Physics Syllabus
Physics Syllabus
Physics Syllabus
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(Sem II)
Paper 1: (P201) Optics
Unit I
Condition for Observing Interference, Visibility of Fringes, Production of Coherent Sources , Temporal and Spatial
Coherence Production Interference Fringes and Determination of Wavelength,
Production of Achromatic Fringes, Colour of Thin films, Newton Rings.
Multiple Reflection, Fabry Perot Interferometer and LG plate, Filter.
Unit II
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Fresnels diffraction, Fresnels zones and propagation of light, zone plate, Fresnels diffraction at edge and narrow wire.
Fraunhofer diffraction at multiple slits, limiting cases- single and double
Unit III
Polarization, Double Refraction in Uniaxial Crystals, Huygens Theory of Double
Nicole Prism, Polaroids and Retardation Plates, Half and Quarter Wave Plates , Production and Detection of Elliptically
Polarisied Light.
Optical Activity, Fresnels Theory of Optical Rotation, Matrix Representation of Plane Polarized Waves, Matrices of
Polarizer Retardation and Rotation . Application to Simple Systems, Light
Unit IV
Resolving power-criterion, expressions for resolving powers of telescope, grating.
Optical instruments- Spectrometer, Michelson Interferometer, Sextant, Babinets compensator, Half Shade and Biquartz,
Recommended Books
1. Fundamentals of Optics-A.Jenkins and H.E.White (Mc Graw Hill International Book Company)
2. A Text Book of Optics Brij Lal and Subramanyam (S.Chand and Company Ltd.)
Paper 2: Experiments (P202)
(Sem. III)
Paper 1: P(301) Electricity and Magnetism
Unit-I (Electrostatics)
Coulombs Law, Electric Field and Potential, Field due to Uniformly Charged Sphere, Poisson and Laplace Equation,
Gauss law and its application: The field of a conductor, Electric Dipole, Field and Potential due to Electric Dipole, Dipole
Approximation for an arbitrary charge distribution, Electric Quadrupole, Field due to Electric Quadrupole, Electrostatic
Energy of a uniformly charged sphere, Energy of a condenser.
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Unit-II (Magnetostatics)
Magnetic Field, Magnetic Force of a current, Magnetic Induction, Biot-Savart Law, Lorentz force, Vector and Scalar
Magnetic Potential, Magnetic Dipole, Magnetomotive Force, Amperes Circuital Theorem and its applications: magnetic
field due to a wire carrying current and solenoid.
Unit-III (Electromagnetic Induction)
Laws of induction, Faradays law and Lenz Law,
Mutual and Self Induction, Vector Potential in varying Magnetic Field, Skin Effect, Motion of Electron in changing
magnetic field, Magnetic energy in a field, induced magnetic field, Displacement current, Maxwells Equation, Poynting
Vector, Electromagnetic Waves in Free space, Theory and working of ballistic Galvanometer
Unit-IV (Magnetic Properties of Matter)
Intensity of Magnetization and magnetic susceptibility, Properties of Dia, Para and Ferromagnetic materials, Curie
Temperature, Hysteresis and its experimental determination.
Dielectrics, Dielectric constant, polarization, electronic, atomic or ionic polarization, polarization charges, Electrostatic
equations, Field, Force and Energy in Dielectrics, Debye Model.
Books recommended
1. Electricity, Magnetism and Electronics- Ahmad and Lal(Unitech House, Lko.)
2. Electricity and Magnetism- K. K. Tiwari (S. Chand and Company Ltd.)
(P302)List of experiments
(Sem. IV)
Paper 1: P(401) Thermal Physics
Thermal equilibrium, Zeros law of Thermodynamics, Temperature concept, Equation of State, Vander walls Equation,
Critical Constants, Principle of corresponding States
First law of thermodynamics, Absolute scale of temperature, Entropy, Degradation of Energy, Enthalpy, Helmholtz
function, Gibbs function, Maxwells Thermodynamic relations and their applications.
