Nodal Analysis IPIMS
Nodal Analysis IPIMS
Nodal Analysis IPIMS
Figure 1
Because reservoir pressure will generally be depleted by production, the IPR, over
the life of a well, may be shown by a family of curves shrinking toward the origin.
Each curve represents the pressure-rate relationship at a given average reservoir
pressure ( Figure 2 ).
Figure 2
The endpoints of the IPR curve are the average reservoir pressure, R at a flow rate
of zero and the maximum potential flow rate, q, at a bottomhole flowing pressure of
zero ( Figure 1 ). q called the "pumped-off potential" or "open-flow potential" of the
well represents the "ideal" maximum flow rate that would occur if we could reduce
the bottomhole flowing pressure to zero. In practice, it is not possible to achieve this
rate because the bottomhole flowing pressure must always have some finite value.
Above the bubble point the IPR curve is a straight line because only one phase is
flowing, and permeability is a constant equal to the absolute permeability. The
productivity index is equal to the inverse slope of the IPR curve. It, too, must be a
constant above the bubble point. Below the bubble point, as gas comes out of
solution and begins to interfere with flow, the IPR curve trends downward and the
productivity index continues to decrease ( Figure 3 ).
Figure 3
This particular shape of the IPR curve is characteristic of reservoirs with a solution
gas drive. Reservoirs with other drive mechanisms such as water drive, gas cap
expansion, gravity segregation, or a combination of mechanisms will have IPR curves
of a different shape or perhaps a straight line ( Figure 3 ).
To be accurate about the specific pressure being discussed, you will note that the
vertical axis label pwf changes to p when pressure-rate curves other than IPRs are
Formation stratification has a marked influence on the shape of the IPR curve,
particularly if multiple zones, each with different permeabilities, produce into the
same wellbore. Horizontal wells can also have a significant effect on the IPR curve.
Under certain conditions (e.g., thin formations where the permeability anisotropy
favors vertical flow), horizontal wells show a much higher productivity index than
vertical wells. Thus, they can produce at higher rates for a given pressure drawdown
(i.e., for a given pwf), or they can produce at a constant rate with a much lower
Flow Regimes
A number of different flow regimes may occur during natural flow in vertical tubing.
In order to describe each, let us assume that the pressure at the base of the tubing
is above the bubble point. In such a case the flow regime at that point will consist of
liquid flow ( Figure 1 ).
Figure 1
flow of gas carrying a mist of liquid droplets. Now we have what is called mist flow
and it is characteristic of many wet gas wells or condensate producers.
The description of tubing flow regimes and pressure losses that occur is an extremely
complex subject. In practice not all of these flow regimes are present simultaneously
in a single tubing string. On the other hand, two, three or even more may occur at
the same time. In any case, identifying the flow regime is the first step in
determining the tubing pressure drop.
In order to analyze and design our production system it is necessary to be able to
calculate the pressure drop which exists between the bottomhole and the surface
during natural flow. The calculation of this pressure drop for all possible conditions is
so complex that we are forced to rely on empirical or semi-empirical correlations.
These correlations take into account the seven important variables that affect the
pressure losses of a flowing well. These variables are tubing size, flow rate, fluid
viscosity, fluid density, gas-liquid ratio (GLR), water-oil ratio (WOR), and, finally, the
effect of slippage. Another variable, vertical well deviation, is receiving more
attention because of the many directional wells being drilled offshore.
Since the first published work of practical significance by Poettmann and Carpenter
(1952), numerous additional studies have been undertaken. Investigators have
analyzed the effect of each of the above variables on the vertical pressure profile of a
well. From their work a number of correlations have been developed, many of which
have been incorporated into computer programs, which may be used with specific
well data in order to calculate the pressure losses during flow.
In addition, a number of pressure gradient or pressure traverse curves, such as the
one shown in Figure 1 , have been published for use in the field.
Figure 1
These curves show depth on the vertical axis and pressure along the horizontal axis.
Since a separate curve is needed for each set or well and flowing conditions, there
are a large number of published curves. Nowadays, most engineers have access to
computer programs which use the most appropriate correlation for the specific
problem that is to be solved.
Our objective in calculating pressure losses during natural flow through tubing is to
predict the performance of our production system under various equipment and
operating conditions and thereby develop an optimal design. One convenient way of
presenting the results of vertical pressure loss is to incorporate it into our IPR
We start with the IPR curve ( Figure 2 ).
Figure 2
Using the value of the bottomhole flowing pressure at a specific production rate, we
subtract the vertical pressure loss obtained from vertical profile curves or computer
programs for that production rate ( Figure 3 ).
Figure 3
Subtracting the vertical pressure loss from the bottomhole flowing pressure at that
flow rate gives the value for the tubing head pressure at that rate. The appropriate
value of tubing head pressure, referred to as ptf, is now plotted on the graph as
shown in Figure 4 .
