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Economics Agriculture MCQ

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Q.781 In which soils, lime is used as soil amendment ?

(A) Alkali

(B) Acid

(C) Saline

(D) Saline-Alkali solis

Q.782 Productivity of Rice is highest in — state

a. Maharashtra
b. Tamil nadu
c. Punjab
d. Gujarat

Q.783 The rice variety grown in India belongs to ______species

a. indica
b. japonica
c. asiatica
d. javanica

Q.784 The sowing time of boro or dalua rice is

a. Nov – Dec
b. June – July
c. May – June
d. March – April

Q.785 In Wet bed rice nursery, seedling is ready for transplanting in

— days

a. 10 to 15
b. 15 to 20
c. 20 to 25
d. 25 to 30

Q.786 In dwarf wheat sowing depth is related to —

a. Temperature
b. Rainfall
c. Radicle length
d. Coleoptile length

Q.787 Origin of Potato is ____

a. India
b. China
c. South America
d. Africa

Q.788 At permanent wilting point pF value is

a. 2.2
b. 6
c. 4.2
d. 10

Q.789 Bunchy top of Sugarcane is caused by

a. Root borer
b. Internode borer
c. Top shoot borer
d. None of these

Q.790 What is Relay cropping?

a. The following crop is sown before the harvesting of preceding

b. Repeated sowing of crop in same field
c. Growing of two crops simultaneously
d. None of these
Q.791 Formula for calculating cotton ginning percentage is

a. Weight of cotton seed / weight of cotton lint x 100

b. Weight of cotton lint / weight of seed cotton x 100
c. Weight of cotton lint x weight of seed cotton
d. Weight of cotton lint x weight of seed cotton / 100

Q.792 Black cotton soil is rich in

a. Illite
b. Kaolnite
c. Montmorillonite
d. Chlorite

Q.793 Tilth is related to

a. Soil aggregates shape

b. Soil aggregates size distribution
c. Soil aggregates arrangement
d. All of these

Q.794 Chipsona is variety of —

a. Sweet potato
b. Potato
c. Wheat
d. Sorghum

Q.795 Herbicide used in Zero tillage is —

a. Paraquat
b. Alachlor
c. Fluchloralin
d. Pendimethalin
Q.796 Repetitive growing of sole crop in same field is known as

a. Relay cropping
b. Mono cropping
c. Multiple cropping
d. Mix cropping

Q.797 Soils having 200 kg available K2O/ha will be — fertile soil for

a. High
b. Low
c. Medium
d. None of these

Q.798 Rocks formed from molten magma solidification at earth

surface is — rock

a. Igneous
b. Sedimentary
c. Metamorphic
d. None of these

Q.799 Apatite is rich source of —

a. N
b. P
c. K
d. B

Q.800 Pedoturbation is the process of —

a. Mixing of the soil

b. Mixing of FYM in soil
c. Mixing of fertilizer in soil
d. Mixing of pesticide

Q.801 Soil order having largest area in India is —

a. Alfisols
b. Vertisols
c. Inceptisols
d. Entisols

Q.802 Which of the following rock is volcanic in native ?

a. Basalt
b. Diorite
c. Monzonite
d. Gabbro

Q.803 Nutrient index between 1.5 and 2.5 is categorized as

a. High
b. Low
c. Medium
d. None of these

Q.804 The B horizon is generally absent in — soils.

a. Black soils
b. Red soils
c. Desert soils
d. Brown hill soils

Q.805 Most salt tolerant grass is —

a. Karnal grass
b. Rhodes grass
c. Para grass
d. Bermuda grass

Q.806 One ha cm of water is equal to —

a. 1000 litre
b. 10000 litre
c. 100000 litre
d. None of these

Q.807 Soils having more than 25 kg / ha available phosphorus will

be — fertile soil

a. High
b. Low
c. Medium
d. None of these

Q.808 Edible portion of brussels sprouts is

a. Root
b. Leaves
c. Small head or bud
d. All of these

Q.809 Red color in chilli is due to — pigment

a. Capsanthin
b. Alaglucoside
c. Mimosin
d. None of these

Q.810 Pungency in Onion is due to presence of

a. Diallyl disulphide
b. Isothiocyanate
c. Capsaicin
d. Allyl propyl disulphide
Q.811 For berry elongation in Grape ____ hormone is used

a. IAA
b. IBA
c. GA3
d. ABB

Q.812 A polyploid having chromosome sets from different sources

such as different species is known as

a. Autopolyploid
b. Allopolyploid
c. Aneuploid
d. Haploid

Q.813 The increased performance of F1 hybrid over its parents is


a. Heterosis
b. Crossing over
c. Dominance
d. Heredity

Q.814 Mass pedigree selection method of breeding is useful for

improvement of — crop

a. Self pollinated
b. Cross pollinated
c. Both a & b
d. None of these

Q.815The first artificial hybrid was made by

a. Mendel
b. Thomas Fairchild
c. Shull
d. Hull
Q.816 Which of the following is dicotyledonous albuminous seed —

a. Soybean
b. Cotton
c. Sweet pea
d. Castor

Q. 817 Site of Protein synthesis in cell is —

a. Mitochonderia
b. Ribosomes
c. Cell wall
d. Chloroplast

Q.818 Which of the following amino acid is related to drought

tolerance in plants ?

a. Glycine
b. Proline
c. Glutamic acid
d. None of these

Q.819 In Seed testing grow out test is conducted to determine

a. Germination
b. Genetic purity
c. Viability
d. Physical purity

Q.820 Land races are —

a. Advanced strains
b. Hybrid varieties
c. Local varieties
d. None of these
Q.821 Dee Gee Woo Gen is the source of dwarfing gene in —

a. Wheat
b. Bajara
c. Rice
d. Onion

Q.822 Inability of a hybrid to produce viable offsprings is known as

a. Hybrid
b. sterility
c. Hybrid inviability
d. Hybrid breakdown
e. All of these

Q.823 The term Genetics is coined by —

a. Morgan
b. Stanley
c. Batson
d. Johannsen

Q.824 Gametic chromosome individual is known as —

a. Diploid
b. Haploid
c. Polyploid
d. Troploid

Q.825 Bulk population breeding is suitable for

a. Fruit crops
b. Vegetable crops
c. Flower crops
d. Small grain crops
Q.826 A viruses free plant can be obtained from — propagation.

a. Leaf
b. Stem
c. Root
d. Meristem culture

Q.827 The constituent of Wheat affecting baking quality is

a. Vit B
b. Gluten
c. Moisture
d. Pectin

Q.828 When total product remains constant the marginal product

will be

a. Zero
b. Negative
c. Positive
d. Constant

Q.829 Most serious pest of Wheat is —

a. Termite
b. Thrips
c. Cut worms
d. Leaf hoppers

Q.830 Best crop for silage making is —

a. Bajara
b. Wheat
c. Oat
d. Maize

Q.831 Tallest breed of goat in India ?

a. Chegu
b. Jamunapari
c. Beetal
d. Osmanabadi

Q.832 Best dairy breed of cow in India

a. Kankrej
b. Khillar
c. Sahiwal
d. Dangi

Q.833 Maximum fish production is in — state ?

a. Kerala
b. West Bengal
c. Tamil nadu
d. Maharashtra

Q.834 Young one of cattle below the age of — months is called calf

a. 3
b. 6
c. 9
d. 12
Q.835 Red brown colour breed of cattle is —

a. Deoni
b. Dangi
c. Sindhi
d. Phule Triveni

Q.836 Highest body weight breed of Indian cow is

a. Kankrej
b. Khillar
c. Sahiwal
d. Dangi

Q.837 Queen of goat is —

a. Angora
b. Alpine
c. Saanen
d. Toggenberg

Q.838 Which of the following is vector for sterility mosaic of Red


a. Aphid
b. Erophyid mite
c. White fly
d. Thrips

Q.839 Fusarium wilt resistance Gram variety is

a. Vikas
b. Vikram
c. Avrodhi
d. Vijay
Q.840 Working life of tractor drawn cultivator is — hrs.

a. 1000
b. 2500
c. 3500
d. 5000

Q.841 Contour bunging is adopted where land slope is — %

a. 6
b. 12
c. 18
d. 21

Q.842 According to CRIDA 25 to 30 cm ploughing is —

a. Shallow
b. Medium
c. Deep
d. None of these

Q.843 Highest water application efficiency is in — Flood irrigation

a. Basin irrigation
b. Drip Irrigation
c. Sprinkler Irrigation

Q.844 pH of biogas is between —

a. 6.5 to 8
b. 8 to 10
c. 3 to 4
d. 12 to 14
Q.845 AGMARK is established in the year ?

a. 1937
b. 1957
c. 1968
d. 1950

Q.846 Gundhi bug insect attack on rice during

a. Germination
b. Flowering
c. Milking stage
d. Harvesting stage

Q.847 For Sugarcane growth best temperature is— degree C

a. 26 to 32
b. 10 to 15
c. 10 to 20
d. None of these

Q.848 Raising of crop with least tillage operation is called

a. Zero tillage
b. Minimum tillage
c. Heavy tillage
d. No tillage

Q.849 Delinting of cotton seed may be done with —

a. Nitric acid
b. Citric acid
c. Tartaric acid
d. Sulphuric acid
Q.850 The term Evergreen revolution has been given by

a. Dr. M S Swaminathan
b. Dr V L Chopra
c. Dr B P Pal
d. Dr M N Shinde

Q.851 Nursery area required for seedling of rice of 1 ha field is —

a. 0.10 ha
b. 0.20 ha
c. 0.30 ha
d. 0.50 ha

Q.852 Saltation is a process of _____ erosion

a. Water
b. Wind
c. Both a & b
d. None of these

Q.853 Jowar is — pollinated crop

a. Self pollinated
b. Cross pollinated
c. Often cross pollinated
d. None of these

Q.854 Off season mango variety is —

a. Keshar
b. Niranjan
c. Sindhu
d. Chausa
Q.855 Which of the following is complete root parasite

a. Cuscuta
b. Loranthus
c. Striga
d. Orobanche

Q. 856 Individual filament of fungus is called as

a. Mycelium
b. Hypha
c. Flagella
d. None of these

Q.857 Cauliflower mosaic virus contain

a. RNA
b. RNA and DNA
c. DNA
d. None of these

Q.858 Loose smut of wheat is — borne

a. Internally seed borne

b. Soil borne
c. Air borne
d. Externally seed borne

Q.859 Erysiphaceae group off fungi causes — disease

a. Rust
b. Smut
c. Powdery Mildew
d. Downy mildew
Q.860 Tool of farm management is —

a. Farm planning
b. Farm budgeting
c. Farm book keeping
d. Production cost function

Q.861 Black soils belongs to — soil order

a. Alfisol
b. Vertisol
c. Inceptisol
d. Entisol

Q. 862 Phule Green Gold is variety of — vegetable crop

a. Bitter gourd
b. Brinjal
c. Okra
d. Cabbage

Q.863 Mango variety Sai sugandh is hybrid of —-

a. Totapuri x Keshar
b. Keshar x Alphanso
c. Totapuri x Neelam
d. Totapuri x Dashehari

Q.864 Edible Banana fruit is seedless because of —

a. Embryo abortion
b. Vegetative parthenocarpy
c. Lack of pollination
d. None of these
Q.865 Generally seedless watermelon is —

a. Haploid
b. Diploid
c. Triploid
d. Hexaploid

Q.866 Pineapple belongs to family —

a. Anacardiaceae
b. Bromeliaceae
c. Palmae
d. Myrtaceae

Q.867 Most suitable rootstock for Citrus in South Indian condition is

a. Rangpur lime
b. Citrange
c. Kinnow
d. None of these

Q.868 Papaya is commercially propagated by —

a. Cutting
b. Layering
c. Grafting
d. Seed

Q.869 Banana inflorescence is known as

a. Spadix
b. Arrow
c. Umbel
d. Catkin
Q.870 Best time of budding in Ber is

a. Feb – March
b. July – Aug
c. Nov – Dec
d. Jan – Feb

Q.871 Which of the following fungus is most effective against

Sugarcane white grub ?

a. Fusarium sp.
b. Metarhizium anisopliae
c. Nomuraea anisopliae
d. None of these

Q.872 Banana rhizome weevil Cosmoplites sordidus belongs to

a. Pyralidae
b. Curcurlionidae
c. Thripidae
d. Aphidae

Q.873 Butterfly proboscis is formed from—

a. Mandible
b. Galea of maxilla
c. Labium
d. Maxillary palp

Q.874 In Gram circular bore holes on pods plugged by the head of a

larva related to —–

a. Blister beetle
b. Gram pod borer
c. Pod fly
d. Pulse beetle
Q.875 Groundnut wilting and damaged root is symptom of attack of
— pest.

a. Odontotermes obesus
b. Spodoptera litura
c. Holotrichia consanguinea
d. None of these

Q.876 Mouth part present in honey bee is —

a. Rasping and sucking

b. Chewing and lapping type
c. Chewing and biting
d. None of these

Q.877 Mixed cropping is–

a. Growing of two or more crops simultaneously without any

row pattern
b. Growing of two or more crops simultaneously with a particular
row pattern
c. A crop with sericulture
d. None of these

Q.878 Who is considered as Father of field plot technique ?

a. Liebig
b. Pushakarnath
c. M S Swaminathan
d. J B Boussingault

Q.879 Major form of Boron absorbed by plants is

a. H3BO3
b. B4O7
c. H2BO3
d. BO3
Q.880 Rocks containing more than 65 % Sio2 are

a. Neutral
b. Acidic
c. Alkaline
d. Calcareous

Q.881 The major organic cementing agent in soil aggregate

formation is

a. Protein
b. Lipid
c. Polysaccharides
d. Organic acid

Q.882 Which of the following mineral is least resistant to

weathering ?

a. Quartz
b. Olivine
c. Goethite
d. Anorthite

Q.883 White alkali soils are —

a. Acidic soil
b. Sodic soil
c. Saline soil
d. Saline Sodic soil

Q.884 Panama wilt is a disease of —

a. Mango
b. Guava
c. Banana
d. Pineapple

Q.885 The term Virus was first time coined by

a. Kunh
b. Beijerinck
c. Stanely
d. None of these

Q.886 Bunchy top of papaya caused by MLO is spread by

a. Nematode
b. Fungi
c. White fly
d. Leaf hoppers

Q.887 Select the true statement

a. Breeder seed is progeny of nucleus seed

b. Breeder seed tag is of golden yellow color
c. Breeder seed is 100 % pure seed
d. All of these

Q.888 Particle gun method of gene transformation was first used by

Klein in — crop.

a. Tomato
b. Brinjal
c. Onion
d. Castor

Q.889 Respiratory quotient (RQ) is equal to

a. Volume of CO2 evolved/Volume of O2 absorbed

b. Volume of CO2 absorbed/Volume of O2 evolved
c. Volume of CO2 evolved/Volume of O2 evolved
d. Volume of CO2 absorbed/Volume of O2 absorbed
Q.890 Tillage operation carried out after sowing but before
emergence of crop is called as —

a. Minimum tillage
b. Blind tillage
c. Zero tillage
d. None of these

Q.891 Cultivation of crop regrowth after harvest is called as —

a. Ratoon cropping
b. Mix cropping
c. Relay cropping
d. Intercropping

Q..892 For reclamation of alkali soil — weed powder is used.

a. Phalerious minor
b. Lantena camera
c. Argemona maxicana
d. Parthenuym sp.

