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Agriculture Imp MCQ

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Q. 1 Which of the following soil texture is lighter than others?

a Silty clay loam.

b Clay loam.
c Sandy loam.
d Loamy sand.

Q.2 How many mega food parks are operational in the country?
a 35
b 39
c 40
d 42

Q.3 A normal ploughing depth is?

a 15 cm
b30 cm
c 40 cm
d 100 cm

Q.4 Rotary tillers art used for:

a Shallow cultivation and weed control
b Deep cultivation and weed control
c Both (a) & (b)
d None of these
Q.5 A subsoiler is used to break a hard pan of soil up to a depth of:
a 15 cm
b 20 cm
c 30 cm
d 90 cm

Q.6 A mould board of MB plough is made of?

a Cast iron
b Chilled cast iron
c Mild steel
d Soft centre steel

Q.7 Sweeps are used for?

a Seedped preparation
b Ridging
c Earthing plants
d Mulching

Q.8 The type furrow opener used in zero tillage implement is:
a Reversible type
b Inverted type
c Shoe type
d Hoe type
Q.9 An instrument used to measure soil compaction is:
a Hydrometer
b Cone penetrometer
c Tachometer
d Hygrometer

Q.10 The purpose of harrowing is to:

a Pulverize soil
b Destroy weeds
c Break clods
d All are correct
Q.11 A zero till seed-cum-fertilizer drill is designed for sowing:
a Paddy
b Wheat
c Potato
d Vegetable

Q.12 For sowing mustard seeds, the most suitable seed drill is:
a plain seed drill
b pneumatic seed drill
c zero till drill
d all are correct
Q.13 In seed drill, the depth of seed placement for better
germination should be:
a 3 cm
b 5 cm
c 7 cm
d 10 cm

Q.14 thresher causes more seed damage if:

a speed is increased
b clearance increased
c speed is decreased
d feed rate is reduced

Q.15 The difference between static water level and pumping water
level is known as:
a drawdown
b well yield
c specific capacity
d all are correct

Q.16 Alphonso mango of __ got GI tag

a Rajasthan
b Maharashtra
c MP
d UP
Q.17 Safest oil for human consumption ?
a Ground nut oil
b Soyabean
c Mustard oil
d Sunflower oil

Q.18 Type of inflorescence in garlic?

a Spike
b Spadix
c Umbel
d Panicle

Q.19Max fat content is present in the milk obtained from which of

the following breed?
a Murrah
b Bhadawari
c Zaffarbadi
d Nili Ravi

Q.20 Hybrid cotton came into existence in India in the year?

a 1975
b 1965
c 1980
d 1970
Q.21 Best quality Guava are produced in which state?
a Maharashtra
b Madhya Pradesh
c Uttar Pradesh
d Andhra Pradesh
Q.22 Pink pigmentation of grapes at ripening is due to ?
a N Deficiency
b K Deficiency
c Erratic rainfall
d High difference of diurnal temperature

Q.23 Which of the following is heliotropic plant?*

a Apple
b Rubber
c Coconut
d Cashew nut

Q.24 Protein content in cashew kernel?

a 21 %
b 18 %
c 24 %
d 26 %

Q.25 Seed rate of cluster bean?

a 25-30 kg/ha
b 15-18 kg/ha
c 20-22 kg/ha
d 18-20 kg/ha
Q.26 Bitter gourd is rich source of?
a Iron
b Pottasium
c Dietary fibre
d Iodine

Q27 Yellow leaf of citrus is due to def of ?

a Mo
b Zn
c Mn

Q.28 Water solube Amino acid in garlic ?

a Allicin
b Allin
c Both
d None

Q.29 Morroco leather is obtained from ?

a Sheep
b Cattle
c Goat
d Horse
Q.30 Curled toe in poultry is due to def of ?
a vit A
b vit C
c B2
d B12

Q.31 Best egg producer breed?

a New Hampshire
b Leg horn
c English classic
d Rhod island red

Q.32 Most common herbicide used in maize ?

a Atrazine
b Simazine
c Alachlor
d Pendimethalin

Q.33 Retting in jute is done at a temperature of?

a 28° C
b 30° C
c 34° C
d 36° C
Q.34 pH that is suitable for highest yield in cauliflower is?
a 4.5 -5.5
b 5.5 -6.5
c 4-5
d 6.5-7

Q.35 Mridula variety of pomegranate is a cross between ?

a Ganesh x Gal e shab red
b Ganesh x Ruby
c Ruby x Ganesh
d Ruby x Kabul

Q.36 Largest producer of mosambi ?

a Andhra Pradesh
b Madhya Pradesh
c Maharashtra
d Karnataka

Q.37 World meteorological day ?

a 21st March
b 29nd March
c 23rd March
d 8th March
Q.38 Seed potato dormancy is broken by ?
c Thiourea

Q.39 Jute fibre is extracted from ?

a Xylem
b Parenchyma
c Secondary phloem
d Epidermal layer

Q.40 Soil colour determination is standardized and determined by

the comparison of the soil colour to?
a Tensiometer
b Gypsum block
c Munsell chart
d None of the above

Q.41 Soil samples are collected to?

a Plastic bags
b Metal containers
c Gunny bags
d Wooden boxes
Q.42 Soils with high pH are generally deficient in:?
a Zn and Mn
b B and Fe
c Cu and Mo
d Ca and Mg

Q.43 Tarai soils are generally deficient in:?

a Zinc
b Nitrogen
c Phosphorus
d Potash

Q.44 Tarai soils are high in:?

a Iron
b Sodium
c Organic matter
d Calcium

Q.45 Critical stages of irrigation in cowpea_____

a Flowering & pod formation
b Flowering
c Seedling
d None of these
Q.46 Which is not a fodder variety of cowpea?
a Sirsa-10
b Azad-1
c Russian Gaint
d K-585

Q.47 Application of Phosphorus and Sulphur increase

a Better nodulation
b Better growth
c Better yield
d All

Q.48 Area & production of Horse gram in India is highest in

a Karnataka
b Odisha
c Maharashtra
d M.P

Q.49 Herbicides are less use in Horse gram cultivation…

a Crop is renumerative
b Crop is less renumerative
c Sturdy crop
d None of these
Q.50 Soybean is called a wonder crop because it is:
(a) An excellent protein source
(b) An excellent oilseed crop
(c) High yield potential
(d) Both a and b

Q.51 Family of soybean :

(a) Leguminosae
(b) Apilionceaceae
(c) Compositae
(d) Linaceae

Q.52 The crop which is good for diabetic patient:

(a) Green gram
(b) Groundnut
(c) soybean
(d) cowpea

(Crop production MCQ)

Q.53 Soybean is originated in:

(a) India
(b) china
(c) USA
(d) Japan

Q.54 Which crop is called poor man meat?

(a) Green gram
(b) Black gram
(c) Pegion pea
(d) soybean

Q.55 Soybean seeds contain:

(a) 20%oil and 20%protein
(b) 40%oil and 40% protein
(c) 40% oil and 20%protein
(d) 20%oil and 40%protein

Q.56 The optimum time for kharif soybean planting is:

(a) First fortnight of June
(b) First fortnight of July
(c) Second fortnight of June
(d) Second fortnight of July

Q.57 The optimum temperature for the germination of soybean is:

(a) 11 OC
(b) 20 OC
(c) 15 OC
(d) 22 OC

Q.58 The grain legume which is also grown as an oilseed crop is

(a) Chickpea
(b) Urd bean
(c) Soybean
(d) Lentil

Q.59 When was soybean first introduced in India:

(a) 1880
(b) 1890
(c) 1980
(d) 1990

Q.60 Ankur is a variety of (NABARD Mains 2016) :

(a) Soybean
(b) Groundnut
(c) Black gram
(d) Sesamum
Q.61 Which of the Indian state is called soya state (MPSC mains –
(a) Uttar Pradesh
(b) Madhya Pradesh
(c) Andhra Pradesh
(d) Gujarat

Q.62 Which vitamin is conserved by par-boiling of rice

(a) Vit-c
(b) Vit-D
(c) Vit-B
(d) Vit-B12

Q.63 Widely used N-fertilizer in rice is

(a) Ammonium sulphate
(b) Calcium sulphate
(c) Urea
(d) DAP

Q.64 The Bio-Herbicide used in rice crop is

(a) Devine
(b) Bio-sedge
(c) Both A & B
(d) Collego

Q.65 Golden rice is rich in

(a) Vit.C
(b) Vit.D
(c) Vit.E
(d) Vit.A

Q.66 Most widely used post-emergent herbicide in rice is

(a) Stomp
(b) Basaline
(c) Atrazine
(d) Propanil

Q.67 Rice is having protein content of

(a) 3-4%
(b) 10%
(c) 10-12%
(d) 6-7%

Q.68 Rice covers how much % of total arable area of world

(a) 5%
(b) 6%
(c) 9%
(d) 10%

Q.69Directorate of Wheat Research(DWR) is located at-

(a) Hyderabad
(b) New Delhi
(c) Karnal
(d) Bikaner

Q.70What is the recommended rate of application of the herbicide

metsulfuron in wheat?
(a) 4g/ha
(b) 10g/ha
(c) 16g/ha
(d) 20g/ha

Q.71 The sowing depth of dwarf wheat varieties is-

(a) 6-7 cm
(b) 2-3 cm
(c) 4-5cm
(d) 5-6 cm
Q.72 Water requirement in Maize
(a) 400-500mm
(b) 600- 800 mm
(c) 500- 800 mm
(d) 600- 700 mm

Q.73 Maximum root zone depth for Maize

(a) 200-300 mm
(b) 400-600 mm
(c) 500-600 mm
(d) 350- 450 mm

Q.74 Average Maize yield in India is

(a) 1000 kg/ha
(b) 1800 kg/ha
(c) 2500 kg/ha
(d) 4000 kg/ ha

Q.75 Maize grow very well in the soil in p H ranging from

(a) 4.5- 6.5
(b) 6- 8.5
(c) 5.5 – 7.5
(d) 7.5 – 8.5

Q.76 Consumptive use of water( mm/ day) in Maize is

(a) 1.0- 2.0
(b) 2.0-3.0
(c) 2.5- 4.3
(d) 4.3- 6.0

Q.77 Percentage protein in maize grain is about

(a) 2
(b) 5
(c) 10
(d) 9.2
Q.78 For kharif season seed rate of sorghum
(a) 8-10kg/ha
(b) 10-12kg/ha
(c) 15-20kg/ha
(d) 20-25 kg/ha

Q.79 The optimum plant population per hectare of bajra is

(a) 50,000 plants
(b) 1,00,000 plants
(c) 1,50,000 plants
(d) 2,00,000 plants

Q.80 Fertilizer dose recommended for a crop of Groundnut is N:P:K,

(a) 20-40: 50-60: 30-40
(b) 40-50: 50-60: 30-40
(c) 20-40 : 60-80: 30-50
(d) 40-50 : 60-80: 30-50

Q.81 Pegging stage in groundnut comes after

(a) 30 D.A.S.
(b) 45 D.A.S.
(c) 55 D.A.S.
(d) 35 D.A.S.

Q.82 Rules developed by the ___ are designed to protect the health
and welfare of consumers.
a) United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
b) Protein and Lactose Organization (PLO)
c) Future Farmers of America (FFA)
d) Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

Q83.What is the principal carbohydrate in the milks of all mammals?

a. Lactose
b. Glucose
c. Sucrose
d. Fructose

Q84.Percentage of water in buffalo milk is:-

a. 65-67 %
b. 70-75 %
c. 80-85 %
d. 87-90 %

Q85.Soft fats in milk fat are:-

a. Lauric & Stearic
b. Capric & Lauric
c. Oleic & Butyric
d. Oleic & Lauric

Q86.Principal protein in milk is:-

a. Albumin
b. Lactalbumin
c. Casein
d. Lactoglobulin

Q.87.Percentage of mineral matter in milk is about :-

a. 1 %
b. 0.7 %
c. 1.5 %
d. 0.05 %

Q.88Example of soft cheese is:-

a. Cheddar
b. Swiss
c. Brick
d. Cottage
Q.89Lactose has water solubility of
a. 100%
b. 50%
c. 18%
d. 25%

Q.90 Which enzyme is tested for cream pasteurization?

a. Plasmin
b. Phosphates
c. Catalase
d. peroxidase

Q.91 Milk is a good source of all water-soluble vitamins except for

a) Cyanocobalamin
b) Riboflavin
c) Ascorbic Acid
d) Thiamine

Q.92.____ is a milk process that makes milk more easily digested by

those with a sensitive digestive system.
a) Ionization
b) Evaporation
c) Pasteurization
d) Homogenization

Q.93___ amino acids are commonly found in milk proteins, including

the essential amino acids.
a) 7
b) 12
c) 14
d) 19

Q.94 Summer milk has been estimated to contain 1.6 times as much
vitamin __ as winter milk.
a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D

Q.95 Of the listed below products, which contains no dairy

a) Gelato
b) Sherbet
c) Custard

Q.96 the part of the mammary gland where milk is produced is

a) Capillary
b) Teat Cistern
c) Chine
d) Alveolus

Q.97 White rust is an important fungal disease of –

a) Wheat
b) Mustard
c) Rice
d) Bajra

Q.98 The scientific study of soil is –

a) Earth Study
b) Soil Science
c) Pedology
d) Soil Chemistry

Q.99 Prabhat is an early short duration variety of –

a) Red gram
b) Wheat
c) Maize
d) Rice

Q.100 The Minimum Support Price for Food grains was introduced
in the year –

a) 1954
b) 1944
c) 1964
d) 1974

Q.101 Soil factors are otherwise known as –

a) Climatic factors
b) Edaphic factors
c) Biotic factors
d) Physiographic factors

Q.102 Which of the following is a commercial crop?

a) Cotton
b) Bajra
c) Jowar
d) Paddy

Q.103 Triticum aestivum, the common bread wheat is –

a) Tetraploid
b) Hexaploid
c) Haploid
d) Diploid

Q.104 Monoculture is a typical characteristics of –

a) Shifting cultivation
b) Subsitence farming
c) Specialized horticulture
d) Commercial grain farming

Q.105 Which crop requires water-logging for its cultivation?

a) Tea
b) Coffee
c) Rice
d) Mustard

Q.106 Agronomy is a branch of Agriculture that deals with –

a) Breeding of crop plants

b) Principles of field management
c) Principles and practice of crop production
d) Protection of crops from Diseases and Pests

Q.107 Soils of Western Rajasthan have a high content of

a) Aluminium
b) Calcium
c) Nitrogen
d) Phosphorus

Q.108 The Black rust of disease of wheat is caused by-

a) Xanthomonas graminis
b) Puccinia graminis
c) Puccinia recondita
d) None of these

Q.109 A crop grown in zaid season is

a) Soyabean
b) Water melon
c) Jute
d) Maize

Q.110 The adoption of High Yielding Variety Programme in Indian

Agriculture started in –

a) 1966
b) 1965
c) 1968
d) 1967

Q.111 Which of the following is a food crop?

a) Palm
b) Jute
c) Cotton
d) Maize

Q.112 Which of the following is an oilseed ?

a) Cardamom
b) Garlic
c) Clove
d) Mustard

Q.113 Which one of the following makes a case for intensive,

modern farming?

