004 Noise Induced Hearing Loss and Audiometry
004 Noise Induced Hearing Loss and Audiometry
004 Noise Induced Hearing Loss and Audiometry
Report number
Noise Induced
all, of conversational level speech even in quiet. Individuals with moderate and severe
hearing losses typically benefit from the use of assistive listening devices and hearing
- Profound hearing loss is a pure tone average of 90 dB HL or greater. Individuals with a
profound loss may experience benefit from hearing aids but will often still have difficulty in
oral communication situations. Frequency transposition aids and multichannel cochlear
implants often provide significant levels of help (Sataloff 2006).
It must be noted that, though generalizations about daily function can be made based on
the pure tone average, there is a great deal of individual variability. Some individuals with
moderate hearing loss will experience significantly more difficulty than others with severe
to profound hearing losses.
The expectation that audiometry as part of the broader assessment of NIHL injuries is to
reliably diagnose and quantify that NIHL which has occurred as a result of a persons
occupation. It is an evidential tool to provide important information about the nature and
extent of the loss to assist health professionals and scheme operatives determine the
appropriate level of compensation in accordance with the Accident Compensation Act.
Audiometry helps in establishing the nature of the hearing loss. For NIHL epidemiological
studies have recognized that changes in the pattern of frequency loss correlates to
damage of the aural structures caused by prolonged and excessive noise exposure
(Nelson 2005). This is represented as a loss of hearing efficiency (db) at the frequencies
from 3 kHz to 6 kHz and appears as a notch representing the loss on the audiogram. The
frequencies affected broaden as the exposure to noise extends over longer periods ie 10
All types of audiometry cannot discriminate between occupational and non-occupational
noise exposure. However, it plays an important role in discriminating between other types
of hearing loss caused by disease, congenital factors, age, ototoxicity etc.
Once it is established that the hearing loss, or part of, is caused by noise exposure then
the audiogram must precisely quantify the db loss at the specific frequency intervals to
calculate the percentage loss which is converted to a monetary sum.
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considered reliable. The hearing threshold levels are usually plotted on a graph, or
audiogram, with sound intensity (dB) on the y axis and the frequency (Hz) along the x axis.
Standard symbols are used to denote right and left ears.
The assessment of hearing disability using any system has its problems. There is a
continuum of hearing disability that is measurable in most individuals at a hearing
threshold of between 15 and 30 dB. There is not specific point at which hearing disability
suddenly starts. Hearing disability progresses with increasing hearing loss in a sigmoidal
fashion. It progresses slowly initially and then rapidly accelerates and slows again.
Therefore the selection of a point at which hearing disability starts has obvious inherent
problems. A number of different methods may be used for the selection of such a low
fence. However, it is important to note that the speech frequencies selected for the
assessment system are extremely important in setting a low fence. If more high
frequencies are included, the low fence should be higher, and if more low frequencies are
chosen, it should be lower. Regardless of the level at which the low fence is set, there is
evidence to suggest that individuals with hearing threshold levels of 12 dB at 1 kHz, 2 kHz,
and 3 kHz or 15 dB at 1 kHz, 2 kHz, and 4 kHz perform as well as normal hearing controls
even in noisy conditions (Hone 2003).
Other audiometry tests
Within occupational health care determining someones hearing disability will also involve
other audiometry tests to get a complete picture of the hearing ability of a worker. These
tests can involve for example speech in noise tests, sound localization tests, determining
speech reception threshold (SRT) and testing of word recognition. All these tests are very
helpful in giving a full profile of a persons hearing ability. In Europe much research in this
area is happening and the experience so far is promising for future developments on this
topic. In the assessment of NIHL for workers compensation purposes usually speech
discrimination tests and also acoustic reflexes are included besides PTA.
For the purpose of diagnosing NIHL for workers compensation purposes the main focus is
not only to establish the work relatedness but also to quantify the hearing loss. This means
that audiometrists or ENT specialists needs to determine a frequency specific hearing
threshold in order to provide guidance for the rehabilitation process, as well as to facilitate
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recommendations and decisions regarding patient referrals. The work relatedness of the
hearing loss can mainly be determined by a thorough work history, information on noise
levels from all previous employers, and previous pure tone audiometry tests of the worker.
For this project we will focus on the diagnostic qualities of other more objective audiometry
tests. Although, these objective electrophysiological tests are not yet standard procedure
in determining NIHL in most countries, they can be very helpful in determining the severity
of the hearing loss or in confirming exaggeration of hearing loss. For this project we have
focussed on those tests that have been studied widely and are already sometimes used
for this purpose. We have searched for evidence on their diagnostic qualities, especially
regarding NIHL, and their practicality. We have had contact with experts in the field of
audiology and have also contacted foreign contacts to enquire if these new tests are
already used in medico-legal investigations of NIHL.
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For our literature search we searched in PubMed from March 2010 until April 2010. We
have not done a systematic review but tried to achieve a comprehensive overview of the
existing literature on this topic. We combined the information from PubMed with several
informative websites on audiometry, and information from our contacts in foreign countries.
1. Search PubMed, limit English Language:
- Hearing Loss, Noise-Induced [Mesh] AND Audiometry [Majr] 218 hits
- "Hearing Loss, Noise-Induced"[Majr] AND "Audiometry, Evoked Response"[Majr]
20 hits
- "Hearing Loss, Noise-Induced"[Mesh] AND assr 31 hits
- ("Audiometry"[Majr]) AND (Diagnosis/Narrow[filter]) 90 hits
- ("Audiometry"[Majr]) AND (Diagnosis/Narrow[filter]) AND "Hearing Loss, NoiseInduced"[Mesh] 5 hits
Was the diagnostic test compared with a reference test that is considered as the
gold standard for this diagnostic research?
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Was the group of patients that took part in the study representative of patients in
our practice?
Was the reference test applied without the researchers having knowledge about the
result of the diagnostic test?
2. Search for back ground literature on audiometry in recent books or narrative reviews
available via medical databases to provide a good basis overview what the different
audiometry tools involve.
3. We checked the references of the retrieved articles to find more relevant information
(snow ball) and used separate search terms such as NIHL, CERA or ASSR in four
audiology journals. These journals were selected based on their impact factor (over the
last 5 years) according to the ISI Web of Knowledge and there relevance to audiology:
- Hearing Research .
- Audiol Neuro-Otol,
- Ear Hearing
- International Journal of Audiology
4. Asked our foreign contacts what other audiometry tests are used in measuring NIHL for
workers compensation?
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prominent distortion response (the recorded DPOAE level) at frequency 2f1f2 serves as a
marker frequency and indicates that the region of the basilar membrane corresponding to
the overlap of f1 and f2 is functioning (Kimberley et al, 1997).
The evoked responses are recorded serially by a probe microphone in the external canal.
The recorded signals are then amplified, averaged, and processed by fast Fourier
transform. A frequency spectrum of the OAEs is produced. The quality of the OAEs can be
affected by poor stimulus delivery as well as internal and ambient noise. These factors can
be minimized with proper equipment controls, noise floor thresholds, and patient
cooperation. OAE testing can also be affected by pathologic conditions involving the
external and middle ear. Inflammation of the external ear canal can prevent comfortable
placement of the stimulus and microphone probes. Middle ear effusion or ossicular
discontinuity can prevent passage of the stimulus or production of the emission.
OAEs are sensitive to sensorineural hearing loss and can augment traditional audiometric
diagnosis. The presence of transient OAEs indicates a hearing threshold of 30 dB or better
for the frequency range in their spectrum. Distortion product OAEs reveal amplitude
decreases at hearing thresholds of more than 15 dB, and are generally absent at
thresholds of more than 50 dB.
