Speaker Application Guide 1
Speaker Application Guide 1
Speaker Application Guide 1
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Edwards Systems Technology
Layout of Speakers for Adequate Fire Alarm Signaling and
Emergency Voice Communication
85000-0033 Issue 2
Table of Contents
1 Foreword........................................................................................................................................... 1
6 Glossary .......................................................................................................................................... 43
7 APPENDICES ................................................................................................................................ 45
7.1 Appendix A - EST Speakers: Specifications and Performance .............................................. 45
7.1.1 4" Cone Speakers - 964 & 965 Series............................................................................ 46
7.1.2 4" Cone Speakers - 964 & 965 Series............................................................................ 47
7.1.3 4" Cone Speaker/Strobes - 964 & 965 Series ................................................................ 48
7.1.4 4" Cone Speaker/Strobes - 964 & 965 Series ................................................................ 50
7.1.5 4" Cone Speaker/Strobes - 765 & 767 Series ................................................................ 52
7.1.6 8" Cone Speakers - 964 & 965 Series............................................................................ 54
7.1.7 8" Cone Speakers - 964 & 965 Series............................................................................ 55
7.1.8 8" Cone Speaker/Strobes - 964 & 965 Series ................................................................ 56
7.1.9 8" Cone Speaker/Strobes - 964 & 965 Series ................................................................ 58
7.1.10 Re-entrant Speakers - 894B Series .............................................................................. 60
7.1.11 4" Cone Speakers - CSVT Series ................................................................................ 61
7.1.12 Re-entrant Speakers - CVT/CVTF Series.................................................................... 62
8 Acknowledgements ........................................................................................................................ 63
1 Foreword
Fire alarm systems alert occupants of a building and inform them that an emergency exists. Usually the
intent is to initiate evacuation. In high rise buildings a voice communication system is provided to give
the occupants more information, such as the nature and location of the fire or instructions for
evacuation. The system fails to meet its goals if the signal is not heard and clearly understood by the
This application guide provides information on the placement/layout of EST speakers for adequate fire
alarm tone signaling and emergency voice communication. The suggested placement should provide
safe, adequate coverage. In certain cases, the speaker spacing can be stretched. However, many factors
affect the transmission and attenuation of sound as it travels from a source to a target. Some of these are:
All of these factors must be considered when designing or analyzing a signaling system. For
maximum safety, EST recommends that fire alarm strobes be used to supplement audible signals.
The following standards, codes, and guides are referenced in this document and should be used to
supplement information contained herein.
2 Behavior of Sound
2.1 General
In theory, sound waves generated from an ideal “point source” will spread out in all directions,
similar to the wave pattern generated by dropping a stone into water. Most sound generators are not
“point sources”, and most applications require that sound sources be directed or concentrated in one
or more directions. Cupped hands, megaphones or horn speakers are examples of how we can direct
Since sound travels through air in the form of quickly changing variations in air pressure, we speak
of the loudness of sound to be its “sound pressure level”, or SPL. The sound pressure level is
measured in dB (decibels). Since the loudest SPL which our ear can hear without damage is
1,000,000 times greater than the softest SPL, we use a logarithmic scale to help describe SPL in
numbers which we can more easily relate to.
Unfortunately, sound pressure decibels are not the scale that the human ear uses to judge loudness.
This is because our ears are generally more sensitive to higher frequencies. Sound with frequencies
between 1,000-6,000 Hz (Hz = “Hertz” = “cycles per second”) are the easiest to hear; sound with
lower frequencies are more difficult.
This “frequency selectivity” of the human ear is shown if a person hears three single frequency
sounds at 50, 500, and 5,000 Hz. When their strength is adjusted until they sound equally loud, you
will find that the 50 Hz sound must be 19 dB stronger than the 5,000 Hz sound, and 12 dB stronger
than the 500 Hz sound.
The threshold of audibility is 0 dB. It is the softest SPL that an average person could hear. A 3 dB
increase or decrease in the sound pressure level is “just noticeable” to the human ear. The
threshold of pain is 120 dB. The maximum sound level attainable under atmospheric
conditions is 194 dB.
Two types of sound chambers are commonly used to determine a speaker’s sound level rating -
reverberant and anechoic. Sound pressure levels for audible fire alarm signals determined in a
reverberant room are typically lower than for the same sound source in an anechoic chamber. This is
because the reverberant results include an acoustic averaging of the response at all angles, whereas
the anechoic readings are typically taken on-axis which is usually defined as the angle of maximum
Reverberant room sound levels describe the device operation as might be found in a large ‘live’ room
having several hard surfaces, where room reflections (reverberation) will be significant. Anechoic
readings in conjunction with polar plots provide an indication of the device’s operation in a fairly
‘dead’ room, perhaps having curtains, soft wall covering, rugs, or many people. (People are
generally quite sound-absorbant.) In a ‘dead’ environment, sound reaches the occupants primarily
directly from the source, in which case it is important to note the signaling device’s polar output
relative to position within the room.
The dB sound pressure level can be measured with a sound level meter. It is very important to know
on what “scale” you are measuring.
dB - “flat” response measures sound intensity without regard to the characteristics of the ear.
dBA - a measurement where a filter is added to adjust the response (A-Weighting) to give greater
consideration to the sounds with frequencies between 5,000 and 10,000 Hz so that the
sound meter responds closer to the characteristics of the human ear.
For instance, a 1,000 Hz signal at 20 dB in a room with no background noise would be audible. A
100 Hz signal at 20 dB would not be heard. A-Weighting allows a single number to describe the
sound pressure level produced by a signal containing frequencies between 20 and 20,000 Hz. Hence,
a 200 Hz signal at 50 dBA would sound approximately as loud as a 10,000 Hz signal at
50 dBA.
Reverberant room testing is used by ULI (Underwriter’s Laboratories, Inc. U.S.A.) as their
standard method of determining sound level for audible devices including fire alarm speakers.
This method employs a reverberant chamber and is specified in the ANSI S1.21 standard. This
concept of sound level testing is much different from anechoic testing. Here, an enclosed room is
used which has hard, sound reflecting walls in order to capture the total sound emitted from a
Measurements are made using one or more microphones placed in specific locations in the
chamber or else swept through an arc inside the chamber. The “total” sound captured during the
measuring time is used to calculate sound power, from which the equivalent average sound
pressure level at 10 ft (3.05 m) is derived.
In most cases, EST publishes “Reverberant Room” values as confirmed through testing at UL’s
laboratories. What you need to realize, is that UL rates audible signal output in
predetermined 3 dBA steps or “milestones”. In the case of speakers, this is very important!
UL’s confirmed speaker ratings begin at 75 dBA, and move in 3 dBA (usually upward) bench
marks, ie. 75, 78, 81, 84, 87, 90, 93 dBA etc. All speakers tested by UL will get one or more of
those dBA ratings. For example, if UL tests a speaker at its 2 watt tap and it consistently
achieves 89.9 dBA output, they would allow a published rating of only 87 dBA for that model.
Almost a full 3 dBA less than the speaker’s actual performance!