Q.893 Defoliant used in potato is —

a. Thiourea
b. 2, 4 D
c. Calcium cynamide
d. None of these

Q.894 2,4 D weedicide avoided in — crop.

a. Rice
b. Wheat
c. Sorghum
d. Cotton
Q.895 Which one of the following is a single cell fungi ?

a. Yeast
b. Aspergillus
c. Penicillium
d. Alternaria

Q.896 Most widely used fungicide for smut fungi —

a. Vitavax
b. Plantvax
c. Dithane M 45
d. Dithane Z 78

Q.897 Select the systemic fungicide.

a. Metalaxyl
b. Triazoles
c. Pyrimidines
d. All of these

Q.898 Damping off is effectively controlled by —

a. Thiram
b. Copper oxychloride
c. Bordeaux mixture
d. None of these

Q.899 Central bee research institute located at —

a. Mumbai
b. Pune
c. Aurangabad
d. Beed
Q.900 Mango fruit fly pupates in —

a. Soil
b. Fruit
c. Leaves
d. Branch

Q.901 Which crop is grown as trap crop for nematode ?

a. Brinjal
b. Cabbage
c. Tomato
d. Onion

Q.902 Spontaneous ovulation observed in —

a. Rabbit
b. Cat
c. Cattle
d. Dogs

Q.903 Ficin is the active ingredient present in ___ fruits.

a. Papaya
b. Pineapple
c. Aonla
d. Fig

Q.904 Pusa Kesar is a variety of

a. Caroot
b. Onion
c. Brinjal
d. Potato
Q.905 Penetration of disc plough can be improved by

a. Increasing disc angle

b. Decreasing tilt angle
c. Both a & b
d. None of these

Q.906Large tilt angle is best for

a. Hard soil
b. Sticky and non scouring soil
c. Dry and cemented soil
d. None of these

Q.907 Micro propagation is mostly followed in — crop

a. Guava
b. Mango
c. Banana
d. Apple

Q.908 Select the false statement ?

a. CAM cycle occurs in Mesophyll cells

b. C3 plants are more efficient in photosynthesis than C4 plants
c. Pineapple is CAM plant
d. Maize is C4 plant

Q.909 Vikram is variety of — crop

a. Red gram
b. Pea
c. Cotton
d. Gram
Q.910 Wheat is — pollinated crop

a. Self
b. Cross
c. Often cross
d. None of these

Q.911Q.Minerals that forms from original component of rock are

called as

a. Secondary mineral
b. Primary mineral
c. Essential mineral
d. None of these

Q.912Orthoclase, Feldspar are important source of — in soil

a. N
b. P
c. K
d. S

Q.913 Marble is —rock

a. Hydro metamorphic
b. Dynamo metamorphic
c. Thermo metamorphic
d. Acidic

Q.914 Passive soil forming factor is —

a. Rainfall
b. Temperature
c. Climate
d. Parent material
Q.915 In Artificial rain making process for cold cloud seeding —
chemical is used.

a. Silver iodine
b. Sodium chloride
c. Urea
d. Calcium cyanamide

Q.916 Rapid infiltration rate is recorded in — soil

a. Clay
b. Loamy soil
c. Sandy soil
d. None of these

Q.917 In paddy dapog method of seedling raising introduced from

— country.

a. Japan
b. Indonesia
c. China
d. Philippines

Q.918 Shradha, Saburi are hybrid verities of — food grain crop.

a. Sorghum
b. Bajara
c. Wheat
d. Rice

Q.919 Origin of Maize crop is —

a. Mexico
b. Indonesia
c. China
d. Philippines
Q.920 Highly drought resistance millet is —

a. Fox tail millet

b. Little millet
c. Finger millet
d. Codo millet

Q.921 In erect groundnut variety drum rolling operation is carried

out at — DAS.

a. 30 to 45
b. 45 to 55
c. 55 to 60
d. After 60

Q.922 Soyabean is — plant

a. Long day
b. Neutral
c. Short day
d. None of these

Q.923 Yellow color of turmeric is due to —

a. Curcamin
b. Lycopene
c. Casin
d. Carotene

e. Q.924 Most important objective of mixed farming is —

a. Subsistence
b. Income generation
c. Soil fertility improvement
d. Soil conservation
Q.925 In mixed farming at least — % gross income contributed by

a. 10
b. 20
c. 30
d. 40

Q.926 In spade farming for intercultural operation — is used

a. Power operated instruments

b. Manual labour
c. Bullock power
d. None of these

Q.927 Brinjal variety developed for roasting (bharata) purpose is —

a. Phule Arjun
b. Phule Harit
c. Phule Vaibhav
d. Phule Raja

Q.928 Phule Ganesh white is variety of — flower crop .

a. Aster
b. Gerbera
c. Carnation
d. Rose

Q.929 In Mango premature flower and fruit drop is due to the

attack of — pest.

a. Fruit fly
b. Aphids
c. Mango hoppers
d. Stem borer
Q.930Which of the following is monophagous pest ?

a. Mango hopper
b. Banana rootstock weevil
c. Papaya aphid
d. None of these

Q.931 In Onion purple blotch on leaves is due to — pest

a. Mealy bug
b. Thrips
c. Mites
d. Cut worm

Q. 932 Maximum percentage of insecticide is used in — crop.

a. Brinjal
b. Onion
c. Cotton
d. Sorghum

Q.933Kolshi disease of citrus cause due to — pest

a. Leaf miner
b. White fly & Black fly
c. Citrus psylla
d. Fruit sucking moth

Q.934 Fan like appearance of coconut leaves is due to

a. Mites
b. Rhinoceros beetle
c. Jassids
d. Aphids
Q.935 The firing order of four stroke four cylinder engine is

a. 1-2-3-4
b. 1-3-2-4
c. 1-3-4-2
d. 1-4-3-2

Q.936 The calorific value of HSD is — Kcal/kg

a. 10000
b. 10550
c. 11100
d. 11650

Q.937Saffron belongs to family

a. Iridaceae
b. Myrtaceae
c. Piperaceae
d. Orchidaceae

Q.938 National Research Centre for Medicinal and Aromatic Plants

is located

a. Navsari
b. Udaipur
c. Anand
d. Delhi

Q.939 The predominant organic acid present in grapes is.

a. Tartaric acid
b. Malic acid
c. Citric acid
d. None of these
Q.940 According to FPO the residual SO2 in the jam should not
exceed —- ppm

a. 40
b. 50
c. 60
d. 70

Q.941 The best jelly can be made from

a. Papaya
b. Pineapple
c. Aonla
d. Guava

Q.942 In freeze- drying, water is removed from the product by

a. Evaporation
b. Sublimation
c. Transpiration
d. None of these

Q.943 The minimum TSS content in RTS beverage is — %

a. 10
b. 20
c. 30
d. 40

Q.944 Ferrous sulphate contains — % Fe

a. 10
b. 20
c. 30
d. 40
Q.945 Azatobacter species found in acidic soil is

a. Azatobacter chrococcum
b. A. agillis
c. A. beijerinkia
d. None of these

Q.946 DAP is —- fertilizer

a. Straight
b. Complete
c. Incomplete
d. All of these

Q.947 Eutrophication is the process of enrichment of surface water

bodies with —

a. Minerals
b. Nutrients
c. Salts
d. Vegetation

Q.948 Lowest pore space percentage recorded in — soil

a. Clay
b. Clay loam
c. Loamy
d. Sandy

Q.949 When C:N ratio is >30 — occur in soil

a. Mobilization
b. Immobilization
c. Both a & b
d. None of these
Q.950 Which of the following is immobile nutrient in plants ?

a. N
b. Ca
c. Zn
d. K

Q.951 Fertilizer control order issued in the year

a. 1955
b. 1956
c. 1957
d. 1958

Q.952Electric conductivity of sodic soil is —

a. Equal to 4
b. <4
c. >4
d. >15

Q.953 Lime and dolomite are common source of — in soil.

a. N
b. Ca
c. Zn
d. K

Q.954 Father of Biochemistry is —

a. Antoine lavoisier
b. Carl Neuberg
c. J.E. Summer
d. Berzelius
Q.955 Smut included in—

a. Deuteromycotina
b. Basidiomycotina
c. Ascomycotina
d. Oomycetes

Q.956 Powdery mildew includes in —

a. Deuteromycotina
b. Basidiomycotina
c. Ascomycotina
d. Oomycetes

Q.957 VAM is —

a. Virus
b. Bacteria
c. Viroid
d. Fungus

Q.958 The causal organism of bunt of rice is —

a. Urocystis tritici
b. Tilletia foetida
c. Nevossia horrida
d. None of these

Q.959 The rust fungi completing their life cycle on one host is called

a. Autoecious
b. Heteroecious
c. Polymorphic
d. None of these
Q.960The movement of soil across a tool surface without sticking is
called as

a. Pulverisation
b. Inversion
c. Scouring
d. Turning

Q.961 FMD is caused due to

a. Bacteria
b. Virus
c. Fungi
d. Protozoa

Q.962 Broiler starter contain 24 % —

a. Fat
b. Carbohydrates
c. Moisture
d. Crude protein

Q.963 Bird flu is caused due — viruses

a. H1N1
b. H5N1
c. H5N5
d. H1N5

Q.964 Meat purpose Goat breed is —

a. Gaddi
b. Black bengal
c. Sirchi
d. All of these
Q.965 More than 80% fat is found in —

a. Cream
b. Ice cream
c. Table butter
d. Skim milk

Q.966 Milk is irrodicated to increase —- vitamin in milk

a. A
b. C
c. B
d. D

Q.967 Who is the father of plant pathology in India ?

a. E J Butler
b. K C Mehta
c. B B Mundakur
d. R Prasad

Q.968 Tikka disease of Groundnut is caused by —

a. Cercospora arachidicola
b. Cercosporidium personatum
c. Both a & b
d. Drechslera graminea

Q.969Brown leaf spot of rice is caused by —

a. Drechslera oryzae
b. Cercspora arachidicola
c. Xanthomonas oryzae
d. Pyricularia oryzae

Q.970 Micro grafting is used to produce —- free plants.

a. Virus
b. MLO
c. Fungi
d. Bacteria

Q. 971 Sweet potato belongs to family

a. Convolvulaceae
b. Compositae
c. Linaceae
d. Tilliaceae

Q.972 Sciphytes are — loving plants

a. Sun
b. Shade
c. Acid soil
d. Rain

Q.973 Subsoil plough is useful for —

a. for deep ploughing

b. to break hard pan of soil
c. Shallow ploughing
d. None of these

Q.974 Which is the extreme form of tillage ?

a. Minimum tillage
b. Blind tillage
c. Zero tillage
d. None of these

Q.975 Indian seed act was pass in the year

a. 1965
b. 1968
c. 1969
d. 1966

Q.976Result demonstration is based on the principle of —

a. Learning by doing
b. Seeing is believing
c. Self teaching
d. Self-evolution

Q.977In teaching process first step is —

a. Satisfaction
b. Action
c. Desire
d. Attention

Q.988National Food security mission started in the year

a. 1997
b. 2007
c. 2017
d. 2018

Q.989 The sowing time of boro or dalua rice is

a. Nov – Dec
b. June – July
c. May – June
d. March – April

Q.990 Gladiolus is propagated by —

a. Roots
b. Bulbs
c. Seed
d. Cuttings
Q.991 Krishna, Kanchan are varieties of —

a. Grape
b. Guava
c. Apple
d. Aonla

Q.992 Sunflower rust is caused by

a. Puccinia carthami
b. Puccinia helianthi
c. Melampsora ricini
d. Puccinia eriathi

Q.993 Panama disease of banana is caused by

a. Verticillium theobromae
b. Mycosphaerella musicola
c. Fusarium oxysporum f. Sp. Cubense
d. Gloeosporium musarum

Q.994 Mango malformation caused by

a. Sphacelotheca cruenta
b. Sporisorium reilianum
c. Tolyposporium ehrenbergii
d. Fusarium moniliforme f. Sp. Subglutinans

Q.995 Yellow ear rot (Tundu ) disease of wheat is caused by

a. Anguina tritici
b. Calvibacter tritici
c. both a & b
d. Physiological disorder

Q.996 What are the major constraint for Dryland farming.

a. Wind Erosion

b. Water Erosion

c. Sheet Erosion

d. Both Wind and Water erosion

Q.997 Which type of Rice is generally grown in submerged land

lower in elevation and harvested in summer season?
a. Aus

b. Aman

c. Boro

d. Pora

Q.998 When water is available for three irrigation in wheat , than it

should apply to.

a. CRT, Late tillering, flowering

b. CRI, Boot stage, Milk Stage

c. CRT, Boot stage, Dought Stage

d. CRT, Milk Stage, Dought Stage

Q.999 Which pluse is having often cross pollination type made of


a. Pea

b. Bengal Gram
c. Pigeon Pea

d. Low Pea

Q.1000 Agri-based integrated fish farming system contains which of

the following?

a. Cattle-Fish system

b. Duck-Fish system

c. Goat-Fish system

d. Mushroom-Fish system

Q.1001 What is the meaning of brackish water in terms of fisheries?

a. Seawater only

b. Freshwater only

c. Combination of Sea water and Freshwater

d. Polluted water

Q.1002 MSP with respect to Agriculture refers to:

a. Minimum Support Price

b. Minimum Selling Price

c. Moderate Selling Price

d. Moderate Sold Price

Q.1003 Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) was designed

by central government to provide

a. To rise food price

b. To reduce the impact of food price

c. Provide loan to farmers

d. Price Stabilization

E. Crop insurance

Q.1004 Rohu, Catla and Mrigal are the popular Indian species of

a. A Turtles

b. B Fishes

c. C Horse

d. D Chicken

Q.1005 What should be the pH range of the water for the successful

a. A 6.5 -9

b. B 5.5 – 10

c. C 6.5 -12
d. D 2.5 – 8

Q.1006 “Azotobacter” bacteria is known for biological fixation of

which atmospheric gas?

a. A Oxygen

b. B Nitrogen

c. C Carbon Dioxide

d. D Helium

Q.1007 Which is the most abundant mineral on earth’s crust?

a. A Amphibole

b. B Limestone

c. C Feldspar

d. D Quartz

Q.1008 “Greenhouse Gas Bulletin” is released by which

international organisation?

a. A Food and Agriculture Organization

b. B Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

c. C World Meteorological Organisation

d. D Greenpeace
Q.1009 In which year was the Artificial Recharge of Ground Water
Advisory Council (ARGWC) constituted?

a. A 2012

b. B 2010

c. C 2008

d. D 2006

Q. 1009 When is the National Farmer’s Day observed in India?

a. A 13th April

b. B 30th June

c. C 12th October

d. D 23rd December

Q.1010 Sweet potato is primarily a crop of

a. Temperate region
b. Tropical region
c. Arid region
d. None of these

Q.1011 The width of nursery bed should be …..

a. 100-120 cm
b. 30-60 cm
c. 15-30 cm
d. 70 -80 cm
Q.1012 Most serious disease of vegetable seedlings?

a. Damping off
b. Root rot
c. Wilt
d. Anthracnose

Q.1013 Most ideal catch crop raised for fodder is

a. Horse gram
b. Green gram
c. Pigeon pea
d. Black gram

Q.1014 Most critical stage for N requirement of soyabean is

a. Bud initiation
b. Flowering
c. Pod maturity
d. Branching stage

Q.1015 Active soil forming factors are

a. Relief or Topography
b. Parent material
c. Climate and vegetation
d. All of these

Q.1016 Bench terraces are constructed in — % land slope area ?

a. 10%
b. 15%
c. 25%
d. 20%

Q.1017 Hydroponics is the technique of cultivation of crops in—-

a. Water
b. Soil
c. Air
d. None of these

Q.1018 Gummosis and crown topppling in coconut are due to

a. Rhinocerous beetle
b. Red palm Weevil
c. Black headed caterpiller
d. Coconut mites

Q.1019 Hand operated sprayers are operated at pressure— kg/cm2

a. 7 to 10
b. 10 to 20
c. 1 to 7
d. 20 to 25

Q.1020 Which treatment is given to the germinated seed iIn

vernilization process ?

a. Hot water treatment

b. Cold treatment
c. Oven dry treatment
d. None of these

Q.1021 Single seed descent method of selection is a modification


a. Mass selection
b. Pure line selection
c. Pedigree method
d. Bulk method

Q.1022 Seed rate of lentil crop is —kg/ha

a. 12 to 15
b. 20 to 25
c. 30 to 40
d. 45 to 50

Q.1023 Selam is famous variety of —

a. Ginger
b. Turmeric
c. Coffee
d. Sugarcane

Q.1024 The pest which attack both in field and storage of pulse is

a. pod borer
b. Pulse beetle
c. Red gram pod fly
d. Pod borer

Q.1025 Which plough will be used for maximum moisture

conservation ?

a. M B Plugh
b. Cultivator
c. Chisel plough
d. Disc harrow

Q.1026 Sub soiler plough is best suited for —

a. Deep plouging
b. Breaking hard pan
c. Making ditches
d. Inter cultivation

Q.1027 Power sprayers are operated at a pressure of — kg/cm2

a. 5 to 10
b. 10 to 20
c. 20 to 55
d. more than 55

Q.1028 The scientific name of burrowing nematode is

a. Xiphinema sp.
b. Radopholus sp.
c. Longidorus sp.
d. Meloidogyne sp.