a) Cropping pattern
b) Higher output using organic method
c) Remunerative price
d) None of these
Q.114 Crop rotation helps to

a) lessen use of pesticides

b) yield more crops
c) produce a greater choice of plant products
d) eliminate parasites which have selective hosts

Q.115 Plant micronutrient is –

a) Carbon
b) Boron
c) Magnesium
d) Sulphur

Q.116 Which gas is released from paddy fields?

a) CO2
b) H2S
c) CH4
d) NH3

Q.117 Which two crops of the following are responsible for almost
75% of pulse production in India?

a) Gram and pigeon pea

b) Gram and moong bean
c) Moong bean and lentil
d) Pigeon pea and moong bean

Q.118 Fire curing is followed in –

a) Bidi tobacco
b) Hookah tobacco
c) Cheroot tobacco
d) Chewing type tobacco

Q.119 Groundnut pegs when developed in the soil from –

a) Tubers
b) Fruits
c) Stems
d) Roots

Q.120 In Jute growing areas the usual alternate crop is –

a) Cotton
b) Wheat
c) Sugarcane
d) Rice

Q.121 Neelum is a variety of –

a) Grape
b) Papaya
c) Mango
d) Apple

Q.122 Gynodioecious varieties of papaya produce –

a) Only male plants

b) Female and hermaphrodite
c) Male and hermaphrodite plants
d) Only female plants

Q.123 Botanically pineapple is a –

a) Pome
b) Baluster
c) Berry
d) Sorosis

Q.124 The basic unit of development under the Integrated Rural

Development Programme is a –

a) District
b) Family
c) Village
d) Community Development Block

Q.125 Ratna is a variety of–

a) Wheat
b) Barley
c) Maize
d) Rice

Q.126 Greening of potato results in–

a) Increase in nutritional quality

b) Increase in disease resistance
c) Decrease in disease resistance
d) Decrease in nutritional quality

Q.127 The chemical, which is used for controlling the mites, is

known as –

a) Fungicides
b) Mematicides
c) Acaricides
d) Insecticides

Q.128 Which of the following elements is not essential element of

plants but proves to be beneficial for some plants?
a) Boron
b) Sodium
c) Iodine
d) Copper

Q.129 The pyrite is mostly found in–

a) Bihar
b) Rajasthan
c) Andhra Pradesh
d) Maharashtra

Q.130 Water use efficiency is the highest is case of–

a) Border irrigation
b) Drip irrigation
c) Sprinkler irrigation
d) Flood irrigation

Q.131 Which one of the following plants belongs to family


a) Papaya
b) Orange
c) Cashewnut
d) None of these

Q.132 The animals produced by mating of two different breeds of

the same species is known as –

a) Mixed breed
b) Cross breed
c) Exotic breed
d) Pure breed

Q.133 The average gestation period in buffalo is of how many days?

a) 310
b) 210
c) 400
d) 345

Q.134 Penicillin acts on-

a) Cell wall
b) RNA
c) Cell membrane
d) None of these

Q.135 Blue colour tag is issued for –

a) Foundation seed
b) Certified seed
c) Nucleus seed
d) Foundation seed

Q.136 Generally, cereals are deficient in –

a) Protein

b) Tryptophan
c) Methionine
d) Lysine

Q.137 Rice and wheat has how many stamens?

a) 3,3
b) 6,3
c) 3,6
d) 6,6

Q.138 Damaging stage of potato tuber month is –

a) Adult
b) Pupa
c) Larva
d) All of these

Q.139 Micro-organism,which can grow at higher temperature, is


a) Thermophils
b) Mesophils
c) Phycrophils
d) None of these

Q.140 Who has first time seen the micro-organism?

a) Robert Koch
b) John Tyndall
c) Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
d) Louis Pasteur

Q.141 White colour of soil is due to the presence of –

a) Silica
b) Iron
c) Manganese oxide
d) All of these

Q.142 Which of the ‘complex fertilizer’?

1) Ammonium sulphate nitrate

2) Single superphosphate
3) Ammonium phosphate
4) Calcium ammonium nitrate

Q.143 Drip irrigation is useful in which region?

1) Humid
2) Dry
3) High rainfall
4) None of these

Q.144 Among the following crop rotations, which is good for

increasing soil Nutrient status?

1) Rice-Wheat
2) Groundnut-Wheat
3) Pearlmillet-Wheat
4) Sorghum-Wheat

Q. 145 The ratio between marketable crop yield and water used in
evapotranspiration is known as–

1) Field water use efficiency

2) Economic irrigation efficiency
3) Consumptive use efficiency
4) Water use efficiency

Q.146 Sulphur, containing amino acid is –

1) Valine
2) Isolucine
3) Cystine
4) None of these

Q. 147 Biofertilizers are –

1) Organic manures
2) Green manure
3) Culture of micro-organism
4) None of these

Q.148 ‘Chanchal’ is a variety of –

1) Brinjal
2) Tomato
3) Chilli
4) Capcicum

Q.149 Central Soil Salinity Research Institute is located at –

1) Karnal
2) Bihar
3) Dehradun
4) Jodhpur

Q. 150 Seed plant technique is followed in –

1) Wheat
2) Bajra
3) Potato
4) Paddy

Q.151 For providing inputs like quality seeds, fertilizers and

pesticides, the agency present at the Village Panchayat Samiti Level
is –

1) Nationalised Banks
2) Cooperative Society
3) Insurance Companies

Q.152 Where do the female mango leaf hoppers lay their eggs?

1) Inside the tissue of leaf margin

2) On the dorsal surface of leaves
3) On the ventral surface of leaves
4) Inside the mid-rib of leaves
Q.153 In H.T.S.T. pasteurization, which one of the following
organisms is chosen as index organism for killing?

1) S.thermophilus
2) S.lactis
3) B.subtilis
4) M.tuberculosis

Q.155 Thermophilic micro-organism grow well at temperature–

1) 10°C – 20°C
2) 20°C – 40°C
3) 50°C – 60°C
4) 5°C – 7°C

Q.156 Pink bollworm is a pest of –

1) Gram
2) Okra
3) Mustard
4) Cotton

Q.157 The croppping intensity of maize-potato-tobacco is –

1) 200%
2) 300%
3) 100%
4) None of these

Q.158 National Sugar Institute (N.S.I.) is located at–

1) Kanpur
2) New Delhi
3) Varanasi
4) Lucknow
Q.159 Khaira disease of rice can be controlled by spraying –

1) Copper sulphate
2) Calcium sulphate
3) Zinc sulphate
4) Borax

Q.160 Which one of the following can be suitable for cropping as a

wheat mixed crop?

1) Cabbage
2) Cotton
3) Mustard
4) Jowar

Q.161 The optimum cardinal temparature point for germination of

rice seeds is–

1) 20°C – 25°C
2) 18°C – 22°C
3) 30°C – 32°C
4) 37°C – 39°C

Q.162 What culture should be given priority in groundnut


1) Mycorrhiza
2) Rhizobium
3) Phosphobacteria
4) Azospirillum]

Q.163 Prabhat is an early short duration variety of –

1) Black gram
2) Red gram
3) Green gram
4) Gram

Q.164 In maize plants –

1) Silk appear first

2) Both of these appear at same time
3) Tassels appear first
4) None of these

Q.165 Blind hoeing is recommended for –

1) Wheat
2) Maize
3) Groundnut
4) Sugarcane

Q.166 Jhum cultivation is prevalent in

(a) Manipur

(b) Madhya Pradesh

(c) Punjab

(d) Haryana

Q.167 Fishing is highly developed along the western coast of India


(a) The continental shelf along the western coast is not well
(b) The continental shelf along the western coast is well

(c) The continental slope along the western coast is well developed

(d) The continental slope along the western coast is not well

Q.168 The state with highest production of large cardamon in India


(a) Meghalaya

(b) Arunachal Pradesh

(c) Sikkim

(d) Assam

Q.169 Which crop is sown in the largest area in M.P ?

(a) Jowar

(b) Soyabeen

(c) Rice

d) Wheat

Q.170 Green Revolution in India has so far been the most succesful
in the case of

(a) Rice & wheat

(b) Tea & coffee

(c) Wheat & potato

(d) Mustard & Oilseeds

Q171. Which of the following is not matched ?

(a) Varuna —lrrigated or unirrigated condition

(b) Vardan—Un.irrigated condition

(c) Narendra•85 —Saline soil

(d) K-88-Black grain

Q.172 Which is not matched Correctly ?

(a) Blight ——Manc0zeb 75 W.P.

(b) Downy mildew —Zineb

(c) White Blister-02% spray of Radomil

(d) Smut —Endosulfan

Q.173 How much kg of sugarcane seed is required for sowing one

hectare ?

(a) 7000 – 7500 kg

(b) 5500 – 6000 kg

(c) 8000 – 8500 kg

(d) 5200 – 5500 kg

Q.174 Which is a variety of Oat ?

(a) K•12

(b) Naveen

(c) LD-491

(d) Kent

175 How much seed per hectare is needed for Berseem ?

(a) 18 — 22 kg

(b) 25 — 30 kg

(c) 30 – 35 kg

(d) 15 — 20 kg

Q.176 What is the average annual production of European variety

of honeybee colony ?

(a) 14 kg

(b) 16 kg

(c) 10 kg

(d) 8 kg

Q.177 How much tomatoes are required for one kg tomato seeds ?

(a) 50 – 300 kg

(b) 300 — 350 kg

(c) 160 — 210 kg

(d) 200 — 250 kg

Q.178 Inarching method is used for culture of which fruits crops

(a) Mango and Guava

(b) Mango and Grapes

(c) Guava and Litchi

(d) Phalsa and Guava

Q.179 Generally during summer and khurq’ seasons annual plants

produce bloom in how many days ?

(a) 60 — 70 days

(b) 70 —— 80 days

(c) 70 — 75 days

(d) 50 – 60 days

Q.180 Makhdum is a variety for which crop?

(a) Badam (Almond)(cknke)Purunsdulsis, Family Rosaceae

(b) Date palm([ktwj)Phoenix dactilifera, FamilyPalmaeor Aracaecae
(c) Walnut(v[kjksV)Juglansregia, Family Juglandaceae
(d) Coconut(ukfj;y) Cocosnucifera, FamilyPalmae or Aracaecae
Q.181 Which is the Goat breed reared in the city?

(a) Beetle

(b) Surati

(c) Marwadi

(d) Barbari

Q.182 A hen starts egg laying after how many weeks?

(a) 15 weeks

(b) 20 weeks

(c) 18 weeks

(d) 16 weeks

Q.183 How much is the fat percentage in the milk of Bhadavari

buffalo ?

(a) 15 — 18%

(b) 8 – 13%

(c) 13 – 16%

(d) 6 – 10%

Q.184 What is the correct order of C3plants ?

(a) Sugarcane — Paddy – Bajra—Maize

(b) Groundnut — Potato — Wheat— Soybean

(c) Potato — Paddy — Bajra —W’heat

(d) Paddy – Sugarcane – Soybean –Bajra

Q.185 C6H12O6 + 602 —>6O2 + 6HZO shows-

(a) Photosynthesis

(b) Respiration

(c) Oxidation

(d) Translocation of food mate-rials

Q.186 How does the supply of nitrogen in grains take place?

(a) From old leaves

(b) From plant roots

(c) From stem

(d) By photosynthesis

Q.187 To reduce the crop-weed com-petition, at what stage are the

herbicides used?

(a) At germination

(b) At tillering

(c) At ear emergence

(d) After first irrigation

Q.188 How much percentage dry weight of crops should be at

physiological maturity?
(a) 28%

(b) 20%

(c) 25%

(d) 30%

Q.189 Growth of early emerging leaves becomes faster because of-

(a) Cell division and cell enlargement

(b) Stunt growth of plants

(c) Faster Photosynthesis

(d) Low pressure of outer atmosphere

Q.190 The ideal temperature for mostof the cultivable crops is-

(a) 30°C – 50°C

(b) 15°C – 40°C

(c) 35°C – 40°C

(d) 45°C – 55°C

Q.191 Which pH range is not suitable to grow the crop

(a) Oats — 5.0 – 7.5 pH

(b) Cotton — 6.0—7.5 pH

(c) Bean ——6.0 — 8.0 pH

(d) Potato —- 4.5-6.5 pH

Q.192 What is Azofication

(a) It is also known as composite fixation of nitrogen.

(b) It is also known as free fixation of nitrogen

(c) It is also known as nitrogen fixed by Rhizobium bacteria `

(d) It is also known as nitrogen gain through rains or snow

Q.193 Which is the hybrid of PusaGiant Napier

(a) Napier x Iowar

(b) Napier x Bajra

(c) jowar x Bajra

(d) Bajra x Iowar

Q.194 From where is Indian Journal of Agriculture Sciences



(b) ICAR

(c) CISR

(d) NBRI

Q.195 How much paddy seed is needed for transplanting one

hectare area by SRI technique
(a) 30 – 35 kg

(b) 1 •— 1•5 kg

(c) 5-6kg

(d) 10-12kg

Q.196 Soldier insect harms which crop more

(a) Urad

(b) Arhar

(c) Moong

(d) Paddy

Q.197 ln which season is the highest yield of Maize obtained

(a) Zaid

(b) Kharif

(c) Rabi

(d) All of these

Q.198 Seed treatment of which crop is done by Captan or Cerasan

@ 5gm / kg seed–

(a) Cotton

(b) Jute

(c) Satflower
(d) Mondua

Q.199 Varieties of Miscavi and PusaVisal are of which crop

(a) Cotton

(b) ]ute

(c) Oat

(d) Berseem

Q.200 Which is not prepared from potato

(a) Farina and Alcohol

(b) Paper

(c) Wine

(d) Acetic acid

Q.201 Potato tuber growth is stopped at what temperature ?

(a) 40°C — 42°C

(b) 30°C — 32°C

(c) 35°C — 37°C

(d) 38°C – 40°C

Q.202 In which state of India is the area of Coffee maximum ?

(a) Kerala

(b) Andhra Pradesh

(c) Karnataka

(d) Tamil Nadu

Q.203 How much cloves of garlic is required for one hectare

(a) 400 kg

(b) 500 kg

(c) 600 kg

(d) 300 kg

Q.204 Stomata are regulated by

(a) N

(b) P

(c) K

(d) Ca

Q.205 Maximum density of water exists at

(a) 0°C

(b) 4°C

(c) 40°C

(d) 100°C

Q.206 Plant lost water in transpiration upto the extent of

(a) 80%
(b) 90%

(c) 95%

(d) 99%

Q.207 The chemical nature of GA3 is

(a) Phenolic

(b) Terpene

(c) Purine

(d) Indole

Q.208 Guttation is not favoured under

(a) Low humidity

(b) High humidity

(c) Low root pressure

(d) High humidity and low root pressure

Q.209 The xylem and phloem elements in the plant are surrounded
by a layer of living cells called

(a) Casparian strips

(b) Pericycle

(c) Stele
(d) Endodermis

Q.210 A plant hormone, which is primary regulator of abscission

process is

(a) Ethylene

(b) Auxin

(c) ABA

(d) Gibberellins

Q.211 Growing of plant in soilness nutrient solution is referred as

(a) Aeroponics

(b) Hydroponics

(c) Xeroponics

(d) Thaloponics

Q.212 Most commonly grown crop plants are included in

(a) halophytes

(b) Glycophytes

(c) Sciophytes

(d) Xerophytes

Q.213 Optimum temperature for maximum crop development in

wheat is

(a) 10-15°C
(b) 20-25°C

(c) 25-30°C

(d) 30-35°C

Q.214 ‘Little leaf’ and ‘rosette’ of apple, ‘white bud’ of maize are
the deficiency symptoms of

(a) Fe

(b) Zn

(c) Cl

(d) Mo

Q.215 In citrus plant, die back diseases is the result of deficiency of

(a) N

(b) P

(c) Boron

(d) Copper

Q.216 Acid rains are due to which of the following gases?