It’s essential to understand this especially when comparing the performance of two different
speakers. Here’s why:
Model A 90 92.9
Model B 87 87.1
Model C 90 90.1
Model D 87 89.9
This also applies when testing speaker/strobes. Lets assume we test a speaker (without strobe),
then mount a strobe in front of the grille and re-test. If there is only a 1 dBA loss bringing the
speaker output just below a “milestone”, UL lowers the rating by a full 3 dBA. However,
there is no need to be overly concerned. A 3 dBA change in sound output, is really only “just
noticeable” to the human ear. Good end results are achieved with optimal product application,
not just by the product alone.
In most cases this would be a chamber typically having walls, ceilings and floor covered with
sound absorbent materials, often having conical or triangular shapes designed to trap the sound
waves. At times a remote outdoor location is found and the source and microphone are mounted
high above the ground. It is important to have no reflecting surfaces nearby.
In an anechoic environment, unlike a reverberant room, a sound pressure level meter placed at a
distance from the sound source will only measure the sound generated in that direction. Thus it
is possible to measure the sound level at various angles off-axis from a given source, and
produce a “polar plot” to describe sound level versus listening angle. These polar plots are the
basis for the design examples used in this guide.
For speakers, we expect that the most demanding applications will require complex changing
wave forms such as speech. Polar plots at various high and low frequencies are therefore needed
to fully describe the speaker’s full polar behavior.
The human voice has most of its power in the 200 Hz to 3,000 Hz region. The voice frequencies
above 3,000 Hz contain very little energy. The frequencies in the 800 Hz to 3,000 Hz range
contribute the most to voice intelligibility. Audibility and intelligibility, however, are two
different issues.
Audibility usually refers to the ability to “hear” a particular signal over the ambient noise level.
This is often the foremost consideration in selection and placement of horn or bell signals.
If the average ambient noise level in a space is found to be 75 dBA, it might be concluded that the
alarm signal level throughout the area should be between 80 to 90 dBA. But to achieve that sound
level 25 feet (7.6 m) from a speaker, the level in the area very near or just below the speaker might be
as high as 100 to 110 dBA. That alarm signal level would be clearly audible, however, the high
sound level close to the speaker might be too loud. Certainly potential distortion and the effect of
reverberation may make a voice message unintelligible.
Under the “Anechoic” condition (see Section 2.2.2 above), the sound pressure level will change
approximately 6 dBA for each halving or doubling of distance from the source to the target.
The illustration below shows how the sound pressure level changes with distance under ideal
conditions. Sound absorbing or reflecting materials in the listening area can modify the curve.
Doubling or halving the power input to a speaker causes an increase or decrease of 3 dBA. This is
very significant when calculating amplifier size for sound distribution systems. Each time the
amplifier size is doubled, the potential sound pressure level (SPL) output from speakers is increased
by only 3 dBA, a “just noticeable” rise.
The following information is extracted in part from ANSI/NFPA 72. There are numerous reference
figures and tables which are part of NFPA 72. They must be used along with this guide.
Chapter 3 of NFPA 72 indicates that audible signals for a fire alarm system shall be distinctive in
sound from other signals and that this sound not be used for any other purpose. To meet this
requirement, effective July 01, 1996, the fire alarm signal used for evacuation purposes shall be
ANSI S3.41, American National Standard Audible Emergency Evacuation Signal.
Chapter 6 of NFPA 72 classifies audible notification signals for fire alarm systems for specific uses
and purposes. Properly applied, EST speakers can meet the criteria for all of the following:
Coded - An audible signal conveying several discrete bits or units of information. An example is
numbered strokes (or tones) of a bell, chime, horn or speaker.
Non-coded Perceptually Constant - The continuous operation of a signal such as a bell, horn, siren,
or speaker tone.
Non-coded Perceptually Repetitious - The interrupted operation of a signal such as a bell, horn,
siren, or speaker tone that is operated at a continuous uniform rate.
General/Notification - Audible signals used for alerting the general public or specific individuals
responsible for implementation and direction of emergency action.
Operating Mode, Private - Audible signaling only to those persons directly concerned with the
implementation and direction of emergency action initiation.
Operating Mode, Public - Audible signaling to occupants of the area protected by the fire alarm
The code stipulates that the alarm or alert sound level should be at least 15 dBA above the normal
ambient sound level or 5 dBA above the normal maximum sound level having a duration of at
least 60 seconds (whichever is greater), measured 5 ft (1.5 m) above the floor. In areas where the
average ambient sound level is greater than 115 dBA, visible signal appliances (strobes) must be
Speakers intended for use in the public mode must produce a minimum sound level of 75 dBA at
10 ft (3 m) and cannot exceed 130 dBA at the minimum hearing distance to the speaker.
(Note: ADA allows only 120 dBA. See Section 3.2)
Speakers used for private mode operation must have a minimum sound level of 45 dBA at 10 ft
(3 m) and cannot exceed 130 dBA at the minimum hearing distance from the speaker. In areas
where the average ambient sound level is greater than 115 dBA, visible signal appliances
(strobes) must be used. (Note: ADA allows only 120 dBA. See Section 3.2)
When speakers are used in sleeping areas, they shall provide sound levels at all points in the area,
a maximum of 15 dBA above the average ambient noise with a minimum of 70 dBA.
When Emergency Voice/Alarm Communication speakers are used, there must be at least two
speakers in each paging zone of the building, so located that signals can be clearly heard
regardless of the maximum noise level produced by machinery or other equipment. Each
elevator car must have a speaker connected to the paging zone in which that elevator is located.
Ceiling mount speakers are allowed. Where ceiling heights permit, wall mounted speakers shall
have their tops at heights above the floor of not less than 90 in. (2.3 m) and below the ceiling of
not less than 6 in. (0.15 m). When combination speaker/strobes are used, visible signal
(strobe) installation guidelines must be followed.
The landmark Americans with Disabilities Act, enacted by US Congress on July 26, 1990, provides
comprehensive civil rights protection to individuals in the area of employment (title I), State and
local government services (title II), public accommodation and commercial facilities (title III),
telecommunications (title IV). Title III of the act affects fire alarm systems and compliance requires
Audible Emergency Alarms shall produce a sound that exceeds the prevailing equivalent sound
level in the room or space by at least 15 dBA or exceeds any maximum sound level with a duration
of 60 seconds by 5 dBA, whichever is louder. Sound levels for alarm signals shall not exceed
120 dBA. Note: This is less than the 130 dBA allowed by NFPA.
Since we must have signals at 15 dBA above ambient, but cannot exceed 120 dBA, strobes are
therefore required anywhere the ambient is more than 105 dBA.
Audible emergency signals must have an intensity and frequency that can attract the attention of
individuals who have partial hearing loss. People over 60 years of age generally have difficulty
perceiving frequencies higher than 10,000 Hz. An alarm signal which has a periodic element to its
signal such as single stroke bells (clang-pause-clang-pause), hi-low (up-down-up-down) and fast
whoop (low sweeping to high, low sweeping to high) are best. Avoid continuous or reverberating
tones. Select a signal which has a sound easily characterized by three or four clear tones.
In a 2-stage fire alarm system, the same audible signal devices (speakers) are permitted to be used to
sound the alert signals and the alarm signals. If speakers are intended for paging and similar voice
message use, other than during a fire emergency, they must be installed so that alert signals and
alarm signals take priority over all other signals. Speakers forming part of a fire alarm or voice
communication system can not be used for playing music or background noise.
