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Original Article

Necessity of Admissions in Selected Teaching

University Afliated and Private Hospitals during 2007
in Shiraz, Iran
Nahid Hatam PhD1, Mehrdad Askarian MD MPH2, Yaser Sarikhani MSc1,
Hale Ghaem MSc3




Background: The use of acute hospital beds is an issue of concern both to policy-makers and practitioners. In most
countries attempts are underway to improve efciency in this sector.
Methods: One of the most widely used instruments for assessing inappropriate hospital use is the Appropriateness
Evaluation Protocol, which consists of a set of standards based on objective criteria relating the condition of the patient to
the clinical services received. The aim of this study was to measure inappropriateness of admission and inpatient stays at
four major hospitals in Shiraz, Iran.
Results: The results showed that 22% of the total admissions in four hospitals were rated as inappropriate. The most as
well as the least inappropriate admissions were found in both teaching university afliated hospitals. Our data has shown
that a total of 29.6% (average 6.40%) of the hospital stays in the study population were judged to be inappropriate. The
result of the Least Signicant Difference Test indicated a signicant association between the mean days of inappropriate
stay and turn of admission in all hospitals. In the four hospitals, a signicant association was observed between the
inappropriateness of hospital stay, costs, and length of stay.
Conclusion: Considering the ndings of this study, in addition to other studies in Iran and other countries, we can
conclude that the factors involving inappropriate admission of patients to hospitals are mostly similar. In order to solve this
problem we can use strategies such as: improving the performance of the referral system, using standard criteria for an
appropriate evaluation protocol by the medical staff, and extending outpatient diagnostic services to reduce inappropriate



Keywords: Appropriateness evaluation protocol (AEP) - appropriateness of admission - appropriateness of stay


any countries are faced with increasing decits in the health care sector.1 Hospital services, as
the most expensive component of modern health
care systems, are confronted with serious issues and
comprise approximately half of the health care
expenditures in most developed countries.24 Thus
improving the efciency of hospital care services
by cost reduction and using the capacity of existing
Authors afliations: 1School of Management and Information
Sciences, 2Department of Community Medicine, 3School of Health and
Nutrition, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences (SUMS), Shiraz, Iran.
Corresponding author and reprints: Nahid Hatam PhD, School of
Management and Information Sciences, Shiraz University of Medical
Sciences, Shiraz, Iran.
Tel:+98-711-229-60-31, Fax: +98-711-228-86-07
E-mail: hatamn@sums.ac.ir
Accepted for publication: 11 November 2009

healthcare facilities as optimally as possible seems

to be necessary. Appropriate stay which is considered to be up to typical, valuable, efcient, and customized to the patients actual needs would improve
hospital productivity, reduce waiting lists, and satisfy nancial constraints without compromising the
quality of care. 1,2
One of the most widely used instruments for assessing inappropriate hospital use is the Appropriateness Evaluation Protocol (AEP), which consists
of a set of standards based on objective criteria
relating to the condition of the patient to the clinical services received.5 The data of such studies will
increase awareness regarding the magnitude and
nancial burden of inappropriate admissions and
hospital stays. The aim of this study was to measure
inappropriate admissions in four hospitals of Shiraz,

230 Archives of Iranian Medicine, Volume 13, Number 3, May 2010


ANOVA post-HOC test to compare the means of

considered variables in each subgroup, two by two.

From May to October 2007, there were 1244 patients admitted to the four hospitals in the following wards: internal medicine (20%), surgery (17%),
gynecology (27%), and pediatrics (22%). A review
indicated that 22.85% of the total admissions in the
four hospitals were rated as inappropriate. The most
and least inappropriate admissions were found in
both teaching university afliated hospitals, Faghihi
(31.1%) and Nemazi (14.5%).
Our data showed that a total of 29.6% (average
6.40%) of the hospital stays in the sample were
judged to be inappropriate. The shortest and longest stays were observed in Faghihi and Ordibehesht Hospitals as 5.9% and 8.9%, respectively. A
comparison of the mean costs of inappropriate stays
showed that the smallest and largest values in Faghihi and Nemazi Hospitals (public hospitals) were
observed in the surgery, gynecology and pediatrics
wards, respectively. While in the private hospitals,
most were observed in the gynecology and internal
medicine wards (Table 1).
No signicant difference was found between inappropriate admission and insurance type; however in
all four hospitals, the most inappropriate admissions
belonged to social security insurance (23.60%)
and the least belonged to care services insurance
In all hospitals studied, the patients with inappropriate admissions had less than ve days of stay.
Inappropriate admissions were signicantly associated with the type of ward. Most inappropriate admissions in three hospitals (Nemazi, Dena,
and Oridibehesht) belonged to the pediatrics wards
(18.8%, 25.9%, and 25.5%). No inappropriate admissions were noted in the surgery wards of any of
the hospitals.
The results did not show signicant differences
between the turn of admission and inappropriateness of admissions in two hospitals (Nemazi and
Dena). At the same time, the results showed a statistically signicant association between the turn of
admission and inappropriate admissions in Faghihi
Hospital, of which most inappropriate admissions
occurred during rst time admissions. All inappro-





