Acca p1
Acca p1
Acca p1
Paper P1
Course Notes
P1 Professional Accountant
Step 1 Learning Phase Study Programme
Introduction to the paper and the course................................................................................................................. 4
Home Study
Progress test 1
Home Study
Progress test 2
Course exam 1
Home Study
Progress test 3
Course exam 2
The syllabus
The broad syllabus headings are:
Main capabilities
On successful completion of this paper, candidates should be able to:
Define governance and explain its function in the effective management and control of organisations and of
the resources for which they are accountable;
Evaluate the professional accountants role in internal control, review and compliance;
Explain the role of the accountant in identifying and assessing risk;
Control and mitigate risk;
Demonstrate the application of professional values and judgement through an ethical framework that is in
the best interests of society and the profession, in compliance with relevant professional codes, laws and
Online ethics
Accountant (P1)
Accountant in
Business (F1)
This diagram shows where direct (solid line arrows) and indirect (dashed line arrows) links exist between this
paper and other papers that may precede or follow it.
The Professional Accountant syllabus assumes some of the knowledge acquired in papers F1 Accountant in
Business but develops and applies this further and in greater depth. There is also the presumption that students
will have completed the online ethics module. The ACCA consider Paper P1 Professional Accountant to be the
gateway paper to Professional level studies, as it provides valuable information for all other papers.
This question is based on a detailed scenario, which provides a context for the
answer to be applied to. The question will be sub-divided into several
requirements, which could cover any number of parts of the syllabus in an
integrative approach.
Section B
2 x 25
Each question will have its own small scenario; therefore all answers must
apply knowledge in context. Each question will be sub-divided into several
requirements; there were three in each question in the pilot paper.
Questions will be drawn from any part of the syllabus, but each one is likely to
focus on one or two specific areas in detail.
Course Aims
Achieving ACCA's Study Guide Outcomes
Chapter 1
Chapters 1 & 2
Chapter 3
A4 Board committees
Chapter 3
A5 Directors remuneration
Chapter 3
Chapter 2
Chapter 10
Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 4
Chapters 5 & 9
Chapter 6
C2 Categories of risk
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Controlling risk
Chapter 8
Chapters 7 & 8
Chapter 7
Ethical theories
Chapter 10
Chapter 10
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 11
Chapter 11
Social and environmental issues in the conduct of business and of ethical behaviour
Chapter 12
Classroom tuition
In class we aim to cover the key areas of the syllabus. To ensure examination success you will to spend private
study time reinforcing your classroom course with question practice and reviewing areas of the Course Notes
and Study Text.
Home study
To support you with your private study BPP provides you with a Course Companion, which helps you to work at
home, and aims to ensure your private study time is effectively used. The Course Companion includes a Home
Study section, which breaks down your home study by days, one to be covered at the end of each day of the
course. You will find clear guidance as to the time to spend on various activities and their importance.
You are also provided with progress tests and two course exams, which should be submitted for marking as they
become due.
These may include questions on topics covered in class and home study.
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tutors and students.
If you have any queries during your private study simply contact your class tutor on the telephone number or
e-mail address that they will supply. Alternatively, call +44 (0)20 8740 2222 (or your local training centre if
outside the London area) and ask for a tutor for this paper to speak to you or to call you back within 24 hours.
The success of BPPs courses has been built on what you, the students tell us. At the end of the course for each
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If you have any issues or ideas before you are given the form to complete, please raise them with the course
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Explain, and apply in context of corporate governance, the key underpinning concepts of: fairness;
openness/transparency; independence; probity/honesty; responsibility; accountability; reputation; judgment; and
Explain, and analyse the issues raised by, the development of the joint stock company as the dominant form of
business organisation and the separation of ownership and control over business activity
Define and explain the key concepts in agency theory: agents; principals; agency itself; agency costs;
accountability; fiduciary responsibilities; and stakeholders
Explain and explore the nature of the principal - agent relationship in the context of corporate governance
Analyse and critically evaluate the nature of agency accountability in agency relationships
Explain and analyse how transaction cost theory and stakeholder theory is used to explain aspects of the agency
Explain and assess the major areas of organisational life affected by issues in corporate governance.
Compare and distinguish between public, private and non-governmental organisations (NGO) sectors, with
regard to the issues raised by, and scope of governance
Explain and evaluate the roles, interests and claims of internal parties involved in corporate governance.
Explain and evaluate the roles, interests and claims of, the external parties wowed incorporate governance.
Analyse and discuss the role, and influence of institutional investors in corporate governance systems and
structures, for example the roves and influences of pension funds, insurance companies and mutual funds.
Exam Context
This chapter introduces the idea of agency theory and various models of stakeholder theory. In addition it covers the
principals of corporate governance. These topics can be examined directly as in pilot paper question 3 and the
examiners question Sentosa House or they can be used as to provide a structure for a more general question as in
examiners question JH Graphics. The principal of transparency was tested in a 10 mark compulsory question in the
December 2007 exam. Accountability was also tested in December 2007 in section B.
Qualification Context
The idea of corporate governance is introduced in the law paper F4, which also introduces the separation of ownership
and management. Agency theory and stakeholders are important ideas seen previously in F1, Accountant in Business
and touched on in F3, Financial Accounting and F9, Financial Management.
Issues surrounding stakeholder are explored further in P3, Business Analysis and P4, Advanced Financial Management.
Current issues in Corporate Governance, particularly as they affect audit firms, are examined in P7 Advanced Audit and
Business Context
In recent years there have been widespread concerns over the failure of senior management to manage businesses in
the best interest of their shareholders. The breakdown in this rather fundamental business relationship is has led to the
development of comprehensive corporate governance guidelines, which under some jurisdictions are statutory.
The scope of
Corporate Governance
Agency Theory
Stakeholder models
Agency costs
Institutional Investors
Major Issues
Board composition
Self Regulation
It is a fundamental internal control system ensuring the best interests of the company are
serviced in the most effective manner.
Lecture example 1
Classroom discussion
Suggest how a business could benefit from applying a framework for corporate governance.
In the exam you may need to ascertain whether or not the governance procedures in use in
a particular company are in line with best practice.
The following diagram illustrates the core principles that underlie good corporate
Fairness: Respecting the rights and views of any group with a legitimate interest.
Agency theory is used to study the problems of motivation and control when a principal
needs the help of an agent to carry out activities.
Agency theory would describe the shareholders in a company as the principal, with the
board their agents who are empowered to act in their interests.
In practice the powers of shareholders tend to be very restricted. They normally have no
right to inspect the books of account, and forecasts of future prospects are gleaned from the
annual report and accounts, stockbrokers reports, and media sources. There is an
information asymmetry; the agent has more information than the principal.
The diagram below illustrates how agency works in practice .
Agency theory assumes that agent and principal act in their own self-interest. These
interests may conflict.
The separation of ownership from management can cause issues if there is a breach of trust
by directors either by intentional action, omission, neglect, or incompetence.
One power that shareholders possess is the right to remove the directors from office. But
shareholders have to take the initiative to do this, and in many companies, the shareholders
lack the energy and organisation to take such a step. Ultimately they can vote in favour of a
takeover or removal of individual directors or entire boards, but this may be undesirable.
Shareholders can take steps to exercise control, but such action will be expensive, time
consuming and difficult to manage because it is difficult to:
Verify what the board is doing, partly because the board has access to more
information about its activities than the principal does; and
Introduce mechanisms to control the activities of the board, without preventing it from
functioning effectively.
The principals attempt to monitor the activities of agents. This may be viewed in
monetary terms, resources consumed or time taken in monitoring.
Management spending non-productive time (and resources) proving that they are
maximising shareholder value.
Alignment of interests is when the objectives of agents acting within an organisation are in
accord with the objectives of the organisation as a whole.
Lecture example 2
Classroom discussion
What control procedures and incentives could be employed to encourage alignment of interest
between the company and its directors/senior management?
Transaction cost theory provides an explanation of why organisations like companies exist,
rather than all transactions being carried out between individual entrepreneurs.
Companies will try to keep as many transactions as possible in-house in order to;
This extends the idea of the agency problem. It explains why the agency problem is more
severe the larger an organisation becomes.
Stakeholders are people, groups or organisations that can affect or be affected by the
actions or policies of an organisation. Each stakeholder group has different expectations
about what it wants, and therefore different claims upon the organisation.
Mendelow classifies stakeholders on a matrix [below] whose axes are power held and
likelihood of showing an interest in the organisations activities. These factors will help
define the type of relationship the organisation should seek with its stakeholders, and how it
should view their concerns.
Level of interest
Keep Informed
Keep Satisfied
Key Players
Minimal Effort
Clearly, an organisation must keep its main stakeholder groups happy whether active or
Stakeholder group
Lecture example 3
Classroom discussion
Who are the main stakeholder groups in a commercial company, and how should they be
considered with respect to the role and scope of corporate governance?
A principle of company law in most jurisdictions remains the fiduciary and legal obligations
that managers have to maximise shareholder wealth. Therefore, if managers are to fulfil
responsibilities to a wider stakeholder base, it must not jeopardise long term profitability.
Some commentators have tried to reconcile stakeholder and agency theory by arguing that
managers are stakeholders, responsible as agents to all other stakeholders. Although
stakeholders have divergent interests that may be difficult to reconcile, this does not absolve
management from at least trying to reconcile their interests.
There are two motivations for considering stakeholders. An instrumental view justifies
considering stakeholders because of the economic benefits to the company. A normative
view is based on the idea that the company has moral obligations towards stakeholders
The scope of corporate governance is vast and we shall expand on the following key issues
during this course of study.
Major issues pertaining to corporate governance, that could arise in any exam question, are
illustrated below.
duties of
-v- voluntary
best practice
and reward
Corporate social
Rights and
of shareholders
Risk management
and internal
and balance
of financial
Chapter summary
Section Topic
Definitions and
Cost Theory
Issues in
Major issues have arisen out of corporate scandals. Try and keep an
eye on emerging issues by reviewing quality newspapers or news
Approaches to corporate
Describe and compare the essentials of rules and principles-based approaches to corporate governance.
Includes discussion of comply or explain
Describe and critically evaluate the reasons behind the development and use of codes of practice in corporate
governance (acknowledging national differences and convergence)
Explain and briefly explore the development of corporate governance codes in principles-based jurisdictions
(impetus and background, major corporate governance codes, effects)
Explain and explore the Sarbanes-Oxley Act as an example of a rules-based approach to corporate governance
(impetus and background, main provisions/contents, effects)
Describe and explore the objectives, content and limitations of corporate governance codes intended to apply to
multiple national jurisdictions (OECD, ICGN)
Discuss and critically assess the concept of stakeholders and stakeholding in organisations and how this can
affect strategy and corporate governance
Analyse and evaluate issues of ownership, property and the responsibilities of ownership in the context of
Explain the concept of the organisation as a corporate citizen of society with rights and responsibilities
Exam Context
This chapter provides a great deal of the core detail that underpins exactly how corporate governance is exercised in
practice. Such an approach is critical when attempting questions enabling candidates can utilise the expanse of
information contained within this chapter to generate ideas appropriate to the question set.
You may well have to discuss the implications of basing governance guidance on principles. The examiner has stated
that knowledge of the main features and advantages and disadvantages of codes in general is important, but line-by-line
knowledge isnt required. The existence of wider social responsibilities is likely to be a theme in many questions.
Qualification Context
The combined code is introduced in F8, Audit and Assurance. It is not explicitly examined but is an important example
of a principles based approach.
Business Context
Appreciating the various approaches to corporate governance applied in different jurisdiction, clearly illustrates that there
are several ways of dealing with this contentious area of business. In part the approach adopted will be symptomatic of
cultural preferences and norms
Approaches to
Corporate Governance
Principles-Based approach
Rules-Based approach
UK Combined Code of
Corporate Governance
Global influences
Principles or rules?
The current big debate on corporate governance globally is whether the guidance should
predominantly be in the form of principles, or whether there is a need for detailed rules and
Principles-based approach
Rules-based approach
Non-compliance cannot be
justified. A company has either
succeeded or failed in complying.
Lecture example 1
Tutorial question
What do you consider to be the main advantages of adopting a principles-based approach to
corporate governance over a rules-based approach?
[5 marks]
A key distinction that has been drawn between the corporate governance systems
worldwide in different regimes has been between the insider and outsider models of
ownership described below. In practice most regimes fall somewhere in between the two.
Insider systems
Insider (or relationship-based) systems are where most companies listed on the local stock
exchange are owned and controlled by a small number of major shareholders. The
shareholders may be members of the companys founding families, banks, other companies
or the government.
The reason for the concentration of share ownership is the legal system.
Outsider systems
Outsider systems are ones where shareholding is more widely dispersed, and there is the
manager-ownership separation. Such shareholders can be drawn from varied and
disparate sources and can have both small and large holdings.
There tends to be more diverse shareholder ownership in jurisdictions such as the UK that
have strong protection for minority shareholders.
Lecture example 2
Tutorial question
What do you consider have been the significant factors that have influenced the development of
corporate governance codes, rules and laws in recent years irrespective of the ownership system
in operation?
[5 marks]
Interest in governance arises from global
investment issues
Wide consultation with members
Published principles of corporate governance
Rights of shareholders
Equitable treatment of shareholders
Role of stakeholders
Disclosure and transparency
Board responsibilities
Lecture example 3
Classroom dicsussion
What do you consider to be the main problems with trying to establish international codes of
corporate governance?
International impact
It is not strong enough on some issues, and at the same time over-rigid on others.
Directors may be less likely to consult lawyers if they believe that SOx could override
lawyer-client privilege.
Companies are turning away from the US stock markets and towards other markets,
such as London.
Chapter summary
Section Topic
Principles or
Governance in
the UK
The South African King Report was published after the collapse of
apartheid. It emphasises fairness to all groups in society and
economic wellbeing,
The OECD and ICGN both issue guidance which is useful where no
local code is available.
Governance in
the US
Oxley (SOx)
The Sarbanes Oxley Act is the US rules based code enacted after the
collapse of Enron and WorldCom.
Its main provisions cover the audit profession, audit committees,
internal controls, CEO and CFO responsibility for financial
statements, plus many detailed provisions such as full disclosure of
off-balance sheet finance.
Sarbanes Oxley affects all companies listed on US stock exchanges
and their subsidiaries.
