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Advanced Linear Programming Organisation

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Advanced Linear Programming

Leen Stougie,
Vrije Universiteit and CWI in Amsterdam
E-mail: l.stougie@vu.nl or stougie@cwi.nl
Marjan van den Akker
Universiteit Utrecht
Advanced Linear Programming suggests that there is also something like Basic Linear Programming. And indeed, I assume everyone has had a course or part of a course on Basic Linear Programming. Usually LP is taught in the bachelors as the first subject in a course on Optimization.
Most importantly I assume that everyone has had a course in Linear Algebra, at least covering linear (sub)spaces, linear independence, bases of linear spaces, linear transformations, matrix
theory including ranks, inverse, solutions of linear systems (the Gaussian elimination method), etc.
In this course I will refresh very briefly your memory on LP. I expect everyone to have access to the
D. Bertsimas and J.N. Tsitsiklis, Introduction to Linear Optimization, Athena Scientific, Belmont,
Massachusetts, 1997. (ISBN 1-886529-19-1)
The book also allows you to refresh your memory, since it is a complete course on LP, and I will
skip or go very briefly over parts that I suppose you to know already. Ill try to indicate as clearly
as possible which parts of the book I assume to be known at the end of the course. Our ambition
is to cover almost the whole book, indeed relying on your knowledge of basic LP. Please feel free
to ask me questions during the lectures if anything remains unclear.
Detailed week-to-week information can be found on the website http://personal.vu.nl/l.stougie
The website also includes the lecture notes I made for myself for preparing the classes. In the lecture notes you also find the Exercises for the week. Answers to the exercises will become available
on the website. If an answer is missing, please hand in the exercise, which I will check and correct
and make it available at the website.
Last organisational detail: The exam is a written exam. There will be a re-exam, but there will
NOT be a third exam. So plan your agendas very well and make sure you are present at the exam.
Time and place will be announced through my own website and (hopefully) through the website
of Mastermath. Examples of exams are at the website.

Introduction to LP

In general an optimization problem is

min f (x)
s.t. x S,
with f : S IR and S some set of feasible solutions. Weierstrass proved that the optimum exists
if f is a continuous function and S is a compact set.
In linear programming (LP) f is a linear function and the set S is defined by a set of linear inequalities. Read Chapter 1 for the modelling power of LP and Integer LP (ILP). The
general LP is given by
min cT x
s.t. aTi x bi ,
i M1
aTi x bi ,
i M2
aTi x = bi ,
i M3
xj 0,
j N1
xj 0,
j N2
xj unrestricted, j N3 ,


or in matrix notation, after appropriately rewriting some of the inequalities


cT x
Ax b,


or as the standard form to be used in the simplex method for solving LPs
min cT x
s.t. Ax = b, x 0.


For reasons that are obscure to me, the authors of the book have chosen for minimization as the
standard optimization criterion. I will follow this unless it bothers me too much.
The first system is usually the one that is obtained after modelling the verbal description of the
problem. It is easy to see that any such system can be transformed into an equivalent system with
only (or only ) constraints and only non-negative decision variables, or, by using slack- or
surplus variables, into a system with only = constraints and only non-negative decision variables,
obtaining the standard LP formulation.
Chapter 1 of the book gives an abundance of examples, some of which really show how LP can
capture a large variety of optimization problems. Specifically, the example in Section 1.3 shows
how minimizing a piecewise linear convex function can be solved using LP, with problems concerning absolute values as a specific example. Some of the problems in Chapter 1 model as integer
LPs, a subject Marjan will cover in her part of this course. Please read these modelling parts of
the chapter.
A basic LP-course is heavily based on Linear Algebra. However, the insights that lead to the
solution of LP-problems and to a deeper understanding of duality are based on geometry. The
book puts a lot of emphasis on the geometrical interpretation of LP, and I will use it in this course
to show how geometric and algebraic interpretations coincide, re-deriving known theorems about
LP from another theory.

3x1 +2x2 =18
x1 =4
2x2 =12





Z=36=3x1 +5x2
Z=30=3x1 +5x2



Figure 1: Feasible region for WGC


Graphical solution

As a step-up let us first have a look at a simple example that allows a graphical solution. The
following problem is extracted from Hillier and Lieberman, Introduction to Operations Research,
McGraw Hill, New York. I skip the verbal description and the modelling and switch immediately
to the LP-formulation.
maximize 3x1
x1 0,

+ 5x2
+ 2x2



x2 0.

