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Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants: Preamble

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University of Saint Anthony

(Dr. Santiago G. Ortega Memorial)
City of Iriga


We, the members of the Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants, realizing the
need for local organization to serve as medium of expression of an ideal aspiration, to
promote and protect the welfare and interest of all Accountancy students, to assert a
dynamic and responsible studentry and to strengthen the common ties that binds us, do
hereby ordain and promulgate this Constitution and By- Laws.

Section 1.

This organization shall be known as the JUNIOR PHILIPPINE INSTITUTE

OF ACCOUNTANTS, University of Saint Anthony Chapter, Iriga City herein
referred to as JPIA-USANT.

Section 2.

The principal office of JPIA-USANT shall be at the office of the Dean of the
College of Business Education, located at the second floor, Perpetua
Socorro Hall, University of Saint Anthony, Iriga City.


The organizational seal shall bear the name Junior Philippine Institute of
Accountants-USANT Chapter, Iriga City, and the abbreviation JPIA inside
the semi-circle semi-wheel form of the seal. It shall have the wings of a
bird in a green color to signify hope and freedom. The scenic Mt. Iriga and
its land to justify that the chapter is located at the city of Iriga.

Section 2.

The chapter seal is in the form of semi circle, semi-wheel form;

a.) Semi-wheel is adopted from the seal of the Department of Business
Education to denote that JPIA is under its umbrella.

Section 3.

The book represents the fact that business books form a big part in the life
of every accountancy students.

Section 4.

The gold medallion signifies that JPIAns are giving their best towards

Section 1.

The JPIA-USANT is founded on the basic principles that an organization

enhances to contribute to the prosperity or growth of the students. For this
reason, JPIA-USANT is privileged and gifted to become the road that








leadership, efficiency and effectiveness is giving emphasis on active,

responsible community involvement.
Section 2.

The JPIA marshalling the talents and energies of all students and
enthusiasts in Accounting Science here in University of Saint Anthony
shall pursue with outmost dedication to the following:
a.) To enhance professional competence among the members in order
that they may compete with other graduates as far as specialized
knowledge and expertise are concerned;
b.) To adopt measures as may be necessary to foster educational
advancement in the field of Accounting;
c.) To develop deep sense of appreciation in the acts and practices of
Accounting education and its role in the community development and
d.) To develop socio-civic consciousness and discipline among the
members and;
e.) To promote fellowship and brotherhood among JPIAns not only ones
campus but also in other schools.

Section 3.

To acquaint the members with the nature and activities of the Philippine
Institute of Certified Public Accountants, National Federation, Regional

Council and Camarines Sur Federation for the purpose of improving

economic and social well-being of the JPIAns.


The members of the JPIA-USANT are those bonafide BS Accountancy

students who are duly enrolled in the University of Saint Anthony, Iriga


All members shall pay corresponding fees as prescribed by the JPIA

Executive Officers, which shall be collected by the Vice President for

Section 3.

The membership in this organization is for a period of one year, renewable

every school year.

Section 1.

The members of the JPIA shall have the following rights and privileges:
a.) The right to participate in the discussion in all matters of this
b.) The right to vote and to be elected to any executive position or to be
appointed as JPIA officer, provided that he or has complied with the
c.) The right to be informed of any project and/or activity of the
organization and to participate in such undertaking;
d.) The right to inspect the financial statements at a reasonable time ;
e.) The right to vote in the assembly on any question or matters that may
arise therein and;
f.) The right to use the facilities of the organization as long as it is solely
on an official function.

Section 2.

The members of the JPIA shall have the following duties and obligations:
a.) The duty to attend the meetings, whether regular or special; and the
duty to pay a fine of fifty pesos(Php 50.00) , if in case he/she failed to
attend any meeting without valid reason;

b.) The duty to pay a membership fee and other semestral dues and/or
assessed amount that may be prescribed by the JPIA Executive
Officers for its purpose as the case may be for its members;
c.) The duty to attend and participate actively in all JPIA activities and
functions and;
d.) The duty to comply with the provisions of this Constitution and ByLaws and other rules that may be promulgated or agreed upon by the
general assembly.

