Lecture 9.3 Design Procedures For Beams: Objective/Scope
Lecture 9.3 Design Procedures For Beams: Objective/Scope
Lecture 9.3 Design Procedures For Beams: Objective/Scope
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Thin-walled flexural members are applied for carrying lateral loads such as gravity loads in roofs for example.
Their behaviour can be affected by local buckling, shear lag, web crippling, flange curling and lateral buckling.
The effect of local buckling is covered in design by effective widths of the cross-section based on the stress
distribution produced by bending moments and axial force.
For shear lag, web crippling and flange curling design rules are given in Eurocode 3, Part 1.3 [1].
Lateral-torsional buckling has to be evaluated similarly to hot-rolled sections taking the effective cross-section
values into account.
Thin-walled cold-formed flexural members have their most important application in wall and roof constructions
as purlins. The structural connection with the sheeting provides purlins with lateral and torsional restraints at
one flange. This connection gives the purlin high additional stiffness compared to that of a free purlin spanning
from frame to frame. The values of torsional restraints have to be measured by testing.
At the compression side the effective widths due to the given compressive stress distribution in the iteration
step are used. Under particular conditions the compression strain may reach a maximum strain higher than
fy/E. Otherwise the compression edge may only reach yield stress fy.
At the tension side the full cross-section can be utilised. Plastic strain may occur. The tension strains are
not limited.
Figure 1 shows an example: Plastic strains occur at the tension side beyond the elastic limit until the
compression stresses just reach yield stress, too.
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cLT =
but 1,0
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Singly supported elements have a further reduction of 15%. The reduction factor ys may be taken from Figure 3
as an approximation.
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Flange curling is a second order effect. In many cases, however, cross-section deformations similar to flange
curling occur already due to first order theory. This cross-section distortion may become much bigger than
flange curling and should be taken into account using an appropriate theory. For example cassettes without
lateral supports at the free flanges show this behaviour.
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For the design of the beam these restraints may be idealised as a rigid lateral support and a torsional restraint
cn at the flange which is connected to the sheeting (Figure 6).
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The stiffness cn has to be determined partly by testing, partly by calculation. cn is a serial combination of the
stiffness of sheeting and the local connection. The stiffness of the local connection can be determined with the
test setup in Figure 7. Since the deformation d involves the web bending, the flange deflection has to be reduced
by the cross-section deformation.
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3.1 Design of Beams without Lateral-Torsional Buckling
Beams may be stressed by axial force and bending moments. If local buckling has to be considered, effective
widths have to be introduced in the cross-section. As a consequence the neutral axis determined on the basis of
the gross cross-section may shift (Figure 8). The additional bending moment DM=N . De has to be considered.
Lateral-torsional bucking can be disregarded if torsion of the cross-section is prevented by the construction.
The design rule below adds separately the different stress resultants related to the yielding load under one
stress resultant only. If lateral displacements of the cross-section are not prevented the yielding axial force
takes flexure buckling due to both axes into account. The lower value has to be taken in the design rule:
where ky and kz are coefficients to take into account the interaction of bending and axial force.
For detailed information, see Eurocode 3 [1].
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4.1 Cross-Sections
Purlins represent the major application of cold-formed beams in construction. Several cross-section types have
been developed for purlins (Figure 10). The manufacturers' aims are:
The cross-section shall have full effective widths in the compression zone. This aim is reached by stiffeners
or limitation of slenderness.
Load application shall be as near as possible to the shear centre. For example, sigma-purlins have shear
and gravity centres close together and almost directly below the load application point (Figure 11).
Purlins shall stack easily for transportation. Therefore flanges often have minute differences in widths. At
overlaps the connection of two purlins is easily made by taking the second purlin upside down.
In sleeve systems two purlins are connection by a short sleeve element with a fitting cross-section which
overlaps both ends of the two purlins.
In overlap systems one of the purlins overlaps the end of the other purlin and the two purlins are connected
directly web to web.
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In both constructions the effect of slip in the screw connectors on the bending moment distribution of the
continuous system should be taken into account. Additionally the designer should pay particular attention to the
yield load of the screw connections.
Models which consider the whole cross-section with lateral and torsional restraints and distortion: This
model involves the major deformation modes and the correct load factors for bending and torsion but it is
necessary to determine warping functions due to torsion.
Models which consider only the free flange of the purlin as a beam on a lateral elastic foundation: The
foundation parameter is given by the torsional restraint of the upper flange and the cross-section distortion.
This model is helpful but the major difficulty with it is the definition of which part of the web belongs to the
flange. The model is sensitive to this factor.
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A model due to the second type has become part of Eurocode 3 Part 1.3 [1]. The stresses due to bending
around the strong axis and axial force are determined with the whole cross-section and effective widths.
Additional stresses arise because of bending of the free flange around the vertical axis. These stresses are
calculated using the system shown in Figure 14. The flange is embedded on elastic foundation K. The foundation
modulus can be found using Figure 15. It depends on the torsional restraint at the upper flange and the
distortion of the cross-section.
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sx =
Free flange:
sx =
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Particular consideration must be given to end spans, which only benefit from continuity at one end.
Additionally stability of the compressed flanges must be checked and the deflections evaluated. The shear or
support failure can be checked by testing.
The sheeting of roofs or walls has to carry in-plane loads from the purlins. These in-plane loads have two
components (Figure 18):
- The first component is the component of the external load in the direction parallel to the sheeting.
This perpendicular component is carried by the purlin.
- The second component is the lateral force at the upper flange of purlins with unsymmetrical crosssection.
These forces in the plane of the sheeting have to be carried to the sag bars. Usually this is done using the cleats
at the connection of the purlin on the sag bar. The connection has to be checked for this condition.
Failure at the support of the purlin has to be checked. One failure mode is web-crippling; another failure
mode is shear failure near to the support. Interactions between bending moments and support reactions
have to be considered.
Deflections should not exceed span/180 for serviceability.
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support test, Figure 19, s is made equal to the distance between points of zero moment.
Stiffness of the overlapping or sleeved parts of multispan beams (evaluated also by a support test).
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As an alternative to using the membrane action of the sheeting, metal strips can be used to hold the upper
flange of the purlins. These strips span over the whole roof. They have to be anchored to the frame.
4.8.3 Prevention of lateral-torsional buckling
If the torsional restraint of the purlin has too low a stiffness to prevent lateral- torsional bucking, additional
elements have to be added to the construction to hold the free flange of the purlin. There are two elements in
use (Figure 23):
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Multilok ties carry tension forces only and stabilize the free flange. This element is usually used.
Flexural members hold the purlin against twisting and carry compression forces too.
The effective area of the cross-section is modified by reduction factors to take into account the effect of
shear lag, local buckling in compression, and flange curling.
Eccentricity moments arising from displacement of the effective neutral axis from the nominal neutral axis
must be considered in design.
Where the beam is adequately restrained, no account need be taken of lateral torsional buckling.
Without adequate restraint, due account must be taken of lateral torsional buckling.
Purlins represent a major application of cold-formed beams. Several special purlin systems have been
A particular feature of some purlin systems is the account taken of partial continuity from overlap and
sleeve systems.
Roof and wall systems using cold-formed beams have usually been developed as overall systems. The
beams are only fully effective within these systems with appropriate restraint from the other components.
[1] Eurocode 3, Part 1.3: "Cold-Formed Steel Sheeting and Members" CEN (in preparation).
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