(a) CO2 and CO

(b) Ozone and CO2

(c) NO2 and SO2

(d) NH3 and CO2

Q.217 Which one of the following is a most harmful pollutant by


(a) SO2

(b) CO

(c) N2O

(d) CO2

Q.218 Callus is induced to form roots in the medium of

(a) Auxin

(b) Cytokinins only

(c) Morecytokinins than auxin

(d) Moreauxin than cytokinins

Q.219 Blue light is always less efficient in photosysthesis than

(a) White

(b) Red

(c) Orange

(d) Violet

Q.220 Protein content in pulses ranges from

(a) 10-15%

(b) 20-25%

(c) 25-30%

(d) 40-45%

Q.221 Protein content of cereals ranges from

(a) 8-12%

(b) 12-15%

(c) 15-20%

(d) 20-25%

Q.222 How many ATP are required to produce 1 mole of hexose in


(a) 8

(b) 18

(c) 28

(d) 38

Q.223 P content in DAP fertilizer is

(a) 20%

(b) 36%

(c) 46%
(d) 50%

Q.224 Chemical formula of single superphosphate fertilizer is

(a) Ca(H2PO4)

(b) CaHPO4

(c) Ca3(PO4)

(d) Ca(H2PO4) CaSO42H2O

Q.225 Concentration of nitrogen in soil air is

(a) 70%

(b) 74%

(c) 78%

(d) 82%

Q.226 Which of the following is correct for calculating

PHOSPHOROUS in P2O5 fertilizer?

(a) P2O5 × 0.44 = P

(b) P2O5 × 2.29 = P

(c) P2O5 × 0.83 = P

(d) P2O5 × 1.20 = P

Q.227 Sulphur content (%) in potassium sulphate fertilizer is

(a) 50
(b) 22

(c) 17

(d) 12

Q.228 Sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) can be calculated by using of


(a) SAR = Na+ /

(b) SAR = Na+ /

(c) SAR = Ca2+ + Mg2+ /

(d) SAR = Na+ /

Q.229 The exchangeable sodium ratio (ESR) can be calculated as

ESR = Exchangeable (C2+ + Mg2+)/Exchangeable Na+

ESR = Exchangeable Na+ /

ESR = Exchangeable Na+ / Exchangeable (Ca2+ + K+)

ESR = Exchangeable Na+ / Exchangeable (Ca2+ + Mg2+)

Q.230 Which one of the following is not correctly matched?

Soil order Pronunciation

(a) Entisols Recent

(b) Aridisols Arid

(c) Histosols Organic

(d) Vertisols Pedalfor

Q.231 A clay solid must contain at least clay separate, to be

designated a clay

(a) 70%

(b) 80%

(c) 40%

(d) 35%

Q.232 Select the wrong pair from the following given below:

(a) Stregite: 2H2O

(b) Variscite: 2H2O

(c) Gibbsite: 3H2O

(d) Hematite: FeOOH

Q.233 Boron content in borax (suhaga) is

(a) 11%

(b) 25%
(c) 19%

(d) 39%

Q.234 The rate of weathering is generally high in

(a) Arid tropical climate

(b) Arid temperate climate

(c) Humid tropical climate

(d) Humid temperature climate

Q.235 Which one of the following pair is mismatched?

(a) L value: Larsen

(b) Integrated soil test approach: Colwell

(c) Biogas: Desai

(d) Law of limiting factor: Lundegardh

Q.236 Tick out the incorrect match:

List I (Ore) List II (Mineral)

a) Dolomite- MgCO3

b) Gibbsite3- H2O

c) Gypsum2- H2O

d) Geothite- Fe2O3
Q.237 The main constituent of biogas is

(a) H2

(b) H2S

(c) N2

(d) CH4

Q.238 Nalgonda technique is used for

(a) Chloride

(b) Fluoride

(c) Bromide

(d) Cadmium

Q.239 How many agro-climatic zones are found in India?

(a) 15

(b) 16

(c) 17

(d) 18

Q.240 Which of the following anzymes is involved in the primary

carboxylation in C4 plants?

(a) RUBP Carboxylase

(b) PEP
(c) Oxygenase

(d) Carboxylase

Q.241 The pH of normal rain is

(a) 6.5

(b) 5.6

(c) 4.6

(d) 3.6

Q.242 Which harmful gas is emitted by masonry building materials,

even ground water?

(a) H2S

(b) Radon

(c) Ammonia

(d) CO2

Q.243 The science concerned with vegetable culture is called

(a) floriculture
(b) olericulture
(c) horticulture
(d) agriculture

Q.244 Although a deficiency of any one of the elements listed may

result in chlorosis, only one of these elements is an element found in
chlorophyll. Which is it?
(a) Zinc
(b) Iron
(c) Magnesium
(d) Chloride

Q.245 Which of the following elements is not present in a

nitrogenous base?

(a) Hydrogen
(b) Carbon
(c) Phosphorus
(d) Nitrogen

Q.246 A water-fern, which is used as a green manure in rice fields, is

(a) Salvinia
(b) Mucor
(c) Aspergillus
(d) Azolla

Q.247 Green manure plants used by farmers mainly belong to

(a) compositae
(b) leguminosae
(c) solanaceae
(d) poaceae

Q.248 Major food crops of the world belongs to

(a) leguminosae
(b) gramineae
(c) solanaceae
(d) cruciferae
Q.249 The principal cereal crop of India is

(a) wheat
(b) rice
(c) barley
(d) sorghum

Q.250 Which one among the following chemicals is used for causing
defoliation of forest trees?

(a) Posphon D
(b) Malic hydrazide
(c) 2, 4-D
(d) Amo 1618

Q.251 Bioherbicides have been recommended

(a) to prevent ecodegradation

(b) because of their ready availability
(c) because of their cheap rate
(d) because of their abundance

Q.252 The most important weed against which eradication measures

would be taken on war footings is

(a) Eichhornia
(b) Dactylis
(c) Parthenium
(d) Ageratum

Q.253 Water logging of soil makes it physiologically dry because

(a) this condition does not allow the capillary force to work
(b) this condition does not allow oxygen to enter the soil
(c) both (a) and (b)
(d) none of these

Q.254 Which one of the following is natural insecticide?

(a) pyrethrum
(b) nicotine
(c) both (a) and (b)
(d) none of these

Q.255The process by which nutrient chemicals or contaminants

are dissolved and carried away by water, or are moved into a lower
layer of soil

(a) mulching
(b) desertification
(c) incineration
(d) leaching

Q.256 Which of the following is an example of a weed of rabi season

that infest wheat crop?

(a) Chenopodium
(b) Motha
(c) Jangali jowar
(d) None of the above

Q.257 First bioinsecticide developed commercial scale was

(a) quinine
(b) DDT
(c) organophosphate
(d) sporeine

Q.258. Composted manure is produced from

(a) farmyard manure and green manure
(b) farm refuse and household refuse
(c) organic remains of biogas plants
(d) rotten vegetables and animal refuse

Q259 Aims of plant breeding are to produce

(a) disease-free varieties

(b) high-yielding varieties
(c) early-maturing varieties
(d) all of the above

Q.260 Growing of two or more crops simultaneously on the same

piece of land is called

(a) mixed cropping

(b) mixed farming
(c) intercropping
(d) fanning

Q.261 The desired varieties of economically useful crops are raised


(a) vemalisation
(b) mutation
(c) natural selection
(d) hybridisation

Q.262 A plant breeder: waists to develop a disease resistant variety.

What should he do first?
(a) Hybridisation
(b) Mutation
(c) Selection
(d) Production of crop

Q.263 Selection of homozygous plant is

(a) pure line selection

(b) mass selection
(c) mixed selection
(d) introduction

Q.264 The microbes play an important role in the catalytic

complicated chemical reactions of

(a)Wine productions

(b) Fermentation

(c) Dairy product

(d) All of the above

Q.265Which among the following contain only one type of nucleic


(a) Bacteria

(b) Virus

(c) Dead virus

(d) All

Q.266 The plant virus was first isolated in crystalline form

(a) TMV

(b) Baceriophages

(c) Cyanophages

(d) HIV

Q.267The molecular scissors use3d to cut DNA into specific genes of

interest are called

(a) Exonucleases

(b) Restriction endonucleases

(c) Ligases

(d) Polymerases

Q.268 The quickest way to produce homozygous breeding lines

from heterozygous parents is through:

(a) Half-seed technique

(b) doubled haploids

(c) Introgression

(d) Aneuploidy

Q.269 Which of the following organelle lack membrane?

(a) Mitochondria

(b) Ribosomes

(c) Microtubules
(d) Peroxisomes

Q.270 Virions are

(a) DNA viruses

(b) RNA viruses

(c) Naked DNA viruses

(d) Naked RNA viruses

Q.271 DNA is present in

(a) Nucleus

(b) Mitochondria

(c) Chloroplast

(d) All of the above

Q.272 DNA replication occur in which stage of cell division?

(a) G1 phase

(b) G2 phase

(c) S phase

(d) M phase

Q.273 Bt cotton is resistant to bollworm, it is due to

(a) Bt is repellent to bollworm

(b) Bt is contact poison for bollworm

(c) Bt is stomach poison; it changes the permeability of stomach

due to generation of pores in alkaline environment of stomach

(d) Bt is causing death due to asphagsiation of insect

Q.274 Bacterial genes lack

(a) Exons

(b) Introns

(c) Prometers

(d) Operator

Q.275 The terminal codons are





Q.276 Which sequence in case of eukaryotes is important for MRNA





Q.277Transfer of genes (gene flow) in between different species is

known as

(a) Vertical gene flow

(b) Horizontal gene flow

(c) Lateral gene flow

(d) Side gene flow

Q.278 Most commonly used organism in SCP is

(a) Bacillus

(b) E. coli

(c) Spirulina

(d) Pseudomonas

Q.279 The bond between sugar and nitrogenous base in case of

DNA is known as

(a) Gycosidic bond

(b) Phosphodiester bond

(c) H-bond

(d) Peptide bond

Q.280 Which of the following amino acid participate in urea cycle?

(a) Argininie

(b) Lysine

(c) Tryptophan

(d) Histidine

Q.281 The techniques to clone the first gene were developed in

(a) 1972

(b) 1987

(c) 1976

(d) 1977

Q.282 Biosensers are used as

(a) Purified enzymes

(b) Antibodies

(c) Whole microbial cells

(d) Any of the above

Q.283 Which enzyme plays important role in reverse transcription?

(a) DNA polymerase

(b) RNA polymerase

(c) Reverse transcriptase

(d) Ribonuclease
Q.284 Fresh water prawns yield eggs at

(a) 100 nos./g

(b) 500 nos./g

(c) 1000 nos./g

(d) 5000 nos./g

Q.285 The inland fish production is almost how much % of total fish
production in India

(a) Over 50%

(b) 30%

(c) 20%

(d) 40%

Q.286 Indian hill trout is

(a) Schizothorax

(b) Rohu

(c) Marieus bola

(d) Catla

Q.287 For spawing of 1 Kg of carp, how much water is required in


(a) 1 m3
(b) 10 m3

(c) 50 m3

(d) 80 m3

Q.288 Larvae of fresh water mussle (L. marginalis) is

(a) Tocophor

(b) Pedivelligen

(c) Glochidium

(d) Spat

Q.289 Widely distributed and cultured fish species in world is

(a) Silver carp

(b) Grass carp

(c) Common carp

(d) L. rohita

Q.290 Central Institute of Fresh water Aquaculture is located at

(a) W.B

(b) Bihar

(c) M.P.

(d) Bihar
Q.291 The main causative agent of Epizootic Ulcerative Syndorme
(EVS) is

(a) Aphanomyces invadens

(b) A. hydrophilla

(c) Pseudomonas maxima

(d) Myxobolus cyprinid

Q.292 Species contributimg largest to fish catch in India

(a) Indian mackerel

(b) Sardin

(c) Bombay duck

(d) Tuna

Q.293 Indian river prawn is associated with

(a) M. rosenbergii

(b) M. lameraii

(c) M. malcomsonii

(d) M.idea

Q.294 The national fish of India is

(a) Rastrelliger kanagurta (INDIAN MACKEREL)

(b) Labeo rohita

(c) Catla Catla

(d) Clarias batrachus

Q.295 The fertilized eggs of Catla take about _ to _ hrs for hatching
at 30°C

(a) 10 to 12

(b) 12 to 14

(c) 14 to 18

(d) 18 to 24

Q.296 Match the following:

Product Protein

A Milk (i) keratin

B Egg (ii) Myosin

C Meat (iii) Casein

D Wool (iv) Albumen

(a) A-iv, B-ii, C-iii, D-i

(b) A-i, B-iii, C-iv, D-ii

(c) A-iii, B-iv, C-ii, D-i

(d) A-ii, B-iv, C-iii, D-i

Q.297 Highest milk producing country in the world is

(a) USA

(b) CIS

(c) Switzerland

(d) India

Q.298 Match the following:

