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Characteristic of Cracks in Tight Sandstone Reservoir: Ming Yan Yunfeng Zhang Jie Gao Ji Gao

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IOSR Journal of Engineering (IOSRJEN)

ISSN (e): 2250-3021, ISSN (p): 2278-8719

Vol. 05, Issue 07 (July. 2015), ||V3|| PP 10-13


Characteristic of Cracks in Tight Sandstone Reservoir

Ming Yan1Yunfeng Zhang1Jie Gao2Ji Gao3

(College of Earth Sciences, Northeast Petroleum University, Daqing, Heilongjiang 163318, China)
(Logging and Testing Services Company of Daqing Oilfield, Daqing, Heilongjiang 163414, China)
(Electrical Information Engineering Institute, Northeast Petroleum University, Daqing, Heilongjiang 163318,

Abstract: - Cracks not only can be used as a good reservoir space, but also is the important reservoir seepage
channel. Study area mainly has tectonic cracks, bedding cracks and diagenesis cracks. Tectonic crack is usually
characterized by irregular serrated, wear layer and oblique development. Bedding cracks grow between two
layers which have different lithology. Diagenesis cracks are controlled by diagenetic process, and it is usually
micro cracks. Tectonic stress controlled the cracks plane and vertical distribution. Sedimentation determines the
original composition and structure of the reservoir rock. Different sedimentary microfacies have different cracks
development degree. Pressure cracks formed by the real pressure. Dissolution cracks formed by the dissolution.
Keywords: - Cracks; Tight sandstone reservoir; Controlling factors; Characteristic



Cracks not only can be used as a good reservoir space, but also is the important reservoir seepage
channel. With the change of the structure of the world oil and gas resources, and the further research of
unconventional oil and gas, micro cracks in the reservoir achieve more attention of many scholars. Through the
cores, thin sections, X-ray diffraction analysis, ZangShibin analyzed micro cracks reservoir in the south oilfield
of Chaidamu basin, and put forward the concept of effective pore throat radius to describe reservoir pore
structure characteristics [1]. HaoMingqiang believes micro cracks low permeability reservoir is mainly provided
by the micro crack seepage ability [2]. NanJunxiang point out the micro crack on the matrix cracks connected is
of great significance, which is one of the productive factors of crude oil [3]. Therefore, the micro cracks reservoir
development characteristics and main control factors research is of great significance for dense reservoir
exploration and development.



Daan oilfield is located in the southern songliao basin in the central depression in the secondary structural belt.
Study area located between the central depression area and west slope area. It is the transition zone of two
relative elevation and subsidence movement. It belongs to the terrace extrusion structure oil and gas
accumulation zone. According to the composition, particle size, the division of property, different standards
have different results.

Fig.1 Rock composition in the study area

Fig.2 Lithology distribution in the study area

From the composition, the study area reservoir rocks are feldspar lithic sandstone and lithic feldspar
sandstone (Fig.1). From the granularity, purpose layer in the study area mainly fine sandstone and siltstone, with
part of argillaceous siltstone and sandstone (Fig.2).From the physical properties, mainly belong to low - low density, ultra-low reservoir (Tab.1).

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Characteristic of Cracks in Tight Sandstone Reservoir

Tab.1 Property classification standard in the study area
Permeability K/10-3m2

Porosity /%



Proportion %



Proportion %

High permeability


High porosity


Medium permeability


Medium porosity


Low permeability



Low porosity



Extra low permeability



Extra low porosity



Ultra-low permeability



Ultra-low porosity








Study area mainly has tectonic cracks, bedding cracks and diagenesis cracks. Tectonic crack is usually
characterized by irregular serrated, wear layer and oblique development. Bedding cracks grow between two
layers which have different lithology. Diagenesis cracks are controlled by diagenetic process, and it is usually
micro cracks. Different causes of micro cracks with different morphological characteristics. Study area widely
exist micro cracks reservoir (Tab.2).
Tab.2 Micro cracks geological genetic classification

Micro cracks

Morphological characteristics

Tectonic crack

Irregular serrated, wear layer

and oblique development

Bedding cracks

Grow between two layers



Development in the granules, no

cut grain edge

Edge cracks

Up along one edge of the

particle distribution

Wear particle

Through the mineral grains

Associated with fold fault
Associated with fault
In the early development of
laminated compaction and
the late tectonic uplift

Strong mechanical extrusion

and later dissolution

2.1 Tectonic crack

Tectonic cracks is formed after the elastic strength in the process of tectonic deformation [4-6]. Based on
8 Wells core observation, I found that the cracks development zone macro local structure is few, only two high
angle macroscopic structural cracks, one low angle of macroscopic structural cracks. Among them, the high
angle macro structural cracks extended length of 2-15.7 cm, open degree is 0.6 ~ 0.8 mm, siliceous filling. Low
langle macro structural cracks has the crack open degree 0.6 cm, calcite filling (Fig.3). Tectonic crack is usually
characterized by irregular serrated, wear layer and oblique development. With the cracks structure formed on the
mechanical stress, it is generally not develop according to the grain layer or horizontal direction, it usually
develop according to the tectonic stress direction outspread, or accompanied by fault, fold development.