A useful role for OAEs is monitoring for dynamic changes in cochlear function and
ototoxicity. Noise trauma and ototoxic agents have been shown to affect outer hair cell
function in animals. Distortion product OAEs have been shown to correlate well with the
typical 4000-Hz notch pattern associated with noise-induced hearing loss. OAEs also have
been shown to be an early and sensitive indicator of the ototoxic effects of cis-platinum
and aminoglycosides. Serial monitoring of OAEs in workers in noisy environments or
patients receiving ototoxic agents may provide a simple and objective measure of hearing
loss. Additionally, some researchers have suggested that cochlear changes resulting from
excessive sound exposure may be detectable by otoacoustic emission measurement
before these changes become apparent on the pure-tone audiogram.
It is impossible for a patient with compensable hearing loss to have normal OAEs- and
OAE testing is therefore advocated as a quick and objective means of confirming hearing
status in suspected cases of pseudohypacusis. A patient with normal OAEs should have
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normal hearing thresholds. Unfortunately, the usefulness of OAE testing is limited in cases
of noise- exposed patients, as such individuals often exhibit abnormal or absent OAEs with
normal hearing as a result of pre-symptomatic cochlear damage (Hall 2000, de Koker
Auditory Evoked Potentials
Classification of auditory evoked potentials (AEPs) is usually done based on the response
latency (time between stimulus and response) as short (early or fast), middle or late
latency response.
Short latency response
These potentials are measured in response to sound stimuli after 5 ms and originate in the
cochlea and distal portions of auditory nerve. They are also grouped together in clinical
use as electrocochleogram. The value of the electrocochleogram lies in its usefulness for
assessing the hearing of young children; and in the fact that these potentials are not
altered by anaesthesia. The electrocochleogram provides information on inner ear
function, in conditions such as tinnitus, Menieres disease and sudden hearing loss. Its
disadvantages are that low frequency function is almost impossible to assess, and the
surgical procedures required for transtympanic placement make the electrocochleogram
invasive (Abramovitch 1990)
Brainstem Evoked Response Audiometry (BERA or ABR)
Brainstem evoked responses occur within the first 10 ms, and they are unaffected by
behaviour, attention, drugs, or level of consciousness. In fact, they can be measured under
general anaesthesia or during deep coma. The test measures electrical peaks generated
in the brainstem along the auditory pathways. The most widely used stimulus is a
broadband click, because of its rapid onset and broad frequency content, which stimulates
a large portion of the basilar membrane to give a reasonable indication of hearing
thresholds between 2000 and 4000 Hz. ABR can predict auditory sensitivity within 5-20 dB
of behavioural thresholds. Tone bursts are more frequency specific than clicks, but the
resulting stimulus does not elicit a clear ABR and therefore, an abrupt stimulus onset is
necessary to improve the quality of the response. This needs the use of masking
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techniques to eliminate the effects of unwanted high frequency energy. Stapells et al. have
obtained good agreement between ABR and behavioural thresholds by using tone burst
stimuli embedded in notched noise (Stapells 1990, de Koker 2004). Unfortunately, the time
needed to obtain a single ABR threshold for each ear exceeds 30 minutes, making a full
audiogram not practical. An advantage of ABR is that the latencies of the various waves
are quite stable within and among patients. In addition, time intervals between peaks are
prolonged by auditory disorders central to the cochlea, making ABR useful in
differentiating cochlear and retrocochlear pathology (Xu 1998).
A disadvantage of ABR is that the interpretation of wave forms is subjective, and the
interpretation of tone bursts requires considerable expertise and experience (Swanepoel
2001). The ABR is also time consuming, and the instrumentation and software that is
needed is expensive.
Middle Latency Responses
There are also middle latency responses that occur somewhere between 10 and 80 ms
after an auditory stimulus. They can be used clinically for electrophysiological
determination of hearing thresholds at lower frequencies, for the assessments of cochlear
implants and auditory pathway functions. However, its clinical use is limited because there
are too many disadvantages. These are first of all a lack of facilities where these
procedures could be tested, the need for the patient to be awake, co-operative and alert.
The need for highly specialised equipment, and reports that these potentials can be
contaminated by muscle potentials from the neck or peri-auricular (de Koker 2004)
Cortical Evoked Response Audiometry (CERA)
Late latency responses are mostly described as cortical evoked responses as it refers to
the electrical activity at the cerebralcortex level. CERA allows measurement not only of
auditory signals but also of other brain wave variations that are associated with the
perception of sound. Therefore, CERA is a valuable tool in evaluating thresholds and also
whether or not a sound actually reaches a level of perception in the brain. Cortical evoked
responses occur at 200 ms after the stimulus. A disadvantage of CERA is they can be
affected volitionally. For example, responses are better if a patient concentrates on an
auditory signal than if he/she attempts to ignore it. Cortical evoked responses may also be
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altered substantially by drugs and state of consciousness. On the other hand, for
diagnosing NIHL when there is a suspicion of malingering this could also be seen as an
In summary, all AEPs need special equipment, a skilled tester, they are expensive, timeconsuming and may have a subjective interpretation of the results. CERA testing has the
advantage that it is frequency specific (especially at the lower frequencies) and also
measures the perception of sound. It has a good correlation within 5-10 dB with
behavioural thresholds. BERA or ABR testing has the advantage that it is not state
dependent and can also be used for differential diagnostic purposes.
Auditory Steady State Responses (ASSR)
These are periodic scalp potentials that arise in response to regularly varying auditory
stimuli such as sinusoidal amplitude (AM) and/or frequency modulated (FM) tones. The
response is evoked when stimuli is presented at a sufficiently high repetition rate to cause
overlapping of the responses to successive stimuli.
ASSR was previously referred to as SSEP (Steady State Evoked Potential) and/or AMFR
(Amplitude Modulation Following Response). ASSR is similar to the Auditory Brainstem
Response (ABR) in some respects. The ABR is a transient response to a single transient
stimulus, and ABR testing measures the neural responses of the VIII nerve and lower
brainstem over a time frame of about 10 milliseconds (ms). The ABR response stops after
each stimulus presentation, and does not begin again until the next stimulus presentation.
Stimulus repetition rate (per second) assesses the length of the response time-frame (100
ms), and thus cannot exceed 1 second. Repeated stimulation and computerized signal
averaging improve the signal-to-noise ratio of the ABR, making it visible from the rest of
the brains activity (i.e., activity unrelated to sound stimulus). ASSR on the other hand is a
continuous, ongoing neural response because its waveform follows the waveform of the
continuous ongoing stimulus. Such a true sustained, steady-state response is phaselocked to the stimulus; it occurs slightly later in time than the stimulus, but faithfully follows
the continuous temporal waveform envelope of the stimulus (Venema 2004). Most
audiologists see ASSR as a complement to ABR testing.
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Another difference with ABR is that rather than depending on amplitude and latency,
ASSR uses amplitudes and phases in the spectral (frequency) domain. ASSR depends on
peak detection across a spectrum, rather than peak detection across a time versus
amplitude waveform. ASSR is evoked using repeated sound stimuli presented at a high
repetition rate, whereas ABR is evoked using brief sounds presented at a relatively low
repetition rate. A big advantage of ASSR over ABR measurement is that ASSR uses an
objective, sophisticated, statistics-based mathematical detection algorithm to detect and
define hearing thresholds. While ABR measurements are dependent on the examiner who
will subjectively review the waveforms and decide whether a response is present.