During a six month period from May through October 2007, this prospective study was conducted
on 1244 patients admitted to the internal medicine,
general surgery, gynecology, and pediatrics wards
with 258, 214, 342, and 280 admissions, respectively, in two university teaching hospitals and two
private hospitals in Shiraz, Fars Province, Iran. The
teaching hospitals (Faghihi and Nemazi) have a total of 458 and 535 hospital beds with occupancy
rates of 78% and 80%, respectively, and two private
hospitals (Dena and Ordibehesht) with 300 and 250
hospital beds with occupancy rates of 81.8% and
78.62%, respectively; all considered to be the four
largest hospitals in southern Iran.
The appropriateness of admissions and hospital
days was assessed using the Appropriateness Evaluation Protocol (AEP). The AEP has two sets of criteria: one for admissions and the other for days of
stay which have 18 and 27 objective criteria, respectively, which are used to recognize the appropriateness of hospital stays. The criteria for determining
the appropriateness of admissions addresses the severity of illness as well as the intensity of services
required, which consist of medical and nursing services or life support, and patient condition factors. If
any of these criteria are met, then the days of stay or
admission are classied as appropriate. The second
set of criteria was used for the rst ten days of stay,
followed by another protocol which was completed
for each patient who stayed longer than ten days.
Their relation to variables such as turn of admission
(rst time or readmission), type of insurance, length
of stay (less or greater than ve days), type of wards
and hospitals, inappropriate admissions and the cost
for hospital days were assessed.
A systematic sampling method was used to collect
data on the basis of one day per week in each hospital. For each hospital, a nurse and physician were involved in data review. Collection and analyses were
done using SPSS software version 14.0. Chi-square
was used for comparing inappropriate hospital admissions between different hospitals, independent
samples t-test for the length of stay, and ANOVA
to compare the wards and hospitals in relation to
health insurance, inappropriate admissions, hospital
day cost, and turn of admission. The Least Signicant Difference (LSD) test was used as a one-way


Patients and Methods

Archives of Iranian Medicine, Volume 13, Number 3, May 2010 231


Table 1. Inappropriate mean of length of stay and their costs according to turn of reception


Turn of reception

Number of

In appropriate mean
of length of stay

In appropriate
mean of stay cost

















The reasons for inappropriate days of stay are
shown in Figure 1. In all hospitals, the most common reason for inappropriate hospitalization was related to physicians conservative actions. The results
in the internal medicine, gynecology, and pediatrics
wards showed that the most common reason for
inappropriate hospitalization was related to physicians conservative actions, while in the general surgery wards the most common reason was related to
surgical delays.



priate admissions also occurred during rst time admissions in Ordibehesht Hospital.
The result of the LSD Test showed a signicant
association between the mean days of inappropriate
stay and turn of admission in all hospitals. Based
on the ndings of this study, no signicant statistical difference was observed between the percentage
of inappropriate hospitalizations and mean cost of
inappropriate days of stay. However in all hospitals,
a signicant association was observed between inappropriateness of hospital stay, costs and length of