Q.1029 In which crop crown root initiation is critical growth stage

for irrigation?

a. Maize
b. Rice
c. Sugarcane
d. Wheat

Q.1030 The process of heating of soil with polythene is known as

a. Solarization
b. Fertigation
c. Herbigation
d. Fumigation

Q1030 The cross of F1 hybrid with an individual having recessive

phenotype for concerned trait is called
a. Test cross
b. Multiple cross
c. Top cross
d. Polly cross

Q.1031 Maximum loss of water occurs through

a. Cuticular transpiration

b. Lenticular transpiration
c. stomatal transpiration
d. None of these

Q.1032 Fertilizers contain Cl ions are not suitable for

a. Pigeonpea
b. Sugarcane
c. Potato
d. Wheat

Q.1033 One acre of soil to a depth of 6 inch weights about

a. 2 x106 lb
b. 2.25 x106 kg
c. 2.25 x106 lb
d. 2 x106 kg

Q.1036 Which is the optimum PH for nitrification? (Agriculture


a. 8.5
b. 9.5
c. 10
d. 7.5

Q.1037 Chemical formula of single super phosphate is—

a. Ca(H2Po4)
b. CaHPo4
c. Ca3(Po4)
d. None of these

Q.1038 Stripping of sugarcane leaves minimizes the attack of —

a. Pyrillia
b. Early shoot borer
c. Top shoot borer
d. Mealy bug

Q.1039 The non- preference plant resistance to insect is also known


a. Repellant
b. Tolerance
c. Antibiosis
d. Antixenosis

Q.1040 Sugarcane settees are dipped in hot water for two hours
having -c temperature

a. 50

b. 55
c. 45
d. 60

Q.1041 Silvipastoral system includes the components of

a. Crop + trees
b. Crop + Trees + Pasture + Animals
c. Trees + Pasture + Animal
d. Crop + Tree + Pasture

Q.1042 Select the disease caused by Mycoplasma like Organisms


a. Brinjal little leaf

b. Rice yellow dwarf
c. Sesamum phyllody
d. All of these

Q.1043 Which of the following is example of insect hormone

a. Chitin
b. Allethrin
c. Lindane
d. Ecdysone

Q.1044 Organophosphate group insecticide example is

a. Endosulphan
b. Sulpher
c. Carbofuran
d. All of these

Q.1045 Which recent year was celebrated as the International year

of soil?

a. 2014

b. 2013

c. 2017

d. 2015
Q.1046 In context to agriculture what is “Fallow Land”?

a. Fallowing is the process to make the soil rich in


b. Agricultural land which is added with organic matter to

reduce its acidity.

c. Agricultural field which is water logged before rice

cultivation so that soil’s water retention capacity

d. Agriculture field which is left unplanted so that the soil’s

natural nutrient balance can be restored.

Q.1047 Which Constitutional Amendment a Constitutional status to

the Panchayati Raj Institutions in India?

a. 90

b. 83

c. 77

d. 73

Q.1048 What is vermiculture? (Agriculture MCQ)

a. Rearing of silkworms for production of silk

b. Care and management of honey bees for the production

of honey and wax.

c. Cultivation of earthworms, for decomposition of organic

d. Care and management of honey bees for the production
of honey and wax.

Q.1049 Almost what percent of the country’s net sown area is


a. 84%

b. 56%

c. 64%

d. 78%

Q. 1050 Plants grown in acidic soil are deficient in_____

a. Calcium and Manganese

b. Magnesium and Calcium

c. Iron and Manganese

d. Aluminium and Iron

Q.1051 What is the optimum temperature requirement for

Germination in rice?

a. 25-30 o C

b. 30-35 o C

c. 20-35 o C

d. 15-20 o C
Q.1051 Indian Farmers Fertiliser Cooperative Limited, also known
as IFFCO, is a small-scale fertiliser cooperative federation based in
India which is registered as a Multistate Cooperative Society.
Where is its headquarters?

a. Nagpur

b. New Delhi

c. Hissar

d. Bathinda

Q.1053 National AQI published by Central Pollution Control Board

(CPCB) considers concentration of how many pollutants for
determining the index:

a. Five

b. Eight

c. Six

d. Twelve

Q.1054 Catchment Command Area (CCA) of major irrigation

projects must be more than ______

a. 8,000 hectares
b. 12,000 hectares

c. 10,000 hectares

d. 15, 000 hectares

Q.1055 Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana (PKVY) has been launched

by Government of India to support and promote

a. Terrace farming

b. Commercial farming

c. Organic farming

d. Subsistence farming

Q.1056 Which Indian state is the largest producer of Sugarcane?

a. West Bengal

b. Bihar

c. Uttar Pradesh

d. Tamil Nadu

Q.1057 13. Which year was celebrated as the International year of


a. 2014

b. 2013
c. 2017

d. 2015

Q.1058 Which chemical is injected into cattle or buffaloes before

milking to have increased milk production?

a. Oxytocin

b. Lactocin

c. Triclosan

d. Florfenico

Q.1059 In context to agriculture what is “Fallow Land”?

a. Fallowing is the process to make the soil rich in


b. Agricultural land which is added with organic matter to

reduce its acidity.

c. Agricultural field which is water logged before rice

cultivation so that soil’s water retention capacity

d. Agriculture field which is left unplanted so that the soil’s

natural nutrient balance can be restored.

Q.1060 Which of the following is not a system under which

classification of Agro-forestry System is done?

a. Ecological Basis

b. Socio-economic Basis
c. Functional Basis

d. Monetary Basis

Q.1061 Which Constitutional Amendment a Constitutional status to

the Panchayati Raj Institutions in India?

a. 90

b. 83

c. 77

d. 73

Q.1062 What is vermiculture?

a. Rearing of silkworms for production of silk

b. Care and management of honey bees for the production

of honey and wax.

c. Cultivation of earthworms, for decomposition of organic


d. Care and management of honey bees for the production

of honey and wax.

Q.1063 Which Indian state is the leading producer of coffee?

a. Meghalaya

b. Andhra Pradesh

c. Karnataka
d. Tamil Nadu

Q.1064 What is the name of the system in which stocking of fishes

of different habits in the same pond is done?

a. High land Fish Culture

b. Sharing Fish Culture

c. Composite Fish Culture

d. Mixed Fish Culture

Q.1065 Where is the headquarters of Botanical survey of India?

a. Chennai

b. Bengaluru

c. New Delhi

d. Kolkata

Q.1066 Almost what percent of the country’s net sown area is


a. 84%

b. 56%

c. 64%

d. 78%

Q.1067 Which one of the following statements aptly define the

term “Taxonomy”?
a. Branch of science concerned with classification,
especially of organisms.

b. Study which deals with emotional attributes of animals.

c. Study regarding reproduction in cattle.

d. Branch of zoology concerned with habitat preference

among nocturnal organisms.

Q.1068 An area where freshwater and salt water meets is called


a. Brackish water

b. Saline Water

c. Confluence

d. Ocean

Q.1069 Fertilizers which contribute only one primary plant nutrient

to the crops are known as?

a. Single fertilizers

b. Straight fertilizers

c. Solitary fertilizers

d. Simple fertilizers
Q.1070 Soil consists of different layers which are often known as

a. Slab

b. Profile

c. Horizon

d. Sphere

Q.1071 Krishak Bharati Cooperative Limited (KRIBHCO) is

headquartered at?

a. A Nagpur

b. B Meerut

c. C Jalandhar

d. D Noida

Q.1072 National Horticulture Mission (NHM) was started in which


a. A 2005

b. B 2002

c. C 2016

d. D 2015
Q.1073 What is the total feed required to obtain marketable weight
in broiler (chicken raised for meat)?

a. 3.5 Kg

b. 7.2 Kg

c. 2.5 Kg

d. 6.5 Kg

Q.1074 The color of Red soil is red due to the presence of the which
of the following oxides?

a. Ferric

b. Aluminium

c. Phosphorus

d. Calcium

Q.1075 First Krishi Vigyan Kendra was established at

a. Dehradun

b. Lucknow

c. Gandhinagar

d. Puducherry

Q.1076 What are poultry birds which are raised for egg production

a. Layers
b. Turkey

c. Incubators

d. Hatchers

Q.1077 In order to promote the participation of students in

agricultural business, Student scheme is being run, under which
practical experience of agriculture is provided to undergraduate
students, what does “E” stand for in READY?

a. Export

b. Empowerment

c. Enlightenment

d. Entrepreneurship

Q.1078 Which Indian state is the largest producer of Jute?

a. Odisha

b. West Bengal

c. Karnataka

d. Kerala

Q.1079 Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export

Development Authority (APEDA), which is mandated with export
promotion of scheduled products including fruits, vegetables,
poultry, meat, dairy etc, functions under which ministry?

a. Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution

b. Ministry of Food Processing Industries

c. Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare

d. Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Q.1080 Name the portal which is an environmental single window

hub for Environment, Forest, Wildlife and other clearances
launched by Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change





Q.1081 Where in India is International Crops Research Institute for

the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) located?

a. A Hyderabad

b. B Nagpur

c. C Jodhpur

d. D Bengaluru

Q.1082 What is the process of growth of a plant toward a light

stimulus is called?

a. Geotropism

b. Chemotropism
c. Phototropism

d. Hydrotropism

Q.1083 Which Indian state is the highest producer of Cashew Nut?

a. Andhra Pradesh

b. Karnataka

c. Maharashtra

d. Bihar

Q.1084 What is the optimum pH range for the cultivation of onion?

a. 3.2-4.0

b. 5.8-6.5

c. 4.2-5.0

d. 8.9-10.6

Q.1085 Where is the National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources

(NBFGR) located?

a. Kochi

b. Lucknow

c. Dehradun

d. Chennai

Q.1086 What is India’s place in the world in terms of fish

a. First

b. Fourth

c. Third

d. Second

Q.1087 Pusa Desi, Pusa Chetki, Pusa Reshmi and Japanese White
are the varieties of which vegetable crop?

a. Cucumber

b. Turnip

c. Cabbage

d. Radish

Q.1088 Which Indian state is the largest producer of egg?

a. Karnataka

b. Maharashtra

c. Gujarat

d. Madhya Pradesh

e. Tamil Nadu
Q.1089 The process in which certain plants or seedling are cut from
near ground level so that they produce a flush of fresh shoots is
known as?

a. Pricking

b. Coppicing

c. Lopping

d. Pollarding

Q.1090 The soils that that lies on the site of their formation,
without transporting, just above their parent rock are called?

a. Parasitic soil

b. Docile Soil

c. Sedentary soil

d. Metamorphosis soil

Q.1091 Which of the following forests cover the least forest area in

a. A .Tropical moist deciduous

b. B. Subtropical pine

c. C. Tropical dry evergreen

d. D. Tropical dry deciduous

Q.1092 The phenomenon of Heterosis has been most commercially

exploited first in-
a. Tobacco

b. Sugarcane

c. Maize

d. Wheat

Q.1093 Which of the following cropping practices is eco-friendly?

a. Organic farming

b. Cultivation

c. House farming

d. Land farming

Q.1094 Which of the following is controlled by Gibberellic Acid?

a. Prevention of the loss of flowers

b. Vegetative Growth

c. Ripening of fruits

d. Fruit fall

Q.1095 The three numbers on fertilizer represents the value of the

three macro-nutrients used by plants represented as NPK for short.
What are they?
a. Neon, Phosphorous, Krypton

b. Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium

c. Neon, Potassium, Krypton

d. Neon, Potassium, Phosphorous

Q.1096 Fruit stored in a cold chamber exhibit longer storage life

because –

a. exposure to sunlight is prevented

b. the concentration of carbon dioxide in the environment is


c. the rate of respiration is decreased

d. there is increase in humidity

Q.1097 Which among the following deals with that branch of

agricultural economics which is mainly about the business
principles and interests of farming?

a. Agriculture management

b. Business management

c. Economy management

d. Farm management
Q.1098 Which of the following is the largest state for Tank
irrigation in India?

a. Andhra Pradesh

b. Uttar Pradesh

c. Madhya Pradesh

d. Himachal Pradesh

Q.1099 Which of the following elements is essential for the storage

of energy in plants?

a. Nitrogen

b. Oxygen

c. Carbon

d. Phosphorus

Q.1100 Maximum productivity of sugarcane in India is–

a. Tamil Nadu

b. Haryana

c. Uttar Pradesh

d. Punjab
Q.1101 The Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices was
established in the year

a. 1990

b. 1988

c. 1987

d. 1985

Q.1102 Which of the following regions receive the monsoon first?

a. Coastal region of Gujarat

b. Bay of Bengal region

c. Coastal region of Maharashtra

d. Coastal region of Kerala

Q.1103 Which gas is produced after the application of Calcium

Carbide to the fruits, for rapid ripening?

a. Methane

b. Carbon-di-oxide

c. Acetylene

d. Ethylene
Q.1104 Which of the following has highest oil yield
potential?(Agriculture MCQ)

a. Rapeseed

b. Canola

c. Jatropha

d. Microalgae

Q.1105 Which of the following crops require ridging plough for soil

a. Lemo

b. Okra

c. Beans

d. Potato

Q.1106 NDDB is an abbreviation of

a. National Damascus Development Board

b. National Drug Development Board

c. National Dung Development Board

d. National Dairy Development Board

Q.1107 High yielding Indian breeds of cow are-

a. Gir

b. Sahiwal
c. Kankrej

d.Options A, B, and C

Q.1108 Department of Animal Husbandry & Dairying released ____

Livestock Census in October 2019

a. 22nd

b. 21st

c. 20th

d. 19th

Q.1109 Kisan Diwas or National Farmers’ Day is observed across

India on December 23. The day is observed in the memory of which
Indian prime minister?