Corporate governance
practice and reporting
Describe, distinguish between and evaluate the cases for and against unitary and two-tier structures
Describe the characteristics, board composition and types of directors (including defining executive and non-executive
Describe and assess the purposes, roles and responsibilities of non-executive directors
Describe and analyse the general principles of the legal and regulatory frameworks within which directors operate on
corporate boards
Define, explore and compare the roles of the chief executive and company chairman
Describe and assess the importance, and execution, of induction and continuing professional development of directors on
boards of directors
Explain and analyse the frameworks for assessing the performance of boards and individual directors (including NEDs) on
Explain and assess the importance, roles and accountabilities of board committees in corporate governance
Explain and evaluate the role and purpose of the following committees in effective corporate governance: remuneration
committee, nominations committee, risk committee
Explain and assess the effect of various components of remuneration packages on directors behaviour
Explain and analyse the legal, ethical, competitive and regulatory issues associated with directors remuneration
Explain and assess the general principles of disclosure and communication with shareholder
Explain and analyse best practice corporate governance disclosure requirements, for example under the UK Combined
Define and distinguish between mandatory and voluntary disclosure of corporate information in the normal reporting cycle
Explain and explore the nature of, and reasons and motivations for, voluntary disclosure in a principles-based reporting
environment (compared with for example, the reporting regime in the USA)
Explain and analyse the purposes of the annual general meeting and extraordinary general meetings for information
exchange between the board and shareholders
Exam Context
Two different aspects of this chapter appeared as knowledge-based questions in the Pilot paper. Therefore, it is quite
apparent that a detailed knowledge of how boards are supposed to function together with governance disclosures and
reporting is key to success in the exam.
Qualification Context
F1, Accountant in practice introduced ideas, in particular about leadership and motivation, which provide a good
introduction to the issues covered by this chapter. Many jurisdictions have a legal framework for the roles and
responsibilities of directors and this is covered in F4, Corporate and Business Law. Your studies in Financial Accounting
and Financial Reporting will have made you aware of much of the disclosure needed by companies.
If you are studying or have studied P3, Business Analysis you will find your studies of reward
management useful.
Business Context
This is very much a developing area of business practice. Acknowledging that without complete, transparent and
relevant disclosure of governance practice, the public confidence it is trying to promote will not be attained.
Corporate Governance
Board effectiveness
Non-executive directors
Governance disclosures
Directors' remuneration
The board
Is collectively responsible for promoting the success of the company by directing and
supervising the companys affairs.
Should set the companys strategic aims, ensure that the necessary financial and
human resources are in place for the company to meet its objectives and review
management performance.
Lecture example 1
Classroom discussion
What additional tasks should form part of the boards role?
Effectiveness of boards
To remain effective, directors should extend their knowledge and skills continuously.
Significant issues that professional development should cover on a regular basis include:
practice and
Legal and
An appraisal of the board's performance is an important control over it, aimed at improving
board effectiveness, maximising strengths and tackling weaknesses. It should be seen as
an essential part of the feedback process within the company and may prompt the board to
change its methods and/or objectives.
Lecture example 2
Suggest a range of criteria upon which the effectiveness of a board could be accurately and
holistically appraised.
[8 marks]
All directors should be individually appraised; criteria that could be applied include:
Positive and
Familiarity with
business and
in all
Size the balance needs to be struck between the benefits of having varied views
and opinions, alongside the need for coherence of decision-making.
Inside/outside mix the split between executive decision-making directors and nonexecutive directors. Independent non-executive directors have a key role in
governance. Their number and status should mean that their views carry significant
Lecture example 3
Classroom discussion
Suggest reasons why the roles of chairman and CEO should be held by two different people.
Remuneration Committee is
responsible for advising on
executive director remuneration
policy and the specific package
for each director.
Nominations Committee is
responsible for recommending the
appointments of new directors to
the board.
Non-executive directors
NEDs have a key role in reducing conflicts of interest between management (including
executive directors) and shareholders.
Risk. NEDs should satisfy themselves that financial information is accurate and that
financial controls and systems of risk management are robust.
People. NEDs are responsible for determining appropriate levels of remuneration for
executives, and are key figures in the appointment and removal of senior managers
and in succession planning.
Advantages of NEDs
Provide the strong, independent element on High-calibre NEDs may be attracted to the
the board
best-run companies, rather than those in
most in need of them
Have detachment, which enables them to
monitor the companys affairs effectively
It is compliant with corporate governance
codes (e.g. CC06 )
Lecture example 4
Classroom discussion
What safeguards could be put in place to ensure the independence of NEDs?
In some countries the board is split into multi-tiers, separating the executive from other
directors (and senior management). This structure is also common in not-for-profit
organisations such as schools.
Lecture example 5
What do you consider to be the advantages and disadvantages of operating a multi-tier board
[8 marks]
Directors' remuneration
Motivate them to achieve performance levels that are in the shareholders best
interests as well as their own personal interests.
Taking account of the position of the company relative to other similar companies.
However the combined code also notes the risk of an upward ratchet of remuneration
levels with no corresponding improvement in performance and the need to be
sensitive lo pay conditions within the company.
Lecture example 6
Classroom discussion
Describe what features could be included in a directors remuneration, and suggest why these
might be attractive.
Remuneration policy
The duration of contracts with directors, and notice periods and termination payments
under such contracts.
Governance disclosures
Annual reports should disclose whether the organisation has complied with governance
regulations and codes.
about the
board of
An operating
and financial
review (OFR)
A statement that
the company is a
going concern
A statement on
relations and
dialogue with
Details of relations
with auditors
including reasons
for change
A statement that the
directors have
reviewed the
effectiveness of
internal controls
Chapter summary
Section Topic
Effectiveness of
Board membership
and roles
NEDs are not involved in the day to day running of the company.
Ideally they should be independent. They have four main roles;
scrutinising the decisions and disclosures of the board; advising
objectively on strategy, risk and people (remuneration and
Explain and explore the importance of internal control and risk management in corporate governance
Identify and assess the importance of elements or components of internal control systems
Exam Context
You may be asked to provide an appropriate internal control framework for an organisation, or to assess a framework
that is described in a scenario. Look out in particular for whether the underlying control environment appears to be
sound. An organisation with a poor control environment featured in one of the pilot paper questions.
Qualification Context
Internal control Systems are examined in F8, Audit and Assurance. When considering the people operating the controls
you could consider issues of recruitment studied in F1, Accountant in Business.
Business Context
For a business to remain successful it must develop and maintain a robust system on internal control. Only then can the
board have reasonable assurance that they are operating efficiently and effectively and are likely to deliver their strategic
Weak internal controls are often cited the precursor to corporate collapse. This emphasises the importance of feedback
and continuous improvement in control systems, and is something worth looking for in exam scenarios does the
organisation appear capable of making essential improvements?
Internal control systems
Control frameworks
'Sound' system
embedded / cultural
Turnbull Report
weakness reported
Control procedures
Control Environment
Control can be described as ensuring what the organisation intends to happen, happens in
the way it's suppose to happen, when it's supposed to happen.
Internal control is any action taken by management to enhance the likelihood that
established objectives and goals will be achieved.
The UK Turnbull Report summarises of the main purposes of an internal control system.
Enable response to significant
compliance and
other risks
To help the achievement of
planned objectives
It identifies three broad areas in which controls must operate to ensure risks are managed
and objectives achieved.
Efficient and effective business
The criteria of control (COCO) framework, stresses the need for all aspects of activities to
be clearly directed with a sense of purpose.
This includes overall objectives, mission and strategy; management of risk and
opportunities; policies; plans and performance measures.
The COCO framework suggests the following are pre-requisite for an effective control
Deal with problems and take
appropriate corrective actions
Management identify themselves
with the organisation and its values
Lecture example 1
Classroom discussion
What do you consider could be the inherent weaknesses or limitations of internal control
A suitable control environment for the organisation and its staff to operate within; and
Control Procedures
Corporate culture
Management style
Organisational structure
Clear strategy
The UK Auditing Practices Board's SAS 300 [Accounting and internal control systems and
risk assessments] lists some specific control procedures:
Organisation identify reporting lines, levels of authority and responsibility. This ensures
everyone is aware of their control (and other) responsibilities, especially in ensuring
adherence to management policies
eg enabling named staff to act independently within areas of delegated power
Arithmetical and accounting to check the correct and accurate recording and processing
of transactions
eg bank account reconciliation
An organisation's internal controls should be designed to counter the risks that are a
consequence of the objectives it pursues.
The UK Turnbull Report stresses the links between internal controls and risk very strongly.
Turnbull states that in order to determine its policies in relation to internal control and decide
what constitutes a sound system of internal control, the board should consider:
The extent and categories of risk which it regards as acceptable for the company to
The companys ability to reduce the incidence and impact on the business of risks
that do materialise
The costs of operating particular controls relative to the benefit obtained in managing
the related risks
Chapter summary
Section Topic
Internal Control
Internal Control
The Control
Environment and
Control Procedures
General and
Administrative Controls
Internal audit
Explain, and discuss the importance of, auditor independence in all client audit situations (including internal
Explain, and assess the nature and sources of risks, to auditor independence. Assess the hazard of auditor
Explain and evaluate the importance of compliance and the role of the internal audit committee in internal control
Describe and analyse the work of the internal audit committee in overseeing the internal audit function
Explain, and explore the importance and characteristics of, the audit committees relationship with external
Describe and assess the role of internal or external risk auditing in monitoring risk
Exam Context
Scenarios where internal audit independence is threatened are likely to be set in the exam, and you may also have to
judge, based on the detail youre given, how effective a particular internal audit function is. Any or all aspects of an
internal audit committees work may be set in the exam.
Qualification Context
Internal Audit is studied in detail in F8, Audit and Assurance and again in P7, Advanced Audit and Assurance.
Business Context
Many of the reports relating to corporate governance stress the importance of having an effective internal audit function
to control and manage business functions and risks. In some jurisdictions (e.g. New York Stock Exchange listing) it is a
mandatory requirement.
Internal Audit
Role of
Internal audit
Audit committee
The role of internal audit will vary according to the organisation's objectives, but is likely to
Not all organisations have an internal audit function. Companies without internal auditors
need to carry out an annual review to determine if they need to establish internal audit. The
factors to consider are:
Complexity of
Internal control
Unexplained or
Size of
Changes in
structures, processes,
and systems
Internal audit has a significant role to play in the organisation's risk management processes,
in terms of:
The adequacy of the risk management and response processes for identifying,
assessing, managing and reporting on risk
The work of the internal audit extends beyond risk management; it can cover the following
broad areas.
of assets
Reduce overheads
(VFM audits)
Effective accounting
and internal control
Monitoring risk
Be independent
Report to an appropriate authority [usually the audit committee] so that they can fulfil
their responsibilities
Be free from interference in determining the scope of their work, performing the audit,
and communicating results
Refrain from assessing specific operations for which they may have responsibility
The independent action of internal audit is central to its purpose, and assumes the following:
Unbiased views
Valid opinion
No spying for
No no-go areas
Sensitive areas
Senior management
No backing-off
Lecture example 1
How could the independence of internal audit be compromised, and what measures could be taken
by management to avoid this occurring?
[6 marks]
Internal auditors are [normally] employees of the organisation whose work is designed to
add value and who report to the audit committee.
External auditors come from accountancy firms and their primary role is to scrutinise
accounting records so as to report to shareholders on the truth and fairness of the financial
The following table highlights the key differences between internal and external audit.
Internal audit
External audit
Reporting to
Relating to
with the
For the internal audit function to operate effectively, it must be managed well.
Internal audits should be performed with proficiency and professionalism. There are specific
standards on the following areas to meet this.
Human relations
skills and
Compliance with
The board through the audit committee should conduct an annual review of the internal
auditors' work.
The formal terms of reference and assess whether they are adequate
Resourcing plans to ascertain if there will be sufficient resources to review all areas
Review of:
financial statements,
financial reporting, and
budgetary systems.
Reporting arrangements
Review of the adequacy internal control systems, including the statement on internal
controls prior to its approval by the board.
Review of risk management confirming that there is a formal policy in place for risk
management and that the policy is backed and regularly monitored by the board.
Lecture example 2
Class discussion
What are the benefits that an audit committee can bring to an organisation, particularly with
respect to internal audit and internal control?
Chapter summary
Section Topic
The Role of
Internal Audit
Objectives of
Internal Audit
External Audit
Management of
Internal Audit
Business risks
Define and explain the sources and impacts of common business risks
Recognise and analyse the sector or industry specific nature of many business risks
Exam Context
You may be able to gain some marks for understanding basic risk concepts. When trying to identify risks in the exam,
consider the scenario and in particular what aspects of the scenario are currently changing these will point you
towards important risks.
The most important question though when considering what risks could affect an organisation is what could go wrong?'.
Qualification Context
You will have encountered the concept of risk throughout your studies, from F1, Accountant in Business where you
consider the influences over a business performance to F9 Financial Management where you undertake a very technical
detailed review of different risks.
You might go on to do detailed calculations for treasury risk in P4, Advanced Financial Management, cover risk from a
strategic point of view in P5, Advanced Performance Management or use risk to plan effective audits in P7, Advanced
Audit and Assurance.
Business Context
The relationship between risk and return is key to a successful business. A business that does not take any risks will not
make any profits. Instead businesses are trying to make returns that are acceptable for the risks that they take.
Therefore, it is important to understand that organisations do not seek to eliminate all risks, rather to effectively manage
them. This way the positive or upside to the risk can reap benefit whilst the negative downside can be minimised.
Business Risk
Corporate governance
Risk classification
Risk management
Risk and
Risk and
Etc. .
Risk is a condition in which there exists a dispersion in the possible results of an activity.
Although we normally consider risk to mean the chance of negative outcomes, risk
assessment should also consider upside risk, the chance of a better than expected
Risk arises from uncertainty, which in turn rises from incomplete information.
Ultimately risk assessment may be able to tell you the possible impacts and the chances
that each outcome will occur (risk probability). All that is unknown is the actual outcome,
which will always be uncertain.
Businesses may be willing to tolerate a higher level of risk (a wider range of possible
outcomes, a higher probability of negative outcomes) provided they receive a higher level of
return; this is their appetite for risk.
A business should reduce the negative aspects of risk where possible, but not eliminate all
risks because of its positive aspects.
The role of organisational management is to maximise the returns that are possible given
the levels of acceptable risk.
Risk management
Risk management is an integral part of strategy, and involves analysing the key value
drivers in the organisation's activities, and the risks associated with those value drivers.
A simplistic view of risk would see it in purely negative terms, as downside risk. Here, risk
management would aim to minimise the chances that such adverse events will occur.
However, organisations should be aware that it might not be possible to eliminate risks
without undermining the whole basis on which the business operates or without incurring
excessive costs and insurance premiums.
There will be a level of residual risk, which it is simply not worth or possible to eliminate.
The benefits derived from risk management, possibly at the expense of profits, are:
There needs to be a link between directors remuneration and risks taken by the
Directors need controls or incentives to ensure the risk appetite of the company matches
shareholder expectations otherwise directors could decide that the company should accept
a level of risk higher than shareholders consider acceptable.
Corporate governance frameworks aim to ensure that directors pay sufficient attention to
risk management and take appropriate risks. Corporate governance guidelines therefore
require directors to:
Establish appropriate control mechanisms for dealing with the risks the organisation
Strategic risks
Strategic risks are those risks that relate to the fundamental long term decisions that
directors take about the future of an organisation.
The most significant risks are focused on the actual strategy the organisation adopts. This
will include issues such as:
Entry and
Products and
Mergers and
Lecture example 1
Class discussion
What other factors could influence the degree of strategic risk faced by a company?