Differential and Integral Joule Thomson Effect, Inversion Temperature, Liquification of gases (no experimental details),
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(Sem. IV)
Paper 2: P(402) Elements of Quantum Mechanics and Atomic Spectra
Inadequacies of Quantum Mechanics, Photoelectric Phenomenon, Compton effect, Wave particle Duality, de broglie
matter wave and their experimental determination, Heisenbergs uncertainty Principle, Complementary principle, Principle
of superposition, motion of wave packets.
Schrdinger wave equation, Interpretation of wave function, expectation values of dynamic variables, Ehrenfest
theorem,orthonormal properties of wave function, one dimensional motion in step potential, rectangular barrier, Square
well potential, particle in a box, normalization.
Bohr atomic model, Sommerfeld Elliptic orbits, Spin and orbital magnetic moments, Stern Gerlach experiment, Paulis
exclusion Principle and periodic table, Optical Spectra of Alkali and Alkaline earth elements, Fine structure of Spectral
lines, Coupling Schemes(LS and JJ) for two electron systems.
Normal and Anomalous Zeeman Effect and Paschen Back Effect of one Electron Systems, Experimental Observations,
X-ray Spectra- continuous and characteristic, their generation and uses, Spin and Screening Doublets.
Books Recommended
1. Concepts of modern physics- A.Beiser (TATA Mc Graw Hill)
2. Modern Physics-R.Murugeshan & K.Sivaprastha ( S.Chand and Company Ltd)
Paper 1: P(501) Electronics
Unit-I (network theorems and circuit analysis)
Thevenin, Norton and superposition theorems and their applications- T and Network characteristic Interactive and image
impedances, constant K and Derived m type filters, transmission lines, Characteristic impedances and Attenuations,
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Reflection Coefficients,
Diodes,Diffusion of minority carrier in semiconductor, work function in metals and semiconductors, junction between
metals and semiconductors, semiconductor and semiconductor, p-n junction, depletion layer , junction potential, width of
depletion layer, field and capacitance of depletion layer, forward ac and dc resistance of junction, reverse breakdown.
Unit-II (diodes)
Zener and Avalanche diode, tunnel diode, point contact diode, their importance at high frequencies, LED, Photodiodes,
Effect of temperature on junction diode thermistors.
(Transistors)Transistor parameters, Base width modulation, transit time and life time of minority carriers, base and emitter
resistance, collector conductance, base spreading resistance, diffusion capacitance, reverse feedback ratio, Equivalent
Circuit for Transistors, Basic model, Hybrid Model and Y-parameter equivalent circuit, input and output impedances.
Current and voltage gain, biasing formula for transistors, base bias, emitter bias and mixed type bias, biasing for small and
large signal operation.Transistor circuit, application at low frequencies, their ac and dc equivalent for three different modes
of operation, large signal operation of transistor, heat sink, thermal resistance, distortion in amplifiers, cascading of stage,
frequency response, negative and positive feedback in transistor amplifier.
FET, characteristics, biasing of FET, use in preamplifiers, MOSFET and their uses. Power Supplies- Electronically
regulated low and high voltage power supplies, invertors for battery operated equipments.
Miscellaneous basic linear integrated circuits, photo transistors, silicon controlled rectifiers, UJT and their simple uses.
Books Recommended
1. Electrical Technology, Vol IV-B.L. Thareja(S.Chand and Company Ltd)
2. Networking Analysis-J.Ryder ( )
3. Circuit Fundamental and basic Electonics- J.P.Agarwal(Pragati Prakashan, Meerut)
Paper 2: (P502) Solid State Physics
Unit I (Crystal Structure)
Lattice translation vectors and lattice, Symmetry operation, Basis and crystal structures, Symmetry operation, basis and
crystal structure, Primitive lattice cell, two-dimensional lattice system, Number of lattice, Point groups and plane groups
Three dimensional lattice types system no. of lattices, Point groups and space groups.Index system for crystal plane miller
indices, Simple crystal structures. NaCl, CsCl, hcp diamond, cubic ZnS and hexa. ZnS. Occurrence of nonideal crystal
structures,Random stacking of polytypism glasses.