Revolutions Related to

A White (i) Fishery

B Blue (ii) Agriculture

C Yellow (iii) Milk

D Green (iv) oil seeds

(a) A-iii, B-iv, C-ii, D-i

(b) A-ii, B-iii, C-i, d-iv

(c) A-iv, B-ii, C-i, D-iii

(d) A-iii, B-ii, C-iv, D-ii

Q.299 Mycology is a study of

(a) Bacteria

(b) Virus

(c) Fungi
(d) Parasites

Q.300 Antibiotics are products of

(a) Bacteria and fungi

(b) Fungi and parasites

(c) Parasites and bacteria

(d) Fungi and viruses

Q.301 Where the intensity of dust is not severe generally pre-

cleaners a placed above the tractor hood about

a) 35 cm

b) 40 cm

c) 45 cm

d) 50 cm

Q.302 A tractor engine is operated at full load approximately

a) 20-25% of the operating times

b) 25-30% of the operating time

c) 30-35% of the operating time

d) 35-40% of operating time

Q.303The boiling temperature of the water in the radiator is raised

to about
a) 100°C

b) 105°C

c) 110° C

d) 115° C

Q.304Due to constant use both inlet and exhaust valves and their
seats subjected to

a) stress wear

b) strain wear

c) mechanical wear

d) tensile wear

Q.305 For heavier fuels the cooling system of an internal

combustion engine, the temperature is maintained at

a) 78 to 80°C

b) 80 to 84 °C

c) 85 to 88°C

d) 88 to 90°C

Q.306 In cranking the engine normally motor takes current about

a) 300 amperes

b) 400 amperes
b) 5 0 0 amperes

d) 600 amperes

Q.307When the engine is operated under average working

conditions oil crank case us changed after the operation of about

a) 100 hours

b) 110 hours

c) 115 hours

d) 120 hours

Q.308 The maximum V belt sag when applying finger pressure is

a) 10 mm

b) 12 mm

c) 15 mm

d) 17 mm

Q.309The solution of radiator should be drained out when the

engine has run for

a) 10 to 15 minutes

b) 15 to 20 minutes

c) 20 to 25 minutes

d) 25 to 30 minutes
Q.310 To make a solution for filling radiator one bag of washing
soda and 0.5 kg of kerosene oil should be added in water

a) 6 kg

b) 8 k8

c ) 10 kg

d) 12 kg

Q.311 The radiator should he filled with the solution and allowed to
remain there for

a) 4 to 6 hours

b) 6 to 6 hours

c) 8 t o 10 hours

d) 10 to 12 hours

Q.312The starting motor used on a powerine tractor may be of

a) 6 or 12 volt type

b) 12 or 24 volt type

c) 16 or 24 volt type

d) 6 or 24 volt type

Q.313 Diesel tractors are equipped with a more rugged starting

motor of
a) 6 or 12 volts

b) 12 or 24 volts

c) 6 or 24 volts

d) 12 or 36 volts

Q.314 Voltage can be stepped up from 6 to approximately

a) 10,000 volts

b) 15.00 0 volts

c) 20,000 volts

d) 25,000 volts

Q.315 Generally the gap between the contact breaker points is kept

a) 0 .1 to 0.3 mm

b) 0.2 and 0.4 mm

c) 0.3 and 0.5 mm

d) 0 .4 and 0.6 mm

Q.316 Variation between no load and full load conditions is found

to approx. at

a) 80 rpm

b) 91 rpm.

c) 100 rpm
d) 110 rpm

Q.317 The economical diesel fuels have got octane rating varying

a) 30 to 50

b) 30 to 60

c) 20 to 30

d) 25 to 30

Q.318 The temperature produced on the power stroke of an engine

can be as high as

a) 1200°C

b) 1400°C

c) 1600°C

d) 1800°C

Q.319 Average yearly load on the tractor should not exceed its
rated load up to

a) 70%

b) 72%

c) 75 %

d) 78%
Q.320 The depreciation method which reduces the value of a
machine by equal amount each year during the useful life is known

a) Estimated method

b) constant percentage method

c) compound interest method

d) straight line method

Q.321The useful life of a machine is also affected by the rate of

which machine becomes

a) defunct

b) non operational

c) replaceable

d) obsolete

Q.322 The glow plugs must be inspected and decarbonized during

a) daily maintenance

b) weekly maintenance

c) periodic maintenance

d) seasonal maintenance

Q. 323Tractor in small field gives

a) high efficiency
b) low efficiency

c ) normal efficiency

d) optimum efficiency

Q.324 battery must be turned over to a charging station in winter if

discharged by

a) 50%

b) 40%

c) 30%

d) 25%

Q.325 Transmission of oil should be changed after every working

hours about

a) 550 hours

b) 650 hours

c) 70 hours

d) 850 hours

Q.326 Engine oil should be changed and replaceable type filters

should be changed after even working hours about

a) 420 hours

b) 320 hours

c) 220 hours
d) 120 hours

Q.327 Front and rear wheel axle bearings may be washed and
replaced once in

a) four years

b) three years

c) two years

d) one year

Q. 327 If the spark plugs have become found it should be cleaned

after working hours of

a) 25 hours

b) 30 hours

c) 40 hours

d) 50 hours

Q.328 Under dusty conditions, air cleaner oil is changed after every
working hours of

a) 6 hours

b) 8 hours

c) 10 hours

d) 12 hours.

Q.329 Hydraulic system is mainly used for operating

a) one point hitch

b) two point hitch

c) three point hitch

d) four pond hitch.

Q.329 Hydraulic pump delivers a pressure of about

a) 125kg/cm2

b) 130kg/cm2

c) 140kg/cm2


Q.330 The tie rod connects the front wheel spindle arms and is
actuated by the steering shaft through

a) chain link

b) gear link

c) tension link

d) drag link

Q.331 Under normal operating conditions, the bearings are filled

with the proper type of lubricant after every hours of working

a) 6 hours

b) 8 hours
c) 10 hours

d) 12 hours

Q.332 Depending upon the size of the tractor the width of the
tracks varies for

a) 10-50 cm

b) 15.50 cm

c) 20 – 25 cm

d) 25-50 cm

Q.333 Inflation pressure in the rear wheels of the tractor varies


a) 0.5 to 1.2 kg/cm2

b) 8 to 1.2 kg/cm2

c) 2 to 1.5 kg/cm2

d) 1.5 to 20 kg/cm2

Q.334 As a result of spinning sometimes one of the drive wheels of

a tractor happens to meet a

a) hard ground

b) soft ground

c) muddy gourd

d ) wet ground.
Q.335 For hard facing base alloys used are

a) high carbon steel

b) high carbon iron

c) carbon steel

d) stainless steel

Q.336 Hardening is a process of heating a metal to

a) 400°C

b) 500°C

c) 600°C

d) 700°C

Q.337 To obtain softness and ductility, metals art

a) tempered

b) hardened

c) enamelled

d) hard faced

Q.338 With high frequency electric current hardening is achieved

and is called as

a) case hardening

b) induction hardening
c) surface hardening

d) metal hardening

Q.339 Nails are available in various lengths ranging from

a ) 1.00 to 15 cm

b) 1.25 to 15 cm

c) 1.5 to 15 cm

d) 2.5 to 15 cm

Q.340 A bearing designed to resist axial load is known as

a) Ball bearing

b) bush bearing

c) thrust bearing

d) journal bearing

Q.341The bearings which resist radial loads is known as

a) Ball bearing

b) bush bearing

c) thrust bearing

d) journal bearing
Q.342 Aluminum is a very light metal which resists

a) scratch

b) moisture

c) temperature

d) corrosion

Q.343 Soft center steel is used on

a) plow share

b) plow bottom

c) cultivated shovel

d) sweap

Q.344Flats belts are available in various widths ranging from

a) 1.0 to 50 cm

b) 1.5 to 50 cm

c) 2 to 50 cm

d) 2.5 to 50 cm

Q.345 Animals if raised by the farmer himself can be a very cheap

source of

a) transport power

b) cart power
c) farm power

d) bullock power

Q.346 Acceptability of the tractor and power tiller is not very

common because of high initial

a) price

b) coverage

c) investment

d) power requirement

Q.347 What is the scientific name of wheat?

a. Zea mays
b. Solanum melongana
c. Sorghum vulgare
d. Triticum
e. None of these

Q 348 Under Mission Antyodaya program, 50,000-gram panchayats

will be poverty free by the year-
a. 2018
b. 2019
c. 2020
d. 2021
e. 2022

Q.349 The order in which the crops are cultivated on a piece of land
over a fixed period is called as-
a. cropping pattern
b. cropping system
c. mono-cropping
d. intercropping
e. mixed farming

Q. 350 What is the name of citizen centric mobile app on

MGNREGA launched by department of rural development for
providing information of the MGNREGA program?
a. Meri Sadak

Q.351 India’s place in coconut production in the world is-

a. fourth
b. first
c. third
d. second
e. fifth

Q.352 For ensuring the availability of new kinds of seeds, seed hubs
are created with the help of-
a. ICAR and KVKs
b. Union ministry of agriculture and farmers welfare and KVKs
c. Union ministry of agriculture and farmers and National seed fund
d. ICAR and Union ministry of agriculture and farmers
e. None of these

Q.353 Crop logging’ is the method of?

a. Soil fertility evaluation
b. Plan analyst for assessing requirements for nutrients for crop
c. Assessing crop damage
d. Testing suitability of fertilizers
e. None of these
Q.354 First separate department of agriculture is established in
which year?
a. 1800
b. 1878
c. 1881
d. 1890
e. 1875

Q.355 The repetitive growing of the same sole crop on the same
land is known as?
a Uniculture
b Solo farming
c Monoculture
d Polyculture
e None of these

Q.356 ____ is a process of irrigation before sowing of crops to

reduce percolation of water?
a inundating
b flooding
c soaking
d kor watering
e puddling

Q. 357 Sugarcane Breeding Institute of Indian Council of

Agricultural Research (ICAR) is located at ____?
a Palakkad, Kerala
b Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh
c Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh
d Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
e Nashik, Maharashtra

Q.357 Indian Forest Act was passed in?

a 1947
b 1965
c 1984
d 1955
e 1927

Q. 358 With reference to agriculture, what are “Smother Crops”?

a Crops that are grown for grazing of harvesting for immediate or
future feeding of livestock.
b Crops grown to conserve the soil moisture through their ground
covering foliage.
c Crops grown to suppress weeds by providing dense foliage and
quick growing ability.
d Crops cultivated to catch the forthcoming season when main crop
e Crops whose culture practices allow the infestation of weeds

Q.359. In India approximately 75% of the average rainfall is

received by __?
a South Monsoon
b Eastern Winds
c Coastal Monsoon
d South East Monsoon
e South West Monsoon

Q.360. Which is the second most abundant element of the earth

a Oxygen
b Nitrogen
c Aluminium
d Silicon
e Calcium

Q361. Which type forests are also known as Tidal forests?

a Tropical Dry Deciduous Forests
b Mangrove Forests
c Semi Evergreen Forests
d Sub-tropical broad-leaved forest
e None of These

Q.362. ___ soil is also known by different names like Reh, Kallar
and Usar?
a Peaty and Marshy Soils
b Saline and Alkaline Soil
c Red soils
d Alluvial Soil
e Laterite Soil

Q 363.The process of growing two or more crops simultaneously on

same piece of land with definite row pattern is called as
a. Inter cropping
b. Mixed cropping
c. Multi Storyed system
d. Sequence cropping

Q364 . Which of the following is a single window e-learning centre,

which provides information of the MGNREGA and feedback on the
quality of implementation of programme?
a. Bharat Nirman centre
b. ITC-E-Chopal
c. Bharat Nirman Kendra
d. Sandesh Pathak application

Q365. When is National energy conservation day is observed?

a. April 16
b. June 5
c. December 16
d. July 5
e. May 17
Q. 366 The agriculture and farm friendly index is launched by-
a. Union ministry of agriculture and famers welfare
c. FAO

Q.367 Jawar, Bajra, Maize and Cotton are which type of crops?
a. Rabi
b. Zaid
c. Kharif
d. Zaid Rabi
e. None of these

Q.368 Geo MGNREGA is the initiation of –

a. Ministry of rural development, ISRO and ICAR
b. Ministry of rural development, ISRO, NRSC and ICAR
c. Ministry of rural development, ISRO, NRSC and National Informatic
d. Ministry of rural development, ISRO, National Informatic centre
and ICAR

Q369 . Yellow revolution is associated with –

a. Potato
b. Fertilizers
c. Food Grains
d. Oil Seed Production

Q.370 The soil which is found in the areas having heavy rainfall and
high humidity, contains large quantity of organic matter and heavy
and black in colour –
a. Black soil
b. Peat soil
c. Forest soil
d. Laterite soil
Q371. Regur soil is another name of –
a. Black soil
b. Peaty soil
c. Laterite soil
d. Arid Soil
e. Forest Soil

Q.372 PACS, an institute of NABARD works at the gram panchayat

and village level. In PACS, A stands for?

a. Accredit
b. Agriculture
c. Asset
d. Advisory

Q 373. The period after parturition in which animal produces milk is

called as

a. Dry period
b. Calving period
c. Conception
d. Lactation period

Q 374. Agricultural census is conducted in every

a. 2 years
b. 3 years
c. 4 years
d. 5 years

Q 375. Where is the National institute of jute and allied fibre

technology located?

a. Haryana
b. Telangana
c. Andhra Pradesh
d. West Bengal

Q 376. When is world soil day celebrated?

a. December 5
b. November 15
c. January 5
d. April 15

Q 377. It is a branch of agriculture science which deals with

principles and practices of soil, water and crop management. What
is the name of that branch?

a. Crop Production
b. Agriculture engineering
c. Home science
d. Agronomy
e. Horticulture

Q 378. The cultivation of crops in regions with an annual rainfall of

750mm is called?

a. Rain fed farming

b. Dry farming
c. Dryland farming
d. Intensive farming
e. None of these

Q 379. Which of the following crops are sowed in October to

December and Harvested in February to April?

a. Rabi crops
b. Zaid Crops
c. Zaid Rabi Crops
d. Zaid Kharif Crops
e. None of these
Q 380. Central soil salinity research institute is located at?

a. Gujarat
b. Maharashtra
c. Haryana
d. Chhattisgarh

Q 381 The order in which the crops are cultivated on a piece of land
over a fixed period is called as –

a. Cropping Pattern
b. Cropping system
c. Mono-Cropping
d. Intercropping

Q 382. The process of growing two or more crops simultaneously

on same piece of land with definite row pattern is called –

a. Inter cropping
b. Mixed cropping
c. Multi Story system
d. Sequence cropping

Q 383. When is theNational energy conservation day observed?

a. April 16
b. June 5
c. December 14
d. July 5
e. May 17

Q 384 Livestock census is conducted in every

a. One year
b. Five years
c. Two years
d. Three years
Q 385. The soil which is poor in organic matter, nitrogen, phosphate
and calcium –

a. Black soil
b. Laterite soil
c. Peaty soil
d. Arid soil

Q 386. The process in which soil fertility declined, when the

nutritional status declines and depth of the soil goes down due to
erosion and misuse is called as –

a. Soil erosion
b. Soil degradation
c. Soil salinity
d. Soil conservation

Q 387. National bovine genomic centre for indigenous breeds is

being established for?

a. To increase milk production

b. Identification of disease free High genetic merit bulls
c. Attaining faster genetic gain
d. All of these
e. None of these

Q 388. Central soil and Material research centre is located in?

a. Meerut
b. New Delhi
c. Madhya Pradesh
d. Chandigarh
e. Mumbai
Q 389. The process of covering the top layer of the soil with plant
materials to prevent the soil from soil erosion is known as –

a. Edging
b. Mulching
c. Matting
d. Plant vegetation
e. None of these

Q 390. According to census 2011, what percentage of population

lives in rural area?

a. 70%
b. 58%
c. 69%
d. 65%
e. 57%

Q 391Jhum cultivation is another name of?

a. Shifting cultivation
b. Intensive farming
c. Subsistence farming
d. Planting cultivation
e. Mixed farming

Q .392 Intensive agriculture program was launched in which year?

a. 1972

b. 1980

c. 1961

d. 1993
e. 1987

Q 393. Who is known as father of agriculture?

a. Norman Borlaug
b. Louis Pasteur
c. Benjamin franklin
d. Ronald fisher
e. None of these

Q 394. Where is Central Marine Fisheries research institute


a. Goa
b. Kerala
c. Dehradun
d. Mumbai
e. Vishakhapatnam

Q 395. For soil testing government is planning to set mini labs in –

a. Every district
b. Villages
c. Every States
d. KVK
e. Every capital of the states

