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Excerpt - Ogre Race

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by Ray Cordova, iltharanos@vahoo.com last updated on February 17, 2018 at 15:02:30 PM Ogre Ogres are towering bulky humanoids with a reputation for brutality and depravity renowned and abhorred by the civilized races. Despite this fearsome reputation, there exist some rare ogres that defy these stereotypes. Ugly and Tough ‘The average ogre stands between 9 and 10 feet tall. They have yellowish skin, usually marred by various blotches, pustules, and other deformities. Sometimes lean, sometimes fat, ogres are always very strong and very dense. Their basic toughness makes them very hard to kill Furious and Stupid Ogres are renowned for their tempers, and even moreso for their dimwittedness. Unfortunately for others Involved, what ogres don’t understand they tend to get angry at, and hit, High Mountains Ogres are most content in high mountains, luxuriating in the feeling that they are higher than all others and that ‘they rule all they can see. Plunder and Persecution Many ogres will descend from their lofty mountain homes to raid the races that dwell below them. Those ogres with a more neutral outlook tend to be ostracized by their more malevolent kin, and seek work with the common races as mercenaries, and rarely as adventurers. Ogre Names Female variations of names and words are often followed by an apostrophe and a vowel. For example, male names may include Baloth and Grul, while female variations are Baloth’a and Grut', What significance this may haves largely unknown, as scholars have been tunable to get close enough to an ogre to ask and live to tell about it. Male Names: Baloth, Bassar, Belgroch, Bolther, Dauroth, Donnag, Elrauth, Feri, Gobasch, Groller, Grul, Horagh, Hundjal, Kourrul, Kohver, Lubbar, Molok, Mornag, Olagh, Raungh, Torangh, Ugo, Vis Female Names: jalotha, Grutl, Naggan, Vis'u Clan Names: Darghen, Gorge, Grangh, Kern, Klargh, Kreln, Reckt, Ripper, Stonefist Ogre Traits Your ogre character has an array of abilities proving you are the toughest of the common races. Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2, and your Constitution score increases by 1 Ability Score Decrease. Your Inteligence score decreases by 2. ‘Age. Ogres reach maturity in their early twenties, and ‘typically live for a few decades over a century. Alignment. Most ogres are chaotic evil, though some ‘few are neutral in their outlook. Size, Ogres stand between 9 and 10 feet tall and weigh close to a thousand pounds. Your size is Large. Speed. Your base walking speed is 40 feet. Darkvision. Thanks to your ogre blood, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see inddim light within 60 feet of you as fit were bright light, and in darkness as ifit were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common. and Giant, (Ogre Shamans ‘Some ogres develop spelicasting capabilites, and are known a5 ‘shamans among their people, simultaneously being feared and respected for their supernatural powers, Many ofthese ogres ‘are druids or cleries of one of the dark gods. In the Fifth Age, many are also mystics ‘The acolyte background is particularly appropriate for these characters, 82 by Ray Cordova, iltharanos@vahoo.com last updated on February 17, 2018 at 15:02:30 PM d Longe giant (are, awful ev Noble Champion Fighter 12 he ruler of Bloten, Chiefain Donnag is sly cunning ogre who am DOnTa ted the fractious ogre tribes inorder to combat the sing hreat ofthe Dragon Overlords. ‘Armor Class 17 (breastplate of fie resistance) Hit Point 130 (12410 +60} peea sore sme DEX CON INT __WIS_-CHA hows) 14102) 20(+5) B(-1) 152) 1402), [Saving Throws str +9, Con +9 ‘Skis History +3, Intimidation +, Persuasion +6, Survival +6 Feats Savage Attacker Damage Resistances re \Senses darkvision 60 f., passive Perception 12 Languages Common, Giant lenge 10 (5,500 XP) clency +4 Possessions breastplate of fire resistance, fame tongue reatsword, javelin ‘Action Surge. On Donnag's tur, he can take one adeitional action ontop of his regula ation anda possible bonus action. nag may Use this Feature again after a short or long res. ‘Fighting Style (Defense). Fighting Style (Greot Weapon Fighting). When Donnag rolls 21 ‘0r2 on a damage die for an attack he makes witha meige weapon ‘that he is wiesing with two hands, he can reroll the die and must tse the new rol The weapon must have the two-handed or versatile property for him to gain this Benet Improved Critical. Donnag's weapon attacks score a eitical it on arall of 19 or 20, "indomitable. ong can rerolla saving throw that he fal. ihe does 50, he must use the new rll, and he cant use this feature lgain unt he finishes 3 longest. Remarkable Athlete ee ae ee eoin oa a a eee na ren Inctions "ee aoc, Donay tact ee tines pr Ate aton Ghestsvard Melee Weapon Atock: +9 toh reach one f Whe (+5) srg damage +7 (fre damage Javelin. Melee or Ronged Weapon Attack: +9 obit, reach Sf. 3 range 30/120 fe, one target. Hit: 15 (246 + 5) piercing damage, \Bonus Actions ‘Second Wind. Oonnag regains 37 (1410 +12) hitpoints. Ths feature is reuseable after a short or long rest ee Donnag the Titan For Donnag after his titan transformation, see the Ogre Titan :

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