Section 1.

The Composition. The Assembly shall be composed of all accredited

members of the organization. They shall constitute the supreme authority
of the JPIA and shall have the exclusive prerogative on matters as maybe
necessary and proper to effectively pursue its objectives.

Section 2.

The assembly shall meet regularly and on special occasion as may be

required; special occasion shall be convoked at the request of the
Executive Officers.

Section 3.

Quorum. A quorum at any assembly of the organization shall consist of the

majority of the accredited members present in the assembly; it shall not be
done or discussed unless approved by the majority of the present

Section 4.

Powers and Functions. The Assembly shall have the powers to elect the
Executive Officers and to ratify the Constitution and By-Laws of the

Section 1.

The Executive Officers of the JPIA shall be as follows:


General Vice President
Vice President for Academics
Vice President for Non-Academics
Vice President for Membership

f.) Vice President for Finance

g.) Assistant of VP for Finance
h.) Vice President for Communication-Internal
i.) Vice President for Communication-external
j.) Vice President for Audit
k.) Vice President for Publication & Promotion
l.) Representatives (4)
m.)Secretary General
n.) Ambassador
o.) Ambassadress
Section 2.

Manner of Election
a.) Election of officers of this organization shall be held before the
scheduled Pre-final examination of the second semester;
b.) The Executive Officers of JPIA except the President shall be elected by
the General Assembly in a popular election;
c.) Election in absencia shall not be allowed.

Section 3.

Term of Officer. All officers shall hold office for a term of one school year
starting from the time of proclamation or appointment until such time their
successor have been duly qualified and elected.

Section 1.

The Presidents shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Executive Board
of the Local Chapter. Aside from those that have been assigned by the
Executive Board, his authorities and duties shall include the following:
a.) To take active supervision and control over the properties, interests,
businesses and affairs of the local chapter;
b.) To preside in all meetings of the Executive Officers and an assembly;
c.) To supervise, direct and control subordinates officers in the discharge
of their duties and authorities;
d.) To lead the members in carrying out ,the activities and objectives of the
Local Chapter enforce the provisions of this Constitution and By-Laws,
and all the rules and regulations enacted in the Assembly;
e.) To delegate to any officers any of his authorities and duties whenever
in his judgment such delegation is expedient and practicable;
f.) To authorize expenditure necessary in carrying out the Federations
activities and program;
g.) To render annual report of the Local Chapters activities for internal and
external users;
h.) To perform other duties inherent to the position.

Section 2.

The General Vice-President shall have the authorities and duties,

which include:
a.) To perform and discharge the powers and duties of the President in the
latters absence or inability;
b.) To help the President lead the members in carrying out the activities
and objectives of the Local Chapter, enforce the provisions of this
Constitution and By-Laws, and all the rules and regulations enacted in
the Assembly;
c.) To have enough knowledge of the duties and responsibilities of the
President as his/her preparation as the future President in the next
school year.
d.) To take and exercise the authorities and duties of the President of the
organization in the next school year.
e.) To perform other duties inherent to the position.

Section 3.

The Vice-President for Academics shall have the authorities and duties,
which include the following aside from those assigned by the


a.) To perform and discharge the powers and duties of the General VicePresident in the latters absence or inability;
b.) To supervise the implementation of the academic project of the local
c.) Perform other duties inherent to the position.

Section 4.

The Vice-President for Non-Academics shall have the authorities and

duties, which include the following aside from those assigned by the
Executive Board.
a.) To supervise and execute the complementary role of curricular and
extra-curricular activities by integrating and coordinating cultural,
spiritual and sports activities and incorporate these in the general
activities of the local chapter;
b.) To coordinate with other institution, agencies or organization necessary
for the non-academic programs of the local chapter;
c.) To perform other duties inherent to the position.

Section 5.

The Vice-President for Membership shall have the authorities and duties,
which include the following aside from those assigned by the Executive
a.) To keep a complete and up-to-date list of all accredited members and
their directories;
b.) To monitor the attendance, performance and degree of participation of
the members in the Local Chapter meetings and functions;

c.) To perform other duties inherent to the position.