a. Lal Bahadur Shastri

b. Chaudhary Charan Singh

c. Vishwanath Pratap Singh

d. Gulzarilal Nanda

Q.1110 Which of the following place is known as “Milk Capital of


a. Rajkot

b. Ahmedabad
c. Vadodara

d. Gandhinagar

e. Anand

Q.1111 Landmark decisions about climate change were taken at-

a. India agreement

b. England agreement

c. USA agreement

d. Paris agreement

Q.1112 According to the 20th Livestock Census, what is the total

livestock population in India?

a. 535.78 million

b. 512.06 million

c. 476.93 million

d. 425.54 million

Q.1113 Mother of all coloured mango variety is

• Mulgoa
• Keshar
• Payari
• Dasheri

Q.1114 Suerkraut is value added product prepared from

• Garlic
• Onion
• Chilli
• Cabbage

Q.1115 Aonla is commercially propagated by

• Patch budding
• Cutting Air
• layering
• Wedge grafting

Q.1116 Phule prerna is improved variety of — flower

crop(Agriculture MCQ)

• Tuberose
• Rose
• Gladiolus
• Carnation

Q.1117 Metarhizium anisopliae fungi use to control — pest

• Sugarcane pyrilla
• Cotton bug
• Fruit fly
• Shoot borer

Q.1118 In Sorghum zonal system of sowing adopted to control —


• Armyworm
• Midge fly
• Shoot fly
• Stem borer
Q.1119 In Bajra empty ear head and feed pollen and petals of
flower is symptom of

• Blister beetle
• Midge fly
• Shoot fly
• Stem borer

Q.1120 Scientific name of pink bollworm is

a. Helicoverpa armigera
b. Earies vitella
c. Pectinophora gossypiella
d. None of these

Q.1121 Which of the following pest is known as

a. cotton stainer
b. Red cotton bug
c. White fly
d. Weevil Red mite

Q.1122 Kolshi disease of citrus cause due to — pest

a. Leaf miner
b. White fly & Black fly
c. Citrus psylla
d. Fruit sucking moth

Q.1123 Fan like appearance of coconut leaves is due to

a. Mites
b. Rhinoceros beetle
c. Jassids
d. Aphids

Q.1124 Central bee research institute located at —

a. Mumbai
b. Pune
c. Aurangabad
d. Beed

Q.1125 Mango fruit fly pupates in —

a. Soil
b. Fruit
c. Leaves
d. Branch

Q.1126 Phule Yashoda of Jowar is resistant against — pest

a. Armyworm
b. Midge fly
c. Shoot fly
d. Stem borer

Q.1127 Calcium deficiency in blood causes — in animals

a. Mastitis
b. Anthrax
c. FMD
d. Milk fever

Q.1128 Grade A eggs are of — gm. Weight ?

a. 35 to 40
b. 40 to 45
c. 45 to 50
d. 50 to 53

Q. 1129 of the following goat breed is use for Pasmina

a. Chegu
b. Jamunapari
c. Barbari
d. Beetal

Q.1130 Example of wool purpose sheep breed ?

a. Marwari
b. Gurej
c. Deccani
d. All of these

Q.1131 Blue revolution is related to

• Fruit production
• Meat production
• Spices production
• Fishery production

Q.1132 When rainfall is less than 50 % then drought is classified as

• Moderate drought
• Severe drought
• Meteorological drought
• None of these

Q.1133 Which of the following is white button mushroom

a. Agricus biporus

b. Pleurotus spp.
c. Calocybe indica
d. Valvariella spp.

Q.1134 Which of the following is Phosphate solubilizing

a. Aspergillus
b. Rhizopus
c. Psudomonas
d. All of these

Q.1135 Which crop is grown as trap crop for nematode ?

• Brinjal
• Cabbage
• Tomato
• Onion

Q.1136 Plant viroid contains —-

• Only DNA
• Only RNA
• DNA or RNA
• DNA and RNA

Q.1137 Irrigation water containing more than —- ppm Boron is

harmful to crops

a. 0.5

b. 1
c. 2
d. 3

Q.1138 Rice husk is used for making cement because it contains

a. Silica
b. Calcium
c. Iron
d. None of these

Q.1139 Zonal sowing of Sorghum is recommended to control

a. Shoot borer
b. Midge fly
c. Mealy bug
d. Blister beetle

Q.1140 Scientific name of Finger Millet is

a. Setaria italica
b. Eleusine coracana
c. Panicum miliaceum
d. Ricinus communis

Q.1141 Which method of planting is most suitable for Tea crop ?

a. Square
b. Triangular
c. Contour
d. Rectangular

Q.1142 In Wheat Crown root initiation stage comes —- days after


a. 21
b. 11
c. 31
d. 41

Q. 1143 Recommended moisture contain for harvesting of paddy

crop is between — percentage

a. 21 to 23
b. 25 to 27
c. 10 to 15
d. 30 to 35

Q.1144 The first World Cotton Day was observed on-

A. January 3, 2020
B. December 13, 2019
C. November 21, 2019
D. October 7, 2019

Q.1145 Who is the present Minister of Agriculture & Farmers


a. Kailash Choudhary

b. Krishna Raj

c. Narendra Singh Tomar

d. Abhishek Singh Chauhan

Q.1146 Which one of the following is not a mandate crop of The

International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics

A. Green Gram
B. Finger Millet
C. Pigeon Pea
D. Sorghum

Q.1147 On which day is “National Handloom Day” is celebrated

across the country?

a. July 12

b. August 09

c. October 21

d. August 07
Q.1148 When was the first National Forest Policy of independent
India launched?

a. 1948

b. 1952

c. 1976

d. 1988

Q.1149 Part IX of the Indian constitution which deals with ‘The

Panchayats’, does not apply to which of the following
states:(Agriculture MCQ)

I. Arunachal Pradesh

II. Nagaland

III. Mizoram

IV. Meghalaya

a. Both II and III

b. II, III and IV

c. Only I

d. Only II

Q.1150 What is the gestation period of a sheep?

a. 136-138 days

b. 112-124 days
c. 150-152 days

d. 180-182 days

Q.1151 __________ is the property of a soil to undergo large

deformations when stressed, without cracking or crumbling due to
the lubricating effect of the water films between adjacent particles.

a. Bending

b. Malleability

c. Ductility

d. Plasticity

Q.1152 The SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) which were

accepted in 2015, replaced which earlier goals/
agreement?(Agriculture MCQ)

a. A Intended Development Goals (IDGs)

b. B Centenary Development Goals (CDGs)

c. C Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)

d. D Ecology Development Goals (EDGs)

Q.1153 Where are the headquarters of “World Meteorological


a. Lausanne, Switzerland

b. London, UK

c. New York, USA

d. Geneva, Switzerland

Q.1154 Anab-e-Shahi, Bangalore Blue and the Bhokri are the

varieties of which fruit?

a. Guava

b. Grapes

c. Papaya

d. Litchi

Q.1155 Thin covering that covers seed or nut is called

a. Shelling

b. Funnel

c. Testa

d. Epidermal

Q.1156 Agriculture census ( in India )is carried out after every _____

a. Ten

b. Eight

c. Six

d. Five

q.1157 Agriculture census (in world ) is carried out after every

_____ years?
a. Ten

b. Eight

c. Six

d. Five

Q.1158 Which of the following is known as king of spices?

a. Black pepper

b. Black cardamom

c. Fenugreek

d. Cloves

Q.1159 “Retting” is a process associated with which crop?

a. Groundnut

b. Maize

c. Rice

d. Jute

Q.1160 Who is known as the “father of Tillage”?

a. R.A Fisher

b. M.L Trough

c. Jethro Tull

d. Oscar Brefeld
Q.1161 Which country is the largest producer of sugarcane in the

a. Mexico

b. Cuba

c. China

d. Brazil

Q.1162 In potato cultivation what should be the ideal distance

between plantation of two tubers?

a. 30 – 35 cm

b. 05 – 10 cm

c. 35 – 40 cm

d. 15 – 20 cm

Q.1163 Which of the following is Indian Council of Agriculture

Research’s (ICAR’s) first-ever water submergence resistant rice

a. Sahbhagi Dhan

b. Suvarna Sub – 1

c. Pusa Basmati -1

d. Ganga (101)

Q.1164 What should be the moisture content of the seed if it is

stored for long term?
a. 12-16%

b. 15-18%

c. 3-5 %

d. 6-8%

Q.1165 If in the rice crop field, the leaves turn narrow, short, erect,
and lemon yellowish and the entire field may appear yellowish,
then the rice may be deficient of which nutrient?

a. Calcium

b. Potassium

c. Nitrogen

d. Phosphorus

Q.1166 Catchment Command Area (CCA) of minor irrigation

projects must be less than ______

a. 4,000 hectares

b. 2,000 hectares

c. 3,000 hectares

d. 1,000 hectares

Q.1167 What is suitable soil pH for the cultivation of grapes?

a. 5.5-6.5

b. 3.5-4.5
c. 7.5-8.5

d. 6.5-7.5

Q.1168 When was the first “Kisan Call Centre” launched in India?

a. 2006

b. 1996

c. 2004

d. 1998

Q.1169 APEDA stands for :-

a. Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export

Development Authority

b. Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export

Development Act

c. Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export

Development Appellate

d. Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export

Development association

Q.1170 In which type of cropping different crops are planted in

proximity for any of a number of different reasons, including pest
control, pollination, providing habitat for beneficial creatures,
maximizing use of space, and to otherwise increase crop

a. Companion Cropping
b. Mixed Cropping

c. Overlapped cropping

d. Intercropping

Q.1171 The soil is divided into different layers called Horizons.

Which horizon is called “regolith”?

a. Horizon D

b. Horizon E

c. Horizon B

d. Horizon A

e. Horizon C

Q.1172 When limestone is subjected to high temperature and

pressure known as Metamorphism, it results in the formation of?

a. Granite

b. Quicklime

c. Sandstone

d. Marble

Q.1173 What is the ideal temperature range for fish farming

a. Less than 15 oC

b. 20-30 oC

c. 30-40 oC
d. 15-20 Oc

Q.1174 _______ is an illness which occurs in dairy animals

particularly cow and buffalo due to faulty feeding practices during
the pregnancy period and immediately after calving.

a. Post Pregnancy fever

b. Milch Fever

c. Cattle fever

d. Milk Fever

Q.1175 Where is Wildlife Institute of India (WII) which is an

autonomous institution under the Ministry of Environment Forest
and Climate change based?

a. Leh, Jammu & Kashmir

b. Darjeeling, West Bengal

c. Shimla, Himachal Pradesh

d. Dehradun, Uttarakhand

Q.1176 ‘________ is the name of a common vegetable plant grown

in India and South Asia. This vegetable plant is known as Egg plant
in North America, Australia and New Zealand.

a. Lemon

b. Brinjal

c. Cauliflower
d. Cabbage

Q.1177 India’s Agrimarket is presently regulated by the APMCAct

enacted by the stategovernments. What does “P” stand for in the
acronym APMC?

a. Primary

b. Post

c. Purchase

d. Produce

Q.1178 What is the name of first milk/secretion (rich in antibodies)

from the mammary glands of cattle after giving birth?

a. Colostrum

b. Serum

c. Lactation

d. Montana

Q.1179 . _______ is a system of agricultural and social design

principles centered on simulating or directly utilizing the patterns
and features observed in natural ecosystems.

a. Agroculture

b. Algaculture

c. Orgaculture

d. Permaculture
Q.1180 The short lived annual weeds are called as

• Mimicry Crop
• bound weeds
• Seasonal weeds
• Ephemerals

Q.1181 Intercultural operation in groundnut should be completed

before — crop growth stage

a. Flowering
b. Pegging
c. Branching
d. Gap filling

Q. 1182 Which of the following crop shows protandry condition ?

a. Onion
b. Maize
c. Sugar Beet
d. All of these

Q.1183 The site of pupation of Helicoverpa armigera is —

a. Leaf
b. Seed
c. Soil
d. Boll

Q.1184 Pest which causes damage more than — % in the field is

called as major pest.

a. 5
b. 15
c. 10
d. 20
Q.1185 Capillary water is held at atmospheric pressure —

a. 1/3 to 31
b. 31 to 10000
c. > 10000
d. o to 1/3

Q.1186 Downward entry and movement of water in soil surface is

a. Percolation
b. Infiltration
c. Permeability
d. None of these

Q.1187 Reclamation of saline soil which of the following practice is

followed ? —

a. Adequate drainage
b. By good quality irrigation water
c. Leaching of salts below root zone
d. All of these

Q.1188 For reclamation of alkaline soil — is used.

a. Lime
b. Calcium carbonate
c. Gypsum
d. None of these

Q.1189 When C : N ratio goes on increasing the availability of

nutrients to crops will-

a. Increases
b. Decreases
c. Does not change
d. None of these
Q.1190 Which of the following nutrient is involved in reproduction
in plants and germination of pollen grains ?

a. Boron
b. Calcium
c. Potassium
d. Sulphur

Que.1191 The deficiency of calcium and boron are found on —

a. Old leaves
b. New leaves
c. Terminal leaves
d. Old and new leaves

Que.1192 Under drought condition — nutrient deficiency is

observed in Cotton.

a. N
b. Mg
c. B
d. P

Que.1193 Split application of fertilizer is useful in — soils.

a. Clay
b. Loamy
c. Sandy
d. None of these

Que.1194 Application of MOP fertilizer is not suitable for — crop

a. Soyabean
b. Gram
c. Wheat
d. Tobacco
Que.1195 Soyabean seed is sown at —- cm depth.(Agriculture

a. 3
b. 13
c. 21
d. 30

Que.1196 Infrared thermometer is used to measure —

a. Atmospheric temperature
b. Solar radiation
c. Crop canopy temperature
d. Soil temperature

Que.1197 NRC1 for Groundnut located at —

a. Junagadh
b. Bhopal
c. Indore
d. Hyderabad

Que.1198 Rancidity in sunflower oil is due to — reaction.

a. Reduction
b. Oxidation
c. Both a & b
d. None of these

Que.1199 Which of the following crop is known as camel crop ?

a. Bajra
b. Jowar
c. Castor
d. Wheat
Que.1200 The condition in which flower opens only after
pollination is called —

a. Chasmogamy
b. Cleistogamy
c. Autogamy
d. None of these

Que.1201 Angora breed of Goat is — type

a. Meat
b. Milk
c. Dual
d. Hairy

Que.1202 Standardized milk have — % fat

a. 4.5
b. 3.5
c. 6
d. 7.5

Que.1203 Cultivation of resistant variety is —- method of pest


a. Physical
b. Chemical
c. Biological
d. Cultural

Que.1204 Sun drying is — method of pest control.

a. Physical
b. Chemical
c. Biological
d. Cultural
Que.1205 Fem1ale of red cotton bug lays eggs on —

a. Leaf
b. Seed
c. Soil
d. Boll

Que.1206 What is optimum plant population for Bt cotton ?