Q 396. Which group of plant has maximum water use efficiency?

a. C3
b. C4
c. CAM
d. None of these
e. All of these
Q 397. Which year’s data has been taken as reference data for the
19th livestock census?

a. 2014

b. 2010

c. 2015

d. 2012

Q 398. Which of the following protocol is associated to green-house

gas emission?

a. Bonne convention
c. Montreal protocol
d. Minamata convention
e. None of these

Q 399. The first forest survey of India was conducted in which year?

a. 1981

b. 1977

c. 1988

d. 1987

e. 1985

Q 400. The scheme to provide the remunerative prices to the

farmers in case of glut in production and fall in prices is known as?

a. MIS (Market Intervention Scheme)

b. PSS (Price support scheme )
d. Both a and b
e. Both a and c

Q 401. How many missions are launched under National Action

Plan on Climate Change?

a. 5
b. 6
c. 7
d. 8
e. 9

Q 402. Which of the following is correct about the


a. Photorespiration is more efficient in synthesizing glucose than

b. C3 plants are best adapted to handle
c. Photorespiration is likely to occur when oxygen level is high
and CO2 level is
d. During photorespiration plants use oxygen to break down
carbohydrates and release
e. All of these

Q 403. The central sector scheme which will supplement

agriculture, modernize processing of Agricultural products and
decrease their wastage is known as?

c. PDS
e. None of these
Q 404. Which Indian state is known as ‘Molasses Basin’?

a. Kerala
b. Gujarat
c. Maharashtra
d. Mizoram

Q 405 The method of harvesting a crop which leaves the roots and
the lower parts of the plant uncut to give the subtle crops is known

a. Mulching
b. Intensive farming
c. Ratooning
d. Zero tillage farming
e. Mixed farming

Q 406. Environmental protection act is also known as?

a. Central law of Environment

b. The umbrella Legislation
c. Law of Environment
d. None of these
e. All of these

Q 407. Agriculture education day is celebrate to commemorate the

anniversary of –

a. B.R. Ambedkar
b. Rajendra Prasad
c. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan
d. Venkatraman
e. None of these
Q 408. Where is the National Fisheries Development Board
headquarter situated?

a. Kochi
b. Vishakhapatnam
c. Mangalore
d. Hyderabad
e. Mumbai

Q 409. Under the Housing for all scheme, safe and secure pucca
house will be providedto every rural household by?

a. 2019

b. 2020

c. 2021

d. 2022

e. 2023

Q 410. According to livestock census, the cattle contribute to how

much percentage of livestock population?

a. 30%
b. 47.80%
c. c. 328%
d. d. 29.59%
e. 35%

Q 411. What is deadline set by government to skill the 5 lakh rural

people for mason training?

a. a. 2019
b. b. 2022
c. c. 2021
d. d. 2020
e. e. 2018

Q 412. The crops which are used to substitute the crops that have
failed on account of unfavourable conditions are –

a. Emergency crops
b. Cover crops
c. Companion crops
d. Intermediate crops
e. None of these

a. Q 413. Under the Rashtriya Gokul mission, the two national

Kamdhenu breeding centre is being established in which two

b. Haryana and Karnataka

c. Madhya Pradesh and Haryana
d. Madhya Pradesh and Andhra Pradesh
e. New Delhi and Andhra Pradesh

Q 414. The growing of grass or legumes in rotation with grain or

tilled crops as a soil conservation measure is termed as?

a. Crop rotation
b. Ley farming
c. Shifting cultivation
d. Dairy farming
e. Mixed farming

Q 415. Which state becomes the first state to use the automated
weather stations for farmers?

a. Maharashtra
b. Haryana
c. Madhya Pradesh
d. Gujarat
e. Kerala
Q 416. Under the National mission for sustainable agriculture
mission how much percentage of allocated fund would be invested
on women farmers?

a. 50%
b. 33%
c. c. 25%
d. 30%
e. e. 23%

Q 417. What kind of cropping pattern is used in Rainfed farming


a. Single cropping
b. Relay cropping
c. Ratoon cropping
d. Intercropping

Q418. The inherent capacity of soil to provide essential chemical

elements for the growth of plants is termed as –

a. Soil Productivity
b. Soil Fertility
c. Soil capacity
d. Soil flexibility
e. Soil Utility

Q 419. “Medh par ped” program is associated with –

b. Agriculture production
c. Seed village
d. Agroforestry
e. None of these

Q 420 The tillage in which the way of growing crops or pasture from
the year to year disturbing the soil through village is known as?
a. Year – round tillage
b. Deep tillage
c. Zero tillage
d. Secondary tillage
e. None of these

Q421. Pundia, Kabirya, wansi are the varieties of?

a. Sugarcane
b. Maize
c. Rice
d. Oats
e. Wheat

Q 422. National plant protection training institute is located in?

a. New Delhi
b. Madhya Pradesh
c. Hyderabad
d. West Bengal
e. Mumbai

Q 423. The migratory fish that live in both fresh and salt water,
independent of breeding is called as?

a. Catadromous fish
b. Potamodromous fish
c. Amphidromous fish
d. Anadromous fish
e. None

Q 424. Who is known as the ‘Father of White Revolution’ in India?

a. P Pal
b. Kurien
c. S Swaminathan
d. N.Bahal
e. None of these

Q 425. The Principal cereal crop of India is?

a. Barley
b. Sorghum
c. Rice
d. Wheat
e. Oats

Q 426. Growing of two or more crops simultaneously on the same

piece of land is called?

a. Fanning
b. Intercropping
c. Mixed Cropping
d. Mixed Farming
e. None of these

Q 427. Wet Agriculture is practiced in which state of India?

a. Kerala
b. Tamil Nadu
c. Karnataka
d. Orissa
e. West Bengal

Q 428. Which of these is not a variety of seeds?

a. Composite Seed
b. Breeder Seed
c. Mutant Seed
d. Hybrid Seed
Q 429. What is the reason for the reduced soil fertility?

a. Over Irrigation
b. Poor Drainage
c. Continuous cropping
d. Imbalanced use of fertilizers
e. Pesticide

Q 430. Green Revolution in India has been most successful in the

case of?

a. Tea & Coffee

b. Wheat & Potato
c. Mustard & Oil Seeds
d. Rice & Wheat
e. None of these

Q 431. The major Agricultural land in India is under?

a. Oil Seeds
b. Cash Crops
c. Plantation crops
d. Food Crops
e. None of these

Q 432. Which is the main source of irrigation of Agricultural land in


a. Tanks
b. Rivers
c. Streams
d. Canals
e. Wells
Q 433. India has been divided into how many cotton growing

a. Three
b. Two
c. One
d. Four
e. Five

Q 434. Which crops is sown in the largest area in M.P?

a. Rice
b. Soybean
c. Jowar
d. Wheat
e. Oats

Q 435. What is the sequence of water erosion?

a. Splash, sheet, rill, gully

b. Sheet , gully, rill
c. Rill, Splash , sheet
d. Gully erosion, splash, sheet, rill
e. Splash, Gully erosion , rill

Q 436. Wind Erosion will be higher from?

a. Clay Soil
b. Sandy Soil
c. A barren sandy soil
d. Loam Soil
e. None of these

Q 437. What is the essential growth of and quantities development

of fruits?

a. Humidity
b. Wind
c. Solar Radiation
d. Temperature
e. Water

Q 438. Tarai Soil occurs in which state?

a. Karnataka
b. Bihar
c. Uttar Pradesh
d. Gujarat
e. Punjab

Q 439. The process of judicious removal of parts like leaf, flower,

fruits etc. to obtain good and qualitative yield is called?

a. Training
b. Pruning
c. Fustigation
d. Sedimentation
e. None of these

Q 440. What kind of crop is Tea?

a. Fiber Crop
b. Food Crop
c. Beverage Crop
d. Industrial Crop
e. None of these

Q 441. In farming, the land is used for growing food

and fodder cropsand rearing livestock.

a. Intensive Farming
b. Plantation Farming
c. Primitive Farming
d. Mixed Farming
Q 442. The land on which crops are grown are known as?

a. Arable Land
b. Wet Land
c. Dry Land
d. None of these
e. All of these

Q 443. Monoculture i.e single crop grown over a large area is also
known as?

a. Commercial Grain Farming

b. Intensive Farming
c. Multiple Farming
d. Mixed Farming
e. Plantation Farming

Q 444. Where is pearl fishing well developed in India?

a. Off the Bengal Coast

b. Off Kerala Coast
c. Off the Coast of Rameshwaram
d. None of the above
e. Off the Vishakhapatnam Coast

Q 445. Murrah is a breed of?

a. Pig
b. Buffalo
c. Sheep
d. Goat
e. Bull

Q 446. Which of the following statements correctly defines the

term ‘Transhumance’?

a. Economy that solely depends on animals

b. Farming in which only one crop is cultivated by clearing hill tops
c. Practice of growing crops on higher hill slopes in summers and
foothills in winters
d. Seasonal Migration of people with their animals up and down
the mountains.
e. None of the above

Q 447. The important feature of shifting cultivation is?

a. Cultivation by Transplantation
b. Rotation of crops
c. Change of Cultivation Site
d. Cultivation of leguminous crops
e. All of the above

Q 448. Inland Fisheries is referred to?

a. Extraction of oil from fish

b. Deep sea fisheries
c. Trapping and capturing fish
d. Culturing fish in freshwater
e. None of the above

Q 449. Which branch of agriculture is rearing of silk worms?

a. Sericulture
b. Apiculture
c. Floriculture
d. Mariculture
e. Viticulture

Q 450. Forest Survey in India has it’s headquarter located in?

a. New Delhi
b. Dehradun
c. Shimla
d. Guwahati
Q 451. In which of the following categories of protected area in
India are local people not allowed to collect and use the biomass?

a. Biosphere Reserves
b. Wetland declared under Ramsar Convention
c. Wildlife Sanctuaries
d. National Parks
e. None of the above

Q 452. Rural Infrastructure Development Fund (RIDF) was instituted

by which of the following?

b. RBI
c. Finance Ministry
d. Ministry of Home Affairs
e. None of the above

Q 453 What is the full form of NREGP?

a. National Regional Employment Guarantee Programme

b. National Rural Entrepreneurship Guarantee Programme
c. National Rural Educational Guarantee Programme
d. National Rural Employment Guarantee Programme
e. None of these

Q 454. What is the full form of MGNREGA?

a. Maharashtra Government National Rural Employment

Guarantee Act
b. Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act
c. Meghalaya Government National Rural Guarantee Act
d. Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Empowerment Act
e. None of the above
Q. 455 Fertility of soil can be improved by?

a. Adding living earthworms

b. Adding dead earthworms
c. Removing dead earthworms
d. Removing dead earthworms and adding living earthworms
e. None of these

Q 456. The most important item of exports in marine exports from

India is?

a. Crab
b. Lobsters
c. Shrimp
d. Prawn
e. None Of these

Q 457. Which is the home of Alphornso Mango?

a. Ratnagiri
b. Malda
c. Vijaywada
d. Banaras
e. None of these

Q 458. Which of the following states do not cultivate Wheat?

a. Karnataka
b. Maharashtra
c. West Bengal
d. Tamil Nadu
e. Jharkhand

Q 459. Which is also known as golden fibre?

a. Cotton
b. Wheat
c. Silk
d. Oats
e. Jute

Q 460. Golden Revolution is related to?

a. Oilseed Production
b. Honey Horticulture
c. Jute Production
d. Egg Production
e. Agricultural Production

Q 461. Crop is grown in the laterite soil.

A. Pear
B. Coconut
C. Tea
D. Litchi
E. Coffee

Q 462. Indian Pulse Research Institute is located in?

a. Allahabad
b. Kanpur
c. Faizabad
d. Lucknow
e. New Delhi

Q 463. Seed Plant Technique is followed in?

a. Paddy
b. Wheat
c. Bajra
d. Potato
e. Rice
Q 464. Which one is the record of land cultivation?

a. Khatouni
b. Girawari
c. Panchnama
d. Jamabandi
e. None of these

Q 465. Which of the following is not a plantation crop?

a. Coffee
b. Sugarcane
c. Wheat
d. Rubber

Q 466. requires high temperature, light rainfall, 210

frost free days and bright sunshine.

a. Jute
b. Cotton
c. Tea
d. Coffee
e. Rice

Q 467. Indian Green Revolution started from?

a. Bengaluru
b. Kanpur
c. Delhi
d. Mumbai
e. Patnanagar
Q 468. Among the following crop rotations, which is good for
increasing soil nutrient status?

a. Rice- wheat
b. Groundnut- wheat
c. Pearl millet- wheat
d. Sorgham- wheat
e. None of these

Q 469. White rust is an important fungal disease of?

a. Wheat
b. Mustard
c. Rice
d. Bajra
e. Tea

Q 470. HD 2967 is a high yielding variety of?

a. Rice
b. Maize
c. Mustard
d. Wheat
e. Bajra

Q 471. The scientific study of soil is called?

a. Earth Study
b. Soil Study
c. Pedology
d. Soil Chemistry
e. None of these

Q 472. Water use efficiency is highest in the case of?

a. Border irrigation
b. Drip irrigation
c. Sprinkler irrigation
d. Flood irrigation
e. None of these

Q 473 Mixed farming incorporates a mixture or combination of

which of the following?

a. Crops and Forest Trees

b. Different Varieties of Crops
c. Crops and Horticulture Plants
d. Crops and Livestock
e. None of these

Q 474. The ‘Perspective Plan’ is an attempt to help which of the

following sectors reach its full potential?

a. Pig livestock sector

b. Poultry Sector
c. Dairy Sector
d. Honey sector
e. Silk Sector

Q 475. Which of the following committees has been constituted to

prepare a blueprint for doubling the farmers income by 2022?

a. Mihir Shah Committee

b. Ashok Dalwai Committee
c. Ashok Gulati Committee
d. Sarada Kumari Committee
e. Priyanka Singh Committee

Q 476. Which of the following is the term for a whole farm

management system which aims to deliver more sustainable
a. Community Farming
b. Social Farming
c. Complete Farming
d. Holistic Farming
e. Integrated Farming

Q 477. Balanced fertilizer used at the macro level in India is

generally equated with a nutrient consumption ratio of?

a. 4:2:1

b. 3:2:1

c. 1:2:3

d. 2:3:4

Q 478. India produces which percent of world oil seeds?

a. 10 %

b. 20%

c. 30 %

d. 15%

Q 479. What is the ideal pH range for Pluses?

a. 6.0-8.5
b. 2. 5 to 6
c. 3. 9 to 11
d. 4. 9 t0 12
Q 480. ‘Blue Revolution’ is related to—

a. Space research
b. Irrigation
c. Fisheries
d. Drinking water
e. None of the above

Q 481. Agricultural income tax is a source of revenue to—

a. Central Government
b. State Government
c. Local Administration
d. Centre and State Governments
e. None of the above

Q482 . Which edible oil is imported to India in maximum amount?

a. Palmolein,
b. Soybean,
c. Sunflower
d. Rapeseed
e. None of these

Q 483 . Which of the following three are the major items of

expenditure under MGNREGA scheme?