Fire alarm system speakers must be installed in a building so that alert signals, alarm signals and
voice messages can be heard intelligibly throughout the floor area in which they are installed.
The sound pressure level from a fire alarm audible signal device in a floor area used for
occupancies other than residential occupancies must be at least 10 dBA above the ambient noise
level, but never less than 65 dBA. The fire alarm signal sound pressure level cannot exceed
110 dBA in any normally occupied area.
In any floor area where the ambient noise level is more than 87 dBA, or where the occupants of
the floor area use ear protective devices, are located within an audiometric booth, or are located
within sound insulating enclosures, the fire alarm audible signal devices shall be supplemented
by visual signal devices (strobes). Strobes are also required in assembly occupancies where
music and other sounds associated with performances could exceed 100 dBA.
In a building or portion thereof intended for use primarily by persons with hearing impairments,
fire alarm strobes shall be installed in addition to audible signal devices.
The temporal pattern of an alarm signal shall conform to the temporal pattern defined in
Clause 4.2 of International Standard ISO 8201: 1987(E), “Acoustics - Audible Emergency
Evacuation Signal”. EST speakers are very suitable for producing this signal pattern.
This pattern relates to the time while the signal is produced and the intervals between the
individual signal pulses. The characteristic of the pattern is a three pulse phase followed by an
off phase.
The signals from smoke alarms and the temporal patterns of alert signals shall be sufficiently
different from the signals or patterns of alarm signals so that there is no possibility of confusion.
The sound pressure level in sleeping rooms from a fire alarm audible signal device shall not be
less than 75 dBA in buildings of residential occupancy when any intervening doors between the
device and the sleeping room are closed.
In buildings with more than one dwelling unit that are served by corridors, it might not be
possible to place a speaker in the corridor or hallway to alert persons sleeping in suites and
dwelling units, because the sound level very near the device would exceed 110 dBA. (See above,
Section 3.3.1) In those cases it will be necessary to supplement the building fire alarm system
with an audible signal device in the individual suite or dwelling unit. These latter devices could
be mini-horns or speakers, subject to the device emitting the appropriate temporal pattern
required. (See above, Section 3.3.2)
An audible signal device located within a dwelling unit shall incorporate a means that enables
the device to be silenced for a period of not more than 10 minutes after which the device shall
restore to normal operation. The intent here is to minimize the annoyance caused by false and
unwanted alarms. The silence feature will reduce the likelihood of tampering with the audible
An audible signal device located within a dwelling unit or suite of residential occupancy must be
connected to the fire alarm system in a manner that disconnection of, or damage to, that device
will not interfere with the ability of devices in other dwelling units or suites to sound an alarm.
Appendix A- of the building code (1995) covers details and methods which should be
used when measuring the ambient noise level and alarm signal sound pressure levels on the
project site. These procedures must be followed to obtain accurate measurements.
There is a rule of thumb expressed that if SPL measurements are made in a totally bare room, the
SPL will be about 3 dB higher than if the room were carpeted. In most cases this will account
for most of the absorption in the room and no further correction is necessary. Adding heavy
drapes and sound absorptive furnishings to carpeted room can reduce the sound level by a further
2-3 dB.
Portable partitions or office screens in commercial buildings can cause even greater reductions.
3.4 CAN/ULC S524 M91 Standard for the Installation of Fire Alarm Systems
Audible signal appliances (speakers) must be mounted with the center of the appliance not less
than 1.8 m above the floor level. Audible signal appliances shall be mounted, in accordance with
the manufacturer’s instructions, in enclosures which are intended and accepted for the purpose.
4 Speaker Application
Edwards Systems Technology recommends that audible signal appliances always be installed in
accordance with the latest recognized edition of national and local fire alarm codes. EST recognizes that
the following guidelines may differ from the current standards and practices in some jurisdictions. We
recommend, however, that wherever possible you follow the application information herein to help
ensure maximum safety.
EST audible voice/tone signal products meet or exceed the needs of most persons, if properly applied.
They are designed to comply with or exceed the following standards and regulations:
NOTE: Audible signal applications vary widely and at all times must be considered along with visible
signal requirements to determine exact signal appliance needs. Combination audible/visible signaling
appliances are available from EST and should be used wherever possible.
The Appendices at the end of this guide provide EST speaker engineering and performance
specifications. The information here is based on that performance.
To be intelligibly heard throughout the building, a sufficient quantity of speakers should be installed
in each area. Usually, better sound distribution results from carefully positioning a larger quantity of
speakers set on “lower” power taps than a lesser quantity of speakers set to their highest tap.
Modern buildings are constructed with improved sound insulation between corridors and occupied
areas. This results in poor sound penetration by corridor-mounted speakers. Sound penetration
through walls depends upon the type of wall construction and SPL losses will vary from 15 to 40
dBA. A solid door reduces the level of sound reaching the room by 25 to 30 dBA. Raising the
output level of corridor speakers enough to penetrate into rooms could result in corridor sound
pressure levels that cause discomfort to people in the corridor. A practical solution is to install
signals with lower power in all parts of the entire floor area.
Depending on a room’s acoustic characteristics, doubling the distance from a speaker causes a
6 dBA reduction in the received sound pressure level. Curtains or drapes close to the speaker can
decrease the sound pressure level by 2-3 dB from that of a more reflective surface. Carpeting may
cause a reduction in the sound level of approximately 3 dB from that of a more reflective surface.
Cone speakers usually have a broader frequency range and higher fidelity (less distortion) than
re-entrant type speakers. They should be used for most applications. The re-entrant speaker should
be used in high ambient noise applications or in locations where it will be exposed to weather or dust
such as in parking garages or factories. The re-entrant speaker can handle up to 15 watts of power
with minimum distortion. The higher capability is often needed to overcome high
background noise.
Speaker “Phasing” - When connecting speakers to the fire alarm system, wiring polarity is
important. If polarity of connections is not consistent, the speakers will be out of “phase”. This
means that when one speaker is “pushing” the air, another speaker can be “pulling” the air. The
result is a cancelling affect on the sound output.
Here, we’ve listed some typical environments which most fire alarm system designers will
recognize and can easily relate to. This information is for reference only and should not to be used in
lieu of actual site condition sound level measurements.
Whisper Conversation 15 dB
NFPA 72 lists some typical average ambient sound levels one might expect in various types of
To determine the correct power tap to use on the speaker, measure the distance from the speaker’s
location to the area to be covered. Next, refer to the specification sheet for the speaker you intend to
use. Look for the sound pressure level the unit can provide at a given power input over a given
It should be clear now that each time you double the power to the speaker, you gain 3 dBA. This is a
“just noticeable” increase in volume. And, each time you double the distance from the speaker you
lose 6 dBA. Likewise, each time you halve the power, you reduce the sound level 3 dBA. And, each
time you halve the distance, you increase the sound by 6 dBA.
For each particular application, we need to determine whether fewer higher-powered, centralized
speakers, or more lower-powered, better distributed speakers are best.
Example #1
In many areas such as offices, corridors, or classrooms, an 80 dBA emergency paging signal is more
than sufficient to overcome normal ambient noise levels. In this example, the distance across the
protected area is 20 ft and our speakers are to be wall mounted. Our goal is to provide 80 dBA
minimum throughout the area, based on a 1,000 Hz signal.