a. 10,000 plants /ha

b. 25,000 plants /ha
c. 30,000 plants /ha
d. 45,000 plants /ha

Que. 1207 Epiricania melanoleuca is used as bio control agent

against —

a. Citrus psylla
b. Sugarcane pyrilla
c. Red cotton bug
d. Whitefly

Que.1208 3 to 9 m deep and 18 m or more with 8 to 15 % slope

gullyformed in water erosion is —- type

a. Very small gully

b. Small gully
c. Medium gully
d. None of these

Que.1209 Sustainable agriculture is also known as–

a. Ecological farming
b. Natural farming
c. Permaculture
d. All of these
Que.1210 In additive series of intercropping base crop population
is —

a. Same as pure crop

b. Same as intercrop
c. Both a & b
d. None of these

Que.1211 The actual mass of water vapour present in a given

volume of moist air is —

a. Relative humidity
b. Absolute humidity
c. Specific humidity
d. All of these

Que.1212 Direct solar radiation is measured with —

instrument.(Agriculture MCQ)

a. Pyranometer
b. Pyrheliometer
c. Photometer
d. Altimeter

Que.1213 Buttoning is a physiological disorder in

a. Cabbage
b. Onion
c. Garlic
d. Cauliflower

Que.1214 NRC for orchids is located at—-

a. Sikkim
b. Andrapradesh
c. Maharashtra
d. Gujrat
Que.1215 Mallika, a variety of mango is cross between —————–

a. Neelam x Dashehari
b. Dashehari x Neelam
c. Alphanso x Neelam
d. None of these

Que.1216 2n chromosome number of guava is —-

a. 20
b. 22
c. 24
d. 30

Que. 1217 In — farming income from subsidiary enterprises does

not exceed 10 %

a. Diversified farming
b. Dry farming
c. Mixed farming
d. Specialized farming

Que.1218 Lab to Land Programme was started in the year —

a. 1959
b. 1982
c. 1979
d. 1991

Que.1219 What is the objective of agriculture extension education

in India ?

a. Dissemination of useful information

b. All round improvement of rural people
c. Practical application of useful knowledge
d. All of these
Que.1220 National Institute of Agriculture marketing (NAIM) is
located at

a. Jaipur
b. Mumbai
c. Delhi
d. Hissar

Q.1221 In seed classification which type of seed class is assigned

purple tag/ certificate?

a. Nuclear Seed

b. Breeder Seed

c. Foundation Seed

d. Registered Seed

Q.1222 International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) is situated

in which country?

a. Peru

b. Indonesia

c. India

d. Kenya

Q.1223 In which system of tillage the crop is planted in unprepared

soil by opening a narrow slot or trench only of sufficient width and
depth to obtain proper seed coverage?

a. Cost effective Tillage

b. Absolute Tillage
c. Zero Tillage

d. Nominal Tillage

Q.1224 If instead of soil, flowing water is used in a specially

designed greenhouse farms to grow plants, then this type of
farming is known as?

a. Hydroculture

b. Pisciponics

c. Hydroponics

d. Aquaponics

Q.1225 Ongole, Gaolao, Bhagnari are the breeds of which of the


a. Chicken

b. Cattle

c. Camels

d. Sheep

Q.1226 Marayoorjaggery recently got the Geographical Indication

(GI) tag from the central government, the jaggery is a speciality of
which state?

a. Uttar Pradesh

b. Kerala

c. Madhya Pradesh
d. Maharashtra

Q.1227 As per agricultural census, marginal farmers are those who

have land holdings upto?

a. 2 hectare

b. 1.5 hectare

c. 1 hectare

d. 0.5 hectare

Q. 1228“Dongs” of Assam, “Zabo” of Nagaland, “Khatri” of

Himachal Pradesh and “Ooranis” of Tamil Nadu are the examples

a. Types of agronomic practices

b. Traditional water storage systems

c. Types of cropping systems

d. Varieties of Wheat

Q.1229 Abnormally yellowing of the leaf tissue is called?

a. Reduction

b. Oxidation

c. Carboning

d. Chlorosis
Q.1230 Which committee recommended the establishment of the
scheme of ‘democratic decentralization’, which finally came to be
known as Panchayati Raj?

a. Balwant Rai Mehta Committee

b. Ajay Chitnis Committee

c. L M Sanghvi Committee

d. G V K Rao Committee

Q.1231 What should be the pH range of the soil for the cultivation
of Mint?

a. 8.0-10.0

b. 5-6.5

c. 8.5-10.2

d. 6.5-8.0

Q.1232 Which is the most abundantly available soil in India?

a. Saline Soil

b. Alluvial Soil

c. Laterite Soil

d. Red Soil

Q.1233 ______ is the practice of growing crops and raising livestock

sufficient only for one’s own use, without any surplus for trade.
a. Private Farming

b. Extensive Farming

c. Subsistence Farming

d. Meagre Farming

Q.1234 Apart from India, which of the following countries also use
terms ‘Kharif’ and ‘Rabi’ to describe their cropping patterns?

a. Nepal and Sri Lanka

b. Pakistan and Bangladesh

c. Bhutan and Sri Lanka

d. Nepal and Bangladesh

Q.1235 CAMPA is a dedicated fund for the promotion of-

a. Pollution control

b. Sustainable Development

c. Afforestation

d. Advancements in Irrigation

Q.1236 Adsali Sugarcane take —- months for harvesting.

a. 10 to 12
b. 12 to 15
c. 15 to 18
d. 18 to 20

Q.1237 Sowing time of Pigeon pea is —

a. First fortnight of June

b. Second fortnight of July
c. First fortnight of September
d. First fortnight of October

Que.1238 In Cotton the term Square means —

a. Harvesting
b. Appearance of flower bud
c. Defoliation
d. Boll formation

Que.1239 In Groundnut pegging stage comes after — DAS

a. 35
b. 45
c. 55
d. 65

Que. 1240 Goal is trade name of — weedicide.

a. Isoproturon
b. Propanil
c. Paraquat
d. oxyfluorfen

Que. 1241 The five kingdom classification was proposed in 1969 by

a. R. H. Whittaker
b. Haeckel
c. Robert Hooke
d. Leeuwenhoek

Que. 1242 Plant quarantine method is useful only when pathogen is

a. Wind borne
b. Seed transmitted
c. Soil inhabitant
d. Vector transmissible

Que.1243 Moniliform antennae present in —-

a. Termite
b. Honey bee
c. House fly
d. Weevils

Que. 1244 Which of the following is monophagous pest ?

a. Rice yellow stem borer

b. Coconut black headed caterpillar
c. Mango stone weevil
d. All of these

Que.1245 Bemisia tabaci is scientific name of —

a. Cotton whitefly
b. Pink bollworm
c. Cotton leaf roller
d. American bollworm

Que. 1246 ortified milk is addition of — in milk

a. Vitamin
b. Carbohydrates
c. Protein
d. None of these
Que.1247 Symbiotic nitrogen fixing bacteria is —

a. Azotobacter
b. Azospirillum
c. Rhizobium
d. None of these

Que.1248 Little leaf of brinjal is transmitted by — vector.

a. Aphids
b. White fly
c. Leaf hoppers
d. Mites

Que.1249 Jagannath is mutant variety of — crop.

a. Soyabean
b. Tobacco
c. Rice
d. Cotton

Que.1250 Golden revolution is related to — production

a. Fish
b. Meat
c. Fruit
d. Food grain

Que.1251 Banana rhizome weevil Cosmopolites sordidus belongs to

a. Pyralidae
b. Curculionidae
c. Thripidae
d. Aphidae

Que.1252 The ladder shaped scrapping on the rice leaves is due to

a. Dicladispa armigera
b. Cnaphalocrocis medinalis
c. Nympha deptinctalis
d. None of these

Que.1253 Act of parturition in cattle is called as —

a. Kidding
b. Hatching
c. Furrowing
d. Calving

Que.1254 Red brown colour breed of cattle is —

a. Deoni
b. Dangi
c. Sindhi
d. Phule Triveni

Que.1255 In India Bt cotton is released for commercial cultivation

in the year —

a. 2000
b. 2002
c. 2006
d. 2009

Que. 1256 Repeated crossing of hybrid progeny back to one of its

parents is called as —

a. Back cross
b. Top cross
c. Recurrent cross
d. Double cross

Que.1257 Breeding method mostly used for development of

disease resistance variety is —
a. Pedigree method
b. Selection
c. Back cross
d. Mutation breeding

Que. 1258 The quickest method of plant breeding is —

a. Mutation breeding
b. Back cross
c. Heterosis breeding
d. Selection

Que.1259 In Yoghurt preparation — bacterial culture is used.

a. Lactobacillus bulgaricus
b. Streptococcus thermophilus
c. Both a & b
d. None of these

Que. 1260 Phule Arjun is variety of — vegetable crop

a. Bitter gourd
b. Brinjal
c. Okra
d. Cabbage

Q .1261 Virus resistance or virus free variety of Okra is —-

a. Phule Utkarsha
b. Phule Vimukta
c. Parbhani kranti
d. Phule Vimukta and Parbhani kranti
Q.1262 Aster is propagated by —

a. Roots
b. Bulbs
c. Seed
d. Cuttings

Q.1263 mango variety Sai sugandh is hybrid of —-

a. Totapuri x Keshar
b. Keshar x Alphanso
c. Totapuri x NeelaM
d. Totapuri x Dashehari

Q.1264 Skiffing is practised in

a. Rubber
b. Tea
c. Coffee
d. Litchi

Q.1265 Which of the following is not a Dicotyledonous fruit?

a. Papaya
b. Mango
c. Pineapple
d. Apple

Q. 1266 National Seeds Corporation (NSC) is owned by?

a. It is co – operative organisation
b. Government of India
c. National Institute of Rural Development (NIRD)

Que.1267 India is the _______ largest egg producing country in the


a. Fifth
b. Third
c. Second
d. First

Q1268 In which year National Green Tribunal Act, which led to the
formation of National Green Tribunal (NGT)was passed?

a. 2008
b. 2005
c. 1998
d. 2010

Que.1269 PACS, an institute of NABARD works at the gram

panchayat and village level.In PACS, A stands for?

a. Accredit
b. Agriculture
c. Asset
d. Advisory

Q.1270 Where is the National institute of jute and allied fibre

technology located?

a. Haryana
b. Telangana
c. Andhra Pradesh
d. West Bengal

Que.1271 When is world soil day celebrated?

a. December 5
b. November 15
c. January 5
d. April 15

Q.1272 National Dairy Research Institute (NDRI) an umbrella

institute under ICAR is located at?

a. Mathura, UP
b. Indore, MP
c. Gandhi Nagar, Gujarat
d. Karnal, Haryana

Q.1273 In the recent budget, the facility of Kisan Credit Card (KCC)
scheme has been extended by the government to which other

a. Poultry and Apiculture

b. Fisheries and Poultry
c. Apiculture and Horticulture
d. Fisheries and Animal Husbandry

Q.1274 The National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA)

aims at which of the following?

a. Enhancing agricultural productivity, protection of

resources such as land, water, biodiversity and genetic
resources by developing strategies to make agriculture
more resilient to climate change.
b. Improving agricultural productivity by providing timely
advisory services to farmers to adopt best practices,
technology, meet with contingencies, market information,
c. Notifying agricultural commodities produced in the region
and providing their first sale mechanism.
d. Providing Irrigation benefits to the farmers to ensure
early completion of projects.

Q.1275 Bankers Institute of Rural Development (BIRD) is a premier

training establishment promoted by NABARD. Where is BIRD

a. Bhopal
b. Jabalpur
c. Nashik
d. Lucknow

Q.1276 Salinization occurs when the irrigation water accumulated

in the soil evaporates, leaving behind salts and minerals. What are
the effects of salinization on the irrigated land?

a. It greatly increases the crop production

b. It may lead to crop yield loss
c. It raises the water table
d. It fills the air spaces in the soil with water

Que.1277 What is the full form of the MSP?

a. Minimum Stock Price

b. Minimum Statutory Price
c. Maximum Stipulated Price
d. Minimum Support Price

Q.1278 Seed which do not remain viable for long time at low
temperature is called –

a. Orthodox seed
b. Recalcitrant seed
c. Dry seed
d. None of these
Q.1279 Minimum isolation distance maintained for
foundation seed production in Cotton is — m

a. 1000
b. 100
c. 50
d. 200

Q.1280 Eri silkworm is reared on — plant.

a. Castor
b. Okra
c. Guava
d. None of these

Q.1281 HACCP stands for

a. Hazard analysis and critical control pressure

b. Human analysis and critical control point
c. Hazard analysis and critical control point
d. Hazard analysis and critical correlation point

Q. 1282 The horn shape of surti buffalo is

a. Sickle shape
b. Round shape
c. Long
d. Tightly curved

Q.1284 Almond shaped eyes are found in females of — breed of


a. Kankrej
b. Haryana
c. Red sindhi
d. Gir

Q.1285 Marwari is — purpose Sheep breed.

a. Mutton
b. Wool
c. Duel
d. None of these

Q.1286 In animal Render pest disease is caused by

a. Bacteria
b. Fungi
c. Myxovirus
d. Protozoa

Q.1287 Allahabad safed, Lalit are varieties of —

a. Grape
b. Guava
c. Apple
d. Aonla

Q.1288 Litchi is commercially propagated by —

a. Cutting
b. Air Layering
c. Grafting
d. Seed

Q.1289 what is cybrid ?

a. Sexual hybrid
b. Hybrid formed by cell division
c. Tissue culture
d. None of these

Q.1290 Colchicine is generally used for

a. Chromosome doubling
b. Hybridization
c. Embryo rescue
d. None of these

Q.1291 ATMA stands for

a. Agricultural Technology Management Agency

b. Agricultural Technology Management Authority
c. Agricultural Technology Mission Authority
d. None of these

Q.1292 Select the correct statement.

a. Method demonstration is based on principle of learning by

b. Result demonstration is based on principle seeing is believing
c. Method demonstration is conducted by farmer
d. Result demonstration is effective in adoption process

Q.1293 Central insecticide laboratory (CIL) is located at

a. Faridabad
b. Kanpur
c. Lucknow
d. Jaipur

Q.1294 Barbari breed of goat is native of

a. England
b. India
c. China
d. East Africa
Q.1295 Phule keshari, Phule Raja are improved variety of —
vegetable crop ?

a. Onion
b. Brinjal
c. Tomato
d. Pea

Q.1296 Calcium deficiency in blood causes — in animals

a. Mastitis
b. Anthrax
c. FMD
d. Milk fever

Q.1297 Resetting of cotton flowers and double seed formation in

cotton bolls are symptoms of —

a. Red cotton bug

b. Spotted bollworm
c. Pink bollworm
d. None of these

Q.1298 NRC for Pomegranate is located at —

a. Solapur
b. Kolhapur
c. Ahmednagar
d. Pune

Q.1299 Canthaxanthin pigment responsible for — colour in papaya

a. White
b. Yellow
c. Red
d. Pink
Q.1300 Jamun belongs to family

a. Moraceae
b. Myrtaceae
c. Caricaceae
d. Bromeliaceae

Q.1301 Best crop for silage making is —

a. Bajara
b. Wheat
c. Oat
d. Maize

Q.1302 Fat globules in milk are in the form of

a. Colloidal
b. Emulsion
c. Granular
d. None of these

Q..1303 In India highest wool producing state is —

a. Rajasthan
b. Maharashtra
c. Bihar
d. Uttar Pradesh

Q.1304 In grape forward pruning is done in the month of —

a. Jan
b. April
c. June
d. October

Q.1305 Red gram pod fly maggots pupates in —

a. Pod
b. Leaf
c. Soil
d. None of these

Q.1306 Nematodes are —

a. Monoblastic
b. Diploblastic
c. Triploblastic
d. None of these

Q.1307 Which of the following is active factor of production ?