So for once we use a maximization problem here. We have two decision variables, which allows a
graphical description of the problem:
The feasible set of an LP in the IRn , i.e., an LP with n decision variables, is bounded by (n 1)dimensional hyperplanes. A vertex of the feasible set is the intersection of n hyperplanes of

Figure 2: Bounded polyhedron

dimension (n 1). Moreover, the optimum is attained in one of the vertices of the feasible region. The optimum in the above 2-dimensional problem is found by pressing a line parallel to
3x1 + 2x2 = v through the feasible set until the point when pressed a bit higher would miss any
point of the feasible set.
Similarly, think of optimizing a linear function of 3 variables as pushing a two-dimensional plane
through a diamond.
This geometric insight is generalised in the following part.


Geometric interpretation

The feasible set of an LP has the property of being convex.

Definition 1.1 A set S IRn is convex if for any two elements x, y S and any constant
0 1 the vector x + (1 )y S.
Using the definition it is obvious that the intersection of convex sets is a convex set. It also
easy to show that any set H =: {x IRn |aT x b} is convex. Such a set is called a halfspace. Such a halfspace contains all points on or at one side of the (n 1)-dimensional hyperplane
H =: {x IRn |aT x = b}. Since the feasible set P = {x IRn |Ax b} of an LP instance is an
intersection of m halfspaces it must be convex.
In fact, there is a theorem, that states the equivalence of convex sets and intersections of halfspaces,
saying that every convex set can be described by the intersection of a set of halfspaces. It is not
mentioned in the book, probably because its proof is not really easy combined with the fact
that it is not relevant for LP. We will be interested in convex sets that are intersections of a
finite number of halfspaces:
Definition 1.2 A polyhedron is the intersection of a finite set of halfspaces.
We will always work with closed sets in this course. An example of a polyhedron is given in
Figuur 2.
Not every polyhedron needs to be bounded (see Figure 3).
A bounded polyhedron is called a polytope.

Definition 1.3 Let x1 , . . . , xk IRn and 1 , . . . , k IR+ {0} such that ki=1 i = 1 then the
vector i=1 i xi is called a convex combination of the vectors x1 , . . . , xk . The set of all convex
combinations of x1 , . . . , xk is called the convex hull of x1 , . . . , xk .

Figure 3: Unbounded polyhedon

It is easy to see that the convex hull of a finite set of vectors is a convex set. It is also intuitively
clear that the convex hull of a finite set of vectors is a polytope. But the proof of this is not trivial
and we postpone it until treating Chapter 4.
It is intuitively clear that, if the LP has a finite optimal value then there is a vertex or extreme
point of the feasible polyhedron which is an optimum.
Definition 1.4 An extreme point is a point in the polyhedron which cannot be written as a convex
combination of two other points in the polyhedron.
Another definition is that of a vertex
Definition 1.5 A vertex of a polyhedron is the only intersection point of the polyhedron with
some hyperplane.
However, for solution methods an algebraic definition is much more useful, which views an extreme
point as a point on the intersection of a number of hyperplanes that bound the polyhedron.
As a preliminary, I state without proof the following theorem from [B& T] which I will use later.
The proof is straightforward from your linear algebra course.
Theorem 1.1 (2.2 in [B& T]) Let x be an element of IRn and let I = {i | ai x = bi } be the
set of indices of constraints that hold with equality at x . Then, the following are equivalent:
(a) There exist n vectors in the set {ai | i I}, which are linearly independent.
(b) The span of the vectors ai , i I, is all of IRn , that is, every element of IRn can be expressed
as a linear combination of the vectors ai , i I.
(c) The system of equations ai x = bi , i I, has a unique solution.
Allow me to abuse mathematical language slightly and say that two hyperplanes or linear constraints are linearly independent if the ai s in their description {x IRn |aTi x = b} are linearly
independent. In the IRn any point is determined by the intersection of n linearly independent
n 1-dimensional hyperplanes. In the book it is shown and it is indeed intuitively clear, that any
extreme point of a polyhedron P in IRn is defined as the intersection of n linearly independent
hyperplanes that are bounding P , among them being all on which P lies entirely. We say that a

constraint is tight or active or supporting in a point of P if it is satisfied with equality in that point.
In LP a point that represents a feasible solution in which n linearly independent constraints are
tight (active or supporting) is called a basic feasible solution.
Theorem 1.2 (2.3 in [B& T]) For a non-empty polyhedron P , the following three statements
are equivalent
(a) x P is an extreme point of P ;
(b) x is a basic feasible solution;
(c) x is a vertex.
Proof. (a)(b) Suppose x is not bfs. Let I = {i|aTi x = bi } be any set of linearly independent
constraints active in x . Since |I| < n the vectors ai , i I lie in a subspace of IRn , i.e., there
is at least one vector d orthogonal aTi d = 0 to all ai , i I. Consider vectors y = x + d and
z = x d, for > 0 sufficiently small. y P because
aTi y = aTi x + aTi d = bi + 0 = bi , i I,
and since for i
/ I, aTi x > bi , whence for small enough aTi y bi . Similarly z P . But
x = 12 (y + z) hence not an extreme point.
(b)(c) One shows that the choice c =


ai certifies that x is a vertex of P .

