Nih Public Access: Large-Scale Validation of The Centor and Mcisaac Scores To Predict Group A Streptococcal Pharyngitis
Nih Public Access: Large-Scale Validation of The Centor and Mcisaac Scores To Predict Group A Streptococcal Pharyngitis
Nih Public Access: Large-Scale Validation of The Centor and Mcisaac Scores To Predict Group A Streptococcal Pharyngitis
Author Manuscript
Arch Intern Med. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2013 June 11.
BackgroundThe Centor and McIsaac scores guide testing and treatment for group A
streptococcal (GAS) pharyngitis in patients presenting with a sore throat, but were derived on
relatively small samples. We perform a national-scale validation of the prediction models on a
large, geographically diverse population.
MethodsAnalysis of data collected from 206,870 patients 3 years and above who presented
with a painful throat to a United States national retail health chain, from September 2006December 2008. Main outcome meaures were the proportions of patients testing positive for GAS
pharyngitis according to Centor and McIsaac scores (both scales 0-4).
ResultsFor patients 15 years and older, 23% (95% confidence interval (CI) 22%-23%) tested
GAS positive including 7% (7-8%) of those with a Centor score of 0, 12% (11-12%) with 1, 21%
(21-22%) with 2, 38% (38-39%) with 3, and 57% (56-58%) with 4. For patients 3 years and older,
27% (95% CI 27-27%) tested GAS positive with 8% (8-9%) of those testing positive with
McIsaac score 0, 14% (13-14%) with 1, 23% (23-23%) with 2, 37% (37-37%) with 3, and 55%
(55-56%) with 4. 95% CIs overlapped between the MinuteClinic derived probabilities and the
prior reports.
ConclusionOur study validates the Centor and McIsaac scores and more precisely classifies
risk of GAS infection among patients presenting with a painful throat to a retail health chain.
Group A streptococcal (GAS) pharyngitis is the most common cause of bacterial pharyngitis
affecting over a half-billion people annually worldwide.1 GAS pharyngitis is both the
antecedent for invasive streptococcal infections such as necrotizing fasciitis and the post-
Correspondence to Andrew M. Fine, MD MPH, Division of Emergency Medicine Main 1, Childrens Hospital Boston, 300
Longwood Avenue, Boston, MA, 02115.(p) 617-355-9696. (f) 617-730-0335.
Competing interests: AMF, VN, and KDM declare no support from any organization for the submitted work; no financial
relationships with any organizations that might have an interest in the submitted work in the previous three years, no other
relationships or activities that could appear to have influenced the submitted work.
Financial disclosures: None.
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Study Design
We analyzed retrospective data collected from patients tested for GAS pharyngitis when
they presented with a painful throat from September 1, 2006 to December 1, 2008 to
MinuteClinic, a large, national retail health chain with over 500 sites in 26 states.11-14 From
the retail clinics 581 sites, the dataset included 238,656 patient encounters across 25 states.
In this setting, physician assistants or nurse practitioners collect standardized historical and
physical exam information based on algorithm-driven care. The clinicians enter these
codified data in real-time, and the information is stored in a common database across all
clinic locations. MinuteClinic providers have demonstrated greater than 99% adherence to
an established acute pharyngitis protocol, the Strep Pharyngitis Algorithm from the
Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement.15, 16 According to this algorithm, medical
providers collect structured information about patients relevant signs and symptoms, obtain
rapid antigen testing on all patients with pharyngitis (with confirmatory testing used for
patients whose rapid test is negative), and treat only those patients with a positive test for
GAS. The dataset included only patient visits where there was complete information about
age, all signs and symptoms included in the Centor and McIsaac scores, and test results.
We included patient-visits if a patient presented with a chief complaint of painful throat and
was tested for GAS pharyngitis, or if a patient had symptoms of pharyngitis and was tested
for GAS pharyngitis. Patient-visits were excluded if the patient reported having been treated
for GAS within the one month prior to the visit. Patients under three years old were
excluded since neither the Centor nor McIsaac rule is intended for use in those patients. For
patients with multiple visits during the study period, we included the first visit only. Patients
were not excluded if they were pregnant or had co-morbid conditions. MinuteClinic practice
is to not care for patients with septic appearance but to refer them to emergency department
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Test methods
All patients fulfilling the inclusion and exclusion criteria were used to validate the McIsaac
score and all patients age 15 years and older were used to validate the Centor score. The
Centor score was calculated by summing the following clinical factors: history of fever,
presence of tonsillar exudates, presence of swollen anterior cervical lymph nodes, and
absence of cough. The McIsaac score was calculated for all patients aged three years and
older by adding one point to the Centor score for those under age 15 years and subtracting
one point from the Centor score for those aged 45 years and older.17 McIsaac scores of 1
and 5 were normalized to 0 and 4.7
Two approaches were taken to validate the scores. First, we compared the likelihood of GAS
pharyngitis by clinical score in the MinuteClinic patients to the likelihood of GAS
pharyngitis by clinical score in the published data. Second, we applied logistic regression to
the MinuteClinic data to derive new prediction models, maintaining the same parameter that
they be limited to no more than four clinical variables. The four chosen variables derived
from the cohort of patients aged 15 years and older were then compared with the four
variables that comprise the Centor score.
