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CIPS Code of Conductv2 10-9-2013

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CIPS Code of Conduct

The purpose of this code of conduct is to dene behaviours and actions which
CIPS members must commit to maintain as long as they are members of CIPS.
AS A member of CIPS, I wIll:

USe of THe CoDe

enhance and protect the

standing of the profession, by:

Promote the eradication of

unethical business practices, by:

never engaging in conduct, either

professional or personal, which
would bring the profession or the
Chartered Institute of Purchasing
& Supply into disrepute
not accepting inducements or gifts
(other than any declared gifts of
nominal value which have been
sanctioned by my employer)
not allowing oers of hospitality or
those with vested interests to
inuence, or be perceived to
inuence, my business decisions
being aware that my behaviour
outside my professional life may
have an eect on how I am
perceived as a professional.

fostering awareness of human rights,

fraud and corruption issues in all my
business relationships
responsibly managing any business
relationships where unethical practices
may come to light, and taking
appropriate action to report and
remedy them
undertaking due diligence on
appropriate supplier relationships in
relation to forced labour (modern
slavery) and other human rights abuses,
fraud and corruption
continually developing my knowledge of
forced labour (modern slavery), human
rights, fraud and corruption issues, and
applying this in my professional life.

maintain the highest standard

of integrity in all business
relationships, by:

enhance the prociency and stature

of the profession, by:

rejecting any business practice

which might reasonably be
deemed improper
never using my authority or
position for my own nancial gain
declaring to my line manager any
personal interest that might aect,
or be seen by others to aect, my
impartiality in decision making
ensuring that the information I
give in the course of my work is
accurate and not misleading
never breaching the condentiality
of information I receive in a
professional capacity
striving for genuine, fair and
transparent competition
being truthful about my skills,
experience and qualications.

continually developing and applying

knowledge to increase my personal skills
and those of the organisation I work for
fostering the highest standards of
professional competence amongst those
for whom I am responsible
optimising the responsible use of
resources which I have inuence over
for the benet of my organisation.

ensure full compliance with laws

and regulations, by:
adhering to the laws of the countries
in which I practise, and in countries
where there is no relevant law in place
I will apply the standards inherent in
this Code
fullling agreed contractual obligations
following CIPS guidance on professional

This code was approved by the CIPS Global Board of Trustees on 10 September 2013.

members of CIPS worldwide

are required to uphold this
code and to seek commitment
to it by all the parties they
engage with in their
professional practice.
Members should encourage their
organisation to adopt an ethical
procurement and supply policy
based on the principles of this code
and raise any matter of concern
relating to business ethics at an
appropriate level within their
Members conduct will be judged
against the code and any breach may
lead to action under the disciplinary
rules set out in the Institutes Royal
Charter. Members are expected to
assist any investigation by CIPS in the
event of a complaint being made
against them.


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