ABR protocols typically use clicks or tone-bursts in one ear at a time. ASSR can be used
binaurally, while evaluating broad bands of four frequencies (0.5 kHz, 1 kHz, 2 kHz, and 4
kHz) simultaneously.
ABR is useful in estimating hearing thresholds essentially from 1 kHz to 4 kHz, in typical
(non-ski-slope) mild-moderate-severe hearing losses. ASSR can also estimate hearing
thresholds across the same range as the ABR, but ASSR offers more spectral information
more quickly, and can estimate and differentiate hearing within the severe-to-profound
hearing loss ranges (Lin 2009).
ASSR can be used to estimate hearing thresholds for those who cannot or will not
participate in traditional behavioural measures. Therefore, primary candidates for ASSR
are: newborn infants for screenings and follow-up diagnostic assessments, babies in the
neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), unresponsive and/or comatose patients, people who
are suspect due to the nature of their visit (i.e., workers' compensation, legal matters,
insurance claims, etc), ototoxicity monitoring, and others. (ref: Research and Technology
Auditory Steady-State Response (ASSR): A Beginner's Guide by Douglas L. Beck, AuD;
David P. Speidel, MS; and Michelle Petrak, PhD)
There are different types of ASSR such single or multiple stimuli ASSR and there are
different results when 40 Hz or 80 Hz stimulus are used. The multiple-stimulus ASSR
appears to be advantageous over single-stimulus ASSR in that it enables evaluation of at
least four frequencies for both ears simultaneously, resulting in faster threshold estimation
compared to single-stimulus ASSR (Dimitrijevic et al, 2002, van Maanen 2005)
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Table audiometry
Transient Oto-acoustic
Emissions (TOAEs)
How does it
Is considered gold
standard in
- Time efficient
- Time efficient
- objective
- objective
- no cooperation necessary
- no cooperation necessary
- time consuming
- needs an experienced tester
- not much evidence regarding its
use for NIHL diagnosis
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specific threshold
- OAEs cannot distinguish
hearing loss over 40dB
- Presence of OAEs does not
guarantee transmission
Is it used in
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The majority (n=10) of studies combined evaluating DPOAEs and TOAEs with PTA. We
found 7 studies only looking at DPOAEs and 1 study focussing on TEOAEs.
Various cross-sectional studies showed diminished OAEs in subjects with NIHL, and lower
levels of OAEs in association with hazardous noise- exposed populations even when PT
audiograms were within normal limits (Dessi 1999, Attias 1995, Plinkert 1999, Sutton
1994, Lucertine 1995).
For example, Sisto et al. measured the correlation between TOAE signal to noise ratio and
DPOAE with audiometric thresholds in young workers (between 18 and 35 years) exposed
to different levels of industrial noise. Their results showed that if both OAE data and
audiometric data are averaged over a sufficiently large bandwidth, the correlation between
DPOAE levels and audiometric hearing threshold is sufficient to design OAE-based
diagnostic tests with good sensitivity and specificity also in a very mild hearing loss range
(1-3 kHz), between 10 and 20 dB (Sisto 2007). The researchers found that the inclusion of
the information from TEOAEs added no predictive power to the test.
Another study by Attias et al. also explored the application of the TOAEs and DPOAEs in
the diagnosis and detection of NIHL in 283 noise-exposed subjects and 176 subjects with
a history of noise exposure but with a normal audiogram. Findings were also compared
with those in 310 young military recruits with no reported history of noise exposure and
normal bilateral audiogram. They found that in general, the features of the TOAEs and
DPOAEs closely resembled the behavioural NIHL parameters: both were bilateral and
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both affected primarily the high frequencies, with a "notch" at around 3 kHz in the
DPOAEs. On average, TOAEs were recorded up to 2 kHz, indicating that up to this
frequency range (speech area), cochlear functioning is intact and the hearing threshold s
better than 25 dBHL. A clear association between the OAEs and the severity of the NIHL
was noted. As the severity of NIHL increased, the emissions range became narrower and
the amplitude smaller. OAEs were found to be more sensitive to noise damage than
behavioural audiometry. Lower DPOAEs and TOAEs were found in subjects with normal
audiograms but with a history of noise exposure. The authors concluded that OAEs may
sometimes provide indispensable information in medico-legal cases, in which the
configuration of the audiometric threshold is needed to obtain an accurate diagnosis of
NIHL and compensation is proportional to the severity of NIHL. Furthermore, OAE testing
between ears with and without NIHL revealed a high sensitivity (79 - 95%) and specificity
(84 - 87%). This study showed that OAEs provide objectivity and greater accuracy,
complementing the behavioural audiogram in the diagnosis and monitoring of the cochlear
status following noise exposure (Attias 2001).
Avan et al. analysed DPOAE and TOAEs with PTA in a sample of 36 ears from 27 patients
with NIHL. Ears with NIHL split into two subgroups, one (n = 25) with a notch in the DPgram such that its lower boundary matched the lower limit of the audiometric notch (linear
regression with a slope of 0.91, r2 = 0.644, p < 0.001). Likewise, when it existed, its upper
boundary matched its upper counterpart on the audiogram (linear regression with a slope
of 0.96, r2 = 0.89, p < 0.001). In this respect, DP-grams performed better than transientevoked OAE spectra, which exhibited poor correlations with audiogram patterns. The
second subgroup (n = 11) exhibited normal DPOAEs at all frequencies despite audiometric
losses similar to those of the first subgroup. In all cases, DPOAE levels were poor
predictors of the degree of hearing losses. It is hypothesized that NIHL in the second
subgroup involves inner hair cells or auditory neurons, instead of outer hair cells in the first
subgroup. Provided NIHL affected outer hair cells, DP-grams provided a comparatively
accurate predictor of the spectral extent of hearing loss. (Avan 2005)
Jansen et al. studied a group of normal hearing musicians in a cross sectional study. They
found large inter-individual differences in both TEOAEs and DPOAEs and no relation to
individual audiometric patterns could be determined. On group level however, they found
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clear differences between the average OAE responses of different audiometric subgroups:
in general, more intense OAEs were found for groups with better average pure-tone
thresholds. The OAEs of the normal hearing musicians were clearly distinguishable from
the OAEs of the musicians in the other audiometric categories, suggesting a signalling
function for early detection of NIHL. The authors concluded that firm statement on this
issue can, however, only be made on the basis of a longitudinal study. The dissociation
between audiometric thresholds and OAE outcome measures can be a complication in the
application of OAEs for screening purposes on an individual level. As long as experimental
evidence about the predictive value is not strong enough, the pure-tone audiogram should
remain the gold standard for the assessment of NIHL (Jansen 2009).
Chan et al. investigated DPOAE as a potential screening procedure for occupational
hearing loss screening in Hong Kong. In order to identify an optimal criterion or set of
criteria for DPOAE screening, DPOAE and PTA measurements were obtained from
successful and rejected occupational deafness compensation applicants. Various criteria
that could effectively identify compensation applicants meeting and not meeting the
occupational hearing loss requirements of 40 dB HL hearing loss across 1000, 2000 and
3000 Hz were examined (Chan 2004). The authors concluded that the results of their
study were encouraging with regard to the use of DPOAE as a screening tool to identify
applicants for occupational deafness compensation. However, DPOAE cannot replace
PTA as a measure of hearing sensitivity. DPOAE is an almost direct measure of outer hair
cell function integrity, with middle ear function as an influential factor, while PTA is
dependent on the status of the middle ear, cochlea, eighth nerve, central auditory system,
and auditory perceptual abilities. Thus, PTA offers a more comprehensive evaluation of
hearing sensitivity. Moreover, abnormal DPOAE recordings may infrequently be recorded
in individuals with normal audiograms, and, conversely, normal DPOAEs may be recorded
in subjects with abnormal audiograms. Therefore, DPOAE screening should be used only
as an adjunct to PTA, which is still the gold standard in determining actual hearing
sensitivity in cooperative applicants for occupational hearing loss compensation.
