Lightweight Concrete
Lightweight Concrete
Lightweight Concrete
2 December 2014
Foam Agent
The foam agent used to obtain foamed concrete. It is
defined as air entraining agent. The foam agent is the
most essential influence on the foamed concrete. The
foam agents when added into the mix water it will
produce discrete bubbles cavities which become
incorporated in the cement paste. The properties of
foamed concrete are critically dependent upon the quality
of the foam. Foam agent can be classified according to
types of foaming agent: i) Synthetic-suitable for densities
of 1000kg/m3 and above. ii) Protein-suitable for densities
from 400kg/m3 to 1600 kg/m3. Foams from protein-based
have a weight of around 80g/litter. Protein-based foaming
agents come from animal proteins out of horn, blood,
bones of cows, pigs and other remainders of animal
carcasses. This leads not only to occasional variations in
quality, due to the differing raw materials used in
different batches, but also to a very intense stench of such
International Journal of Materials Science and Engineering Vol. 2, No. 2 December 2014
A. Foamed Concrete
Foamed concrete is produced either by pre-foaming
method or mixed foaming method. Pre-foaming method
involves the separate production of a base mix cement
slurry (cement paste or mortar) and a stably preformed
aqueous (foam agent with water) and then the thorough
blending of this foam into a base mix. In mixed foaming,
the surface active agent is mixed with the base mixture
ingredients and during the process of mixing, foam is
produced resulting in cellular structure in concrete as
shown in Fig. 2. The preformed foam can be either wet or
dry foam. The wet foam is produced by spraying a
solution of foaming agent over a fine mesh, has 2-5mm
bubble size and is relatively less stable. Dry foam is
produced by forcing the foaming agent solution through a
series of high density restrictions and forcing compressed
air simultaneously into the mixing chamber. Dry foam is
extremely stable and has a size smaller than 1mm [4], [6],
[11]. Table I shows the properties of foamed concrete
Aluminum Powder
Aluminum powder is usually used to obtain autoclaved
aerated concrete by a chemical reaction generating a gas
in fresh mortar, so that when it sets it contains a large
number of gas bubbles [9]. Aluminum is used as a
foaming agent in AAC production worldwide and it is
widely proven as the best solution for its purpose. When
aluminum is added (usually at about 0.2% to 0.5% by dry
weight of cement) to the mixing ingredients [10], the
Aluminum powder can be classified into three types:
atomized, flake and granules. In case of an atomized
particle, its length, width and thickness are all of
approximately the same order where the length or width
of a flake particle maybe several hundred times it
thickness. Aluminum powder in the AAC industry is
often made from foil scrap and exists of microscopic
flake-shaped aluminum particles.
Aluminum powder with grain size less than 100m
and particularly with fractions less than 50m, can easily
form highly flammable aero suspensions (dust clouds)
during pouring or vibration.
Compressive strength
International Journal of Materials Science and Engineering Vol. 2, No. 2 December 2014
2Al+3Ca(OH)2 +6H2O
3CaO.Al2O3.6H2O+3H2 (1)
Hydrate + Hydrogen
Compressive strength
Flexural strength
Modulus of elasticity
(E-value) (GPa)
Thermal conductivity
(3% moisture)
International Journal of Materials Science and Engineering Vol. 2, No. 2 December 2014
A. Porosity (Air-Voids) and Permeability
The porosity in cement-based material is classified as
gel pores, capillary pores, macro-pores due to deliberately
entrained air, and macro-pores due to inadequate
compaction. The gel pores do not influence the strength
of concrete through its porosity, although these pores are
directly related to creep and shrinkage. Capillary pores
and other large pores are responsible for reduction in
strength and elasticity etc. [11]. Aerated concrete have
higher strength when the air-void was narrower
distributions shows. The fly ash may be used as filler to
help in achieving more uniform distribution of air-voids
by providing uniform coating on each bubble and thereby
prevents merging of bubbles. At higher foam volume,
merging of bubbles results in wide distribution of void
sizes leading to lower strength [16]. (Nambiar and
Ramamurthy, 2007) [11] have discussed the air-void
characterization of foam concrete. They investigated the
air-void parameters such as: volume, size and spacing of
air voids to study their influence on strength and density.