Calculation of GAS probabilities
The percent of patients aged 15 years and above in the retail health data who tested GAS
positive by Centor score (0-4) was calculated and compared with the original Centor report4
and the Wigton validation study18. The percent of patients aged 3 years and older in the
retail health data who tested GAS positive by McIsaac (0-4) was calculated and compared
with the McIsaac studies.6, 7 95% confidence intervals were calculated for the proportion of
patients testing positive at each score. The 95% confidence intervals around the proportion
testing positive by score in the retail health data were compared with the 95% confidence
intervals in the Centor and McIsaac studies.
Selection of variables
Variables included in the Centor and McIsaac scores as well as variables not included in the
scores were examined to determine the best predictors of GAS pharyngitis among the
MinuteClinic patients. Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed to identify
predictors of GAS pharyngitis. Significance of association of categorical variables with
GAS pharyngitis was tested by Chi-square. In the multivariate analysis, candidate predictors
were entered into a stepwise logistic regression to identify independent predictors of patients
with GAS pharyngitis. P value cutoffs for entry and departure for the multivariate regression
models were 0.25 and 0.10, respectively. For the purpose of simplicity and usability and to
facilitate comparison with the prior studies, the final model was limited to four predictor
variables and assessed by area under the receiver operator characteristic curve (AUC).
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Statistical analyses were performed using JMP Pro software, version 9.0.2 (SAS Institute,
Cary, North Carolina).
Of 238,656 patient-visits, 5653 were excluded due to treatment for GAS within the prior
month and an additional 1399 were excluded because the patient age was under three years
old, leaving 231,604 patient-visits. For patients with multiple visits only the first visit was
included, leaving 206,870 patients to validate the McIsaac score. Of these, 64,789 (31%)
visits occurred in patients under age 15 years, leaving 142,081 visits for the validation of the
Centor score (Figure 1).
Validation of the Centor score
Among the 142,081 retail health visits for patients age 15 years and older, 23% (95%
confidence interval 22-23%) tested positive for GAS, compared to 17% (14-23%) in the
original Centor paper and 26% (24-32%) in the validation study of the Centor score. Twothirds of the patients in the retail health dataset were female, and the average age was 34
years. Table 2 displays the characteristics of the study population for age, sex and clinical
signs and symptoms of pharyngitis by GAS result for those aged 3 years and older and for
those aged 15 years and older. In both groups, patients who tested positive for GAS
pharyngitis were more likely to present with tonsillar exudates, swollen anterior cervical
lymph nodes, tonsillar swelling, history of fever in the previous 24 hours, absence of cough,
lack of rhinorrhea, swollen posterior cervical lymph nodes, exposure to GAS, and
temperature above 101 degrees Fahrenheit at the time of presentation.
Table 3 displays the percent of patients testing positive for GAS by clinical score in the
retail health data, compared to the published literature by Centor et al4, Wigton et al18, and
McIsaac et al.6, 7 Patients in the retail health population had GAS positivity rates in an
intermediate range between the Centor and Wigton reports, and were more likely to have
GAS pharyngitis than patients in the McIsaac study. The 95% confidence intervals around
the percent of patients testing positive in the retail health cohort overlapped with the 95%
confidence intervals around the percent testing positive by score in the Centor and Wigton
studies. Table 4 shows the risk of GAS pharyngitis according to the number of predictors
present, stratified by the ages used in the McIsaac classification. In the multivariate logistic
regression model, the same four candidate predictors were selected from the retail health
data, as in the original Centor report. Presence of tonsillar exudates conferred the highest
odds of having strep infection (3.1, 95% confidence interval 3.0-3.2) followed by swollen
anterior cervical lymph nodes (2.2, 2.1-2.3), history of fever (1.7, 1.7-1.8) and absence of
cough (1.6, 1.5-1.6).