From their specifications in Section 7 - Appendix, we see that EST’s model 964-1A-4R produces
88 dBA at 10 ft (3.05 m) with 2 watts input. We know that when we double the distance, we lose
6 dBA. Therefore, at 20 ft (6.1 m) we could expect 88 - 6 = 82 dBA. This meets our target.
However, sometimes it is more desirable to use more than one speaker in an area, especially in very
large projects. Additionally, we know we can obtain better sound quality using multiple speakers.
The 964-1A-4R at 2 watts input provides 82 dBA at 20 ft (6.1 m). Each time we reduce speaker
power by one half, we decrease the sound pressure level from the speaker by only 3 dBA. So, we
can reduce the power to 1 watt to get 79 dBA, 1/2 watt for 76 dBA, and 1/4 watt for 73 dBA at 20 ft
(6.1 m).
At 1/2 watt, if we half the distance of coverage to only 10 ft (3.05 m), the result is 82 dBA (76 dBA +
6 dBA).
Two speakers mounted on opposite walls and set at 1/2 watt are also sufficient! By using two
speakers, we require only half the power. 1 watt of power (2 speakers at 1/2 watt each) obtains the
equivalent result of one speaker set at 2 watts. This could save amplifier costs! We also achieve
much better sound distribution throughout the protected area.
Example #2
In noisy areas (compressor rooms, machine shops, and general manufacturing areas), the sound level
produced by the speaker must overcome the area’s high ambient noise. This is usually best accom-
plished with a re-entrant speaker.
Let’s assume that the measured distance from the speaker location to the area to be covered is 40 ft
(12.2 m). Our project calls for 87 dBA minimum to be provided throughout the area. From their
specifications in Section 7 - Appendix, EST’s model (USA: 894B-004/Canada: CVT-157UCR)
produces 99 dBA at 10 ft (3.05 m) with 15 watts input based on a 1,000 Hz tone.
So, beginning at 10 ft (3.05 m), we subtract 6 dBA each time we double the distance. In this instance
we have (at 15 watts): 99 dBA at 10 ft (3.05 m), 93 dBA at 20 ft (6.1 m), 87 dBA at 40 ft (12.2 m).
This seems adequate; our goal is 87 dBA.
However, the 99 dBA (at 15 watts) emitted by the re-entrant speaker would cause discomfort for
anyone who might be located close to the speaker. To correct this, we need to decrease the speaker’s
Since at 15 watts we have 87 dBA at 40 ft (12.2 m), reducing the power to 8 watts produces 84 dBA,
4 watts 81 dBA, and at 2 watts we have 79 dBA. At 4 watts and at half the distance (20 ft
(6.1 m)), we can expect 87 dBA (81 dBA + 6 dBA). This is also sufficient assuming we locate 2
speakers on opposite sides of the area.
NOTE: We have accomplished our goal without causing discomfort to people who may be standing
near the speaker. We provided smoother area coverage. And we use 8 watts of power (2 speakers at
4 watts each) instead of 15 watts. THIS SAVES AMPLIFIER COSTS!
Power loss in a speaker circuit is just like line loss in a bell circuit. The same questions apply to
both. What is the length of the circuit? What size of wire is used? How many speakers are on the
circuit and what is the wattage (power tap setting) of those speakers?
The following charts show the normally accepted limits of the variables to ensure that each speaker
operates to its full potential.
2. Distance shown is calculated to the last speaker, based on the worst case, assuming all speakers
are lumped at the end. Sometimes, adjusting (raising) the wattage tap on the last few speakers
on a wire run can help compensate for line loss.
SIZE PER 1000' PAIR 10W 15W 20W 30W 40W 50W
(AWG) (OHMS) (61) (41) (31) (20) (15) (12.5)
12 3.2 1130 775 575 390 290 230
14 5.2 700 475 350 240 175 140
16 8.0 450 300 225 150 110 90
18 13.0 290 190 140 95 70 57
SIZE PER 1000' PAIR 10W 15W 20W 30W 40W 50W
(AWG) (OHMS) (61) (41) (31) (20) (15) (12.5)
12 3.2 2260 1550 1150 780 580 460
14 5.2 1400 950 700 480 350 280
16 8.0 900 600 450 300 220 180
18 13.0 580 380 280 190 140 114
SIZE PER 1000' PAIR 10W 15W 20W 30W 40W 60W 100W 200W
(AWG) (OHMS) (490) (327) (245) (163) (122) (81) (49) (24.5)
10 2.0 9900 7300 5000 3700 2500 1450 730
12 3.2 9100 6200 4600 3100 2300 1600 910 460
14 5.2 5600 3800 2800 1900 1400 950 560 280
16 8.0 3600 2400 1800 1200 900 600 370 180
18 13.0 2300 1500 1100 750 560 370 230
SIZE PER 1000' PAIR 10W 15W 20W 30W 40W 60W 100W 200W
(AWG) (OHMS) (490) (327) (245) (163) (122) (81) (49) (24.5)
10 2.0 19800 14600 10000 7400 5000 2900 1460
12 3.2 18200 12400 9200 6200 4600 3200 1820 920
14 5.2 11200 7600 5600 3800 2800 1900 1120 560
16 8.0 7200 4800 3600 2400 1800 1200 740 360
18 13.0 4600 3000 2200 1500 1120 740 460
The speaker performance illustrated here is based on sound pressure level measurements made in an
anechoic chamber at a 10 ft (3.05 m) distance with a 1,000 Hz signal. Losses or gains caused by
room construction and materials in the space are not taken into account.
The speaker sound patterns shown represent the general sound dispersion only. The actual speaker
dispersion angle for EST speakers is defined as the angle for which sound is within 6 dBA of the
on-axis (directly in front/0 degrees) sound pressure level (SPL) at 1,000 Hz.
While the 8 inch speaker is more directional at 1,000 Hz, it should be noted that this particular
speaker has higher output at 1,000 Hz and also superior low frequency response than the 4 inch
speaker shown. The 4 inch speaker may be more cost effective. Thus, depending on the type of
alarm sound used and budget considerations, one may prefer either speaker for an application.
4 Inch Cone Speaker/Strobe - EST Catalog 965 & 964 series (USA Only)
1,000 Hz Tone; 2 Watt Tap; sound dispersion pattern is symmetrical.
4 Inch Cone Speaker/Strobe - EST Catalog 765 & 767 series (USA Only)
1,000 Hz Tone; 2 Watt Tap; sound dispersion pattern is symmetrical.
Perhaps the simplest multiple-speaker situation occurs with two ceiling mounted speakers. The
application could be a hallway or small room. These diagrams display the general effect ex-
pected from two ceiling-mounted units.
When calculating the sound pressure level (SPL) between multiple speakers, sometimes assump-
tions must be made regarding the output of a speaker at a particular angle. For example, we may
need to know the speaker’s output at 25 degrees off-axis. But we only have information at 20
degrees and 30 degrees. Depending on how we interpolate and round-off our numbers, we could
get SPL values which vary by +/- 1 dBA. Calculations made to within 1 or 2 dBA of actual
installed performance are generally quite acceptable.
All examples shown here use 30 ft (9.1 m) speaker spacing. Wattage tap selection on each
speaker will vary the dBA output as shown in the tables. All situations other than open-fields or
anechoic chambers (in other words, most actual usages) will experience sound level gains due to
reflections from walls, floors and other surfaces in the sound space.
