Sustainable Supply Chain
Sustainable Supply Chain
Sustainable Supply Chain
Suppliers’ Perspectives on Greening the Supply Chain, produced by Business for Social
Responsibility Education Fund, June 2001
greenhotelier january 2006 theknow-howsection 1
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Investigate whether they
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Solutions Poor 16/2/06 Pedro Pérez 16/02/06 Investigate 3/4/06 nil
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MOREINFORMATION for suppliers and staff. You will also need to identify
individuals responsible for co-ordinating the monitoring, Pro-Poor Tourism Partnership
ANVR: Dutch Tour auditing and verification processes and providing
Pro-Poor Tourism (PPT) is an approach to tourism
Operator Association progress reports.
development and management that enhances the linkages
email: between tourism businesses and poor people, so that they
web: 9. Tips for success are able to participate more effectively in tourism product
Environment Business Communication is the key to success. Be regular, clear, development. All kinds of links with 'the poor' need to be
Development Group straightforward and transparent in your communications considered: staff, neighbouring communities, land-holders,
email: both with suppliers and internally.
producers of food, fuel and other suppliers, operators of
Ensure that your policy is reflected in your purchasing
Global Reporting micro-tourism businesses, craft-makers, other users of
decisions or it will undermine the credibility of your
Initiative (GRI) tourism infrastructure (roads) and resources (water) etc.
programme with suppliers.
web: Aim for an inclusive rather than exclusive approach – The Pro-Poor Tourism Partnership (PPTP) has
International Centre for i.e. do not ‘drop’ suppliers immediately if they do not meet successfully proved in The Gambia, South Africa and in
Responsible Tourism your standards, but look to help them comply with your the Caribbean that sustainable supply chain management
web: www.theinternational requirements and ultimately raise sustainability levels can play a vital role in alleviating poverty in tourism throughout the supply chain. destinations, particularly through mechanisms such as
Do not be over-ambitious. Work with a few suppliers at a marketing and technical support for local businesses,
Leeds Tourism Group time for continuous and measurable improvement rather
changes in procurement strategy, or direct financial and
web: than overnight transformation.
training inputs. Agricultural linkages for example, have
Remember that you may be able to learn as much (if not
Supply Chain Forum enabled local suppliers to provide fresher produce
more) from your suppliers about sustainability as you are
web: involving fewer ‘food-miles’ and distinctive food and
able to tell them.
Sustainable Travel International Understand that suppliers may have different priorities recipes, helping to stimulate culinary, agro-herbal and
web: and/or capacities for improvement and may not be able farm-based tourism and provide more authentic and
to improve at the same rate. memorable experiences for visitors.
Tour Operators Initiative When you are piloting new suppliers, ensure that your
for Sustainable Tourism critical needs are not threatened. moreinformation
Development (TOI) If using certification schemes as a means of identifying
web: Harold Goodwin email:
sustainable suppliers, check that their standards and criteria
are in line with the objectives of your policy.
Ensure that any sensitive or confidential material in your
supplier database remains confidential.
Where insufficient numbers of suppliers are able to meet
your minimum requirements, consider working with
competitors and local tourism associations to help raise Tour Link Project
overall standards within the destination and to create a The Tour Link Project established an EU-standard for a
greater pool of suppliers to draw upon. Sustainable Supply Chain Management System for tour
Monitor the response and enthusiasm of suppliers and operators, which includes various common tools such as
identify successes and difficulties so that each year you a management guide, a multi-lingual training website
can improve the process. and benchmarking and self-assessment tools. The
system is currently being implemented by 250 European
CASESTUDY tour operators. Tour Link also established common tour
operator suppliers’ (of, for example, accommodation)
European supply chain tool sustainability checklists and online assessment systems
to be linked with sustainable tourism certification
Following completion of a pilot process, the UK
systems such as the EU Flower for accommodation and
Federation of Tour Operators (FTO) will launch their
the VISIT ecolabels. The tools and the suppliers’
Supplier Sustainability Code in the first quarter of 2006.
We would like to thank assessment system will be piloted in Austria, Catalonia
This is a practical guide for suppliers to the package travel
the following for their and Costa Rica.
industry on how to minimise negative impacts on the
help with this guide: environment and maximise social and economic benefits The project, which began in 2004, is being funded by
Xavier Font, to local people and communities. EU-LIFE and is due for completion in 2007. Partners
Leeds Tourism Group include the Dutch tour operators’ association ANVR and
The code, which has taken two years to develop and
Naut Kusters, Tour Link involved broad international multi-stakeholder the UK Federation of Tour Operators (FTO), Leeds
Tom Selänniemi, consultation, has been adopted by the European Union- Metropolitan and Lund Universities, the Austrian and
Aurinkomatkat-Suntours funded Tour Link Project as an important tool within the Catalonian Ministries of the Environment, the Dutch
Richard Tapper, Environment recently-adapted European Supply Chain Management Alps Platform, the Royal Awards for Sustainability
Development Group System for tour operators. and ECEAT-Projects.
Every attempt has been made
to ensure accuracy, however moreinformation moreinformation
ITP cannot accept any Chris Thompson tel: + 44 (0) 1444 457900 Naut Kusters tel: + 31 20 465 1318
responsibility for actions email: email:
based on this information.