Operational risk
Operational risk is the risk of loss from a failure of internal business and control processes.
The main difference between strategic and operational risks is that strategic risks relate to
the long term and are derived in part from the external environment. Operational risks are
what could go wrong on a day-to-day basis, and are internally focused.
Classification of risk
There are many different types of risks faced by organisations, particularly those with
commercial or international activities.
The nature of these risks can be classified under the several key headings, as illustrated
Property (inc
Trade (inc
Lecture example 2
Class discussion
Suggest the various aspects of business and financial performance that could contribute to
financial risk.
Lecture example 3
Class discussion
Suggest various ways in which technological risk could manifest itself in a large business
Lecture example 4
Class discussion
Risky Business
A & B is a European retail company that has had a presence on the high street in its home country
for decades. It traditionally sold high quality, own brand goods. Its range covers clothing, food and
groceries and furniture / household items. It acquired a reputation for being the place where
everybody bought their socks and underwear. It also attracted a lot of seasonal Christmas sales in
both the clothing ranges (because of its generous returns policy) and the food ranges which are
still regarded as more upmarket than rival supermarkets.
In the 1990s and early 2000s it was being described in the press as a troubled retail chain
because of its lacklustre performance. Among the problems it faced were late adoption of
EFTPOS, a conservative clothing range, while its traditional demographic were increasingly
youthful in their outlook and issues regarding the quality and value for money of the clothing after
production was moved from its home country to parts of the world with cheaper labour. The brand
had a tired feel to it.
The company has had mixed success in turning its fortunes around. It has had several changes on
the board, including both the posts of Chair and CEO. There have also been changes in the design
team for the womens clothing ranges. The company launched several collections aimed at
different groups of women, including xclusiv, pour Elle and traditional
Other strategies being rolled out are to gain a reputation for exemplary social and environmental
policies, diversifying into financial products, online selling and establishing branches across the
rest of Europe and North America. These have sought to link the brand to the (positive) values and
characteristics associated within its home country.
Analyse the risks facing the company.
Chapter summary
Risk Management
Strategic Risks
Operational Risk
Classification of Risk
Risk assessment
Identify, and assess the impact upon, the stakeholders involved in business risk
Explain and analyse the concepts of assessing the severity and probability of risk events
Exam Context
You may be asked to describe the risk analysis framework in the exam, or be given details about particular
stakeholders whose views are important.
Most importantly when considering risks described or implied in a scenario, you need to assess the risk probabilities
and the impacts (what will happen if the risk materialises). Although you may only be able to do this very roughly, it
may well determine which risks you concentrate on in your answer; the more significant the risk, the more depth of
discussion will most likely be required.
Qualification Context
Aspects of the risk management process are examined elsewhere in for example detailed calculations in Financial
Management and the business environment in Business Analysis. This paper takes a broad view of the whole process
of identifying and managing risk.
Business Context
The very existence of business risks in all of its forms means that an organisation needs to employ effective risk
management measures. The adoption of a structured and methodical approach, which considers risk holistically,
consistently and iteratively, ensures a business is best placed to take appropriate mitigating action.
Risk Management
Risk identification
Event Identification
Risk assessment
Risk profiling
Risk prioritisation
Risk quantification
Risk consolidation
Risk review
Risk analysis
Risk identification
The identification of risks before they materialise makes it easier for management to
identify suitable methods that can be used to manage them.
Risk identification is a continuous (or iterative) process, so that new risks and changes
affecting existing risks may be identified quickly and dealt with appropriately, before they
can cause unacceptable losses.
A key aspect of risk identification [emphasised by the COSO Enterprise Risk Management
Framework] is identification of events that could impact upon implementation of strategy or
achievement of objectives.
Trends and root causes. Once events have been identified, management may find
that assessment and treatment of causes is a more effective solution than acting on
individual events once they occur
Escalation triggers, certain events happening or levels being reached that require
immediate action
Event interdependencies, identifying how one event can trigger another and how
events can occur concurrently. For example, a decision to defer investment in an
improved distribution system might mean that downtime increases and operating
costs go up
Events can be classified horizontally across the whole organisation and vertically within
operating units. This gives management a better understanding of the interrelationships
between events, gaining enhanced information as a basis for risk assessment.
Risk assessment
It is not always simple to forecast the financial effect of a possible disaster, as it is not until
after a loss that all the impacts the extra expenses, inconveniences and loss of time can
be recognised. Assessment involves estimating or otherwise establishing the impact of
possible outcomes, and their likelihood.
Risk profiling
This stage involves using the results of a risk assessment to group risks into risk families.
One way of doing this is a likelihood/consequences matrix.
Consequences (impact)
Likelihood (risk probability)
This profile can then be used to set priorities for risk mitigation.
The main limitation of this approach is that it rests upon the assumption that both impact
and risk can be quantified, or at least ranked, but quite often they cant.
Risk quantification
Risks that require more analysis can be quantified, where possible results or losses and
probabilities are calculated and distributions or confidence limits added on. From this
exercise the organisation can ascertain certain key figures.
The examiner has stated that you wont be expected to carry out any calculations in the
Risk consolidation
This aggregation will be required as part of the overall review of risk that the board needs
to undertake under corporate governance provisions.
Denial of credit
Higher interest charges,
Applying restrictive covenants
Requiring security (e.g. mortgage)
Putting the company into liquidation.
Employees will be concerned about threats to their job prospects (money, promotion,
benefits and satisfaction) and ultimately threats to the jobs themselves. The variety of
actions employees can take include:
Customers will be concerned with threats to their getting the goods or services that
they have been promised, or not getting the value from the goods or services that they
expect. The risk to the firm is that they could take their business elsewhere.
Governments, regulatory and other bodies will be particularly concerned with risks
that the organisation does not act as a good corporate citizen, implementing for
example, poor employment or environmental policies. A number of the variety of
actions that can be taken could have serious consequences.
The risks facing an organisation should influence the ways in which the board develops its
internal control systems. This is a key component of good corporate governance
The Turnbull report laid out a framework for board consideration of risk and internal control,
in which the board should consider:
The extent and categories of risk which it regards as acceptable for the company to
The companys ability to reduce the incidence and impact on the business of risks
that do materialise
The Turnbull Report recommends that the board should regularly receive and review
reports on risk management and internal control.
Turnbull also recommends that directors should conduct an annual review of risk and
internal control.
Chapter summary
Section Topic
Risk Analysis
Risk Identification
Risk Assessment
Risk Profiling
Risk Quantification
Risk Consolidation
Responses to Risk
Consideration of
Controlling risk
Identify, explain and evaluate the corporate governance and executive management roles in risk
management (in particular the separation between responsibility for ensuring that adequate risk management
systems are in place and the application of risk management systems and practices in the organisation)
Explain the assess the role of a risk manager in identifying and monitoring risk
Explain and evaluate the role of the risk committee in identifying and monitoring risk
Describe and analyse the concepts of embedding risk in an organisations systems and procedures
Describe and evaluate the concept of embedding risks in an organisations culture and values
Explain and analyse the concepts of spreading and diversifying risk and when this would be appropriate
Explain and evaluate the different attitudes to risk and how these can affect strategy
Explain and assess the necessity of incurring risk as part of competitively managing a business organisation
Explain and assess attitudes towards risk and the ways in which risk varies in relation to the size, structure
and development of an organisation
Exam Context
The chapter contents could be examined in overview (the key features of a good risk management system) or you
may be asked more specific questions about various aspects such as the responsibilities of senior management or
when different methods of dealing with risk might be appropriate.
Qualification Context
During your studies at the fundamentals level you will have learned a number of financial and management
accounting techniques had the effect of controlling risk in a business environment. Although not identified as such at
the time, you should use this knowledge as the foundation stone to aid your understanding of the paper, and cite
examples to help apply this knowledge in the exam.
Business Context
For a business to be successful it must take risks. The old adage you need to speculate to accumulate holds true,
however risk must always be managed in a controlled environment. This chapter will help you appreciate exactly how
organisations can create such a control environment and therefore affect control measures in all areas of business
Controlling Risk
Attitude to risk
Risk taking
Risk aversion
Management responses to risk are not automatic, but will be determined by their own
attitudes to risk, which in turn may be influenced by shareholder attitudes.
Lecture example 1
Classroom discussion
Suggest factors likely to influence an organisation's attitude to risk.
ERM provides a coherent framework for organisations to deal with risk, based on the
following components:
Information and
Benefits of ERM
Alignment of
risk appetite
and strategy
Link growth,
risk and
Choose best
and losses
responses to
multiple risks
Identify and
manage risks
across the
Risk management should evolve into a consistent, embedded activity within a companys
strategic, business, budget and audit planning process and should focus on:
top-down communications
on what the risk philosophy is and
what is expected of the organisations people.
Training is of course essential, especially for new employees and for all when new
procedures are introduced.
The people who are expected to own risks and risk management will be more
inclined to take a stake in risk management.
Lecture example 2
Classroom discussion
The biggest challenge likely to be encountered in developing an effective risk management
culture is resistance to cultural change.
Chapter summary
Section Topic
Enterprise Risk
Embedding Risk
Awareness and
Inculcating a Risk
Aware Culture
Information requirements
and reporting
Explain and assess the need for adequate information flows to management for the purposes of the
management of internal control and risk
Evaluate the qualities and characteristics of information required in internal control and risk management and
Exam Context
In scenarios, look out for information on communication links; poor communication is often an important sign of a weak
control system. Board review and reporting are key elements in the control system and youll need to know what an
effective board review involves.
Qualification Context
Effective communication is a key trait of a successful practising accountant. Such skills are tested as a matter of course
through all of the exams of the professional ACCA qualification. However, as you approach the end of your studies it is
very important that you appreciate both why and how to communicate in business; this chapter provides a useful
backdrop to such understanding.
Business Context
Here we will bring together a number of themes discussed earlier. The key issue is communication, in particular the
importance of two-way communication between the directors and the staff. The formal review of risk and internal control
undertaken by the board (or via internal audit) aims to produce a report to shareholders communicating how the firm has
been addressing the major risks it faces. Formal communication of this sort in part provides assurance that the internal
control systems are working well.
Information requirements
Good quality information
Internal communication
External communication
Reporting on
Risk management
Internal control
Directors require information from a large variety of sources to allow them to review the
operation of the internal control systems
Lecture example 1
Classroom discussion
Suggest various ways in which directors can obtain the information they need to assure the
effectiveness of control systems.
The information obtained from the disparate sources must be compared and discrepancies
followed up and addressed.
The board must undertake a regular review of the information they receive.
Formal communication of control and risk management issues with employees reinforces
both the need and importance of control systems. This is implicit within an embedded risk
aware culture (discussed in Chapter 8).
Control systems may appear to work on paper but, if they are not designed with the user in
mind, they are likely to be unworkable in practice.
That responsibility for delivering business objectives and managing related risk is
clearly understood
Problems are reported and acted upon, rather than simply left unresolved
All employees have sufficient knowledge, skills and resources to support the
achievement of the organisation's objectives (and to manage associated risks)
Lecture example 2
Classroom discussion
What measures could be employed by management to ensure that all staff understand that risk
management is an integral, embedded part of the organisation's operations?
Good lines of communication can be difficult to achieve in large organisations and/or those
operating all over the world. Their effectiveness may also vary due to differences in culture
over the whole organisation.
Boards should review risks and the effectiveness of internal controls regularly.
To carry out an effective review, boards should regularly receive and review reports and
information on internal control, concentrating on the following:
What are the risks?
The board should carry out a formal annual review that looks more widely at risks faced
and control systems and also how these issues should be reported.
The scope and quality of management's monitoring of risk and internal control, and
of the work of internal audit
Significant controls, failings and weaknesses which have or might have material
impacts upon the accounts
The board should also explicitly state within the report to the accounts:
A formal acknowledgement that they are responsible for the company's system of
internal control, and for reviewing its effectiveness
An explanation that such a system is designed to manage rather than eliminate the
risk of failure to achieve business objectives
A summary of the process that the directors have used to review the effectiveness of
the system of internal control
The internal control system recommended by the Turnbull report is notable because it
supports the following.
openness with
full disclosure
Adaptive to
its changing
risk, does
not eliminate
Unifies all
Chapter summary
Section Topic
The information
requirements of
Communication with
employees and
internal control
Management Review
and Reporting
Reporting on Risk
Management and
Explain and distinguish between the ethical theories of relativism and absolutism
Explain, in an accounting and governance context, Kohlbergs stages of human moral development
Describe and evaluate Gray, Owen and Adams' seven positions on social responsibility
Describe and evaluate other constructions of the corporate and personal ethical stance
Describe and analyse the variables determining the cultural context of ethics and corporate social responsibility.
Describe the role of, and assess the influence of, accounting as a profession in the organisational context
Recognise accountings role as a value-laden profession capable of influencing the distribution of power and
wealth in society
Describe and critically evaluate issues surrounding accounting and acting against the public interest
Exam Context
Although the pilot paper contained a very a straightforward ethics question, it should be anticipated that at this level
other questions may be more complex. You are likely to need to consider the range of influences on a person and/or
organisations ethical position. A typical question might ask you to interpret people's actions or attitudes in the light of the
ethical theories or suggest how one of the theories might affect behaviour.
Qualification Context
The ACCA have introduced an ethics module for all accountancy students to complete. Ethics is introduced early on in
the syllabus at paper F1 (Accountant in Business) and it will be a theme permeating all of the final papers.
Business Context
The International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) has deemed it necessary to provide clear and unambiguous ethical
guidance to all members of the profession. The ACCA have adopted the IFAC guidelines within their rulings, which will
govern your standard of behaviour as a qualified member.
Ethical theories
Organisational ethics
Social responsibility
Absolutism v Relativism
Deontological v Teleological/consequentialist
Utilitarianism v Egoism
stages of
human moral
Ethical theories
Ethics is:
Concerned with right and wrong, and how conduct is judged to be good or bad.
About how we should live our lives and, how we should behave towards other people.
Relevant to all forms of human activity, including the business world.
Relativism recognises the differences that exist between the rules of behaviour prevailing in
different cultures. This is clearly a matter of significance in the context of international
Lecture example 1
What do you consider would be the relative merits and demerits of adopting an ethically relativist
approach in business?
[10 marks]
Ethical absolutism
This approach to ethics is built on the principle that objective, universally applicable moral
truths exist and can be known. This is called ethical absolutism.
Natural law approaches to ethics, based on the idea that a set of natural moral rules
exists and we can come to know what they are.
Criticisms of absolutism
An ethical decision will lead to an action which will have consequences. A deontological
approach judges the action, while a teleological approach judges the outcomes.
Benefit / Harm
Deontological ethics
Deontology is concerned with the application of universal ethical principles in order to arrive
at rules of conduct. Deontology lays down criteria by which actions may be judged in
advance [Kant].
Deontology tests actions and establishes where your duty lies based on:
A criticism of deontological ethics is that you cannot take actions in a vacuum and must
have regard for their consequences. However, we cannot always know what the
consequences of our actions would be.