UnitII(Crystal diffraction and reciprocal lattice)
Incident beam, Braggs law, Experimental diffraction method. Laue method Rotating crystal method, Powder method.
Derivation of scattered wave amplitude, Fourier analysis, Reciprocal lattice vectors diffraction condition Ewald method
Brillouin zones, reciprocal lattice to sc, bcc and fcc lattice, Fourier analysis of the basis and atomic form factor.
Unit III (Crystal Bindings)
Crystals of inert gases, Vander walls-London interaction-Repulsive interaction, Equilibrium lattice constants, cohesive
energy, Compressibility and bulk modulus, Ionic crystal, modelung energy, Evaluation of modelung constants, covalent
crystals, Hydrogen bonding crystals, Atomic crystals, Atomic radii, Lattice heat capacity, Einstein model, Variation of
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mono-atomic lattice.
Unit IV (Lattice vibrations)
Derivation of dispersion relation, First Brillion zones , group velocity, continuum limit, Force constant, Lattice with two
atoms per primitive cell, Derivation of dispersion relation, Acoustic and optical modes, phonon momentum, Free electron
theory, Fermi energy, Density of states, Heat energy of electron gas, Paramagnetic susceptibility of conduction electron,
Hall effect in metals.
Origin of band theory, Quantitative idea of Bloch Theorem, Kronig Penny Model, number of orbital in a band conductor
and insulators, effective mass, concept of holes.
(Sem. VI)
Paper 1: P(601) Elements of Relativistic, Classical and Statistical Mechanics
Unit-I (Relativistic Mechanics)
Earth as a reference frame, Galilean transformation, Michelson Morley Experiment, Postulates of Special Theory of
Relativity, Lorentz transformations, Length Contraction and Time Dilation, Law of Addition of velocities, Variation of mass
with velocity, Principle of Equivalance of mass and Energy.
Unit-II (Classical mechanics)
Mechanics of a system of particles, generalized coordinates, DAlemberts Principle, Lagrangean Formulation and
Lagranges Equation of motion, Calculus of Variation and its Apllication. Hamiltonian formulation and Hamiltons equation
of motion.
Unit-III (Classical and Statistical mechanics)
The Rigid Body motion, Force free motion of symmetrical rigid body. Two body Central Force problem, reduction to
equivalent one body problem, The equation of motion and First Integrals, Classification of orbits, orbit for integral powerlaw potentials, Inverse square- law , Keplers problem, Inadequacies of Classical mechanics, phase space, Liouvilles
theorem, connection between statistical and thermodynamic quantities.
Unit-IV (Statistical Mechanics)
Ensembles, the microcanonical, the canonical and the grand canonical Ensembles, Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics, Partition
function , Maxwell velocity distribution and mean values, equipartition theorem, statistics of interacting system, Vander
Walls gas, Electron gas and Plancks oscillator.
Books Recommended
1. Special Relativity- A.P.French( Norton)
2. Classical Mechanics- H.Goldstein(Narosa Publishing house)
3. Statistical Mechanics- B.K.Agarwal & Melvin Eisner (New Age International Publication)
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Nuclear Model
Liquid Drop Model and Bieth-Weizacher mass formula, Single Particle Shell model
Unit II
Nuclear Force
Saturation phenomenon and exchange force, Deutron ground State properties.
Natural Radioactivity
Fundamental laws of radioactivity, Soddy-Fajans Displacement law of radioactive disintegration, basic idea about ,
and decay.
Unit-III (Nuclear Reactions)
Nuclear reactions and their conservation laws, cross section of nuclear reactions, theory of fission, Nuclear reactors and
nuclear fusion.
Elementary Particles
Basic classification based on rest mass, spin and half life, particle interactions (gravitational, electromagnetic, weak and
strong interactions.
Unit IV
Accelerators and detectors
Vande Graff Cyclotron, Synchrotron, Interaction of charged particles and Gamma Rays with Matter, G M Counter,
Scintillation Counter and Neutron Detectors
Books Recommended
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