supported by Germany, such as the German
American Bund. Radio priest Father Charles Coughlin's anti-Semitic and
pro-Axis followers were also permitted by Wood to work within America
First. A 1 942 FBI report indicated that Wood's "patriotic" group had "been
called upon to accept financial assistance from pro-Nazi sources." 76
After Pearl Harbor and Germany's declaration of war on the United
States, the America First Committee didn't go out of business as it officially
declared on December 1 2, 1 94 1 . Five days later, a secret meeting of certain
key leaders of America First took place in New York to plan for what they
assumed (and hoped) would be the Axis victory in Europe and the Far East.77
"[T]he Committee has in reality gone underground," FBI Director J. Edgar
Hoover reported to the White House.78 It began planning for the day when
they would be the Americans with whom the victorious Nazis would negoti
ate a surrender. Finally, when the defeat of the Nazis by Allied powers was a
foregone conclusion, the America First Committee secretly dissolved itself
in 1 944.
William Regnery, an incorporator and early leader of the Committee
with Robert Wood,79 helped Wood to found the ASC. His son, Henry
Regnery, replaced him at their book publishing company and at the ASC.
The younger Regnery told an interviewer several years ago that "I was very
much opposed to our getting into the war; and I published this book, which
was highly critical of Roosevelt and of the whole realm of American policies
involving World War IL Very gladly, I must say." Regnery said that the
book, published in the early l 950's, reflected his "personal tastes." 80
The ASC began collecting dossiers in the McCarthy era in what was often
seen as a blacklisting operation against union organizers and those with
"suspect" political orientations. Files and documents were collected from
the House Committee on Un-American Activities and several private file
collections. One such collection originally was compiled by Harry Jung,B 1
whose research was motivated by a search for what he saw as a Jewish
communist conspiracy.BZ
Jung founded the American Vigilante Intelligence Federation (AVIF)
in 1 927 as an anti-union spy operation.B3 With the rise of anti-Semitism
in Europe, Jung became the first major distributor in the U.S. of the
anti-Semitic forgery, "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion." B4 The
"Protocols" text had been used as a pretext by Russian Czars and European
Nazis to conduct pogroms and extermination campaigns against European
Jewry. His A VIF became involved with German Nazi agents in the U.S. In
1 942, Jung's East Coast operative, a Col. Eugene Sanctuary, was indicted by
the Justice Department for sedition. 85 One can only wonder at the purpose
and content of the files collected by Jung, and purchased by the ASC. The
Jung file collection reportedly had one million names indexed when the
ASC acquired it some thirty years ago.
A Sears (Fisher was on the Sears payroll the first five years he headed
ps ychologi ca l
secu rity
an expanding
1 935-4 7" in the German army. to7 Heydte, whose family was close to the
exiled Hohenzollen monarch, ws was reported to have written in 1953 that
"democracy is linked with collapse, defeat and foreign uniforms stalking
German soil," and that "democracy was brought by the victorious enemy
together with the army of occupation." 1 09 Von der Heydte was a cofounder
and ideological leader of the Christian Democratic Union, a party that
brought a variety of Nazi elements into its fold after the first postwar
German elections. 1 1 0 In recent years von der Heydte has formed an associa
tion with Lyndon LaRouche's neofascist cult group. 1 1 1 The only foreign
members of the National M ilitary-Industrial Conference's Foreign Affairs
Committee during this period were Blank and von der Heydte.
officers of the three services as well as civilians for the past ten
At the same time, while the government paid for allowance,
travel, facilities and services, the Richardson Foundation pro
vided the funds for other expenses, including the cost of
developing a curriculum for the seminar, hiring a staff, securing
speakers, and purchasing books and other materials to be distrib
uted to the students without charge . 1 1 3
Fulbright warned of the dangers implicit i n the situation:
The relationships between the Foreign Policy Research In
stitute, the Institute for American Strategy, the Richardson
Foundation, the N ational War College, and the Joint Chiefs
of Staff, should be re-examined from the standpoint of
whether these relationships do not amount to official support
for a viewpoint at variance with that of the Administration.
These relationships may give one particularly aggressive view
a more direct and commanding influence upon military and
civilian concepts of strategy than is desirable. 1 1 4
Frank Barnett was director of research for the Richardson Foundation
(now the Smith-Richardson Foundation) and program director of the Insti
tute for American Strategy. Barnett advocated "political warfare" abroad
that included fomenting "diverse forms of coercion and violence including
strikes and riots, economic sanctions, subsidies for guerrilla or proxy warfare
and, when necessary, kidnapping or assassination of enemy elites." 1 1 5 Riled
by those who did not share his militant foreign policy outlook, Barnett told
attendees at one cold war seminar that "it is within the capacity of the
people in this room to literally turn the State of Georgia into a civilian war
college," in order to overcome their opponents. 1 1 6
William Kintner, a twenty-five-year ASC veteran who left the CIA after
eleven years as a planning officer and joined IAS in 1 96 1 , attacked the
critics of extreme rightism in the Reader's Digest, May 1 962. He said the
campaign against extreme rightists, including the John Birch Society, began
when "dossiers in Moscow's espionage headquarters were combed for the
names of unsuspecting persons in the United States who might do the
Kremlin's work." In other words, Presidents Eisenhower and Kennedy were
dupes of the KGB . . . or worse. In the jargon of today's extreme right, those
concerned over the growing military-industrial complex were spreading
"Soviet disinformation."
Despite the controversy, the NSC directive authorizing the military's
role in cold war propaganda remained in effect. Edward Lansdale became
administrative director of IAS in the mid-1 960's, serving while John Fisher
was president of the organization. Lansdale was also an architect of CIA
covert operations in Yietnam. 1 1 7 The Institute for American Strategy later
changed its name to the American Security Council Foundation.
In the early 1 960's the ultraright was planning Goldwater's presidential
campaign effort, helping to build the political base of extreme right groups.
In concert with the Goldwater campaign, the American Security Council in
1 964 published a book called Guidelines for Cold War Victory which listed
board members and cooperating organizations from several far-right groups,
including some linked to the John Birch Society. At least one ASC official
was even associated with the quasi-Nazi Liberty Lobby.1 1 8
These relationships take on greater significance as one learns more about
the nature of groups such as Liberty Lobby and the John Birch Society. For
instance, the founder of the John Birch Society, Robert Welch, once called
President Eisenhower "a dedicated, conscious agent of the Communist
conspiracy," while the leader of Liberty Lobby, Willis Carto, edited a pub
lication in 1 960 calling for voter support for the American Nazi Party.
In his book The Liberty Lobby and the American Right , author Frank P.
Mintz outlines the "overlap in ideology and clientele" between Liberty
Lobby and the John Birch Society as well as the important differences:
The John Birch Society in the early 1 960's aspired to the
leadership of a radical right that strongly defended national
sovereignty and opposed American membership in interna
tional organizations such as the United Nations. Closely related
to the nationalist stance was a conspiratorial interpretation of
U.S. history that made the Council on Foreign Relations an ally
of the Communist conspiracy. 1 19
But while the Birch Society trumpeted j ingoistic patriotism via con
spiracy theories, Mintz says that the "Lobby voiced racist and anti-Semitic
beliefs in addition to conspiracism." Mintz explains:
Structurally, the Lobby was a most unusual umbrella organi
zation catering to constituencies spanning the fringes of Neo
Nazism to the John Birch Society and the radical right. It was
not truly paramilitary, in the manner of the Ku Klux Klan and
Nazis, but was more accurately an intermediary between racist
paramilitary factions and the recent right.
The prodefense network being created by the American Security Coun
cil in the I 960's offered a respectable and anonymous way for members of
the radical right John Birch Society and quasi-Nazi Liberty Lobby to pursue
the promilitary, anticommunist portions of their ideology in a setting where
the less savory portions of their views could be ignored in the spirit of
coalition building.
he ASC's role in elections wasn't highly visible until 1 970. That year it
letter of the Coalition for Peace Through Strength) , The SALT Syndrome
was shown eleven times on the three major television stations in South
Dakota and as a projected film or videotape it was screened to 1 ,000
audiences. Making the ASC film his own, "Abdnor prepared an opening
and closing statement that was incorporated in the l 6mm version of 'The
SALT Syndrome'." ASC organizers "along with Abdnor's staff were respon
sible for these more than 1 ,000 showings of the film . . . throughout the
state," reported the Coalition Insider.
The ASC-PAC also gave Abdnor's campaign $8,000. Other promilitary
Senate candidates for whom the ASC made special efforts included Charles
Grassley, Alfonse D'Amato, and Steven Symms.
According to Fisher:
Coalition Co-chairman Major General [Ret.] John (Jack)
Singlaub played a continuing role in the Grassley campaign,
first visiting Iowa in the early summer. Singlaub's radio and
television ads made for Grassley became an important part of
the campaign's thrust. In addition, Singlaub filmed a special
introduction to "The SALT Syndrome" for Grassley, who used
the film widely in his campaign.
The report notes that Grassley's Democratic opponent, incumbent
Senator John Culver, moved ahead in the polls, so Grassley asked retired
Lt. General Daniel 0. Graham, former CIA deputy director and ex-head
of the Defense Intelligence Agency, to campaign for him. Graham, who was
executive director of the ASC's PAC, was carried by private plane on
"a whirlwind tour of western Iowa." A rally and press meetings were ar
ranged. Grassley pulled ahead in the polls and held the lead through the
November 4 elections. The ASC PAC also gave the Grassley campaign
Another all-out effort was made by ASC in behalf of Alphonse D'Amato
against Elizabeth Holtzman in New York's Senate race. "ASC staffers were
in there pitching from the start. A whole contingent went to help the
D' Amato campaign with the press. . . . " According to the report, Gen.
Graham, retired Brig. Gen. Robert Richardson, and several admirals repre
sented the Coalition for Peace Through Strength on D'Amato's behalf. The
ASC PAC also gave his campaign $ 1 ,000. The Fisher ASC election report
notes that Graham enjoyed most his campaign against Frank Church, who
had led the Senate investigation of illegal CIA activities. Graham called
Church, in typical ASC overstatement, "the architect of the destruction of
our intelligence system" for investigating the CIA illegalities.
Both Graham and Singlaub (who also had worked for the CIA)
"campaigned vigorously for Steve Symms . . . each paying Idaho three
separate visits. They were together for the Idaho Republican State conven
tion." One headline, typical of the ASC style of rhetoric, read "Singlaub
Blames Church for Soviet Supremacy." Symms received $2,000 from ASC
PAC. Fisher claims that in 1 980 the Coalition and ASC "briefed and/or
campaigned for sixty-seven candidates." He said ASC staffers served as
media consultants, researchers, and aided candidates in making intro
ductions and closing statements to the ASC's The SALT Syndrome.
The ASC-PAC also aided Republican Senators Jake Garn and Dan
Quayle [now Vice-President Quayle] with $3 ,000 each, as well as Paula
Hawkins, Paul Laxalt, Mack Mattingly, and Don Nickles with $ 1 ,000 each.
In the House, Jack Kemp, Robert K. Dornan and Gerald Solomon were
Republicans who received $ 1 ,000 each, as did Democrats Sam Stratton,
Andrew Ireland, and Bill Chappell.
While the Coalition for Peace Through Strength became more involved in
elections and lobbying for Reagan Administration priorities, the number of
organizations in the Coalition grew from about forty in 1978 to 1 7 1 in 1 986.
As the Coalition grew, more bizarre groups were brought in. Many of the
groups mentioned earlier are part of the Coalition: the Republican Heritage
Groups Council and its Slovak, Romanian, Italian, Chinese, and Cossack
Republican units; the Slovak World Congress, the Bulgarian National
Front, the Byelorussian-American Association, and several other emigre
fascist groups. But one organization that is a Coalition member and brings
together, under ASC auspices, the Republican Heritage Groups Council
and more ardent Nazis is the National Confederation of American Ethnic
Groups (NCAEG ) .
The NCAEG is an organization which becomes active about a year
before presidential elections. Treasurer Richard Kolm says of the NCAEG
"We don't have contact with the Democratic Party. NCAEG has a reputa
tion as Republican." It is also called "Szaz's personal springboard" by one of
its officers, in reference to Executive Vice-President Z. Michael Szaz's
dominance. Szaz is an official of the Virginia Republican Heritage Groups
Council, an associate of racialist Roger Pearson (see Part 3 ) , and a director of
the ASC's American Foreign Policy Institute. In mid- 1 983, the NCAEG
began operating out of the ASC's Washington office in preparation for the
1 984 elections. m
The NCAEG presents itself as a congress of American ethnicity with a
mandate to fight for the interests of millions of ethnic Americans, which
some NCAEG leaders say are treated as second-class citizens. It is, however,
an organizational forum for, and dominated by, Nazi collaborationists,
emigre fascists, and anti-Semites. A number of the groups and leaders within
The Journal of
Historical Review
M.D. &
lausl Bradescu ,
Summer / 9/l6
the NCAEG are also affiliated with the National Republican Heritage
Groups Council. m
One of the exceptions is the Romanian affiliate of the NCAEG, the
Romanian American National Congress. Unlike the reticent Galdau, who
denies being an Iron Guardsman, Dr. Alexander Ronnett, head of the
Romanian American National Congress, has written a defense of the Iron
Guard. 124
Throughout its sixty-year history, the Iron Guard has maintained a
mystical, morose Romanian volkish nationalism and anti-Semitism.125 The
Iron Guard's links to the German SS and their attempted 1 94 1 coup against
the Romanian monarchy were evidence of the violent nature of the Guard.
Their macabre ritual assassination practices were given full play during the
three-day coup attempt, when thousands were rounded up and many mur
dered. Jews were a special target.126
Today, Ronnett talks of "Jew-Communists" and the need for the Ameri
can military to destroy the Warsaw pact. In his suburban Chicago M. D.'s
office, Iron Guard symbols hang on the wall along with autographed photos
of Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet meeting with Ronnett and other Iron
Guard leaders. The message of the Iron Guard is still taken seriously in some
circles. 1 27
An Illinois ethnic advisor to the Reagan-Bush campaign in 1 984,
Ronnett spoke at the February, 1 986 annual meeting of the Institute for
Historical Review, where he claimed Jews were enemies of the Iron
Guard.128 The IHR is the Holocaust-denial group in Costa Mesa that
attempts to rewrite the history of World War II in favor of the Axis powers
and present nazism in a favorable light. The IHR is sponsored by Willis
Carto who also leads the anti-Semitic and quasi-Nazi Liberty Lobby.
Ronnett's Romanian American National Congress, which has long-stand
ing ties to the World Anti-Communist League (WACL),129 recently joined
the Coalition for Peace Through Strength.
Another NCAEG leader who was active with IHR was Austin App of
the German American National Congress (also known by its German
acronym "DANK"). App, a pro-Nazi activist for decades, wrote The Six
Million Swindle , 1 30 asserting that the Nazi extermination of Jews didn't
happen. Until his death in 1 986, App was also active with extreme
rightists based in Germany. App was a founder of the NCAEG. DANK is
its German affiliate. DANK was active in the Republican Heritage Groups
Council in the early 1 970's, but the GOP German slot has had no affiliate in
recent years. DANK, a group that glories in the memory of the Third
Reich, is also a member of the Coalition for Peace Through Strength,
despite the fact that App had written in 1 946 that "the German armies
[were] the most decent armies of the war." In his 1 974 pamphlet, A
Straight Look at the Third Reich: Hitler and National Socialism , How Right?
How Wrong? , App wrote, "The truth is that in World War II the Third
Reich fought for justice, and the Allies fought to prevent justice." 1 3 1 Writing
in Commentary , December 1 980, Lucy Dawidowicz bluntly called DANK
"pro-Nazi," a characterization easily justified by the content of the group's
When NCAEG held a meeting in the fall of 1 983, representatives of the
White House and Republican National Commitee were participants. Re
publican Heritage Groups Council Executive Director Radi Slavoff was
identified in the program as also being the NCAEG's Secretary/Director of
Activities. One of the activities planned was to honor NCAEG founders
Austin App and Slovak Josef M ikus, the former Tiso diplomat.132
In 1 985, Slavoff and Pasztor were replaced by American-born ethnics in
order to campaign against the Justice Department's Office of Special Inves
tigations (OSI), the Nazi prosecution unit. New Jersey NCAEG chair
Joseph Plonski, who is also vice-chair of the New Jersey Republican Heri
tage Groups Council, says that the "Soviets are using OSI as a vehicle to
divide and conquer America." He said they wanted NCAEG leaders to be
American-born so they couldn't be accused of "war crimes." 1 3 1
NCAEG's anti-OSI campaign put together a booklet that has a friendly
note from former White House Communications Director Patrick
Buchanan. 1 34 NCAEG credibility on the OSI question is further compli
cated by the public assertions of some of its associates that the Holocaust
never happened.