Figure 4
Another flow rate is then assumed, the calculation repeated, and a second tubing
head pressure is determined. As we continue in this way, a tubing head pressure
curve is built ( Figure 4 ). The difference vertically between the IPR and the tubing
head pressure curve is the pressure loss in the tubing at each production rate. We
shall refer to this as the THP curve. The procedure is quite straightforward and, for
given flow conditions, may be repeated for larger or smaller tubing size until an
optimum design is found.
Surface Control
Now that the topics of reservoir performance, IPR curves, vertical flow in the tubing,
and various pressure loss correlations have been introduced, we should turn to the
third element of our flowing well system - the wellhead choke which provides control
at the surface ( Figure 1 ).
Figure 1
The choke or bean is used to ensure that the flow from the well is reasonably steady.
The size of the orifice is usually chosen so that variations in wellhead pressure do not
affect the pressure of separators, lines and other surface equipment. Also, we want
to ensure that fluctuations of pressure in the gathering system (caused, for example,
by the action of a dump separator) do not affect well performance.
To ensure that downstream pressure variations are not transmitted to the upstream
side of the choke the flow through the orifice must attain critical flow velocity. In
practice we have found that this critical flow velocity is achieved under most
circumstances when the upstream or the tubing head pressure is at least double the
downstream or flow-line pressure. This condition is one that the petroleum engineer
must design into his flowing well system.
During the critical flow of fluids through an orifice, the tubing head pressure is a
linear or almost linear function of the liquid-flow rate.
This means that if we plot the tubing head pressure (Ptf) on the vertical axis and the
flow rate (q) corresponding to critical flow on the horizontal axis, the choke
performance plots as a straight line through the origin ( Figure 2 ). This is limited by
the fact that as the tubing head pressure approaches the downstream line pressure
the flow rate goes to zero.
Figure 2
The larger the orifice size, the larger the flow rate for a given tubing head pressure.
Figure 1
The intersection of the THP and choke lines gives the production rate attainable from
the well under these flow conditions. With a larger choke size the flow rate will be
higher, but the tubing head pressure at the higher rate will be lower. We may say
that the flow rate is controlled by the choke size.
How can we include the limitations on the production rate which may be imposed by
facilities downstream of the wellhead choke? In order to analyze this situation, we
must consider the pressures at the following points within our system: (1.) the
wellbore, (2.) the tubing head, (3.) immediately downstream of the choke; and (4.)
at the entrance to the separator. To graphically illustrate the pressure response at
these points, we draw the IPR and THP curves, the first two points in our system (
Figure 2 ).
Figure 2
Now we add curve 3 which represents the pressure at the point immediately
downstream of the choke. Each point on this curve has a pressure which is one-half
that of the tubing head pressure. From the discussion on chokes we recognize that
this is the maximum allowable pressure immediately downstream of the choke under
critical flow conditions. Subtracting the pressure losses in the gathering system
between the choke and the separator at the various flow rates we obtain a fourth
curve, curve 4, which represents the pressures at the downstream side of the
gathering system immediately before the separator. Now we add curve 5, the
pressure-rate curve for the separator.
The rate defined by the intersection of the last two curves is the maximum that can
be produced from the well under critical flow conditions with the reservoir
performance and equipment specified (see Figure 2 ). The choke size would have to
be chosen so that the intersection of the choke performance and THP lines give an
equal or lower flow rate. If the choke is not selected in this manner then it is the
performance of some downstream element of the gathering system that controls the
wells output, not the choke ( Figure 3 ).
Figure 3
If, for example, as shown in Figure 4 , the choke is chosen so that the well produces
at rate q1 then the pressure downstream of the gathering system will be p1.
Figure 4
The separator, however, operates at the lower rate, q2, at that pressure, therefore,
it is the separator that becomes the controlling factor in the overall production rate.
Anytime there is a flow-rate fluctuation in the separator the well reacts to it. In order
for the choke to control production, it must have a smaller diameter and a
performance line that intersects the THP to the left of the vertical line as shown in
Figure 3 .
Of course as more fluids are produced from the well the average reservoir will
decrease and the IPR will change. This, in turn, will require a redrawing of Figure 4
and, in all likelihood, a change of choke size.
This form of choke analysis, modified to reflect actual field equipment, may be used
to analyze pressure losses, identify bottlenecks, and, with revised designs, obtain
higher flow rates. A similar approach can be taken in the analysis of the effect of a
down-hole choke on a wells performance. We will study choke performance in much
greater detail in PE 104.
IPR curves can also be used to forecast the flowing performance of a well, the timing
of artificial lift installation, and to design the size. and type of such installation that
would be appropriate to the well.
In order to make a proper analysis, we need to know the shape of the IPR curve for
each well draining the pool. The IPR curves must be known for different levels of
average reservoir pressure, water-oil ratio, and gas liquid ratios. The average
reservoir pressure as a function of cumulative production must also be known.