(c)(a) Take any c for which x is a unique optimal point. For any two other points y, z P we
therefore have cT y > cT x and cT z > cT x . Hence, we necessarily have cT (y + (1 )z) > cT x ,
concluding that x cannot be written as a convex combination of any two other points in P .
Two remarks: Firstly, two different basic feasible solutions are said to be adjacent on the polyhedron P if they share n1 out of the n hyperplanes or active constraints that define each of them.
Secondly, the last theorem implies that there are a finite number of extreme points in any polyhedron P , since P is the intersection of a finite number m of halfspaces.
One of the main results of Chapter 2 concerns the existence of an extreme point.
Theorem 1.3 (2.6 in [B& T]) Given non-empty polyhedron P = {x IRn |aTi x bi , i =
1, . . . , m}, the following statements are equivalent:
a) P has at least one extreme point;
b) P does not contain a line; i.e., x P , d 6= 0 IRn , IR: x + d P ;
c) There exist n vectors out of the family of a1 , . . . , am which are linearly independent.
Proof. a) c) is a direct consequence of the last theorem. I will prove b) a) and leave the
proof of c) b) to be read by yourself.
Let x P and I(x) = {i|aTi x = bi }. If {ai |i I(x)} contains n linearly independent ai s, then x
is a bfs and hence an extreme point. Otherwise, as before, they span a subspace of the IRn and
therefore there exists a vector d such that aTi d = 0, i I(x). Consider y = x + d. Clearly
aTi y = aTi x = bi i I(x). Thus I(x) I(y). Since P does not contain any line it must be
that if we decrease or increase long enough, then some other constraint than those in I(x) will
become active, say this happens at and aTj (x + d) = bj , for some j
/ I(x). Since aTj x > bj ,
aj d = bj aj x 6= 0. Hence, because aj d 6= 0 and ai d = 0, i I(x), we have that aj is
linearly independent of {ai |i I(x)}. This procedure is repeated until we arrive at a set of n
linearly independent active constraints, corresponding to a bfs, i.e., an extreme point of P .

Another result that most of you have always used but probably never seen proven rigorously.
Theorem 1.4 (2.7 in [B& T]) Given an LP-problem, the feasible polyhedron of which contains
at least one extreme point, and for which an optimal solution exists, there is always an extreme
point that is an optimal solution.
Proof. Let Q = {x IRn |Ax b, cT x = v} be the set of optimal solutions, having objective
value v. Q contains no line, since it is inside P and P has an extreme point, hence contains no
line. Thus Q also has an extreme point, say x . We show by contradiction that x is also extreme
point of P . Suppose not, then y, z P, [0, 1]: x = y + (1 )z. cT y v and cT z v
and cT x = v implies that cT y = cT z = v y, z Q and therefore x is not extreme point of
A slightly stronger result is proved along the same lines as the proof of Theorem 2.6 in the book.
Theorem 1.5 (2.8 in [B& T]) Given an LP-problem, the feasible polyhedron of which contains
at least one extreme point, then either the solution value is unbounded or there is an extreme
point that is optimal.
In my discussions of Chapters 1 and 2 I made a selection of what to treat here in class and what
to leave to yourself for study. For those who did not have a course on complexity theory I advise
to read Section 1.6 of [B& T], that shows you how to measure the running time of an algorithm
and that making a distinction between so-called polynomial running time and exponential running
time is relevant. Complexity theory is a beautiful theory, essential in the study of combinatorial
problems. In this book it only plays an essential role in Chapters 8 and 9.
There are intriguing open problems in the study of polyhedra in relation to complexity theory.
You may skip Sections 2.7 and 2.8 in the book, since the material is covered again in Chapter
4. I do advise you to study 2.4 on degeneracy.

Material of Week 1 from [B& T]

Chapter 1 and Chapter 2, apart from 2.7 and 2.8.

Exercises of Week 1
1.5, 1.15, 2.6, 2.15.




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