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Ratimamjari Jaidev

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Ratimanjari of Jayadev

1-2. Invocation to god Siva.

I. Characteristics of Woman
Four Categories
3. There are four categories women by birth: Padmini (lotus woman),
Citrini (art woman), Sankhini (conch woman) and Hastini (elephant
woman). There are four categories of men: Hare, gazelle, bullock and
4. The characteristics of padmini (lotus) woman include: eyes
resembling lotus, narrow nostrils, round breasts a little apart, glowing
and soft hair, slim body, sweet voice, well-tempered, musical, always
beautifully clothed, and lotus scented.
5. The characteristics of citrini (fancy) woman include: expert in love,
not too tall, not too short, pretty nose like sesame flower, eyes like blue
lotus, hard breasts that meet each other, elegantly beautiful, wayward
and well-mannered.
6. The characteristics of sankhini (chank-shell) woman include: body
very tall; big eyes, very beautiful, neck adorned with three folds, fond
of pleasures of love and well versed in love-play.
7. The characteristics of hastini (elephant) woman include: lips plump
and well developed, fingers plump, breasts well developed, simple and
gentle by nature, greedy for love, enjoys passionate love and hard to
8. This is how men and women match: padmini with hare, citrini with
gazelle, sankhini with bullock, and hastini with stallion.
9. Women can also be classified on the basis of their smell: padmini
smells of lotus; citrini is like fish; sankhini has a sharp smell, and hastini
smells like alcohol.
Age-wise group of women
10. Women can also be classified on the basis of their ages: young
(bala); maturing (taruni); fully matured (praudha); and old, aged
11. A woman remains bala up to 16 years of age; taruni up to 30 years;
proudha up to 55 years; and a woman falls in category of vrddha after
crossing age of 55 years.

Measures for Attracting women

12. Bala is fond of food, flowers and sweet things. Taruni is given to
love play. Proudha likes exchange of love and affection. Vrddha likes
tactfulness or hard knocks.
Effect and result of love-play with women of various age
13. In love-play, bala gives a man vitality or breadth of life. Taruni
draws out breadth of life. Proudha invokes old age. Vrddha takes life or
invites death.
II. Sexual Behaviour
Sites of pleasure in women
14. With the waxing of the moon in the first half of the month, the
triggers of love lie in the foot, the ankle, the knees, the lower back,
the chest, the thighs, the heart, the throat, the cheeks, the lips, the
eyes, the ears, the front head, the eyebrows, and the head.
15. The lunar progression of each woman resides in the hair parting,
the eyes, the lips, the neck, the armpits, the nipples, the navel, the
waist, the yoni, the knees, the thighs, the ankles, the soles of the foot,
and the toes.
16. In the bright phase of the moon, Kama dwells in the left little toe. In
the darker phase, it resides in the central side of the same finger.
17. In the bright phase of the moon, Kama resides in the right half of
the man and left half of the woman. But this is reversed in the darker
phase. If you are interested in love-pay should always know where
Kama prefers to dwell at different time or dates during the month 1.
III. Sexual Intercourse General
Techniques of Coitus
18. If a woman is strong, man should first stimulate her sites of
pleasure. She should be loved then in the inverse manner (on the top
of her partner, like a man). As the site of love changes, so should the
Sites for kiss
19. The expert should first kiss the woman on the eyes, the throat, the
cheeks, the heart or chest, the neck and on her navel.

1 This is a new element that the system of the candrakalas might be applied
to men.

20. Man should lovingly kiss her on her mouth, on her thighs, on her
cheeks, on her buttocks or hips, on her house of love, and on her two
21. Now, man should strongly embrace her with extreme love, kiss her
mouth, clasp her tightly in his arms, make pleasing sound sit, showing
extreme pleasure.
22. The expert should sit her on thighs, raising her pubis with his
hands, make pleasing sound sit, sweetly kissing her mouth; and his
lingam set on her house of love, with caress given to her breasts.
23. With his nails, he should make three or five scratch marks on her
back, thigh and vulva and thus does an expert make love with a
24. Having made nail marks and pressing her lips with his teeth, he
embraces her strongly and strikes her house of love with his lingam.
25. Now, he should penetrate his lingam into her yoni, tightly hold her
in his arms and press her both sides and freely begin to beat her
womb as much as he desires.
26. Man should tightly and closely hug the woman and stroking both
her breasts. He should rub and press her house of love and navel; and
striking her yoni continually by the lingam.
27. Man should tightly catch her hair in his grip, while battering her
house of love, after kissing her mouth, he should stroke her house of
love with his hands.
IV. Coitus Specific
28. The padmini woman gets pleasure when a man strokes her breasts,
kisses, presses, and bites her lips; and by coitus in lotus position.
29. For the citrini woman to get her pleasure, the man should make the
sound sit and kiss her neck and hands repeatedly. Then he should
stroke her breasts.
30. For the sankhini woman to get her pleasure, man should kiss her
house of love and she should simultaneously kiss his yoni. Then, the
man should make passionate love to her.
31. For the hastini woman to get her pleasure, man should catch her
hair force-fully, he should play with her house of love with his hand,
and then make love.
V. Characteristics of Yoni and Lingam
Characteristics (qualities) of Vagina:

32. To be desirable, a womans house of love should be like the back of

a tortoise, or the shoulder of an elephant, it should be lotus scented, it
should be free of pubic hair, and broad.
33. Undesirable qualities for the house of love are: it is cold, deep, too
high, or rough like cows tongue.
Characteristics of Lingam
34. There are two types of lingam of man, the first is stout, and the
second is long and thin2.
VI. Characters of Man
There are four kinds of men.
35. Hare-man (sasaka) is fond of women, sings well, speaks truth. He is
happy. His lingam is six angula long.
36. Gazelle-man (mrga) is virtuous, religious, financially sound, speaks
truth, soft spoken, sweet-spoken, and handsome. His lingam is eight
angula long.
37. Bullock-man (vrsa) is generous, knows how to win a womans heart,
prudent and phlegmatic. His lingam is ten angula long.
38. Stallion man (asva) is as stout as hard-wooden body, rigid, cunning
and deceitful habits, liar, fearless, and financially poor. His lingam is
twelve angula.
VII. Sixteen Types of Postures
39. When a woman does not wish to make love because of lack of
pleasure, the man should try various postures.
40-41. There are sixteen types of postures described in kamasastra:
Padmasana, nagapada, Latavesta, Ardhasamputa, Kuliga, Sundara,
Kesara, Hillola, Narasimha, Viparita, Ksudgara, Dhenuka, Utkantha,
Simhasana, Ratinaga, and Vidydhara.
Lotus Position (Padmasana)
42. With the woman in padmasana (Hatha yogas meditative posture -with each foot laid on the opposite groin), the man embraces her with
his hands and penetrates her.
Elephant Foot (Nagapadasana)
43. The man takes her both legs on his shoulders by his hands and
gently sets his lingam in her yoni.
2 This is a new element: the division of the penis into two types, the
club and the bamboo-flute.

Creeper Cling (Latavestasana)

44. The man enwraps the woman with both his arms and legs and
strikes gently on her house of love.
Half casket (Ardhasamputana)
45. The man raises her feet somewhat up (skyward), sets his knees on
the ground and strokes her breasts.
Thunderbolt (Kulisasana)
46. The man keeps her legs apart and batters her house of love with
his lingam.
Beautiful (Ratisundarsana)
47. The man raises her two feet, lays hold on her breasts, and drinks
from them.
Tress of Hair (Kesarasana)
48. The man pressing her thighs and rubbing her breasts, strikes her
house of love.
Wave (Hillolasana)
49. The man puts her feet on his chest, holds her hands in his, and
strikes her house of love.
Vishnus Lion (Narsimhasana)
50. The man presses her feet together, penetrates her, and embraces
her tightly with his hands.
Reversed (Viparitasana)
51. The man puts one of her feet to his thigh and the other to his groin.
Crush (Ksudgarsana)
The man holds both her legs, strikes her house of love with his lingam,
and presses her hard with his arms.
Cow (Dhenukasana)
53. The man lies down with her in sleeping position, embraces her and
enters her house of love.
Throat Trick (Utkanthsana)
54. The man puts her feet to his throat, embraces her forcefully, and so
takes her.

Lion Seat (Simhasana)

55. The man puts her feet to his thighs, holds her by her breasts, and
so takes her.
Pleasure Snake (Ratinaga)
56. The man encircles her with both his thighs and loves her. This is
considered to be very pleasing for her.
Warlock (Vidyadhara)
57. The man seizes her thighs, strikes her with his hands and takes her
58-60. Concluding verses

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