With this information the engineer may predict future performance for each of the
wells and recommend future producing strategies for the field as a whole. For
example, he may recommend when enhanced recovery operations should be
initiated and decide on the type and capacity of artificial lift installations.
special case where the IPR is a straight line, J equals the reciprocal of the slope of
the IPR and is constant.
For a solution-gas-drive reservoir, the straight-line portion above the bubble point
reflects the dynamic flow characteristics of single-phase liquid flow through the
formation ( Figure 2 ).
Figure 2
However, when the flowing pressure in the formation falls below the bubble point,
Pb, gas comes out of solution, reduces the permeability to the oil phase, decreases
the productivity index, and reduces the oil flow rate within the formation.
Remember, the relative permeability to the oil phase is dependent on the oil-phase
At increased production rates, pwf decreases and more gas comes out of solution
within the formation. At higher gas saturations, the relative permeability to oil drops
further. This results in a downward curving IPR and a steadily decreasing
productivity index at decreasing flowing bottomhole pressure, with its antecedent
phase-behavior dependence on relative permeabilities. Other factors such as
increased oil viscosity, rock compressibility, and turbulence can add to these effects
as wellbore pressures fall and rates increase.
We conclude, then, that a solution-gas-drive reservoir below the bubble point has a
downward curving IPR. Often a wells IPR curvature is intermediate between a
straight line and this classic solution-gas drive curve. In such cases the average
reservoir pressure is receiving support from gas cap expansion or a water drive.
Vogels main objective was to simulate two-phase flow through a reservoir into a
wellbore. By analyzing a number of different solution-gas-drive reservoirs, he
established an empirical relationship which could apply to all such reservoirs.
The computer program that he prepared solved the equations of flow for somewhat
idealized reservoirs. For example, he assumed that the reservoir was circular,
completely bounded, and with a fully penetrating well at its center; that the
formation was uniform, isotropic, and had a constant water saturation; that gravity
and compressibility could be neglected and that semi-steady-state flow occurred.
Vogel simulated reservoirs covering a wide range of conditions. These conditions
included differing reservoir relative permeability characteristics as well as the various
effects of well spacings, fracturing geometry, and skin restrictions. Analysis was
limited to flow conditions below the bubble point.
Vogel found that as depletion occurs in a solution-gas-drive reservoir, the
productivity of a typical well decreases. This occurs primarily because (1.) the
reservoir pressure is reduced, and (2.) because increasing gas saturation causes
greater resistance to oil flow. The result is a progressive downward shift of the IPR (
Figure 1 ).
Figure 1
The values on the lines reflect the percentage of reserves produced. Vogel, then,
took the important step of plotting each curve as "dimensionless" IPRs or "type
curves." He obtained these curves by plotting the bottomhole flowing pressures
divided by the average reservoir pressure on the vertical axis and the production
rate divided by the maximum flow rate, C, on the horizontal axis. When this was
done for each curve, they were replotted as shown in Figure 2 .
Figure 2
It is immediately apparent with this transformation that the curves now are
remarkably similar throughout most of the producing life of the reservoir.
After analyzing twenty-one different reservoirs with various crude oil properties,
relative permeabilities, and wellbore characteristics, Vogel found that IPRs generally
exhibited a similar shape, as long as the bottomhole flowing pressure was below the
bubble point. Extending this observation one step further, he developed a standard
reference curve which can be used for all solution-gas-drive reservoirs. This standard
curve is shown in Figure 3 .
Figure 3
Specific plot points for this curve are given in the table below.
The use of this curve does not imply that all reservoirs are identical, but that it may
be used as a reference standard for all reservoirs within a tolerable error. This
reference curve is described exactly by the following equation:
q = 1172 BOPD
pwf = 716 psi
= 1420 psi
= pb
Construct the IPR curve for this well at the average reservoir pressure. Assume that
Vogels dimensionless standard curve describes this wells behavior.
With this value and Vogels dimensionless standard curve (or Equation 1.2), we find
the dimensionless rate (see Figure 4 ).
Figure 4
= 0.696.
This gives a value of:
= 1684 BOPD.
The type curve can now be made into this wells IPR curve simply by adding the
values for average reservoir pressure and C; at the appropriate end points. The
scale of the graph is now established and any desired point can now be read ( Figure
5 ).
Figure 5
Remember that Vogels results are only for the curved portion of the IPR curve which
exists below the bubble point. Above the bubble point the IPR curve is a straight line.
We can obtain its shape by drawing the tangent to the curve at the bubble-point
pressure and extending it to the original average reservoir pressure, pi. Such as
extrapolation is shown in Figure 6 .
Figure 6
In order to determine the shape of the IPR curve at a future average reservoir
pressure, we need to know a single bottomhole flowing pressure and its
corresponding flow rate at that average reservoir pressure. Using our dimensionless
curve and a known data point we would repeat what we have just done. This would
yield a second curve. The difficulty is that we do not have well test data at some
future, unknown average reservoir pressure.