Fig.3 Morphological characteristics of tectonic cracks

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Characteristic of Cracks in Tight Sandstone Reservoir

2.2 Bedding cracks
Bedding cracks refers to split crack along the sediments. In the bedding cracks development area,
bedding cracks bifurcate, merger and extend. It appears smaller capillary and intragranular cracks around the
bedding cracks. Through 8 Wells core chip microscopically observed, we found core bedding extremely
developed, the extension length 1 ~ 10 cm or more, the open degree is 4.8 um (Fig.4). The bedding crack is in
the development of sedimentary laminae. It mainly developed in distributary channel and distributary bay.

Fig.4 Morphological characteristics of bedding cracks

2.3 Diagenesis cracks
Diagenesis cracks refer to the crack formed from the formation to the consolidation diagenetic stage,
due to the overlying water shrinkage and stress over itself [7-8]. Fuyu reservoir micro cracks in Daan oilfield
developed well, the main types is intragranular cracks, edge cracks and wear particle crack. Intragranular crack
distribute in quartz and feldspar cleavage crack, it never cut mineral edge. Edge cracks exist between mineral
grains, it distribute along the edge of mineral grains. The formation has strong relationship with mechanical
compaction, pressure solution and the late tectonic compression. Through the core chip microscopically
observed, development degree is high. We found intragranular cracks and edge cracks in 2133.7 m in the study
area. Intragranular crack opening degree is 3.5 um, edge crack opening degree is 7.8 ~ 4.2 um. microns. We
found wear particle crack in 2106 m in the study area. The opening degree is 5.3 ~ 10 um (Fig.5).

Fig.5 Morphological characteristics of diagenesis cracks



Daan oilfield reservoir mainly experienced four period of geological tectonic evolution, which has
experienced one lifting effect and the extrusion of three different directions. The strata uplift for buried
sandstone formation is a pressure unloading process, within the elastic range of the rock, it can also cause the
springback of sandstone formation, resulting in sandstone formation pore expansion. Horizontal tectonic
extrusion can make the rock deformation. When the stress exceeds the elastic limit of the rock, plastic
deformation occurs. When the stress exceeds the ultimate strength of the rock, fracture deformation occurs.
Through the study of core data and slices in the sedimentary characteristics of tight sandstone reservoir fracture,
we believe that the sedimentary environment decided the premise condition of reservoir physical properties.
Different lithology and physical properties of sedimentary microfacies cause different mechanical properties of

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Characteristic of Cracks in Tight Sandstone Reservoir

sedimentary microfacies, leading to the different degree of cracks development. Sedimentation is not only the
original control effects of pore structure, but also the control function of diagenesis. It is the determinant factor
of fracture reservoir properties. Sedimentation determines the original composition and structure of the
reservoir. It also determines the mineral content and pore structure of the original, and the influence on the late
All kinds of micro cracks formation promote the later dissolution of secondary porosity. At the same
time, all kinds of cracks itself is also a good reservoir space, density reservoir physical properties were
improved. Though the development of Daan oilfield reservoir micro cracks within their own scale is small, but
in the later transformation under the action of underground fluid, intragranular cracks, edge cracks can occur
further dissolution. It cause cracks and local corrosion secondary pore space, it can be good reservoir space in
the tight sandstone reservoir. Wear particle cracks are more likely to be fluid corrosion, especially in the
intersection, turn end and end of the crack, secondary pore space can be formed easily. It improved the tight
sandstone reservoir physical property.
1. Study area mainly has tectonic cracks, bedding cracks and diagenesis cracks. Tectonic crack is usually
characterized by irregular serrated, wear layer and oblique development. Bedding cracks grow between two
layers which have different lithology. Diagenesis cracks are controlled by diagenetic process, and it is usually
micro cracks.
2. Tectonic stress controlled the cracks plane and vertical distribution. Sedimentation determines the original
composition and structure of the reservoir rock. Different sedimentary microfacies have different cracks
development degree. Pressure cracks formed by the real pressure. Dissolution cracks formed by the dissolution.






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