Other Republican Heritage Groups Council leaders who have been
active with the NCAEG include Walter Melianovich, Nicolas Nazarenko,
Alexander Aksenov, and Laszlo Pasztor. In a 1 9 7 1 Washington Post story on
some of the extreme elements within the NCAEG and Republican Heritage
Groups Council, Pasztor's attitude was described as uncritical of the fascists
he was working with: "He talks to all of them, he says, and praises the
concept of an umbrella organization for ethnics. He denounces no one." 1 3 5
Ethnic groups are not the only extremists in the Coalition for Peace
Through Strength. Other groups include:
A lobby and newsletter operation run by Gary Potter. Its February-March
1 983 newsletter attacked "Zionist" wealth, and "skillful playing on the
Holocaust theme." The proposed solution is stated thus: "The nation does
not necessarily have to become Christian again to shake off the Zionist
power. Germany didn't. Germany also ultimately failed . . . following Him
[Christ] is the course the U.S. should take to be free." 1.l6
flight to England. Hess, a top aide to Hitler and Nazi Party official, sought to
meet with the British aristocratic circles known as the Cliveden Set.145
Sympathetic to Hitler's war aims, the Cliveden Set tried to get England out
of the war it had declared against Germany in September, 1 939, after
Germany invaded Poland. Hess was arrested and imprisoned. After Lord
Malcolm Douglas came to the U.S., he established an American branch of
a racial eugenics group headquartered in Scotland. The oil billionaire Hunt
brothers and Senator Jesse Helms are members of the group. It was headed
by Robert Gayre, who published the racialist Mankind Quarterly until Roger
Pearson took it over in 1 978 (see Section 3 , part 1 ) . Lady Malcolm Douglas
Hamilton set up a number of groups, including the Committee to Unite
America. John Fisher is listed among its Founders and on its Sponsoring
Committee, as are other ASC principals.
ers and New Right groups active on foreign policy issues. Begun in January,
1 985, the Tuesday Group, as it became known for its Tuesday morning
Capitol Hill sessions, focused on gaining aid for the contras, a top White
House and ASC priority.
ASC leaders in 1 985 were reluctant to discuss the Tuesday Group due to
the participation of Lt. Col. Oliver North, then a deputy director of the
National Security Council, and the attendance of Constantine Menges, the
former head of Latin American affairs at NSC. North eventually came under
congressional fire in 1 987 for his role in coordinating secret and private aid
to the Contras. North has participated in other ASC activities and had his
picture in the Peace Through Strength Report, January, 1 986, with Fisher,
even though the White House demanded that the Washington Post and
other papers not use North's picture-for reasons of national security.
The Tuesday Group was chaired by Sam Dickens, ASC's Director for
Inter-American Affairs and editor of Radio Free Americas, a radio program
picked up by the ASC in 1 968 when a similar program was exposed in 1 967
as CIA-sponsored. Others in the group, whose attendance varies slightly
depending on the weekly topic, included: representatives of the Pentagon
and State Department; the Heritage Foundation; the Center for Strategic
and International Studies; the National Forum Foundation; former U.S.
Ambassador to Costa Rica Curtin Winsor, Jr.; Lynn Bouchey, head of the
Council for Inter-American Security; Dave Sullivan, an aide to Senator
Jesse Helms, Steve Symms, and James McClure; and Angelo Codevilla, a
former aide to Sen. Malcolm Wallop, who now went to Hoover Institution
in Califomia. 1 46
Menges described the meetings as purely "social affairs" and said he only
came in contact with the Tuesday Group in 1 987. He had left the NSC a
month prior to our interview, in early 1 987, to work for Jack Kemp's Fund
for an American Renaissance.
One Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs also attended
the Tuesday meetings in order to maintain contacts with other foreign
policy hard-liners. At the risk of losing his job, he blasted the policies of
Secretary of State George Schultz, Assistant Secretary for African Affairs
Chester Crocker, and Deputy Assistant Secretary Frank Wisner. The impact
of Tuesday Group work was noted by one source who said "the Michel
Amendment" for contra aid was written through its process.
Various experts arc brought in to discuss the topic of any given meeting.
According to Dickens, guests may include "Congressmen, former heads of
state, ambassadors, military leaders from El Salvador, Honduras-Eden
Pastora, Roberto D'Aubuisson we've had at our breakfast." According to
Winsor, Sol Sanders of Business Week made one presentation on the si tua
tion in Mexico. "His views are virtually the same as [former Ambassador)
Jim Gavins," Winsor added.
Dickens said in 1 986 that the focus of the Tuesday Group had been on
contra aid, and would continue to be. The Tucsday Group's purpose was "to
bring people together to develop ideas and action plans to get support from
Congress for the Freedom Fighters," according to the ASC activist. Dickens
said that for Reagan to get consensus on the Hill for funding the contras it
was going to take private sector involvement, "So we've been working on
that basis . . . . " Dickens said that he would "advise contra leaders" and "help
raise money for them through foundations."
After insisting that "the U.S. ought to break diplomatic relations" with
N icaragua and "recognize UNO [United Nicaraguan Opposition]," Dickens
said that the NSC at the time was considering such a move after initial
funding for the contras was approved. He predicted that the break would
come after "another country takes the lead in South America" to end
diplomatic ties with Nicaragua. These predictions came shortly before the
story of Iran-contragate broke in the national news media.
In addition to the foreign policy subjects of the Tuesday Group, a
working group has met in "crisis" situations, presumably to aid funding for
programs that need Congressional lobbying, such as Star Wars, chemical
weapons, and the MX. The appropriate administration officials, military
contractors, and political groups are believed to have participated. 147
The relationship between Reagan and the ASC has been a long and
William Clark praised ASC's 1 980 film Attack on the Americas as "effective
and accurate" and asked the ASC to produce an updated version incorpo
rating Reagan's Caribbean and Central American policies. The "Dear John"
letter to Fisher on White House letterhead claimed that it was necessary to
tum to the ASC because "media coverage has been fraught with both
misinformation and disinformation. . . . " Clark ended the letter with a "look
forward to working with you in the future."
The ASC produced the film, bringing Sam Dickens in as a consultant. 1 5 1
In August 1 982, the ASC Foundation held a speakers training forum in the
White House with high Administration officials participating.152 The
speaker's bureau was another ASC vehicle made available to the Adminis
tration to help develop public support for its policies. The 1 980 version of
Attack on the Americas reportedly received funds for its $500,000 budget from
several extreme right-wing groups in Guatemala with links to death squads
in that country.151
Another film on Central America, Crisis in the Americas, was also pro
duced with NSC interests in mind. According to one source, however, the
NSC paid the ASC for its help. "I was screening the film footage taken in
Central America so that we could make a copy," said British Broadcasting
state legislative office under the banner of the Populist Party, 1 67 a political
front of the anti-Semitic and quasi-Nazi Liberty Lobby. The Populist Party
.openly includes elements from the Ku Klux Klan as well as the violent
paramilitary Posse Comitatus. 168
When the ASC put together the "In Defense of America" project, they
assembled a "strategy board" for the ASC Foundation.169 It included two
former directors of covert operations of the CIA, and two former intelli
gence operatives involved in organizations aiding the illegal shipments of
lethal material to Libya under the direction of former CIA operatives
Edmund Wilson and Frank Terpil.
One of the operatives involved in the Wilson-Terpil arms trade was Brig.
Gen. (retired) Robert C. Richardson III. He was a vice-president of Con
sultants International from 1 973-7 7, 1 70 a front company used in the Libyan
operations.171 A senior officer in U.S. Air Force Politico-Military Affairs
(covert operations), he is an associate of Roger Pearson (see Pearson section)
and retired Lt. Daniel 0. Graham's High Frontier, a group which lobbies for
a form of Star Wars and is also a member group of the Coalition for Peace
Through Strength.
Another covert operator on the strategy board was the late Brig. Gen.
Edwin F. Black. Formerly on Eisenhower's Operations Coordinating Board,
which implemented National Security Council policies and supervised the
CIA, 172 Black was a principal of the N ugan Hand Bank of Australia. m The
Australian government found that the bank was involved in drug and gun
trafficking174 and that it aided the Wilson-Terpil operations.17 1
The government also noted the bank's employment of "so many former
high ranking U.S. and Armed Services personnel and other people widely
known to have had a previous formal connection with the U.S. intelligence
community." 176 Although the government did not find Nugan Hand to be a
sanctioned covert cover for CIA activities, it remarked that "there are a
number of matters that give rise to serious disquiet," including "the relation
ships that some of the N ugan Hand group . . . had with persons of U.S.
intelligence background." 177 Black and Richardson also serve on the ASC
National Strategy Committee. 178
was arranged by the ASC in 1 985, with a host committee studded with
administration officials. 1 79 Having solidified its relationship with the Reagan
Administration, ASC targeted Congress to receive more attention.
825 6
Someumes lhese
cruise mistilct in Holland and Helsium
when these weapons become available.
There is no oven dala. as such. on
S e na1o rs Jackson
is clearly an intepal
Soviet Union
Warner have sponored Senalt J01nt
dC"St8ned Slril1t1Y
II 1s no coincidence tha1 th11 Sl1'11tety
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by 1he Sov1e1
response to Rca1111.n's
proposal came in
The American Securlly Council and Its Coalition for Peace Through
Strength circulate a large volume of promllltary Informational materials.
and for eleven years has had a contract with the Republican National
Committee. "If we didn't have the CCA, the ASC would have gone out of
business on three occasions," says Fisher.201 The firm also works for GOP
campaigns and local GOP units.
It is easy to see the partisan and pecuniary motives of the ASC, its
corporate friends and Republican allies. But the ASC also represents a world
view with the influence to spread that world view. Fisher himself summed it
up in four words-"I believe in Rollback." 204 The ASC network, including
its Nazi friends, has not given up the idea of the U.S. military destruction of
the USSR. The purpose of the massive weapons buildups they advocate is
toward that end.
Jay Winek, a former executive director of the neoconservative Coalition
for a Democratic Majority, said that the ASC "uses the word 'peace' to
justify strength. They really don't see peace as the purpose of strength." 205
Forge together elements from the New Right, the Republican Party,
certain hawkish congressional Democrats, military and intelligence agency
connections, and powerful business interests, and you have the essence of
the ASC, a lobby for weapons and war.
Taward its goal the ASC has also pulled into its coalition racialists,
American sympathizers of Hitler's war aims, representatives of postwar
Italian fascism, and even collaborators with Hitler's Waffen SS.
The guiding principle of the ASC throughout the cold war was to
cultivate as an ally anyone who supported the military destruction of the
Soviet Union as the font of communism. Since this was also a primary goal
of German National Socialism and other European fascist movements it
should not be surprising that adherents of these philosophies, which revere
militarism, power, and the cleansing crucible of war, would find allies within
the American Security Council. Nor is it surprising that the ASC received
both moral and financial support from the same corporations who had a
financial stake in large budgets for military armaments. In the politics of
militarism, the bedfellows are not really very strange.
For over thirty years the ASC has successfully focused public discussion of
foreign policy on aggressive militarist options, and it continues this mission
unabated. In early 1 99 1 , the American Security Council coordinated the
formation of the Coalition for Desert Storm, "a bi-partisan alliance orga
nized by the National Security Caucus in the U.S. Congress." In a full-page
ad in the February 27, 1 99 1 Washington Post, the Coalition announced it
was launching a campaign to garner one million signatures for the proclama
tion from Americans across the nation. The coupon for signers and con
tributors was to be mailed to the ASC's John M. Fisher, "Administrative
Chairman" of the Coalition.
Some thirty years ago President Eisenhower warned of the "unwarranted
Allies and
ii Perhaps
combat communism."
W 14, 1 982, written for Roger Pearson and signed by Ronald Reagan, it
hen journalists first saw the White House fundraising letter dated April
was thought to be a fluke. Since Pearson, a former leader of the World Anti
Communist League, was a world-renowned racialist with a long history of
associations with neo-Nazi groups and individuals, a White House repudia
tion of the letter was expected when the problem was discovered. After all,
it was the summer of 1 984, and who would want Reagan connected in any
way with an advocate of racial extermination policies before the November
The Wall Street Journal, however, pursued the story and found out that
the White House itself was unwilling to repudiate the letter, or Pearson.206
White House staff did say Pearson would be asked to stop using the letter.
Anson Franklin, an assistant presidential press secretary, added "the
president has long held views opposing racial discrimination in any form,
and he would never condone anything to the contrary. But that's a general
statement; I'm not addressing Dr. Pearson specifically."
When Roger Pearson first visited the U.S. in 1 958, he didn't seem a likely
candidate to receive White House favors. At the time he was the London
based organizer of the Northern League,207 a white supremacist European
organization that included former Nazi SS officials. The League was inclined
toward Nordic, pre-Christian pagan culture. 208
Pearson's first American visit was arranged by Right magazine, edited by
Willis Carto. The magazine was an endorser of the American Nazi Party.209
Right called Pearson "the world's foremost spokesman for the scientific
and forward looking view of nationalism. He is held in renown by white
nationalists the world over." 210
Pearson moved to the U.S. in 1 965, merging his magazine Northern Wor/.d
with a Willis Carto publication to form Western Destiny , which Pearson
edited for a short time.211 The magazine had over two dozen racialists and
anti-Semites on its masthead, including Austin App and C. M. Goethe,
honorary president of the American Coalition of Patriotic Societies.m
Pearson published four monographs in 1 966 that represent the core of his
ideas. One monograph, titled Race and Civilization, was "based on Professor
Hans F. K. Gunther's Racial Elements of European Civilization." m Gunther
was a top Third Reich racial theoretician and Pearson associate from the
Northern League. 2 14
In Eugenics and Race , published in 1 966, Pearson's writing reached the
logical end of racial hatred:
T H I: W H I T E H O L' S E
W'\tll ...,; ( ,TO
Dr .
P ears on :
quarter l y ,
The Journal
Economic Stud i e s .
i s s ue
Soci al ,
a valuable
Po l i t i c a l
s e!"- ice
f i rm and
i. n
o f l ea d
con s i s tent
d e fense .
i n your
future endeavors .
S incerely ,
ur .
ager Pearson ,
Coun c i l
P r e s ident
and Economic Studi e s
Suite 5 0 2
1 6 2 9 K S tree t , N . W .
Was h in q ton , D . C .
The Ronald Reagan letter to Dr. Roger Pearson was never repudiated by
the White House.
director for domestic issues, Stuart Butler, joined Pearson's Journal, as did
right-wing sociologist Ernest van den Haag of National Review, who is on the
editorial board of the Heritage Foundation's Policy Review.
When van den Haag was asked in 1 984 about his Pearson association, he
said he didn't remember the journal at first, but several minutes later insisted
it wasn't a racist publication.
Van den Haag is apparently not offended by a little racialism himself.
"I support the voluntary sterilization proposals of William Shockley," he
volunteered in a 1 984 interview. Van den Haag wrote a monograph on the
1 954 Supreme Court desegregation decision which argued that the decision
was wrong. He has also claimed that Blacks are inferior to whites: "I am all in
favor of improving the quality of education for all. But this can be done
only if pupils are separated according to ability (whatever determines it).
And this means very largely according to race." 224 Van den Haag's writings
have been distributed for years by the International Association for the
Advancement of Ethnology and Eugenics ( IAAEE), a racialist organization
on whose executive board van den Haag served.m
Journal associate Stuart Butler simply insisted that Pearson was not a
racist. Donald Senese, also associated with Pearson's Journal and a former
Department of Education official, insisted that Pearson wasn't a racist, and
that his monographs were written long ago. When he was told that Pearson
continues to defend his writings, he said that "this interview isn't going
anywhere," and hung up the phone. Pearson continues to publish a racialist
journal, Mankind Quarterly , which uses body and head measurements, such
as the cephalic index, to identify "ideal types" among races. He also pub
lishes the Journal of Inda-European Studies through his Institute for the Study
of Man. In 1 990, Pearson launched a new publication, Conservative Review .