Utilitarianism can be summed up in the 'greatest good' principle. This says that when
deciding on a course of action we should choose the one that is likely to result in the
greatest good for the greatest number of people. There problem is how do we define
what is good for people.
They show the reasoning process of individuals; it is possible that individuals at different
levels will make the same moral decisions, but they will do so as a result of different
reasoning processes.
Level 1 Pre-conventional
Level 2 Conventional
Law and Order means abiding by the law and responding to the
obligations of duty
Level 3 Post-conventional
CSR ( Carroll)
Corporate citizenship
(Matten et al)
Ethical Stances
(Johnson & Scholes)
Shareholders demand a
good return
Employees want fair
employment conditions
Customers seek good
quality products and
services at a fair price
Laws codify societys
moral views
Obedience to the law
must be the foundation of
compliance with social
Companies are required
to act in a fair and just
way even if the law does
not compel them to do so
Short-term shareholder
interest, This approach
would accept a duty of
obedience to the
demands of the law, but
would not undertake to
comply with any less
substantial rules of
Long-term shareholder
The responsible exercise
of corporate power may
prevent a build-up of
social and political
pressure for legal
-charitable donations,
contributions to local
communities, and
providing employees with
the chances to improve
their own lives
Shaper of society,
although it is accepted
that this role is largely the
preserve of public sector
7 Social Responsibility
Viewpoints (Gray
Owen & Adams)
Pristine capitalists:
Business has no moral
responsibilities beyond
their obligations to
shareholders and
Expedients social
responsibility may be
appropriate if it is in the
businesss economic
Proponents of the
social contract there is
effectively a contract or
agreement between the
organisations and those
who are affected by their
Social ecologists
believe that business
activities result in
resource exhaustion;
waste and pollution must
be modified.
Organisations must be
socially responsible
Socialists seek to
promote egalitarian
Radical feminists aim to
promote feminine values
such as co-operation
Deep ecologists suggest
that man has no greater
rights to resources or life
than other species.
Among the most important obligation for modern professionals is maintaining confidentiality
and upholding ethical standards.
The public interest is considered to be the collective well-being of the community of people
and institutions the professional accountant serves, including clients, lenders, governments,
employers, employees, investors, the business and financial community and others who rely
on the work of professional accountants (IFAC).
The influence of the accountancy profession on business and society is potentially huge. It
can be established simply by considering all the different involvements that accountants
Financial accounting
Management accounting
The financial information included within accounts can have a number of impacts:
Mechanistic issues, where
the accounts are used to judge
the performance of a company
or its directors in line with a
regulation or contract.
Critics of the accountancy profession emphasise the prime role of resource allocation, and
thereby act as the agent of capitalism.
Are too passive, allowing too great a variety of accounting treatments, and failing to
impose meaningful responsibilities on auditors such as an explicit responsibility to
detect and report fraud
Emphasise the wrong principles, giving priority to client confidentiality over disclosure
in the wider public interest
Chapter summary
Section Topic
Ethical Theories
Kohlbergs stages of
human moral
Organisations ethical
and social
responsibility stances
Describe, and assess the content of, and principles behind, professional codes of ethics
Describe and assess the codes of ethics relevant to accounting professionals such as IFAC or professional body
codes e.g. ACCA
Describe and evaluate issues associated with conflicts of interest and ethical conflict resolution
Apply commonly used ethical decision-making models in accounting and professional contexts: American
Accounting Association model; Tuckers 5-question model
Explain and evaluate the nature of impacts of ethical threats and safeguards
Explain and explore how threats to independence can affect ethical behaviour
Explain and analyse the content and nature of ethical decision-making using content from Kohlbergs framework
as appropriate
Explain and analyse issues related to the application of ethical behaviour in a professional context
Describe and discuss rules-based and principles-based approaches to resolving ethical dilemmas encountered in
professional accounting
Exam Context
Although it is possible to gain a few marks for describing basic ethical threats, the main focus on questions on ethics will
be based on practical situations. In the scenarios provided in the exam ethical issues, and associated recommended
action, will not be clear-cut.
The IFAC and the ACCA provide clear guidance on best ethical practice. However, your examiner has stated that
applying other relevant codes to the situations in the exam will also gain you credit.
Qualification Context
If you havent already, you are strongly encouraged to complete the ACCA online ethics module. Although not
compulsory for existing ACCA students transiting between the old and new syllabuses, it will help to bridge the
knowledge gap you will face, and be invaluable in your preparations for sitting paper P1
Business Context
Undoubtedly ethics and ethical behaviour has become an important issue in the global business world. The array of
corporate scandals, often involving professional accountants, has left the public with little confidence in terms of how
business is conducted. By adopting a strong professional ethics stance this should go a long way in reassuring the
unconvinced that our profession, and the ACCA in particular, takes ethical practice very seriously.
Professional ethics
Corporate codes of ethics
Ethical conflict
IFAC Guidelines
Threats to professional
Tucker 5
Self interest
Self review
Organisations have responded to wide and varied pressures from external stakeholders to
be seen to act ethically by publishing ethical codes.
Ethical codes contain a series of statements setting out the organisation's core values and
explaining how it sees its responsibilities towards its stakeholders. They cover specific areas
such as gifts, anti-competitive behaviour and so on. However, often they do little more than
describe current acceptable practices.
Lecture example 1
Classroom discussion
Apart from the use of ethical codes how else can an organisation aim to control and influence the
ethical behaviour of staff?
Issuing an ethical code is not enough to ensure correct ethical practice. The following are
also required:
The commitment of the board and senior management to the code needs to be real,
and it needs to be very clearly communicated to all staff.
Measures need to be taken to discourage previous behaviours that conflict with the
spirit and detail of the code.
Staff need to understand that it is in the organisation's (and their) best interests to
change behaviour, and become committed to the same ideals.
Can contain inflexible and impractical rules, which are not at all clear
Are often perceived by staff as irrelevant, because they: fail to address the sort of
ethical problems they are likely to encounter
Disadvantages of a principles-based
The ACCA has published its own Code of Ethics and Conduct for its members, which is
broadly based on the same principles as the IFAC Code.
The table below details fundamental principles upon with the code are based, which can be
easily remembered using the OPPTIC mnemonic:
Fundamental principles
competence and
due care
Safeguards against breach of compliance with the IFAC and ACCA guidance include:
Safeguards within the client/ the accountancy firm's own systems and procedures
Educational training and experience requirements for entry into the profession,
together with continuing professional development.
Lecture example 2
Classroom discussion
Ethical standards, quality control standards and auditing standards work together to ensure
independence is safeguarded and good quality audits are carried out.
What additional safeguards can be included in the client/firm's own systems and procedures?
The IFAC Code states that firms should have established policies to resolve conflict and
should consider:
The facts
The ethical issues involved
Related fundamental principles
Established internal procedures
Alternative courses of action, considering the consequences of each.
The American Accounting Association Model frames the ethical decision as a series of
answers to questions.
What are the norms, principles and values related to the case?
What is the best course of action that is consistent with the norms, principles and
values identified?
Tuckers 5 question model is a benchmark against which to test the ethicality of a decision.
Ask yourself, is the decision:
Fair and equitable?
Right, which is prone to subjective judgement?
Sustainable or environmentally sound?
Kohlbergs guidance
One aim of a principles-based ethical code is in effect to move subjects towards postconventional levels of reasoning as defined in Kohlbergs framework (see Chapter 10).
The principles are meant to provide ideals towards which ethical decisions should aspire,
and thereby encourage individuals to make their own ethical judgements.
Lecture example 3
Group discussion
Southern Construction, started as a small family-run business in the 1980s. John Falshaw, the
founder and self-appointed chairman of the board, foresaw rapid expansion and so decided that
the firm should go public. Unfortunately, the timing of this decision was unfortunate as it coincided
with an economic recession, which hit the building trade very hard. The strain was too much and
Falshaw suffered a massive heart attack, and was forced to retire.
In the past Falshaw had run things with a heavy hand; things were done his way or not al all! The
board served as a rubber stamp for his decisions, and as a result, financial and operational
controls were weak or non-existent.
The new chairman was trying desperately to maintain existing levels of financing. However, the
firms bank was very unsettled by recent events, and insisted that Southern Equipment plc recruit
some non-executive directors to strengthen the effectiveness of the board.
Thomas Edwards FCCA had recently retired as financial controller of a large engineering
company. He was delighted when he was approached by the chairman of Southern Construction
with the offer of becoming a non-executive director and chair of the yet to be established audit
committee. On accepting the position, the head of internal audit, Mary Flanagan, was instructed to
report directly to Edwards. New internal controls were instituted and additional internal audit staff
were recruited.
One day Mary Flanagan reported that her team had found that a salesman had been submitting
false expenses vouchers running into thousands of pounds. Mary, who had a reputation for
integrity and thoroughness, was particularly upset because the actions were a clear violation of the
Southern Equipment Code of Conduct. The salesman in question was Elmer Pearson. When
asked what should be done with Pearson, she responded, The penalty called for submitting false
expense claims is summary dismissal no exceptions.
It transpired that Pearson would go out with another sales rep, and then both would submit an
expenses claim for the same trip. Internal audit had unearthed dozens of vouchers like this, some
even claiming for imaginary trips.
Edwards was concerned about the reaction of the bank if they learned about thus fraudulent
Later that day, Flanagan phoned Edwards at home. She sounded upset, but wanted to talk. Im
confused she said, my loyalties are being pulled in so many directions, I dont know what to
think. She went on to point out that she had known Pearson for over 10 years, and he had always
been friendly and helpful to her. She wondered if long service and loyalty to the firm deserved
special consideration.
The following day Edwards confronted Pearson. Pearson admitted to the double billing and
imaginary trips. When he was accused of clearly violating the Code, he said you dictate my
resignation, Ill sign it and be out of here tonight. Edwards responded to this by advising Pearson
that if any criminal activity were involved, it wouldnt stop there.
To this, Pearson looked incredulous and began to argue his case strongly. He was currently
working on a big deal with a Japanese businessman a market Southern Equipment had been
trying to crack for some time. His budget has been cut to the bone, so he used the money from the
expenses subterfuge to finance the sales pitch. All that is left on a 10 million deal is for the papers
Self-interest threat
The ACCA Code of Ethics and Conduct highlights a great number of areas in which a selfinterest threat to independence might arise.
A partner or
employee on
the board of an
audit client
Family or close
personal relationships
Contingent fees
based on the
outcome of a
Client lends a material
sum of money to an
audit firm or member
of audit team
Valuable gift
and/or hospitality
Maintaining records such that the firm is able to demonstrate that appropriate staff
and time are spent on the engagement
Compliance with all applicable audit standards, guidelines and quality control
Self-review threat
Self-review threat is where an audit firm provides services other than audit services to an
audit client (i.e. providing multiple services). There is a great deal of guidance in the ACCA
and IFAC rules about threats arising from services accountancy firms might provide to their
Advocacy threat
An advocacy threat arises in certain situations where the audit firm assume the clients part
in a dispute or somehow acting as their advocate. The most obvious instances of this would
be when a firm acts as an expert witness in a court case.
Familiarity threat
Familiarity threat is where independence is jeopardised by the audit firm and its staff
becoming over familiar with the client and its staff. As a result they may become too
sympathetic to their views and interest.
Intimidation threat
Threats of dismissal.
Threats of litigation.
Pressure to reduce fees or the extent of work performed.
The question requirements will vary, but in general marks will be awarded for:
As with all scenario-based questions there is likely to be more than one acceptable answer.
However, questions based on ethical issues tend to produce a range of possible solutions
which are, on the one hand, consistent with the ethical guidelines and acceptable, and on
the other hand, a range of clearly inadmissible answers which are clearly in breach of the
ethical guidelines and possibly the law.
Adhere to the following list of do's and don'ts based on the American Accounting
Association model.
Don't forget the words 'fairness', 'bias', and 'influence' when discussing 'objectivity'.
If the law is involved, don't get carried away this is not a law exam.
To consider the problem from the point of view of the organisation and environment
Making a decision is often very hard, but if you cannot do this you are simply not ready to
take on the responsibilities of a qualified accountant.
Possibly the most common fault in students' answers to questions on ethics is that they
include large amounts of unanalysed detail copied straight from the question scenarios in
their answers. This approach earns no marks!
Marks are awarded for 'justifying recommendations in practical business terms and in ethical
terms'. The key to this approach is using the right language, and to a large extent you
cannot help doing so if you have sensible suggestions to make. The real problem that many
students experience with questions of this type is lack of confidence in their own judgement.
If you have sound business and managerial sense and you know the ethical guidelines there
is every reason to suppose that an answer that you propose will be acceptable, so don't be
shy of expressing an opinion.
Chapter summary
Section Topic
Ethical codes set out the companys core values and usually
contain detailed guidance about issues like anti-competitive
practices and bribes/gifts. To be effective they need board level
commitment, communicating, monitoring and sanctions.
Corporate Codes of
IFAC Professional
Code of Ethics
Models of ethical
conflict resolution
Independence and
conflicts of interest
Describe and assess the social and environmental effects that economic activity can have (in terms of social and
environmental footprints)
Explain and assess the concept of sustainability and evaluate the issues concerning accounting for sustainability
(including the contribution of full cost accounting)
Describe the main features of internal management systems for underpinning environmental accounting such as
EMAS and ISO 14000
Explain the nature of social and environmental audit and evaluate the contribution it can make to the
development of environmental accounting
Exam Context
You may see a whole optional question on the issues covered in this chapter as it covers various aspects of
organisations activities and control systems. Alternatively [as in Pilot Paper Question 1] some of the themes may be
brought in as part of a wider question.
Qualification Context
The grey area of corporate social responsibility has not been addressed in your studies to date. However, as it is going
to be a key feature of your future role the ACCA deem it to be of significance at this level.
Business Context
In this chapter we focus on the hot topic of the corporate social responsibilities organisations have towards the natural
environment. We consider the impact organisations have upon the environment, where the concept of sustainability is
particularly important, as it relates to whether the impact the organisation makes on the environment can be limited to
what the environment can bear.
Going forward business organisations can expect to be required to formally report and audit the environmental impacts
of their activities.
Social and
Environmental issues
Social issues
Environmental issues
Pollution / Emissions
There is growing concern about the relationship between business and the environment.
Lecture example 1
Classroom discussion
The most serious environmental issue facing a business may be whether their activities contribute
to climate change. What practical measures could a business employ to reduce such impacts?
Environmental costs
Waste management
Compensation costs
Remediation costs
Compliance costs
Legal costs
Failing to take due account of the environmental impact [footprint] can have a significant
impact on reported businesss performance, as well as on the natural world.
Sustainability means limiting the use of depleting resources to a level that can be
by whom?
Sustainable at
what cost?
for whom?
for how long?
in what way?