a. Labour
b. Capital
c. Machinery
d. All of these

Q.1308 What are the objectives of farm management ?

a. Minimizing the farm cost

b. Maximizing farm profit
c. Minimizing unemployment
d. All of these

Q.1309 Which is the basically a decision making science ?

a. Farm management
b. Macro economics
c. Micro economics
d. None of these

Q.1310 Which state is recently renowned as Rice bowl of India ?

a. Assam
b. Telangana
c. West Bengal
d. Punjab

Q.1311 Khaira disease of rice usually attack at — stage.

a. Nursery
b. Grain felling
c. Flowering
d. Harvesting

Q.1312 The minerals which formed, deposited or introduced as

result of subsequent changes in rocks are known as —

a. Essential mineral
b. Primary mineral
c. Secondary mineral
d. Accessory mineral

Q.1313 The minerals having specific gravity less than — g/cm3 are
considered as light minerals.

a. 2.85
b. 3.55
c. 2.3
d. 3.55

Q.1314 Mohars scale is used to determine the — of rocks.

a. Hardness
b. Luster
c. Color
d. None of these

Que. 1315 The soil contains —- % organic matter.

a. 25
b. 58
c. 5
d. 65

Que.1316 Peel of rock due to temperature variation is called as —

a. Flocculation
b. Exfoliation
c. Foliation
d. Decomposition

Q.1317Science which deals with study of rocks is called as —

a. Pedology
b. Edaphology
c. Petrology
d. Rock science

Q.1318 The vertical section of soil showing the various layers from
surface to unaffected parent material is known as —

a. Horizon
b. Soil profile
c. Pedon
d. None of these

Q.1319 Gleization occurs due to —

a. Due to poor drainage

b. High organic matter
c. Removal of sodium ions
d. Mixing of the soils

Q.1320 To be designated as Clay soil, A soil must contain at least —

% clay separates.
a. 40
b. 15
c. 35
d. 75

Q.1321 Which property of soil depends upon the amount, size,

shape, arrangement and mineral constituent.

a. Physical
b. Biological
c. Taxonomic
d. None of these

Q.1322 If particle size is reduced then total surface area will be —

a. Decreased
b. Constant
c. Increased
d. None of these

Q.1323 The movement of soil heat take place mainly by —

a. Diffusion
b. Conduction
c. Mass flow
d. Diurnal variation

Q.1324 Which water is available to plant ?

a. Gravitational
b. Capillary
c. Hygroscopic
d. None of these

Q.1325 In high rainfall area soils are —

a. Acidic
b. Saline soil
c. Alkaline
d. Black

Q.1326 Ratoon cropping is most popular in

a. Sugarcane
b. Wheat
c. Rice
d. Sugar Beet

Q.1327 Origin of Merino sheep is

a. France
b. Spain
c. Switzerland
d. UK

Q.1328 The ruminant have — compartment chamber.

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4

Q.1329 Sheep milk have — % water

a. 79.4
b. 89.4
c. 75.55
d. 85.55

Q.1330 Soil water which moves mostly in Vapour form is —

a. Field capacity water

b. Capillary water
c. Gravitational water
d. Hygroscopic water

Q.1331 Select the correct statement .

a. Tensiometer is used in frequently irrigated crop for irrigation

b. Tensiometer is sensitive upto 0.85 bars of soil moisture
c. Tensiometer is not suitable in Clay soil
d. All of these

Q.1332 Which of the following pair of crop & critical growth stage
for irrigation is not correctly matched ?

a. Wheat – CRI
b. Maize – Tasseling
c. Gram – Flowering
d. Groundnut – Pegging

Q.1333 The practice of taking second crop from previous crop is

known as —

a. Alley cropping
b. Relay cropping
c. Ratoon cropping
d. Intercropping

Q.1334 Crop belonging to family Pedaliaceae is —

a. Jute
b. Sesame
c. Ginger
d. Sunflower

Q.1335 Pollen viability of Wheat is related with — nutrient.

a. Mg
b. B
c. Fe
d. S

Q.1336 Maize is — pollinated crop.

a. Self
b. Often cross
c. Cross
d. None of these

Q.1337 National commission on farmers established in the year ?

• 2002
• 2004
• 2007
• 2009

Q.1338 Maximum area under drip irrigation is in —- state ?

a. Maharashtra
b. Bihar
c. Goa
d. Punjab

Q.1339 Central institute for arid horticulture is located at ?

a. Bhopal
b. Bikaner
c. Karnal
d. Pune

Q.1340 Who is the chairperson of NITI Ayog ?

a. President of India
b. Vice President of India
c. Prime Minister
d. Home Minister
Q.1341 GST is — type of tax ?

a. Direct
b. Indirect
c. Both a & b
d. None of these

Q.1342 India rank — in milk production

a. 3
b. 2
c. 4
d. 1

Q.1343 Grey revolution is related to —

a. Food grain production

b. Fertilizer production
c. Fish production
d. Fruit production

Q.1344 2016 is declared as International year of —

a. Pulses
b. Cereals
c. Oil Seed
d. Vegetable

Q.1345 Pusa jaikisan is first hybrid variety of —

a. Soyabean
b. Mustard
c. Cotton
d. Bajara

Q.1346 World soil day is celebrated on —

a. 01-Jul
b. 16-Sep
c. 05-Dec
d. 21-Mar

Q.1347 Who is the father of super rice —

a. G.S. Khus
b. Y.L. Ping
c. Ingo Potrykus
d. None of these

Q.1348 Agrostology is the study of —

a. Cereals
b. Grasses
c. Pulses
d. Oil seed

Q.1349 Plant growth regulator used for sucker control in Tobacco is

a. IAA
b. ABA
c. GA
d. MH

Q.1350 Indian Journal of Agriculture Sciences is published by

c. Dept. of Agriculture

Q.1351 Jhum cultivation mostly found in — part of India ?

a. Western
b. Eastern
c. Central
d. North

Q.1352 Lunishree is variety of —

a. Golden rice
b. Hybrid rice
c. Super rice
d. Aromatic rice

Q.1353 Area irrigated by one cusec discharge of water is called as

a. Duty
b. Delta
c. Discharge
d. None of these

Q.1354 Over the years the contribution of agriculture to Indian GDP


a. Increasing
b. Decreasing
c. Constant
d. None of these

Q.1355 A plant or biological model which is expected to perform in

predictable manner in given environment is called —

a. Clone
b. Inbreed
c. Pure line
d. Ideotype

Q.1356 Formula for calculating leaf area index is —

a. Total leaf area / Ground area

b. Ground area / Total leaf area
c. Total plant area / Ground area
d. Ground area / Total plant area

Q.1357 According to crop requirement and target specific use of

inputs followed in — farming

a. Mixed farming
b. Precision farming
c. Relay farming
d. Subsistence farming

Q.1358 Sugarcane + Potato is example of —

a. Parallel cropping
b. Multistoried cropping
c. Synergetic cropping
d. None of these

Q.1359 Paira cropping is an example of relay cropping followed in

— state

a. Maharashtra
b. Bihar
c. Goa
d. Punjab

Q.1360 Kaolin is — type antitranspirant

a. Stomata closing
b. film forming
c. Reflecting type
d. Growth retardants

Q.1361 Broad bed furrow system is recommended for — type of


a. Deep black soil

b. Red soil
c. Sandy soil
d. Loamy soil

Q.1362 Atmospheric layer extending from 18 km to 50 km is —

a. Troposphere
b. Stratosphere
c. Mesosphere
d. Thermosphere

Q.1363 Which of the following have maximum albedo

a. Vegetation
b. Soil
c. Water
d. Cloud

Q.1364 Relative humidity is express in —

a. g/m3
b. g/kg
c. Percentage
d. None of these

Q.1365 For warm cloud seeding — chemical is use

a. Silver iodide
b. Sodium chloride
c. Sodium iodide
d. Silver chloride

Q.1366 Uniform precipitation having water droplets size less than

0.5 mm is called as
a. Rain
b. Drizzle
c. Snow
d. Hail

Q.1367 Monsoon is — word

a. Sanskrit
b. Arabic
c. French
d. Hindi

Q.1368 pF value is zero of —

a. Field capacity
b. PWP
c. Oven dry soil
d. Saturated soil

Q.1369 Which of the following crop have higher water use


a. Sorghum
b. Finger millet
c. Groundnut
d. Wheat

Q.1370 Akiochi disease of rice is caused due to toxicity of —

a. CH4
b. H2S
c. CO2
d. NH4

Q.1371 Zingiberaceae family is of — crop

a. Potato
b. Jute
c. Turmeric
d. Onion

Q.1372 Hordeum vulgare is scientific name of —

a. Barley
b. Finger millet
c. Kodo millet
d. Foxtail millet

Q.1373 Sowing time of Aman rice is —

a. June-July
b. Nov-Dec
c. Jan-Feb
d. Mar-Apr

Q.1374 White eye of rice is caused due to deficiency of

a. Ca
b. B
c. Fe
d. K

Q.1375 Parboiling of rice conserve vitamin

a. D
b. B
c. A
d. C

Q.1376 Miracle rice of India is — variety

a. Phule
b. Indrayani
c. TN1
d. Jaya Basmati

Q.1377 Which of the following statement is true

a. Maize is monoecious
b. Maize protein is zein
c. Simazine herbicide is used in maize
d. All of these

Q.1378 Which of the following is popcorn

a. Zea mays indentata

b. Zea mays everta
c. Zea may amylacea
d. None of these

Q.1379 Saccharum barberi is — cane

a. Nobel
b. Indian
c. Chinese
d. African

Q.1380 Trench method of sugarcane planting is followed in — area

a. Coastal area
b. plane area
c. Hilly area
d. River basin

Q.1381 Soil sickness is caused by — crop

a. Bajra
b. Sorghum
c. Wheat
d. Gram
Q.1382 Select the false statement

a. HB4 is first bajra hybrid

b. Bajra is self pollinated
c. In banjara protogynous condition observed
d. Bajra is drought tolerant

Q.1383 In gram nipping is done at — DAS

a. 10 to 20
b. 5 to 10
c. 30 to 40
d. 50 to 60

Q.1384 Chemical use for nipping of gram is

a. MH
b. GA
d. ABA

Q.1385 Origin of Red gram is —

a. India
b. Africa
c. China
d. Thailand

Q.1386 Spreading type of groundnut have — character

a. Dormant seed
b. Good yielder
c. Both a & b
d. None of these

Q.1387 In tobacco priming is — practice

a. Removal of flower
b. Removal of matured leaves
c. Drying of leaves
d. Removal of suckers

Q.1388 Striga is — parasite

a. Complete root
b. Partial root
c. Complete stem
d. Partial stem

Q.1389 Which of the following is example of objectionable weed

a. Avena fatua
b. Chicory
c. Phalaris minor
d. All of these

Q.1390 Addition of organic matter will — bulk density

a. Increase
b. Decrease
c. Constant
d. None of these

Q.1391 Which of the following is inherent property of soil and it can

not be change

a. Soil structure
b. Soil Texture
c. Bulk density
d. Porosity

Q.1392 Which of the following law deals with hydraulic gradient in

a. Fick law
b. Stoke law
c. Darcy law
d. Liebig law

Q.1393 Example of secondary minerals

a. Gypsum
b. Calcite
c. Dolomite
d. All of these

Q.1394 Which of the following is easily weatherable mineral

a. Quartz
b. Gypsum
c. Calcite
d. Dolomite

Q.1395 According to edaphology soil is —

a. Natural habitat for plants

b. Natural body
c. Mixture of mineral and organic material
d. None of these

Q.1396 Accumulation of high exchangeable sodium ions and pH

more than 8.5 is called

a. Pedoturbation
b. Solonization
c. Dealkalisation
d. Gleization

Q.1397 Highest pore space found in — soil type

a. Sandy
b. Loamy
c. Clay
d. Silt

Q.1398 Munsell colour chart lightness and darkness of colour is

denoted by

a. HUE
d. None of these

Q.1399 non expanding type mineral is —

a. Vermiculite
b. Illite
c. Kaolinite
d. Montmorillonite

Q.1400 Recently form soil are grouped in — soil order

a. Ultisols
b. Alfisols
c. Oxisols
d. Entisols

Q.1401 Red soil occupy in — state

a. Bihar
b. Tamil Nadu
c. Gujarat
d. Goa

Q.1402 Soil having pH less than 8.5 EC more than 4 and ESP less
than 15 is —

a. Saline soil
b. Alkaline soil
c. Saline Alkaline soil
d. None of these

Q. 1403 In wind erosion floating of less than 0.1 mm soil particle is

observed in — stage

a. Saltation
b. Surface creep
c. Suspension
d. None of these

Q.1404 Organic matter = organic carbon x —

a. 3.72
b. 5.72
c. 1.72
d. 7.72

Q.1405 Highest Nitrogen content recorded in —

a. Compost
b. FYM
c. Night soil
d. Poultry manure

Q.1406 Fertilizer having less than 25% primary nutrients is called

a. Low analysis fertilizer

b. High analysis fertilizer
c. Straight fertilizer
d. mixed fertilizer

Q.1407 Anhydrous ammonia have equivalent acidity

a. 93
b. 110
c. 128
d. 148

Q.1408 Calcium cynamide have equivalent basicity

a. 21
b. 29
c. 63
d. 110

Q.1409 Which Rhizobium species is used in soyabean

a. R.japonicum
b. R. trifoli
c. R.Phaseoli
d. None of these

Q.1410 Which of the following plant act as an indicator for

potassium deficiency

a. Cabbage
b. Potato
c. Wheat
d. Sunflower

Q.1411 Highly mobile nutrient in plant is —

a. Ca
b. B
c. N
d. S

Q.1412 Browning of cauliflower caused due to deficiency of —

a. Ca
b. B
c. N
d. S

Q.1413 Scurvy disease is caused due to deficiency of vitamin

a. B
b. C
c. A
d. D

Q.1414 Bacteria growing at moderate temperature are — bacteria

a. Thermophilic
b. Mesophilic
c. Psychrophilic
d. None of these

Q.1415 Budding is most common asexual reproduction of —

a. Bacteria
b. Fungi
c. Virus
d. Yeast

Q.1416 Xanthomonas oryzae is causal organism of — disease

a. Citrus canker
b. Bacterial blight of rice
c. Fire blight of apple
d. Corn stunt

Q.1417study of soils about how it influences and interacts with

living things, especially plants/ crops is called _________?

a. Pedology
b. Edaphology
c. Ethology
d. Ichthyology

Q.1418 Chipko Movement is an example of forest conservation


a. Legislative Action
b. Legal Recourse
c. Public awareness and participation
d. Political issue

Q.1419 World Forest Day is celebrated on ________?

a. 26 February
b. 22 April
c. 03 May
d. 21 March

Q.1420 In agriculture what is “Green Manure”?

a. Crops which are especially grown with the purpose of

converting them for manure.
b. Manure which is used only for Organic Farming.
c. Manure which is dyed green to suit the growing crops
d. Especially manufactured manure for the purpose of
distracting pests and insects