The magazine's articles often espouse racialist theories. Conservative Review
received a boost when the failing Conservative Digest (with Senior Editor
Paul Weyrich) endorsed the magazine as "very thoughtful" and "an excel
lent journal." Pearson maintained contact with European racialists not only
through WACL, but also as a board member of Nouvelle Ecole, a French
highbrow neo-Nazi group.m
After the Wall Street Journal story, Pearson's Journal of Social, Political and
Economic Studies , which is copublished by George Mason University, added
two officials of former Interior Secretary and New Right activist James
Watt's Mountain States Legal Foundation.m Pearson was elected to head
University Professors for Academic Order (UPAO), a group that includes
many members of the Heritage Foundation, the Reagan Administration,
and the Mont Pelerin Society.228 The latter is a group of about 500 ultracon
servatives whose best known economists, Milton Friedman and Friedrich
von Hayek, were architects of the economy of Pinochet's Chile. Both
of the key U.S. links to the World Anti-Communist League (WACL). The
League, described extensively in a 1 986 book, Inside The League, is an um
brella group for Latin American death squad leaders, H itler collaborators,
followers of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon, rightist dictatorships, and anti
Semitic activists, some of whom are connected to the quasi-Nazi Liberty
Lobby.239 As early as 1 978 The Washington Post described the fascist and neo
Nazi elements affiliated with WACL. The Post article carried the headline:
"The Fascist Specter behind the World Anti-Red League." 240 In 1 984 the
unsavory elements of WACL were detailed in a series of columns by Jack
Anderson. 241 Alternative publications since 1 978 have carried articles about
the fascist and Nazi undercurrents in WACL.242
Despite this journalistic record, when the World Anti-Communist
League was named in the "Iran Contragate" congressional hearings into the
contra supply networks of Oliver North, not one major news outlet reported
the fascist constituencies within WACL or the leading role played in
WACL by followers of Sun Myung Moon.
Moon, of course, is no friend of democracy. He is a theocratic authori
tarian who considers himself the Son of God and the new Messiah. Moon
and his many front organizations have long been used by the Korean CIA as
a lobbying and propaganda vehicle to advance the twin goals of maintaining
high levels of U.S. military and economic aid, despite successive repressive
regimes in South Korea and the continued presence of U.S. armed forces in
South Korea. Moon's organizations have supported WACL financially and
have helped solidify cooperation between WACL and members of the
American political right wing.243
Since 1 970 there have been three organizations that have served as the
U.S. branch of WACL. All three are in the ASC's Coalition for Peace
Through Strength:
The American Council for World Freedom was, from 1 970 to
her book Washington's War on Nicaragua, cites testimony from the lran
contra hearings and concludes that Singlaub did approach both Taiwan and
South Korea for contra aid and then passed those contacts on to Oliver
North.249 Both Taiwan and South Korea have historically assumed leader
ship roles and provided substantial funds for WACL, as has the Saudi
Arabian monarchy.
The Canadian branch of WACL, the Canadian Freedom Foundation,
headed by John Gamble, works closely with the U.S. Council for World
Freedom (USCWF) and Singlaub. Together USCWF and the Canadian
Freedom Foundation form the North American Regional unit of WACL
(NARWACL) . Gamble and Singlaub alternate as chair of NARWACL.
Gamble was implicated in the Iran-contra funding network when a firm for
which he served as treasurer and director, Vertex Investments, was discov
ered to have invested in the arms sale to Iran through two of his partners.
The Canadian Freedom Foundation ( CFF) and Vertex both operate out of
Gamble's law office. 250
At least two CFF leaders are active anti-Semites: Pat Walsh is the
Canadian correspondent for the quasi-Nazi Liberty Lobby newspaper the
Spotlight251 and Paul Fromm helped found the neo-Nazi Western Guard.252
The Western Guard is led by John Ross Taylor, who served fifty-one
months in detention for pro-Nazi activities during World War II.25 3 Taylor
also leads Canadian contingents to Aryan Nations meetings, including a
commemoration of the deaths of members of The Order, a paramilitary
offshoot of Aryan Nations that engaged in robberies and murder in its effort
to overthrow the U.S. Government.2 54
Shortly after the 1 984 WACL conference, the National Security Coun
cil recommended that Reagan approve a plan that made Singlaub "the chief
'authorized' contact for private fund raising," according to the Associated
Press. His selection, due to "his military background and international
connections," was verbally approved by President Reagan.255
I laborated with SS units and mass murder, and who helped maintain a
n 1 983, the White House proved that a Nazi whose organization col
Nazi organization for four decades, can still be an honored guest of the
President. 2 56
Yaroslav Stetsko was the source of that lesson. Stetsko, who died in July
1 986, worked with intelligence agencies of Nazi Germany, and briefly
established himself as a pro-Nazi premier of the Ukraine under German
military occupation. 257
T H E W H I TE l-I O U S I::
A u gu st J l , 1984
It ii an honor to send wann greetings to all those
pthered for the 17th Annual Conference of the World
Anti-Communiat League In San Diel".
The plague of Mandst-Leniniat dlctatonhip , which hu
cauMd so much human suffertn1, la no w In the 1lrat
phue of decline .
Aa the comm unist world falla turther
behind economically, the Weatern world la moving Into s
new technoJ.ocical ap.
The stark contl'IUlt betw-n the
prom.. of the West and the stagnation ol communism I s
too rrut to be hidden by propaganda or dlalnfol'lllation .
But the atru1r1l betw"n treedom and communtam le , ln
lta eeMnce , not an economic contlict but a spiritual one.
It Is a etru1r1le ln which thoee who love God , cou ntry ,
family an d freedom are pitted acatnet tho.. poeeeeaed by
ldealopcal zeal who seek abeolute power.
The que11tlon
taC9 ii whether the moral atreng'th of tho.. ready to
make eacridcee for their faith and principles Is a mater
force than the con"Uption of human enerpea that sustains
the communtata .
We In America believe It la, and the
atpa of reeu rpn t moral atreng'th amon1r freedom loving
piplea are all a.round ua .
We are belJlnning to see e91dence of a growing realatance
to unlet oppreulon within the Soviet bloc Itself.
TheN U'lll lllght active anti_..,uniat realatance move
-nta in e'V9ry comer ot the glo be .
All free peop le
should stand in unity with thoee who risk their llvee
in defense of liberty.
Nancy and
rains contacts with Futey and Nesterczuk. It was through this network
that arrangements were made for Reagan to make a campaign stop in
October 1 984 at the Ukrainian Cultural Center in the Detroit suburb of
Warren, Michigan.161 The Center is headed by Fedorak, who has been a
delegate to WACL conferences for many years as a lieutenant of the
In 1 985 the UCCA's Committee on Foreign Affairs, chaired by Fedorak,
continued pressing Congress against the Office of Special Investigations,
the Justice Department unit charged with bringing action against suspected
Nazi war criminals and collaborators in the United States. Futey and
Nesterczuk are also members of that committee.165 Such agitation on behalf
of suspected war criminals and mass murderers did not deter the State
Department's Committee for Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE)
from working with the National Captive Nations Committee, cosponsoring
a series of hearings on human rights problems in the Soviet Union in June
1 986.166
The Captive Nations Committee is essentially an OUN-B front that
operates out of the UNIS office in Washington, D.C. It has local affiliates
around the country (Fedorak chairs the Detroit committee), but the UNIS
office told an interviewer that the National Captive Nations Committee
had been inactive. Committee literature available in the office was at least
four years old. No current board of directors was available. A UNIS
employee considered it a paper organization. The hearings held jointly by
the State Department and Captive Nations in Detroit were hosted by
Fedorak at his Ukrainian Cultural Center.167
The UCCA is also a member of ASC's Coalition for Peace Through
Strength. Like so many elements of the Coalition and the American Secu
rity Council, it is networked into the World Anti-Communist League
(WACL). The masthead of the UCCA's Ukrainian Quarterly lists several
representatives from Taiwan and Korea, both major funders of WACL. 168
Wherever the OUN -B has political involvement, the UCCA seems to be
its representative. In the U.S. Council for World Freedom, chai red by
Singlaub, the OUN-B is represented by Secretary-General Walter
Chopiwskyj (who has also organized the Republican Heritage Groups
Council in Arizona and is president of the national Captive Nations
Committee). 169 The only public indication of the OUN-B presence in the
UCCA is in the U.S. Council for World Freedom's political arm, the
Coalition for World Freedom, of which the UCCA is a memberY0 The
Council is the U.S. branch of the World Anti-Communist League, in which
the Stetskos play a major role. 171
The UCCA has also played a leading role in opposing federal investiga
tions of suspected Nazi war criminals since those queries got underway in the
late l 970's. 272 Some UCCA members have many reasons to worry-reasons
which began in the 1 930's.
Even before Hitler came to power, the German Nazi Party was seeking
and working with like-minded political groups around the world. By the
time the Nazis came to power, the OUN was one group that received
money and training from Germany.m The OUN-B was not only an instru
ment to aid Hitler's war aims against the Soviet Union, but also to serve his
intelligence agencies in the United States.
There are Ukrainian communities within most large urban population
centers in the United States. In the 1 930's, German military intelligence
worked with the OUN as it established and financed a variety of front
organizations to provide cover for propaganda and espionage activities in
the United States. In each city with a Ukrainian community, the OUN
established cells. The great majority of Ukrainian-Americans had no idea of
the OUN agenda. N ewspapers and organizations were taken over--one
such newspaper even printed instructions on how to make a homemade
According to Sabotage , a 1 942 book on Axis spy and sabotage operations
in the U.S., the OUN was "set up under the supervision of the Intelligence
Department of the German War Office." Other authors argue that the OUN
was not controlled by German intelligence to this extent, although OUN's
military and financial links to the Nazis are not in dispute. One U.S. Army
captain who got involved in stealing military secrets for the OUN lost his
commission. 274
By far the greatest crimes of the Ukrainian nationalists were against other
Ukrainians. The OUN -B internalized the ideology of their Nazi mentors,
which included viewing the world in terms of racial nationalism. "Nation
alism is based on feelings, which are carried by the racial blood," was the way
one OUN-B publication explained their views on the subject.m In John
Armstrong's Ukrainian Nationalism , OUN-B's views are described as having
"tended to drive the movement still further in the direction of deification of
the mystic concept of the nation, even to the point of racism." 276 For those
judged not to be pure Ukrainians, this meant trouble.
That trouble rolled in on the treads of German tanks in the Ukraine in
June, 1 94 1 . Stetsko and German-commanded OUN-B militia arrived in the
city of lwow (Lvov) with them.277 Stetsko declared a short-lived Ukrainian
government, with himself as premier, pledged to fight as an ally for Hitler's
"New Order."
In The War Against The ]ews , Lucy Dawidowicz writes that "In Lwow, the
Germans and Ukrainians, in house to house hunts for Jews, shot them
randomly on the spot." 278 She noted that later "the Ukrainians staged
massive pogroms, slaughtering thousands and carrying off other thousands of
Nations, which was formed in 1 943 by Hitler's allies, including the Organi
zation of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN ) and the Ukrainian Insurgent Army
Nonetheless, while the name changed, the membership remained the
same. The dominant leadership of the ABN came from the leadership of the
Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists- Bandera (OUN-B). The ABN
brought together fascist forces from Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, the
Ukraine, the Baltic states, Slovakia, and other nations. Today ABN unites
fascist emigre organizations from Eastern and Central Europe under one
umbrella. It serves as a common milieu in which many Coalition for Peace
Through Strength members associate and network. It is also the Eastern
European branch of the World Anti-Communist League.
A booklet published in 1 960 by the ABN acknowledged its members'
alliance with Hitler: "That many of us fought on the German side against
Russian imperialism and Bolshevism, was in our national interest . . . the
fact that some of us fought on the German side against Russia can be
justified from the national, political, and moral point of view." 294
The ABN in more recent years has maintained the impression that
they opposed the Nazis and Soviets simultaneously during World War IL
This historically dubious impression is conveyed by the Organization
of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN ) that leads ABN. But other groups
The Nazi puppet government in exile. The Council is linked to both the
Republican Heritage Groups Council and the Coalition for Peace
Through Stre ngth through the Counc il's American branch, the
Byelorussian-American Association.
ployed by OSI, others called for its abolition. The specific method used by
OSI which drew the sharpest criticism concerned the use of evidence from
Soviet citizens, archives, and prosecutors. Even though such evidence is
independently scrutinized and tested by the U.S. government and must
meet U.S. rules of evidence in court, the anti-OSI groups call it "KGB
evidence" without offering any proof of their own to back up that assertion.
All of the above groups claim there is an "OSI/KGB partnership." 1 1 0 None
of the groups has supported the legal proceedings against even one suspected
war criminal, even when the accused has publicly confessed his crimes.
The charges of KGB plots, according to the Anti-Defamation League of
B'nai B'rith, appear to be a "propaganda smokescreen that seeks to exploit
anti-communism," in an attempt to stop the OSI investigations and legal
proceedings. H 1
Right-wing groups such as Accuracy in Media and individuals such as
former Reagan advisor Patrick Buchanan and writer Joseph Sobran have
joined in the anti-OSI campaign.
A New Hampshire organization, the American Freedom Company,
which publishes a periodical called The Truth, began anti-OSI activity as
early as 1 982. 1 1 2 The group is a member organization of the Coalition for
World Freedom, the political arm of Singlaub's U.S. Council for World
Freedom. ll 1
The emigre fascists have employed a variety of methods to protect those
charged with war crimes and to stop the OSI investigations. These methods
include lobbying Congress and the White House, urging their respective
ethnic communities not to cooperate with government investigators, and in
some cases, employing increasingly anti-Semitic propaganda and historical
revisionism which denies the facts of the Nazi Holocaust.
The Lithuanian-American Council (LAC) is an example of a group that
practices the latter technique. In 1 979 the Council published a book that
blamed the Germans and the Jews but not the Lithuanians (other than a few
"irresponsible Lithuanians with criminal inclinations") for the annihilation
of Lithuanian Jews.114 A 1 986 book distributed by the LAC suggests that
Jews brought persecution on themselves,m while another LAC-distributed
book (available by mail order from LAC or from the literature rack at their
offices in Chicago) praises pre-Christian, pagan LithuaniaY6 The 1 97 5
book, by Charles Piche! (see Order of St. John in Part 2) says that "Christi
anity has failed her [Lithuania] miserably and as a result, many Samogitians
[Lithuanians] have turned to ancient, pagan prophecies as a guide and hope
for their future." l l l
Why the Lithuanian-American Council promotes a brand of paganism
used as the basis for the racialist beliefs of Nordic chauvinists ranging from
Nazi Heinrich Himmler to racialist Roger Pearson is in itself unclear, but
to raise the "funds needed for the project." Ian Smith, head of the white
minority Rhodesian regime, had been a guest at the ASC estate near Boston,
Virginia j ust months earlier. no
Two months after the Reagan Administration came to power, the ASC
hosted and coordinated the visit of five military intelligence officials from
South Africa to the U.S., including the head of military intelligence. The
Council arranged for them to meet with staff at the Pentagon's Defense
Intelligence Agency and the National Security Council.331 Through Roger
Pearson associate and Jesse Helms staffer J im Lucier, meetings were arranged
on Capitol Hill.332 A meeting was also arranged with then Ambassador to
the United Nations Jeane Kirkpatrick.m Because South African military
officials were supposed to be banned from U.S. visits, the intelligence
officials were hurried out of the U.S. after six days of activity, including a
two-day briefing for the ASC on Southern Africa. JJ4 Several days after the
visit, then Secretary of State Al Haig called for the repeal of the Clark
Amendment. 335
Several member organizations of the Coalition for Peace Through
Strength are also close to South Africa's apartheid regime. In 1 983, for
instance, Jack Abramoff went to South Africa as chairman of the College
Republican National Committee to begin an ongoing relationship with the
extreme right National Student Federation (NSF). The NSF noted this as a
"grand alliance of conservative students . . . an alliance that would represent
the swing to the right amongst the youth in America and Western
Europe."lJ6 After an exchange of trips between College Republicans and
South African student rightists, the College Republican National Council
passed a resolution condemning "deliberate planted propaganda by the
KGB," and "Soviet proxy forces" in Southern Africa, without mentioning
apartheid or racism. 117 The National Student Federation, which says that 72
percent of its funding comes from corporations, resolved out of these meet
ings "To inspire, focus and unite the national will . . . to achieve . . . 'Peace
Through Strength'." 338
Another Coalition for Peace Through Strength member, the Conserva
tive Caucus (which is also part of the World Anti-Communist League),
works directly with South African government officials.