4" Cone Speaker/Strobes - EST Catalog 965 & 964 series (USA Only)
30 ft (9.1 m) between Speakers; 1,000 Hz Tone; minimum dBA measured 5 ft (1.5 m) above
1/4w = 68 dBA 1/2w = 71 dBA 1w = 74 dBA 2w = 77 dBA
4" Cone Speaker/Strobes - EST Catalog 765 & 767 series (USA Only)
30 ft (9.1 m) between Speakers; 1,000 Hz Tone; minimum dBA measured 5 ft (1.5 m) above
1/4w = 70 dBA 1/2w = 73 dBA 1w = 76 dBA 2w = 79 dBA
This condition shows two speakers wall mounted opposite from each other. In all cases, the
speakers are mounted at a typical height of 8 ft (2.4 m) and the sound pressure level is considered
at a height of 5 ft (1.5 m) above the floor.
The maximum recommended distance between cone type speakers is 60 ft (18.2 m) for these
conditions. When using EST re-entrant type speakers, even greater distances and higher dB
levels between speakers are possible.
As illustrated, EST’s 965 & 964 series 4 inch cone speakers can easily provide over 75 dBA
throughout the space when set at 1 watt input power.
4" Cone Speaker/Strobes - EST Catalog 965 & 964 series (USA Only)
60 ft (18.2 m) between Speakers; 1,000 Hz Tone; minimum dBA measured 5 ft (1.5 m) above
1/4w = 67 dBA 1/2w = 70 dBA 1w = 73 dBA 2w = 76 dBA
4" Cone Speaker/Strobes - EST Catalog 765 & 767 series (USA Only)
60 ft (18.2 m) between Speakers; 1,000 Hz Tone; minimum dBA measured 5 ft (1.5 m) above
1/4w = 69 dBA 1/2w = 72 dBA 1w = 75 dBA 2w = 78 dBA
Often, speakers are hung back-to-back, especially along a long hallway. It appears that there is a
region of low sound level beneath the speakers. From information contained in Section 7 -
Appendix, we see that most speakers have less than a 10 dBA drop in sound output at 90 degrees
off-axis from their on-axis (0 degrees) SPLs.
Since the CSVT is rated to produce 88 dBA at 10 ft (3.05 m) on-axis at 1 watt, then we can
expect no less than 78 dBA beneath a speaker. In fact, since two speakers are sounding together,
the sound level at the center beneath them will be increased by 3 dBA to 81 dBA. Likewise, the
894B Series/CVT series is rated at 99 dBA on-axis. Therefore we’d expect 89 dBA minimum
beneath one speaker and 92 dBA beneath the pair. So, closeness to the speaker offsets the
concern of speaker dispersion angle.
4" Cone Speaker/Strobes - EST Catalog 965 & 964 series (USA Only)
60 ft (18.2 m) between Speakers; 1,000 Hz Tone; minimum dBA measured 5 ft (1.5 m) above
1/4w = 67 dBA 1/2w = 70 dBA 1w = 73 dBA 2w = 76 dBA
4" Cone Speaker/Strobes - EST Catalog 765 & 767 series (USA Only)
60 ft (18.2 m) between Speakers; 1,000 Hz Tone; minimum dBA measured 5 ft (1.5 m) above
1/4w = 69 dBA 1/2w = 72 dBA 1w = 75 dBA 2w = 78 dBA
Whenever more than one speaker sounds in an area, the effect from each speaker must be accounted for.
If there are two speakers equally contributing to an area, then the sound power is effectively doubled.
This results in an increase of 3 dBA. For example, if Speaker A produces 82 dBA + Speaker B
produces 82 dBA, then the result SPL = 85 dBA.
If two sources producing different SPL outputs are combined, the result can be determined using the
following chart.
Difference in dBA between two contributing Incremental dBA to be added to the output from
speakers the higher dBA source
0 3.0
1 2.5
2 2.0
3 1.8
4 1.5
5 1.2
6 1.0
7 0.8
8 0.6
9 0.5
10 0.4
For example, if Speaker A produces 82 dBA + Speaker B produces 77 dBA (a difference of 5 dBA, then
the result SPL = 82 + 1.2 = 83.2 dBA.
These typical layouts show suggested spacing for EST speaker products only and are based on the
following assumptions:
2. All layouts are based on sound pressure level measurements made in an anechoic chamber (without
echoes). Acoustic losses or gains caused by room construction and materials in the space are not
taken into account.
3. All speakers are installed with baffles and grilles as supplied by EST. The speakers are installed
with back boxes as recommended or supplied by EST.
Speaker layout for corridors is an application of the ceiling mounted, wall mounted or bi-directional
mounted speaker situations discussed in Section 4.5. In practice, there is a “rule of thumb” which
says that ceiling mounted speakers need to be mounted at a distance apart which is 3 times the floor-
to-ceiling height.
Suggested Spacing Criteria: Maximum 10 ft (3.05 m) from Walls, Maximum 30 ft (9.1 m) Spacing
Type of EST Speaker or SPL/Wattage Tap
Speaker /Strobe
4" Cone Speaker 1/4w = 73 dBA, 1/2w = 76 dBA
964 & 965 series 1w = 79 dBA, 2w = 82 dBA
4" Cone Speaker/Strobe 1/4w = 68 dBA, 1/2w = 71 dBA
964 & 965 series 1w = 74 dBA, 2w = 77 dBA
4" Cone Speaker/Strobe 1/4w = 70 dBA, 1/2w = 73 dBA
765 & 767 series 1w = 76 dBA, 2w = 79 dBA
8" Cone Speaker 1/2w = 75 dBA, 1w = 78 dBA
964 & 965 series 2w = 81 dBA, 4w = 84 dBA
8" Cone Speaker/Strobe 1/2w = 67 dBA, 1w = 70 dBA
964 & 965 series 2w = 73 dBA, 4w = 76 dBA
5.3 Office
Most modern offices consist of divided open space having approximately 10 ft (3.05 m) ceiling
heights. Best coverage is usually with ceiling mounted cone speakers. Although the recommended
spacing is the same for both 4 inch and 8 inch speakers, the “audio quality characteristics” for the
two speakers will be different under the same ambient conditions. The 8 inch speaker can be tapped
up to 4 watts, if desired.
Suggested Spacing Criteria: Maximum 10 ft (3.05 m) from Walls, Maximum 30 ft (9.1 m) Spacing
Type of EST Speaker or SPL/Wattage Tap
Speaker /Strobe
4" Cone Speaker 1/4w = 73 dBA, 1/2w = 76 dBA
964 & 965 series 1w = 79 dBA, 2w = 82 dBA
4" Cone Speaker/Strobe 1/4w = 68 dBA, 1/2w = 71 dBA
964 & 965 series 1w = 74 dBA, 2w = 77 dBA
8" Cone Speaker 1/2w = 75 dBA, 1w = 78 dBA
964 & 965 series 2w = 81 dBA, 4w = 84 dBA
8" Cone Speaker/Strobe 1/2w = 67 dBA, 1w = 70 dBA
964 & 965 series 2w = 73 dBA, 4w = 76 dBA
5.4 Lobby
Often, lobbies feature a combination of high and low ceilings, irregular shapes, and open spaces.
Speaker choice and placement should direct sound toward areas where people traffic is expected.
