The Bacteriological Contamination of Archaeological Ceramics 2013
The Bacteriological Contamination of Archaeological Ceramics 2013
The Bacteriological Contamination of Archaeological Ceramics 2013
ceramics; archaeological objects; bacteria; biodeterioration; biocide
This paper concerns the efflorescence of bacteria on ceramics from archaeological excavations. Biodegradation was due
to Streptomyces Sp., a bacterium of the Actinomycetale order. After analysis of each contaminated object, its location
in the storeroom, and our conservation materials, it is suggested that the origin of the bacteria is in the soil of the
archaeological site. Microclimatic conditions and organic nutrients from the soil create a favourable atmosphere for the
development of bacteria inside the storeroom. With regard to conservation treatment, the desalination process does not
prevent the emergence of bacteria but appears to restrict it considerably. The application of the biocide Biotin R at
2%, diluted in ethanol, has been successful: there has been no recurrence of the bacteria.
Pachacamac is a monumental coastal site in the Central
Andes that reached its apogee after being incorporated into
the Inca Empire (figure 1). It is situated half a kilometre
from the Pacific Ocean, near the mouth of the Lurn River.
It covers about 600 hectares (2.31 square miles), of which
one third is occupied by the monumental sector.
The U58' section of the Cemetery 1 excavated by the
Ychsma Project was heavily utilised for interments from the
10th to the end of the 14th century A.D. (i.e. the Late
Intermediate Period or LIP), leading to disturbance of earlier
layers. In terms of stylistic/relative dating, we have funeral
contexts displaying cultural markers that span the Middle
Horizon (ca A.D. 7001000) and part of the LIP, the latter
corresponding to the Epigonal and Early/Middle Ychsma
(Feltham and Eeckhout 2004; Vallejo 2004).
The Ychsma ceramic style includes several successive phases.
Our typological classification is based on form, ware, and
decoration. We distinguish three main local ware categories:
Orange, Brown, and Black.
The surface of Orange ware has a few-mm-wide, moderate
orange-pink (10R 7/4 on the Geological Society of America
rock-colour chart [GRCC 2009]) paste next to a few-mmwide, pale-red (10R 6/2) outer paste. Microscopical examination shows that the temper is polylithic with granite and
fine-grained volcanics. A pale-coloured, very clean clay carries abundant, rounded to sub-rounded single grains of
quartz, as well as zoned plagioclase, potassium feldspar
including perthite, together with lesser amounts of zoned
brown amphibole and clinopyroxene and trace amounts of
sphene. The ware carries clasts from a medium-grained
granite including quartz-plagioclase, potassium feldspar-plagioclase intergrowths. Internally fine-grained altered/weathered volcanics include much chert (some with quartz or feldspar microphenocrysts), trachyte, and felted feldspathic
rocks, as well as rare sandstone. Voids in the clay are partially infilled with micritic carbonate.
The surface of Brown ware is a moderate brown (5YR 5/4)
within a 1-mm-wide, discontinuous black (N1) rim.
Microscopical examination shows that the temper is almost
monolithic in its non-plastics. A dirty clay carries abundant,
sub-rounded to sub-angular single grains of quartz, plagioclase (some altering to fine-grained white mica), and potassium feldspar, together with minor amounts of green and
green-brown pleochroic amphibole and trace amounts of
sphene and epidote. Other rock clasts are rare but include
spherulitic rhyolite.
The selected group of samples includes 215 complete pottery vessels. These belong to the set of 254 archaeological
objects that received conservation treatment between 2005
and 2011. 92.5% of the samples come from Unit 58'. The
collection has been kept in the Ychsma Storeroom at the
After excavation, the archaeological material is taken to the
registration area, where ceramic vessels (whole or fragmented) are separated from the remaining potsherds. The vessels
pass to the conservation laboratory where they receive treatment; this consists in most cases of mechanical cleaning,
desalination with deionised water, and the reassembling of
with white spots (figure 5). These had not been previously
analysed; however, they are very similar to the identified
bacteria. The sherds come from U58', and they had only
been washed with tap water. Following desalination, the
fragments were treated with biocide. It is noteworthy that
this 2012 material had never been in contact with the sample analysed previously, because in that year we installed our
laboratory in Puente de Lurn, 5 km from MSPACH.
1. Summary
of the
of objects
1. Summary
of the provenance
of objects
and biodeterioration
biodeterioration progression
Biocide Treatment
Identification of Micro-organisms
Initially the appearance of the micro-organisms made us
think of a fungal contamination. The microscopic observation of the samples in the Mycothque of the Universit
Catholique de Louvain (MUCL), in 2009, determined that
the colonies were not created by fungi, but exhibited the
typical morphology of actinomycetes.
The Microbiology Laboratory at Ghent University (LMG)
isolated five dominant colony types using the following
method. The material was placed in an LMG medium no. 185
TSA and incubated aerobically at 28C for several days.
For the initial analysis, a fatty acid gas chromatography was
used. The profiles were identified with the Microbial
Identification System (MIDI Inc., Newark, DE, USA), using
the TSBA50 database. The results indicate that three colonies,
whose colour ranges from pale to dark beige, belong to the
genus Bacillus, and one yellow colony belongs to the
Microbacteriaceae family. The fifth type, a white colony similar
to the spots observed on the original material, was identified
in a second analysis after being isolated in actinomycetes isolation agar (AIA) and incubated at 30C for several days. The
results obtained with a partial 16S rDNA sequence analysis
for the two strains indicate that they belong to the genus
Streptomyces, of the Actinomycetale order of bacteria.