The overall performance of the model as applied to the retail health data was evaluated by
comparing the areas under the receiver-operator characteristic curves. For patients aged 15
years and older, applying the Centor score to the retail health data yielded an AUC of 0.72.
For patients aged 3 years and older, applying the McIsaac score to the retail health data
achieved an AUC of 0.71.
We evaluated two commonly used prediction models to classify risk of GAS among patients
presenting with a painful throat. The purpose of a clinical prediction model is to provide
clinicians with a practical and applicable tool to improve medical decision-making, the
health of individual patients and the public health. The Centor score is one model that is
particularly robust; it has withstood 30 years of changes in diagnostic testing, information
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technology, and population dynamics.19 Our study validated the Centor score in a clinical
setting (retail health chain) with a less acutely ill population than the emergency department
setting in which it was derived. While the Centor score was derived from a relatively small
number of patients (n=286) seen in one setting during a single two month period, we
analyzed data from multiple locations spanning more than one calendar year, mitigating the
potential impact of seasonality as the data are collected throughout the normal peaks and
ebbs of GAS incidence. Logistic regression selected, from among the candidate predictors
shown in Table 3, the same four predictors that were chosen in Centors landmark paper.
With data from over 140,000 patients, our analyses provide precise interpretations of risk for
each Centor score category, that still lie within the 95% confidence interval of Centors
original study based on fewer than 300 patients. As we have shown previously, the recent,
local incidence of GAS pharyngitis further improves the accuracy of estimating an
individual patients risk of GAS.20 Ebbs and peaks of GAS occur naturally throughout the
year, so the retail health data in our analyses collected over more than one year average over
those variations and should provide more reliable characterization of the score than the
original study by Centor conducted over two months.
Area under the receiver operator characteristic curve (AUC) is one metric widely used to
reflect the overall accuracy of a diagnostic test or overall performance of a clinical
prediction model. The AUC of the Centor score in the retail health population (0.72) was
lower than in Centors 1981 study (AUC=0.78) but the same as in Wigtons validation study
(AUC=0.72), arguing for the discriminating validity of this score. Clinical prediction models
tend to perform less well in validation studies, but our data are consistent with the models
performance in other validation studies.21 While McIsaac did not report an AUC on his
original data, his score performed similarly to the others on this large data set.
The observed proportion of Minute Clinic patients testing positive according to clinical
scores fell within the 95% confidence intervals of the Wigton and McIsaac validation studies
(except for McIsaac score 0), supporting the calibration validity of the Centor and McIsaac
Leveraging codified data from retail health clinics where uniform, algorithm-driven care is
provided and data captured in a single electronic medical record, our study demonstrates the
strengths of the Centor and McIsaac scores as useful tools in clinical decision-making.
Though many clinicians in the primary care or emergency medicine setting do not routinely
test adult patients who are either very likely or very unlikely to have GAS pharyngitis (i.e.
those with Centor scores 0, 1 and 4), because MinuteClinic protocol mandates testing for all
patients presenting with a painful throat, a further unique strength of our large validation
study is ascertainment of GAS status on all subjects.
Though all clinical and laboratory data were collected prospectively, the analyses were
conducted retrospectively. There may be some variability in clinical interpretation of the
Centor criteria by the nurse practitioners in the MinuteClinic setting; whether anterior
cervical nodes are enlarged, for example, might be more subjective than other criteria such
as temperature above 101.22 Further, data are not available for calculating inter- or intraobserver reliability.
Though very useful for diagnosing GAS, retail health data would be unlikely to detect most
other bacterial causes of pharyngitis, including group C streptococcus or Fusobacterium
necrophorum, the latter of which may cause severe disease especially in adolescents and
young adults.23
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All patients in the data set were symptomatic with sore throat, so our analyses do not address
the important issue of the asymptomatic streptococcal carrier state. Serologic testing was not
performed, so symptomatic patients with a positive test, were assumed to be true positives,
not carriers.
Because these data were collected recently, we could not quantify potential changes in
antibiotics attributable to the 2002 Infectious Diseases Society of America guideline24 and
by the 2001 American College of Physicians guideline.25
Using a new, national-scale and uniform data source, electronically captured information
from a retail clinic chain, we have validated the Centor and McIsaac scores as useful and
valid tools for diagnosis and treatment of patients with acute pharyngitis.