Q. 1421 Which of the following is not a “Macronutrient” required

for Plant Nutrition?

a. Nitrogen
b. Magnesium
c. Potassium
d. Zinc
Q.1423 Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) is a highly contagious
disease among cattle, it is caused by_______?

a. Fungus
b. Protozoa
c. Bacteria
d. Virus

Que .1424 Which of the following is not a factor affecting Soil

Water Availability?

a) A Soil Texture
b) B Nature of crop grown
c) C Organic Matter
d) D Salt content E Soil depth

Q.1425 In Dry farming, what is the annual rainfall (in mm)


a. A Less than 550 mm

b. B Less than 500 mm
c. C Less than 950 mm
d. D Less than 750 mm

Q.1426 Which of the following is not an advantage of weeds?

a. A Controls Soil Erosion

b. B Expedites water flow in irrigation canals
c. C Maintain Soil Fertility
d. D Used as fodder

Q.1427 The method of harvesting a crop which leaves the roots and
the lower parts of the plant uncut to give the subtle crops is known
a. Mulching
B. Intensive farming
C. Ratooning
D. Zero tillage farming

Q1428 Environmental protection act is also known as?

a. Central law of Environment

B. The umbrella Legislation
C. Law of Environment
D. None of these

Que 1429. What is the optimum spacing required for planting onion
seedlings during Rabi season?

a. 25*25 cm
B. 20*20 cm
C. 5*5 cm
D. 10*10 cm

Q.1430 Phyllody of sesame is caused due to

a. Bacteria
b. Fungi
c. MLO
d. vIRUS

Q. 1431 The most affected groups in rural areas facing food

insecurity are:
(a) landless people (b) traditional artisans

(c) beggars (d) all the above

Q.1432 MSP is stand for:

(a) Minimum Support Price (b) Maximum Support Price (c)

Marginal Support Price (d) None of these

Q.1433 Green Revolution of 1960s was associated with:

(a) use of HYV seeds (b) tree plantation programme

(c) fisheries development (d) None of these

Q.1434 P D S is associated with:

(a) fair price shops (b) cooperative stores (c)

super bazars (d) none of the above
Q.1436. Revamped Public Distribution System provides benefits to:

(a) cities (b) remote and backward areas (c)

self-help groups (d) cooperative societies

Q.1438 White Revolution of the country is associated to:

(a) sugar (b) milk

(c) paper (d) none of the above

Q.1439 Annapurna Scheme fulfills the food requirements of:

(a) indigent senior citizens (b) children (c) pregnant

ladies (d) young persons

Q.1440 Antyodaya cards are related to

(a) all poors (b) poorest of the poor (c) persons

below poverty line (d) none of the above
Q.1441. Antyodaya Anna Yojana and Annapurna Scheme are linked
with :

(a) Public distribution system (b) mid-day meal (c) special

nutrition programme (d) none of the above

Q.1442 Under the Public Distribution System foodgrains given per

family per month is:

(a) 40 kg (b) 35 kg (c) 25

kg (d) 20 kg

Q.1443. In which state more than 90% ration shops are run by

(a) Andhra Pradesh (b) TamilNadu (c)

Orissa (d) Bihar

Q.1444 The society which facilitated setting up of grain banks in

different regions is :
(a) Amul (Gujarat)

(b) Academy of Development Science (Maharashtra)

(c) Mother Dairy (Delhi)

(d) None of the above

Q.1445. NREGA provides:

(a) 200-days of assured work (b) 100-days of assured work (c) No

assured work (d) None of the above

Q.1446 Minimum Support Price is announced by the government to

provide :

(a) incentives to farmers for raising production

(b) incentives to traders to earn maximum profit from farmers

(c) incentives to moneylenders to lend maximum to

(d) none of the above

Q.1447 Seasonal hunger mostly found in:

(a) urban areas (b) rural areas (c)

metro cities (d) both (a) and (b)

Q.1448In which crop largest increase in production as a result of

Green Revolution?

(a) wheat

(b) rice

(c) maize

(d) none of the above

Q.1449 Main purpose of buffer stock is :

(a) to save food grains from pest attack

(b) to stop price fluctuations

(c) to meet the crisis of low production

(d) both (b) and (c)

Q.1450 Who is the nodal officer at district level?

(a) Commissioner (b) Superintendent of police (c)

District officer (d) Collector

Q.1451 What is Food security means:

(a) availability of food (b) accessibility of food (c)

affordability of food (d) all the above

Q.1452 Massive starvation takes place due to:

(a) rise in the price of essential commodities (b) decline in
production of foodgrains

(c) drought (d) both (a) and (b)

Q.1453 Chronic hunger refers to :

(a) low income (b) inadequate quantity of food (c) inadequate quality
of food (d) all the above

Q.1454 The most devastating famine occurred in India in 1943 in :

(a) Assam (b) Bengal (c)

Bihar (d) Orissa

Q1455. In which of the following states do we find the largest

number of food insecure people?

(a) Bihar, Jharkhand and Orissa

(b) Bihar, Jharkhand and Gujarat

(c) Bihar, Madhya Pradesh and Tamilnadu

(d) Bihar, Chhattisgarh and Karnataka

Q.1456. In which state of India, Amul Dairy is situated?

(a) Rajasthan (b) Gujarat (c)

Karnataka (d) Bihar

Q.1457 Who released a special stamp entitled ‘Wheat Revolution’ in

July 1968?

(a) Mahatma Gandhi (b) Indira Gandhi (c) Jawaharlal

Nehru (d) Motilal Nehru

Q.1458 The price that is announced before the sowing season is


(a) Issue price (b) Fair price (c) Market

price (d) Minimum support price
Q.1459 To whom the yellow card is issued?

(a) To shop keeper (b) To land lord’s (c) To government

employee (d) People below the poverty line

Q.1460 Which are the special target groups in Antyodaya Anna


(a) Poorest of the poor (b) Poor and non-poor (c) Backward
class (d) None of these

Q.1461 Food for Work Programme was launched in which of the

following years?

(a) 2003 (b) 2001 (c) 2004 (d) 2005

Q.1462 Kalahandi is situated in which of the following states?

(a) Orissa (b) Punjab (c) Rajasthan (d) Bihar

Q.1463 The Mother Dairy is an important cooperative
in .

(a) Gujarat (b) Punjab (c) Haryana (d) Delhi

Q.1464 Women and children under the age of five are food insecure
population due to :

(a) Malnutrition (b) Healthy diet (c) Fats (d) None of the above

Q.1465.Which among the following schemes was started in the year

2000 for the indigent senior citizens?

(a) PDS (b) NFWP (c) SGSY (d) APS

Q.1466 Name the cooperative that provides milk and vegetables

controlled rate decided by the Government of Delhi:

(a) Amul (b) Kendriya Bhandar (c) Mother Dairy (d) None of these
Q.1467 Which among the following schemes was initiated for the
poor in all areas?

(a) TPDS (b) RPDS (c) AAY (d) All of these

Q.1469. Buffer stock is the stock of foodgrains procured by the

government through

(a) IFCI

(b) FCI

(c) IDBI


Q.1470 In which part of the country, grain banks have been set up by

(a) Gujarat (b) Haryana (c) Punjab (d) Maharashtra

Q.1471 When was the Antyodaya Anna Yojana scheme launched?

(a) In Jan 1999 (b) In May 2000 (c) In Dec 2000 (d) In October 2005

Q.1472. Percentage of seasonal as well as chronic hunger in India

over the years has

(a) increased (b) decreased (c) remained constant (d) None of these

Q.1473 Food processing is the transformation of agricultural

products into?
a. Grains
b. Food
c. Both A and B
d. flour

Q.1474 Primary food processing turns agricultural products, such as?

a. raw wheat kernels
b. livestock
c. Both A and B
d. None of the above
Q. 1475 Commercial food processing uses control systems such as
________________ to reduce the risk of harm.
Q.1476 Tertiary food processing is the commercial production of what
is commonly called?
A. Primary food processing
B. Secondary food processing
C. Processed food
D. Food processing

Q.1477 Which of the following is an advantage of food processing?

A. Availability of seasonal food throughout the year
B. Removal of toxins and preserving food for longer
C. Adds extra nutrients to some food items
D. All of the above

Q.1478 Which of the following is a disadvantage of food processing?

A. Canning of food leads to loss of Vitamin C
B. Processed food adds empty calories to food constituting junk
C. Some chemicals make the human and animal cells grow rapidly
which is unhealthy
D. All of the above

Q.1479Which of the following is a performance parameter for the

food industry?
A. Hygiene
B. Labour Used
C. Hygiene & Labour Used
D. None of the above
Q.1480 Which of the following methods refers to deactivation of
microbes in food using electricity?
A. Power Ultrasound
B. Pulsed Electric field
C. Hurdle technology
D. All of the above

Q.1481 Which of the following combination of processing and

preservation techniques works best for smoked products?
A. Salt and acidification
B. Heat, salt, dipping in brine/ minimal moisture content
C. Heat, salt, acidification/minimal moisture content
D. Heat and solid content

Q.1482 Secondary food processing is the everyday process of creating

food from ingredients that are ready to use.
C. Can be true or false
D. Can not say

Q.1483 Which organisation has facilitated a network of NGO’s for

setting up grain banks in Maharashtra?
a. Amul

b. Mother Dairy

c. Academy of Development Science

d. Central Government
Q.1484 Seasonal hunger is commonly found in:
a. Urban areas

b. Rural area

c. Tribal area

d. All the above

Q.1485 Which of the following crops are related to Green

a. Wheat, Rice

b. Cotton, Bajra

c. Maize, Rice

d. Bajra, Wheat

Q.1486 The Mother Dairy is an important Cooperative in:

a. Gujarat

b. Punjab

c. Haryana

d. Delhi

Q.1487 Name the Cooperative that provides milk, vegetable and

pulses at controlled rate decided by government of Delhi:
a. Amul

b. Kendriya Bhandar

c. Mother Dairy

d. None of these.

Q.1488 What does food security mean?

a. Availability of food

b. Accessibility of food

c. Availability and accessibility of food to all at all times.

d. Availability, accessibility and affordability of food to all

at all the times.

Q.1489 Which among the following schemes was initiated for the
poor in all areas S?


c. AAY

d. All of these.

Q.1490 Buffer stock is the stock of foodgrains procured by the

government through:

b. FCI



Q.1491 Farmers are paid a pre-announced price by the government

for their crops. It is called:
a. Issue price

b. Invested price

c. Market price

d. Minimum support price.

Q.1492 In which part of the country, grain banks have been set up
the NGO’s?
a. Gujarat

b. Haryana

c. Punjab

d. Maharashtra.

Q.1493 Which one of these is not a valid reason for food security in
a. Overpopulation

b. Hoarding and black marketing

c. Foodgrains stores are overflowing with foodgrains

d. None of these.

Q.1496 When was the Antyodaya Anna Yojana (AAY) scheme

a. In Jan, 1999

b. In May, 2000

c. In Dec. 2000

d. In October, 2005.

Q.1497 In which state of India the famous cooperative AMUL is

a. Gujarat

b. Maharashtra

c. Delhi

d. M P.
Q.1498 The minimum guaranteed price at which the government
offers to purchase any quantity is known as;
a. Procurement price

b. Minimum Support Price

c. Issue Price

d. Market Price.

Q.1499 The price at which the government offers to sell foodgrains

lower than the market price is known as?
a. Procurement price

b. Minimum support price

c. Issue price

d. Market price.

Q.1500 In which of the following states the most devastating

famine of India in the year 1943 occurred?
a. Bengal

b. Orissa

c. Bihar

d. Uttar Pradesh.

Q.1501 The consumptive use of water for a crop

a. Is measured as the volume of water per unit area

b. Is measured as depth of water on irrigated area
c. May be supplied partly by precipitation and partly by
d. All the above
Q.1502 Canals taken off from ice-fed perennial rivers, are known

a. Permanent canals
b. Ridge canals
c. Perennial canals
d. Inundation canals

Q.1503 In gravity canals, F.S.L. is

a. Always at the ground level

b. Always below the ground level
c. Generally 4 to 5 meters above the ground level
d. Only a few cm above the ground level

Q.1504 The field capacity of a soil is 25%, its permanent wilting point
is 15% and specific dry unity weight is 1.5. If the depth of root zone
of a crop, is 80 cm, the storage capacity of the soil, is

a. 8 cm
b. 10 cm
c. 12 cm
d. 14 cm

Correct Answer

Q.1505. If water table is comparatively high, the irrigation canal

becomes useless, due to

a. Large amount of seepage

b. Water logging of the cultivated areas
c. Uncertain water demand
d. All the above

Q.1506. Pick up the correct sequence of the part of a canal system

from the following

a. Head work-distributary-branch canal-minor

b. Head works-main canal-branch canal-distributary-minor
c. Head works-main canal-branch canal-minor-distributary
d. Heads works-branch canal-main canal distributary, minor

Q.1507. The field capacity of a soil depends upon

a. Capillary tension in soil

b. Porosity of soil
c. Both (a) and (b)
d. Neither (a) nor (b)

Q.1508 The water face of the guide banks, is protected by

a. One men stone pitching

b. Two man stone pitching
c. Three man stone pitching
d. Four man stone pitching

Q.1509 Crops grow well when they are

A. fertilized
B. irrigated
C. cared
D. wilted

Q.1511 The most essential element for crop is

A. water
B. fertilizers
C. soil
D. humidity
Q1512 The crops that need a lot of water are
a. rice and maize
b. wheat and maize
c. rice and wheat
d. maize and other grains
Q.1513 Water supply through pipelines and tube wells to farm is
known as
a. fertilization
b. hydration
c. irrigation
d. pollination

Q. 1514 The remains of salt over the soil after evaporation of water
is known as
a. water logging
b. salivation
c. dehydration
d. hydration

Q.1515 In case of cereal crops, the irrigation is generally done by

a. Check method
b. Furrow method
c. Sprinkler method
d. Border method

Q.1516 Irrigation for cereal crop is generally done by

a. Check flooding
b. Basic flooding
c. Furrow
d. Subway surface irrigation
Q.1517 Irrigation canals are generally aligned along

a. Ridge line
b. Contour line
c. Valley line
d. Straight line

Q.1518 A channel which is designed to irrigate all the year round is


a. All weather channel

b. Green channel
c. Permanent channel
d. Perennial channel

Q.1519 In case of water logged lands

a. The soil ports are saturated within a depth of 1 m

b. The soil ports are situated within a depth of 60 cm
c. The soil ports are situated within a depth of 40 cm
b. D.The soil ports are saturated up to the root zone of the crop

Q. 1520 Crop ratio

a. Area irrigated in Rabi season to Kharif season
b. Area irrigated in Kharif season to Rabi season
c. Area irrigated under perennial crop to total area
d. Area irrigated under non-perennial crop to that under
perennial crop

Q. 1521 A crop which is raised entirely with the help of rainfall is


a. Natural crop
b. Rainy crop
c. Wet crop
d. Dry crop

Q. 1522 Which of the following is a deep rooted crop?

a. Rice
b. Sugarcane
c. Potato
d. Onion

Q.1523 A Crop that takes more than four months to mature is called

a. Long crop
b. Solid crop
c. Hard crop
d. Double crop

Q.1524 Which of the following is not considered as light crop?

a. Rice
b. Maize
c. Jowar
d. Potato

Q. 1525 The Hyderabad based Centre for Cellular and Molecular

Biology (CCMB) and Indian Institute of Rice Research (IIRR) has
developed Improved Samba Masuri (ISM) variety rice with which

a. Low Glycemic Index (GI)

b. Bacterial Resistance
c. High Cholesterol
d. Both a and c
Q.1526 ICRISAT researchers have developed strategies to keep
groundnut free of which toxins?