Korres et al. evaluated DPOAEs in a group of 105 industrial workers in conjunction with
PTA, and the results were compared with 34 subjects not exposed to noise. Results
showed significant lower DPOAEs in the noise- exposed group. They also found lower
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DPOAEs at 4 and 6 kHz, and a maximum response at 2 kHz. Pure tone audiograms also
showed higher thresholds in the group exposed to noise, but could not find a particular
main effect in a certain frequency. Thus DPOAEs levels were selectively affected at the
higher frequencies, whereas pure tone thresholds were affected at all frequencies. Another
measurement showed that more ears were affected in PTA at 4 kHz, and more ears were
affected with lower DPOAEs at the lower frequencies. The authors concluded that both
methods are sensitive in detecting NIHL, with DPOAEs tending to be more sensitive at
lower frequencies (Korres 2009).
Good levels of DPOAE sensitivity, specificity and predictive efficiency were also found by
Kim et al with up to maximum levels of 86%, 85% and 85% respectively at 4000 Hz.
However, these percentages were obtained with regard to detection of hearing loss of
more than 23dB (Kim 1996).
Hamdan et al. analysed whether TEOAEs measured in a group of normal hearing
professional singers, who were frequently exposed to high-level sound during rehearsals
and performances, differed from those measured in age and gender-matched normalhearing non-singers, who were at minimal risk of hearing loss resulting from excessive
sound exposure or other risk factors. For this they used twenty-three normal-hearing
singers, 23 normal-hearing controls, and 9 hearing impaired singers. Pure-tone audiometry
confirmed normal-hearing thresholds (>15 dB HL) at 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 6.0, and 8.0
kHz in normal hearing singers and controls, and confirmed mild, high frequency,
sensorineural hearing loss in the hearing impaired group. TEOAEs were measured twice
in all ears. TEOAE signal to noise ratio (S/N) and reproducibility were examined for the
whole wave response, and for frequency bands centred at 1.0, 1.4, 2.0, 2.8, and 4.0 kHz.
Results showed that TEOAE responses were measurable in all singers with normal
audiometric thresholds, but responses were less robust than those of normal hearing
controls. The findings suggest that subtle cochlear dysfunction can be detected with
TEOAE measurement in a subset of normal-hearing professional singers. The authors
concluded that TEOAE measurements may be useful as tool to identify musicians at risk
for NIHL.
We found 5 prospective controlled studies evaluating the value of OAEs and NIHL.
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Seixas et al. conducted a baseline audiometry and DPOAE evaluation on a cohort of 328
construction industry apprentices and followed them annually for 3 consecutive years. In
parallel to these measures, noise exposure and hearing protection device (HPD) use were
extensively monitored during construction work tasks. Recreational/non-occupational
exposures also were queried and monitored in subgroups of subjects. Trade specific mean
exposure Leq levels, with and without accounting for the variable use of hearing protection
in each trade, were calculated and used to group subjects by trade specific exposure level.
Mixed effects models were used to estimate the change in hearing outcomes over time for
each exposure group. Results showed small but significant exposure related changes in
DPOAEs over time were observed, especially at 4 kHz with stimulus levels (L1) between
50 and 75 dB, with less clear but similar patterns observed at 3 kHz. After controlling for
covariates, the high exposure group had annual changes in 4 kHz emissions of about 0.5
dB per year. Pure tone audiometric thresholds displayed only slight trends towards
increased threshold levels with increasing exposure groups. Some unexpected results
were observed, including an apparent increase in DPOAEs among controls over time, and
improvement in behavioural thresholds among controls at 6 kHz only. The authors
concluded that results indicated that construction apprentices in their first three years of
work, with average noise exposures under 90 dBA, have measurable losses of hearing
function. Despite numerous challenges in using DPOAEs for hearing surveillance in an
industrial setting, they appear somewhat more sensitive to these early changes than is
evident with standard PTA (Seixas 2005).
Another longitudinal study by Lapsley Miller et al. with 338 volunteers, measured
audiometric thresholds and otoacoustic emissions before and after 6 months of noise
exposure on an aircraft carrier. While the average amplitudes of the otoacoustic emissions
decreased significantly, the average audiometric thresholds did not change. Furthermore,
there were no significant correlations between changes in audiometric thresholds and
changes in otoacoustic emissions. Changes in transient-evoked otoacoustic emissions
and distortion-product otoacoustic emissions were moderately correlated. Eighteen ears
acquired permanent audiometric threshold shifts. Only one-third of those ears showed
significant otoacoustic emission shifts that mirrored their permanent threshold shifts. A
Bayesian analysis indicated that permanent threshold shift status following a deployment
was predicted by baseline low-level or absent otoacoustic emissions. The best predictor
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hearing conservation program. The authors wanted to know how a quality criterion of
OAE-measurements based on a minimum signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) would affect the
applicability on the entire population. Secondly, effects of noise exposure were
investigated in overall changes in audiogram and OAE-measurements. For TEOAEs in the
frequency band of 4 kHz, only 55% of the data points met the SNR-inclusion criterion. For
DPOAEs (distortion product OAEs) around 6 kHz approximately 80% of the data points
satisfied the criterion. Thus OAEs have a limited applicability for monitoring the hearing
status of this entire population.
Audiometry showed significant deteriorations at 6 and 8 kHz. TEOAEs showed a
significant decline at all frequency bands (1-4 kHz), DPOAEs between 4 and 8 kHz and
less pronounced between 1 and 2 kHz. On group level, OAEs showed a decline in a larger
frequency region than the audiogram, suggesting an increased sensitivity of OAEs
compared to audiometry. The authors noted that OAEs can only be used as a monitoring
tool for a subset of the population investigated in this study. The use of an inclusion
criterion based on the signal-to-noise ratio of the emission resulted in a large amount of
subjects for whom the emission in the high-frequency area cannot be tracked in time. This
means that pure-tone audiometry is indispensable when there is a pre-existing hearing
loss and/or when the OAEs at start are too low. Occupational Health Officers should be
made aware of this limitation before OAEs are considered as a replacement for
conventional audiometry in hearing conservation programs. Monitoring is only possible
when there is room for deterioration! (Helleman 2010)
No systematic review of the diagnostic validity of OAEs compared to PTA was found in the
We did find a high amount (n=18) of single studies analysing the diagnostic quality of
TOAEs and DPOAEs compared to PTAs in relation to NIHL. The number of participants in
these studies ranged from 27 to 521. All studies focussed on the ability of OAEs to
diagnose NIHL not to quantify the hearing loss.
We found 7 studies with a cross-sectional design with 6 studies reporting positive
diagnostic validity for both TOAEs and DPOAEs in comparison to PTA. One study
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reported that TOAE and DPOAE had a strong correlation with each other and on group
level they both correlated well with PTA. However, on individual level no good correlations
were found for either TOAEs or DPOAEs.