Caucus Chair Howard Phillips cosponsors trips to South Africa (at a
$4,000 fee) which offer "confidential intelligence and financial briefings"
and meetings "with the very highest officials of government, business,
banking and the military in South Africa." Also promised are "military
intelligence briefings." Ads for such trips are placed in John Birch Society
publications.JJ9 The Conservative Caucus lobbies vigorously for UNITA
and attempted to initiate a corporate campaign against Gulf Oil/Chevron
for buying Angolan oil. 340
Phillips and Abramoff both supported campaigns calling for the dismissal
of Chester Crocker and George Shultz from the State Department because
they are seen as insufficiently supportive of South Africa.34 1 The "Dump
Schultz" campaign grew out of a meeting of the Council for National
Policy,342 a secret membership group that has included Phillips, Abramoff,
then N at ional Security Council officials Oliver N orth and J ohn
Lenczowski, WACL chair John Singlaub, and many others with ASC
interlocks.143 CNP's secret quarterly meetings bring together right-wing
funders (such as Joseph Coors) and foreign policy activists.344 The June 1 987
speaker was Richard Secord.345 Secord was a major player in the lran
contragate arms for hostages private network.
Because the ASC and WACL have a shared history, leadership and
political outlook, it seems appropriate to note one other South African
connection to American rightists.
Although it doesn't show up on the list of delegates at WACL confer
ences, WACL has a South African chapter. It has been headed for years by
Ivor Benson,346 who has also been the South African correspondent to The
Spotlight ,347 the notoriously anti-Semitic newspaper published by the
quasi-Nazi Liberty Lobby. Benson wrote a speech for the 1 986 meeting of
the Institute for Historical Review,348 an organization devoted tu proving
the Nazi Holocaust against Jews and others was a hoax. The Institute is the
brainchild of Willis Carto, who also runs Liberty Lobby and Spotlight.
Benson was unable due to illness to attend the 1 986 IHR conference, but his
speech was delivered by a colleague (at the same IHR event attended by Dr.
Ronnett). Benson's speech implied that South Africa's troubles were due to
a Jewish conspiracy.349
Like other friends of Liberty Lobby who are also members of WACL,
Benson stays out of sight so as to not embarrass other African delegates. He
has, however, addressed at least one meeting of North American WACL
chaired by Gen. Singlaub. South Africa's main interest in WACL is to
gamer support for UNITA and REN AMO. Benson's direct and publicized
presence could only hurt this effort at coalition-building, so he stays in the
In N icaragua, the Somoza family had ruled from 1 933 to 1 979. In the
1 970's, a form of "crony capitalism" similar to that of former Philippines
took him to meet people at the State Department and Defense Department,
saying this is a man, these are the efforts that should be supported." 368
Dickens traveled in Honduras in 1 981 "on the border of N icaragua . . .
meeting and really reviewing some of his forces." He adds that "the ASC is
one of a number of organizations that put [Congressional funding for the
contras] really high on the priority list of things to accomplish."
Connected into the Latin American extreme right, Dickens believes in a
hard-line military policy toward the civil war in El Salvador. In 1 985, he
wrote an article for Replica that attacked El Salvadoran President Napoleon
Duane's gestures toward negotiations with the FDR opposition. Dickens
claimed that "Many people in El Salvador consider the word ' negotiations'
to be a bad word, and with complete justification." He called advocates of
negotiations "dreamers." 169 In 1985, in another article in Replica, Dickens
praised the founder of El Salvador's death squads as "the patriotic General
Medrano," and called Medrano's critics "fools." 370 Replica is the magazine of
the Tecos, a Mexican neo-Nazi group noted for bizarre anti-Semitism and
for its longtime leadership of the Latin American affiliate of the World
Anti-Communist League-an affil iate which served as the political
umbrella of Latin America's death squads.371
The same murderous policies pursued by the Romanian Iron Guard when
it collaborated with Hitler are praised as appropriate and necessary by
current ideologues in Latin America. The Iron Guard, for instance, seems to
have been allied with the Pinochet regime in Chile. Pinochet personally
met with Iron Guard leaders, and several Guardists proudly display photo
graphs of themselves individually posing with Pinochet and his wife. In tum,
Iron Guard propaganda, such as Alexander Ronnett's publication, Potomac,
praised Chile, spoke of the "years of progress" under Pinochet, and expressed
its hope "that other nationalist governments will follow the example of
President Pinochet." Pinochet has secretly funded WACL according to
Ronnett.m That the Pinochet regime would ally itself with pro-Nazi ele
ments was evident as early as 1 974, when Chile's new ambassador to the
United States met with Austin App and others to discuss improving Chile's
image in the U .S. press.373
In the introduction, by Dr. Dimitrie Gazdaru, to the English language
translation of For My Legionaries , by Iron Guard founder Codreanu, the
policies of the Iron Guard are seen as having current application in Latin
. . . level-headed youth in several parts of the convulsed globe
are now being guided more and more by the doctrine of the
movement ideated by Codreanu. The most telling demonstra
tion of this is the recent recognition of it by healthy-minded
youth in Chile, whose spokesman, an eminent university profesALLIES AND ALLEGIANCES
A Eastern Front in the history of World War II. The German blitzkrieg,
mericans are, in general, not aware of the role and importance of the
the Russian winter, and the long Soviet counterattack are the staples of the
history of this subject. The resulting ignorance allows us to tolerate an
extensive network of collaborators established by Hitler's Third Reich,
many of whom then came to the United States after the war ended. When
these collaborators promote themselves as past victims of Soviet (or
Romanian, Hungarian, etc.) persecution and as patriotic anticommu
nists, they mask their past fascism, nazism, and sometimes crimes against
Some of the ethnic unrest in Eastern Europe in the early 1 990's can be
directly traced to the organizing efforts of a number of these same anti
Semitic, collaborationist, and pro-Nazi elements and their offspring. Mem
bers of the Iron Guard were expelled from Romania for fanning the flames of
hate. A convicted Nazi collaborator who served in the Hungarian Arrow
Cross helped secure funds from the tax-supported National Endowment for
Democracy (NED) to build a Hungarian political party with a strong under
current of anti-Semitism. The unrest in Czechoslovakia was engineered in
part by the Slovak World Congress. NED funds for building democracy also
went to a Lithuanian group whose leadership includes an accused Nazi
collaborator. Members of the Russian group Pamyat have circulated transla
tions of anti-Semitic articles from the U.S. white supremacist newspaper
Thunderbolt (now known as The Truth At Last).
A combination of ignorance, amnesia, and in some cases political sympa
thy have allowed both American and European abetters of the Third Reich
to play a prominent and respectable role inside the Republican Party. In
many cases these fascists are unrepentant about their past as enemies of the
1. U.S., Displaced Persons Comm ission, Memo w America , The DP S tory , The
Final Report of the Displaced Persons Commission (Washington, D.C.: GPO,
1952), p. v.
2. Ibid. , p. 1 01.
3. lbid.
4. For information on the Waffen SS, see George Stein, The Waffen SS: Hitler's
Elite Guard at War: 1 939-1 945 ( Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press,
1966); Alexander Dallin, German Rule in Russia, 1 94 1 -45: A Study of
Occupation Policies (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1957).
5. Jack Anderson, "Nixon Appears a Little Soft on Nazis," Washington Post, Nov.
10, 1971, p. Bl 7; Nora Levin, The Holocaust: The Destruction of European Jewry
1 933- 1 945 (New York: T. Y. Crowell, 1968; Schocken Books, 1973), pp. 61011, 644, 653-55, 662-64; Randolph L. Braham, "Boring from Within: The Case
of Laszlo Pasztor," Midstream , June/July, 1989, p. 25.
6. Interview with Laszlo Pasztor, Washington, D.C., May 15, 1 985. I nterviews will
be indentified with date and location the first time they are cited only.
7. The requests were made in person Sept. 1984, May 1985, and June 1986.
8. See, for instance, the ad sponsored by the American Security Council in the
Washington Times , Sept. 28, 1983, p. AS.
9. Anderson, "Nixon Appears a Little Soft on Nazis," p. B l 7.
10. Interview with Spas T. Raikin, by telephone, August 1986.
11. Interview with Ivan Docheff, by telephone, Sept. 1984. See pp. 4 1 -44 of
this report for discussion of the Nazi-linked National Confederation of
American Ethnic Groups. Leaders of NCAEG have included Austin App and
Josef Mikus.
Chary also supplied the Prelom masthead with headline ( Prelom , March 3 1 ,
1 933).
I van Docheff, Half Century Struggle against Communism for the Freedom of
Bulgaria (New York: Bulgarian National Front, 1 982), p. 83; also see Dochefrs
biographical statement in his book, A New Danger for World's Peace-Red
Bulgaria (Salzburg, Austria: n.p., 1 950). Also, Raikin letter to the author,
August 1 7, 1 986.
1 6.
1 7.
1 8.
2 1 . Chris S impson, "Not Just Another Nazi," Penthouse , August 1 983 , p. 1 56.
Howard Blum, Wanted: The Search for Nazis in America (New York: Quad
rangle/New York Times Book Co., 1 9 7 7 ) , pp. 109-1 1 , 1 1 4- 1 6. Trifa offered
an opening prayer for the U.S. Senate on May 1 0, 1 95 5 , at the request of
Richard N ixon, who presided over the Senate as part of his vice-presidential
New York City News World, July 3 1 -August 1, 1 982, p. B l . News World is
affiliated with the Reverend Moon's Unification Church. Moon's followers
have made great efforts to link into emigre fascist groups. See, for example,
"Will the Soviet Union Survive?: ABN International Conference" program,
May 1 3 - 1 5 , 1 988, Washington, D.C.: several speakers, including the keynote
speaker, were representatives of Moon-connected organizations.
Both groups were accredited to the Displaced Persons Commission. See Memo
to America , pp. 270, 277, 285, and 289. On Tolstoy Foundation, see Blum, pp.
68-70; Doug Hostetter and M ichael Mcintyre, "The Politics of Charity,"
3 1 . John Loftus, The Belarus Secret (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1 982), p. 1 8 1 ;
interview with Mark Masurowsky, Washington, D.C., May 1985.
Loftus, p. 29.
I nterview with Cheslav Nadjiuk, Los Angeles, June 28, 1 986. Also, a list of
those who attended the 1 4th plenum of the Byelorussian Central Council ( the
Nazi puppet government in exile) in South River, New Jersey on Sept. 4 and
5, 1 954, includes Nadj iuk (spelled Naydzyuk) and says that he attended the
1944 Congress.
37. Joseph Lemich, History of Modem Slovakia (New York: Praeger, 1955), pp.
143-73. The declaration of war is mentioned on p. 1 69.
Lucy Dawidowicz, The War against the Jews (New York: Bantam, 1 976), p. 544.
David Duke for President Committee, Quarterly Report of Receipts and Dis
bursements, Federal Election Commission, Form JP, Schedule BP, July I -Sept.
30, 1 987, p. 9.
40. Joseph M . Kirschbaum, ed., Slovakia in the 1 9th and 20th Centuries (Toronto:
Slovak World Congress, 1 973 ), pp. 9-10; Lemich, pp. 1 1 6- 1 7 , 1 7 5 .
Kirschbaum, p. 1 5 1 .
42 . New York Times , May 25-June 10, 1 98 1 ; Thomas Sheehan, "Italy: Terror on
the Right," New York Review of Books , Jan. 22, 1 98 1 , pp. 23-26. Also, Luigi Di
Fanzo, St. Peter's Banker (New York and London: Franklin Watts, 1983 ) ; Larry
Gurwin, The Calvi Affair ( London: Macmillan, 1 983 ) .
43 .
Di Fonzo, p. 229.
Di Fonzo, p. 230.
Ibid. , p. 259.
Gurwin, p. 1 89.
Who's Who in America: 1 984- 1 985, 43rd ed. (Chicago: Marquis Who's Who,
1 984 ); Gurwin, pp. 1 2 , 1 89-90.
Roben Katz, The FaU of the House of Savoy (New York: Macmillan, 1 97 1 ) , pp.
366--6 7 ; Charles Fenyvesi, Splendor in Exile (Washington, D.C.: New Republic
Books, 1 979), pp. 92-93; E. J. Dionne, Jr., "Italy's Royal Heir, in Exile, Pleads to
Return," New York Times , March 2, 1 986, p. 6.
Fenyvesi, p. 96.
59. The delegation's membership, their backgrounds and planned itinerary were
described in a booklet distributed at the Republican Heritage Groups Council
meeting, "President Reagen's [sic) Reinauguration Celebration Delegation,"
(Room 8, l l F, 1 50, Chi Lin Road, Taipei, Taiwan: Chinese Times, 1 98 5 ) .
Quotations in this section from the 1 985 Republican Heritage Groups Council
convention are from the author's own notes of the event.
Author's notes from the 1 985 Republican Heritage Groups Council Conven
Peter Braestrup, "GOP's Open Door: Who's Coming In?" Washington Post,
Nov. 2 1 , 197 1 , p. A l .
68. Jack Anderson, "Doleful Dole," Washington Post, May 1 8 , 1978, p . A25; J ack
Anderson and Les Whitten, "Nazi Eulogy," Washington Post, May 4, 1 976, p.
B I S.
"Join the Crusade for Freedom" brochure, National Committee for a Free
Europe, New York City, n.d .. The Crusade for FreeJom was a project of the
Committee for a Free Europe, which was the ostensible sponsor of Radio Free
7 2 . Telephone interview with Wes McCune, July 1 4, 1 988. See also "ASC's John
Fisher Moves Further into Right-Wing Politics," Group Research Report, April
3, 1 970, p. 2 5 , which states that "Fisher is in effect the organized leader of the
military-industrial complex as it impinges on civilian l ife." Group Research
Report, Feb. 26, 1 975, p. 6 and Nov. 1 983, p. 37 makes similar assertions.
75 .
76. J. Edgar Hoover to Major General Edwin M. Watson, Secretary to the Presi
dent, FBI Memo (Feb. 1 3 , 1 942), p. 6.
Ibid . , 2-page cover letter; M ichael Sayers and Albert E. Kahn, Sabotage: The
Secret War Against America (New York: Harper and Brothers, 1 942), pp.
Strong, pp. 83-93; Robert Wohlforth, "Spy-Hunters: 1930," The New Republic ,
Jan. 29, 1 930, pp. 27 1-73 (note also reply in Harry Jung, "Correspondence,"
84. John Roy Carlson, Under Cover ( Philadelphia: Blakiston Company and New
York: E. P. Dutton, 1 943 ) , p. 392. Jung had White Russian emigres translate
the "Protocols" from Czarist forgeries in Russian to English forgeries. See also
Strong, pp. 105-6.
85. New York Times , July 24, 1 942, p. 8; Strong, p. 95.
86. The Coalitionist, published by the ACPS, from 1 929-3 2. See, for example,
The Coalitionist , Nov. 1 929, p. I .
87. John Higham, Strangers in the Land (New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers
University Press, 1 9 5 5 ; New York: Acheneum, 1 98 1 ) , pp. 3 1 4, 3 1 9-2 1 .
88. Ibid. , p. 3 1 9.
89. Barry Mehler, "The New Eugenics: Academic Racism in the U.S. Today,"
York Times , June 18, 1 96 1 , p. I on the NSC directive; Frank R. Barnett, "A
Proposal for Political Warfare," Military Review, March 1 96 1 , p. 3 ; and "Special
Report on the American Security Council," pp. 9- 1 1 for discussion of Senator
Fulbright's memorandum on the military's sponsorship of seminars on com
munism. The New York Times and Lyons and Morton articles are reprinted in
the Congressional Record as attachments to the Fulbright Memorandum.