Physician's absence

Physicians conservatism


Surgical delays

Follow up of diagnostic tests

Problem in insurance and

charge requirements


Figure 1. Reason for inappropriate days of stay

232 Archives of Iranian Medicine, Volume 13, Number 3, May 2010






Unnecessary patient admissions in hospitals is an

issue for which special attention has been paid in developed countries by performing extensive research
on this subject.6 However, unfortunately the ofcials
of developing countries including Iran, are unaware
of the issue or at least have little information about
it thus requiring more investigation to study the factors contributing to this problem.7
This study showed that the mean percentage of unnecessary admissions in hospitals was 22.85%. Kavousis study in an educational hospital in Tehran,
Iran estimated this indicator to be 29%.7 Bianco et
al. and Angelillo et al.s studies in Italy showed that
30% and 14.2% of hospital admissions were unnecessary, respectively.5,8 Another study by Chopard et
al. determined that 15% of admissions in university
hospitals in Geneva were considered as unnecessary.3 Inappropriate admissions in our hospitals may
be due to reasons such as:
1) Improper health-care services in lower levels of
the Iranian health-care system along with the lack of
information about lower-level services among those
who should receive them and unreliability of the
services provided at those levels were considered
the most important factors of unnecessary patient
admissions according to Jalali and Hoseini,6 and Kavousi.7
2) Lack of correct outpatient examinations was
the most important factor involved in unnecessary
patient admissions at hospitals per McDonoughs
study.4 Also, a lack of communication between physicians at private ofces with the medical team in
the examination rooms of admitted patients could
be another factor.9
3) Chopard, in his study, found that the main reason
for inappropriate admission is the failure to perform
some of the diagnostic tests outside the hospital.3
The ndings of this study showed that the mean
percent of unnecessary admissions in our hospitals
was 6.40%. In most studies conducted abroad, this
has been reported differently and, in most cases,


more than the levels reported in Iran.2,4,8,10 For example, Bianco et al. in 2003, in a study at a pediatrics
hospital estimated unnecessary admissions as 55%,5
and in another study in 2006, in a geriatric hospital,
he estimated it as 39.50%,11 half of which was due to
improper work methods at the hospital and failure to
refer patients to other care facilities.2,11
Generally, inappropriate hospitalizations could
be attributed to two factors, external and internal.
External factors are beyond the hospital control, for
example, blocked beds (beds occupied by patients
who have no indication for hospitalization) with no
non-hospital facility available for their transfer. The
study by Chopard showed that over half of the inappropriate hospitalizations were due to external and
uncontrollable factors.3
Internal factors can be controlled by hospital
management which is usually related to the inefciency of treatment practices and patients organization, and mostly due to organizational issues.7
The present study showed that approximately
70% of inappropriate hospitalizations occurred as
a result of internal factors. Rodrguez-Vera et al.s
study reported failure to follow-up diagnostic test
results as the main reason.12 Antn et al. considered the physicians conservatism as the main factor in his study.13 Bianco et al.s study stressed the
effect of the hospitalization section and reporting
factors such as the distance from patients home
to the hospital, conducting a larger number of diagnostic tests,14,15 physicians conservatism, failure to use outpatient care, organizational issues
at the hospital and inefcient planning in hospital
cases2,5,8 as effective factors.
The ndings of the present study showed that hospital costs increase with the time of inappropriate
hospitalization. Regarding the imposed costs due to
inappropriate hospitalization, it is clear that such a
huge cost is a burden on the patient, the hospital and
the insurance companies.7
Insurance companies and hospitals, particularly
public hospitals, prot from better opportunities for
organizing their services, thus reducing unnecessary
costs. Benets for patients consist of reduction in
their care costs and experiencing less catastrophic
health expenditures. However, what is recognized as
a defect in the hospital care system is the unawareness of an increase in the numbers of days of patient hospitalization aimed at covering xed hospital


A signicant association was observed between inappropriateness of hospital stay costs and the length
of stay, as well as between the percentage of inappropriate hospital stays and length of stay in all hospitals wards.