A key issue here is generational equity, ensuring that future generations are able to enjoy
the same environmental conditions, and in social terms per capita welfare is maintained or
The two approaches to the idea of sustainability relate to their supporters views of the
extent, causes and solutions. These are:
Weak sustainability believes that the focus should be on sustaining the human
species and the natural environment can be regarded as a resource. The weak
sustainability viewpoint tends to dominate discussion within the Western economic
Strong sustainability stresses the need for harmony with the natural world; it is
important to sustain all species, not just the human race. They see a requirement for
fundamental change, including a change in how man perceives economic growth (and
whether it is pursued at all).
Full cost accounting (FCA) is at its simplest a system that allows current accounting and
economic numbers to incorporate all potential/actual costs and benefits into the equation
including environmental (and perhaps social) externalities to get the prices right.
A key problem is that we are not yet sure what a full cost price looks like. The approach
used tries to achieve increasingly full costs by using a number of tiers of cost.
Tier 0
Usual costs
Tier 1
Hidden costs
Tier 2
Liability costs
Tier 3
Tier 4
focused costs
Disadvantages of FCA
Audit results to form the basis of setting environmental objectives and the revision of
the environmental policy to achieve those objectives
ISO 14000
ISO 14000 provides a general framework on which a number of specific standards have
been based (the ISO family of standards).
An environmental policy statement, which should be the basis for future action. It
needs therefore to be based on reliable data, and allow for the development of
specific targets.
Environmental reporting
The arguments in favour of environmental reporting, promote the need for transparency and
openness, disclosing all matters of concern to investors and other stakeholders. These
should be generally presented in a balanced dispassionate and understandable way.
Social audit is the process of checking whether an organisation has achieved set targets.
Identifying that all current environment programmes are congruent with the mission of
the company.
Chapter summary
Section Topic
Social and
Environmental Effects of
Business Activity
Environmental Costs
Management Systems
Social and
Environmental Audits
Answers to
Lecture Examples
Chapter 1
Answer to Lecture Example 1
Improved risk management. The reduction of downside risk will reduce business losses.
It provides both an appropriate and adequate systems of internal control, which permeates the
organisation from top to bottom.
Best practice guidelines, applied by management, who therefore strive to improve their
Safeguards the firm from misuse of business assets, both tangible and intangible.
Rewarding managers with shares. This might be done when a private company 'goes public' and
managers are invited to subscribe for shares in the company at an attractive offer price. In a
management buy-out or buy-in (the latter involving purchase of the business by new managers;
the former by existing managers), managers become joint owner-managers.
Executive share option plans (ESOPs) In a share option scheme, selected employees are given a
number of share options, each of which gives the holder the right after a certain date to subscribe
for shares in the company at a fixed price. The value of an option will increase if the company is
successful and its share price goes up, therefore giving managers an incentive to take decisions
to increase the value of the company, actions congruent with wider shareholder interests.
Such measures might merely encourage management to adopt 'creative accounting' methods
which will distort the reported performance of the company in the service of the managers' own
seeking assurances from managers that shareholders' interests will be foremost in their
The most significant problem with monitoring is likely to be the agency costs involved, as they
may imply significant shareholder engagement with the company.
Directors: The powers of directors to run the company are set out in the companys constitution
or articles. Under corporate governance best practice there is a distinction between the roles of
executive directors, who are involved full-time in managing the company, and the non-executive
directors, who primarily focus on monitoring. However under company law in most jurisdictions the
legal duties of directors apply to both executive and non-executive directors.
Employees play a vital role in an organisation in the implementation of strategy; they need to
comply with the corporate governance systems in place and adopt appropriate culture. Their
commitment to the job may be considerable involving changes when taking the job (moving
house), dependency if in the job for a long time (not just financial but in utilising skills that may not
be portable elsewhere) and fulfilment as a human being (developing a career, entering
Suppliers. Major suppliers will often be key stakeholders, particularly in businesses where
material costs and quality are significant. Supplier co-operation is also important if organisations
are trying to improve their management of assets by keeping inventory levels to a minimum; they
will need to rely on suppliers for reliability of delivery. If the relationship with suppliers deteriorates
because of a poor payment record, suppliers can limit or withdraw credit and charge higher rates
of interest. They can also reduce their level of service, or even switch to supplying competitors.
Customers have increasingly high expectations of the goods and services they buy, both from
the private and public sectors. These include not just low costs, but value for money, quality and
service support. In theory, if consumers are not happy with their purchases, they will take their
business elsewhere next time. With increasingly competitive markets, consumers are able to
exercise increasing levels of power over companies as individuals.
External auditors. The external audit is one of the most important corporate governance
procedures; it enables investors to have much greater confidence in the information that their
agents, the directors/managers are supplying. However, the main focus of the external audit is on
giving assurance that the accounts give a true and fair view. Because of the significance of the
external audit, the external auditors must be independent.
Regulators. A key interest of regulators in corporate governance is maintaining shareholdersstakeholder confidence in the information with which they are being provided.
Chapter 2
Answer to Lecture Example 1
It avoids the need for inflexible legislation that companies have to comply with even though the
legislation is not appropriate.
It is less burdensome in terms of time and expenditure. Although governments have not been
directly involved in many of the bodies that have established corporate governance practice; they
clearly have a major interest and have made their views known. In many countries there are
continual pressures from business for governments to reduce the burden of red-tape.
Where principles-based approaches have been established in the form of corporate governance
codes the specific recommendations that the codes make are generally enforced on a comply or
explain basis. Businesses can therefore explain why they have departed from the specific
provisions if they feel it is appropriate.
The differential treatment of domestic and foreign investors, both in terms of reporting and
associated rights/dividends, also the excessive influence of majority shareholders in insider
jurisdictions, caused many investors to call for parity of treatment.
Issues concerning financial reporting were raised by many investors and were the focus of much
debate and litigation. Shareholder confidence in what was being reported in many instances was
The characteristics of individual countries may have a significant influence in the way corporate
governance has developed. The King report emphasises the importance of qualities that are
fundamental to the South African culture such as collectiveness, consensus, helpfulness, fairness,
consultation and religious faith in the development of best practice.
An increasing number of high profile corporate scandals and collapses including Polly Peck
International, BCCI, and Maxwell Communications Corporation prompted the development of governance
codes in the early 1990s. However, the scandals since then have raised questions about further
measures that may be necessary.
International principles represent a lowest common denominator of general, fairly banal and
meaningless principles.
Any attempt to strengthen the principles will be extremely difficult because of global differences
in legal structures, financial systems and structures of corporate ownership, culture and economic
Chapter 3
Answer to Lecture Example 1
Overseeing strategy
Monitoring the human capital aspects of the company in regard to succession, morale, training,
remuneration and so on
Ensuring that there is effective communication of its strategic plans, both internally and externally
The CEO can then run the company; the chairman can run the board.
The board cannot make the CEO truly accountable for management if it is led by the CEO.
Separation of the roles means that the board is more able to express its concerns effectively by
providing a joint channel of reporting (the chairman) for the non-executive directors.
The UK Combined Code also suggests that the CEO should not go on to become chairman of the
same company. If a CEO did become chairman, the main risk is that he will interfere in matters
that are the responsibility of the new CEO and thus exercise undue influence over him or her.
[Note: The UK Cadbury report recommends that if the posts were held by the same individual, there
should be a strong independent element on the board with a recognised senior member. The UK Higgs
report suggests that a senior independent non-executive director should be appointed who would be
available to shareholders who have concerns that were not resolved through the normal channels.]
Non-executive directors should have no business, financial or other connection with the company,
apart from fees and shareholdings.
They should not take part in share option schemes and their service should not be pensionable, to
maintain their independent status.
Appointments should be for a specified term and reappointment should not be automatic. The
board as a whole should decide on their nomination and selection.
Procedures should exist whereby non-executive directors may take independent advice, at the
company's expense if necessary.
In some jurisdictions factors that impair independence are stressed, others emphasise positive
qualities that promote independence. Ultimately, as the ICGN guidelines point out, all definitions
come down to directors being independent-minded, which means exercising objective judgement
in the best interests of the corporation whatever the consequences for the director personally.
The clear and formal separation between the monitors and those being monitored.
The supervisory/policy board has the capacity to be an effective guard against management
inefficiency or worse. Its existence may act as a deterrent to fraud or irregularity in a similar way to
the independent audit.
The supervisory board system should take account of the needs of stakeholders other than
shareholders, specifically employees, who are clearly important stakeholders in practice.
The system actively encourages transparency within the company, between the boards and,
through the supervisory board, to the employees and the shareholders. It also involves the
shareholders and employees in the supervision and appointment of directors.
Confusion over authority and therefore a lack of accountability can arise with multi-tier boards.
This criticism has been particularly levelled at Japanese companies where the consequence is
allegedly often over-secretive procedures.
The management board may restrict the information passed on to the supervisory board and the
boards may only liaise infrequently.
The supervisory board may not be as independent as would be wished, depending on how
rigorous the appointment procedures are. In addition, members of the supervisory board can be,
indeed are likely to be, shareholder representatives; this could detract from legal requirements
that shareholders don't instruct directors how to manage if the supervisory board was particularly
Basic salary will be in accordance with the terms of the directors contract of employment, and is
not related to the performance of the company or the director. Instead it is determined by the
experience of the director and what other companies might be prepared to pay (the market rate).
Performance related bonuses. Directors may be paid a cash bonus for good (generally
accounting) performance. To guard against excessive payouts, some companies impose limits on
bonus plans as a fixed percentage of salary or pay.
Transaction bonuses tend to be much more controversial. Some chief executives get bonuses
for acquisitions, regardless of subsequent performance, possibly indeed further bonuses for
spinning off acquisitions that have not worked out.
Directors may be awarded shares in the company with limits (a few years) on when they can be
sold in return for good performance.
Share options give directors the right to purchase shares at a specified exercise price over a
specified time period in the future. If the price of the shares rises so that it exceeds the exercise
price by the time the options can be exercised, the directors will be able to purchase shares at
lower than their market value. [The UK Combined Code states that non-executive directors
should not normally be offered share options, as options may impact upon their independence.]
Benefits in kind could include transport (e.g. a car), health provisions, life assurance, holidays,
expenses and loans. The remuneration committees should consider the benefit to the director and
the cost to the company of the complete package. Also the committee should consider how the
directors package relates to the package for employees; ideally perhaps the package offered to
the directors should be an extension of the package applied to the employees.
Pensions. Many companies may pay pension contributions for directors and staff. In some cases
however, there may be separate schemes available for directors at higher rates than for
employees. The UK Combined Code states that as a general rule only basic salary should be
pensionable. The Code emphasises that the remuneration committee should consider the pension
consequences and associated costs to the company of basic salary increases and any other
changes in pensionable remuneration, especially for directors close to retirement.
Chapter 4
Answer to Lecture Example 1
The limitations of internal controls include:
Controls being designed to cope with routine and not non-routine transactions
Controls depending on the method of data processing they should be independent of the
method of data processing
Effective controls do not guarantee success. They cannot turn a poor or mediocre manager unto
a good manager.
Chapter 5
Answer to Lecture Example 1
Threats to internal audit independence
Involvement in systems design. If internal audit has been involved in the design of systems, it is
very doubtful that they can audit what they have recommended.
Over familiarity. As a result of working for the same organisation, and being involved with the
same issues, internal auditors may develop close professional or personal relationships with the
managers and staff they are auditing. This may well make it very difficult to achieve
An organisations culture
Informal networks of staff can have a big influence on individuals attitudes to ethics.
Reporting relationships. The principle that internal audit should be independent of the line
management whose sphere of authority it audits ideally should extend to internal audit being
independent of the finance director.
The department should report to the board or to the audit committee and not to the finance
Management should ensure staff recruited to internal audit through internal job transfer do not
conduct audits on departments in which they have worked.
Where internal audit staff have also been involved in designing or implementing new systems,
they should not conduct post-implementation audits.
Internal auditors should have appropriate scope in carrying out their responsibilities, and
unrestricted access to records, assets and personnel.
Improve the quality of financial reporting, by reviewing the financial statements on behalf of the
Create a climate of discipline and control, which will reduce the opportunity for fraud
Enable the non-executive directors to contribute an independent judgement and play a positive
Help the finance director, by providing a forum in which he can raise issues of concern, and which
he can use to get things done which might otherwise be difficult
Strengthen the position of the external auditor, by providing a channel of communication and
forum for issues of concern
Provide a framework within which the external auditor can assert his independence in the event of
a dispute with management
Strengthen the position of the internal audit function, by providing a greater degree of
independence from management
Chapter 6
Answer to Lecture Example 1
Other factors contributing to strategic risks will include:
The stage in a product's life cycle, higher risks in the introductory and declining stages
The dependence upon inputs with fluctuating prices, e.g. wheat, oil etc
The level of operating gearing the proportion of fixed costs in total costs
Investors will be concerned with financial returns, accuracy and timeliness of information and
quality of leadership
Suppliers and employees will be influenced by the terms and conditions of business and
The organisation needs to consider whether employees have the appropriate knowledge and
The level of customer service, also product safety issues, will obviously influence customers and
perhaps whether the organisation is 'ethical' in matters such as marketing practice; their changing
attitudes and expectations will also be influential.
Note: There may be little management can do about some of these risks, they are inherent in business
activity. However, strategies such as diversification can contribute substantially to the reduction of many
strategic risks.
Capital structure.
Sufficiency of long-term capital base for the amount of trading it is doing (overtrading).
Currency risk is the possibility of loss or gain due to future changes in exchange rates.
Interest rate risk, if a firm has a significant amount of variable (floating) rate debt, interest rate
movements will give rise to uncertainty about the cost of servicing this debt. Conversely, if a
company uses a lot of fixed rate debt, it will lose out if interest rates begin to fall.
Market risk is a risk of loss due to an adverse move in the market value of an asset a stock, a
bond, a loan, foreign exchange or a commodity or a derivative contract linked to these assets
Credit risk is the risk to a company from the failure of its debtors to meet their obligations on time.
Liquidity risk is the risk of loss due to a mismatch between cash inflows and outflows.
Finance providers' risk if it provides finance for others. If it lends money, there is the risk of default
on debt payments, and ultimately the risk that the borrower will become insolvent. If it invests in
shares, there is a risk that it will receive low or no dividends, and share price volatility will mean
that it does not receive any capital gains on the value of the shares.
Physical damage risks, with fire and water are the most serious hazard to computer systems.
Destruction of data can be even more costly than the destruction of hardware.
Internet risk
Corruptions such as viruses on a single computer can spread through the network to all of
the organisation's computers.
If the organisation is linked to an external network, persons outside the company (hackers)
may be able to get into the organisation's internal network, either to steal data or to
damage the system.
Human error such as entering incorrect transactions, failing to correct errors, processing the
wrong files and failing to follow prescribed security procedures.
Technical errors include malfunctioning hardware or software and supporting equipment such as
communication equipment, normal and emergency power supplies and air conditioning units.
The business may face increased costs if there is a sudden shortage in any of the raw materials needed
to manufacture the products they sell, for example if there was a failure of major cotton crops.
The company has historically had few worries about credit risk. However with the extension of its
financial services it has to assess the risk of people defaulting on their store cards.
The company faces the risk of its financial records being misstated because it has to manage
transactions in a large network of stores.