1 1 4. Ramparts, March 1966, p. 39.
1 1 5. Barnett, "A Proposal for Political Warfare," p. 3 .
1 1 6. "Special Report o n the American Security Council," p. 9.
1 1 7. David Wise and Thomas B. Ross, The Invisible Government (New York: Ran
dom House, 1 964; Bantam, 1 96 5 ) , pp. 1 67-69; Alfred W. McCoy, The Politics
ofHeroin in Southeast Asia (New York: Harper & Row, 1 9 7 2 ) , pp. 1 20-2 5 , 26465; Institute for American Strategy letterhead, n.d.
l l 8. Guidelines for Cold War Victory (Chicago: ASC Press, 1964), pp. 9-10. In
Group Research Individuals Directory , 1962, see, for example, the backgrounds
of Lt. Gen. Edward Almond (Ret. ) ; Spruille Braden; Charles Edison; Adm.
Ben Moree! (Ret . ) ; Rear Adm. Chester Ward (Ret.); Gen. Robert Wood
(Ret.); and Gen. C.A. Willoughby (Ret. ) .
1 1 9. Frank P. Mintz, The Liberty Lobby and the American Right: Race , Conspiracy, and
Review, Summer 1 986, pp. 1 93-228. The Journal of Historical Review is pub
lished by !HR.
1 29. Interview with Ronnett. Also, WACL documents and interviews with Iron
Guard delegates to 1 985 WACL conference. Ronnett was WACL delegate for
many years.
1 30. Austin J. App, The Six Million Swindle (Tacoma Park, Maryland: Boniface
Press, 1 97 3 ) , available from the Institute for Historical Review, 1 82 2 1/2
Newport Blvd., Suite 1 9 1 , Costa Mesa, California, 92627.
1 3 1 . Forster and Epstein, p. 229; Austin J. App, No Time for Silence: Pleas for a Just
Peace Over Four Decades (Cosca Mesa, California: Institute for H istorical
Review, 1 98 7 ) , p. 62.; Austin J. App, Ravishing the Conquered Women of
Europe, as cited by John Roy Carlson in The Plotters (New York: E.P. Dutton,
1 946 ) , pp. 1 60-6 1 .
1 3 2 . National Convention Program brochure, NCAEG, Washington, D.C., Sept.
29-0ct. 1, 1 983.
133. Interview with Joseph Plonski at the Republican Heritage Groups Council
convention in Los Angeles on June 2 5 , 1 986. Other statements in this section
attributed to Plonski are also from this interview.
1 34. William S. Turchyn and NCAEG, NJ Chapter, Victory Without Fear: A
Catholic, n.d.; reprinted from the The Roman Catholic, December 1 98 1 ) . This
article is a Catholic traditionalist examination of the Order. See also the cover
page of Charles Piche!, History of the Hereditary Government of the Sovereign
Order of Sc. John of Jerusalem, 2nd ed. ( Shickshinny, Pennsylvania: Maltese
Cross Press, 1 970), which traces the Knights of Malta from Jerusalem in 1050
to the U.S.A. in 1 908.
1 38. Sander A. Diamond, The Nazi Movement in the United States : 1 924-4 1 { I thaca:
Cornell University Press, 1974 ), pp. 1 1 6-1 7 .
1 39. Piche I, History of the Order of S c . John, pp. 1 92-93. See, fo r example, i n Arnold
Forster and Benjamin R. Epstein, Cross-Currents ( Garden City, New York:
Doubleday & Company, 1 956), the descriptions of Pedro del Valle (p. 1 4 5 ) ,
George Stratemeyer ( p . 1 68), and Bonner Fellers ( p . 1 63 ) . Also, a number of
figures named in Pichel's History of the Order of Sc. John were instrumental in
setting up the Liberty Lobby. Edward von Rothkirch, a member of the Order,
helped set up Truth-in-Press, a Liberty Lobby 5 0 l {c)3 tax-exempt group, and
has worked with LaRouche for many years.
140. Washington Post, Nov. 2 1 , 1 97 1 , p. A l 3 .
1 4 1 . "Western Goals Annual Report, 1 9 8 1 -82," Alexandria, Virginia, 1 982; Karol
Sitko, ABN Correspondence, March-April 1 983, pp. 1 0- 1 3 .
1 4 2 . Wall Screec ]oumal, Dec. 1 7 , 1 985, p. 1 6 ; Washington Post, Sept. 1 8, 1 984, p .
A Z ; and Washington Post, National Weekly Edition, Oct. 1 , 1 984, p . 1 2 .
1 43 . "National Coalition for America's Survival: Human Rights and National
Survival Program" brochure, Conservative Alliance, Washington, D.C., n.d.
Arthur Jones and the America First Committee are listed both under "Promi
nent Individual Members" and "Organ izational Members" in the brochure.
According to the Washington Post, National Weekly Edition, Oct. 1 , 1 984, p.
1 2, Warren Richardson has been the lobbyist for CALL; his nomination by
Reagan as general counsel for HEW was torpedoed in 1 9 8 1 when it was
discovered that he worked for the Liberty Lobby for four years in the 1 970's.
Richardson is also the former Executive Director of CAUSA, Rev. Moon's
1 44. New York Times , Oct. 1 2 , 1 985, p. 1 2. 0n June 28 and 29, 1 986, Jones
addressed a two-day Ku Klux Klan event planned to provoke confrontations in
Chicago's racially tense southwest side Marquette Park and in the near-north
shoreline area of Chicago where a Gay Pride Day march was ending.
1 4 5 . New York Times , April 1 7 , 1 938, p. E4; New York Times , August 4, 1 966, p. 8;
In Fact, Dec. 30, 1 940, pp. 2-4; and In Fact , July 1, 1 940, p. 2.
1 46. Interviews with Sam Dickens, Washington, D.C., July 1 6, 1 986; Curt Winsor,
Washington, D.C., July 1 7 , 1 986; Constantine Menges, by telephone, April
1 986; and another who requested anonymity. The discussion and quotations
which follow are, unless otherwise noted, based on these interviews. For
information on Radio Free Americas, see New York Times, Feb. 2 1 , 1967, pp.
1 47 . An anonymous interview.
1 48. Washington Report, Oct. 1 978, p. 8. Washington Report is published by ASC.
1 49. John Fisher, "President's Report," ASC, Boston, Virginia, 1 982.
l SO. Rear Admiral Gene La Rocque, "Ronald Reagan ls No War Monger-But
What about His Advisors?" press statement, Oct. 3 1 , 1 980.
1 5 1 . Interview with Dickens.
1 5 2. "White House Hosts ASC Foundation Speakers Bureau Seminar," Washington
Report, Sept. 1 983, pp. 4-5. The event was August 25-26, 1 983.
1 53 . Jenny Pearce, Under the Eagle ( Boston: South End Press, 1 984 ) , pp. 1 7 5-80.
1 54. Interview with David Taylor, by telephone, August 1 986.
1 5 5 . Peace Through Strength Report, March 1985, p. 1 .
1 56. American Banker, May 1 1 , 1 987, p . 3 ; Jeffrey Zaslow, "Ex-officers of First
Chicago Investigated in Possible Funds Diversion for Group," Wall Street
1 00
that M ilton Croom "said this week he agrees with right-wing extremist
Lyndon LaRouche on many issues, and was pleased LaRouche candidates had
recently won primaries in I llinois." Also see North Carolinians against Racist
and Religious Violence Report on the North Carolina Elections , May 7, 1 986,
which identifies Croom, who ran for the North Carolina Senate on the
Democratic ticket, as a LaRouche candidate; corporate filing of station WTRI
in Maryland; Washington Post, May 1 8, 1 987, p. A l 6.
1 66. See Dennis King, Nazis without Swastikas (New York: League for Industrial
Democracy, 1983 ) ; Chip Berlet and Joel Bellman, Lyndon LaRouche : Fascism
Wrapped in an American Flag (Cambridge, Massachusetts: Political Research
Associates, forthcoming); and Brownshirts of the Seventies (Arlington, Virginia:
Terrorist Information Proj ect, n.d. ) , which is available from National Lawyers
Guild, Civil Liberties Committee, 14 Beacon Street, #407, Boston, Massa
chusetts, 02 1 08 .
1 67. "Populist Groups Get More States," Spotlight, August 20, 1 984, p . 1 4 says that
McConkey was state chair of the Populist Party.
1 68. Leonard Zeskind, It's Not Populism (Atlanta, Georgia: National Anti-Klan
Network, 1 984 ) , available from the Center for Democratic Renewal, P.O. Box
50469, Atlanta, Georgia, 30302. For further background on the Populist Party,
see also the author's article, "Fake Populism, Real Fascism," New America,
Jan.-Feb. 1 985, p. 1 2 .
1 69. A Strategy for Peace Through Strength ( Boston, Virginia: ASC Foundation,
1984 ) .
1 70. Who's Who in America: 1 984--85 , Vol. 2.
1 7 1 . Joseph C. Goulden, The Death Merchant (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1 984;
Bantam, 1 985 ) , pp. 2 1 , 27.
1 72 Jonathan Marshall, "The Friends of Michael Hand," Inquiry , Nov. 24, 1 980, p.
1 1 . Also, Black wrote the chapter, "Structure for Strategy," on the National
Security Council in A Forward Strategy for America, pp. xi, 3 59-95. Black's
Who's Who in America entry omits the position in the Eisenhower administra
7 3 1 -5 1 .
1 76. Joint Task Force Report, Vol. 4 , p. 796.
1 77. Joint Task Force Report, Vol. 4, pp. 796-97; see also Jonathan Kwitny, The
Crimes of Patriots : A True Tale of Dope , Dirty Money , and the CIA (New York
and London: W. W. Norton, 1 987 ) , pp. 1 20-2 1 .
1 78. National Strategy Committee letterhead, ASC, received Sept. 1 9 , 1 984.
Financial Disclosure Statement for I 984 , 98th Cong., 2nd sess., 1 984, attach
ment, p. l .
1 9 1 . U .S., Congress, Office of the Clerk of the House, Ethics in Government Act:
Financial Disclosure Statement for 1 985 , 99th Cong., ! st sess., 1 985, attach
ment, p. 1 .
1 92. Financial Disclosure Statement for 1 984 , attachment, p. I .
1 93 . National Security Report, June 1 987, pp. 4-5.
1 94. Norrgard and Rosenbloom, p. 1 4.
1 9 5 . St. Louis Globe Democrat, March 1 5 , 1 986.
1 96. Tumer, p. 202. G. Duncan Bauman, formerly the publisher of the now
defunct Globe Democrat, has been on the ASC's National Strategy Committee
for years, according to ASC letterhead, received Sept. 1 9, 1984.
197. Coalition Insider, Nov.-Dec. 1980, p. 7 . Wall Street Journal, Nov. l, 1 984, p.
30, in an editorial, attacked the AFL-CIO for supporting candidates with low
ASC ratings.
1 98. Monthly Reports of PAC Campaign Financing, Federal Election Commission,
Form 3X, Schedule B.
199. Tumer, p. 2 1 1 .
200. La Rocque, "Reagan Is No War Monger."
201 . Washington Post, Nov. 4, 1 984, p. AS.
202. CCA corporate records, State of Virginia; CCA brochure, Boston, Virginia,
n.d., shows Steve and Linda Fisher as president of CCA and president of
CCA's subsidiaries respectively. Their father, John M. Fisher, is listed as the
chairman of CCA.
203. Interview with John Fisher, Boston, Virginia, July 1 6 , 1 985; Norrgard and
Rosenbloom, pp. 1 6- 1 7 .
204. Interview with John Fisher, Washington, D.C., J uly 1 6, 1 986.
205. Interview with Jay Winek, by telephone, Sept. 1 984. The ASC had listed the
Coalition for a Democratic Majority as a member organization of the Coalition
for Peace Through Strength without CDM's permission, according to Winek.
After several years of letters asking the ASC to desist, CDM's name was
dropped from the 1 985 list.
206. Wall Street Journal, Sept. 28, 1 984, p. 46.
207. E. l. Anderson, "Northern League Notes," Right, Feb. 1 959, p. 6. Carro used
the pen name E. l. Anderson with Right and its successors, such as Western
Destiny . Carto's use of this alias is mentioned in one of the best articles on his
operations, C. H. Simonds, "The Strange Story of Willis Carro," National
Review , Sept. 1 0, 1 97 1 , pp. 978-89, esp. p. 982. Anderson as Carro alias also
confirmed to this writer by former Liberty Lobby official.
1 03
220. Journal of International Relations , Winter 1977, title page. John M. Fisher was
the publisher.
22 1 . American Foreign Policy Institute letterhead, n.d. Confirmed in telephone
interview with Eldridge Dubrow on Sept. 26, 1 984.
222. Washington Post, May 28, 1 978, p. C l .
223. "Eleventh WACL Conference Proceedings," Washington, D.C., 1 978.
224. Ernest van den Haag, "Intelligence or Prej udice?" National Review, Dec. l ,
1 964, pp. 1 059-63; Washington Post, May 2 1 , 1 964, p . AS.
225. "International Association for the Advancement of Ethnology and Eugenics,"
Group Research Organizations Directory, Dec. 1 7, 1 969, pp. 6-7.
226. Conservative Digest , letter to subscribers, Dec. 26, 1 989; Nouvelle Ecole
letterhead, June 1 979.
227. The two officials, Clint Bolick and Maxwell Miller, are listed in Journal of
Political and Economic Studies , Fall 1 984.
228. Universitas (UPAO Newsletter), Oct. 1 984, pp. l , 3; Barry Mehler, "Rightist
on the Rights Panel," The Nation , May 7, 1 988, p. 64 1 .
229. Lubomyr R . Wynar, Encyclopedic Directory of Ethnic Organizations in the United
States ( Littleton, Colorado: Libraries Unlimited, 1 97 5 ) , p. 1 50.
230. Ralph Scott, "The Bookshelf: The Dispossessed Majority," Voice of Americans of
German Descent , Oct. 1 97 5 , p. 4.
23 1 . Mehler, "Rightist on the Rights Panel," The Nation, May 7 , 1988, p. 64 1 ; Des
Moines Register , July 1 3 , 1 988, p. 4A.
232. New York Times , Dec. 1 1 , 1 977, p. 76; according to Pioneer Fund, Inc., U.S.
Federal I ncome Tax Return, Form 990-PF, 1 976, Pearson's Institute for the
Study of Man received $4,000 for the "study of American Anglo-Saxon school
233. New York Times , Dec. 1 1 , 1 977, p. 76; Washington Post, March 3 1 , 1 985, pp.
A l , A l 6.
234. "International Association for the Advancement of Ethnology and Eugenics,"
p. 7; Application for Recognition of Exemption, Internal Revenue Service,
Form 1 023, submitted by Institute for the Study of Man, May 25, 1 97 5 .
235. Secret Military Assistance t o Iran and the Contras: A Chronology of Events and
Individuals (Washington, D.C.: National Security Archives, 1 987), p. 1 1 4.
236. Helms staffer Clifford Kiracofe, former staffer James McClellan, and Sam
Crutchfield are on the masthead of Pearson's Journal of Social, Political and Eco
nomic Studies , Fall 1984.
237. See Alfonse D'Amato, Press Release, July 3 1 , 1 984, for this proposed wording;
the final version appears in the published GOP platform, "Republican Party:
America's Future Free and Secure," Committee on Resolutions to the Republi
can National Convention, August 20, 1 984, p. 4 1 .
238. D'Amato Press Release, July 3 1 , 1 984.
1 04
Tongsun Park , and the Korean Scandal (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston,
1 980) , pp. 3 1-34, 338, 343, 348-350.
244. Tan Tien, "Special Report: Establishment of the American Council for World
Freedom," Asian Outlook, April 1 970, pp. 34-35.
245. The WACL Bulletin, Sept. 1 98 1 , photo section and p. 70.
246. "General John Singlaub--Our Guest," ABN Correspondence, July-Oct. 1 982,
p. 97.
247. "United Strength for Peace with Freedom for All" program, Seventeenth
WACL conference, San Diego, California, Sept. 4, 1 984, p. 10.