We found 2 cross-sectional studies with better results for DPOAE compared to TEOAE for
diagnosing NIHL. There were 3 cross-sectional studies that analysed only DPOAE and
found good results for diagnosing NIHL in comparison to PTA. The best results were found
around 4kHz.
1 cross-sectional study analysed the diagnostic validity of TOEAs and found that it could
be a good tool to use for screening those with higher risk for developing NIHL. This is
explained that both TOAEs and DPOAEs measure the quality of the outer hair cells which
may be affected by noise before increased thresholds can be measured with the PTAs.
We found 5 longitudinal studies, with 4 studies analysing the diagnostic quality of
DPOAEs. Three out of these four found positive results for using DPOAEs as a screening
tool, and one study reported that using DPOAEs is not good as screening tool because of
the high amounts of false positive results. One longitudinal study looked at both DPOAEs
and TOAEs and found on group level that both tools could be used as screening
measurement because of the increased sensitivity. However, the authors warned that both
OAE tools should only be used as screening tool for those workers who start without any
NIHL, otherwise PTA should be used.
Page 25 of 51
Five papers were identified which addressed CERA versus PTA. Only three particularly
focussed on NIHL.
One older study by Coles et al. focussed on analysing the value of CERA in medico-legal
investigations. They conducted CERA in 118 medico legal cases and compared results
with PTA. They found that for true organic hearing loss cases only 4.4 % showed a
difference between PTA and CERA of more than 7.5 dB. For the pseudohypacusis cases
35.1% showed a difference of more than 7.5 dB. The authors also mentioned that a
flattening of the dip in the audiogram is suspect for pseudohypacusis (Coles 1984).
A large study with 1154 participants compared CERA testing in the assessment of NIHL
with PTA. They assessed The participants were between 20-85 years, with average of 41
year; 673 underwent CERA and all underwent PTA. Pure tone averages were calculated
using 500 Hz, 1kHz, 2kHz and 4 kHz. A PTA of > 20dB was considered significant for
hearing disability (Irish hearing disability assessment system). PTA were also calculated at
3 kHz according to AMA system, with > 25dB being considered as hearing disability.
Exaggerated hearing thresholds were considered to be present when the average
threshold results obtained by CERA were > 10dB better than the PTA over 500 Hz, 1kHz,
2 kHz and 4 kHz. Results showed that approximately 25% had exaggerated hearing
threshold levels (Hone 2003).
Tsui et al. analysed differences in thresholds estimated by CERA and by PTA. Results
from 204 claimants (408 ears) with reliable PTA and CERA records showed mean
discrepancy values between PTA and CERAT of less than 5 dB at high frequencies. Over
83.2% of claimants had a CERA and PTA threshold discrepancy within 10 dB. Results
suggested that although CERA threshold measurement could not accurately predict PTA
Page 26 of 51
in all cases, it could still be used as an objective guideline to rule out the presence of a
non-organic component in hearing disability compensation claimants (Tsui 2002).
Two other studies focused more on comparing CERA with PTA for adults in general. One
small study by Lightfoot et al. analysed the accuracy and efficiency of CERA in 24
volunteer subjects compared to PTA. Establishing the 6 threshold estimates took an
average 20.6 minutes. The mean error in the CERA threshold estimate was 6.5 dB, with
no significant effect of frequency. After correcting for this bias, 94% of individual threshold
estimates were within 15 dB of the behavioural threshold and 80% were within 10 dB. The
authors concluded that CERA has a performance that is as good as or better than BERA
for threshold estimation in adults and that sophisticated stimulation techniques do not
appear to be required. An efficient test protocol that automates many laborious tasks
reduces the test time to less than half that previously reported in the literature for this
response (Ligtfoot 2006). Another small study by Wong et al. found good test results for
CERA compared to PTA and Cantonese hearing in noise test (CHINT). They tested 30
adults with normal hearing to profound sensorineural hearing loss. Speech thresholds
were measured using the CHINT in four conditions: quiet, noise from the front, noise from
the right, and noise from the left. CERA thresholds were measured at 0.5, 1, 2, and 4 kHz
in both ears. Results showed that most participants had speech thresholds in quiet within
+/-10 dB of pure-tone averages, and had CERA thresholds within +/-15 dB of pure-tone
thresholds. Speech and CERA thresholds were highly correlated (p<0.01) with pure-tone
behavioural thresholds (Wong 2008)
-------There were only a few studies focussing on NIHL and ABR in comparison to PTA. The
majority of studies concerned animal tests, or children. We looked at three studies.
Noorhassim 1996 et al. analysed the correspondence between ABR and PTA. For their
study they used 22 participants with diagnosed NIHL and found that abnormal wave
patterns were found in 72% of the ears. There conclusion was that ABR could be useful in
diagnosing NIHL but larger sample sizes would be necessary. Another study by Xu et al.
focused on the differences between ABR and TOAE for different age groups and with
different levels of NIHL. They looked at 22 patients with NIHL and compared them to 21
controls. Based upon the hearing loss at 4, 3, 2 and 1 kHz on the pure-tone audiogram,
Page 27 of 51
they were classified into four groups NIHL. With increasing hearing losses and extension
of the involvement from 4 to 1 kHz in pure-tone audiometry, the objective TEOAE figures
(presence of TEOAE, TEOAE-noise, percentage reproducibility and SNR) became lower
and the objective ABR data (presence of wave I and I/V amplitude ratios) showed lower
figures. (Xu 1998)
Another study by Beattie et al. focussed on an older group of participants (mean age 68
years) to compare ABR with PTA. They found that ABR was more accurate in the higher
frequencies with differences between 25dB and 15dB with PTA results. (Beattie 1988)
We found 5 studies evaluating the diagnostic value of CERA in people with NIHL in
comparison to PTA. All studies had a cross-sectional design and showed good results
(majority within 10 dB) for threshold testing. One large study (Hone 2003) particularly
mentioned that CERA gives good results when exaggerated hearing thresholds can be
found of more than 25dB at 500Hz. We hardly found any study focusing on ABR and
NIHL. Of the three studies discussed reasonable results were found for ABR, however
they were both very small cross-sectional studies. All other studies focussed on ABR in
children or animals.
Page 28 of 51
We found one systematic review that addressed the first question. This review by Thlumak
et al. looked at 56 studies regarding use of ASSRs for children from 6 years and older and
adults. It did not particularly focus on NIHL, although some of the included studies did.
Their main findings were:
(1) 80-Hz ASSR is a reasonably reliable method for estimating hearing sensitivity in the
mid-to-upper conventional audiometric frequencies in both the normally hearing and in the
hearing impaired population;
(2) accuracy of threshold estimation via 80-Hz ASSR-ERA suffers toward the lower
audiometric extreme;
(3) more accurate threshold estimations via 80-Hz ASSR-ERA are obtained as carrier
frequency increases in the hearing impaired population;
(4) electrode position (vis-a`-vis commonly used montages for recording ASSRs evoked at
modulation rates at/above 80 Hz) is not related to MTDs at any carrier frequency in the
normally hearing and in the hearing-impaired population;
(5) assuming validity of comparisons across ASSR-ERA studies using 80 vs. 40 Hz (vis-a`vis methodological differences, etc.), threshold estimates follow results of ERA using
conventional short- versus middle-latency transient-evoked responses, namely improved
accuracy of threshold estimation using 40 Hz when testing at lower carrier frequencies
(e.g. 0.5 kHz).