Legal and Political Risks
The company has made much of its reputation for environmental and social integrity. Setting such high
expectations increases the risk that stakeholders perceptions of the company may fall short of
In the markets outside their home country the company has made a strategic decision to link their brand
to the values of their native country. This carries the risk that the companys business may suffer if there
are political problems with the home country. Customers may boycott the stores to protest against
actions of A & B home government.
Technological risks
The company will need to plan for the possibility of physical damage to its computer systems particularly
its EFTPOS system.
It needs to protect its systems against viruses and to ensure that its data does not fall into the wrong
hands. TJX the parent company to TKMaxx lost the credit card details of millions of customers.
Health and Safety
The company will need to ensure that it has adequate controls to ensure the safety of its staff and
members of the public shopping in its stores.
Environmental Risk
The company has linked its reputation to its environmental performance. This increases the potential
losses the company may face if there are any adverse environmental events linked with the company.
As a clothing retailer it may wish to address issues like the use of pesticides by the suppliers of the raw
materials for its clothing.
It is also likely to face harmful criticism if has not addressed issues such excess waste from packaging.
Property Risk
The company operates a large network of stores. If the company owns these buildings it will need to
manage any risks to the building fabric.
Product Risk
The company needs to ensure the quality of the products it sells or it may face losses particularly if it has
to recall products.
Chapter 7
No lecture examples
Chapter 8
Answer to Lecture Example 1
Personal views. Surveys suggest that managers acknowledge the emotional satisfaction from
successful risk-taking, although this is unlikely to be the most important influence on appetite.
Individuals vary in their attitudes to risk and this is likely to be transferred to their roles in
Shareholders demand a level of return that is consistent with taking a certain level of risk.
Managers will respond to these expectations by viewing risk-taking as a key part of decisionmaking.
Organisational influences may be important, and these are not necessarily just a response to
shareholder concerns. Organisational attitudes may be influenced by significant losses in the past,
changes in regulation and best practice, or even changing views of the benefits risk management
can bring. Attitudes to risk will also depend on the size, structure and stage of development of the
National influences. There is some evidence that national culture influences attitude towards risk
and uncertainty. Surveys suggest that attitudes to risk vary nationally according to how much
people are shielded from the consequences of adverse events.
Cultural influences, there are four viewpoints that are key determinants in how risks is viewed.
Fatalists see themselves as having no control over their own lives and hence risk
management is pointless; nothing they can do can make any difference to a situation.
Individualists seek to control their environment rather than let their environment control
them. They will often be found in small single-person dominated organisations with less
formal structures, and hence risk management too will be informal, if indeed it is
considered at all.
Egalitarians are loyal to groups but have little respect for procedures. Their preference will
be for sharing of risks as widely as possible or transfer of risks to those best able to bear
Entrepreneurial risk is the risk that is integral to the pursuit of business opportunities. Whatever
the other influences affecting management attitudes, boards of businesses have to bear some
risks if they are to succeed in business.
The biggest problems are likely to arise when a risk culture already exists but has become
inappropriate and needs to be changed. Some people embrace change and thrive on it, but many
resist it. There may be a variety of reasons.
Change involves the extra effort of 'unlearning' old knowledge and the learning of new
Self-interest may be a factor: a new procedure may entail the involvement of another
person or department and be seen as an erosion of power.
Coercive methods sometimes are necessary particularly when handling short-term issues.
Acquiring the services of a change agent to champion the change process by delivering
the project in a sensitive but effective manner.
The use of positive incentives, with rewards aligned to actions that promote the risk
awareness practices and behaviours.
A suitable organisation structure that supports the new operating framework and culture.
Adequate resources (time, information, etc) to apply the new working practices alongside
their existing workload.
Providing a clear and unambiguous statement of risk policy and strategy, which is
distributed to all managers and staff, providing guidance on all matters pertaining to risk
management in the organisation.
Chapter 9
Answer to Lecture Example 1
Directors will receive control information from the following range of sources:
Directors will receive reports from the internal audit committee and risk committee.
Regular visits by the directors to operations may yield valuable insights and should help the
directors understand the context in which controls are currently operating.
There should be systems in place for all staff with supervisory responsibilities to report on a
regular basis to senior managers, and senior managers in turn to report regularly to directors.
Organisational functions that have a key role to play in internal control systems must report on a
regular basis to the board and senior management.
The board should receive regular reports on certain activities and projects, e.g. major
developments in computerised systems.
The board should obtain evidence to confirm that control weaknesses that have previously been
identified have been resolved. When it has been agreed that action should be taken to deal with
problems, this should include timescale for action and also reporting that the actions have been
The board should receive confirmation as a matter of course that necessary checks on the
operation of the controls have been carried out satisfactorily and that the results have been clearly
Customer responses, particularly complaints, are important evidence for the board to consider,
particularly as regards how controls ensure the quality of output.
Build warning mechanisms into existing information systems rather than develop separate risk
reporting systems.
Communicate policies that cover the following areas of business activity, which have risk
management implicitly associated:
Customer relations
Service levels for both internal and outsourced activities
Health, safety and environmental protection
Security of assets
business continuity
Expenditure and cost control
Accounting, financial and other reporting
Dissemination of the risk management policy and codes of conduct, also key business objectives
and internal control
Training can be particularly useful in emphasising to staff the importance of different types of
control (preventative, detective etc) and also the need for some controls to assist staff
development, but others to enforce sanctions particularly in cases of dishonesty or negligence.
Chapter 10
Answer to Lecture Example 1
Relativism highlights differences in cultural beliefs; for example all cultures may say that it is
wrong to kill innocents, but different cultures may have different beliefs about who innocents
actually are.
Whereas differing absolutist beliefs tend to result in moral conflict between people; relativist ethics
should act to resolve such conflicts.
In the modern business environment where the global economy prevails business is conducted in
many different countries (and cultures), adopting a relativist approach presumes more flexibility
and thereby greater success.
Relativism highlights our cognitive bias in observing with our senses (we see only what we know
and understand) and our notational bias (what we measure without using our senses is subject to
the bias of the measurement methods used).
Strong relativism is a based on a fundamental contradiction; the statement that All statements are
relative is itself an absolute, non-relative statement. However, it is possible to argue that some
universal truths exist, but deny other supposedly objective truths.
A common criticism of relativism is that it leads to a philosophy of anything goes, denying the
existence of morality and permitting activities that are harmful to others.
Some critics have argued for the existence of natural absolute moral laws.
If its valid to say that everyones differing opinions are right, then its equally valid to say that
everyones differing opinions are wrong. This can lead to immense confusion and disagreement,
and breakdown in communication and trust.
Chapter 11
Answer to Lecture Example 1
Involving an additional professional accountant to review the work done or otherwise advise as
Disclosing to those charged with governance the nature of services provided and extent of fees
Banks may take action to protect their interests, which could liquidity problems to the firm
(possibly even make it insolvent).
A valuable sale may be lost, with the resultant impact on financial performance and a lost
opportunity to enter this lucrative market.
This may be just the tip of the iceberg, in term of control weakness.
There is a need for a comprehensive risk assessment and thorough internal audit of all internal
control systems.
Questions must be asked about the effectiveness of Mary Flanagan, if this practice has been
going on for some time but internal audit have failed to identify it before.
The bank has a right to know about control weaknesses, and this could have a detrimental impact
on the firms credit rating going forward.
Material breaches of control and resultant losses must be accounted for and reported to the
Ethical issues
Ascertain the facts of the case, and take the emotion out of the situation (remember there were
two expense claims submitted so the other party could have been party to the fraud).
Consider all of the possible actions that could be taken to resolve the situation now and in the
Appraise the likely consequences of each action on the firm, its employees and all other
Consider any underlying ethical principles (fairness, integrity, openness, professional behaviour).
Agree the most appropriate course of action, communicate it to all parties affected, implement the
programme and monitor its effectiveness.
Chapter 12
Answer to Lecture Example 1
Companies to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by:
Taking advantage of recent advances in combined heat and power to increase energy efficiency
and lower energy costs
Purchasing power generated from renewable energy sources [Johnson & Johnson, 30% of whose
total US energy use is from green power sources such as wind power, on-site solar, low-impact
hydro, renewable energy sources]
Integrating next-generation efficiency measures into the design of new buildings, factories and
products [IBM, whose energy savings methods include installing motion detectors for lighting in
bathrooms and copier rooms, rebalancing heating and lighting systems and resizing high purity
water pumping systems in semi-conductor manufacturing lines]
Integrating energy and environmental efficiency into building, product and process design
Educating employees, customer base and supply chain to help take advantage of best practices
for greenhouse gas mitigation (Polaroids Facilities organisation now requires each employee to
identify energy-saving projects as part of their performance evaluation).
Question and
Answer bank
Describe, with brief comments, the factors, which influenced the introduction of the various
frameworks, codes and systems of corporate governance.
(10 marks)
Describe how the introduction of each of the successive frameworks, codes and systems of
corporate governance has contributed to better corporate governance.
(15 marks)
(Total: 25 marks)
Nerium Engineering
Nerium Engineering plc is a recently listed company that has just appointed a new, non-executive director
to its main board of directors. At the first board meeting that the non-executive director attended, he was
asked to become a member of the audit committee. This committee has only just been established and its
terms of reference have yet to be finally agreed. The non-executive director is unsure what such a role
might involve and, as a qualified engineer without a detailed understanding of finance, he is also unsure
as to whether he is the right person for such a committee. He has, therefore, written to you for advice.
Write a report to the non-executive director setting out the possible role and responsibilities of the audit
committee and the main qualities that a member of such a committee should possess.
(25 marks)
Non-executive directors
It is a principle of corporate governance that the board of directors should be able to exercise an objective
judgement on the company's affairs. However, it is recognised that potential conflicts of interest can arise
between the owners of a company and its management. As a means of dealing with the potential conflicts
of interest, it was recommended by the Cadbury Committee in the UK that the boards of companies with
a London Stock Exchange listing should appoint a minimum number of non-executive directors (NEDs). A
distinction was also made between independent and non-independent non-executive directors.
A variety of criticisms have been made of the system of NEDs. These include the argument that many
non-executives are executive directors of other major companies, which restricts their willingness to
speak out on the company's affairs. NEDs have also been criticised for holding a non-executive post with
too many companies, sometimes five or even more.
In the UK, some criticism has also been voiced against the growing practice of paying NEDs partly in
shares or share options of the company.
(7 marks)
What are the main areas for a potential conflict of interest between the shareholders of a company
and the executive directors? Explain how the use of non-executive directors should help to deal
with this problem.
(11 marks)
In your view, what might be the objections to paying NEDs in shares or share options of the
company, and do you agree with those objections?
(7 marks)
(Total: 25 marks)
Board of directors
You are required to write a report to the board of directors of a new company, which outlines the following
(25 marks)
Caius plc
Caius plc is seeking a listing on the London Stock Exchange. The directors of the company are aware
that certain listed companies have attracted considerable criticism in recent years over directors pay and
conditions. There have been claims in the media that the pay and conditions of some directors have been
far too generous and that the remuneration policies adopted by some companies have been far from
transparent. The directors of Caius plc are keen to ensure that, if the bid for a listing is successful, all
aspects relating to their pay and conditions must be in line with best practice.
Write a report to the directors of Caius plc set out the policies and frameworks that should be adopted by
the company to ensure that directors pay and conditions are fair and transparent.
(25 marks)
Audit process
The audit process is an important element of corporate governance.
Describe the external audit process and internal audit process and discuss the role of each type of
audit in contributing towards an effective system of corporate governance.
(10 marks)
(3 marks)
(Total: 13 marks)
Types of risk
Define the main types of risks that a company faces, and explain how codes of corporate governance can
assist in managing these on a day-to-day basis.
(25 marks)
COSO Framework
The COSO Enterprise Risk Management Framework says that, having assessed relevant risks;
management should determine how it would respond. Responses include risk avoidance,
reduction, sharing, and acceptance. Give brief examples of each of these responses.
(10 marks)
Management should identify control activities needed to help ensure that risk responses are
carried out properly and in a timely manner. Describe some examples of possible control
(15 marks)
(Total: 25 marks)
Ethical considerations
You were appointed financial controller of a firm of builders' merchants almost a year ago, with the
prospect of becoming finance director if you performed well.
The problem customer
An old-established customer, a contractor, X Ltd, which has expanded to take on a very large contract, is
causing problems with delayed payments. X Ltd is a family firm, largely owned by its Managing
Director, Y.
Following a discussion at a management meeting, the sales director and a member of your staff visited
the customer with instructions to 'try and resolve the matter of delayed payments'.
The meeting
At the meeting, the sales director took the lead, having known Y for many years. Y provided the last
annual accounts and the latest management accounts and contract accounts. This one large contract that
X Ltd had undertaken represents some 70% of its current activity.
If all, or almost all, suppliers allow additional credit for material, and X Ltd uses its very limited remaining
bank facilities to pay the workforce, Y thinks the company should be able to complete the next stage of
the contract, get the architect to certify the work has been completed, and obtain a progress payment.
This would enable X Ltd to pay suppliers, get more materials, and finish the contract. However, Y
considers the company will make a significant loss on the contract and will only be able to trade on a
much-reduced scale thereafter.
The sales director suggested, and Y agreed, an arrangement by which Y would make a payment from
personal funds, against which your company would release materials to X Ltd. When it receives the
progress payment X Ltd will pay your company from its company's funds and reduce the amount owing to
well within normal terms. Your company will then repay Y the personal funds he has paid.
It was agreed that this arrangement should be discussed and agreed with your managing director in the
After the meeting
On his return, the sales director commented that this sort of arrangement was probably the only way of
getting any money back - if X Ltd went into liquidation nothing would be recovered.
Later you received a telephone message that Z, the finance director of another firm of builders' merchants
and whom you know through ACCA branch meetings, has asked you to telephone urgently regarding the
credit status of X Ltd.
Write a report to your managing director explaining the issues involved and recommending the action to
be taken on the account and on the telephone message.
(25 marks)
10 Corporate citizenship
Write a report to the directors of a UK public limited company explaining the following aspects of
corporate citizenship.
(25 marks)
In recent years a number of factors have influenced the introduction of a variety of frameworks,
codes and systems of corporate governance throughout the world. The factors are discussed
One of the factors giving rise to the pressure for better corporate governance was concern
that some large companies were not providing fair accounts, with profits and asset values
being, in some cases, artificially inflated. In the late 1980s there were a number of wellpublicised corporate failures, which were unexpected, as the audited financial statements
had given no indication of such problems. There was a view that the external auditors
were unable to perform their function properly perhaps because a powerful or
unscrupulous chief executive could keep information away from them.
There have also been criticisms that the external auditors of a company are not always as
independent as they should be or as the shareholders believe them to be. This was often
the case due to the fact that the auditors relied on the company not just for the audit fee
but also for substantial fees for other consultancy work throughout the year.