248. Singlaub interview on Sept. 6, 1 984 at the 1 984 WACL conference.
249. New York Times , May 22, 1 987, p. A l 3 . ; Holly Sklar, Washington's War on
1 05
Ukrainian Review is published in the U.S. by ODFFU and the editor is Slava
260. Ukrainian Quarterly , Summer 1 984, p. 2 1 4 mentions Nestercuz' UCCA affilia
tion and other ethnic activism.
26 1 . Interview with Bohdan Futey, Washington, D.C., May 1 7 , 1 98 5 ; Ukrainian
279. Ibid.
280. Ibid . , p. 544.
28 1 . Friedman, pp. 1 76-208, 244-32 1 .
282. Armstrong, p. 83.
28.l ABN literature cites Nov. 2 1 -22, 1 943 as the founding dates of ABN. A 40th
ann iversary commemorative booklet, "Freedom for Nations and for the Indi
vidual" (Ukrainian Cultural Center, Warren, M ichigan, Nov. 27, 1 983) gives
a brief version of their history of ABN's origins. For a rejoinder to the OUN/
ABN version, see Dallin, pp. 620-25.
284. Wasyl Veryha, "General Pavlo Shandruk," Ukrainian Quarterly, Summer
1 984, pp. 1 64-77; Dallin, p. 625.
285. Wynar, p. 3 77.
286. ABN Correspondence , J uly-August 1 983, front cover.
287. Bernadine Bailey, Captive Nations (Ch icago: Chas. Hallberg & Co., 1 969 ) , p.
1 46.
288. Ibid. , p. xi.
289. Ibid. , pp. 29-36, 1 1 8, 1 30-34, 1 70.
290. Confidential interview.
2 9 1 . Bailey, p. 3 2 . On p. 28, Bailey says communism is "a convenient tool or catch
word" used by "Russian imperialists."
292. Interview with N icolas Nazarenko.
293. "On the 40th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of
Nations," ABN Correspondence , July-August 1 983, p. l ; Dallin, p. 624.
294. Niko N akashidze, The Truth about ABN (Munich: ABN Press and Informa
tion Bureau, 1 960), p. 1 4. Although the ABN claims a direct lineage from the
1 943 Committee of Subj ugated Nations (CSN ) , some scholars emphasize that
the CSN went through a variety of splits and reorganizations immediately after
WWII, and that ABN did not emerge in its current manifestation until several
years after the war.
295. Anderson and Anderson, p. 45.
296. "Death of a Great Croatian Intellectual and Politician," ABN Correspondence ,
May-August 1 986, p. 97; Anderson and Anderson, pp. 25-29.
297. Anderson and Anderson, pp. 40-4 1 .
298. Joseph Rothschild, East Central Europe Between the Two World Wars (Seattle:
University of Washington Press, 1 974 ), p. 3 1 7 ; Rogger and Weber, p. 567,
Anderson and Anderson, p. 20.
299. "About the Contributors," Journal of Historical Review, Summer 1 986, p. 254.
See a picture album commemorating the 50th anniversary reunion of the Iron
Guard: Legiunea in Imagini ( Madrid: Iron Guard, 1 976), p. 1 1 6, photo #l l ; see
also p. 345 for a photo of Ronnett honoring the Bulgarian National Front in
1 07
197 5 for the 1 94 1 assistance of the BNF ( then the Bulgarian Legion) during
the Iron Guard's escape from Romania, following their failed coup attempt.
300. WMAQ-TV (NBC) Chicago, "The Chicago Controversy," Evening News,
May 1 1- 1 2, 1 987. Transcript in Appendices.
301 . Anderson and Anderson, pp. 72, 1 38-4 1 .
302 . Executive Board of the World Youth Anti-Communist League, "For a Heroic
Concept of Life," ABN Correspondence , Sept.-Dec. 1 983, p. 90.
303. Ibid. , p. 9 1 .
304. Martin Lee and Kevin Coogan, "Killers o n the Right: Inside Europe's Fascist
Underground," Mother Jones , May 1 987, pp. 40-54.
305. ABN Correspondence , May-August 1 984, p. 73.
306. Ibid. , back cover.
307. Congressional Record, July 14, 1986, p. E2388-89; Chicago Tribune , July 18,
1 986, p.22.
308. U.S. Counterintelligence Corps (CIC), Consolidated Guidance Report, Febru
ary 1 948, p. SO; Encyclopedia of Associations, 3rd ed. (Detroit: Gale Research,
1 96 1 ) .
309. Ad in Darbininkas , a Lithuanian newspaper, Sept. 7, 1 984, p. 4.
3 1 0. Ibid.
3 1 l . The Campaign Against the U . S . Justice Department's Prosecution of Suspected
Nazi War Criminals (New York: Anti-Defamation League, 1 98 5 ) , p. 1 2.
(Hereafter cited as ADL Special Report)
3 1 2 . ADL Special Report, pp. 3 1 , 37-38.
3 1 3 . List of groups provided to this writer in 1 985 for notetaking purposes only.
3 1 4. Dr. Juozas Prunskis, Lithuania's Jews and the Holocaust (Chicago: Lithuanian
American Council, 1 979), pp. 1 6-19.
3 1 5 . Danielius Ralys, The Chosen People: A Look into the Past (Canada: Alpha- Book
Publishers, 1 986) , pp. 1 85-93.
3 1 6. Charles Piche!, Samogitia (Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania: Maltese Cross Press,
1 9 7 5 ) , pp. 5-7.
3 1 7 . Ibid. , pp. 294.
3 1 8 . CCJS telegram to Attorney General Edward Meese, Sept. 8, 1 985.
3 1 9. "Justice Department Passivity Held Responsible for Recent Terrorist Bomb
ings of East Coast Ethnic Homes," CCJS Press Release, Sept. 9, 1 985.
320. Kevin Freeman, "WJC Charges Emigre Groups are Thwarting OSI Activities,"
Daily News Bulletin, Jewish Telegraph Agency, April 3, 1 985 , p. 3 .
3 2 1 . Interview with John Fisher; confirmed b y other sources.
322. John Stockwell, In Search of Enemies : A CIA Story (New York: W.W. Norton,
1 9 7 8 ) ; contemporary news reports.
1 08
344. Interview with CNP member, background only; Board of Governors Mailing
List, p. 7 .
3 4 5 . From source close t o CNP.
1 09
tral America (New York: W.W. N orton, 1 983 ) and Jenny Pearce, Under the
Eagle ( Boston: South End Press, 1 984 ) .
3 5 1 . Washington Report, August 1 979, p. 2 .
3 5 2 . Anderson and Anderson, p p . 1 74-7 5.
353. Jack Anderson, "Death Squads Have Permeated Latin America," Washington
Pos t , Jan. 1 3 , 1 984, p. E l 2; Jack Anderson, "Latin Terrorists' Leader Retains
Support of CIA," Washington Post , Jan. 30, 1 984, p. B32.
354. Anderson and Anderson, pp. 2 1 7-4 1 ; Jack Anderson, "Assassin Calls Death
Squads Part of Network," Washington Post , Jan. 23, 1 984, p. B30; Jack Ander
son, " 'Death Squads' Continue Despite U.S. Pressures," Washington Post, Jan.
26, 1984, p. Md. 1 5 .
355. Anderson and Anderson, pp. 223-24.
356. Ibid . , p. 223.
357. Ibid. , p. 203. In the New York Times, March 4, 1 98 1 , p. 1, D'Aubussion says
he's met with and maintained contact with Lt. Gen. Dan Graham, among
358. Samuel T. Dickens, "El Salvador's Roberto D'Aubuisson," Peace Through
Strength Report , July 1 984, p. 2. See p. 4 of the same Report for photos.
359. Peace Through Strength Report, Winter 1 987, p. 2.
360. Eagle , Feb. 1 984, p. 1 8 .
36 1 . Anderson and Anderson, pp. 1 69-74.
362. Washington Post , Feb. 2 2 , 1 98 1 , p. C7.
363. Neil Livingstone, "Fighting Fire with Fire ," World and I, March 1 986, p. 96.
World and I is published by the Washington Times, which is under the control of
the Rev. Sun Myung Moon. Its editor is Morton Kaplan, who has been one of
Moon's top collaborators in the U.S., especially as chairman of the Interna
tional Conference for Unity of the Sciences. Kaplan has praised Moon as a
great religious leader. According to the "Special Report on the American
Security Council," May 25, 1 962, by Group Research, Kaplan is also a long
time associate of the Foreign Policy Research Institute, discussed earlier in this
paper. In 1 988, he is still listed on the masthead of FPRl's Orbis .
364. Ibid . , p. 95.
365. New York Times , May 1 5 , 1987, p. A l 2; Miami Herald, June 8, 1 986, p. A26;
Wall Street ]oumal, May 2 1 , 1 987, p. l .
366. New Yark Times , Jan. 1 2 , 1 987, pp. A l , A6; see also Neil Livingstone,
"What Ollie North Told Me Before He Took the Fifth," National Review, Jan.
30, 1 987, p. 3 7 .
3 6 7 . U . S . , l OOth Cong., 1st sess., 1 988, Appendix A: Vol. l ; Source Documents,
pp. 634-3 7 .
368. Interview with Dickens.
369. Samuel Dickens, "When Dialog Reeks of Treachery," Replica, Dec. 1 984-J an.
1 985, p. 29.
370. Samuel Dickens, "Campaign of Attacks on the Salvadoran Army Launched
by Leftist Human Rights Defense Organization," Replica, March 1 985, pp.
3 7 1 . Anderson and Anderson, pp. 7 1-8 1 ; Craig Pyes, Salvadoran Rightists: The
Ambruster, Howard Watson. Treason's Peace. New York: Beechhurst Press, 1947.
Borkin, Joseph. The Crime and Punishment of I . G . Farben. New York: Free Press,
1 978.
Higham, Charles. Trading with the Enemy. New York: Delacorte Press, 1 983 .
Pool, James and Pool, Suzanne. Who Financed Hitler. New York: Dial Press, 1 978.
Reiss, Curt. The Nazis Go Underground. New York: Doubleday, Doran and Co.,
1 944.
Thyssen, Fritz. I Paid Hider. New York: Farrar and Rinehart, 1 94 1 .
1 13
Magil, A.B. and Stevens, Henry. Perils of Fascism. New York: International
Publishers, 1 938.
Piller, E.A. Time Bomb. New York: Arco, 1 945.
Sayers, Michael and Kahn, Albert. Sabotage! New York: Harper, 1 942; Lev
Gleason Publications, 1 943.
Smith, Geoffrey S. To Save a Nation. New York: Basic Books, 1973.
Spivak, John L. Secret Armies . New York: Modem Age, 1 939.
Seldes, George. In Fact, 4 vols. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Reprint
1 14
The Chicago Controversy
WMAQ-TV (NBC) Chicago
Evening News , Unit 5 Report
Broadcast Date: May 1 0 , 1 987
Peter Karl, Reporter - Marsha Bartel, Producer
1 987, WMAQ-TV News - All Rights Reserved
Transcript prepared by Political Research Associates .
PETER KARL: There are many private citizens who are working hard
to support the contras. We have found some of them have ties to Nazi
Germany. Working through groups who wave the banner of anti
communism, some have the ear of foreign policy makers, and some don't
like to talk openly about their past.
The N icaraguan contras needed money. So national security advisor Lt.
Col. Oliver North made it his job to get it. And, according to the Tower
Commission report, North turned to this man, retired General John
Singlaub, for help.
[Screen: 1 985]
(fade under)
KARL: John Loftus is a former investigator for the Justice Department.
For two years he tracked down alleged Nazis living in America.
1 18
LOFTUS : If we had known who John Kosiak was, he would never have
set foot in America.
KARL: In the early years of the war, John Kosiak was an engineer in
Byelorussia, an area bordered by Russia on the east and Poland on the west.
When the Nazis took over, a puppet government was established. And
according to this roster, John Kosiak was promoted to a leadership role in
that puppet government.
LOFTUS: It's the politicians like Kosiak that helped run the Nazi
KARL: Kosiak wrote this book on the history of Byelorussia. He de
scribes the ongoing relationship between the puppet government and the
Nazis. He even shows this telegram sent to Adolph Hitler in June of 1 944:
"Fuehrer: . . . The Byelorussian people will unbendingly fight together
with the German soldiers against our common enemy-Bolshevism. We
hope and believe in the final victory which under your direction will bring a
happy future."
It was approved by the members of the Byelorussian Congress . . . Kosiak
among them. John Kosiak is now living in the Chicago area.
LOFTUS : John Kosiak helps propagandize for the support of the
KARL: Kosiak refused to do an on-camera interview. But reports show
he is active in several anticommunist organizations currently working to
support the N icaraguan contras. One group is the ABN , the Anti-Bolshevik
Bloc of Nations. It's a worldwide organization, and its news magazine
pictures ABN leaders with some powerful politicians, such as Vice-Presi
dent George Bush, and even President Ronald Reagan.
LOFTUS : Backing the ABN is like hiring the Ku Klux Klan to be your
consultant for school desegregation. Anyone who allows their name to be
affiliated with the ABN . . . is going to be terribly embarrassed.
KARL: Why embarassed? Because according to this book, Inside the
League , in 1 980 seven of the eleven leaders of the ABN, and several of the
organizations they represent, are listed as having close ties to the Nazis.
Example: the Romanian Legionnaires. U.S. Army counterintelligence re
ports describe the Legion's role as Nazi collaborators during World War II. It
is listed as being anti-Semitic and fascist.
Dr. Alexander Ronnett, the Chicago leader of the Legion today, vehe
mently denies those charges, and he also says the ABN does not have any
ties to the Nazis.
KARL: (to Ronneu) What do you say to the people who say ABN is a
collection of neo-Nazis . . .
RONNETT: Neo-Nazis . . .
KARL: . . . fascists . . .
1 19
Controversial Veteran
WMAQ-TV (NBC) Chicago
Evening News
Broadcast Date: November 1 1 , 1 985
Carol Marin, Reporter - Don Mosely , Producer
I 985 , WMAQ-TV News - All Rights Reserved
Transcript prepared by Political Research Associates .
Daley Plaza, November 1 , 1 985 .
CAROL MARIN: This is the group called Civilian Military Assistance
rallying in Daley Plaza a week and a half ago. Rallying in praise of Ronald
Reagan's Central American policy; rallying to raise money to overthrow the
Sandinistas of Nicaragua.
ART JONES: One, two, three, four. No more Reds, no more war.
MARIN: On this day the head CMA cheerleader was Art Jones. Back in
the 70's, Art Jones was part of the Nazi movement in Cicero. Now in the
80's, his America First Committee works with national neo-Nazi and white
far-right organizations.
JONES: Communism will be defeated.
MARIN: Jones, a Vietnam veteran, says he is a patriot, and wants to stop
the spread of communism in Central America; so does the CMA and so does
the World Anti-Communist League.
1 986
Paul L Merideth/PAA)
Art Jones, In full Nazi regalia, enters Chicago's Gage Park Fieldhouse
with his followers for a 1 979 rally against integration. While Jones no
longer wears a swastika in public, his speeches and writings continue
to reflect a neo-Nazi agenda with virulent anti-Jewish and anti-Black
pronouncements. (Photo c0
1 986
Chip BerleVPRA)
Al'l'ENlllX I
Chronology of 1 988 Bush
Campaign Controversy
Coalition of American Nationalities
Republican and Bush Campaign responses to charges
(with selected other responses)
b y C hip Berlet
Adapted from an article in the Boston Phoenix
1 23
Clearly there are some mutually exclusive positions in the above list.
The charges primarily came from three sources: a report by Detroit-based
free-lancer Russ Bellant (published by Political Research Associates in
Cambridge); a series of articles by reporter Larry Cohler and Walter Ruby
appearing in Washington Jewish Week; and articles by David Lee Preston in
the Philadelphia Inquirer. Both press sources focused on the Bush campaign's
recruitment of Eastern European nationalists who had emigrated to the U.S.
after World War 11, having fled countries such as Latvia, Rumania, Bulgaria,
and the Croation section of Yugoslavia. As the Bellant report revealed,
these ethnic activists had gravitated towards the Republican Party due to a
shared emphasis on rolling back communism and gaining independence for
the nations near the Baltic coast and the Balkans which now are under
Soviet domination.