If we substitute J into Vogels equation with the average reservoir pressure below the
bubble point, we obtain this relationship:
J is given in terms of flow rates and pressures. If J could be calculated for some
future average reservoir pressure, then with this value of J and the above equation,
the pressure and flow rate values needed to find the future IPR curve could be
determined. Standing suggested that, in the limiting case, that is, where there is
very small drawdown, the bottomhole flowing pressure would tend to be equal to
average reservoir pressure, that is:
The next step is to calculate how J*, changes with average reservoir pressure.
Standing suggested that J*, at different average reservoir pressures, is proportional
to relative permeability and inversely proportional to the formation volume factor
and the viscosity. This is referred to as the relative mobility and is written:
J* =
With this relationship, a future value of J* referred to as, Jf*, is equal to the present
value of J*, Jp* multiplied by the inverse ratio of the respective mobilities, that is:
Combining these relationships into the Vogel equation, (Eq. 1.2), Standing found
that future IPR curves could be plotted from the following equation:
Finding the IPR curve is rather direct. First, we assume a value for the future
average reservoir pressure at which we would like to know an IPR curve. Then we
calculate a value for Jf*.
Substituting these two values into Eq. 1.8 yields an equation in q and pwf This
equation give us the future IPR curve.
In substance, Vogels type curve is used for the wells IPR curve at the original
reservoir pressure. This gives us q and Jp* which we need for Standings method.
We then use Standings technique to obtain IPR curves at lower pressures. There is a
good example as to how this calculation proceeds on page 56 of Ninds text (1981).
Fetkovich (1973) proposed an alternative method for calculating IPR curves for
solution-gas-drive reservoirs.
He made a number of assumptions including the idea that two-phase flow occurred
through a uniform, circular, horizontal reservoir with a constant outer boundary
pressure below the bubble point. One of Fetkovich's key assumptions was that the
relative permeability to oil divided by the oil viscosity and formation volume factor
varied linearly with pressure as shown in the following equation:
The straight line passes through the origin. With this basic relationship assumed, Fetkovich was
able to show:
We may calculate Jo' at the original reservoir pressure pi using Eq. 1.11. This value of Jo' is
referred to as Joi' and is a function of effective permeability to oil at the original reservoir boundary
pressure, pi. Saturation is assumed to be constant for the well being analyzed.
Joi' may be thought of as a replacement for J, the productivity index.
With these equations, it is not difficult to plot the IPR curve at a given reservoir or
boundary pressure pRs
Let's now solve the same problem that we did earlier using Vogel's method.
Example: Assume:
q = 1172 BOPD
pwf = 716 psi
pi = 1420 psi
We insert these values into Eq. 1.10 to obtain:
This equation gives us the inflow rate as a function of bottomhole pressure with it we
can generate the IPR curve. For the original reservoir pressure, pi, we may now
calculate the potential, q', of the well under these conditions, that is where pwf = 0.
q' = 7.793
For comparison purposes, you will remember that we calculated a value of 1684
B0PD using the Vogel technique.
The agreement between these two methods of calculation is generally good in the
intermediate pressure ranges, but there is often deviation at the outer ranges of
pressure-rate axes. Major differences between these exist; however, either method
may be used with the assurance that the results from the other will not differ
To learn how Fetkovich's method is used for calculating future IPR curves, we must
assume that Joi' will decrease in proportion to the average reservoir pressure.
When the average reservoir pressure drops below pi a new value of Joi', referred to
as Jo , can be calculated using Eq. 2.11.
So in our example, if pR drops to 1000 psi, we would calculate:
Jo = 7.793 X 10-4
=5.488 X 10-4
Knowing this value of Jo' for an assumed future value of pR, we have a new IPR
q = 5.488
Fetkovich's method, then, yields two equations--one describing the initial reservoir
performance and another describing performance, at an assumed future average
reservoir pressure. From these two equations, we can calculate values for Jo' and plot
IPR curves for any future average reservoir pressure. In Figure 1 we see the two
curves from the example we just solved.
Figure 1
We would proceed in the same manner if we wanted to find another IPR curve at a
lower value.
Figure 1
- pwf.
If, however , the formation near the wellbore has been damaged (for example, by
drilling fluid invasion)...or if the well only partially penetrates the formation or has
limited perforations...or if there is turbulent flow in the formation near the
wellbore...there will be an additional pressure drop ( Figure 2 ).
Figure 2
Because this additional pressure drop occurs near the wellbore, it is referred to as
Dpskin. The total pressure drop in a damaged well is equal to:
- pwf) + Dpskin
Figure 3
The magnitude of the skin effect and whether it is positive or negative is obtained by
conducting special well tests. These tests give us a value for Dpskin and enable us to
calculate the flow efficiency (FE) of the well. FE is defined as the drawdown of an
ideal well divided by the drawdown of the well with skin effects.