Section 6.

The Vice-President for Finance shall have the authorities and duties,
which include the following aside from those assigned by the Executive
a.) To authorize together with the President the use of funds and
b.) To keep all original documents pertaining to cash receipts and
c.) To prepare and present the Financial Statements;
d.) To perform other duties inherent to the position.

Subsection 5(A). The assistant of the Vice-President for Finance shall have the
authorities and duties, which include the following aside from those assigned by
the Executive Board.
a.) To act as custodian of all funds and properties;
b.) To perform other duties inherent to the position.
Section 7.

The Vice-President for Communications- internal shall have the authorities

and duties, which include the following aside from those assigned by the
Executive Board.
a.) To serve as the Liaison Officer to the other Vice-Presidents;
b.) To prepare all communication documents needed for a certain
c.) To perform other duties inherent to the position.

Subsection 7(A). The Vice-President for Communications- external shall have the
authorities and duties, which include the following aside from those assigned by the
Executive Board.
a.) To serve as the spokesperson to the other departments or
b.) To serve as assistant of internal Vice-President for Communications in
bringing the documents to designated persons;
c.) To perform other duties inherent to the position.
Section 8.

The Vice-President for Audit shall have the authorities and duties, which
include the following aside from those assigned by the Executive Board.
a.) To monitor all receipts and disbursements of the Federation every
b.) To audit the Financial Statements prepared by the Vice-President for
c.) To render a reasonable assurance as to the fairness of the Financial
Statements under audit. In any case the Auditor cannot attest to the
fair presentation, the reason shall be stated in the auditors report;
d.) To perform other duties inherent to the position.

Section 9.

The President shall appoint the Secretary-General. He/she must come

from the same school as the President. He /she shall have the authorities
and duties, which include the following aside from those assigned by the
Executive Board.
a.) To keep accurate minutes of all the meetings of the Executive Board;
b.) To disseminate all notices required to be given by this Constitution and
c.) To be custodian of all records, documents and papers and to certify all
records of the Local Chapter noted by the President;
d.) To submit to BRC the progress report of the Local Chapter and;
e.) To perform other duties inherent to the position.

Section 10.

The outgoing Executive Officers shall have the duty to efficiently turnover
all pertinent records of the Local Chapter within fifteen (15) days after the
proclamation of the new set of officers.

Section 1.

The Advisers of the JPIA shall be a Certified Public Accountants and a

faculty member of the College of Business Education and shall be
designated by the Executive Officers.

Section 2.

They shall have the right to be informed of all activities and projects of the

Section 3.

They shall have the right to attend in the meetings of the organization and
give opinions on the matters being discussed. However, the final decision
should rest on the Executive Officers and the Assembly.

Section 1.

Vacancies in the Executive Board by reason of incapacity, resignation,

impeachment or death shall be filed upon the decision made through the
majority vote in the assembly called for its purpose.

Section 2.

Vacancies by Resignation. Any officer with valid reason or cause may

resign from the office in the Local Chapter by a written notice submitted to
the Executive Board. If a fixed date for resignation is indicated, such shall
not be effective until acted upon by the Executive Board seven (7)
daysfrom receipt of the Officers notice of resignation.

Section 3.

Vacancies by Impeachment.
a.) Any elected or appointed officer shall be removed for a just cause and
due process on any of the following grounds:
1. Gross violation of this Constitution and By- Laws, internal rules
and regulations of the Local Chapter;
2. Grave abuse of authority;
3. Immoral acts;
4. Gross negligence of duties and responsibilities;
5. Gross insubordination;
6. Guilt of acts involving moral turpitude and;
7. Failure to enroll in the semester during his term.
b.) The following procedures shall be observed for impeachment:
1. A letter of complaint should be filed by any member to the
Executive Officers;
2. The Executive Officers shall consider the complaint and notify
the correspondent of the schedule of appearance before the
Executive Officers;
3. Within ten(10) days after the issuance, the Executive Officers
should issue a decision;
4. Within ten(10) days after the issuance of decision the defendant
may file his or her appeal before the Executive Board;
5. The Executive Board shall calendar the appeal before its
presence immediately after the request.
6. Ten (10) days after the appeal the Executive Board sitting en
banc, by a majority vote of its members, excluding the officer/s
in questions, as the case maybe shall issue its decision. The
decision shall be final and not subject for appeal.