Some of these ethnic emigrcs, who champion "liberation" for these
"Captive Nations," had fled their homelands due to their allegiance to Nazi
Germany. Their continued support for fascism and their anti-Semitic views
were aspects of their political work kept hidden while toiling on behalf of
George Bush and the Republican Party.
A chronological look at the controversy shows how artfully the Bush
campaign sidestepped the charges while simultaneously placating its Jewish
and emigre constiruencies.
8/2/88-A Bush campaign news conference announces the formation of
Coalition of American Nationalities to coordinate the campaign activities
of various ethnic groups.
9/1/88-Political Research Associates (PRA) mails galley copies of the
report by Bellant to twenty reporters and news outlets. Press embargo is
listed as 9/9/88 in the A.M.
9/8/88-The story offically surfaces in the press when Washington Jewish
Week charges several Bush ethnic advisory committee members are well
known anti-Semites and profascists, including persons who opposed the
Justice Department's Office of Special Investigation (OSI ) and its probe
into emigre Nazi collaborators in the U.S. The article focuses on Bush
ethnic advisors Jerome Brentar and Ignatius Billinsky and includes material
tion to Brentar, in a stated effort to prevent Bush from being hurt by what
are called "politically motivated attacks."
The statement of resignation issued on behalf of the five panel members
says in part:
We have been attacked unfairly by George Bush's political
opponents. These . . . attacks are aimed at neutralizing the sup
port George Bush has and will continue to have in the ethnic
In addition to Brentar, who previously had resigned, the five new
resignees include Galdau and Guarino as well as Ignatius Billinsky, Laszlo
Pasztor, and Bohdan Fedorak.
Pasztor, who recruited many of the ethnic leaders with
9/1 5/88-With the resignations out of the way, the Bush counterattack
begins. Bush spokesperson Mark Goodin denounces Bush's political en
emies for disseminating "reckless allegations." Although he claims the Bush
campaign has not seen the Bellant report, Goodin says "The campaign has
been unable to substantiate any of the allegations . . . They are some of the
most reckless allegations leveled against anybody . . . . This has the unmistakable stink of Boston Harbor." Bush campaign supporters begin to refer to
the charges as "Sasso-like attacks," and tell reporters the Bellant report is
part of a Dukakis dirty-tricks effort. In fact, Political Research Associates
has no ties to the Dukakis campaign and had moved to Cambridge from
Chicago the previous summer, but the smear sticks. Most major media drop
the story.
9/1 5/88-For those newspapers still covering the story, the Bush
campaign's statements start to unravel. Washington Jewish Week reports that
Florian Galdau says he had never been asked to resign and had no intention
of doing so. According to the newspaper, Galdau "said he had never signed
a statement issued by the Bush campaign in his name and that of four
others whose resignations the campaign announced." Says Galdau, "I did
not resign. Why should I resign? I don't want to resign. I was appointed [to
the Bush committee) . . . and I don't think they have the right to ask me to
Galdau's son, Florin: "[The Bush campaign) called my father [on Sept.
1 2) and denied they had any information whatsoever on any of the allega
tions made [against) him. Neither [the caller) or anyone else in the Bush
campaign asked my father to resign-and he did not resign . . . If they ask
him to resign, he will tell them to go to hell."
Meanwhile on a Cable Network News program Jerome Brentar insists he
never resigned from the Bush ethnic panel; and he denies that the Nazis
deliberately gassed Jews during the Holocaust.
Bush spokesperson David Sandor quickly responds: "This is obviously in
conflict with what we have said. We stand by what we have said . . . . We
didn't force them to resign . . . . George Bush is their friend. They will
continue to support him. They stand by their statement."
9/1 6/88-Jerome A. Brentar tells the Philadelphia Inquirer he is "definite
ly still in the campaign, still in the coalition . . . . I was asked to step down. I
told them that I'll step down if they send me a letter outlining why I have to
step down, what I did wrong to earn this degradation . . . . Until I get such a
letter, I feel I'm still part of the Coalition."
The Bush campaign finally takes its only stand relating to the actual
issues involved, and issues the following statement: "Jerome Brentar and
this campaign disagreed . . . . We were at fundamental odds over some very
important beliefs in this campaign toward racial and religious tolerance, and
he was asked to step down . . . . as far as we're concerned he's no longer part
of this campaign."
9/1 8/88-Philtul.elphia Inquirer reporter David Lee Preston reports that
since 1 969, several dozen alleged Nazis, fascists, and anti-Semites have held
leadership posts in the Heritage Groups Council. He quotes Allan A. Ryan,
Jr. (now with the legal office of Harvard University but formerly director of
the Justice Department's OSI war criminal probe) as saying he had read
Bellant's report and found it to be "well documented and reliable."
Preston also reports that in 1 97 2 a convicted Nazi war criminal Boleslavs
Maikovskis of Minneola, N. Y. served on the advisory board of the Latvian
American section of the Republican's Heritage Council for the Re-Election
of the President.
9/22/88-ln Washington Jewish Week the Republican National
Committee's Kathryn Murray admits she has not read the evidence con
tained in the Bellant report, but claims the report is "filled with ridiculous
charges" and "insults all ethnic Americans." Murray says the RNC has no
intention of examining evidence of the extremist background presented
against anyone in the report. The paper, however, reports AOL has evi
dence backing charges against four of the persons resigning from Bush
The Jewish Telegraphic Agency quotes Albert Maruggi, RNC press secre
tary, saying there were no plans to investigate the backgrounds of any of the
ethnic group members cited in the Bellant report. Incredibly, four of the
Bush ethnic panel members who resigned, Guarino, Slavoff, Galdau, and
Pasztor, are still active in the RNC's Heritage Groups Council.
9/2 7/88-The Boston Herald carries an Alan Dershowitz column where
Dershowitz reveals he has independent knowledge of some of Bellant's
charges. "I first heard about the presence of Nazis in the hierarchy of the
Republican Party as far back as 1 970." In the course of working on the New
York governor's race, Dershowitz says he "learned that several members of a
Republican 'Captive Nations Committee' were Nazi sympathizers who had
been personally involved in the Holocaust in Europe, as well as with racist
and neo-Nazi groups in America."
9/27/88-New York Post columnist Pete Hamill in a column titled
"George Bush and his fascist fan club" quotes Menachem Rosensaft, presi
dent of the Labor Zionist Alliance and leader of the International Network
of Children of the Holocaust:
He accepted their resignations. And he said he was against
anti-Semitism. But when they were gone, an aide said the
charges against these men were "unsubstantiated and politically
motivated." Clearly Bush wanted them out once they were ex
posed, but he still wants the votes of their constituency.
1 29
"Four key Republican activists, ousted from George Bush's 1 988 presidential
campaign amid charges of anti-Semitic or past profascist links, are back
working for the party." Fred Malek and Phil Guarino are named as having
returned to work with "full party support." But "questions persist about"
Laszlo Pasztor and Radi Slavoff, writes Squitieri after interviewing Repub
lican National Committee chief counsel Benjamin G insberg, quoted as
saying Heritage Groups Council officials have been warned that they still
need to "alleviate the taint of those charges."
In late 1 990, Political Research Associates issues a press release charging
the Republican Party has yet to answer the charges in the 1 988 Bellant
Report, despite promises made during the Bush campaign that such an
investigation would take place.
In response, Washington Jewish Week raises the issue in a November 29,
1 990 column by Nancy Watzman. The column chronicles a series of letters
between PRA and RNC chief counsel Ginsberg, and concludes that
"There's no excuse not to examine the documentation Political Research
Associates has provided the RNC."
In the December 1 2-18, 1 990 issue of In These Times , Joel Bleifuss
reports that during the Bush presidential campaign, the GOP "claimed it
was launching an internal investigation. The investigation, however, never
materialized, and two years later [four of the) fascists remain active in the
National Republican Heritage Groups Council."
The Republican
Ethnic Division
T component since
Joseph A. Jackovics
Dr. Lev E. Dobriansky
Dr. Lev E. Dobriansky
Cong. Edward J .
See Council on American Affairs
See Latin American Anti-Communist
Confederation (CAL)
See Conservative Alliance (CALL)
See Coalition of American Nationalities
See Communication Corporation of
America (CCA)
See Coalition for Constitutional Justice
and Security (CCJS)
See Catholics for Christian Political
Action (CCPA)
See Christian Democratic Union (CDU)
See Canadian Freedom Foundation
See Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)
See Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
See Council for Inter-American Security
See Civilian M ilitary Assistance (CMA)
See Cable Network News (CNN)
See Council for National Policy (CNP)
See Coalition for Peace Through
Strength (CPTS)
See Committee for Security and
Cooperation in Europe (CSCE)
See Center for Strategic and
Internacional Studies (CSIS)
See Committee of Subjugated Nations
Cable Network News (CNN )-128.
Califomia---4 7.
See also Costa Mesa, Los Angeles, San
Calvi, Robemr-- 1 8, 19.
Calvi Affair (Gurwin)-18.
Cambridge, Massachusetts-xi, 1 24, 1 28.
Canada-7, 10, 67.
See also Toronto
Canadian Freedom Foundation (CFF)-67.
Cannon Office Building-54.
Capitalism-vi, ix, x, 7 5 , 76, 83.
Captive Nations-7, 23, 24, 77, 78, 1 24.
Captive Nations-72, 73.
Captive Nations Committee-70, 73, 77,
78, 1 29.
Carter, J immy-39, 48, 49, 84.
Carto, Willis-38, 4, 60, 83.
Use of E. L. Anderson alias- 103n.
Catholic-vii, viii, 4 S .
Catholics for Christian Political Action
Center for Defense lnformation---48 .
Center for Strategic and International
Studies (CSIS)---46 .
Central America-Z S , 48-50, 66, 83, 84,
86, 1 20.
Central Europe
See Europe, Central
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)-6, 9,
1 7 , 2 5 , 33, 35, 37, 40, 46, 49, S J , 6 1 , 8 1 .
Chamber o f Commerce-3S.
Channel, Carl "Spitz"-86.
Chappell, Bill---4 1 , 54, 55.
Chary, Dr. Fred-xiv, 7.
Chemical weapons---4 7 .
Chen, Ben John-20.
Chennault, Anna-3, 20, 26, 132.
Chiang Kai-Shek-20.
Chicago, lllinois-30, 43, 45, 49, 7S, 79,
l l S - 1 2 1 , 1 28.
Chile---43 , 50, 63, 87, 1 1 6.
China (Chinese)-19, 20, 4 1 .
Chinese NRHGC Affiliate-3, 1 9 , 4 1 .
Chitunda, Jercmias-8 1 .
Chopiwsky, Walter-70.
Christian-3 2, 44, 60, 79.
Christian Democratic Party { ltaly)-1 7.
Christian Democratic Union (CDU)-36.
Christiani, Alfredo-SS.
Chumachenko, Katherine-77.
Church, Frank---40, 4 1 .
Cicero, lllinois-1 20.
Civilian Military Assistance-1 20- 1 2 2 .
Clark, William-48.
Clark Amendment-8 1 , 82.
Clerical Fascism-viii.
Cleveland, Ohio-18, 63.
Cline, Ray-6 1 .
Cliveden Set---46 .
Coalition for a Democratic Majority-S6.
Coalition for Constitutional J ustice and
Security (CCJS)-39, 40, 4 1 , 43, 48,
53, 80.
Coalition for Desert Storm-56.
Coalition for Peace Through Strength
(CPTS)-30, 32, 44-46, 49-.52, S S , 6 1 ,
6S, 70, 73-75 , 77, 80, 82.
Coalition for World Freedom-66, 70, 79.
Coalition lnsider-39, 40.
Coalition of American Nationalities
(CAN)-26, 27, 1 23- 1 2 5, 1 28, 1 30.
Codevilla, Angelo---4 7.
Codreanu, Comeliu-1 0, 87, 88, 98n.
Cohler, Larry-1 24.
Cold War-xi , 23, 30, 33, 34, 36, 37, 90.
See Nazi collaboration
College Republican National Committee82.
College Republican National Council-82.
Committee for a Free Europe-95n.
Committee for Security and Cooperation in
Europe (CSCE)-70.
Committee for the Defense of the
Mediterranean- 1 8.
Committee of Subjugated Nations (CSN)72, 73, 107n.
Committee to Unite America---4 S , 46.
Common Cause Magaine-53.
Communication Corporation of America
(CCA)-S S, 56.
Communism-iii, vi, 1 7, 23, ZS, 35, 38, 56,
73, 90, l l 8, l l9, 1 24.
Democratic support for communism
alleged---4 , 1 1 , 23, 39.
Jewish support for communism alleged
ix, 32, 33, 43, 72, I ZS .
National Socialist rejection of
communism-viii, x, xi, 76.
World Anti-Communist League-S9,
66, 1 20.
See also anticommunism, World Anti
Communist League (WACL)
Congress of Russian Americans-77.
Congressional Division, American Security
Council (ASC)
See American Security Council (ASC)
Congressional Record-76.
Connally, John- 1 8, 1 9.
Conservatism-vi, 28, 30, 75, 82.
See German American National
Congress (DANK)
D' Amato, Alfonse-40, 64.
D'Aubuisson, Robeno---4 7, 8S.
Dawidowicz, Lucy- I S, 44, 7 1 .
Death camps-viii, I S .
Death squads-1 8, 48, S9, 6S, 7 S , 83-88.
Debbaudt, Dennis-xiv, 10.
DeConcini, Dennis-SS.
Defense Appropriations SubcommitteeS4.
Defense Intelligence Agency-40, 82.
Del Valle, Pedro-99n.
Demjanjuk, John- 1 26.
Eastern Europe
See Europe, Eastern
Eastern Front-7S, 89.
Edison, Charles-98n.
Education and Ethnicity : The U. S .
Experiment in School Integration
(Scott)---64 .
Eichmann, Adolph- 1 6.
See also mobile killing teams
Eisenhower, Dwight D.-4, 29, 36-38, S I ,
56, S 7 .
E l Salvador-47, 4 9 , 85-87.
Emmanuel, Victor- 1 9.
See also London
Estonia-4, 80.
Ethnic Division, GOP-4, S, 1 7 .
Goethe, C. M.---60 .
Gold, Walter--49.
Goldwater, Barry-38.
Goodin, Mark- 1 2 5 - 1 28, 1 30.
Graham, Daniel 0.--40, 5 1 , 55, 84, I !On.
Grant, Madison-32.
Grassley, Charles--40.
Gregory, Wayne--49.
See Lithuania
Group Research-30.
Guarino, Philip A.-3, 1 7- 1 9, 26, 27, 1 25 1 27, 1 29, 1 3 1 .
Guatemala-48, 84-86.
Guernica (Picasso)-viii.
Guide to Nationality Observances- 1 2, 1 3 .
Guidelines far Cold War Victory (ASC)38.
Gulf/Chevron Oil---66 , 82.
Gulf War-57.
Gunther, Hans F. K.---60.
Gurwin, Larry- 1 8.
Gypsies-viii, 1 2 , 74.
See House Committee on UnAmerican
Activities (HUAC)
Haig, Al-8 1 , 82, 84.
Hamill, Pete-1 29.
Hanfsraengl, Emst--45.
Hanover, Germany--4S .
Hanrahan, Robert--49.
Hansen, George-84.
Hardisty, Dr. Jean-xiv.
Hart, Mervin K.-3S.
Hartland Four Comers, Vermont-iii.
Harvard University-1 29, 130.
l lawaii-3 1 .
Hawkins, Paula--4 1 .
Hegel, George Wilhelm Friedrich-vi.
Helms, Jesse--46, 47, 50, 64, 82.
Helsinki Human Rights Review-80.
Henry, Paul-76.
Heritage Foundation-30, 46, 6 1 , 63, 64.
Heritage Groups Council for Citizenship
Heritage National Committee (Connally for
President Campaign)- 1 9 .
Hess, Rudolph-ix, 45, 46.
H igh Frontier-S I .
Higham, John-32.
Himmler, Heinrich-79.
H ispanic-20, 45.
H istorical revisionism--43, 79, 83, 1 2 5 ,
1 26, 1 28.
H itler, Adolph-iii, vi, viii, ix, xi, xviii, 3-S,
7, 8, IS, 3 1 , 32, 3 5 , 4S, 46, 56, 65, 69,
7 1 -76, 80, 87-89, 1 1 9, 1 2 5 .
Hlinka Guard- I S .