Flow efficiency for a damaged well is less than one, and is equal to:
For an enhanced well, the skin relationship will be negative and the value of the flow
efficiency will be greater than 1.0:
Standing prepared a series of curves which may be used by us to calculate the IPR
for wells that have flow efficiencies different than 1.0. Using these curves we can
calculate the IPR of a well if the damage were removed or the well stimulated. His
curves are shown in Figure 1 .
Figure 1
The vertical axis is the dimensionless pressure of the flowing well and the horizontal
axis is a dimensionless flow rate, specifically the flow rate of the well divided by its
maximum flow rate with damage or fracturing. The curves are drawn for flow
efficiencies from 0.5 to 1.5. The curves have the following relationship:
Where F is the flow efficiency. Neither this equation nor the curves should be
extrapolated effectively to q/q values greater than unity.
Often, the producing intervals in a well are separated by relatively thin but highly
impermeable horizontal shale breaks. Production rates and fluid properties in any
one layer may not be the same as those in other layers contributing to the well's
overall production.
Consider a well that is completed in a horizon having three zones, in which there is
no vertical communication among the zones:
Initially, the bulk of the production will come from Zone 3, and the smallest
contribution will come Zone 1. Thus, after the well has been producing for several
months, Zone 3 will be the most depleted and at the lowest average reservoir
pressure, while Zone 1 will be the least depleted and at the highest average
reservoir pressure.
The well is now tested at various production rates to establish the IPR. If the IPRs of
each zone are as shown in Figure 1 , then the Gross IPR curve is the sum of all
Figure 1
At any given pressure, a point on the Gross IPR curve has a flow rate which is equal
to the sum of the flow rates of the three individual curves.
In general, because of differential depletion, a well producing from a stratified
formation will exhibit a Gross IPR as shown in Figure 2 : that is to say, an improving
productivity index with increasing production at lower rates but a deteriorating
productivity index at the higher rates.
Figure 2
Figure 3
The water cut is zero until we reach a bottomhole flowing pressure low enough for
water to flow. Thereafter the water cut at any pressure and flow rate is equal to the
ratio of the water production rate divided by the gross production rate.
When the bottomhole flowing pressure is. greater than the average reservoir
pressure in the water zone, oil will enter into the water zone by inter flow taking
place through the wellbore.
Fourth: After the last test is run, shut the well in and conduct another buildup test.
This test will give four points on the IPR curve.
Unfortunately this test requires a great deal of time and so, for economic reasons,
we often have only sufficient time to conduct a single flow test. A single-flow test
and a value for the average reservoir pressure is sufficient for flowing and artificial
lift well predictions; however, the complete multiple flow test provides more
Remember that the IPR is a characteristic of an individual well, and that it is best to
generate an appropriate family of IPR curves for that well based on its known
reservoir and fluid properties, pressures, downhole hardware and completion data. A
variety of software products are available for this purpose. You should review your
companys capabilities in this area.
Tubing Size
Suppose that we increase the tubing size in a well from
inches to 3 inches,
leaving all other parameters constant. The result, as shown in Figure 1 , is that the
total pressure loss that occurs between the formation and the surface drops from
1900 psi for the smaller tubing string to 900 psi for the larger string.
Figure 1
This substantial pressure drop reflects the reduction in friction pressure for the
larger-diameter tubing. We conclude, then, that under these conditions, as the
tubing size increases, the pressure losses will decrease.
Fluid Density
The second variable to consider is fluid density, which, for oil, we may express in
terms of API gravity. For the well of Figure 2 we see that the pressure loss over an
8000 foot interval is approximately 1700 psi if it is flowing brine, but only 1200 psi if
it is flowing a 50-degree API oil.
Figure 2
We conclude that for similar flowing conditions, pressure losses will be lower for
lower fluid densities. At higher fluid densities, the hydrostatic pressure gradient
becomes the dominant component of pressure loss.
Fluid Viscosity
In Figure 3 we see that higher viscosities give higher pressure losses, again due to
an increase in friction pressure.
Figure 3
At a fluid viscosity of 50 cp, the total pressure loss over the 8000-ft interval is 1900
psi; at 1 cp, the total pressure loss is 1200 psi. Note that the effect is much less
pronounced as the viscosity decreases from 10 cp to 1 cp. We conclude, then, that
the viscosity of the flowing fluid is an important variable and that lower-viscosity oils
under similar conditions will have lower friction pressure losses.
Gas-Liquid Ratio
In Figure 4 , we see that at a GLR of 250 SCF/STB, the pressure loss from the
formation to the surface is about 1900 psi, whereas at a GLR of 5000 SCF/STB, the
pressure loss is about 700 psi.
Figure 4
In both cases the surface pressure is assumed to be 100 psi. Thus, at a GLR of 250
SCF/STB, this well will flow if the bottomhole pressure exceeds (1900+100), or 2000
psi, while at a GLR of 5000 SCF/STB, the well will flow if the bottomhole pressure
exceeds (700+100), or 800 psi.