• Wages
• Material
• Safety Deposit
• Administrative Costs

a. I, II and III only

b. I, II and IV only
c. II, III and IV only
d. I, III and IV only
e. None of the above
Q 484. Which of the following departments of India is associated
with the National Mission on Bio-Diesel?

a. Department of New and Renewable Energy

b. Department of Rural Development
c. Department of Land Resources
d. Department of Energy
e. None of the above

Q 485. National Dairy Research Institute (NDRI) an umbrella

institute under ICAR is located at?

a. Karnal, Haryana
b. Nagpur, Maharashtra
c. Gandhi Nagar, Gujarat
d. Indore, MP

Q 486. Rabi Oilseeds Mustard can be grown under which soil?

a. Heavy clay soil

b. Light loam
c. Light sandy soil
d. All of the above
e. None of the above

Q 487. In a recent budget, the facility of Kisan Credit Card (KCC)

scheme has been extended by the government to which other

a. Poultry and Horticulture

b. Fisheries and Animal Husbandry
c. Apiculture and Horticulture
d. Fisheries and Poultry
e. Poultry and Apiculture
Q 488. What are the Grassy weeds?

a. Wild Oat
b. Doob Grass
c. All of the above
d. None of the above

Q 489. Bankers Institute of Rural Development (BIRD) is a premier

training establishment promoted by NABARD. Where is BIRD

a. Ludhiana
b. Lucknow
c. Nashik
d. Jabalpur
e. Bhopal

Q 490. Which of the following replaces Ajeevika scheme?

e. None of these

Q 491. Which of the are/is indigenous dairy breeds?

a. Sahiwal
b. Gir
c. Kankrej
d. None of the above
e. All of the above
Q 492. Ginning is a term associated with which crop?

a. Banana
b. Coconut
c. Cotton
d. Potato
e. Jute

Q 493. Which of the following is a Rabi crop?

a. Pumpkin
b. Mustard
c. Soyabean
d. Maize
e. Rice

Q 494. Intensive Cattle Development Programme (ICDP) was

introduced in?

a. 1966-67

b. 1963-64

c. 1964-65

d. 1967-68

Q 495. Which of the following techniques ar used to create

transgenic crops?

a. Budding and Grafting in fruit plants

b. Cytoplasmic male sterility
c. Gene slicing
d. Only 1
e. Both 1 and 2
f. Both 2 and 3
g. Both 1 and 3
Q 496. Government formed committee to probe illegal cultivation
of HT cotton in .

a. Gujarat
b. Telangana
c. Andhra Pradesh
d. Maharashtra
e. All of these

Q497 Which of the following branches of horticulture is wrongly

matched?(Agriculture MCQ)

[a] Pomology – Cultivation of flower crops

[b] Olericulture – Cultivation of Vegetables
[c] Spices Crop – Cultivation of crops like cardamom, pepper, nutmeg
[d] Medicinal and aromatic plants – Cultivation of medicinal and
aromatic crops
[e] None of the above

Q 498.Which of the following equipment is not used under Land


[a] Scoop
[b] Buck Scraper
[c] U-Leveler
[d] Float Leveler
[e] Khurpi

Q 499. Which of the following Agroforestry System is matched

incorrectly based on its component?
[a] Boundary Plantation – Tress on Boundary + Crops
[b] Block Plantation – Block of Trees + Block of Crops
[c] Agri-Silviculture – Trees + Crops
[d] Alley Cropping – Perennial hedges + Crop
[e] Energy Plantation – Fruit Trees + Crops

Q500 The khaira disease of rice is caused due to deficiency of which

of the following?

[a] Zinc
[b] Nickel
[c] Nitrogen
[d] Sulphur
[e] None of the above

Q501 Deficiency of which of the following nutrient leads to

terminal bud leaf becoming chlorotic white?

[a] Copper
[b] Calcium
[c] Iron
[d] Chlorine
[e] None of the above

Q501. The deficiency of this element leads to older leaves turning

purple in colour on the underside. Identify the mineral?

[a] Calcium
[b] Phosphorus
[c] Potassium
[d] Iron
[e] None of the above
Q502. Under Sprinkler Irrigation what is the Land Saving Percent?

[a] 5-11%
[b] 10-16%
[c] 17-22%
[d] 23-30%
[e] 35-42%

Q503 The process in which the branch of a plant is cut off in order
to produce a flush of new shoots is called

[a] Pollarding
[b] Lopping
[c] Silviculture
[d] Pruning
[e] Coppice

Q504 Which type of Tillage is done at a depth of 4–5 cm by tractor

cultivators, generally done at Pre-emergence stage?

[a] Blind Tillage

[b] Green Tillage
[c] Clean Tillage
[d] Mulch Tillage
[e] None of the above

Q505 Which of the following breed is not related with broiler

chicken in India?

a) ILI-80
b) Golden-92
c) Priya
d) Sonali
e) Frizzle
Q 506 Q) Which of the following is the Value of Lapse Rate?

[a] 6.5°C/km
[b] 7.5°C/km
[c] 8.5°C/km
[d] 9.5°C/km
[e] 5.5°C/km

Q.507 Red Data Book contains information about?

[a] Red coloured insects

[b] Red eyed birds
[c] Endangered plants and animals
[d] Red coloured fishes
[e] None of these

Q.508 What is the smallest volume that can be called “a Soil

[a] Pedon
[b] Polypedon
[c] Pedopol
[d] Monopod
[e] None of the above

Q.509 Which of the following irrigation systems is also termed as

ON & OFF Irrigation System

[a] Drip Irrigation

[b] Sprinkler Irrigation
[c] Surge irrigation
[d] Furrow Irrigation
[e] None of the above

Q.510 Integrated Scheme for Agriculture Marketing was launched

in which year?
[a] 2012
[b] 2014
[c] 2010
[d] 2008
[e] None of the above

Q.511 Which of the following are in-situ methods of

conservation?(Agriculture MCQ)

[a] National Parks

[b] Sacred Grooves
[c] Biosphere Reserves
[d] Wildlife Sanctuaries
[e] All of these

Q.512 Removal of male bud in banana is technically known as

[a] Tipping
[b] Disbudding
[c] Threshing
[d] Denavelling
[e] All of the above

Q.513 _____ is a weather-based indicator for assessing crop


[a] Growing Degree Days

[b] Thermal Death Point
[c] Sun Clad
[d] Heat Units
[e] Temperature Inversion

Q.514 Which of the following is not an example of Green Manure

[a] Cowpea
[b] Dhaincha
[c] Sunhemp
[d] Mothbean
[e] Bird Guano

Q.515 Which of the following is not related to Commercial Broiler


[a] Cobb,
[b] Hubbard,
[c] Lohman,
[d] Anak
[e] Hyline

Q.516 What is the Field Capacity of Indigenous Plough?

[a] 0.4 ha per day of 8 hours

[b] 0.6 ha per day of 8 hours
[c] 0.8 ha per day of 8 hours
[d] 0.2 ha per day of 8 hours

Q.517 The mechanism which picks up seeds from the seed box and
delivers them in to the seed tube is known as?

[a] Seed Enhancer Mechanism

[b] Seed Metering Mechanism
[c] Seed Placing Mechanism
[d] Seed Augmenting Mechanism
[e] None of the above

Q.518) What is the Time Scale for Meso Climate?

[a] 1-10 hr
[b] 1-10 min
[c] 1-10 seconds
[d] 1-10 days
[e] None of the above

Q.519 The process of Deposition of Soil Materials (removed from

the eluvial horizon) in the lower layer (or horizon of gains having
the property of stabilizing translocated clay materials) is termed as?

[a] Illuviation
[b] Eluviation
[c] Podsolisation
[d] Mineralisation
[e] None of the above

Q.520 Where is the Headquarter of World Wide Fund for Nature


[a] Geneva
[b] Cancun
[c] Nairobi
[d] Gland
[e] Vienna

Q.521 Kalipatti is a popular variety of?

[a] Guava
[b] Pomegranate
[c] Sapota
[d] Grape
[e] None of these

Q.522 Which of the following country is called ‘Oxygen Tank of the


[a] Bhutan
[b] Brazil
[c] India
[d] Nepal
[e] None of these

Q.523 Period of ripening of seed of Cadrus deodara (Deodar) is?

[a] May – July

[b] February – April
[c] September – November
[d] All are correct
[e] None of these

Q.524 The Process of Removing Male Bud in Banana is technically

called as?

[a] Tipping
[b] Disbudding
[c] Threshing
[d] Denavelling
[e] All of the above

Q.525 What is the size of Basin (sqm) in Check Basin Method of


[a] 05- 20 sqm

[b] 15- 30 sqm
[c] 20- 35 sqm
[d] 25- 40 sqm
[e] None of the above

Q.526 In cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli, hollow stems with

darkened interiors are most often caused by? (Agriculture MCQ)

[a] Calcium deficiency

[b] Chilling temperatures

[c] Boron deficiency

[d] Magnesium deficiency

[e] Zinc deficiency

Q.526 During which season would the Aquaculturist be most likely

to aerate (add oxygen to) a pond?

[a] Summer

[b] Fall

[c] Spring

[d] Winter

[e] Autumn

Q.527 Which of the following silicate minerals are formed by

parallel sheets of silicate tetrahedra with Si2O5 or a 2:5 ratio?

[a] Ortho silicate

[b] Neo Silicate

[c] Phyllosilicate

[d] Sheet silicate

[e] Both 3 & 4

Q.528 The nearly constant rate of infiltration that develops after
some time has elapsed from the start of irrigation
is termed as?

[a] Infiltration rate

[b] Infiltration velocity
[c] Basic Infiltration rate
[d] Constant infiltration velocity
[e] None of the above

Q.529 The disc angle of a disc plough ranges from?

[a] 40-45 degree
[b] 30-35 degree
[c] 20-25 degree
[d] 45-50 degree
[e] None of the above

Q.530 Loose Droppings that stick to the feathers around the vent
area in birds is known as?
[a] Pasty butt
[b] Pasting
[c] Paste up
[d] Pasted vent
[e] All of the above

Q.531 Which of the following actions have to be avoided to prevent

the depletion of DO (dissolved oxygen) in aquaculture?

[a] Over-aerating, over-warming, over-harvesting

[b] Over-seining, over-planting, over-medicating
[c] Over-feeding, over-stocking, over-fertilizing
[d] None of these
[e] All of the above

Q.532 Why must one control green plant growth in aquaculture or

fish farming?
[a] Plants compete with fish for available DO
[b] Plants compete with fish for available O2
[c] Plants compete with fish for available CO2
[d] All of these
[e] None of the above

Q.533 What is the threshold for water indicating scarcity in cubic

meters per capita per annum as per UNDP?
[a] 500
[b] 1000
[c] 1500
[d] 1200
[e] None of the above

Q.534 Practice of forestry with the object of raising flowering trees

and shrubs mainly to serve as recreation forests for the urban and
rural population, is known as?
[a] Recreation forestry
[b] Extension forestry
[c] Farm forestry
[d] Mixed forestry
[e] All of these

Q.535 Haryali yojna is related to

(a) Soil management

(b) Water management

(c) Crop management

(d) Air management

Q.536 Sugar found in germinating seed in large amount

(a) Maltose
(b) Sucrose

(c) Cellobiase

(d) Lactose

Q.537 Maximum moisture content for safe storage in wheat seed is

(a) 12

(b) 15

(c) 7

(d) 20

Q.538Murate of potash is

(a) K2SO4

(b) KCI

(c) KNO3

(d) K2HPO4

Q.539 Loose smut is

(a) Internally seed borne

(b) Externally seed borne

(c) Air borne

(d) Water borne

Q.540 Gauch – 1 is a variety of

(a) Castor

(b) Groundnut

(c) Sesamum

(d) Soybean

Q.541The cutter bar of a tractor operated on owner

makes strokes/min

(a) 400 – 500

(b) 500 – 750

(c) 800 – 1200

(d) 1250 – 1500

Q.542 Power operated Paddy transplanter is being manufactured in

India by

(a) M/s Escorts Ltd.

(b) M/s Mitsubishi Ltd

(c) M/s Eicher tractors Ltd

(d) M/s Mahindra Ltd

Q.543 Calorific value of high speed diesel is kcal/Kg

(a) 9500

(b) 10550
(c) 11550

(d) 12500

Q.544 The requirement for full in litres/hour by a 35 hp tractor is:

(a) 2.5

(b) 3.0

(c) 3.5

(d) 4.0

Q.545 A reaper is used for:

(a) cutting crop

(b) cutting and windrowing

(c) cutting and threshing

(d) Cutting grass

Q.546 Sub soilders are operated at maximum depth of

(a) 30-40 cm

(b) 45-75 cm

(c) 75-90 cm

(d) 10-20 cm
Q.547 For operating rotavator in trashy soils, which lines are

(a) L-shaped

(b) Hook shaped

(c) Backward curved

(d) Straight blade

Q.548 Soil strength is determined by

(a) Penetrometer

(b) Micrometer

(c) Hydrometer

(d) Dynamometer

Q.549 Cider is a product of___

a) apple
b) guava
c) pear
d) plum

Q.550 Which of the following is a fermented beverage?

a) Tari and Perry
b) Cider and Wine
c) Vinegar and Malt
d) All of these
Q.551 Marmalade is prepared from?
a) ripe guava fruits
b) ripe ber fruits
c) citrus fruits
d) unripe mango fruits

Q.552 In which of the following industries is the maximum number

of women employed in India?
(a) Textile
(b) Jute
(c) Tea
(d) Coal

Q.553 Reading of brix hydrometer ranges from

a) 0-10
b) 0-15
c) 0-20
d) 0-30

Q.554 Vitamin C richest fruit Is____?

a) aonla
b) barbados cherry
c) lemon
d) guava

Q.555 Which of the following is main beverage producing state?

a) Rajasthan
b) Kerala
c) Himachal Pradesh
d) None of these
Q.556 Which of the following sugar is found in grape…?
a) sucrose
b) glucose
c) lactose
d) all of these

Q.557 Father of food processing is?

a) William Underwood (1817)
b) Thomas Sedington (1807)
c) Nicolas Apart(1810)
d) None of these

Q.558 Vegetables are canned in

a) brine solution
b) sugar solution
c) distilled water
d) all of these

Q.559 CFTRI is situated at

a) New Delhi
b) Lucknow
c) Mysore
d) None of these

Q.560 The best storage temperature for onion is

a) 0 dergee celcius
b) 8 degree celcius
c) 10 degree celcius
d) 5 degree celcius
Q.561 Sweetest sugar in fruit is
a) fructose
b) sucrose
c) galactose
d) glucose

Q.562 Pigment present in papaya is

a) xanthophyll
b) carotine
c) caraxanthin
d) all of these

Q.563 Which plant growth regulator is used for ripening?

a) GA
b) IBA
c) Ethylene
d) Cytokinin

Q.564 The existence of a gas is vanished at-

A. N.T.P.
B. At any temperature
C. Absolute zero
D. 0°C
E. None of the above

Q.565 Fenny is feremented wine made from?

a) palm
b) cashew apple
c) mango
d) apple
Q.566 Barley water contain atleast how much percent of fruit
a) 25%
b) 30%
c) 75%
d) 45%

Q.567 Full form of PACS

a) Price Agriculture Commission Society
b) Plan for Agriculture Crop loan Scheme
c) Primary Agricultural Co-operative Society
d) None of these

Q.568 Highly evolved insect order is

(a) Hymenoptera

(b) Coleoptera

(c) Hemiptera

(d) Diptera

Q.569 Which pesticide is suitable for controlling the white grub?