Archives of Iranian Medicine, Volume 13, Number 3, May 2010 233







Appropriateness of admissions and days of stay in

pediatric wards of Italy. Pediatrics. 2003; 112: 124
Jalali E, Hoseini M. Assessment of days of patient
stay in university afliated hospitals and comparison to a hospital with insurance contract. Health
Economic Conference, Tehran, Iran; 2001.
Kavousi Z. Management and Economic Analysis
of Admission and Hospitalization by using AEP in
University Afliated Hospitals of Tehran University
[PhD thesis]. Tehran: Tehran University; 2003.
Angelillo IF, Ricciardi G, Nante N, Boccia A, Bianco A, La Torre G, et al. Appropriateness of hospital utilization in Italy. Public Health. 2000; 114:
9 14.
Luis Zambrana Garca J, Delgado Fernndez M,
Cruz Caparrs G, Dez Garca F, Dolores Martn Escalante M, Salas Coronas J. Factors associated with inappropriate hospitalization at an internal medicine department [in Spanish]. Med Clin
(Barc). 2001; 116: 652 654.
Panis LJ, Gooskens M, Verheggen FW, Pop P, Prins
MH. Predictors of inappropriate hospital stay: a
clinical case study. Int J Qual Health Care. 2003;
15: 57 65.
Bianco A, Pileggi C, Rizza P, Greco MA, Angelillo
IF. An assessment of inappropriate hospital bed utilization by elderly patients in southern Italy. Aging
Clin Exp Res. 2006; 18: 249 256.
Rodrguez-Vera FJ, Marn Fernndez Y, Snchez
A, Borrachero C, Puyol de la Llave E. Appropriateness of the admissions and stays in an internal
medicine department of a secondary hospital using
the current version of the AEP (Appropriateness
Evaluation Protocol) [in Spanish]. An Med Interna.
2003; 20: 297 300.
Antn P, Peir S, Aranaz JM, Calpena R, Compa
A, Leutscher E, et al. Effectiveness of physicianoriented feedback intervention on inappropriate
hospital stays. J Epidemiol Community Health.
2007; 61: 128 134.
Bianco A, Foresta MR, Greco MA, Teti V, Angelillo IF. Appropriate and inappropriate use of dayhospital care in Italy. Public Health. 2002; 116: 368
Henshaw DJ, Pollock LM, Rai GS, Gluck TA. Study
of admissions and inpatients over the Christmas period using the appropriateness evaluation protocol
(AEP). Arch Gerontol Geriatr. 2000; 31: 77 83.
Matorras Galn P, de Pablo Casas M, Otero Garca
L, Alonso Lpez F, Daroca Prez R, Daz-Caneja
Rodrguez N. Appropriateness of admissions to an
internal medicine service at a tertiary hospital [in
Spanish]. Med Clin (Barc). 1990; 94: 290 293.












costs. Solving this problem requires valid clinical

evaluations, a qualied accounting system and using an efcient insurance system.6 Though lowering
inappropriate hospitalization days to zero is impossible; but for achieving an efcient and effective
care system, reducing inappropriate days and costs
is an obligation. Though some of these factors are
beyond the hospitals control; however if standard
criteria for admissions are efciently applied, one
can signicantly reduce inappropriate hospitalizations. Then, one can treat more patients and the
costs and the work burden of the hospital personnel
would be adjusted to some degree.5,16 Considering
the ndings of this study, the main measures for unnecessary hospitalizations are as follows:
1) Using standard criteria for an appropriate evaluation protocol by the medical staff (especially in the
hospital screening wards), as well as the patients
medical le and appropriate education of the medical staff.13
2) Extending outpatient diagnosis services to reduce inappropriate admissions to obtain diagnostic
tests results.7
3) Appropriate planning of surgical operations to
reduce delays in surgical programs.1
4) Providing a written systematic approach for
medical consultations.13
5) Providing appropriate, enough out-patient facilities to reduce unnecessary referral of the patients
to higher medicalscenters.7
6) Improving the performance of the referral systems in order to reduce referrals to specialized centers.6

Gloor JE, Kissoon N, Joubert GI. Appropriateness

of hospitalization in a Canadian pediatric hospital.
Pediatrics. 1993; 91: 70 74.
Panis LJ, Verheggen FW, Pop P. To stay or not to stay.
The assessment of appropriate hospital stay: a Dutch
report. Int J Qual Health Care. 2002; 14:55 67.
Chopard P, Perneger TV, Gaspoz JM, Lovis C,
Gousset D, Rouillard C, et al. Predictors of inappropriate hospital days in a department of internal
medicine. Int J Epidemiol. 1998; 27: 513 519.
McDonagh MS, Smith DH, Goddard M. Measuring
appropriate use of acute beds. A systematic review
of methods and results. Health Policy. 2000; 53:
157 184.
Bianco A, Pileggi C, Trani F, Italo F, Angelillo IF.







234 Archives of Iranian Medicine, Volume 13, Number 3, May 2010


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