Here, we see two wall mounted speakers intended for sound coverage at the front desk and stairway
areas. Similar results can be expected from ceiling mounted speakers.
Although the recommended spacing is the same for both 4 inch and 8 inch speakers, the “audio
quality characteristics” for the two speakers will be different under the same ambient conditions.
Suggested Spacing Criteria: Maximum 10 ft (3.05 m) from Walls, Maximum 30 ft (9.1 m) Spacing
Type of EST Speaker or SPL/Wattage Tap
Speaker /Strobe
4" Cone Speaker 1/4w = 73 dBA, 1/2w = 76 dBA
964 & 965 series 1w = 79 dBA, 2w = 82 dBA
4" Cone Speaker/Strobe 1/4w = 68 dBA, 1/2w = 71 dBA
964 & 965 series 1w = 74 dBA, 2w = 77 dBA
4" Cone Speaker/Strobe 1/4w = 70 dBA, 1/2w = 73 dBA
765 & 767 series 1w = 76 dBA, 2w = 79 dBA
8" Cone Speaker 1/2w = 75 dBA, 1w = 78 dBA
964 & 965 series 2w = 81 dBA, 4w = 84 dBA
8" Cone Speaker/Strobe 1/2w = 67 dBA, 1w = 70 dBA
964 & 965 series 2w = 73 dBA, 4w = 76 dBA
5.5 Manufacturing
In many manufacturing areas, higher ambient noise levels are routine. Speakers such as re-entrant
type, with high wattage taps making them capable of higher SPLs are normally used. Ceiling
mounting is not usually advantageous due to obstructions, pipes, and lack of a ceiling tile system.
Speakers mounted on walls and structural columns are recommended.
In some cases, the greater distance from speakers to listeners may require higher power to provide
sound pressure levels that are at least 15 dBA over ambient levels. Thus, 965 & 964 series 8 inch
speakers having 4 watt capability are suggested.
This layout is based on a 20 ft (6.1 m) high ceiling. Wall mounted strobes are recommended.
Sometimes, depending on floor and wall covering materials, confusing sound reflections are pos-
sible. In this case consider closer spacing than usual, wall mounted. Locate speakers exactly oppo-
site one another on both sides of the room.
In these types of applications, SPLs near the center of the room are usually higher than those around
perimeter. This layout is based on a 20 ft 6.1 m) high ceiling.
Suggested Spacing Criteria: Maximum 10 ft (3.05 m) above Floor, Maximum 60 ft (18.2 m) Room Width, Maximum 40 ft
(12.2 m) Spacing along Wall, Maximum 15 ft (4.6 m) from End Wall
Type of EST Speaker or SPL/Wattage Tap
Speaker /Strobe
4" Cone Speaker 1/4w = 70 dBA, 1/2w = 73 dBA
964 & 965 series 1w = 76 dBA, 2w = 79 dBA
4" Cone Speaker 1/2w = 71 dBA, 1w = 74 dBA
CSVT series 2w = 77 dBA, 4w = 80 dBA, 7.5w = 83 dBA
4" Cone Speaker/Strobe 1/4w = 66 dBA, 1/2w = 69 dBA
964 & 965 series 1w = 72 dBA, 2w = 75 dBA
4" Cone Speaker/Strobe 1/4w = 67 dBA, 1/2w = 70 dBA
765 & 767 series 1w = 73 dBA, 2w = 75 dBA
8" Cone Speaker 1/2w = 72 dBA, 1w = 75 dBA
964 & 965 series 2w = 78 dBA, 4w = 81 dBA
8" Cone Speaker/Strobe 1/2w = 64 dBA, 1w = 67 dBA
964 & 965 series 2w = 70 dBA, 4w = 73 dBA
Re-entrant Speaker 2w = 81 dBA, 4w = 84 dBA
894B Series/CVT series 8w = 87 dBA, 15w = 90 dBA
Normally, surface mounted enclosures are used here. We recommend 964/965 series (Square
Speakers) or the 765/767 series.
Parking garage installations can require speakers rated for outdoor use and high sound levels to
overcome ambient noise. Intelligibility can be difficult due to echoes caused by highly sound
reflective surfaces. Usually more speakers at moderate volumes spaced closer to listeners can be
more effective than a few very loud units.
6 Glossary
Articulation Index - A weighted fraction representing, for a given speech channel and noise condition,
the effective proportion of the normal speech signal that is available to the listener for conveying speech
Audible - A signal is usually considered to be clearly audible if the A-weighted sound level exceeds the
level of ambient noise by 15 dB or more. If octave band analysis is used then the sound level should
exceed the masked threshold by at least 10 dB in one or more octave bands between 300 and 3000 Hz.
If 1/3 octave band analysis is used the sound level should exceed the masked threshold by at least 13 dB
in one or more octave bands between 300 and 3000 Hz.
Audibility Threshold - The sound pressure level for a specified frequency, at which persons with normal
hearing begin to respond.
Awakening Threshold - The level of sound that will awaken a sleeping subject 50% of the time.
A-weighted - A frequency weighting network which emphasizes the middle frequency components
similar to the response of the human ear. The A-weighted sound level is found to correlate well with the
subjective assessment of the disturbing effects of sounds.
Crest Factor - The ratio of the peak or maximum value to the root-mean-square (RMS) value.
Decibel Scale - A linear numbering scale used to define a logarithmic amplitude scale, thereby
compressing a wide range of amplitude values to a small set of numbers.
Decibel (dB) - One-tenth of a bel, the number of decibels denoting the ratio of the two amounts of power
being ten times the logarithm to the base 10 of this ratio.
Dispersion Angle - For EST speakers, this is defined as the angle for which sound is within 6 dBA of
the on-axis sound pressure level (SPL) at 1,000 Hz.
Equivalent Level (Leq) - The energy averaged sound pressure level over a specified time period.
Free Field - An environment in which there are no reflective surfaces within the region of interest.
Hertz (Hz) - The unit of frequency measurement representing cycles per second.
Masked Threshold - The level of sound at which a signal is just audible in ambient noise. For octave
analysis the masked threshold is the ambient level or 7.5 dB less than the masked threshold of the next
lower band, whichever is greater. For 1/3 octave analysis the masked threshold is the ambient level or
2.5 dB less than the masked threshold of the lower band, whichever is greater.
Masking - The process by which the threshold of audibility of one sound is raised by the presence of
another (masking) sound.
Pink Noise - Broadband noise whose energy content is inversely proportional to frequency (-3 dB per
octave or -10 dB per decade).
Resonance - Condition of peak vibratory response where a small change in excitation frequency causes
a decrease in system response.
Reverberation - The persistence of sound in an enclosure after a sound source has been stopped. Rever-
beration time is the time, in seconds, for sound pressure at a specific frequency to decay 60 dB after a
sound source is stopped.
Sabin - A measure of sound absorption of a surface. 1 Sabin is equivalent to 1 square meter of perfectly
absorptive surface.
Sound - Energy that is transmitted by pressure waves in air or other materials and is the objective cause
of the sensation of hearing. Commonly called noise if it is unwanted.
Sound Intensity - The rate of sound energy transmission per unit area in a specified direction.
Sound Level - A sound pressure level obtained using a signal to which a standard frequency-weighting
has been applied.