(a) Malathion

(b) Chlorpyriphos

(c) Phorate

(d) Aldicarb
Q.570 Tundu disease (yellow ear rot) of wheat caused by
Clavibacter tritici is usually associated with

(a) Heterodera evenae

(b) Anguina tritici

(c) Meloidogyne incognita

(d) Pratylenchulus sp.

Q.571Tick out the sexual spores of fungi

(a) Chlamydospores

(b) sporangiospores

(c) Zoospores

(d) Zygospores

Q.572 The black wart disease of potato specially confined to

Darjeeling hills is causes by pathogen

(a) Synchytrium endobioticum

(b) Plasmodiophora brassicae

(c) Sclerospora sorghi

(d) Plasmopoa viticola

Q.573 The disease caused by Leptosphaeria sacchari in sugarcane is

(a) Red rot

(b) Black rot

(c) Ring spot

(d) Brown rot

Q.574 The symptoms of powdery mildew of pea (caused by

Erysiphe polygoni) first appears on

(a) Stem

(b) Roots

(c) Leaves

(d) Flowers

Q.575 Wilt of pigeonpea is caused by

(a) Fusarium udum

(b) Gibberella indica

(c) Rhizopus nigricans

(d) Aspergillus flavus

Q.576 The pathogen f rice blast or ‘rotten neck’ is

(a) Ustilago tritici

(b) Pyricularia oryszae

(c) Alternaria alternate

(d) Plasmopora vitticola

Q.577 In India the leaf rust of coffee was first time recorded in
(a) 1856

(b) 1870

(c) 1880

(d) 1943

Q.578 Photoreceptors (Rods and cones) of eye are present in

(a) Sclera

(b) Cornea

(c) Retina

(d) Pupil

Q. 579 “Let down of milk” is initiated by the hormone

(a) Prolactin

(b) Lactogen

(c) Oxytocin

(d) Lactopoietin

Q.580 Cattle and buffalo belongs to family

(a) Bovidae

(b) Suidae

(c) Equidae

(d) Cammelidae
Q.581 Surathi buffalo breed is a native for

(a) Orissa

(b) W.B.

(c) U.P.

(d) Gujarat

Q.582 Maximum fat (%) in milk of

(a) Murrah

(b) Mehsana

(c) Bhadawari

(d) Zafrabadi

Q.583 Highest milk yielder is

(a) Murrah

(b) Mehsana

(c) Zafrabadi

(d) Bhadawari

Q.584 Cow milk’s protein is called

(a) Zein

(b) Lactabumin

(c) Casein
(d) Albumin

Q.585 First clone Dolly was made in

(a) Sheep

(b) Goat

(c) cow

(d) Buffalo

Q.586 Maximum producer of wool

(a) Rajasthan

(b) Haryana

(c) U.P.

(d) Punjab

Q.587 Temperature for LTLT pasteurization

(a) 61-63°C

(b) 42-49°C

(c) 62-65°C

(d) 51-65°C

Q.588 In medium term storage, material can be stored up to –

a) 100 years
b) 3 to 5 years

c) 10 to 15 years

d) None of these

Q.589 Which is the saturated fatty acid of the following –

a) Stearic acid

b) Arachidonic acid

c) Oleic acid

d) Linoleic acid

Q.590 Iron is an important component of –

a) Siroheme

b) Ferredoxin

c) Cytochromes

d) All of these

Q.591 The chemical, which is used for controlling the mites, is

known as –

a) Fungicides

b) Mematicides
c) Acaricides

d) Insecticides

Q.592 WP abbreviates as –

a) Wettable Paste

b) Wettable Powder

c) Water Paste

d) None of these

Q.593 Which of the following elements is not essential element of

plants but proves to be beneficial for some plants?

a) Boron

b) Sodium

c) Iodine

d) Copper

Q.594 The pyrite is mostly found in–

a) Bihar

b) Rajasthan

c) Andhra Pradesh

d) Maharashtra

Q.595 Parthenocarpy occurs in–

a) Peach

b) Mango
c) Jackfruit

d) Banana

Q.596 Water use efficiency is the highest is case of–

a) Border irrigation

b) Drip irrigation

c) Sprinkler irrigation

d) Flood irrigation

Q.597 Atmosphere is essential for-

a) Winds

b) Cloud formation

c) Weather phenomena

d) All of these

Q.598 Which one of the following plants belongs to family


a) Papaya

b) Orange

c) Cashewnut

d) None of these

Q.599 In India post-harvest losses of fruit and vegetable is… per

cent of the total production.

a) 15-20
b) 50-50

c) 40-45

d) 25-30

Q.600 The animals produced by mating of two different breeds of

the same species is known as –

a) Mixed breed

b) Cross breed

c) Exotic breed

d) Pure breed

Q.601 Recording of milk production in dairy (agriculture exams

library) farm is done mainly for –

a) Selection of good producer

b) Increase in production of milk

c) Ensuring quality of milk

d) Quick selling of milk

Q.602 The average gestation period in buffalo is of how many days?

a) 310

b) 210

c) 400
d) 345

Q.603 Citrus tristeza virus is transmitted through –

a) Aphid

b) Thrips

c) Nematode

d) Plant hopper

Q.604 Which one of the pathogens is monocylic?

a) Ustilago

b) Alternaria

c) Phytophthora

d) Puccinia

Q.605 Caenocytic mycellium is found in –

a) Mastigomycotina

b) Deuteromycotina

c) Ascomycotina

d) None of these

Q.606 Penicillin acts on-

a) Cell wall

b) RNA

c) Cell membrane
d) None of these

Q.607 Cultivation of Heeng (Asafoetida) has been started in which

state/ UT?

a) Sikkim

b) Jammu & Kashmir

c) Himachal Pradesh

d) Uttarakhand

Q.608 Weed problems is more severe in

a wet land rice

b Deep water rice

c Rainfed rice

d Semi wet rice.

Q.609 The pulse crop extensively grown as winter crop

a] Bengalgram

b] Redgram

c] Greengram

d] Blackgram

Q.610 The king of fodder crops

a] Lucerne

b] Berseem

c] Paragrass
d] Stylosanthes

Q.611 The optimum seed rate of Blackgram in rice fallows of

Andhra Pradesh ( Kg/ha)

a] 10-15

b] 15-20

c] 25-30

d] 40-50

Q.612 The recommended row ratio of sorghum + Pigeon pea inter

cropping system

a] 1:1

b] 2:1

c] 5:1

d] 7:1

Q.613 Cotton seed contains oil upto

a] 10-12%

b] 15-20%

c] 30-35%

d] 24-28%

Q.614 The nutrient involved in the biosysnthesis of oil in oilseed

crop is

a] Calcium
b] Magnesium

c] Sulphur

d] Molybdenum

Q.615The most important cotton species which is grown in more

than 50 per cent

a] Arboreum

b] Barbadense

c] Hirsutum

d] Herbaceum

Q.616 The percentage of sugar recovery in sugarcane is

a] 8-9%

b] 14-16%

c] 20-22%

d] 30-32%

Q.617 The highest protein content is found in the seeds of

a] Sunflower

b] Soybean

c] Groundnut

d] Mustard
Q.618 The microbes play an important role in the catalytic
complicated chemical reactions of

(a)Wine productions

(b) Fermentation

(c) Dairy product

(d) All of the above

Q.619 Piercing and sucking type mouth-parts are present in the


a. Isoptera

b. Hemiptera

c. Orthoptera

d. Lepidoptera

Q.620 Classification of insects and rules of their nomenclature

comes under the branch

a. Ecology

b. Taxonomy

c. Physiology

d. Morphology

Q.621 Beetles belong to order

a. Diptera

b. Isoptera

c. Coleoptera

d. Lepidoptera

Q.622 Bacteriophage virus is the

a. Algal virus

b. Fungal Virus

c. Bacterial virus

d. Protozoal virus

Q.623 Micro-organism,which can grow at higher temperature, is


a. Mesophils

b. Phycrophils

c. Thermophils

d. None of these

Q.624 Highest body temperature is found in?

a hen
b cow

c buffalo

d camel

Q.625 Length of estrous cycle in goat?

a. 20

b 21

c 18

d 15

Q.626 SNF ( Solid not fat) % of cow?

a 7.5

b 8.3


d 9.2

Q.627 Which of the following is a polyestrous animal?

a. horse

b sheep

c dog

d cattle
Q.628 Specific gravity of milk fat is ?

a 0.85

b 0.08

c 0.93

d 0.76

Q.629 Improved breed Karan fries is a cross between

a tharparker×Holstein friesian

b holstein friesian× sahiwal

c brown Swiss× sahiwal

Q.630 Goat meat is known as?

a venison

b chevon

c carabeef

Q.631 world Vetrinary day

a april-22

b april-27

c feb-07

d feb-27

Q.632 pulse rate of chicken?

a 70-80/min

b 40-80/ min

c 130-160/min

d 180-195/min

Q.633 which breed of buffalo is known as ‘ MINI ELEPHANT”?

a murrah

b zafrabadi

c badhawari

d nili ravi

Q.634 wall eyes present in which breed of buffalo?

a murrah

b niliravi

c badhawari

d zaffrabadi

Q.635 Lola/ multani is other name of?

a sindhi

b sahiwal

c ongole

d kankrej
Q.636 white Sindhi is other name of ?

a jersey

b tharparker

c amritmahal

d hallikar

Q.637 Merino of Rajasthan

a pugal

b chokla

c chegu

d beetal

Q.638 best carpet wool is produced from?

a bikaneri

b marwari

c lohi

d angora

Q.639 which breed is known as “CITY GOAT”

a Gaddi

b barberi

c kashmiri
d malabari

Q.640 protozoan disease of cattle?

a coccidiosis

b aflatoxicosis

c typhoid

d brooder pneumonia

Q.641 which breed is known as ” MILK QUEEN OF GOATS”?

a saanen

b angora

c alpine

d landrace

Q.642 which breed is known as ” JERSEY COW”

a Black bengali

b jaiselmeri

c anglo- nubian

d alpine

Q.643 for breeding in sheep,a ram can be used after attaining the
age of
a 10 months

b 18 months

c 24 months

d 4 months

Q.644 Protein content in cow colostrum(%)

a 10

b 12.8

c 14.7

d 16

Q.645 Protein content in buffalo colostrum

a 20

b 20.5

c 21.4

d 23.6

Q.646 Tallest sheep breed?

a jamuapari

b nellore

c marwari

d gurez
Q.647 Cattle disease communicated to human?

a foot and mouth disease

b anthrax

c milk fever

d rinderpest

Q.648 pH of freshly drawn milk?

a 6-6.5

b 6.5-6.7

c 5.5-6

d 7

Q.649 For breeding the no.of ewes per ram?

a 35

b 40

c 42

d 55

Q.650 Which disease also known as, spleenic fever?

a anthrax
b milk fever

c black quarter

d haemorrgmhagic septicimea

Q.651 Hatchling of ferlized eggs takes place at

a 21 days, 35°c

b 21 days,38°c

c 23 days,35°c

d 23 days,38°c

Q.652 Which state govt had announced the Rythu Bandhu



b.Tamil nadu

c.Andhra Pradesh

d.Uttar Pradesh

Q.653 National commodity and Derivatives Exchange

Ltd(NCDEX)unvielef India’sfirst agricultural commodities options in

a.Guar seed



Q.654 Nanaji Deshmukh krishi sanjivani yojana approved by Which






Q.655 Pradhan mantri yuva yojana -entrepreneurship education

&training scheme launched by which ministry??

a.Ministry of Skill Developmentand Entrepreneurship

b.Ministry of Agriculture

c.Ministry of rural development

d.Ministry of women and children development

Q.656 Swasth dharaa.Khet Hara. This slogan was given by PM for

which scheme??


b.Soil health card scheme


Q.657 .Annadata Sukhibhava scheme was started by which state

a. Andhra Pradesh



d.west bengal

Q.658 Integrated Scheme on Oilseeds,Oil Palm and

maize(ISOPOM)was restructured into NMOOP and launched during





Q.659 .which of the followingwas not a sub-mission under National

live stock mission

a.Sub-mission on livestock devlopment

b.Sub-mission on fodder and feed development

c.Sub-mission On Skill development,technology transfer and


d.All are correct

Q.660 APMC is a marketingboard established by

a.state govt



d.Central govt

Q.661 The agricultureand farm friend lyindex is launched by





Q.662 NVLM and NRLM has recentlybeen converged and renamed


a.National livelihood mission

b.Pradhan mantri livelihood mission

c.Deendayal antayodaya mission

d.Rashtriya Antayodaya mission

Q.663 Which of the followingis also known as “Package


a.Community development programme

b.Intensive agriculture development programme

c.Lab to land pgm

d.National extension service

d.664 Which of the following insurance schemes have been under

National crop insurance pgm?





