Spend Analysis
Spend Analysis
Spend Analysis
Spend intelligence provides visibility into spend and answers questions such as - what
are you buying, who are you buying from, what are you paying, and who is making
the purchases? You need these answers to identify cost saving opportunities, cost
avoidance opportunities and prioritize sourcing efforts. Compiling the data together
is not sufficient. The bigger challenges lie in data cleansing, data classification and
quality analysis. Another challenge for effective spend intelligence is performing this
crucial process quickly and accurately.
Ketera Spend Analysis is an On-demand spend intelligence solution that helps you to
access, organize and analyze spend data. It provides effective processes for automated
cleansing, classification and enrichment of spend data. It also includes a variety of
user friendly reporting and analytical tools used to gain highly accurate insights into
processed spend data. Such information helps you identify cost saving opportunities,
increase negotiation leverage with suppliers and increase spend compliance.
Ketera Spend Analysis helps to generate intel- records to standard taxonomies like UNSPSC,
ligence from spend transactions. Users get SIC, NAICS using advanced learning based
To enable companies to achieve spend
access to uniform and standardized data after algorithms. These algorithms leverage different
visibility and gain control over their
data validation and cleansing. Data classifica- spend data parameters like supplier details, GL
spending without having to make a
tion using company wide standard taxonomy description, PO/Item description etc.
huge investment, Ketera developed a so- Supplier De-duplication Identify and remove
helps users gain visibility into corporate
phisticated, On-demand Spend Analysis duplicate suppliers using advanced supplier
spending. Ketera’s patent pending algorithms
solution. As a leading provider of Spend de-duplication algorithms and use the resultant
leverage knowledge libraries to provide unique
Analysis, Ketera’s experience is vast and technology platform that enables high ac- information to consolidate spend information
wide ranging. Over the years, Ketera has curacy of spend data analysis which further across all the duplicate suppliers.
cumulatively processed transactions facilitates informed decision making. Process Supplier Data Enrichment Enrich supplier
worth over 15 Trillion USD for more than transparency allows visibility and control over information to include parent/lineage and
100 organizations, spanning over 2 Mil- different processing steps. diversity information.
lion suppliers. Patent Pending Algorithms Capitalize by us- Data Processing Use initial large dataset for
ing Ketera’s advanced patent pending learning spend processing, followed by frequent data
based algorithms to classify spend data. These refreshes for new data generated on monthly/
and growing knowledge libraries of ‘catego- Data Cleansing Cleanse the data to facilitate
rized content’ to categorize newer data sets. consistency in data. The cleansing rules include
Transparency Provide users transparency and removal of special characters across the data-
visibility at every processing milestone with the set, expansion of common abbreviations and
ability to interactively download, modify and acronyms and removal of unwanted numbers
Ketera Spend Analysis is designed to be easy Scalable Architecture Leverage the power
to use web portal which provides the benefit of scalable architecture which currently holds
of low/no training costs for the enterprises. billions of transaction records and has the abil-
Because the solution is on-demand, it is cost ity to handle large volumes of future records.
effective and highly accessible with no need User Set-up and Administration Authorize
for software or hardware installations and up- administrators to create user profiles, assign
grades. Ketera’s reliable architecture has built-in unique permission sets, and assign user-ids,
failover mechanisms with efficient backup and and passwords. Users have the ability to edit
recovery plans. their own passwords.
Easy access Access an on-demand solution
from anywhere, anytime. It works well on your Part of a Full Enterprise
existing browser with no additional hardware Spend Management Suite
or software is necessary. Ketera Supplier Connect is part of an integrat-
Reliable Architecture Use a system that has a ed of spend management applications, provid-
built-in failover mechanism to ensure uninter- ing closed–loop support for spend analysis,
rupted solution availability for all the custom- sourcing, contract management, procurement,
ers. Ketera’s efficient backup and recovery plan supplier enablement, &
and fail-over mechanisms have the ability to content management, supplier performance
address customer PSR (performance, scalabil- management, and invoice management.
ity and reliability) standards.
About Ketera
Ketera is the fastest–growing provider
Ketera Technologies, Inc. Tel: 408-572-9500 Fax: 408-748-9674
3055 Olin Avenue, Suite 2200 www.ketera.com
San Jose, CA 95128 ketera@ketera.com