Other findings were (these were more contrasted by other studies in the literature)
Page 29 of 51
(6) more accurate threshold estimates via 80-Hz ASSR-ERA might be obtained with the
use of AM tones than MM tones in the hearing-impaired population;
(7) there appear to be practical limits of the number of sweeps in signal averaging of the
80-Hz ASSR (at least in the hearing-impaired population); and
(8) there are differences between 80-Hz ASSR MTDs found between stimulus conditions
MMF and BMF (at least in the hearing-impaired population).
We looked at three more studies to address the first question regarding ASSR that were
not included in the review.
Hsu 2003 et al. evaluated in a small cross-sectional design study the difference between
steady-state evoked potential (SSEP) and PTA in 11 patients with noise-induced hearing
loss (NIHL). The results showed that SSEP thresholds predicted pure-tone thresholds with
correlation coefficients (r) of 0.86, 0.92, 0.94 and 0.95 at 500, 1000, 2000 and 4000 Hz
respectively. Typically, the SSEP thresholds overestimated the pure-tone thresholds by
10-20 dB, but they closely reflected the configuration of the audiogram. The strength of the
relationship between SSEP and pure-tone thresholds increased with increasing frequency
and increasing degree of hearing loss. The authors concluded that SSEP can be used as
a reliable and objective tool to assess auditory thresholds in patients with noise-induced
hearing loss with high-frequency dips.
Lin et al. compared multi-channel ASSR with PTA in 142 adults with sensorineural hearing
loss. They found a difference of less than 15 dB in 71 % of patients, while a difference of
less than 20 dB was found in 83 %. Correlation between ASSR thresholds and pure tone
thresholds, expressed as the correlation coefficient (r), was 0.89, 0.95, 0.96 and 0.97 at
500, 1000, 2000 and 4000 Hz, respectively. The strength of the relationship between
ASSR thresholds and pure tone thresholds increased with increasing frequency and
increasing degree of hearing loss. The prediction of pure tone thresholds based on the
ASSR regression lines were all within 10 dB of the actual recorded pure tone thresholds.
The average multi-channel ASSR test duration was 42 minutes per patient. Similar results
were found in a smaller study by Herdman et al. who compared multiple ASSR test results
with PTA in 31 adults with NIHL. They found that ASSR thresholds were on average less
than 20dB above the PTA thresholds, with better results for the higher frequencies. For
Page 30 of 51
those people with steep sloping audiograms the multiple ASSRs did not underestimate
PTA thresholds.
Canale et al. analysed ASSR results in comparison with PTA in a very small group of 11
subjects, 6 with normal hearing and 5 with hearing loss. They found that the mean
threshold difference between PTA and ASSR was 28 dB (SD 14.2) and the Pearsons
correlation test value at 0.5, 1, 2 and 4 kHz was 0.71 (p=0.00012).
These differences were significantly smaller for the hearing-impaired separately (11.7 dB).
The authors concluded that that ASSR is an accurate predictor of the behavioural
audiogram in patients with sensory-neural hearing impairments and can be used as a valid
support for behavioural evaluations. However, they also agreed that the relatively elevated
difference between the two thresholds in normal hearing does not permit the utilization of
the test for medicolegal reasons in which an objective determination of the true hearing
threshold is necessary. The ASSR could be used to confirm the PTA threshold for
compromised frequency, but should not be used to distinguish the hearing-impaired
people from those that simulate.
ASSR compared to other diagnostic tools
We looked at two studies that compared ASSR with ABR:
This same study by Lin et al. also measured whether ASSR was a better testing method
than ABR in adults with sensorineural hearing loss. The researchers used the same 142
subjects with varying degrees of sensorineural hearing loss, and evaluated the loss at 500,
1000, 2000, 4000 Hz. All subjects received PTA, multi-channel ASSR, and ABR tests for
threshold measurement. Between multi-channel ASSR and pure tone thresholds, a
difference of less than 15 dB was found in 71% while a difference of less than 25 dB was
found in 89% of patients. The correlation coefficient (r) of multi-channel ASSR and pure
tone thresholds were similar as stated previously. On the other hand, between ABR and
pure-tone thresholds, a difference of less than 15 dB was found in 31%; a difference of
less than 25 dB was found in 62% of patients. The r correlation value for ABR and pure
tone thresholds was 0.83. The authors concluded that ASSR is a more reliable test for the
accurate prediction of auditory thresholds than ABR (Lin 2009).
Page 31 of 51
Johnson et al. evaluated (ABR) thresholds in comparison with ASSR and PTA in a group
of 14 adults with normal hearing, 10 adults with flat, sensorineural hearing losses, and 10
adults with steeply sloping, high-frequency, sensorineural hearing losses. Evoked-potential
thresholds were recorded at 1, 1.5, and 2 kHz and were compared with PTA thresholds.
The predictive accuracy of two ABR protocols was evaluated: Blackman-gated tone bursts
and linear-gated tone bursts presented in a background of notched noise. Two ASSR
stimulation protocols also were evaluated: 100% amplitude-modulated (AM) sinusoids and
100% AM plus 25% frequency-modulated (FM) sinusoids. The results suggested there
was no difference in the accuracy with which either ABR protocol predicted behavioural
threshold, nor was there any difference in the predictive accuracy of the two ASSR
protocols. On average, ABR thresholds were recorded 3 dB closer to behavioural
threshold than ASSR thresholds. However, in the subjects with the most steeply sloping
hearing losses, ABR thresholds were recorded as much as 25 dB below behavioural
threshold, whereas ASSR thresholds were never recorded more than 5 dB below
behavioural threshold, which may reflect more spread of excitation for the ABR than for the
ASSR. In contrast, the ASSR overestimated behavioural threshold in two subjects with
normal hearing, where the ABR provided a more accurate prediction of behavioural
threshold (Johnson 2005).
The authors concluded that both the ABR and the ASSR provided reasonably accurate
predictions of behavioural threshold across the three subject groups. There was no
evidence that the predictive accuracy of the ABR evoked using Blackman-gated tone
bursts differed from the predictive accuracy observed when linear-gated tone bursts were
presented in conjunction with notched noise. Similarly, there was no evidence that the
predictive accuracy of the AM ASSR differed from the AM/FM ASSR. In general, ABR
thresholds were recorded at levels closer to behavioural threshold than the ASSR. For
certain individuals with steeply sloping hearing losses, the ASSR may be a more accurate
predictor of behavioural thresholds; however, the ABR may be a more appropriate choice
when predicting behavioural thresholds in a population where the incidence of normal
hearing is expected to be high.
Page 32 of 51
Four studies compared ASSR with CERA; one study looked at differences between normal
hearing and those with sensorineural hearing loss. The other three studies measured the
hearing in either healthy subjects or different degrees of hearing loss.
Tomlin et al. measured evoked potential thresholds using the 40Hz auditory steady-state
response (ASSR) and CERA at 500Hz and 4000Hz test frequencies in 36 subjects with
normal hearing, and 30 subjects with sensorineural hearing loss. ASSR threshold
sensation levels (SLs) were lower in ears with greater degrees of hearing loss, and for the
500Hz stimulus. Mean SLs (maximum duration of a single recording: 89 seconds) were as
follows at 500Hz and 4000Hz respectively: normal hearing group, 16.910.3dB and
42.414.4dB; mild-moderate group, 10.68.8dB and 23.88.1dB; severe-profound group,
10.013.2dB and 21.518.9dB. CERA SLs showed no change with hearing level and
CAEP/behavioural differences were similar at each test frequency. Mean SLs for CERA
threshold (single recording duration: 84 seconds) at 500Hz and 4000Hz respectively were:
normal hearing group, 10.36.4dB and 11.53.8dB; mild-moderate group, 8.47.4dB and
13.212.4dB; severe-profound group, 11.06.6dB and 15.916.4dB. The results of this
study suggested that while both 40Hz ASSR and CERA can reflect the behavioural
audiogram, CERAs may provide a more reliable estimate of hearing in awake adults.