The findings indicated that the mixes with a narrower airvoid size distribution showed higher strength. At higher
foam volume, merging of bubbles seems to produce
larger voids, and results in the wide distribution of void
sizes and lower strength. Air-void shape has no influence
on the properties of foamed concrete.
The Permeability is known as the ease with which a
fluid will pass through a porous medium under the action
of a pressure differential and it is a flow property [2].
Permeability of aerated concrete is greatly influenced
by the type, size and distribution of the pores, and not the
pore volume. Pores are classified into two types; open
pores, which connect to the outside boundary of the
material, and closed pores, which are isolated from the
outside and may contain fluid. Permeability of aerated
concrete is contributed by the open pores and not the
closed pores. Closed pore materials are used mainly for
sonic and thermal insulators or low-specific gravity
structural components [4]. Fig. 4 shows the differences
between porosity and permeability [2], [17].
k1: coefficient of permeability (m/sec),
dq/dt: steady flow rate (m3/sec),
L: thickness or length of the specimen (m),
H: drop in the hydraulic head across the sample (m),
A: cross-sectional area of the sample (m2).
B. Compressive Strength and Splitting Tensile Strength
Compressive strength of foamed concrete influenced
by many factor such as density, age, curing method,
component and mix proportion [8]. (Bing, Zhen and Ning,
2012) [18] investigated the compressive strength of
foamed concrete in almost all mixes displayed a
continuous increase with age. The rate of strength
development was greater initially and decreased as age
increased. However, a comparison of strengths at 7 days
revealed that concretes with no silica fume developed
almost 70-75% of the 28-day strength. (Just and
Middendorf, 2009) [19] founded that the increase in the
compressive strength depends on the mass density. The
strength also increases with rising mass density. For a
mass density of 700kg/m3 the compressive strength
increase amounts to a calculated 17% and when the mass
density rises to 1100kg/m3 the compressive strength
increases to 20%. The smaller the diameter of the pores,
the more regularly they are formed. Regularly formed air
voids increase the compressive strength with comparable
densities. (Mydin and Wang, 2012) [20] studied the
mechanical properties of foamed concrete exposed to
high temperatures. Two densities of foamed concrete
were tested, 650 and 1000kg/m3. The results consistently
demonstrated that the loss in stiffness for the foamed
concrete at elevated temperatures occurs predominantly
after about 90C, regardless of density. This indicates that
the primary mechanism causing stiffness degradation is
micro-cracking, which occurs as water expands and
evaporates from the porous body. Reducing the density of
foamed concrete reduces its strength and stiffness.
(Richard, Ramli and Al-Shareem, 2013) [21] have
investigated the experimental production of sustainable
lightweight foamed concrete. The base mix parameters to
produce a sustainable foamed concrete by substituting
cement which is a source of carbon dioxide, a greenhouse
emission elements, with a cementitious material, fly ash
within a range of 10, 20, 30 and 50% was used. The
results show that the compressive strength was reduced
relatively to the volume of fly ash present in the samples.
The higher the fly ash volume, the lower the compressive
strength. The production of sustainable concrete hence
International Journal of Materials Science and Engineering Vol. 2, No. 2 December 2014
Aerated lightweight concrete is unlike conventional
concrete in some mix materials and properties. Aerated
lightweight concrete does not contain coarse aggregate,
and it is possess many beneficial such as low density with
higher strength compared with conventional concrete,
enhanced in thermal and sound insulation, reduced dead
load in the could result several advantages in decrease
structural elements and reduce the transferred load to the
foundations and bearing capacity. Foamed concrete is
different in agent of forming air-voids as compared with
autoclaved aerated concrete. The air-voids in foamed
concrete formed by foam agent, this operation is physical
processing. Against the air-voids in autoclaved aerated
concrete formed by addition aluminum powder to the
other materials and reaction between them, and this
operation is chemical processing. The air-voids is
homogenous distribution within aerated lightweight
concrete. The compressive strength of foamed concrete
can be developed reach to structural strength compared
with autoclaved aerated concrete. Aerated lightweight
concrete is consider economy in materials and
consumption of by-product and wastes materials such as
fly ash.
International Journal of Materials Science and Engineering Vol. 2, No. 2 December 2014