Sound Power - The rate at which acoustic energy is radiated from a source.
Sound Pressure - The pressure at a point caused by sound in space minus the static pressure at that
Speech Intelligibility - The percentage of syllables, words, or sentences understood correctly. The value
obtained depends on the particular test applied.
Weighting Network - An electronic filter in a sound level meter which approximates, under defined
conditions, various desired frequency responses. The A-weighting network is most commonly used to
approximate the response of human hearing.
White Noise - A broadband noise having constant energy per unit of frequency.
7.1 Appendix A - EST Speakers: Specifications and Performance
Note 1 - Measured in a reverberation room using 400-4,000 Hz band pink noise per UL 1480 at 10 ft (3 m).
Note 1 - Measured in a reverberation room using 400-4,000 Hz band pink noise per UL 1480 at 10 ft (3 m).
7.1.3 4" Cone Speaker/Strobes - 964 & 965 Series (USA only)
Catalog Number 964-5A-4R 965-5A-4R 964-7A-4R 965-7A-4R 964-8A-4R 965-8A-4R
Speaker Input (V RMS) 25 70 25 70 25 70
UL 1971 Rated Strobe Output 15 cd (wall) 15 cd 110 cd (wall)
- candela (cd) (wall or ceiling) 60 cd (ceiling)
UL 1638/ULC S526 Rated 15 cd (not UL 1638) 75 cd 120 cd
Strobe Output
Strobe Average Operating 70 mA @ 24 Vdc 105 mA @ 24 Vdc 219 mA @ 24 Vdc
Current (note 2) 80 mA @ 20 Vdc 125 mA @ 20 Vdc 272 mA @ 20 Vdc
Strobe Peak Operating 208 mA @ 20 Vdc 208 mA @ 20 Vdc 352 mA @ 20 Vdc
Current (note 2)
Strobe Average Operating 84 mA @ 24 Vdc 168 mA @ 24 Vdc 325 mA @ 24 Vdc
Current (note 3) 99 mA @ 20 Vdc 204 mA @ 20 Vdc 355 mA @ 20 Vdc
Strobe Peak Operating 360 mA @ 20 Vdc 594 mA @ 20 Vdc 876 mA @ 20 Vdc
Current (note 3)
Strobe Flash Rate 1 flash per second
Strobe Operating Voltage 20 to 24V dc (Continuous)
Operating Environment INDOOR: 85% @ 30o C RH; 32-120o F (0-49o C) ambient temperature
Lens Markings Supplied with LKW-1 "FIRE" red letters, vertical both sides (Wall Mount)
Flash Tube Enclosure Clear LEXAN
Speaker 4" (102mm) rated at 7 watts; 120 gram (4.29 oz) Ceramic Magnet; 8 Ohm
Voice Coil
Speaker Power Taps 1/4, 1/2, 1, 2 Watt Input
Sound Output (note 1) 75 dBA (1/4W), 78 dBA (1/2W), 81 dBA (1W), 84 dBA (2W) at 10 ft. (3m)
Sound Dispersion Angle Symmetrical at 140 degrees
Wire Connections Speaker - screw terminals; Strobe 7" (175mm) color-coded polarized leads -
2 INs/2 OUTs
Baffle & Finish Steel - 7.35" (187mm) Diameter White, Baked Epoxy Polyester Powder-coat finish
Mounting Flush - EST 960A-4RF Backbox or North-American 4" Sq. 2-1/8" (54mm) deep
electrical box c/w 1-1/2" (38mm) extension ring
Agency Listings UL 1971, UL 1480
(Complies with ADA Code of Federal Regulation Chapter 28 Part 36 Final Rule)
Note 1 - Measured in a reverberation room using 400-4,000 Hz band pink noise per UL 1480.
Note 2 - From a FILTERED dc source.
Note 3 - From an UNFILTERED (Full Wave Rectified) dc source.
Note 4 - Use the average current rating to establish the maximum number of strobes, wire gauge and standby power
4" Speaker/Strobe
7.1.4 4" Cone Speaker/Strobes - 964 & 965 Series (USA only)
Catalog Number 964-5A-4S 965-5A-4S 964-7A-4S 965-7A-4S 964-8A-4S 965-8A-4S
Speaker Input (V RMS) 25 70 25 70 25 70
UL 1971 Rated Strobe Output 15 cd (wall) 15 cd 110 cd (wall)
- candela (cd) (wall or ceiling) 60 cd (ceiling)
UL 1638/ULC S526 Rated 15 cd (not UL 1638) 75 cd 120 cd
Strobe Output
Strobe Average Operating 70 mA @ 24 Vdc 105 mA @ 24 Vdc 219 mA @ 24 Vdc
Current (note 2) 80 mA @ 20 Vdc 125 mA @ 20 Vdc 272 mA @ 20 Vdc
Strobe Peak Operating 208 mA @ 20 Vdc 208 mA @ 20 Vdc 352 mA @ 20 Vdc
Current (note 2)
Strobe Average Operating 84 mA @ 24 Vdc 168 mA @ 24 Vdc 325 mA @ 24 Vdc
Current (note 3) 99 mA @ 20 Vdc 204 mA @ 20 Vdc 355 mA @ 20 Vdc
Strobe Peak Operating 360 mA @ 20 Vdc 594 mA @ 20 Vdc 876 mA @ 20 Vdc
Current (note 3)
Strobe Flash Rate 1 flash per second
Strobe Operating Voltage 20 to 24V dc (Continuous)
Operating Environment INDOOR: 85% @ 30o C RH; 32-120o F (0-49o C) ambient temperature
Lens Markings Supplied with LKW-1 "FIRE" red letters, vertical both sides (Wall Mount)
Flash Tube Enclosure Clear LEXAN
Speaker 4" (102mm) rated at 7 watts; 120 gram (4.29 oz) Ceramic Magnet; 8 Ohm
Voice Coil
Speaker Power Taps 1/4, 1/2, 1, 2 Watt Input
Sound Output (note 1) 75 dBA (1/4W), 78 dBA (1/2W), 81 dBA (1W), 84 dBA (2W) at 10 ft. (3m)
Sound Dispersion Angle Symmetrical at 140 degrees
Wire Connections Speaker - screw terminals; Strobe 7" (175mm) color-coded polarized leads -
2 INs/2 OUTs
Baffle & Finish Steel - 7" (178mm) Square White, Baked Epoxy Polyester Powder-coat finish
Mounting Flush - EST 960A-4SF Backbox or North-American 4" Sq. 2-1/8" (54mm) deep
electrical box c/w 1-1/2" (38mm) extension ring
Surface - EST 960A-4SS Backbox
Agency Listings UL 1971, UL 1480
(Complies with ADA Code of Federal Regulation Chapter 28 Part 36 Final Rule)
Note 1 - Measured in a reverberation room using 400-4,000 Hz band pink noise per UL 1480.
Note 2 - From a FILTERED dc source.
Note 3 - From an UNFILTERED (Full Wave Rectified) dc source.