Allied to these concerns were concerns that some large companies were being run for the
benefit of the directors of the companies rather than for the shareholders. These concerns
raised questions about the conflict of interest between the board of directors and the
shareholders and there was particular concern about too much power being in the hands
of one individual or a small number of individuals. This was particularly the case where
one powerful individual held the posts of both chairman and chief executive and where
boards of directors lacked balance.
There was also an issue with directors' remuneration, which was often viewed, as
excessive whether the company was only performing no differently from an average
company or indeed was performing badly.
In the light of many corporate failures, concern was also expressed about the board's
knowledge and handling of the risks that faced the business and of the adequacy of
internal control systems within companies.
As there was a trend towards global investment many large institutions, particularly in the
US and also in the UK, were seeking to invest substantial funds in companies in other
countries. In many instances there were concerns about the lack of shareholder rights and
of disregard for minority shareholders rights shown by major shareholders or the boards of
these companies.
In the UK the Principles of Good Governance have now been brought together in the voluntary
Combined Code.
This Code has stemmed from a number of other codes, reports and frameworks:
The Higgs review of the role and effectiveness of non-executive directors, followed by the
Tyson report on the recruitment and development of non-executive directors
The Financial Reporting Council published the latest version of the combined Code in July 2003.
The main requirements of the Combined Code have attempted to address many of the concerns,
which led to these successive frameworks, codes and systems of corporate governance.
Here are some examples.
The concerns regarding the board of directors and directors' powers are central to the
Combined Code. Every listed company should be headed by an effective board, which
should lead and control the company. The two key tasks at the top of every listed company
are the running of the board, and the executive responsibility of the running of the
The board should include a balance of executive and non-executive directors (including
independent non-executives) such that no individual or small group of individuals can
dominate the board's decision making. It is recommended that non-executive directors
should comprise at least half the board.
There should be formal and transparent procedures for the appointment of new directors
to the board and all directors should be required to submit themselves for re-election at
regular intervals and at least every three years.
The level of remuneration paid to directors should be sufficient to attract and retain the
directors needed to run the company successfully but companies should avoid paying
more than is necessary for this purpose. A proportion of executive directors' remuneration
should be structured so as to link rewards to corporate and individual performance. The
board should set up a remuneration committee of independent non-executive directors
who will devise schemes of remuneration, which will be recommended to the board.
The board should present balanced and understandable assessment of the company's
position and prospects. The directors should explain their responsibility for preparing the
accounts and there should be a statement from the auditors about their reporting
The board should maintain a sound system of internal control to safeguard the
shareholders' investment and the company's assets. The directors should, at least
annually, conduct a review of the effectiveness of the systems of internal controls and
should report to the shareholders that they have done this. The review should cover all
controls including financial, operational and compliance controls and risk management.
Companies who do not have an internal audit function should from time to time review the
need for one.
The board should establish formal and transparent arrangements for considering how they
should apply the financial reporting and internal control principles and for maintaining an
appropriate relationship with the company's auditors. The audit committee should be made
up of at least three non-executive directors and this committee's duties include keeping
under review the scope and results of the audit and its cost effectiveness and the
independence and objectivity of the auditors. Where the auditors also supply a substantial
volume of non-audit services to the company the committee should keep the nature and
extent of such services under review.
Companies should be ready to enter into a dialogue with institutional shareholders based
on the mutual understanding of objectives. Boards should use the AGM to communicate
with private investors and to encourage their participation.
Nerium Engineering
Non-executive director
Audit committee
You have written to me for advice about the role and responsibilities of an audit committee and the main
qualities that a member of that committee should possess. The views below summarise the main points
of the Financial Reporting Council's Combined Code on Corporate Governance and related guidance.
Role and responsibilities
One of the main roles of the audit committee is to monitor the integrity of the financial statements of the
company. This will mean that the audit committee should review the significant financial reporting issues
and judgements made in connection with the preparation of the various financial statements that are
prepared by the company. The audit committee should also review the clarity and completeness of
disclosures in the financial statements. Where the audit committee is not satisfied with any aspect of the
financial reporting by the company then this should be reported to the board of directors.
The audit committee should review the company's internal financial control system and, unless addressed
by a separate risk committee or by the board itself, risk management systems. The audit committee
should assess the scope and effectiveness of the systems established by management to identify,
assess, manage and monitor financial and non-financial risks.
The audit committee should review arrangements by which staff of the company may, in confidence, raise
concerns about possible improprieties in matters of financial reporting, financial control or any other
matters commonly known as whistle-blowing.
The audit committee also has responsibilities for the internal audit function and should monitor and
review the effectiveness of the company's internal audit function. If there is no internal audit function, the
audit committee should consider whether there is a need for one each year and make a recommendation
to the board.
In general terms the audit committee is responsible for the overseeing of the company's relations with
the external auditor. This will include the following aspects:
The audit committee has primary responsibility for making recommendation on the appointment,
reappointment and removal of the external auditors.
The audit committee should assess the qualification, expertise and resources, effectiveness
and independence of the external auditors annually.
The audit committee should approve the terms of engagement and the remuneration to be paid
to the external auditor in respect of audit services provided.
The audit committee must also develop and recommend to the board the company's policy in
relation to the provision of non-audit services by the external auditor. The objective here should
be to ensure that the provision of such services does not impair the external auditor's
independence or objectivity.
Wherever the audit committee's monitoring and review activities reveal cause for concern or scope for
improvement, it should make recommendations to the board of directors on action needed to address the
issue or to make improvements.
At least one member of the audit committee should have significant, recent and relevant financial
experience for example as an auditor or finance director of a listed company. Ideally, this person
should have a relevant professional qualification.
In general, given the role and responsibilities of the audit committee there is a need for some
degree of financial literacy amongst the other members of the audit committee. This will vary
according to the nature of the company, but experience of corporate financial matters will normally
be required.
Individual members of the audit committee should have an overview of the company's
business and be able to identify the main business and financial dynamics and risks.
The Smith guidance on audit committees recommends that new audit committee members are given an
induction programme and that all members receive training on an on-going basis.
Non-executive directors
Non-independent NEDs
A NED is not independent if he or she is on the board representing the interests of a major
shareholder, because the views given by the director will be made in the best interests of that
shareholder. Similarly it is debateable whether a director is independent when he or she has a
close relationship with the company or any other executive director. For example a former chief
executive of the company might be given a non-executive role after retirement. He would not be
Independent NEDs
In contrast an independent NED is a person who has no connection with the company other than
as a non-executive director, and who should be able to give an independent opinion on the affairs
of the company, without influence form any other director or shareholder.
Conflicts of interest
A potential conflict of interest occurs when the executive director or senior management of a
company might be inclined to take decisions that would not be in the interests of the companys
shareholders. Although there are several areas where a conflict of interest could arise, the major
problem areas are those of remuneration of the directors and senior managers, financial reporting
and nominations of new board members.
If executive directors are allowed to decide their own remuneration, they could be inclined to pay
themselves as much as possible, without having to hold themselves to account or justify their high
pay. Where incentive schemes are in place, there is a risk that incentive schemes devised by the
executive directors for themselves will be linked to achieving performance targets that are not
necessarily in the shareholders interests. For example rewarding directors with a bonus for
achieving profit growth is of no value to shareholders if the result is higher business risk and a
lower share price.
Remuneration Committee
Corporate governance in may countries, such as the UKs Combined Code, calls for a
remuneration committee of the board to be established to decide on directors pay, including
incentive schemes, and for this committee to comprise at least three, or in the case of smaller
companies two, members, who should all be independent non-executive directors.
The remuneration committee should have delegated responsibility for setting remuneration for all
executive directors and the chairman, including pension rights and any compensation payments.
The committee should also recommend and monitor the level and structure of remuneration for
senior management. The NEDs should in principle, be able to devise fair remuneration packages
that include an incentive element, in which the performance targets bring the objectives of the
executive directors more into line with those of he shareholders.
Financial Reporting
A second potential area for conflict of interest is financial reporting. The executive directors might
be tempted to window dress the results if the company, in order to present the financial results in
a way that reflects better on themselves and their achievements.
Audit Committee
There should be an audit committee of the board, consisting of non-executive directors, whose
task should be to consider issues relating to financial reporting and financial control systems. This
committee should be responsible for maintaining regular liaison with the external auditors. The
Combined Code says that the audit committee should comprise at least three or in the case of
small companies, two members, who should all be independent NEDs. The board should satisfy
itself that at least one member of the audit committee has recent and relevant financial
Nominations to the board
A third potential area for conflict is nominations of new board members. A powerful chairman or
chief executive could be tempted to appoint their supporters or yes men to the board, and so
strengthen their position on the board. The combined code recommends that there should be a
nominations committee of the board manned by NEDs.
Other areas
Other areas of potential conflict of interest can be identified, such as succession planning, and the
boards decisions on making acquisitions or in preparing defences against a takeover bid. In each
of these areas NEDs should be able to provide a counter balance to the self interested views f
executive directors.
Share Payments
In many companies, NEDs receive a fixed cash payment for their services, without any incentives.
However some companies pay their NEDs in shares.
They would argue that the more equity the NEDs hold, the more likely they will be to look at
issues from the point of view of the shareholders. There is a risk that a NED holding shares could
be more concerned with short-term movements in the share price and the opportunity of making a
short term profit from selling their shares. However, a suitable precaution against this could be to
obtain the agreement of a NED not to sell his or her shares until after leaving the board.
Share Options
The argument that NEDs should be rewarded with share options is more contentious, but it has
been widely practised in the UK and is even more common in the US. The argument against
rewarding NEDs with share options is that this form of remuneration could align the interests of
the NEDs more closely with the executive directors, who also hold share options. NEDs should
give independent advice, and it can be argued that it is therefore not appropriate to incentivise
them in the same way as the executives.
The Combined Code points out that holding of share options could be relevant to the
determination of a non-executive directors independence. It states that remuneration for nonexecutive directors should not include share options. If, exceptionally, options are granted,
shareholder approval should be sought in advance and any share acquired by exercise of the
options should be held until at least one year after the non-executive director leaves the board.
Board of directors
Board of directors
December X4
Board of directors and committees
The Combined Code on Corporate Governance states that there should be a clear division between the
chief executive of the company, who has executive responsibility for running the company's business,
and the chairman of the board of directors who is responsible for running the board.
The main roles of the chairman should be to:
Ensure that all members of the board receive accurate, timely and relevant information
Ensure that adequate time is allowed for the discussion of complex or contentious issues
Ensure that the performance of individual directors and the board as a whole, together with its
committees, are evaluated at least once a year
Non-executive directors
The board should include a balance of executive and non-executive directors and the role of the nonexecutive directors should include the following elements.
Being well informed about the company and the environment within which it operates
Ensuring that sufficient, accurate, clear and timely information is provided to the board in advance
of meetings
Satisfying themselves that the risk management systems are robust and defensible
Playing an important role in the appointment and removal of directors and in succession planning
Remuneration committee
The remuneration committee should be made up of non-executive directors as it is responsible for setting
the remuneration for all executive directors, the chairman and the company secretary.
As well as this basic responsibility the remuneration committee has other duties.
To ensure that any contractual terms on termination and payments made are fair both to the
company and the individual
To determine the total individual remuneration package for each executive director including
bonuses, incentive payments and share options
To agree the policy for authorising expense claims from the chief executive and chairman
To ensure that all required disclosures for remuneration matters are fulfilled
Nomination committee
The Combined Code requires that there should be formal, rigorous and transparent procedures for the
appointment of new directors to the board. The nomination committee, made up of a majority of
independent non-executive directors, can carry out this role. The main duties of this committee are to:
Evaluate the current balance of skills, knowledge and experience on the board and with this in
mind to prepare a description of the role and capabilities required for a particular appointment
Assess whether the non-executive directors are spending enough time to fulfil their duties
Consider succession planning and in particular what skills and expertise are needed, given the
challenges and opportunities facing the company
Prepare a statement for the annual report including the process used for appointments and
explains if external advice or advertising has been used. The statement should also state the
membership of the committee, and the number of committee meetings attended over the year.
Caius plc
Tutor's note. A good guideline for this type of question would be the key points relating to directors
remuneration from the Combined Code. This will give you most of the key areas that require to be
In order to ensure that directors pay and conditions are fair and transparent the company should adopt
the following policies and frameworks.
Audit process
The external audit process must demonstrate whether the financial statements show a true and
fair view of the financial position and performance of the company. The external auditors must
also report as to whether the financial statements have been prepared in accordance with relevant
statute and whether certain specifics have been complied with:
The auditors have received all of the information and explanations required to carry out
their audit
The report to the shareholders by the external auditor is in the form of an opinion as to whether
the accounts show a true and fair view in the audit report. An unqualified opinion should give
shareholders and other users of the financial statements confidence in those financial statements
but it is not a guarantee from the auditors that the financial statements are totally correct.
During the course of the external audit the auditors will consider and test the internal accounting
systems of the company and make recommendations for improvements. However there is little
else that directly contributes towards the effective system of corporate governance as the auditor
is not required to consider whether the statements of the directors regarding internal controls are
comprehensive or comment on the effectiveness of the company's corporate governance
procedures or risk procedures.
The internal audit function is not a legal requirement, but the board of directors may set up an
internal audit department after considering the costs and benefits. The work of internal auditors is
not set out in law but is decided upon by the board of directors or senior management. The work
of the internal audit function will therefore vary from company to company, but the following are
typical areas that the internal audit function may be required to consider.
As the remit of the internal audit function is as wide as is necessary then this can be a valuable
resource to management, contributing towards an effective system of corporate governance.
When the external auditors are carrying out their audit they will expect full co-operation from the
internal auditors. The internal auditors should ensure that the accounting and internal control
systems are operating satisfactorily but the external auditor will test those systems independently.
The external auditors will not tend to rely on the work of the internal auditors in general terms but
the work on systems, controls and procedures that have been carried out by the internal audit
function will be of some assistance to the external auditors in their role.
Types of risk
There are many different types of risk faced by commercial organisations, particularly those with
international activities. They may be categorised under the following headings:
The type of industries/markets within which the business operates the extent to which sales are
vulnerable to changes in fashion, technology etc
The stage in a product's life cycle, with high risks in the introductory and declining stages
The dependence upon inputs with fluctuating prices, e.g. wheat, oil etc
The level of operating gearing the proportion of fixed costs in total costs the higher the level,
the greater sales need to be made to break even
Trading risks
Both domestic and international traders will face trading risks, although those faced by the latter will
generally be greater due to the increased distances and times involved. The types of trading risk include:
Physical risk the risk of goods being lost or stolen in transit, or the documents accompanying the
goods going astray
Credit risk the possibility of payment default by the customer. This is discussed further below.
Trade risk the risk of the customer refusing to accept the goods on delivery (due to substandard/ inappropriate goods or other reasons), or the cancellation of the order in transit
Fraud risk
All businesses run the risk of loss through the fraudulent activities of its employees, including
How the codes of corporate governance can assist in managing the risks
Corporate governance is concerned with the control and influence exerted over a company's operations
and its employees by the decisions of top management, usually the board of directors.