Hoch, Guy A.- 1 2 1 .
Holme , Heinz-x.
Holocaust-viii, ix, 5, 43 , 44, 79, 83, 1 2S ,
1 26, 1 28, 1 29.
Holtzman, Elizabeth--40.
Honduras--47, 87.
Honeywell Corporation-33.
Hoover Institution--4 7.
Hoover, J. Edgar-3 1 .
House Armed Services Committee-54.
House Committee on UnAmerican
Activities (HUAC)-32.
House of Savoy (ltaly)-19.
Hughes Aircraft-I I .
Hull, John-86.
Human Events-33.
Hungary-viii, 2, 4, 5, 73, 89, 1 27.
Hunt, H. L.--4S, 46.
Hvasta, John- I S.
1 39
In Fact-96n.
In These Times- 1 3 1 .
Industrialism-ix, 1 7 , 35.
Inside the League ( Anderson and
Anderson)-x, 59, 65, 74, 1 1 9.
Institute for American Strategy (IAS)36-38.
Institute for Democracy, Education, and
Assistance ( IDEA )-64.
Institute for Historical Review (IHR)43, 83.
Institute for the Study of Man-63, 64,
Institute on Terrorism and Subnational
lmelligence-7, 8, 1 6, 1 7, 1 9, 30, 40, 45,
5 1 , 56, 61, 67, 69, 7 1 , 77, 82, 84, 85.
Intelligence Oversight Board- 19.
Inter-American Defense Board-86.
International Association for the Advancement of Ethnology and Eugenics
(IAAEE)-63, 64.
International Business Communications
Internacional Conference for Unity of che
See Moon, Sun Myung
International Network of Children of the
Holocaust- 1 2 9.
International Rescue Committee-9.
International Security Agency-66.
lowa-40, 50, 64.
Iowa Civil Rights Advisory Commission64.
Shah of Iran, Reza Pahlevi- 1 9.
Iran-contra Affair-47, 65, 67, 83, 86, 1 1 7.
Ireland, Andrew-4 1 .
Icon Guard ( Romania)-2-4, 9, 1 0, 42, 43,
75, 87, 89, 1 1 7.
Legion of Archangel Michael-1 1 6.
lsrael-1 16.
Italian-Americans for Bush- 19.
Italian Communist Party (PCl )-1 7, 18.
Italian Heritage Council-3, 1 9.
Italian NRHGC Affiliate-4 1 .
Italy-vi, viii, 3 , 16, 1 7 , 1 9, 32, 4 1 . S6,
6 1 , 1 2 5.
See also Bologna, Milan, Rome, Sicily
See John Birch Society (JBS)
See Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA)
J . Walter Thompson Advertising
Jackovics, Joseph A.-1 3 2 .
Jacobs, Kris-xiv.
Jasenovac- 1 5 .
Jewish Advocate-130.
Jewish Community Relations Council1 26.
Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA)- 1 29.
Jews-vii-ix, 2, 4, 7- 1 2 , I S , 16, 20, 26, 27,
32, 33, 43, 45, S9, 69, 7 1 -74. 79, 80, 83,
1 1 6, 1 1 7, 1 2 5, 1 26, 1 28, 1 30.
See also anti-Semitism
John Birch Society (JBS)-37, 38, 4S, 82.
Johnson, Bennett-SS.
Joint Raltic American National
Joint Chiefs of Staff-36, 37.
Jones, Art-4 5, 1 20- 1 22.
J ones, Mark M.-35.
Journal of Hisr:arical Review-42.
Journal of Inda-European Studies-63.
Journal of International Relations (ASC)61.
Journal of Social and Economic Studies6 1 , 63.
Jung, Harry-.3 2.
Justice Departmtmt-6, 10, 23, 26, 27, 32,
33, 35, 44, 70, 74, 77, 80, 1 1 7, 1 1 8, 1 24,
1 29.
KGB-10, 37, 79, 80, 82, 84.
See Ku Klux Klan (KKK)
Kaplan, Morton-1 lOn.
Karl, Peter- l l 5 , 1 1 6, 1 1 8- 1 20.
Kauffman, Ron- 1 30.
Kemble, Pcnn-86.
Kemp, Jack-24, 4 1 , 47, S S , l02n.
Kennedy, John F.-36, 3 7 .
Keyworth, George-53.
King, Dr. Martin Luther- 1 22.
Kintner, William-3S, 37.
Lwow (Lvov)-7 1 , 72.
Lydon, Matthias--49.
National Association of Manufacturers-J S.
National Broadcasting Corporation
( N BC)-7 5 , 1 1 5 , l l 8, 1 20.
National Coalition for America's
Survival--45 .
National Confederation of American
Ethnic Groups (NCAEG )--4 1 , 43-45.
National Conservative Political Action
Committee (NCPAC)--45.
National Economic Council-3 5 .
National Endowment fo r Democracy
National Endowment for the Preservation
of Liberty---86 .
National Forum Foundation--46.
National Front
See Bulgarian National Front
National Italian American Foundation- 19.
National Liberation Movement (MLN)
National Military Industrial Conference33, 35-J7.
National Republic-.33.
See N orth American Regional World
Anti-Communist League (NARWACL)
See North Atlantic Treaty Organization
See National Broadcasting Corporation
( N BC)
See National Confederation of
American Ethnic Groups ( NCAEG)
See National Conservative Political
Action Committee (NCPAC)
See National Endowment for Democracy
See National Republican Heritage
Groups Council (NRHGC)
See National Security Council (NSC)
NSDAP (National Socialist German
Workers Party)
See Nazism.
See National Student Federation (NSF)
Nadjiuk, Cheslav-1 1 , 93n.
Namibia---8 1 .
Nickles, Don--4 1 .
Niemcyk, Julian M.-132.
Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm-vi.
Night of the Long Knives-ix.
Nixon, Richard--4-6, 8, 1 8, 2 S , 26, 39, 92n,
1 26.
Nordic-3 2, 60, 79.
North, Oliver--46, S3, 64-67, 83, 86, 88,
l lS.
North American Regional World Anti
Communist League (NARWACL)67, 83.
See also World Anti-Communist League
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
North Carolina-SO.
Northern League-60.
Northern World-60.
Nouvelle Ecole-63.
Nugan Hand Bank-S I .
Nuremberg-7, 33, 4S.
See Organization for the Defense of Four
Freedoms for the Ukraine (ODFFU)
See Office of Special Investigations
See Organization of Ukrainian
Nationalists (OUN)
O'Connor, Edward M.-106n.
Odessa----8 .
Office of Personnel Management-69.
Office of Special Investigations (OSl)-6,
9, 3 S , 74, 1 24, 1 29.
Bush campaign-77, 1 2S , 1 26.
NRHGC campaign against OSl-10,
1 2, 23, 26.
OSI/KGB partnership alleged--44, 79,
UCCA and Bohdan Fedorak oppose
OSl-!06n, 1 2 S , 1 27.
Ohio- 18, 63.
Operation Phoenix-88.
Operations Coordinating Board-5 ! .
Order of St. John of Jerusalem--4S, 79.
Order, The-67.
Organization for the Defense of Four
Freedoms for the Ukraine (ODFFU )
See Italian Communist Party
Potter, Gary---44 .
RENAM0-8 1 , 83.
See Radio Free Europe (RFE)
See Republican National Committee
Race and Civilization (Pearson)---60.
Readers Digest-3 7.
Reagan, Ronald-xvii, 2, 6-8, 1 0, 1 8-20, 232S, 30, 39, 43, 47, 48, SO, S4, S 5 , 60, 62,
64, 66-68, 70, 72, 76, 78, 79, 81, 84,
1 1 7- 1 20, 1 2S .
Reagan Aministration---4 1 , 48-5 1 , 5 3 , 6 1 ,
63, 64, 69, 8 1 , 82, 86.
See communism
Regnery, Henry-3 1 .
Regnery, William-3 1 .
Reich, Wilhelm-viii.
Preston, David- 1 24, 1 26, 1 28.
Republican Heritage Groups Council
See National Republican Heritage
Groups Council (NRHGC)
Republican National Committee (RNC)
xvii, 3, 4, 6, 1 2, 1 3 , 1 7 , 1 9, 23, 24, 2 7 ,
44, 56, 80, 90, 1 29 - 1 32.
Republican Nationalities Council
See National Republican Heritage
Groups Council
Republican Party-v, xi, xiii, xiv, xvii, 2-7,
9- 1 2, 1 5, 1i 1 9 , 20, 23-2 39, 4 1 , 54
56, 6 1 , 64, 73, 76, 89, 90, 1 23, 1 24, 1 26,
1 29, 1 3 [ .
See Republican Party
Revolution-viii, ix, 75, 84.
Rhodesia-8 1 , 82.
Richardson, Robert C., 111-40, 5 1 , 6 1 .
Richardson, Warren-99n, IOOn.
Richardson Foundation
See Smith Richardson Foundation
Riga, Jose Lopez-1 8.
Ryan, Allan A., Jr.-1 29.
Rylander, R. Lynn-66.
Roatta, Mario-viii.
Rollins, Ed-24.
Roman, George-9.
Romania-ix, 2, 4, 9, 10, 4 1 -43, 73, 7 5 , 87,
89, 1 1 6, 1 1 9, 1 24, 1 25 .
Romanian American National Congress43.
Romanian-American Republican Clubs10, 30, 4 1 .
Romanian Liberation Movement-75.
Romanian Orthodox Church-9, 10.
Romanians for Bush- I O.
Rome, Italy-viii, 16, 1 7 .
Romero, Archbishop Oscar-85.
Ronette-Rahmistriuc, Alexandru
See Ronnett, Alexander
Ronnett, Alexander-42, 43, 7 5 , 83, 87,
1 1 6, 1 1 7, 1 1 9.
Roosevelt, Franklin D.-3 1 .
Rose of Twenty-1 7 .
Rosenberg, Alfred-7.
Rosensaft, Menachem-1 29.
Rousseau, Jean J acques-vi.
Ruby, Walter-1 24.
Ruhr-35 .
Ruhrlade-3 5 .
See Romania
See Waffen SS
Sabotage: The Secret War against America
(Sayers and Kahn)-7 1 .
St. Dumitru-9.
Sitko, Karol-45.
Strausz-Hupe, Robert-J S.
Stump, Bob--84.
Sullivan, Dave-46.
Sumner, Gordon--84.
Supreme Committee for the Liberation of
Supreme Court (U.S.)--63.
Swastika-v, 7, 8, 86, 88, 1 2 1 .
Symms, Steve-40, 4 1 , 47 , 5 S .
Szaz, Z. Michael-4 1 .
Taiwan-3, 20, 64-67, 70.
Task Force on Central America-84.
Taylor, David-49.
Taylor, John Ross--6 7 .
Ten Million Americans Mobilizing for
Terpil, Frank-S l , 6 1 .
Terrorism- 16, 1 7, 8S, 86.
Texas-1 8 .
Third Reich-xviii, 1 5 , 16, 4 3 , 44, 60, 69,
88, 89.
Third Way-76.
Thompson, J. Walter Advertising Company
See J. Walter Thompson Advertising
Thunderbolt-8, 89.
Tiso, Monsignor Josef-1 S, 2 S , 26, 44, 74.
Tolstoy Foundation-9.
Toronto, Canada- 1 5 .
Tower Commission-1 1 5.
Trevor, John B., Jr.-3 2, 33.
Trifa, Valerian-2, 9, 10, 92n.
Truth, The-79.
Truth at Last
See Thunderbolt
Truth in Press
See Liberty Lobby
Tuesday Group-46, 47.
Turner, William-30.
See Ukrainian Congress Committee of
America (UCCA)
See Ukrainian National Information
Service (UNIS)
See Union for the Toca! Independence
of Angola (UNITA)
See United Nicaraguan Opposition
See Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA)
See University Professors for Academic
Order (UPAO)
See United Press International (UPI)
See U.S. Congressional Advisory Board
See U.S. Council for World Freedom
See U.S. Information Agency (USIA)
See Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
USA Today-1 30.
U.S. Air Force, Political Military Affairs51, 61.
U.S. Army-8, 7 1 .
Counter Intelligence Corps-8, 3 2 , 1 1 9.
U.S. Civil Rights Commission-64.
U.S. Congressional Advisory Board
(USCAB)-49, 53, 54.
U.S. Council for World Freedom
(USCWF)---6 6, 67, 70, 79.
U.S. Foreign Claims Commission---69 .
U.S. Information Agency (USIA)---69 .
U.S. Steel-33.
Ukraine-ix, 67, 69, 7 1 -73, 76, 80.
Ukrainian Congress Committee of America
(UCCA)---69 , 7 1 , 72, 77, 1 2 5 .
UCCA Committee o n Foreign Affairs70.
Ukrainian Cultural Center-70, 75-77.
Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA)-73.
Ukrainian National Army-72.
Ukrainian National Information Service
(UNIS)---69, 70.
Ukrainian Nationalism (Armstrong)-7 1 .
Ukrainian Quarterly-70, 72, 77.
Ukrainians for Bush-77.
Union for the Total Independence of
Angola (UNITA)-30, 66, 8 1 -83.
Union of American Hebrew Congrega
tions- 1 2 5 .
Valente, Mark- 1 9 .
Valucek, Andy-25 , 2 8 .
Van den Haag, Ernest-63.
Vatican- 1 2 , 16.
Vertex lnvestments-67.
Veterans of the First Ukrainian Division72.
Vienna, Austria-7 5.
Vietnam-20, 38, 88.
Vietnam War-39.
Village Voice- 1 30.
Virginia-53, 55, 8 1 , 82.
See also Boston
Virginia Republican Heritage Groups
Council-4 1 .
Voice o f America- 1 6.
Volk-ix, x, 43.
Von Bolschwing, Otto---9.
Von Braun, Werhner-3 5 .
Von der Heydte, Baron Frederich August35, 36.
Von Hayek, Friedrich---6 3.
Von Pannwitz, General Helmuth-8.
Von Rothkirch, Edward-99n.
Vorspan, Albert- 1 2 5 .
See World Ami-Communist League
WMAQ-TV-7S, 1 1 5 , 1 1 8, 1 20.
Waffen SS ( Armed SS)-xi, xiv, xvii, 4, 8,
9, 1 1 , l S , 26, 43, 56, 60, 67, 72, 90,
106n, 1 30.
Waldheim, Kurt-viii.
Western Destiny-60.
Western Goals Foundation--45.
Western Guard-67.
Weyrich, Paul-63.
White, William Allen-iii.
White House-xi, 2, 7, 19, 24-26, 3 1 , 44,
46, 48, 49, SJ, 60, 62, 64, 66, 67, 69, 72,
73, 75-77, 79, 86, 1 1 6, 1 30.
White Russian
See Byelorussian
White supremacist-I S, 60, 64, 8 1 , 89.
Whittlesey, Faith--49.
Who Financed Hitler! (Pool and Pool)35.
Who's Who in Germany-JS.
Willoughby, C. A.-98n.
Wilson, Charles-84.
Wilson, Edmund-S I , 6 1 .
Winek, Jay-S6.
Winsor, Curtin, Jr.--46, 4 7.
Wisner, Frank--47.
Wood, Robert-3 1 , 33, 98n.
World Affairs-86.
World and 1-86.
World Ami-Communist League
(WACL)-x, xiii, 43, S9-6 1 , 64-68, 70,
73, 75, 8 1 -83 , BS, 87, 88, 90, 1 20, 1 2 2 .
See also North American Regional
World Ami-Communist League
World Conference of Free Ukrainians106n.
World Federation for a Free Latvia-7 7.
World Federation of Cossacks for the
Liberation of Cossackia-8.
World Federation of Free Latvians-74.
World Jewish Congress-BO.
World War I-vi, vii, 69.
World War 11-v, viii, x, xi, xvii, 2-S, 8, 9,
1 2 , I 26, 3 1 , 33, 43, 44, 67, 69, 72-75,
77, 88, 89, 1 1 6-1 19, 1 24, 1 2 7, 1 30.
Yarborough, William P.-84.
Yugoslavia-1 2, 1 24.
Zakim, Leonard-27.
Zimmerman, Warren- 106n.
Zola, Emile-vii.
Zolling, Hermann-x.
Zorinsky, Ed-55.
Zuruff, Efraim- 1 1 6.