Note 4 - Use the average current rating to establish the maximum number of strobes, wire gauge and standby power
4" Speaker/Strobe
7.1.5 4" Cone Speaker/Strobes - 765 & 767 Series (USA only)
Catalog Number 765-5A-* 767-5A-* 765-7A-* 767-7A-* 765-8A-* 767-8A-*
Speaker Input (V RMS) 25 70 25 70 25 70
UL 1971 Rated Strobe Output 15 cd (wall) 15 cd 110 cd (wall)
- candela (cd) (wall or ceiling) 60 cd (ceiling)
UL 1638/ULC S526 Rated 15 cd (not UL 1638) 75 cd 120 cd
Strobe Output
Strobe Average Operating 70 mA @ 24 Vdc 105 mA @ 24 Vdc 219 mA @ 24 Vdc
Current (note 2) 80 mA @ 20 Vdc 125 mA @ 20 Vdc 272 mA @ 20 Vdc
Strobe Peak Operating 208 mA @ 20 Vdc 208 mA @ 20 Vdc 352 mA @ 20 Vdc
Current (note 2)
Strobe Average Operating 84 mA @ 24 Vdc 168 mA @ 24 Vdc 325 mA @ 24 Vdc
Current (note 3) 99 mA @ 20 Vdc 204 mA @ 20 Vdc 355 mA @ 20 Vdc
Strobe Peak Operating 360 mA @ 20 Vdc 594 mA @ 20 Vdc 876 mA @ 20 Vdc
Current (note 3)
Strobe Flash Rate 1 flash per second
Strobe Operating Voltage 20 to 24V dc (Continuous)
Operating Environment INDOOR: 85% @ 30o C RH; 32-120o F (0-49o C) ambient temperature
Lens Markings Supplied with LKW-1 "FIRE" red letters, vertical both sides (Wall Mount)
Flash Tube Enclosure Clear LEXAN
Speaker 4" (102mm) rated at 7 watts; 120 gram (4.29 oz) Ceramic Magnet; 8 Ohm
Voice Coil
Speaker Power Taps 1/4, 1/2, 1, 2 Watt Input
Sound Output (note 1) 72 dBA (1/4W), 75 dBA (1/2W), 78 dBA (1W), 81 dBA (2W) at 10 ft. (3m)
Sound Dispersion Angle Symmetrical at 120 degrees
Wire Connections Speaker - screw terminals; Strobe 7" (175mm) color-coded polarized leads -
2 INs/2 OUTs
Housing* Textured color impregnated Noryl - exceeds 94V-0 U.L. flammability rating
Mounting North-American 4" Sq. 2-1/8" (54mm) deep flush electrical box;
Surface - EST 897A-012 or 897A-112 Backbox
Agency Listings UL 1971, UL 1480
(Complies with ADA Code of Federal Regulation Chapter 28 Part 36 Final Rule)
Note 1 - Measured in a reverberation room using 400-4,000 Hz band pink noise per UL 1480 at 10 ft (3 m).
85 dBA @ 10 ft (3.05 m) on the 4W tap in an anechoic chamber using a 600-4,000 Hz sinusoidal source per
ULC S541.
Note 1 - Measured in a reverberation room using 400-4,000 Hz band pink noise per UL 1480. The sound pressure level
meets 85 dBA @ 10 ft (3.05 m) on the 4W tap in an anechoic chamber using a 600-4,000 Hz sinusoidal source per
ULC S541.
Note 1 - Measured in a reverberation room using 400-4,000 Hz band pink noise per UL 1480. The sound pressure level meets
85 dBA @ 10 ft. (3.05 m) on the 4W tap in an anechoic chamber using a 600-4,000 Hz sinusoidal source per
ULC S541.
Note 2 - From a FILTERED dc source.
Note 3 - From an UNFILTERED (Full Wave Rectified) dc source.
Note 4 - Use the average current rating to establish the maximum number of strobes, wire gauge and standby power
8" Speaker/Strobe
964/965 8" Speaker/Strobe (4 Watt)
SPL - Polar Data
Degrees 4000 Hz 1000 Hz 400 Hz
-90 72.6 74.5 84.8
-80 77.1 75.3 85.2
-70 81.5 76.5 85.7
-60 84.9 78.8 86.3
-50 86.0 81.0 86.8
-40 86.2 83.7 87.3
-30 86.7 86.0 88.0
-20 89.2 87.8 88.3
-10 92.5 89.0 88.3
0 94.3 90.0 88.6
10 92.5 89.0 88.3
20 89.2 87.8 88.3
30 86.7 86.0 88.0
40 86.2 83.7 87.3
50 86.0 81.0 86.8
60 84.9 78.8 86.3
70 81.5 76.5 85.7
80 77.1 75.3 85.2
90 72.6 74.5 84.8
Note 1 - Measured in a reverberation room using 400-4,000 Hz band pink noise per UL 1480. The sound pressure level meets
85 dBA @ 10 ft. (3.05 m) on the 4W tap in an anechoic chamber using a 600-4,000 Hz sinusoidal source per
ULC S541.
Note 2 - From a FILTERED dc source.
Note 3 - From an UNFILTERED (Full Wave Rectified) dc source.
Note 4 - Use the average current rating to establish the maximum number of strobes, wire gauge and standby power
8" Speaker/Strobe
964/965 8" Speaker/Strobe (4 Watt)
SPL - Polar Data
Degrees 4000 Hz 1000 Hz 400 Hz
-90 72.6 74.5 84.8
-80 77.1 75.3 85.2
-70 81.5 76.5 85.7
-60 84.9 78.8 86.3
-50 86.0 81.0 86.8
-40 86.2 83.7 87.3
-30 86.7 86.0 88.0
-20 89.2 87.8 88.3
-10 92.5 89.0 88.3
0 94.3 90.0 88.6
10 92.5 89.0 88.3
20 89.2 87.8 88.3
30 86.7 86.0 88.0
40 86.2 83.7 87.3
50 86.0 81.0 86.8
60 84.9 78.8 86.3
70 81.5 76.5 85.7
80 77.1 75.3 85.2
90 72.6 74.5 84.8
* Sound level rating is determined at 1,000 Hz at a distance of 3.05 m (10 ft) in an anechoic chamber on an "A" weighted scale.
Note 1 - Measured in a reverberation room using 400-4000 Hz band pink noise per UL 1480.
Note 1 - Measured in a reverberation room using 400-4000 Hz band pink noise per UL 1480.
894B/CVT Re-entrant Speaker (15 Watt)
SPL - Polar Data
Degrees 4000 Hz 1000 Hz 400 Hz
-90 95.8 92.2 75.8
-80 97.2 92.5 76.9
-70 98.0 93.2 77.6
-60 100.2 94.0 78.3
-50 102.2 95.2 79.0
-40 102.2 96.3 80.0
-30 101.5 97.3 80.3
-20 101.5 98.0 81.3
-10 103.2 98.4 81.8
0 104.5 98.6 82.2
10 103.2 98.4 81.8
20 101.5 98.0 81.3
30 101.5 97.3 80.3
40 102.2 96.3 80.0
50 102.2 95.2 79.0
60 100.2 94.0 78.3
70 98.0 93.2 77.6
80 97.2 92.5 76.9
90 95.8 92.2 75.8
8 Acknowledgements
Section 3.1 - Based in part on ANSI/NFPA 72 1993 National Fire Alarm Code published
by the National Fire Protection Association.
Section 3.4 - Based in part on CAN/ULC S524 M91 Standard for the Installation
of Fire Alarm Systems published by Underwriters’ Laboratories of Canada.
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© 1995 EST Printed in Canada