Section 4.

Vacancies due to failure of elections:

a.) In case of any candidate who failed to get the required number of votes
in order for him to be elected, a special election shall be called upon.
b.) In case there are no candidates, a special election is deemed

Section 5.

The resigned or impeached officer shall have the duty to efficiently turn
over all pertinent records of the Local Chapter, thirty (30) days after
proclamation of the new set of officers.

Section 1.

Any member whose conduct or activities are contrary to this Constitution

and By-Laws or detrimental to the general interest of the JPIA shall be
subject to disciplinary measures. The penalty of which shall be determined
by the Executive Officers.

Section 2.

No member of the assembly shall be suspended or dismissed except for a

cause as provided in Section 3 of this Article and after due process of Law.

Section 3.

The following shall be the grounds for disciplinary measures and


Section 4.

Disgraceful or immoral conduct
Conviction of crime
Improper and unauthorized solicitation of contribution
Violation of Constitution and By-Laws
Falsification of document
Physical and Mental Incapacity
Willful failure to pay debts and other

For the purpose of Suspension, an affirmative vote of at least two-thirds

(2/3) of the total number of the Assembly present is required provided that:
a.) The member in attendance shall constitute a quorum and;
b.) The period of suspension shall exceed sixty (60) days after due
process of Law.

Section 1.

There shall be a Constitutional Commission composed of a Chairman,

Vice-Chairman and five (5) members who shall be designated by the
Executive Officers.
a.) The Constitutional Commission shall be vested with the executive
power of amending or revising this Constitution and By-Laws. It shall
function as an independent constitutional body.

b.) The Executive Board shall appoint the Constitutional Commission

members. Removal from office shall be manifested the same way they
were appointed.
Section 2.

Any amendments to or revisions of this Constitution and By-Laws may be

proposed by any local chapter upon a written request of such member,
stating the reason thereto.

Section 3.

The request shall be considered by the Executive Board and forwarded to

Constitutional Commission for discussion.

Section 4.

The majority of the Constitutional Commission shall approve the proposed

amendments to or revision of this Constitution.

Section 5.

Proposed amendments or revision shall be valid and shall form an integral

part of this Constitution and By-Laws and when presented and ratified by
the majority of representatives present in an assembly called for such

Section 6.

There shall be no amendments to this Constitution and By-Laws three (3)

years from its ratification.

Section 7.

There shall be no revision of this Constitution and By-Laws five (5) years
from the ratification.


University of Saint Anthony
(Dr. Santiago G. Ortega Memorial)
City of Iriga

Section 1

Members Admission and Disqualification

No person other than the chartered members may become a member of
JPIA-USANT, unless he files a formal application in writing and such
application is favorably acted upon by the members of the Committee on
Membership by unanimous vote. Any officer who had been declared may be
disqualified in his office if he does not keep up the standards herein set forth.
Provided, such officer is given a written notice one (1) month in advance for
his disqualification. The decision of this committee shall revoked only by twothirds (2/3) votes of all the members.

Section 2

Contribution and Fees

a.) Contributions are imposed to all members of the JPIA.
b.) All the members shall pay a membership fee of one hundred pesos (Php
100.00) in addition to the membership fee imposed by the National

Federation of Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants at the start of the

school year or before the prelim examination.
Section 3

Member Deportment
All members are expected to be above reproach on their personal behavior
and general deportment. They shall not only display an ordinary good conduct
but must strive to develop such qualities as expected of accountants and

Section 4

Rules of Orders
The rule of parliamentary procedures shall govern all meetings of the officers
and its members.

Section 5

A general monthly meeting shall be held regularly. Special meetings may be

at such other date, as the Executive Officers consider desirable. Majority of
the members shall be present both in general and special meetings.

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