The codes of corporate governance are guidelines and recommendations developed over a number of
years by various committees and researchers (Cadbury, Greenbury, Hampel, Higgs, and Smith) and now
incorporated in the UK into the Combined Code published in July 2003 by the Financial Reporting
A significant element of the Code is concerned with the way internal controls are implemented and
reviewed in order that such risks as those outlined above would be managed. The code includes the
Turnbull report (Internal Control: Guidance for Directors on the Combined Code).
The Turnbull report included recommendations that:
Management should identify and evaluate the risks to which they will be exposed in the
achievement of their corporate objectives. These will include both the traditional areas of risk
discussed above, but also those increasingly arising from intangible assets, such as reputation
and branding.
Risk control should be embedded in the culture and processes of the business, rather than
being the subject of a completely separate management system. Each person in the organisation
should be aware of, and manage, the significant risks related to the tasks they perform.
Directors should continually review and monitor risk control issues. It should regularly review
reports on internal control from line managers and, where appropriate, from internal auditors
and other specialists.
Regular discussion of risk and control issues at board meetings should be encouraged.
Risk analysis and assessment should form part of the evaluation of every major capital
investment or proposed acquisition.
Financial risk analysis will very much depend upon commercial judgement, but the following
questions may be used as a framework for the assessment of their impact on company value:
What is the effect on the underlying present and future profitability of the business?
What is the effect on the underlying present and future liquidity and value of assets
employed in the business?
What is the effect on the present and future debt structure of the business?
The relative likelihood of the events giving rise to the risks also needs to be assessed.
This can then be combined with the level of impact to prioritise the risks.
Once risks have been prioritised, management needs to decide what to do about them, and how they can
be managed and monitored in the future.
Transfer e.g. by insurance or joint venture
Elimination by hedging, or ceasing the activity/operation
Control by building in operational controls
COSO Framework
Avoidance means exiting the activities that give rise to risk. Risk avoidance may involve
disposing of a business unit, product line, or geographical segment, or simply deciding not to
engage in new initiatives/activities that would give rise to the risks.
If reduction is the chosen response then action is taken to reduce risk likelihood or impact, or
both. This typically involves any of a large number of everyday business decisions, including
diversifying product offerings, establishing operational limits for activities, establishing more
effective business processes, enhancing management involvement in decision making and
monitoring, rebalancing the entitys portfolio of assets to reduce exposure to certain types of
losses, or reallocating capital among operating units.
Sharing entails reducing risk likelihood or impact by transferring or otherwise sharing a portion
of the risk. Common techniques include purchasing insurance products, engaging in hedging
transactions, entering into joint ventures or partnerships, sharing risk through contractual
agreements with customers, vendors, or other business partners, or outsourcing an activity.
If acceptance is the chosen response no action is taken to affect risk likelihood or impact: the risk
is accepted because it already conforms to the entitys risk tolerances. The entity may have selfinsured against loss, or it may rely upon natural offsets within a portfolio.
Control activities are the actions of people to implement policies, directly or through application of
technology, in such a way as to help ensure that managements risk responses are carried out.
Many procedures are commonly performed by personnel at various organisational levels that
serve to enforce adherence to established action plans and to keep entities on track toward
achieving their objectives.
Here are some examples.
Physical controls Equipment, inventories, securities, cash, and other assets are
physically secured and periodically counted and compared with amounts shown on control
Ethical considerations
This report assumes that you have read the enclosed documents prepared by the Sales Director
concerning her recent meeting with Y, the Managing Director of X Ltd. In brief, we are being asked to
supply further materials on credit to X Ltd on the understanding that this offers our best chance of being
paid both for long-outstanding existing debts and the further debts that will arise.
Firstly I need to point out that our Sales Director feels that we should accept what has been informally
agreed but she has openly admitted that she has difficulty in taking an objective view of the situation,
having done business with Y for many years.
However, the agreement that is being proposed leaves me with grave doubts, both on ethical grounds
and from the point of view of the business.
Our options are:
received a telephone message from another supplier indicating that they too are worried about X Ltd's
position, and asking for our view (see below).)
If the company is forced into liquidation by other creditors (or if X Ltd cannot complete the next stage of
the work) what are we expected to do about the personal payment? I am not sure how the law would view
it. It would put us in a more advantageous position than other creditors, but unfairly so.
There are other matters that cause me to have doubts.
Why can X Ltd not obtain an advance from their bank against the promise of the next progress
payment? Has this option been attempted? If not, is the bank fully aware of the difficulties of X
Are X Ltd already 'trading wrongfully', which is illegal? To knowingly enter into an agreement that
allows this to continue calls our own integrity into question.
If we are satisfied on point (a), we could encourage X Ltd to enter into negotiations with all of its suppliers.
We can let it be known that we will be willing to help if others are: this will put X Ltd in a stronger position.
If X Ltd is able to get the level of support needed, this option is the one that I recommend.
If both you and Y agree to this I may have an immediate opportunity to help out, since (as I mentioned) I
have already had an enquiry from an acquaintance working for another supplier who will also, I think, be
keen to salvage something from the situation if at all possible.
Confidentiality is an issue at present, so for the time being I have sent a fax explaining that we are
currently negotiating with X Ltd and that I will be in touch once I know the outcome of our talks. (You will
realise that my own professional integrity could be compromised if I supply information that could be
considered misleading. I cannot simply ignore the enquiry or be cagey about it since this could itself be
construed as a 'bad' reference.)
Suing for payment or writing off the debt
Since we are unlikely to recover our debt this option will simply increase our loss because we will have to
pay legal costs. X Ltd may be counting on the fact that we know this.
One possible virtue of this option is that the threat of liquidation, or liquidation itself, may force Y to come
to an arrangement with all creditors if we are unable to persuade him to try this by other means.
Writing off the debt now has the virtue that we do not risk losing a further amount by supplying more
materials. On the down side, it could make us look 'soft' to other customers, and it is possibly unduly
harsh not to give X Ltd a chance to recover the situation. It is not in our long-term interests for our
customers to go out of business.
I cannot recommend either of these options except in the very last resort.
Wider issues
We need to consider whether this situation has arisen due to problems with credit control on our part. It
could perhaps be argued that we should have worked more closely with X Ltd to prevent the problem
arising in the first place. We should have been aware that X Ltd was taking on a much larger contract
than it has previously been used to dealing with and we should have anticipated problems.
Over the next few days I shall be looking into ways in which our credit control systems can be adapted to
ensure that external matters such as this are taken into account.
10 Corporate citizenship
Dec X4
Corporate citizenship
Companies have choices as to how they manage their businesses. These choices can be many and
varied but the choices that are made can determine whether or not the company is seen as a good
citizen. Many of the world's companies are setting high standards of behaviour in many aspects of
business and in a wider social context.
Corporate citizenship
The concept of corporate citizenship recognises that there is a connection between the everyday
activities of companies and the well being of society as a whole. In recent years companies have adopted
a more comprehensive approach to corporate citizenship in general, and this includes social and
environmental responsibility.
Directors now accept that they are not only responsible to the shareholders the owners of the company
but also to a wider selection of other stakeholders which will include employees, customers, investors,
business partners, suppliers, the community and the government.
It can be argued that corporate citizenship is made up of three key components:
the basic values, policies and practices of a company and its business at home and abroad
the management of environmental and social issues within the value chain of business partners
the voluntary contributions made by a company to community development around the world
Employees. Issues that may affect employees and the company's treatment of those employees
include wage rates, health and safety provisions, accident rates, training opportunities and how
changes such as downsizing and redundancies are handled.
Customers. Customers in global, competitive markets are increasingly concerned not only with
price but also value of goods and services. Quality issues are paramount to most companies
including how complaints are handled. Increasingly customers are also concerned with the
background to the goods they have purchased and the conditions under which they were
manufactured. In an age of environmental concerns customers are also concerned with factors
such as the safe disposal or recycling of products once used.
Suppliers. The activities of one company will necessarily have a knock-on effect on other
companies with which it deals, in particular suppliers. Companies will be concerned about the
long-term stability of their suppliers, the sustainability of jobs at their suppliers and timely payment
of their suppliers.
The community. Concerns here for a company will centre on charitable gifts and donations, the
support of employees providing charitable gifts or services, investment within the community and
the willingness to listen to community concerns and to enter into meaningful dialogue.
Government. Many companies pay huge amounts of taxes, which are vital for the sustainability,
and growth of many countries and economies. Companies should be concerned with issues such
as fair transfer pricing policies and compliance with the laws and regulations of all the countries
within which they operate.
Appendix A
Pilot paper questions
Pilot paper
Paper P1
Professional Accountant
Time allowed
Reading and planning:
15 minutes
3 hours
The pilot paper cannot cover all of the syllabus nor can it include examples of every type of question that will be
included in the actual exam. You may see questions in the exam that you think are more difficult than any you
see in the pilot paper.
Finance director Susan Brown, had obtained the most recent annual report for JPX and highlighted what she
considered to be an interesting, but unexplained, comment about negative local environmental impact in its
accounts. She asked chief executive Bill White if he could find out what the comment meant and whether JPX
had any plans to make provision for any environmental impact. Bill White was able to report, based on his
previous dealings with JPX, that it did not produce any voluntary environmental reporting. The Chemco board
broadly supported the idea of environmental reporting although company secretary Leena Sharif recently told Bill
White that she was unaware of the meaning of the terms environmental footprint and environmental reporting
and so couldnt say whether she was supportive or not. It was agreed, however, that relevant information on
JPXs environmental performance and risk would be necessary if the acquisition went ahead.
Evaluate JPXs current corporate governance arrangements and explain why they are likely to be
considered inadequate by the Chemco board.
(10 marks)
Manprit suggested that the acquisition of JPX might expose Chemco to a number of risks. Illustrating from
the case as required, identify the risks that Chemco might incur in acquiring JPX and explain how risk can
be assessed.
(15 marks)
Construct the case for JPX adopting a unitary board structure after the proposed acquisition. Your answer
should include an explanation of the advantages of unitary boards and a convincing case FOR the JPX
board changing to a unitary structure.
(10 marks)
Explain FOUR roles of non-executive directors (NEDs) and assess the specific contributions that NEDs
could make to improve the governance of the JPX board.
(7 marks)
Write a memo to Leena Sharif defining environmental footprint and briefly explaining the importance of
environmental reporting for JPX.
(8 marks)
(Total = 50 marks)
Question 1
This question is an example of whats likely to be a common type of question on this paper, evaluate the
inadequacies and suggest improvements. However parts (c) and (d) are quite specific about which areas you
have to discuss, indicating you need a detailed knowledge of corporate governance issues to underpin your
discussions. The question part on risk is mixed in with this discussion on corporate governance, indicating how
different parts of the syllabus will be combined in the case study question.
This question covers material from a number of chapters, and you can expect Question 1 to be drawn from areas
covered across the whole of your Study Text.
Explain FOUR roles of a remuneration committee and how the cross directorship undermines these roles
at ABC Co.
(12 marks)
Swanland Investments believed Mr Finns remuneration package to be poorly aligned to its interests.
With reference to the different components of a directors remuneration package, explain how Mr Finns
remuneration might be more aligned to shareholders interests at ABC Co.
(8 marks)
Evaluate the proposal from Hanoi House that both Mr Ng and Mr Finn be required to resign from their
respective non-executive positions.
(5 marks)
(Total = 25 marks)
Question 2
This question has some similiarities to Question 1, requiring knowledge of specific areas of good corporate
governance practice and application of that knowledge to identify weaknesses and recommend improvements.
Ethics part (c) is only worth 5 marks; you may well encounter more complex ethical situations requiring
discussion worth more marks.
Chapter 3 of your Study Text thoroughly covers the issues involved in this question.
Question 3
At a recent conference on corporate social responsibility, one speaker (Professor Cheung) argued that
professional codes of ethics for accountants were not as useful as some have claimed because:
they assume professional accountants to be rules-driven, when in fact most professionals are more driven by
principles that guide and underpin all aspects of professional behaviour, including professional ethics.
When quizzed from the audience about his views on the usefulness of professional codes of ethics, Professor
Cheung suggested that the costs of writing, implementing, disseminating and monitoring ethical codes
outweighed their usefulness. He said that as long as professional accountants personally observe the highest
values of probity and integrity then there is no need for detailed codes of ethics.
Critically evaluate Professor Cheungs views on codes of professional ethics. Use examples of ethical
codes, where appropriate, to illustrate your answer.
(12 marks)
With reference to Professor Cheungs comments, explain what is meant by integrity and assess its
importance as an underlying principle in corporate governance.
(7 marks)
Explain and contrast a deontological with a consequentialist based approach to business ethics.
(6 marks)
(Total = 25 marks)
Question 3
More an essay than a scenario-based question, but a clear illustration that you will be expected to discuss ethical
theory without necessarily having to apply it to a practical scenario.
Chapter 11 of your Study Text covers the areas you need to discuss in this question.
Question 4
As part of a review of its internal control systems, the board of FF co, a large textiles company, has sought your
advice as a senior accountant in the company.
FFs stated objective has always been to adopt the highest standards of internal control because it believes that
by doing so it will not only provide shareholders with confidence in its governance but also enhance its overall
reputation with all stakeholders. In recent years, however, FFs reputation for internal control has been damaged
somewhat by a qualified audit statement last year (over issues of compliance with financial standards) and an
unfortunate internal incident the year prior to that. This incident concerned an employee, Miss Osula, expressing
concern about the compliance of one of the companys products with an international standard on fire safety. She
raised the issue with her immediate manager but he said, according to Miss Osula, that it wasnt his job to report
her concerns to senior management. When she failed to obtain a response herself from senior management, she
decided to report the lack of compliance to the press. This significantly embarrassed the company and led to a
substantial deterioration in FFs reputation.
The specifics of the above case concerned a fabric produced by FF Co, which, in order to comply with an
international fire safety standard, was required to resist fire for ten minutes when in contact with a direct flame.
According to Miss Osula, who was a member of the quality control staff, FF was allowing material rated at only
five minutes' fire resistance to be sold labelled as ten-minute rated. In her statement to the press, Miss Osula
said that there was a culture of carelessness in FF and that this was only one example of the way the company
approached issues such as international fire safety standards.
Describe how the internal control systems at FF Co differ from a sound system of internal control, such
as that set out in the Turnbull guidance, for example.
(10 marks)
Define reputation risk and evaluate the potential effects of FFs poor reputation on its financial situation.
(8 marks)
Explain, with reference to FF as appropriate, the ethical responsibilities of a professional accountant both
as an employee and as a professional.
(7 marks)
(Total = 25 marks)
Question 4
An illustration that Section B questions may cover topics from across the syllabus, even though there isnt the
emphasis that there is for Section A questions on linking those different areas. Again part (a) is an identify the
problems requirement, although here you arent expected to recommend improvements in detail. Part (b)
illustrates that you might be asked questions about a specific risk rather than be expected to cover the range of
key risks that an organisation faces.
Chapters 4, 6 and 11 of your Study Text between them deal with the issues you need to include.