1. Aflatoxin
2. Fungi toxin
3. Bacterial toxin
4. Both a and b
Q.1527 CCEA has approved the continuation of which scheme as

a. Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana

b. Rashtriya Krishi Vishal Yojana
c. Rashtriya Krishi Vikraal Yojana
d. Rashtriya Krishi Vishakti Yojana
Q.1528 For the first time, scientists have developed which fabric from
the flax plant?

a. Cotton
b. Rayon
c. Nylon
d. Linen

Q.1529 Which sugarcane hybrid clone variety was launched for the
sub-tropical climate?

a. 205
b. 206
c. 207
d. 208

Q. 1530 Name the declaration that was signed for agricultural and
rural development, at the end of a forum on international
development cooperation in Changsha, China.

a. Shanghai Declaration
b. Changsha Declaration
c. South-South Declaration
d. South Asian Declaration

Q. 1531 The Punjab government has banned this chemical compound

which is consider as a Group 2A cancer-causing material.

a. Dicamba
b. Glyphosate
c. Atrazine
d. Chlorpyrifos

Q.1532 World’s oldest intact shipwreck found in __________.

a. Red Sea
b. Black Sea
c. Arabian Sea
d. Mediterranean Sea

Q. 1533 With which country India collaborate to strengthen sectors of

agriculture, health & environment?

1. Singapore
2. Russia
3. Israel
4. Germany

Q.1534Which state is leading in the production of litchi?

1. Bihar
2. Odisha
3. Jharkhand
4. None of the above
Answer: Option 1

Q. 1536 Which mango received the GI tag in May 2017?

1. Banganpalle mango
2. Malda mango
3. Alphonso mango
4. None of the above
Q.1537 Where has the Union Minister for Agriculture and Farmers
welfare launched an ICFMD?

1. Arugul, Odisha
2. Bhubaneshwar, Odisha
3. Cuttack, Odisha
4. None of the above

Q.1538 India has set up a CoE for floriculture in which district of TN?

1. Madurai
2. Krishnagiri
3. Chennai
4. Menambakkam

Q.1539 Growing of two or more crops simultaneously on the same

field in a definite pattern is known as -
a. mixed cropping
b. inter cropping
c. mixed farming
d. hybrid farming

Q.1540 Alluvial soils vary in nature from sandy loam to clay. They are
generally -
a. poor in potash and rich in phosphorus
b. poor in both potash and phosphorus
c. rich in both potash and phosphorus
d. rich in potash and poor in phosphorus

Q.1541 Identify the crop on the basis of the following characteristics -

1. It is a kharif crop.
2. Aus, Aman and Boro are its three different growing periods in an
agricultural year.
3. About one-fourth of the total cropped area of India is under its
Select the correct answer using the code given below -
a. Wheat
b. Rice
c. Cotton
d. Pulses

Q.1542 Which of the following pairs is not matched correctly in

relation to different varieties of rice and areas where those varieties
are produced?
a. Kerala-Navara
b. Maharashtra-Ambemohar
c. Karnataka-Kayame
d. Jharkhand-Kalanamak

Q.1543 Sustainability of agriculture is about -

I. What we grow - biodiversity rich and nature friendly
II. Who grows - Local food for livelihood security
III. How we grow - Less incentive and less toxic
IV. What we eat - Less processed and more diverse and local
Correct code is -
a. Only I
b. Only I and III
c. Only III and IV
d. All I, II, III and IV

Q.1544 Milpa and Ladang are different names for -

a. shifting cultivation
b. mixed farming
c. truck farming
d. plantation agriculture

Q.1545 Arabica, Robusta and Liberica are varieties of -

a. Coffee
b. Tea
c. Sugarcane
d. Cotton

Q.1546 Identify the type of soil on the basis of the given characteristics
1. They are rich in lime, iron, magnesia and alumina.
2. They are generally clayey, deep and impermeable.
3. They are mainly found in Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and
Select the correct answer from the given alternatives -
a. Laterite soil
b. Red and yellow soil
c. Saline soil
d. Black soil

Q.1547 Which of the following is not an insecticide?

a. Parathion
b. Aldrin
c. Triazines
d. Baygon

Q.1548 Which of the following is not a micro irrigation system?

a. Drip Irrigation
b. Sprinklers
c. Flow drip emitters
d. Surface irrigation

Q.1549 Which of the following is a commercial crop?

a. Paddy
b. Wheat
c. Soyabean
d. Tur
Q.1550 Kaala Namak Paddy is grown in which part of Uttar Pradesh?

a. Western Uttar Pradesh

b. Eastern Uttar Pradesh
c. Central Uttar Pradesh
d. Bundelkhand

Q.1551 The cultivation of crops with an annual rainfall is less than

750 mm is called as -

a. Rain fed farming

b. Dry farming
c. Dryland farming
d. Intensive farming

Q.1552 Which of the following is a branch of agricultural science

which deals with principles and practices of soil, water and crop
management. What is the name of the branch?

a. Crop production
b. Agricultural engineering
c. Home Science
d. Agronomy

Q.1553 The farming in which farmers focus on growing enough food

to feed themselves and other family members is called -

a. Organic farming
b. Industrial farming
c. Ley farming
d. Subsistence agriculture

Q.1554 Golden revolution is related to which of the following?

a. Oilseed production
b. Honey and Horticulture
c. Jute production
d. Egg production

Q.1555 Which of the following states do cultivate wheat?

a. Karnataka
b. Maharashtra
c. West Bengal
d. Tamil Nadu

Q.1556 What kind of cropping pattern is used in rainfed farming


a. Single cropping
b. Relay cropping
c. Ratoon cropping
d. Intercropping

Q.1557 The method of harvesting a crop which leaves the roots and
the lower parts of the plant uncut to give the subtle crops is known
as -

a. Mulching
b. Intensive farming
c. Ratooning
d. Zero tillage farming

Q.1558 Which of the following fruits has maximum area under


a. Mango
b. Jackfruit
c. Berries
d. Apple

Q.1559 Jute cultivation in India is concentrated in delta area of

which of the following rivers?

a. Ganga
b. Mahanadi
c. Brahmaputra
d. Godavari

Q.1560 What culture should be given priority in groundnut


a. Mycorrhiza
b. Rhizobium
c. Phosphobacteria
d. Azospirillum

Q.1561 Increasing human population put pressure on the natural

resources such as land, soil, water, fossil fuels etc. IT causes -

I. Soil erosion

II. Salinization of soils

III. Desertification

IV. Eutrophication

a. I and II
b. I, II and III
c. III and IV
d. I, II, III and IV

Q.1562 Which of the following is/ are sustainable agricultural


I. Mixed Cropping

II. Crop Rotation

III. Intercropping

IV. Integrated farming

Correct code is -

a. I, II and III only

b. II, III and IV only
c. I, III, and IV only
d. I, II, III and IV all

Q.1563 Which of the following terms is associated with Dairying?

I. Pasturisation

II. Homogenisation

III. Cream Neutralisation

Correct code is -
a. Only I
b. Only I and II
c. I, II and III all
d. Only II and III

Q.1564 Which of the following is/ are a method of propagation?

I. Cutting

II. Layering

III. Grafting

IV. Inarching

V. Budding

Correct code is -

a. I, II, and III only

b. II, III and IV only
c. III, IV and V only
d. I, II, III, IV and V

Q.1565 Which of the following is not a commercial crop?

a. Cotton
b. Jute
c. Potato
d. Sugarcane
Q.1566 Which of the following pairs is not matched correctly?

a. Red Revolution - Tomato Production

b. Round Revolution - Cabbage Production
c. Pink Revolution - Prawn Production
d. White Revolution - Milk Production

Q.1567 Which one of the following is a Rabi crop in the Northern

States of India?

a. Rice
b. Bajra
c. Barley
d. Ragi

Q.1568 Which of the following is known as the Golden Fiber?

a. Jute
b. Cotton
c. Silk
d. Wool

Q.1569 The term soil impoverishment relates to which one of the


a. Soil erosion
b. Soil deposition
c. Soil getting very deficient in plant nutrients
d. Soil getting enriched with plant nutrients
Q.1570 What is Inter-cropping?

a. It is the time period between two cropping seasons.

b. It is growing of two or more crops in random mixture.
c. It is growing of two or more crops in definite row
d. It is growing of different crops on a piece of land in a pre-
planned succession.

Q.1571 In which one of the following States is jute not significantly


a. Assam
b. West Bengal
c. Odisha
d. Andhra Pradesh

Q.1572 Genetic industry includes -

a. Agriculture
b. Fishing
c. Hunting
d. Mining

Q.1573 Saffron farming is being developed in which state, other

than Jammu & Kashmir?

a. Arunachal Pradesh
b. Sikkim
c. Nagaland
d. Tamil Nadu
Q.1574 Which one of the following terms describes the practice of
growing two or more crops simultaneously on the same piece of

a. Crop rotation
b. Mixed cropping
c. Intercropping
d. Mixed farming

Q.1575 Dry land farming in India is largely confined to areas with

rainfall less than -

a. 100 cm
b. 85 cm
c. 80 cm
d. 75 cm

Q.1576. Monoculture is a distinct characteristic of which of the


a. Shifting cultivation
b. Organic farming
c. Subsistence farming
d. Commercial grain farming

Q.1577 Poduis the name of shifting agriculture in -

a. Sikkim
b. Kerala
c. Odisha
d. Himachal Pradesh

Q.1578 Which of the following is not a Commercial Crop in India?

a. Sugarcane
b. Jute
c. Tobacco
d. Maize

Q.1579 Which of the following crops are grown in Rabi as well as in

Kharif season -

I. Jowar

II. Maize

III. Urad (Black gram)

IV. Moong (Green gram)

V. Groundnut

Correct code is -

a. Only II, III and IV

b. Only I, II and IV
c. Only IV
d. I, II, III, IV, V all

Q.1579 Which of the following methods of farming is/ are the best
form of sustainable agriculture?

I. Mixed Cropping
II. Intercropping

III. Crop Rotation

Correct code is -

a) Only III

b) Only I and III

c) Only II and III

d) I, II and III all

Q.1580 The main cause of leaf mottle disease in citrus is due to the
deficiency of -

a) Manganese

b) Sulphar

c) Zinc

d) Iron

Q.1581 The leaf curl disease in Chilli, Tobacco, Papaya and Tomato
is a -

a) Difeciency of Zinc

b) Virus borne disease

c) Difeciency of Phosphoras

d) Difeciency of Iron
Q.1582 Arka Soma and Arka Trashna are varieties of -

a) Grape

b) Tomato

c) Guava

d) Orange

Q.1583 Which of the following countries is the largest exporter of

rice in the world?

a) India

b) China

c) Bangladesh


Q.1584 Following are the statements regarding the Usar soil -

1. It is reclaimed by adding lime.

2. This soil has pH more than seven.

3. Paddy crop can be grown in this soil.

Select the correct answer from the codes given below -

a) 1 and 2 are correct

b) 2 and 3 are correct

c) Only 3 is correct

d) Only 1 is correct
Q.1585 What are the advantages of fertigation in agriculture?

1. Controlling the alkalinity of irrigation water is possible.

2. Efficient application of Rock Phosphate and all other phosphatic

fertilizers is possible.

3. Increased availability of nutrients to plants is possible.

4. Reduction in the leaching of chemical nutrients is possible.

Select the correct answer using the code given below -

a) 1, 2 and 3 only

b) 1, 2 and 4 only

c) 1, 3 and 4 only

d) 2, 3 and 4 only

Q.1586 In the context of India, which of the following is/ are

considered to be practice(s) of eco-friendly agriculture?

1. Crop diversification

2. Legume intensification

3. Tensiometer use

4. Vertical farming

Select the correct answer using the code given below -

a) 1, 2 and 3 only

b) 3 only
c) 4 only

d) 1, 2, 3 and 4

Q.1587 What is the use of biochar in farming?

1. Biochar can be used as a part of the growing medium in vertical


2. When biochar is a part of the growing medium, it promotes the

growth of nitrogen fixing microorganisms.

3. When biochar is a part of the growing medium, it enables the

growing medium to retain water for longer time.

Which of the statements given above is/ are correct?

a) 1 and 2 only

b) 2 only

c) 1 and 3 only

d) 1, 2 and 3

Q.1588 National Research Centre for Citrus (NRCC) is located in -

a) Pune

b) Akola
c) Wardha

d) Nagpur

Q.1589 Indian Institute of Vegetable Research is located in -

a) Lucknow

b) Kanpur

c) Varanasi

d) Noida

Q.1590 National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning

(NBSSLUP) is headquartered at -

a) Hyderabad

b) Delhi

c) Pune

d) Nagpur

Q.1591 Musa Paradisica is the botanical name of -

a) Mango

b) Banana

c) Orange

d) Brinjal
Q1591. Consider the following statements :

1. Agricultural soils release nitrogen oxides into environment.

2. Cattle release ammonia into environment.

3. Poultry industry releases reactive nitrogen compounds into


Which of the statements given above is/ are correct?

a) 1 and 3 only

b) 2 and 3 only

c) 2 only

d) 1, 2 and 3

Q.1592 Which of the following is used as Biofertilizer?

a) Rhizobium

b) Blue-green algae

c) Azolla

d) All of these

Q.1593 Pusa RH-10 is a hybrid variety of -

a) Basmati rice
b) Wheat

c) Mustard

d) Soyabin

Q.1595 Nitrogen fixing bacteria make combination with cells of the

roots of -

a) Pulses

b) Rice

c) Wheat

d) Sugarcane

Q.1596 Fruit cracking disease in Pomegranate is caused due to the

deficiency of -

a) Zinc

b) Iron

c) Boron

d) Sulphar

Q.1597 Suprabha and Surbhi are varieties of -

a) Ginger

b) Brinjal

c) Sugarcane

d) Chilli
Q.1598 Mauritius and Poovan are varieties of -

a) Brinjal

b) Ginger

c) Chilli

d) Banana

Q.1599 Dwarfness in sugarcane is caused by -

a) Virus

b) Bacteria

c) Insect

d) Fungus

Q.1600 How many laboratories for Agri product testing have been
recently set up by Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export
Development Authority (APEDA)?

a) 200

b) 250

c) 150

d) 186

Q.1601 Who determines the minimum support price in India?

a) The Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices

b) The Agriculture Ministry

c) The Finance Commission


Q.1602 Which of the following state declare Jackfruit as the official

state fruit -

a) Karnataka

b) West Bengal

c) Kerala

d) Tamilnadu

Q.1603 Which type of N-fertilizer is suitable for water-logged soil?

a) Zinc Phosphet

b) Ammonium Sulphate

c) Calcium

d) Potassium Nitrate

Q.1604 Leaf drop disease in peach is caused due to the deficiency

of -

a) Ammonium

b) Calcium

c) Potassium

d) Zinc

Q.1606 Red color of onion is caused due to the presence of -

a) Zinc
b) Sulpher

c) Iron

d) Anthocynin

Q.1607 Yellow Vein Mossaic is a disease of -

a) Wheat

b) Rice

c) Okra

d) Maize

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