(Tomlin 2006)
Yeung et al. compared ASSR and CERA thresholds with PTA thresholds in 63 ears. For
ASSR testing, 100% AM and 10% FM tone stimuli at a modulation frequency of 40Hz were
used. Behavioural thresholds were closer to CERA thresholds than ASSR thresholds.
ASSR and CERA thresholds were closer to behavioural thresholds at higher frequencies
than at lower frequencies. Although predictions based on CERA thresholds are slightly
more accurate than ASSR thresholds, the differences may not be clinically significant,
particularly when the degree of individual variations is considered. Prediction of hearing
thresholds became more accurate when hearing loss increased. Due to variations in
prediction across participants, a single correction factor cannot be used. Other factors
must be considered in selecting whether to use CERA or ASSR in predicting behavioural
thresholds (Yeung 2007).
-----------------------------------------------------------------------Page 33 of 51
We looked at one study that compared two types of ASSR in both normal and hearingimpaired subjects (Wouters 2005). They compared a monaural single-frequency technique
with a detection method based on phase coherence (AUDERA), and a binaural multiplefrequency technique using the F-test (MASTER). ASSR thresholds at four frequencies
were assessed with both methods in both ears of ten normal hearing and ten hearingimpaired adult subjects, within test duration of one hour. The test-retest reliability and the
influence of prolonging the test duration were assessed. For the total subject group the
multiple-frequency technique outperformed the single-frequency technique. In hearingimpaired subjects, however, both techniques performed equally well. Hearing thresholds
could be estimated with a standard error of the estimate between 7 and 12 dB dependent
on frequency. About 55% of the estimates were within 5 dB of the behavioural hearing
threshold, and 94% within 15 dB. Prolonging the test duration improved the performance
of both techniques.
We found one comprehensive systematic review that evaluated the value of ASSR in
comparison with PTA when diagnosing hearing loss in adults and children. The review had
looked at 56 studies and found that ASSR shows good test results mainly when there is a
higher degree of hearing loss and for the higher frequencies.
In addition we evaluated 8 recent studies that focussed on the ability of ASSR to diagnose
hearing loss thresholds compared to PTA in adults.
Three studies compared ASSR with PTA and found that there is a discrepancy between
the thresholds measured with ASSR and with pure tone thresholds. However, the
difference is within 20dB and becomes smaller with increasing degree of hearing loss and
or higher frequencies.
Five studies measured ASSR hearing thresholds and CERA or ABR thresholds in relation
to pure tone thresholds. Compared to CERA the ASSR was not considered superior in 2
out of the 4 studies. Compared to ABR, one study concluded that ASSR was superior. The
other study (Johnson et al.) measured better accuracy for ABR than for ASSR except for
those with steeply sloping hearing losses. However, ASSR overestimated behavioural
threshold in two subjects with normal hearing.
Page 34 of 51
We specifically focussed on studies that only included adults with sensorineural hearing
loss or workers with NIHL. The majority of studies had a small sample size, and compared
the test results in a cross-sectional design to PTA. In the majority of studies there was no
mentioning of blinding the tester for the test results of the PTA. All studies described
adequately the methods on how the test was performed. However, there are various
methods for ASSR described and this makes it extra difficult to summarize the results.
Also there is different equipment available that analyses ASSR such as the Audera and
the Master. For the purpose of this review we decided not to analyse in more details the
differences between these methods and equipment.
Page 35 of 51
Other tests
Hong Kong
British Columbia
0.5, 1, 2 kHz
1,2,3 kHz
0.5, 1, 2 kHz
Page 36 of 51
- preceded by at least 14
hrs without high levels of
noise (occupational or
requirements for the hearing
assessment but relies on the
information provided by regulated
treating practitioner, including
audiologists and physicians
- performed in a sound-proofed
room meeting current ANSI
- performed by a licensed
audiologist, an otolaryngologist or
other qualified physician or ARNP
or by a certified technician
responsible to one of the above,
- none mentioned
The Netherlands
schooled audiometrician
0.5,1,2,4 kHz
The Australian
head and neck
Page 37 of 51
2010 draft
AMA 4th edition
AMA 5th edition;
modifications by
NSW: Guides
Impairmentsecond Edition
AMA 6th edition
-0.25,0.5,1,2,3,4,6,8 kHz
Page 38 of 51
What do foreign countries use as diagnostic tool in diagnosing noise induced hearing loss?
All countries contacted use PTA as the gold standard to diagnose noise induced hearing
loss (NIHL). All countries have a protocol on how, by who and when the PTA can be done
for claimants of NIHL. In a few countries the new more objective audiometry tests are used
when there is any doubt on the accuracy of the PTA. No country uses these tests as a
standard tool.
We found that the UK and British Columbia have CERA as alternative test. The UK has a
clearly written protocol when this should be used:
UK (source: Occupational Deafness by Department for Work and Pensions Social Security
Administration Act 1992)
The Advantages and Disadvantages of CERA
CERA is not a superior test to PTA in all respects, as is sometimes suggested. Both
methods of testing have their benefits. PTA is a more sensitive means of identifying
hearing thresholds than CERA, so it remains the method of choice in assessing the
threshold of hearing loss. Towards the hearing threshold the CERA signal becomes
submerged in background signals so that the tracing can only be read to within 20 to 30
dB of the threshold. Mathematical techniques are then used to give the definitive readings.
CERA provides acceptable readings when readings are impossible to obtain by PTA. If the
PTA is precise and repeatable then the PTA readings are likely to be more accurate than
the CERA readings. Where the PTA is unreliable, due to the subject having difficulty in
complying with the test, then CERA is the preferred test in that results can be obtained
without the subject having to do anything other than lie still. CERA helps to clarify the true
level of hearing threshold when there is ambiguity between PTA readings. CERA cannot
discriminate as clearly as PTA between conductive and sensorineural hearing loss
thresholds. If there is believed to be a conductive element to the hearing loss large enough
to affect the diagnosis of PD A10, then a specialists opinion may need to be obtained in
order for the Decision Maker to have adequate evidence on which to base a decision.
Appropriate use of CERA
Page 39 of 51
There are circumstances where those advising decision-makers require further information
than is available from the current medical evidence. The Medical Adviser has to decide
whether to use his/ her own expertise or if he/ she requires a specialist opinion. There are
certain circumstances where CERA may provide the information that the decision maker
CERA may be useful where:
there is a discrepancy between the PTA and the clinical findings of the Medical
the shape of the audiogram does not conform to the pattern for occupational
deafness. However, this is discussed.