In general, then, the higher the GLR at a given flow rate, the lower will be the tubing
pressure lossbut only up to a point. While higher GLRs reduce a fluid's density,
resulting in lower hydrostatic pressure, they also result in higher friction pressure
losses, which offset this hydrostatic pressure decrease. The decrease in the
hydrostatic pressure is overcome by the increase in the friction losses. At some
limiting value of GLR, the increase in friction pressure becomes approximately equal
to the decrease in hydrostatic pressure, and above this limt, the total pressure loss
actually begins to increase.
Water-Oil Ratio
We see in Figure 5 that as the water-oil ratio (WOR) increases from 0 to 1000, the
pressure losses in the tubing also increase.
Figure 5
This means that it will require a higher bottomhole flowing pressure to lift produced
liquids that have water in them. The greater the WOR, the greater the pressure
needed because water is slightly denser than oil. The magnitude of the pressure
increase is not as large as those noted with other variables.
Figure 6
This is as we might expect. At the higher flow rates the frictional losses increase and
so will the required bottomhole flowing pressure. At lower flow rates the frictional
losses are smaller and so the bottomhole flowing pressure required to maintain flow
is lower. At lower GLRs, however, we see that the curves have a point of reversal or
minimum. For the 400 GLR curve we see that the required bottomhole pressure
decreases as we reduce the rate until at about 150 BOPD it begins to increase again.
This reversal, or holdup, is caused by slippage, a condition where liquid flow rate
becomes so low that excessive fallback begins to occur. Liquid falls back around the
rising gas bubble. A smaller diameter tubing, giving higher velocities, should be used
in this situation.
widely used methods have been undertaken in order to determine their relative
accuracy over a broad range of variables and to identify the strengths and
weaknesses of each technique.
No single pressure loss prediction method seems to be consistently superior under all
ranges of production conditions. Comparisons of the methods of Poettmann and
Carpenter, Duns and Ros, Hagedorn and Brown, Beggs and Brill, Govier and Aziz,
and Orkiszewski show that the Hagedorn and Brown method has the best overall
accuracy but that other methods perform better under different sets of variables and
types of flow.
Despite variations in accuracy among the methods tested, they are within the range
of engineering accuracy for use in sizing well equipment and designing artificial lift
installations. Estimates of flow rates and bottomhole flowing pressures may also be
made with reasonable accuracy by using these pressure gradient curves. The ones
published by Brown or Gilbert may certainly be used with confidence. Your company
may have its own internally published set of curves which you may choose to use.
Many companies have computer programs that calculate pressure losses in tubing
using a combination of the various correlations. These are quite accurate because
they are generally written so as to use each correlation over its range of greatest
Figure 1
Depth, on the vertical scale, runs downward from the surface to 10,000 ft. Pressure,
on the horizontal scale, goes from 0 to about 2800 psi. As noted in the legend, the
curves are generated using fixed values for the following parameters:
tubing size
producing rate,
oil gravity
gas gravity
flowing fluid temperature
water-oil ratio = zero (only oil is flowing)
GLR = several selected values
If we have a well that matches these parameters, then the use of these curves is
straightforward. To illustrate, assume that we have a well with the characteristics
shown in Figure 1, which is producing at a GLR of 200 SCF/Bbl. The length of the
tubing string is 5000 ft.
Case 1: Determine the tubing head pressure that corresponds to a known bottomhole
flowing pressure of 1600 psi:
1. First, we find the point at which the "GLR=200" curve intersects a pressure of
1600 psi.
2. We note that this intersection corresponds to a depth of about 7200 ft.
3. We continue to move upward along the "GLR=200" curve until we have moved a
vertical distance of 5000 ft, which is the length of the tubing string. This puts us at
a point on the curve that corresponds to 2200 ft.
4. Finally, we trace a vertical line upwards from this point, and note that the tubing
head pressure is 230 psi.
Case 2: This is the more common case, where the surface THP is known (for this
example, assume 400 psi) and we wish to estimate the bottomhole flowing pressure:
1. Starting at the top, at a pressure of 400 psi, we trace a vertical line downward
until we intersect the "GLR=200" curve. This takes us to a depth of 3450 ft.
2. We then move down along the curve for a vertical distance of 5000 ft (i.e., to
8450 ft).
3. We observe that the flowing bottomhole pressure at 8450 ft is about 2050 psi.
Note that, in Case 1, if the well depth had been 10,000 ft instead of 5000 ft, we
would have found in Step 3 that the pressure would have gone to zero before we had
moved a total vertical distance of 10,000 ft (we would actually cross the zeropressure line at a depth of around 2400 ft). Under these circumstances we would be
unable to calculate a positive tubing head pressure. This tells us that a 10,000-ft well
could not flow at 1500 Bbl/D under the given conditions.
tubing in inventory. What size tubing should be used to cause the well to flow at the
maximum rate, given the following well data:
THP = 170 psi
depth = 5200 ft
R = 1850 psi
GLR = 400 scf/bbl
Figure 1
efficient rate
to prevent water and gas coning
to match the surface pressure of a well into a multi-well gathering
line and to prevent back flow
In addition, any situation requiring control or reduction of the wells flow rate will normally be met
by the installation of a surface choke.