The study was funded by the Mentored Public Health Research Scientist Development Award K01HK000055 from
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), by R01 LM007677 and G08LM009778 from the National
Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health and by Public Health Informatics Center of Excellence Award
P01HK000088 from CDC. The authors thank CVS/Caremark and MinuteClinic for use of the data. Only the
authors had a role in the study design, data analysis, data interpretation, manuscript drafting and revision, and the
decision to submit for publication. Ethical approval: The Childrens Hospital Boston Committee on Clinical
Investigation approved this database analysis.
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Table 1
Treat empirically
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advocate the American College of Physicians guideline based on the Centor score for management
of acute pharyngitis in adults.3 To calculate the Centor score, patients receive one point for each of the following: fever, absence of cough,
presence of tonsillar exudates, and swollen, tender anterior cervical nodes. Based on these signs and symptoms, the Centor score is calculated (0-4).
The McIsaac score adjusts the Centor score to account for the increased incidence of GAS in children and decreased incidence in older adults, by
adding one point to the Centor score for those under age 15 years and subtracting one point for those age 45 years and older.
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Table 2
Age>=3 years
GAS Positive
GAS negative
GAS Positive
GAS negative
23 (20 [9-35])
28 (26 [14-39])**
33 (33 [24-40])
34 (33 [24-42])**
22,768 (41)
54,540 (36)**
10,916 (34)
36,073 (33)**
Fever n (%)
30,710 (55)
52,006 (34)**
15,482 (48)
33,110 (30)**
40,538 (72)
93,255 (62)**
23,251 (73)
67,651 (61)**
Anterior Cervical
Lymphadenopathy n (%)
42,662 (76)
83,249 (55)**
24,765 (77)
59,910 (54)**
21,963 (39)
24,513 (16)**
14,478 (45)
18,922 (17)**
34,525 (62)
54,528 (36)**
18,248 (57)
34,827 (32)**
3455 (6)
4213 (3)**
1183 (4)
1934 (2)**
19,718 (35)
38,429 (25)**
10,739 (34)
26,316 (24)**
44,473 (79)
110,666 (73)**
25,899 (81)
80,860 (73)**
Posterior Cervical
Lymphadenopathy n (%)
5044 (9)
8651 (6)**
2876 (9)
6094 (6)**
10,557 (20)
23,449 (17)**
4199 (13)
13,469 (13)**
25,928 (46)
56,172 (38)**
14,098 (44)
38,132 (36)**
14,436 (26)
43,138 (29)**
9881 (31)
33,791 (32)**
5092 (9)
23,563 (16)**
3876 (12)
20,364 (19)**
Symptom duration
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Table 3
Percent of patients testing GAS positive by Clinical Score in National Retail Health Data Compared to
Published Data
Centor (1981)
(Derivation study)
% [95%CI]
Wigton (1996)
(Validation study)
% [95%CI]
Centor 0
7 (7-8)
3 (0-16)
3 (0-14)
Centor 1
12 (11-12)
7 (2-14)
14 (9-21)
Centor 2
21 (21-22)
16 (8-27)
23 (17-30)
Centor 3
38 (38-39)
34 (20-46)
45 (36-54)
Centor 4
57 (56-58)
56 (35-77)
54 (42-67)
23 (22-23)
17 (14-23)
26 (24-32)
McIsaac (1998)
(Derivation study)
% [95%CI]
McIsaac (2000)
(Validation study)
% [95%CI]
McIsaac 0
8 (8-9)
3 (1-6)
1 (0-4)
McIsaac 1
14 (13-14)
5 (2-10)
10 (6-16)
McIsaac 2
23 (23-23)
11 (6-19)
17 (11-25)
McIsaac 3
37 (37-37)
28 (18-41)
35 (25-45)
McIsaac 4
55 (55-56)
53 (40-66)
51 (40-62)
27 (27-27)
14 (11-17)
17 (14-20)
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Table 4
Risk of GAS Pharyngitis by Age Group for Retail Health Clinic Patients with 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4 Clinical
Predictors, n = 206,870
Number GAS positive/Total (% GAS positive) by Age Group
Number of Clinical
Predictors Present
0 Predictors
(# positive/ total)
(% positive, 95% CI)
(17, 16-18))
(8, 7-8))
(7, 6-8))
1 Predictor
(23, 22-24))
(12, 12-13)
(10, 9-10))
2 Predictors
(34, 34-35))
(22, 22-23)
(18, 17-19))
3 Predictors
(50, 49-51))
(39, 38-39))
(35, 33-36))
4 Predictors
(68, 67-70))
(57, 56-58))
(59, 56-63))
(37, 37-37)
(24, 24-24)
(16, 16-17)