Q.665 The scheme of mobile food testing laboratory called “Food

safety on wheel”has been rolled out by





Q.666 Govt fixes MSP for various .agri.commodities on the

recommendation of




d. MoE

Q.667 National innovationproject was started in the year





Q.668 Operation Green was started in





Q.669 The agricultural price commission was set up in the year

a. 1975

b. 1970

c. 1965

d. 1969

Q. 670 Under National agricultural insurance scheme (NAIS), crop

claims maximum under

a. Cotton

b. Groundnut

c. Chillies
d. Sunflower

Q.671 Minimum support prices for major agricultural products are

fixed by government

a. After sowing

b. In middle of crop period

c. Before start of sowing season

d. After harvesting

Q.672 Maize-potato-sugarcane ratoon-green gram is the example

of crop rotation for

a.1 year

b .3 year

c.2 year

d.4 year

Q.673 The Directorate for cropping system Research is located at

a. Pusan

b. Hyderabad

c. Modipuram, Meerut, UP

d. Coimbatore

Q.674 The best soil structure for agriculture purpose is

a. Platy
b. Spheroid Al

c. Blocky

d. Prismatic

Q.675 Plant quarantine method is useful only when

a. The pathogen is seed transmitted

b. The pathogen is wind transmitted

c. The pathogen is soil inhabitants

d. The pathogen is vector tramissible

Q.676 In which of the following the isolation distance for certified

seed production is the shortest

a. Cotton

b. Tomato

c. Sesame

d. Potato

Q.677 Barley water contain at least how much percent of fruit juice

a. 25%

b. 30%

c. 75%

d. 45%
Q.678 Pollinating agent in chilli is

a. Housefly

b. Bee

c. Wind

d. Water

Q.679 The number of chromosomes in swamp Buffalo is

a. 2n=50

b. 2n=60

c. 2n=48

d. 2n=40

Q.680 The little leaf of brinjal is caused by

a. Fungus

b. Bacteria

c. Virus

d. MLO’s

Q.681 Who was the first plant protection advisor to government of


a. Dr. Sardar Singh

b. S. Pradhan
c. M. L. Room walking

d. H. S. Pruthi

Q.682 A cabbage disease which is known to be more severe in

acidic soils is?

a. Club foot

b. Yellows

c. Black rot

d. Damning off

Q.683 The alternate host for pearl millet rust is

a. Brinjal

b. Tomato

c. Mustard

d. Okra

Q.684 India is monopoly in production of which silk?

a) Eri silk

b) Muga silk

c) tussar silk

d) mulberry silk

Q.685 Spraying should be done according to the

a) direction of air

b) direction of wind

c) cropping patter

Q.686 DDT first synthesized by

a) Muller

b) Faraday

c) Zielder

Q.687 India is known as home of

a) Vegetables

b) Spices and Medicinal

c) Fruits

d) Flowers

Q.688 Which Papaya species is resistant to distortion ring-spot


c) Carica papaya

b) Carica pentagona

c) Carica cauliflora

d) Carica microcarpa
Q.689 Polyploidy variety of Mango

A) Vellaicollamban

B) Olour

C) Kurukkan

D) All of the above

Q.690 Seedless variety of Mango

A) Mallika

B) Safari

C) Ratna

D) Sindhu

Q.691 Fruit of the 21st century” is called

A) Jamun

B) Ber

C) Aonla

D) Bael

Q.692 Apple is divided in how much grades

A) 4

B) 8

C) 6
D) 10

Q.693 Which crop is called micronutrient loving crop

A) Mango

B) Citrus

C) Banana

D) Apple

Q.694 Pink fleshed variety of Papaya

A) Sunrise solo

B) Taiwan

C) Surya

D) Coorg Honey Dew

Q.695 Multistorey cropping system is practised in

A) Bihar & UP

B) Karnataka & Kerala

C) J & K

D) Punjab & Gujrat

Q.696 Papaya is a native of

A) Asia

B) India
C) Brazil

D) Tropical America

Q.697 Caprification is done in

A) Fig

B) Ber

C) Avacado

D) Date palm

Q.698 Fruit found in desert of cold arid region

A) Apple

B) Peach

C) Pear

D) Apricot

Q.699 Seeds are sown immediately after extraction in which fruit

A) Citrus

B) Ber

C) Mango

D) Jamun

Q700 Seeds are sown immediately after extraction in which fruit

A) Citrus
B) Ber

C) Mango

D) Jamun

Q.701 The constituent responsible for the aroma of Apple is _

A) Ethyl-2-methyl

B) Eugenol

C) Isopentanol

D) Tiaxanol butyrate

Q.702 Famous variety of mango for pickle use is

A) Ramkela

B) Ratna

C) Totapuri

D) Bombay Green

Q.703 Development of embryo from unfertilized egg is known as

A) Parthenogenesis

B) Parthenocarpy

C) Apomixsis

D) None of the above

Q.704 The most common type of Jamun grown in North India

A) Paras

B) Gulabi

C) Jath Jamun

D) Raj Jamun

Q.705 Major cause of mango fruit drop is ___

A) Lack of pollination

B) Low stigmatic receptivity

C) Defective perfect flower

D) All of the above

Q.706 Seed work board is ‘required for?

A. Viability test of seed

B. Germination test of seed

C. Purity test of seed

D. Blending of seed

Q.707 Organic carbon is a measure of?

A. Available N in soil

B. Available P in soil

C. Available K in soil

D. Available Mg in soil
Q.708 Which of the following not belong to Post harvest handling
of seed crop?

A. Seed Selection

B. Threshing

C. Drying

D. Grading

Q.709 Which of the following family does the weed Grass belongs

A. Poaceae

B. Cyperaceae

C. Crotalaria verrucose

D. Indigofera viscose

Q.710 Which crop has a harmful effect on the increase of RH?

A. Sunflower

B. Maize

C. Sugarcane

D. Sorghum

Q.711 Sunflower and buckwheat are examples of?

A. Green Legume manure

B. Green leaf legume manure

C. Green leaf Non-Legume manure

D. Green Non-legume manure

Q.712 ______ Is the apex body in India for research and education
pertaining to Agriculture?

A. Agricultural Support and Services Project

B. Indian Council of Agricultural Research

C. State Agricultural Universities

D. Department of Agricultural Extensions

Q.713 Production of coffee powder from coffee seeds is an example


A. Time Utility

B. Form utility

C. Place utility

D. Possession utility

Q.714 The earthworm that is considered as surface dwellers live

near the soil surface is called as?

A. endogeic

B. epigeic

C. anecic
D. monogeic

Q.715 The soil in which the pores are interconnected and irregular
in size and shape is?

A. Tubular

B. Vesicular

C. Spongy

D. Cellular

Q.716 What happened when an excess amount of Nitrogen

Fertilizer is Introduced in to Soil Ecosystem?

A. Soil Decay

B. Soil Acidi_cation

C. Soil Residue

D. Microbial Activity

Q.717Which of the following is not a type of manure collecting


A. use cattle shed

B. Dry Earth System

C. Loose box System

Q.718 What Does FYM stand For?

A. Farm Yard Manure

B. Farm Yeast Manure

C. Fertilizer Yeast Manure

D. None

Q.719 The tillage that is done immediately after crop harvesting to

remove the weeds and to restore soil structure is?

A. strip

B. sub-soil

C. fallow

D. stubble

Q.720 Which one of the following is an example of restorative


A. Brinjal

B. Legumes

C. Ginger

D. Sunflower

Q.721 Which one of the following is a micro nutrient in the soil?

A. Nitrogen

B. Iron

C. Phosphorus

D. Calcium
Q.722 Family Of Jute is?

A. Graminae

B. Compositeae

C. Tiliaceae

D. None

Q.723 Biggest Fertilizer Cooperative in India is?


B. Dayal Group


D. None

Q.724 Main Institute for Agriculture Research & Education in India






Q.725Which Fertilizer is Mainly Manufactured in India?

A. Ammonium Phosphate
B. Single Super Phosphate

C. Urea

D. None

Q.726 Total Stem Parasite Weed of onion is?

A. Orabanche cernua

B. Striga lutea

C. Cuscuta chinensis

D. None

Q.727National Income Generated By Agriculture is Calculated by


A. Income Method

B. Output Method

C. Expenditure Method

D. None

Q.728Name the winter annual weed from the following?

A. Commelina benghalensis

B. Boerhavia erecta

C. Chenopodium album

D. Aternanthera echinata
Q.729 Which can help a producer in determining how much of a
product is required the produced?

A. Factor-Product Relationship

B. Law of Increasing Returns

C. Factor-Factor Relationship

D. Law of Constant Returns

Q.730 Which one of the following is used in organic farming to

prevent weed Germination & growth?

A. Cow pea

B. chick pea

C. linseed

D. Mulching

Q.731 Plant Parasitic Nematode Feed on the of the Plant?

A. Leaves

B. Stem

C. Fruits

D. Roots

Q.731 Who Write the Book ‘I Too Had a Dream’?

A. MS Swaminathan

B. Arun Jeitely
C. APJ Abdul Kalam

D. Verghese Kurien

Q.732 Seed Treatment with chemical?

A. Plant Selection

B. Nutrients Management

C. Genetic Improvement

D. None of these

Q.733 PDM 11 is a variety of?

A. Urd

B. Arhar

C. Moong

D. Lobia

Q.734 _____is the nematode that causes the blackhead disease in

banana crop?

A. Pratylenchus coffee

B. Heterodera oryzicola

C. Radopholus similis

D. Helicotylenchus multicinctus

Q.735 A very large ecosystem on land having distinct type of

vegetation and wildlife is called?
[a] Biome

[b] Biodiversity

[c] Biosphere reserve.

[d] Ecology

Q.736 India’s first micro forest will be built in which state?

[a] Madhya Pradesh
[b] West Bengal
[c] Uttar Pradesh
[d] Chhattisgarh

Q.737 What is the field capacity of an Indigenous Plough?

[a] 0.4 ha per day of 8 hours
[b] 0.6 ha per day of 8 hours
[c] 0.8 ha per day of 8 hours
[d] 0.2 ha per day of 8 hours

Q.738 Which sector is the backbone of Indian economy?

a) Service Sector
b) Financial Sector
c) Tourism Sector
d) Agriculture Sector

Q.739 Which among the following is not a cereal?

a) Rice
b) Wheat
c) Gram
d) Maize

Q.740 Who announced the introduction of National Food Security

a) Pranab Mukherjee
b) Manmohan Singh
c) P.Chidambaram
d) Arun Jaitley

Q.741 When was NFSM launched?

a) Mid of 9th Five-Year Plan

b) End of 10th Five-Year Plan
c) Mid of 11th Five-Year Plan
d) End of 11th Five-Year Plan

Q.742 Who announced the launch of Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana?

a) Narendra Modi
b) Dr. Manmohan Singh
c) Atal Bihari Vajpayee
d) I.K.Gujral

Q.743 Which among the following does not belong to welfare

schemes for the farmers?

a) Kisan Credit Card Scheme

b) SHG Bank Linkage Programme
c) National Agricultural Insurance Scheme
d) Employee Referral Scheme

Q.744 When did the Government present Kisan Credit Card


a) April 1853
b) August 1998
c) July 1991
d) November 1995

Q.745 When was On Farm Water Management Scheme launched?

a) July 2000
b) March 2002
c) March 2004
d) January 2004

Q.746 When were Kisan Call Centres established?

a) July 2000
b) March 2002
c) March 2004
d) January 2004

Q.747 When was Micro Irrigation launched?

a) March 2002
b) March 2004
c) January 2004
d) January 2006

Q.748 When was the new agricultural policy established?

a) July 2000
b) March 2002
c) March 2004
d) January 2004

Q.749 Which of the following is the largest fertiliser producer in


a) Coromande International Ltd.

b) Indian Farmers Fertiliser Corporation Limited
c) Gujarat State Fertilizers & Chemicals Ltd.
d) Rashtriya Chemicals & Fertlizers Ltd.

Q.750‘Drip’ irrigation is generally followed in the country—

(A) Israel

(B) America

(C) Australia

(D) Japan

Q.751 Method of irrigation is—

(A) Surface irrigation

(B) Sprinkler irrigation

(C) Drip irrigation

(D) Sub-surface irrigation

(E) All of these

Q.752 Agricultural tractors are generally having horse power


(A) 20-50

(B) 50-70

(C) 10-15

(D) 20-25

Q.753 The draft of ‘Victory plough’ is—

(A) 80-100 kg

(B) 40-50 kg
(C) 70-80 kg

(D) 10-20 kg

Q.754The Head Quarter of Project Co-ordinator— AICRP on

Agricultural Meteorology is at—

(A) Delhi

(B) CRIDA, Hyderabad

(C) Kanpur

(D) Ludhiana

Q.755 In North States (Punjab, Haryana & Western U.P.) of India,

Winter rains occur from which monsoon ?

(A) North – Eastern Monsoon

(B) South – Western Monsoon

(C) From both (A) & (B)

(D) None of these

Q.756 Who is not related to climatology ?

(A) Kendrew

(B) Austin

(C) Critchfield

(D) Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru

Q.757 In which climate, the minimum difference in temperature of
January and June is found ?

(A) Tropical

(B) Sub-tropical

(C) Temperature

(D) Dry

Q.758 The famous book – ‘Meteorologica’ is written by—

(A) Trewartha

(B) J.M. Austin

(C) Aristotle

(D) W.G. Kendrew

Q.759Which climate is required for better growth and production

of crops ?

(A) Hot-dry

(B) Cold-dry

(C) Cold-moist

(D) Hot-wet

Q. 760 In North India, some times rains take place in winter, which
is due to—
(A) Western depression

(B) Monsoon depression

(C) Eastern depression

(D) S–W depression

Q.761 The period on which monsoon is onset in Kerala ?

(A) 1-5 May

(B) 1-5 July

(C) 1-5 June

(D) 1-5 August

Q.762 Indian Meteorological Department was established for the

first time in—

(A) At Shimla in 1875

(B) At Pune in 1928

(C) At Delhi in 1950

(D) None of these

Q.763 Which of the production is included in foodgrains production


(A) Cereal (Rice & Wheat) crops, only

(B) Pulse crops, only

(C) Coarse cereal crops, only

(D) All cereals (Rice & Wheat), pulses and coarse cereal crops

Q.764 The maximum area under hybrid rice in the world, is found in
which country ?

(A) India

(B) America

(C) China

(D) Indonesia

Q.765 Central Rice Research Institute (CRRI)-ICAR is located in the


(A) Patna

(B) Ludhiana

(C) Cuttack

(D) Kanpur

Q. 766 The maximum area under rice in the state—

(A) Uttar Pradesh

(B) Madhya Pradesh

(C) Punjab

(D) Haryana

Q.767Among the critical stages, the most critical stage of wheat

crop for irrigation is—
(A) CRI–Crown Root Initiation stage

(B) Tillering stage

(C) Jointing stage

(D) Flowering stage

Q.768 The growing of wheat and mustard simultaneously together

in rows, is called—

(A) Multiple cropping

(B) Relay cropping

(C) Mixed cropping

(D) Inter cropping

Q.769 Which of the State produces maximum per hectare yield of

sugarcane in India ?

(A) U.P.

(B) Bihar

(C) Punjab

(D) Tamil Nadu

Q.770 In which State, the highest sugar recovery from sugarcane is


(A) Punjab

(B) Uttar Pradesh

(C) Maharashtra

(D) Haryana

Q.771___is the example of CAM plant (Century plant).

(A) Pineapple

(B) Coconut

(C) Sunflower

(D) Watermelon

Q.772 ___ is the example of associative, nonsymbiotic nitrogen

fixing organism.

(A) Rhizobium

(B) Azorhizobium

(C) Pseudomonas ‘

(D) Azospirillum

Q.773____ is the example of stem nodulating legume.

(A) Sesbania rostrata

(B) Crotolaria juncea

(C) Phaseolus trilobus

(D) Cicer arietinum

Q.774 ‘Pusa Neem’ (Neem-oil coated urea)— product used as

inhibitors for slow release, was designated and reported by—
(A) Dr. Rajendra Prasad and Colleagues

(B) Dr. R.S. Paroda

(C) Dr. G.B. Singh

(D) Dr. M.S. Randhawa

Q.775 Which of the following phosphatic fertilizer is useful in

groundnut crop ?

(A) D.A.P.

(B) Rock Phosphate

(C) Triple Super-Phosphate (TSP)

(D) Single Super Phosphate (S.S.P.)

Q.776 D.A.P. contains the N percentage—

(A) 9%

(B) 18%

(C) 27%

(D) 36%

Q. 777 The problem of iron toxicity generally exists in—

(A) Acid soils

(B) Alkali soils

(C) Saline soils

(D) Saline-Alkali soils

Q.778 Use of gypsum is most beneficial in—

(A) Saline soils

(B) Alkali/Sodic soils

(C) Acid soils

(D) None of these

Q. 779 Phosphorus is generally fixed in acid soils in the form of—

(A) Calcium Phosphate

(B) Zn Phosphate

(C) Aluminium Phosphate

(D) None of these

Q.780 Why gypsum is used in crop of mustard ?

(A) For supplying sulphur (s)

(B) For supplying N

(C) For supplying Fe

(D) For supplying P

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