The surface choke is also used to ensure that pressure fluctuations downstream from
the wellhead do not affect the performance of the well. To achieve this condition,
flow through the choke must be of a critical velocity. The corresponding critical flow
rate is reached, when the upstream pressure is approximately twice the downstream
There are several different types of chokes currently in use. They may be divided
into two broad categories: variable or adjustable chokes and positive or fixed orifice.
Positive chokes have a fixed orifice dimension which may be replaceable and is
usually of the bean type ( Figure 1 ). The flow path is normally symmetric and
circular. Fixed orifice chokes are commonly used when the flow rate is expected to
remain steady over an extended period of time.
Figure 1
Normal beans are 6 inches long and are drilled in fractional increments of
up to
-inch. Smaller bean inserts, known as X-type, are used to provide closer
control. Ceramic, tungsten carbide, and stainless steel beans are used where sand or
corrosive fluids are produced. Changing the size of a fixed orifice choke normally
requires shutting off flow, removing and replacing the bean.
Some continuously variable or adjustable chokes operate similarly to a needle valve
and allow the orifice size to be varied through a range from no flow to flow through a
full opening ( Figure 2 ).
Figure 2
Flow control is obtained by turning the hand wheel which opens or closes the valve.
Graduated stem markings indicate the equivalent diameter of the valve opening.
Another type uses two circular discs, each of which has a pair of orifices. One disc is
fixed while the other can be rotated so as to expose the desired flow area or block
the flow altogether ( Figure 3 ).
Figure 3
Because of their variable size opening the calculation of flow rates through
adjustable chokes may not be as accurate as through orifice chokes. However,
adjustable chokes may be used to control wells where changes in the production
rates may be required periodically to meet market demands or allowables.
Variable chokes are often used on water flood injection wells where variation in
injection rates must be effected with minimal disruption. Variable chokes are
particularly vulnerable to erosion from suspended sand particles and are not
normally used in areas where this is a significant problem.
The bodies of both types of chokes are L-shaped and the end connections may be
fully flanged, fully threaded, or a combination of each.
It is important in the design of the surface control system to understand the pressure
versus flow rate performance of the choke at critical flow rates. Good correlations for
single-phase flow of either gas or liquid through a choke are available, but they are
not applicable to the multiphase flow situation we normally encounter in our wells.
The performance correlations for multiphase flow through chokes are derived
empirically and apply only at critical flow rates.
R = GLR, Mcf/bbl
q = flow rate, BOPD
S = choke size, 64-th of an inch
ptf = THP, psia
From the nature of this equation, we see that for a given orifice size and GLR, the
tubing head pressure plots as a straight line function of flow rate q.
A typical plot is shown in Figure 1 .
Figure 1
Note that as the orifice size increases or the GLR decreases, the line shifts
Gilbert (1954), while checking for choke erosion in the Ten Section Field, California,
further refined the theoretical formula to yield more accurate pressure
measurements, using this empirical relationship:
Figure 1
By joining the calculated tubing head pressure points we obtain the desired THP
curve ( Figure 2 ).
Figure 2
For any given constant THP, then, we can use this curve to estimate the flow rate, q.
In unrestricted flow, the maximum flow rate is given by the intersection of the THP
curve and the surface line pressure upstream of the gathering lines ( Figure 3 ).
Calculating the well's flow rate in this manner is referred to as the "bottom-up"
Figure 3
Another way of performing the same analysis is the "top-down" method. In this
method, we start our calculation with the known value of surface pressure. We then
calculate the vertical pressure differences for several flow rates ( Figure 4 ) and join
the values to give the bottomhole flowing pressure needed to sustain the various
Figure 4
This required BHP curve is put on a graph with the IPR ( Figure 5 ). The intersection
of these curves determines the flow rate for the assumed surface pressure.
Figure 5
Figure 6
We can plot these values of pressure versus flow rate and obtain the required tubing
head pressure curve as shown in Figure 7 .
Figure 7
For the same assumed flow rates, and the given tubing size, we now calculate the
vertical pressure increases between the surface and the formation, and add them to
the required THP's to give a plot of required bottomhole flowing pressures ( Figure 8
Figure 8
This will be equal to the calculated tubing head pressure for a given rate plus the
vertical pressure gain from surface to formation for that rate. Joining these points
will give us the required BHP curve shown in Figure 9 .
Figure 9
It represents the effect of production through the wellbore and surface equipment for
the specific case of a pressure on the upstream side of the separator equal to 150
Now we add our inflow performance curve ( Figure 10 ), which runs from our
average reservoir pressure of 2000 psi to our pumped-off potential of 3000 BOPD.
The point of intersection of the IPR with the required BHP curve is our system
design. It represents the flowing rate for the well which will provide 150 psi at the
separator. In this case it occurs at about 1800 BOPD.