PTA is not precise and repeatable: The audiometrician is expected to state how
precise and repeatable the customers audiometric responses were, and whether
the audiogram was consistent with the audiometricians informal observations. The
Medical Adviser should not consider the case unless these sections have been
completed, and should obtain a CERA if there is any doubt as to the reliability of the
Inconsistency between audiogram and clinical findings: The clinical hearing tests
are a useful means of confirming that the audiometric findings are reasonably
consistent with the perceived level of hearing loss. If a persons hearing distance for
a conversational voice (CV) is 1 metre, for example, their hearing loss should be
about 60dB [approx 40% disablement]. If his hearing distance for a CV is 2 metres
the loss should be about 50 dB [20% disablements]. These are approximate guides,
and should not be treated as anything else, but Medical Advisers should carry them
out in all cases and be prepared to question the validity of audiograms if they are
not reasonably consistent with the clinical findings [e.g.. hearing loss 60dB on
audiogram but hears conversational voice well over two metres away]. Where there
Page 40 of 51
If there is any ambiguity in the newer findings whether in the reliability or shape of the
PTA, or on clinical observation, then the Medical Adviser will need to obtain further
evidence on which to base his/ her advice as follows:
If the first report was based on an audiometricians report without a consultant opinion then
the Medical Adviser may wish to request CERA itself to help identify which set of figures is
more accurate. The Medical Adviser should always comment on the difference between
the two assessments, and explain why the newer set of readings should be accepted or
Bilateral Symmetry
Page 41 of 51
The typical audiogram of noise-induced hearing loss has a characteristic notch in the 4-6
kHz range. This notch may be obscured by the effects of presbycusis. If the maximum
hearing deficit occurs in the 0.5-3.0 kHz range or if there is an apparent profound hearing
loss across the hearing range then the Medical Adviser will need to seek further
information. Our guidance is that a consultants opinion should be sought on the nature of
the hearing loss. The specialist may require a CERA, and this should be authorised at the
time the request for a consultant report is made. If a Medical Adviser requests a CERA,
and this confirms the PTA reading indicating an additional pathology, further delay will be
incurred as a specialist opinion will then be required. Bilateral symmetry - The audiograms
for both ears should be roughly symmetrical. If they are asymmetrical then the possibility
of other pathology should be considered as a consultant report may be required, rather
than relying on further requests for audiometry.
Medical Advisers have always adopted a logical approach in assessing claims for
occupational deafness, basing their assessment on the PTA in most cases, but taking into
account their observations of the subjects voice hearing ability, clinical findings, and
features of the PTA, and being prepared to seek additional information or a specialist
opinion where necessary. It is hoped that these guidance notes will clarify the usefulness
of CERA, so that the Medical Adviser can decide whether to request further tests or to
seek a specialist opinion on a more informed basis.
Hong Kong uses the acoustic reflex threshold in rare cases or the DPOAE. We found an
article by Chan 2004 who described this as follows:
The present hearing test protocol of the Occupational Deafness Medical Committee uses
pure-tone audiometry (PTA) as the gold standard for measuring hearing sensitivity. The
present protocol includes optional objective tests such as the acoustic reflex threshold
(ART) test and distortion-product otoacoustic emission (DPOAE), which are frequently
performed but have no official status to support PTA results. The present hearing test
protocol requires the reliability of all hearing test results to be assessed by the
Occupational Deafness Medical Committee. The inclusion of an objective screening tool
Page 42 of 51
with validated criteria may assist in determining the reliability of individual results. Such a
procedure may serve as an indicator of the likelihood of applicants meeting the hearing
loss requirements, helping in the determination of full assessment appointment priorities.
The Netherlands
PTA is used as gold standard with the addition of some other audiology tools such as:
Speech audiograms, speech in noise measurements, speech transmission index and
direction hearing measurements. In rare cases otoacoustic emissions are measured.
However, this rarely happens for workers with NIHL. In the Netherlands particular attention
is focussed on the demands on hearing in the work situation. For example, working in
construction could mean that the worker needs to be able to hear beep sounds coming
from a truck that is entering the construction site. The occupational physician with
assistance from specialists in audiology and/ or ENT specialists will make a profile of the
hearing demands from the workplace and the hearing abilities of the worker. In agreement
with all parties a plan is made how the particular worker can keep doing his job despite the
hearing problems.
Our contacts from Germany, Singapore, France and Washington all reported that PTA is
the gold standard for measuring hearing thresholds in workers with potential NIHL. Speech
tests are usually also mentioned as extra options for testing hearing in workers. The
described objective tests in this project are not (yet) used in these countries.
Page 43 of 51
Page 44 of 51
We found that CERA and BERA were evaluated to a lesser extent as a diagnostic tool
than OAEs in relation to NIHL. There were 5 cross-sectional studies that evaluated CERA
in comparison to PTA, and all found reasonable comparable results for CERA (within 10dB
difference with PTA thresholds). CERA can measure frequency specific thresholds over
the speech frequency range of 0.5 kHz - 4 kHz. This suggests that CERA could be a
useful tool in diagnosing NIHL for compensation purposes. Its biggest problem is that the
results can be influenced by the state of the patient; he/she needs to be awake and
The UK and British Columbia use CERA when the PTA gives unclear results. The use of
CERA is also recommended by the guidelines of the Australian ENT specialist
We found only 3 very small studies that evaluated the quality of BERA/ABR in diagnosing
NIHL. All three studies had reasonable results compared to PTA. The biggest
disadvantage of BERA/ABR is that only low amplitude responses can be measured and
therefore any small movement of the patient may gives a lot of disturbance. The patient
should actually be asleep to achieve the best results. Further issues are that click ABR is
not frequency specific, and tone burst ABR can measure thresholds only in the higher
frequency range of 2 kHz- 4kHz. It also takes a very long time to measure a frequency
specific threshold with tone burst ABR. ABR/BERA have their biggest advantage in
differential diagnostic purposes; such as differentiating between cochlear and retrocochlear pathology. The majority of studies regarding ABR and hearing loss evaluation
involved children or animals. Only Taiwan mentioned potential ABR use for NIHL claims.
Regarding ASSR:
For ASSR we found a systematic review that had included 57 single studies. These
studies involved both children and adults with or without hearing loss. The conclusion of
this review suggested that ASSR can be a reasonably reliable method for estimating
hearing thresholds. However, as with ABR, the measured amplitude of the response is
also relatively low and therefore there is a high variability in the responses to the stimuli.
Results of the review showed that ASSR is more accurate in the higher frequencies and
for higher amounts of hearing loss. The three extra single studies that were included in this
Page 45 of 51
review confirmed the potential of ASSR in diagnosing NIHL. The advantage of ASSR is
that the calculation of the thresholds is done mathematically. We found five studies that
compared ASSR to CERA or BERA but the results of these studies could not show a clear
advantage of ASSR over CERA or BERA. Because ASSR is a fairly new diagnostic tool it
is not yet used for medico-legal decisions regarding NIHL in any of the countries.
For the diagnosis of NIHL for compensation purpose the use of pure tone audiometry
(PTA) is considered the most accurate diagnostic tool. Recent literature has not changed
this view and all foreign countries asked for this project, agreed that PTA is the
recommended choice for this purpose. Cortical evoked response audiometry (CERA)
seems to be the best alternative to objectively measure the actual hearing threshold.
Literature suggests that this method gives accurate and comparable results as PTA. It can
measure hearing loss thresholds over a broad frequency range and is helpful in cases of
exaggerated hearing loss.
We recommend the use of pure tone air and bone audiogram for the accurate diagnosis of
noise induced hearing loss for workers compensation purposes. The audiogram should
include the 6 frequencies: 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3 and 4 kHz as described in the ASOHNs
guidelines (concept 2010). We recommend complying with the Australian standards for the
calibration of the audiometer and the sound proof room. We recommend 16 hours as
minimum time between noise exposure and assessment as described in the ASOHNs
guidelines (concept 2010). In cases where there is suspicion that PTA may not be giving a
valid measure of hearing loss we recommend use of cortical evoked response audiometry
(CERA) plus a repeat pure tone audiogram (PTA). These should both include the 6
required frequencies.
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