According to M. Pennincks (Unit of Microbial Physiology
and Ecology ULB), the principal biodeterioration is caused
by those actinomycetes (personal communication 23/9/2009).
We have identified four possible sources of micro-organisms:
the archaeological soil, the water used for washing and desalination, the cardboard boxes, and the air in the MSPACH
With regard to the archaeological soil, it has been noted
that the first three vessels with bacteria come from U58', as
do 93.9% of the contaminated pieces. This high percentage
is not surprising considering that 92.5% of the sample
comes from this unit. In 2012, four years after the last excavation, we are still finding affected sherds from that same
unit. Hence, an analysis of the soil in the unit U58' will be
a priority for the next season.
With regard to the water, it has been noted that bacteria
first appeared in three vessels that had been washed with tap
water, but not desalinated. However, a minority (30.6%) of
the affected vessels were washed with tap water in different
seasons. If the contamination source comes from the water
distribution system, it would mean that the water has been
contaminated for several years and affects the MSPACH and
Puente de Lurn. Yet it is unlikely that bacteria come from
deionised water (coming from an external laboratory), since
the first affected vessels and those from 2012 had not been
desalinated. Interestingly, biodeterioration tends to appear
on undesalinated vessels (81.6%). Ongoing water analysis
will allow us to test these hypotheses.
With regard to the boxes, they were made to measure from
re-used cardboard, as it is common in the Peruvian archaeological field. Until recently, we did not consider the boxes as
a contamination source, which is why we did not replace
them. In 2011, with the new display of the objects, the
boxes were removed. As biodeterioration appeared in the
material excavated in 2012 that was never stored in boxes,
we think that the containers are not a source of contamination. Nevertheless, this hypothesis will have to be confirmed
by the analysis of the remaining boxes.
In 2011 and 2012, we examined another storeroom within
MSPACH, located in the same building as the contaminated
Ychsma Storeroom. We did not observe any biodeterioration
similar to the kind found in our collection. The fact that we
find the same biodeterioration in material excavated in
2012, which has never been stored in the MSPACH, makes
us think that the contamination does not come from the
museum storerooms themselves, because it seems to be limited to the Ychsma Storeroom.
An examination of the literature reveals that actinomycetes,
especially Streptomyces, have been identified in other items
Growth Factors
Observations on the occurrence of micro-organisms in the
Ychsma Storeroom indicate two possible methods for its
transmission: either objects within the same box become contaminated and then the contamination is transferred from one
box to another, or bacteria occur in a latent state in all the
ceramic remains. Both possibilities might occur in tandem.
With regard to the reproduction and nutrition of actinomycetes, Goodfellow and Williams (1983, p. 195) indicate: It
appears that streptomycetes exist for extended periods as
resting arthrospores that germinate in the occasional pres-
Micro-organisms that appeared on archaeological ceramics
from the Ychsma collection have been identified as bacteria
from the genus Streptomyces Sp. and Bacillus Sp. It is the former that seem to be responsible for the macroscopic small
white spots visible on the objects. The rapid development of
these micro-organisms within the storage boxes has been
impeded by the application of biocide Biotin R at 2% in
Our own observations, as well as the analysis of the bacteria,
have led us to conclude that the source of the micro-organisms lies in the excavation soil, particularly in U58' where
many mummies and organic remains have been found.
Streptomyces are common in soil and have been identified in
other items of cultural heritage, such as mural paintings and
stones, particularly in subterranean environments. Moreover,
the tap water used to give a preliminary wash to the vessels
is a source of possible contamination. Ongoing analysis will
verify these hypotheses.
With regard to the factors that promote the growth of bacteria, we think that the organic residue already present on
ceramics provides sufficient nutrients, even after a preliminary bath and desalination treatment. The presence of water
within ceramics is essential for the development of bacteria,
and the environment outside contributes to this development with its high humidity levels and microclimatic variations; the presence of hygroscopic salts inside the ceramics
also participates. For this reason, desalination treatment
appears to be an essential factor in limiting the supply of
nutrients. At present, we are unable to determine if there is
a contamination of micro-organisms within the boxes, and
eventually from one box to another.
Biocide treatment has been successful in the short term.
This direct method of eliminating biodeterioration must be
combined with control of the microclimate within the
Ychsma Storeroom in order to prevent bacterial growth.
However, the reduced resources available locally for adapting
rooms to the storage of archaeological material and climatic
characteristics of this area is a real challenge for conservators.
We would like to thank the following persons and institutions: C. Decock (Laboratoire de Mycologie of the UCL); J.
Feltham (Ychsma Project) for ceramic analysis with the second author; R. Ixer (Good Provenance Inc.) for petrographical
analysis; M. Pennincks (Unit of Microbial Physiology and
Ecology ULB); D. Pozzi-Escot (Pachacamac Site Museum),
Peruvian Ministry of Culture; The Centre for Archaeological
Research of the ULB (Belgium); and the FNRS (Belgium).
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Kusi Colonna-Preti,
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Peter Eeckhout,
Universit Libre de Bruxelles (ULB),
Av. F. Roosevelt 50,
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