Figure 10
We can also use the "bottom-up" method of calculating this flow rate. Starting with
the IPR we assume flow rates and generate a THP curve for the well in the usual way
( Figure 11 ).
Figure 11
By subtracting calculated pressure losses in the gathering lines for these flow rates
from the THP curve we obtain a curve representing the pressure-rate relationship at
the downstream side of the gathering line. The pressure at this point is also the
pressure at the inlet to the separator. The intersection of this curve and the
separator pressure is the flowing rate under the assumed conditions ( Figure 12 ).
Figure 12
By changing any one variable, for example, either the separator pressure, the
gathering line size, the tubing size, or the GLR, the flow rate will also change. In
order to optimize the design, then, an engineer will determine the system's
sensitivity to these variables and see what the most economical use of the
equipment will be.
Without a choke in the line, any pressure variations on the surface will directly affect
the well's ability to produce. One reason for the installation of a choke is to make it
the controlling element in the system.
The installation of a choke will reduce the flow rate and increase the tubing head
pressures. Effective control is achieved only when the tubing head pressure is twice
the pressure at the upstream point in the gathering system. This is the critical flow
Installing a choke and using the "top-down" method, we can calculate the tubing
head pressure required for criteral flow as being twice the THP that was calculated
when we did not have a choke in the system.
This new curve is the pressure upstream of the choke and is the new required THP
curve ( Figure 13 ).
Figure 13
Now we add the vertical pressure differences in the tubing to find the required
bottomhole flowing pressures. It is the intersection of this last curve with the IPR
which determines the system flow rate ( Figure 14 ).
Figure 14
Figure 15
This difference or loss in pressure represents the pressure losses through the choke
during critical flow. We add a fourth curve representing losses in the gathering line.
The point of intersection of this curve with our given separator pressure value is the
system production rate if the production rate is controlled by the separator ( Figure
16 ).
Figure 16
The choke size must be chosen to yield a rate equal to or less than this production
rate in order for the choke to control the well's production. This limiting condition is
shown in Figure 17 .
Figure 17
If the choke size selected had been larger, the choke performance line would have
been lower and given a higher flow rate at its point of intersection with the THP
curve q2 ( Figure 18 ). The choke calls for a higher flow rate than the separator will
allow. Under these conditions, then, the separator will control flow.
Figure 18
The rates and pressures of various choke sizes for this installation can now be
calculated and an optimal choke size selected.
Stable flow occurs when fluctuations of pressure and flow rate are dampened and
flow rate tends to return to a stable value. We have plotted in Figure 1 the THP and
choke performance curve.
Figure 1
A flow rate at point 1, that is q1, is stable because an increase in flow rate to q2,
increases bean backpressure to point "A" and reduces the tubing head pressure to
point "B." In essence the pressure required by the choke to sustain this flow rate is
greater than the THP available at this flow rate. Because an increase in backpressure
of the amount A B is imposed on the well, the flow rate tends to decrease from q2
back to q1, the stable rate. In a similar manner a reduction in rate to q3, as shown
in Figure 2 , will reduce the required THP, and therefore, reduce backpressure on the
formation by the amount A B.
Figure 2
This will increase the flow rate back to q1 and once again the well returns to a stable
flow condition.
Unstable flow is also possible. It is illustrated in Figure 3 where a slight decrease in
rate below q1 reduces the tubing head pressure below that required by the choke for
critical flow.
Figure 3
This causes the flow rate to decrease until the well dies. An increase in flow rate
above q1 reduces the backpressure on the formation causing further rate increases
until a stable flow rate is reached beyond the maximum point on the THP curve. The
maximum point on the THP divides the stable flow region from the unstable region (
Figure 4 ).
Figure 4
This becomes intuitively clear if we draw the IPR curve and then add the Vertical
Pressure Loss curve, or VPL. Now we subtract the Vertical Pressure Loss from the IPR
and obtain the THP curve ( Figure 5 ).
Figure 5
The THP maximum occurs where the slope of the IPR is equal in magnitude to the
slope of the VPL curve ( Figure 6 ).
Figure 6
To the left of that point, any decrease in rate results in increased pressure losses in
the tubing due to slippage. The well gradually loses sufficient bottomhole flowing
pressure to support flow to surface. To the right of the maximum point, frictional
losses dominate and the flow rates stabilize ( Figure 7 ).
Figure 7
Figure 1
The choke must be chosen so as to produce at that rate or less, otherwise the
separator or other downstream equipment will control production.
In Figure 2 the pressure losses throughout the system are quite apparent.
Figure 2
Starting at the average reservoir pressure and a given flow rate, q, we observe the
pressure losses through the formation, through the tubing, across the surface choke
and through the surface lines. In a sense the average reservoir pressure drives the
whole system and is used up along the way. At each stage, however, there must be
sufficient pressure to drive the subsequent systems at that flow rate otherwise flow
stops at some point in the system. The component that controls or limits the flow
rate determines the system capacity.